BEA Systems, Inc.
Class TypedFML32

  extended by
      extended by
          extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, FML, TypedBuffer

public final class TypedFML32
extends MBStringTypes
implements TypedBuffer, Serializable, FML

This implements TypedFML32 in JAVA as a TypedBuffer. Fieldids are generated with the tool mkfldclass32, and then put into the buffer with the appropriate TypedFML32 methods. Note that in this implementation Fieldids must be combined into a field key, which is a combination of the Fldid32 and the occurrence number. Any number of field tables can be loaded into any TypedFML32 object in order to do FldId to String conversions and String to FldId conversions.

See Also:
FmlKey, FldTbl, TypedBuffer, mkfldclass32, Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  HashMap _flds
protected  HashMap fldid_occs
protected  FldTbl[] fldtbls
protected  int indxintvl
protected  int len
protected  int magic
protected  int maxlen
protected  int nfields
protected  int nie
Fields inherited from class
Fields inherited from interface
Constructor Summary
          Default constructor.
TypedFML32(FldTbl table)
          Constructor which provides a single FldTbl object for mapping FldIds to Strings and Strings to FldIds Note that it is not necesary to provide FldTbls unless String/FldId mappings are required.
TypedFML32(FldTbl[] tables)
          Constructor which provides a list FldTbl objects for mapping FldIds to Strings and Strings to FldIds.
TypedFML32(FldTbl[] tables, int maxFlds, int maxIds)
          Constructor which provides a list FldTbl objects for mapping FldIds to Strings and Strings to FldIds.
TypedFML32(FldTbl table, int maxFlds, int maxIds)
          Constructor which provides a single FldTbl object for mapping FldIds to Strings and Strings to FldIds The maxFlds and maxIds give hints to optimize the performance.
TypedFML32(int maxFlds, int maxIds)
          This constructor initializes an empty FML32 buffer.
TypedFML32(TypedFML32 copyFrom)
          This constructor copies the fields from the input FML32 buffer.
Method Summary
 void _tmpostrecv(DataInputStream decoder, int recv_size)
          This function takes an encoded byte array and and fills in the object it corresponding object.
 void _tmpresend(DataOutputStream encoder)
          This function presends and encodes the given TypedBuffer object.
 void Fadd(int fldid32, Object value)
          Adds the given object.
 void Fchg(FmlKey key, Object value)
          Adds the given object, whose field id is contained in key to the fielded buffer.
 void Fchg(int fldid, int occurrence, Object value)
          Adds the given object.
 void Fdel(FmlKey key)
          Delete given key from fielded buffer.
 void Fdel(int fldid, int occurrence)
          Delete given element from fielded buffer.
 Object Fget(FmlKey key)
          Retrieves a copy of the object stored in the FML32 buffer of the given field id and occurrence number.
 Object Fget(int fldid, int occurrence)
          Retrieves a copy of the object stored in the FML buffer of the given field id and occurrence number.
 Iterator Fiterator()
          Returns an iterator for the start of the fielded FML32 buffer.
 int Fldid(String name)
          Returns the field id corresponding to the given name.
 int Fldno(int fldid32)
          Given a fieldid, this returns the field number
 int Fldtype(int fldid32)
          Given a fieldid, this returns the field type
 String Fname(int fldid32)
          Returns the string that matches the given fieldid.
 int Foccur(int fldid)
          Returns the number of occurences of the field specified by fldid
 int Fused()
          Returns the amount of space that this FML buffer will take when present
 FldTbl[] getFieldTables()
          gets the current list of FldTbls that are being used by this FML32 object to do FldId/String mappings.
protected  boolean hasPointerFields()
          Tells whether or not this buffer has any embedded pointers within it at all
 void setFieldTables(FldTbl[] tables)
          This function sets the list of FldTbl objects that can be used for FldId/String mappings
 Iterator sortedFiterator()
Methods inherited from class
getMBEncoding, setMBEncoding
Methods inherited from class
getHintIndex, getSubtype, getType, hint_to_type
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface
getHintIndex, getSubtype, getType

Field Detail


protected int magic


protected int len


protected int maxlen


protected int nfields


protected int nie


protected int indxintvl


protected HashMap _flds


protected HashMap fldid_occs


protected FldTbl[] fldtbls
Constructor Detail


public TypedFML32()
Default constructor. Initializes an empty FML32 buffer.


public TypedFML32(int maxFlds,
                  int maxIds)
This constructor initializes an empty FML32 buffer. with hints to optimize performance.

maxFlds - Maximum number of fields in the TypedFML32 buffer including all the occurrences.
maxIds - Maximum number of unique field IDs in the TypedFML32 buffer.


public TypedFML32(FldTbl[] tables)
Constructor which provides a list FldTbl objects for mapping FldIds to Strings and Strings to FldIds. Note that it is not necesary to provide FldTbls unless String/FldId mappings are required.

tables - A list of FldTbl objects that can be used to map FldIds and strings


public TypedFML32(FldTbl[] tables,
                  int maxFlds,
                  int maxIds)
Constructor which provides a list FldTbl objects for mapping FldIds to Strings and Strings to FldIds. Note that it is not necesary to provide FldTbls unless String/FldId mappings are required. The maxFlds and maxIds give hints to optimize the performance.

tables - A list of FldTbl objects that can be used to map FldIds and strings
maxFlds - Maximum number of fields including all the occurrences in a TypedFML32 buffer
maxIds - Maximum number of unique FML32 IDs in a buffer.


public TypedFML32(FldTbl table)
Constructor which provides a single FldTbl object for mapping FldIds to Strings and Strings to FldIds Note that it is not necesary to provide FldTbls unless String/FldId mappings are required.

table - A FldTbl object that can be used to map FldIds and strings


public TypedFML32(FldTbl table,
                  int maxFlds,
                  int maxIds)
Constructor which provides a single FldTbl object for mapping FldIds to Strings and Strings to FldIds The maxFlds and maxIds give hints to optimize the performance. Note that it is not necesary to provide FldTbls unless String/FldId mappings are required.

table - A FldTbl object that can be used to map FldIds
maxFlds - Maximum number of fields including all the occurrences in a TypedFML32 buffer.
maxIds - Maximum number of unique field ID in a TypedFML32 buffer and strings


public TypedFML32(TypedFML32 copyFrom)
This constructor copies the fields from the input FML32 buffer.

copyFrom - The FML32 buffer to copy data from
Method Detail


public void setFieldTables(FldTbl[] tables)
This function sets the list of FldTbl objects that can be used for FldId/String mappings

Specified by:
setFieldTables in interface FML
tables - The list of tables to use for FldId/String mappings
See Also:


public FldTbl[] getFieldTables()
gets the current list of FldTbls that are being used by this FML32 object to do FldId/String mappings.

Specified by:
getFieldTables in interface FML
The list of FldTbl objects used for FldId/String mappings


public int Fldno(int fldid32)
Given a fieldid, this returns the field number

Specified by:
Fldno in interface FML
fldid32 - The field id from which to extract the field number
The field number associated with this feild id


public int Fldtype(int fldid32)
Given a fieldid, this returns the field type

Specified by:
Fldtype in interface FML
fldid32 - The field id from which to extract the field type
The following field types:
  • FLD_FML32
  • FLD_VIEW32


public void Fchg(FmlKey key,
                 Object value)
          throws Ferror
Adds the given object, whose field id is contained in key to the fielded buffer. key also contains the occurrence number of the field to add to the buffer. If an entry of that field id and occurrence exists in the buffer, this object will take its place. If there are no occurrence numbers prior to this occurrence number and field id then the occurrences prior to this one will be filled in with null entries. The following table gives the Field type and the associated object expected by FML

Specified by:
Fchg in interface FML
key - The fieldid and occurrence to add to the buffer
value - The element to add to the buffer. Note that this object must match the type of object expected by the field type, or an invalid cast exception will be thrown
Ferror - usually if space is low
See Also:


public void Fchg(int fldid,
                 int occurrence,
                 Object value)
          throws Ferror
Adds the given object. This version of Fchg takes the fieldid and occurrence number, and may be more conveinient than the other version of Fchg which requires an FmlKey to be constructed by the caller. If an entry of that field id and occurrence exists in the buffer, this object will take its place. If there are no occurrence numbers prior to this occurrence number and field id then the occurrence prior to this one will be filled in with null entries. The following table gives the Field type and the associated object expected by FML

Specified by:
Fchg in interface FML
fldid - The fieldid to add to this buffer
occurrence - The occurrence number of the field to add
value - The element to add to the buffer. Note that this object must match the type of object expected by the field type, or an invalid cast exception will be thrown
Ferror - usually if space is low
See Also:


public void Fadd(int fldid32,
                 Object value)
          throws Ferror
Adds the given object. The following table gives the Field type and the associated object expected by FML

fldid32 - The fieldid to add to this buffer
value - The element to add to the buffer. Note that this object must match the type of object expected by the field type, or an invalid cast exception will be thrown
Ferror - usually if space is low
See Also:


public Object Fget(FmlKey key)
            throws Ferror
Retrieves a copy of the object stored in the FML32 buffer of the given field id and occurrence number. Notice that changing the object returned will NOT change the value in the FML32 buffer. The value returned is a COPY of the value in the FML32 buffer. The following table gives the Field type and the associated object returned by FML

Specified by:
Fget in interface FML
key - the field id and occurrence number of the element to retrieve
the field object stored at that occurrence number
Ferror - if the object is not found in the buffer among other reasons


public Object Fget(int fldid,
                   int occurrence)
            throws Ferror
Retrieves a copy of the object stored in the FML buffer of the given field id and occurrence number. This version of the API takes the fieldid and occurrence number rather than the FmlKey Notice that changing the object returned will NOT change the value in the FML buffer. The value returned is a COPY of the value in the FML buffer. The following table gives the Field type and the associated object returned by FML

Specified by:
Fget in interface FML
fldid - The field id of the element to retrieve
occurrence - The occurrence number of the element to retrieve
the field object stored at that occurrence number
Ferror - if the object is not found in the buffer among other reasons


public Iterator Fiterator()
Returns an iterator for the start of the fielded FML32 buffer. An example usage may be as follows. fml32iter = fml32obj.Fiterator(); while(fml32iter.hasNext()) { entry = (Map.Entry); fmlkey = (FmlKey) entry.getKey(); switch(Fldtype32(fmlkey.get_fldid())) { case FLD_SHORT: value_short = (Short) entry.getValue(); } }

Specified by:
Fiterator in interface FML
the Iterator for the fielded FML32 buffer


public Iterator sortedFiterator()


public int Foccur(int fldid)
Returns the number of occurences of the field specified by fldid

Specified by:
Foccur in interface FML
fldid - the field id to look for in the fielded FML32 buffer
the number of occurences of a fldid in the fielded FML32 buffer


protected boolean hasPointerFields()
Tells whether or not this buffer has any embedded pointers within it at all

true if there exist any embedded pointers, including any pointer fields in embedded TypedFML32 buffers


public void Fdel(FmlKey key)
          throws Ferror
Delete given key from fielded buffer. The object with the given field id and the given occurrence will be removed from the buffer

Specified by:
Fdel in interface FML
key - The field id and occurrence of the element to be removed
Ferror - if the element is not in the buffer among other reasons


public void Fdel(int fldid,
                 int occurrence)
          throws Ferror
Delete given element from fielded buffer. The object with the given field id and the given occurrence will be removed from the buffer. This differs from the other version in that it takes the field id and occurrence number rather than a constructed key

Specified by:
Fdel in interface FML
fldid - The field id of the element to be removed
occurrence - The occurrence of the element to be removed
Ferror - if the element is not in the buffer among other reasons


public String Fname(int fldid32)
             throws Ferror
Returns the string that matches the given fieldid. For this mapping a list of FldTbl objects should be loaded into this FML32 object.

Specified by:
Fname in interface FML
fldid32 - The field id to map to a string
The name of the field
Ferror.FBADFLD - if the mapping cannot be found
Ferror - if the name cannot be found


public int Fldid(String name)
          throws Ferror
Returns the field id corresponding to the given name. A table of FldTbl objects should be loaded into this FML32 object in order to map the name to a field id.

Specified by:
Fldid in interface FML
name - the name of the field we are trying to find
The integer field id
Ferror.FBADNAME - if the field id cannot be found
Ferror - if the field id cannot be found


public int Fused()
Returns the amount of space that this FML buffer will take when present

Specified by:
Fused in interface FML
The - size of this buffer when present


public void _tmpresend(DataOutputStream encoder)
                throws TPException,
This function presends and encodes the given TypedBuffer object. It is equivalent to the combination of _tmpresend and _tmencdec functions from the buffer(3i) TUXEDO manual page.

XDR encodes the FML32 buffer

Specified by:
_tmpresend in interface TypedBuffer
encoder - The output stream to encode this type to. Should not be padded.
TPException -
  • TPEINVAL - If there was some problem with the state of the TypedBuffer.
  • Any other errno is considered a fatal error
IOException - If there was an error writing to the DataOutputStream


public void _tmpostrecv(DataInputStream decoder,
                        int recv_size)
                 throws IOException,
Description copied from interface: TypedBuffer
This function takes an encoded byte array and and fills in the object it corresponding object. It is equivalent to the combination of _tmencdec and _tmpostrecv functions from the buffer(3i) TUXEDO manual page.

Specified by:
_tmpostrecv in interface TypedBuffer
decoder - A stream that starts with the encoded data for this buffer type. Only recv_size bytes should be read from the stream (though at the time this function is called all bytes necessary to decode this type should be available)
recv_size - The total size of encoded data from the start position (note that encoded may be larger than the actual recieved size)
IOException - if there was an error reading from the stream
TPException - TPEINVAL if this stream could not be decoded for any reason

Documentation is available at
Copyright 2006 BEA Systems Inc.