Packing Orders for Shipment

This chapter provides an overview of the packing feature and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Shipping Containers and Packing Sessions

After running the Picking Confirmation process (INPBCONF) and before either freighting orders or running the Deplete On Hand Qty (Depletion) process (IN_FUL_DPL), you can use the Packing Session component to pack stock into shipping containers. The PeopleSoft Inventory packing feature enables you to create multiple levels of shipping containers and to keep track of how each container is packed. Because you can include container information on packing lists, advanced shipping notices (ASNs), and shipping labels, the packing feature is particularly helpful when you need to meet international packing and shipping requirements.

You can also create shipping containers earlier in the fulfillment process by using the electronic data collection shipping container transactions to create single-level containers during picking. The electronic data collection transactions enable you to convert storage containers into shipping containers for tracking purposes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicShipping Containers

While shipping containers share certain properties with storage containers, they function differently. Storage containers facilitate and track stock movement within a business unit; shipping containers enable you to consolidate stock for shipment to a customer. You can pack any combination of loose stock and other shipping containers into the shipping containers that you create.

You can use shipping containers to build shipping IDs efficiently. In the Shipping/Issues component, when you select a shipping container for inclusion in a shipment, PeopleSoft Inventory analyzes the entire container hierarchy and adds all associated order lines for the hierarchy to the shipping ID. When you save the component, the system performs a series of validations to ensure that all of the demand lines associated with the shipping container are included in the same shipment.

PeopleSoft Inventory enables you to capture detailed information about each shipping container, as well as about the stock in the container. You can streamline the receiving process at the shipping container’s destination by including this information on the Packing Slip report and the Advanced Shipping Notices (ASN) EIP transaction. You can also use the Ship Container Hierarchy component to view information about any level in the container hierarchy.

See Also

Packing Stock Into Shipping Containers

Working with Shipping Containers and Shipping Serial IDs Using an Electronic Data Collection System

Defining and Maintaining Material Storage Locations

Creating Shipping Documentation

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPacking Sessions

A packing session is the period of time during which you load the packing area, a logical holding place for the items you want to pack, and then pack material into one or more shipping containers. A given packing session lasts until you have packed all demand lines in the packing area, until you reload the packing area, or until you exit the Packing Session component.

You begin a packing session when you click the Search link to load the packing area (represented by the Estimated Shipment - Available to be Packed scroll area on the Packing Session page) with the demand lines available to pack. You can load demand lines based on a wide variety of criteria, including ship to customer or location, demand source, source business unit, order number, pick batch ID, carrier ID, ship via, bill of lading, route code or group, shipping ID, or destination business unit.

The system applies an estimated shipment filter to all demand lines returned to the packing area. The filter divides the demand lines into estimated shipments, which are logical groupings indicating what can be packed into the same shipping container. These groupings are temporary, the estimated shipment ID for a demand line can change at any time until freight has been calculated. If a demand line does not meet the criteria for an existing estimated shipment, the system creates a new estimated shipment for the line. Demand lines that have already been freighted (and therefore assigned to an estimated shipment) are not available to be packed.

When demand lines have been returned to the packing area, you begin packing the shipping container. You can create a new container or open an already existing one. The two collapsible scroll areas on the Packing Session page provide continuous information as you pack demand lines into shipping containers: the Estimated Shipment - Available to be Packed section displays estimated shipment groupings and indicates which demand lines have been packed and which lines have not; the Current Shipping Container Contents section displays the contents of the container as you pack it.

Using the Packing Session component, you can:

See Also

Using Wedge Commands in Packing Sessions

Estimated Shipments

Estimated Shipments

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

Container Type

The type of container being created or packed. The default value is that defined on the Container Defaults page.

Freight Amount

The calculated or entered freight for the container.

Tracking Number

The tracking number assigned to the shipment (either manually or by a third-party freight rating system).

Net Weight

The total weight of the contents of the current shipping container, excluding the weight of the container itself.

Shipping Weight

The calculated weight of the contents of the current shipping container, plus the weight of the container itself.

Weight UOM (weight unit of measure)

This value applies to both net and shipping weights.

Override Flag

Select to override the shipping net weight and associated unit of measure.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Shipping Containers

To define shipping containers, use the Define Shipping Container (SHIP_CNTR_SETUP) component.

The first step in creating shipping containers is to establish basic attributes such as what types of containers you use in the setID, which of these types is the default for a specific business unit, and what the default characteristics are for each container type.

Once the defaults are established, you can use the Define Shipping Container page to create and maintain individual shipping containers. Each container is identified by a unique shipping container ID. When you create a new container, you can either enter an ID or, if autonumbering is active for shipping containers in the setID, accept the default assignment of NEXT. If you accept NEXT, PeopleSoft Inventory automatically generates a new shipping container ID.

Note. You can also create shipping containers during packing sessions or by using electronic data collection transactions.

See Also

Packing Stock Into Shipping Containers

Working with Shipping Containers and Shipping Serial IDs Using an Electronic Data Collection System

Establishing Container Defaults

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Create Shipping Containers

Page Name

Object Name



Define Shipping Container


Inventory, Maintain Containers, Define Shipping Container

Create and maintain shipping containers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating and Maintaining Shipping Containers

Access the Define Shipping Container page.

Description, UCC/EAN Type, Ship Height, Ship Width, Ship Length, Dimension UOM (dimension unit of measure), Max Weight (maximum weight), Empty Weight, and Weight UOM

The default values for these fields are based on the container type. If you select a different container type, the attributes change to the defaults for the new container.

  • The container description is for information only and is printed on the Packing Slip report.

  • The Dimension UOM identifies the unit of measure in which the measurements are expressed.

  • The maximum weight value is used to determine the maximum packed weight that the container can hold.

    If, during a packing session, the sum of the component weights exceeds this value, you receive a warning.

  • The empty weight represents the weight of the container itself and is used to calculate the gross weight of the shipping container.

  • The weight UOM is the value in which the maximum and empty weights are expressed.

    During a packing session, component weights are converted to this unit of measure.

Asset Owner

The owner of the container (used for reporting and inquiry purposes).

Stock Type

Identifies which types of stock - Finished, Raw Matl (raw material), or WIP (work in process) are stored in this container.

See Also

Packing Stock Into Shipping Containers

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Wedge Commands in Packing Sessions

If you use wedge devices, you can improve the efficiency of data entry in the Packing Session component by setting up wedge command codes that mimic keyboard and mouse functions. To set up wedge command codes, use the Packing Wedge Code Setup component.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Establish Wedge Commands in Packing Sessions

Page Name

Object Name



Wedge Command Code Setup


SCM Integrations, Barcode Labels, Setup Wedge Command Code, Wedge Command Code Setup

Establish wedge commands to be performed when packing material on the Packing Session page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Wedge Commands

To define wedge command codes, use the Wedge Command Code (WEDGE_CODE_SETUP_GBL) component.

Access the Wedge Command Code Setup page.

Packing Wedge Code Type

Select the commands that you want performed in the Packing Session component. Values are:

New Container: Saves and closes any open container and sets the current shipping container ID to NEXT.

Open Container: Saves and closes any open container and opens a search page so that you can select a container to open.

Set Focus On Item ID: Places the cursor in the Pack Items grid, enabling you to add loose stock to the shipping container.

Set Focus On Ship Container ID: Places the cursor in the Pack Containers grid, enabling you to add existing shipping containers to the current container.

Unpack Container: Unpacks all stock from the current shipping container.

Packing Wedge Command Code

For each packing wedge code type that you select, enter a packing wedge command code. This code functions as a shorthand command to activate keyboard or mouse functions or to place the cursor in a specific field in the Packing Session component. For example, if you designate ITEM as the code for Set Focus On Item ID, the system moves the cursor to the Pack Items group box when you scan this code.

For the wedge command codes to work in the Packing Session component, the cursor must be placed in the first Item ID row in the Pack Items grid or in the first Shipping Container ID row in the Pack Containers grid.


Note. Although PeopleSoft Inventory does not provide bar-coded labels for the wedge commands, you can create labels using the label printing software.

Click to jump to parent topicPacking Stock Into Shipping Containers

PeopleSoft Inventory’s Packing Session component provides you with the means for placing material into new or existing shipping containers.

This section discusses how to:

  1. Pack stock into a shipping container.

  2. Select demand lines to load into the packing area.

  3. Open an existing shipping container.

  4. Specify demand lines to pack.

  5. View and override container details.

  6. View the grouping criteria for estimated shipments.

  7. View packing instructions.

  8. Associate serial or lot IDs with a shipping container.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Pack Stock Into Shipping Containers

Page Name

Object Name



Packing Session


Inventory, Fulfill Stock Orders, Shipping, Packing Session

Pack stock into a shipping container.

Load Packing Area Selection


Click the Search link on the Packing Session page.

Specify criteria for the demand lines that you want to load into the packing area.

Open Shipping Container


Click the Open Ship Container link on the Packing Session page.

Open an existing shipping container for packing.

Select Demand Line to Pack


Once you have selected an existing shipping container for packing, click the Open Ship Container link on the Packing Session page.

Indicate which demand line to pack.

Current Shipping Container


Click the More Container Info link on the Packing Session page.

View and override container details.

Estimated Shipment Definition


Click the Estimated Shipment Definition link on the Packing Session page.

View the grouping criteria for estimated shipments.

Packing Instructions


Click the Packing Instruction button on the Packing Session page.

View packing instructions for a demand line and an item.

Lot and Serial Details (Serial ID)


Click the Lot/Serial link on the Packing Session page.

Associate serial IDs with a shipping container.

Lot and Serial Details (Lot ID)


Click the Lot/Serial link on the Packing Session page.

Associate lot IDs with a shipping container.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPacking Stock Into a Shipping Container

Access the Packing Session page.

Common Page Information

Container Type

Enter the container type.

Ship ID

Enter a Shipping ID to be applied to the container header, the demand lines within the container, and to any lower level containers and their demand lines. Your entry overrides any existing shipping IDs located on the selected demand lines and containers.

Clear Ship ID

Select this check box to remove the Shipping ID from the selected demand lines, the selected container, and any lower level containers and their demand lines.

Click to create a new shipping container. This action saves and closes any open container and sets the current shipping container ID to NEXT.

Click to remove all demand lines from the current shipping container.

Shipping Request

If packing is the last step in the shipment process, you can ship the container without using the Shipping/Issues component. After creating the shipping containers, click this button to assign a shipping ID and load the containers as a transaction request into the BCT_CTL and BCT_DTL staging tables using transaction code 0366 (Ship). The Fulfillment Requests process (IN_FUL_BCT) scans these tables and picks up the rows with the above transaction code.

All of the shipping containers for the packing session are written under a single EIP control ID; therefore, you only need to click this button once, when the packing session is complete.

Current Ship Container

Identifies the ship container and estimated ship ID that you are currently packing.

Pack Items

Enter or scan the inventory item IDs that you want to pack. If the Pack Partial Quantity option on the Inventory Definition - Business Unit Options: Shipping Options page has been selected, you can enter the item quantity to be packed and indicate the unit of measure in which this quantity is expressed. If partial packing is not permitted, you must pack the entire quantity for the order line.

Pack Containers

To place any previously packed shipping containers into this container, enter or scan the desired shipping container IDs.

Estimated Shipments - Available to be Packed

This scroll area contains information about all demand lines and shipping containers that you have loaded into the packing area, grouped according to estimated shipment. As you add stock to the shipping container, the system automatically selects the check box for the appropriate demand line, providing a continuous view of what has been packed and what still needs to be packed.

Qty Ship Base (quantity ship base)

The quantity shipped, expressed in the base unit of measure. If the demand line has already been shipped, this value is the quantity shipped. If the line has not been shipped, this value is the quantity picked.

Qty Pack Base

The quantity packed, expressed in the base unit of measure. This value equals the quantity ship base, unless the Pack Partial Quantity option on the Inventory Definition - Business Unit Options: Shipping Options page is selected and partial quantities of the item have already been packed into another shipping container.

Current Shipping Container Contents

As you pack the shipping container, the quantities listed in this scroll area increase, providing you with a continuous view of the container’s contents.


To unpack individual demand lines from the current container, click the button next to the line that you want to remove.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Demand Lines to Load Into the Packing Area

Access the Load Packing Area Selection page.

The fields on this page are optional; if you select nothing, the system returns all lines that are available for packing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOpening an Existing Shipping Container

Access the Open Shipping Container page.

Select the shipping container ID for the container that you want to open.

Note. When using multilevel containers, only the highest-level shipping container ID is available for selection.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Demand Lines to Pack

Access the Select Demand Line to Pack page.

Packing Estimated Ship ID

Identifies the estimated shipment currently being packed. If the estimated shipment context has not been set (that is, if no demand lines have been packed), this field is blank.

Select the check box next to the demand line that you want to pack; the system automatically returns you to the Packing Session page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing and Overriding Container Details

Access the Current Shipping Container page.

See Also

Setting Up Transportation Lead Times and Freight Charges

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing the Grouping Criteria for Estimated Shipments

Access the Estimated Shipment Definition page.

See Also

Viewing Estimated Shipments

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Packing Instructions

Access the Packing Instructions page.


Packaging Code

The packaging code assigned to the demand line during order entry, along with the descriptions defined for the code on the Item Packaging Codes page.


Packaging Code and Packing Code

The codes defined for the item in the Define Business Unit Item component or on the UOM Weight/Volume page.

Pack Material

Indicates the kind of material that should be used to pack the item.

Long Description

This field contains any packing instructions defined on the Packing Codes page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssociating Serial ID or Lot IDs with a Shipping Container

Access the Lot and Serial Details page (Serial ID) or the Lot and Serial Details page (Lot ID).

Note. Associating lot or serial IDs with a shipping container is optional. You will probably want to complete this step if you are packing partial quantities, and you need to see which lots or serial numbers are in each container.

Serial IDs

Selected Flag

Select to indicate that the shipping container holds this serial ID.

Select All and Deselect All

Click to include or remove all displayed serial IDs.

Lot IDs


Enter the quantity of the lot that you want to pack.

Click to jump to parent topicChanging Information for Packed Shipping Containers

You can change certain information for a packed shipping container without having to conduct a full packing session.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Change Information for Packed Shipping Containers

Page Name

Object Name



Ship Container Detail


Inventory, Fulfill Stock Orders, Shipping, Ship Container Detail

View or change high-level information about a shipping container that is already packed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChanging Shipping Container Information

Access the Ship Container Detail page.

See Also

Setting Up Transportation Lead Times and Freight Charges

Click to jump to parent topicWorking with Shipping Containers and Shipping Serial IDs Using an Electronic Data Collection System

If you have an electronic data collection system, you can use the shipping container and shipping serial ID transactions to associate shipping containers or shipping serial ID numbers with demand lines. You can associate a shipping container with all or part of a demand line or pick batch, or you can cancel existing associations. For example, you might pick a quantity of four of an item but decide to associate only half of this quantity with a shipping container. If you later decide to associate the remaining quantity with the container, you can add it using these transactions. Similarly, if you change your mind and opt to remove the quantity from the container, you can use one of the disassociation transactions.

Note. You can only create single-level shipping containers using the electronic data collection transactions. To create multilevel shipping containers, use the Packing Session component.

Follow these steps to enter shipping container and shipping serial ID electronic data collection transactions:

  1. Enter transaction details on the Ship Containers/Serials page.

    When you save the transaction, PeopleSoft Inventory inserts the information into the transaction log.

  2. Run the Inventory Shipping Containers/Shipping Serial ID process (INPFSHPM), which retrieves the information from the transaction log, processes the transactions, and updates the appropriate system tables.

    If errors are found, PeopleSoft Inventory sets the transaction status to Error and generates an error message. Use the Transaction Maintenance component to correct the errors and resubmit the transaction.

Setting Up the Inventory Shipping Containers EIP

The Inventory Shipping Container EIP is an asynchronous inbound service operation that receives shipping container data packed by a third-party application, such as, electronic data collection systems and warehouse management systems. Shipping containers are packed with demand lines to consolidate stock for shipment to a customer.

PeopleSoft delivers the service operations in PeopleSoft Integration Broker with a default status of Inactive. You must activate each service operation before attempting to send or receive data from a third-party source or another PeopleSoft system.

To set up the Inventory Shipping Container within PeopleSoft Integration Broker and Enterprise Components, use the information in the table below and refer to the setup instruction in the PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management Integrations 9.0 PeopleBook, “Implementing Integrations” chapter, Setting Up Service Operations section.

Service Operation

Direction and Type


Chunking Available?

Integrates With






Third-party EDC or WMS

Setting Up the Inventory Shipping Serial ID EIP

The Inventory Shipping Serial ID EIP is an asynchronous inbound service operation that receives data to assign shipping serial IDs from an electronic data collection system. The electronic data collection system can assign shipping serial IDs after the item has been allocated using a push picking plan or after it has been picked using either online picking feedback or the inventory picking data collection transaction.

PeopleSoft delivers the service operations in PeopleSoft Integration Broker with a default status of Inactive. You must activate each service operation before attempting to send or receive data from a third-party source or another PeopleSoft system.

To set up this EIP within PeopleSoft Integration Broker and Enterprise Components, use the information in the table below and refer to the setup instruction in the PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management Integrations 9.0 PeopleBook, “Implementing Integrations” chapter, Setting Up Service Operations section.

Service Operation

Direction and Type


Chunking Available?

Integrates With






Third-party EDC

See Also

Setting Up Service Operations

Enterprise PeopleTools 8.48 PeopleBook: Integration Broker

Defining Serial Control and Shipping Serial Control

Processing Enterprise Integration Points (EIPs)

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Work with Shipping Containers and Serial IDs Using an Electronic Data Collection System

Page Name

Object Name



Ship Containers/Serials


SCM Integrations, Create Transactions, Inventory, Ship Containers/Serial IDs

Associate shipping containers and shipping serial IDs with demand lines; cancel existing associations.

Ship Containers/Serial IDs


SCM Integrations, Process Transactions, Inventory, Ship Containers/Serial ID

Define run control parameters for the Inventory Shipping Containers/Shipping Serial ID process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Shipping Container and Shipping Serial ID Transactions

Access the Ship Containers/Serials page.

Note. The business unit defaults established on the Inventory Display Options page govern whether lot, serial, staged date, and configuration fields appear upon entry to this page. Any fields for which the default is Yes always appear. Any fields for which the default is No appear when you save or refresh the page, and only if they apply to the item in question.

Last Control ID

Identifies the most recently entered transaction.

Transaction Code

Identifies the transaction being entered. Values are:

0620 - Associate Ship Cntr w/ Demand (associate shipping container with demand): Use a concatenated demand key as the basis for associating a shipping container with a demand line.

0621 - Asso Ship Cntr w/ Pick Batch: Use a pick batch ID and pick line as the basis for associating a shipping container with a demand line.

0622 - Asso Ship Cntr w/ Cntr & Demand: Use a concatenated demand key and a storage container as the basis for associating a shipping container with a demand line. This transaction associates the shipping container with all picked stock for the specified demand line and storage container.

0623 - Asso Ship Cntr w/ Cntr & Batch: Use a pick batch ID, a pick line, and a storage container as the basis for associating a shipping container with a demand line. This transaction associates the shipping container with all picked stock for the specified pick batch, pick line, and storage container.

0624 - Deassociate Ship Cntr w/ Demand: Use a concatenated demand key as the basis for releasing the association between a shipping container and a demand line.

0625 - Deassociate Ship Cntr w/ Batch: Use a pick batch ID and pick line as the basis for releasing the association between a shipping container and a demand line.

0626 - Deassociate Ship Cntr w/ C & D (deassociate shipping container with container and demand): Use a concatenated demand key and a storage container as the basis for releasing the association between a shipping container and a demand line. This transaction detaches the shipping container from all picked stock for the specified demand line and storage container.

0627 - Deassociate Ship Cntr w/ C & B (deassociate shipping container with container and batch): Use a pick batch ID, a pick line, and a storage container as the basis for releasing the association between a shipping container and a demand line. This transaction detaches the shipping container from all picked stock for the specified pick batch, pick line, and storage container.

0630 - Associate Shipping Serial #: Use a concatenated demand key as the basis for associating a shipping serial ID with a demand line. Shipping serial numbers can be added after production and before shipping.

0631 - Associate Ship Serial # With Batch: Use a pick batch ID and pick line as the basis for associating a shipping serial ID with a demand line. Shipping serial numbers can be added after picking and before shipping.

0632 - Deassociate Ship Serial #: Use a concatenated demand key as the basis for releasing the association between a shipping serial ID and a demand line. This transaction makes the serial ID number available for reuse.

0633 - Deassociate Ship S # w/ Batch: Use a pick batch ID and pick line as the basis for releasing the association between a shipping serial ID and a demand line. This transaction makes the serial ID number available for reuse.

Ship Container ID

Enter the appropriate shipping container ID if you are conducting one of the shipping container transactions.

Pick Batch ID and Pick Line

Select if you are using a pick batch as the basis for the transaction.


Note. PeopleSoft Inventory uses the pick batch ID to verify the existence of the pick batch line. This verification can only occur after the generation of a picking plan and before depletion.

Demand Source, Source Bus Unit (source business unit), Order No (order number), Order Line, Sched Line(schedule line number), and Demand Line No (demand line number)

Select if you are using a demand key as the basis for the transaction. If you are using a demand key, you must also select an item ID. For pick batch associations, the system supplies the appropriate default item ID.

Lot ID and Serial ID

If the selected item is lot-, serial-, or shipping serial-controlled, you can enter either a lot ID or a serial ID.


Note. Although the Serial ID field looks the same for both shipping container and shipping serial transactions, it serves different purposes. For the shipping container transactions, it refers to the serial ID; for the shipping serial transactions, it refers to the shipping serial ID.

Container ID

If you are using a storage container as the basis for the transaction, enter a storage container ID.


Enter the item with which you want to work. If you have already entered a serial ID, the quantity is by default 1. For shipping container associations, the quantity must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to the amount picked for the pick batch line. For shipping container detachments, the quantity must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to the amount associated with the shipping container.

This field is unavailable for entry when you are conducting transactions involving storage containers. The item’s standard unit of measure appears next to the quantity; you can override this value with any valid shipping unit of measure for the item.

See Also

Picking Inventory

Defining PeopleSoft Inventory Business Unit Display Options

Defining Serial Control and Shipping Serial Control

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Shipping Container and Shipping Serial Information

Use the Ship Container Hierarchy component to display shipping container information at the container level (which containers are packed into which other containers) or at the item level (what stock is packed into which container). If a tracking number has been assigned, you can also link to third-party tracking systems to view the shipping container’s status.

Use the Shipping Serials Inquiry page to view information about demand lines associated with shipping serial ID numbers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Shipping Container and Shipping Serial Information

Page Name

Object Name



Ship Container Search


Inventory, Fulfill Stock Orders, Review Fulfillment Information, Shipping Container Hierarchy

Select the format and information to be displayed on the Shipping Container Hierarchy page using a PeopleSoft Tree format. In the View By group box, select Order or Ship ID for the main branches of the PeopleSoft tree. Then, enter your search criteria for shipping containers. Select the Ship Container Tree link to display the results.

Shipping Container Hierarchy


Click the Ship Container Tree link on the Ship Container Search page.

View orders or shipping IDs that are packed into shipping containers. The information is displayed in a PeopleSoft Tree format. Click the order ID or shipping ID to expand the tree and display the shipping container IDs.

Ship Container Hyperlinks


On the Shipping Container Hierarchy page, click the link on any of the shipping container IDs displayed under a tree branch for an order number or shipping ID.

View links to ship container details and packed item details.

Ship Container Details


Click the Ship Container Details link on the Ship Container Hyperlinks page.

View detailed information about a shipping container.

Ship Container Items


Click the Packed Items Detail link on the Ship Container Hyperlinks page.

View detailed information about any loose stock packed into the current shipping container.

Shipping Serials (inquiry)


Inventory, Fulfill Stock Orders, Review Fulfillment Information, Shipping Serials

View information about the relationship between a shipping container and shipping serial IDs.

Shipping Serial Search


Click the Search link on the Shipping Serials page.

Enter selection criteria for the shipping serial ID information that you want to view on the Shipping Serials page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSearching for Orders or Shipping IDs

Access the Ship Container Search page.

This page determines the format and information that appears on the Shipping Container Hierarchy page.

View By

Select Order or Ship ID for the main branches of the PeopleSoft tree.

Demand Source, Source Bus Unit (source business unit), and Order No (order number)

Select to view containers for a specific order.

Ship ID

Select to view information about a specific shipment.

Ship To, Address Sequence Number, Location, Load ID, Route Code, Item ID, Product ID (for sales orders only), Ship Date, or Schedule Date

Select to view demand lines with specific information in any of these fields.

Note. To return all information for the business unit, leave the selection criteria fields blank.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Orders or Shipping IDs

Access the Shipping Container Hierarchy page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing High-Level Shipping Container Information

Access the Ship Container Hyperlinks page.

Ship Container Details

Select this link to access the Ship Container Details page where you can view detailed information about a shipping container.

Packed Items Detail

Select this link to access the Ship Container Items page where you can view detailed information about any loose stock packed into the current shipping container. This link is available only if the container holds loose stock.

Package Tracking Status

Click to link to a third-party website, where you can view the tracking status of the shipping container. This link is available only if a tracking number has been assigned to the shipping container.


Note. To take advantage of the package tracking feature, you must have entered a carrier URL on the Carrier URL page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Information About the Relationship Between Shipping Containers and Shipping Serial IDs

Access the Shipping Serials (inquiry) page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSearching for Shipping Serial ID Information

Access the Shipping Serial Search page.

This page uses a special processing mechanism called smart prompting. When you click the prompt button next to a field, the system transfers you to a smart prompting page. Unlike most PeopleSoft search pages, this prompting page takes into account any other search fields you have already entered on the Shipping Order Selection page and displays only those orders consistent with the entered values. For example, suppose that you have already specified a particular load ID and you are now searching for a valid order number, the prompting page displays only the orders assigned to that load ID. Click the prompt button for all fields to ensure that you do not enter conflicting search criteria.