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JRockit for Windows and Linux User Guide

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Understanding JRockit

Certain concepts exist that are unique to JRockit and JVMs in general Understanding these concepts will help you use JRockit more successfully and take advantage of its full capabilities. This section includes information on the following subjects:


Code Generation

Code generation is the process of converting Java code to assembly language. JRockit contains a very good optimizing JIT compiler with cutting-edge performance. It is unique because it doesn't perform bytecode interpretation at all, instead everything is compiled. While this can lead to slightly longer startup times, the long-term result is faster performance for typical server-side applications.


Memory Management

JRockit manages memory by employing four different garbage collectors. These collectors work during runtime to clear the memory stack of expired objects, or "garbage." JRockit's four garbage collectors are:

To implement and configure a garbage collector, see Configuring the JRockit Memory Management System.



BEA WebLogic JRockit can use one of two thread systems to maximize processing:

To implement and configure a Thread system, see Configuring the JRockit Thread System.


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