BEA Systems, Inc. | ||||||||||
Interface Summary | |
AppKey | This interface can be overridded by security providers who wish to implement their own Appkey. |
ApplicationToMonitorInterface | This interface represents the Java Application-to-Transaction Monitor Interface (JATMI) that provides connectivity between WebLogic Server and Tuxedo Services. |
CallDescriptor | An interface that will need to be implemented by anyone using tpacall |
Conversation | This interface represents a conversation between a client and server over an open conection. |
FldTbl | This interface assists in the mapping from field id to its corresponding string. |
FML | This is the FML interface. |
GatewayTpacallAsyncReply | This is the object that will be called back when a reply for the tpacall has been received |
Reply | This class holds the reply data and meta-data from a service invocation. |
TpacallAsyncReply | The object that is called back when a reply for an asyncronous tpacall has been received. |
TPRequestAsyncReply | This class is a reply object used by a POJO to handle a asynchronous or synchronous reply to TUXEDO service. |
TuxedoService | This is the interface for the Tuxedo EJB. |
TuxedoServiceHome | This is the home for the tuxedo service EJBs. |
TypedBuffer | This interface is for TypedBuffers. |
UserRec | This interface is used to implement the class that contains the user information used in creating the Tuxedo AAA token. |
Class Summary | |
Decimal | This class provides a Java implementation of the Tuxedo packed decimal type. |
DequeueReply | This class holds the reply data and meta-data from a service invocation. |
DynamicFldTbl | This class provides a dynamic implementation of the FldTbl interface. |
EnqueueRequest | This represents the information tpenqueue needs in order to make an enqueue request |
FmlKey | This class represents the combination of FML field id and occurance. |
HTableParser | This class reads a FML32 Field Table during the boot time which implements the FldTbl interface. |
MBEncoding | This class provides the utilities for handling the encoding name for MBSTRING data. |
MBStringTypes | This class implements the common methods all of the TUXEDO standard Typed Buffers which supports MBSTRING data require. |
mkfldclass | This class is a utility function that reads a FML Field Table and produces a java file which implements the FldTbl interface. |
mkfldclass32 | This class is a utility function that reads a FML32 Field Table and produces a java file which implements the FldTbl interface. |
QueueTimeField | This class contains a time value and whether or not this time value is absolute or relative time. |
StandardTypes | This class implements the common methods all of the TUXEDO standard Typed Buffers require. |
TPServiceInformation | This class represents all the information needed to run a service |
TuxedoReply | This class holds the reply data and meta-data from a service invocation. |
TypedBufferPool | |
TypedCArray | This is the jatmi analogue to the CARRAY Tuxedo buffer type |
TypedFML | This implements FML in JAVA as a TypedBuffer. |
TypedFML32 | This implements TypedFML32 in JAVA as a TypedBuffer. |
TypedMBString | This is the jatmi analogue to the MBSTRING Tuxedo buffer type |
TypedString | This is the jatmi analogue to the STRING Tuxedo buffer type |
TypedXML | This is the jatmi analogue to the XML Tuxedo buffer type |
TypedXOctet | This is the jatmi analogue to the X_OCTET Tuxedo buffer type. |
ViewHelper | |
viewj | This class is a utility function that reads a View definition file and produces a java file that implements the TypedView interface. |
viewj32 | This class is a utility function that reads a View definition file and produces a java file that implements the TypedView32 interface. |
Exception Summary | |
Ferror | This is the Ferror exception many FML functions throw |
TPException | This class is the exception that represents a TPException failure |
TPReplyException | This class is the exception that represents a TPException failure when there may also be user data on the exception that is thrown |
Provides JATMI primitives used to begin and end transactions, allocate and free buffers, and provide the communication between clients and servers.
Documentation is available at http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E13222_01/wls/docs92 Copyright 2006 BEA Systems Inc. |