Shipping Inventory

This chapter provides an overview of the shipping business process and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Shipping Business Process

Once you have completed the picking stage of order fulfillment, and (optionally) the packing stage, then you can move forward to the shipping stage. Keep in mind that you only need to complete the shipping stage if it is required by your environment. If you do not require a separate shipping step, then use the auto-processing options or direct processing to ship and deplete orders from any previous fulfillment state.

In the shipping business process, you:

  1. Move demand lines from the unfulfilled, releasable, released, or confirmed state to the shipped state to confirm orders for shipment by assigning demand lines to a shipping ID, entering or changing shipping information, generating backorders, and creating the necessary shipping documents.

  2. Move demand lines from the shipped state to the depleted state by running the Deplete On Hand Qty process directly or from another process or page.

    The depleted state indicates that you have physically shipped the orders and the system adjusts on-hand inventory quantity balances to reflect the shipment.

To move orders to the shipped and depleted states, you can use any of the following methods:

Note. Both the process pages and the EIPs are useful when dealing with a large number of orders. The fulfillment transaction requests generated by the process pages are applied directly to the inventory demand tables, the staging tables are not used. The fulfillment transaction requests generated by the EIPs are processed into PeopleSoft using the PeopleSoft Integration Broker and then placed in the staging tables where they are processed by the Fulfillment Requests process and applied to the inventory demand tables.

Occasionally, an order or demand line is not eligible for shipping. Depending upon the situation, the system responds in one of these ways:

Printing Shipping Documents

PeopleSoft Inventory gives you the ability to add the Shipping ID to a demand line in any fulfillment state except for Pending or Cancelled. This enables you to print shipping documents at any time in the fulfillment cycle, including prior to shipment. You can review your shipping documents before the material actually leaves your premises.

See Generating Shipping Documents Before Shipment.

See Also

Packing Orders for Shipment

Understanding How Orders Are Submitted For Billing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstimated Shipments

Estimated shipments are logical groupings of order lines that can be shipped together. PeopleSoft Inventory and Order Management use these groupings to determine freight charges for orders. PeopleSoft Inventory’s Packing Session component also uses estimated shipments to determine which orders can be packed into the same shipping containers.

Note. You cannot split shipping containers across estimated shipments; once a shipping container has been assigned to an estimated shipment, everything in that container must belong to the same estimated shipment. In addition, you cannot split estimated shipments across multiple shipping IDs.

Define estimated shipment criteria for the business unit on the Inventory Definition - Business Unit Options: Estimated Shipment Definition page. Both PeopleSoft Order Management and PeopleSoft Inventory use the criteria that you establish there. If you are defining estimated shipments for use in Inventory, nine fields are required: source business unit, carrier, scheduled shipment date, ship to, address sequence number, location, ship via, freight charge method, and freight bill type. The Inventory system assumes that these required fields are included in the criteria; therefore, select them only if you also want Order Management to use them. You can refine estimated shipment definitions by specifying additional criteria.

Once you have defined the criteria, PeopleSoft Order Management assigns orders to estimated shipments during order entry. The estimated shipment number assigned to an order in Order Management is unique within that order only; PeopleSoft Inventory assigns a different estimated shipment number, which is unique within the entire business unit.

See Also

Viewing Estimated Shipments

Setting Up Transportation Lead Times and Freight Charges

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Freight Charges

For sales order from PeopleSoft Order Management, you can add freight costs during the packing and shipping stages of PeopleSoft Inventory. Freight charges can be calculated by PeopleSoft's internal freight calculator or you can manually enter the freight costs.

To have freight charges added to the order and passed to PeopleSoft Billing for invoicing, you must set up freight in PeopleSoft Order Management, including:

See Setting Up Transportation Lead Times and Freight Charges.

Within PeopleSoft Inventory, freight charges can be manually added, using the Freight Amount field, or calculated by PeopleSoft's internal freight calculator by selection the Freight Calculate Flag check box/button. You can only select one of these options, not both.

Freight can be added on the:

When adding freight information, you can also add Pro Numbers. For shipping containers, you can add Tracking Numbers.

Freight charges are applied at the sales order level using the freight charge product ID from PeopleSoft Order Management. When freight costs are on the demand line, such as a detail level, the system combines the demand line amounts for each order. When freight costs are on a level that contains more than one order, then the system must allocated the freight charge to the orders. For example, you may have a transaction request that contains more than one sales order. In this case, the system allocates the freight charge based on item weight. The system allocates as follows:

  1. Determines which sales orders are in the request or group level where the freight charge resides.

    If a material stock request is found in this grouping, then the system produces an error.

  2. Calculates item weight for each demand line of the sales order.

    The shipping quantity is multiplied by the item's shipping weight on the Define Business Unit Items-Inventory: Weight/Volume page. It is critical that every item on the sales orders have a Shipping Weight and Weight UOM in the Define Business Unit Items-Inventory: Weight/Volume page (WTVOL_ATTRIB_INV). If not, the system produces an error.

  3. Adds the weight for all the demand lines up to the sales order level.

  4. Adds all the weight for all the sales orders in the request or group.

  5. Takes each sales order weight divided by all the order weights to determine the ratio.

  6. Multiplies the ratio by the freight charge at the request or group level to determine the freight charge for the sales order.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSingle-Shipment Order Processing

To ensure that an entire order ships at one time, use the single-shipment order restriction feature provided by PeopleSoft Inventory and PeopleSoft Order Management. This feature, which is available only for sales orders generated in PeopleSoft Order Management, enables you to group order lines and schedules into a logical unit that must ship together using the same shipping ID.

Identify single-shipment orders during order entry by selecting the Single Ship Flag option on the Order Entry Form-Order Header page. (You establish default values on the Buying Agreement Header - Terms page or on the General Information - Sold To Options page, but PeopleSoft Inventory uses the value specified on the order header.) Once an order is identified for single shipment, all lines and schedules for the order must have the same scheduled shipment and arrival dates, inventory business unit, carrier, ship via, and freight terms. If you change any of these attributes, you must change them for all lines in the order.

After order entry, your ability to change the single ship flag is determined by the settings for the Single Shipment Flag (SINGLE_SHIP_FLAG) on the Demand Change Configuration page or the Setup Fulfillment-Demand Change Configuration page. Any changes affects all lines associated with the order. The rules for changing the Single Ship Flag are:

You can continue to reserve quantities for individual order schedules associated with a single-shipment order, but you cannot ship the schedules until the entire order is ready for shipping. Similarly, you can add order lines to a shipping ID on an individual basis, but you cannot identify any of them as Shipped until all lines have been included in the shipping ID. When shipping a single-shipment order using the auto-processing options, PeopleSoft Inventory processes the order only when all lines have been picked, confirmed, and assigned to the same shipping ID.

If you unship one line of a single-shipment restricted order, you must unship all lines associated with the order. You can cancel individual order lines at any time before the order has been shipped. When you cancel the last remaining line, either on the Cancel/Hold Stock Request page or in the Order Entry Form component, the order’s fulfillment status changes to Canceled.

See Also

Changing Orders Using the Maintain Stock Request Component

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicShort Shipment

In most cases, you ship the same amount that you picked. Occasionally, however, you may need to short ship, or ship less than the picked quantity. There are a variety of reasons for short shipping: for example, your truck is not large enough to transport an entire shipment and you want to reassign some of the stock to a different shipping ID, or a customer changes an order at the last minute.

Note. You can only short ship if you have selected the Partial Qtys Can Ship (partial quantities can ship) option for the demand line.

You can record the short shipment in several places:

PeopleSoft Inventory offers two options for handling the under-shipped stock that was previously picked from a storage location. The stock is either putaway or scrapped based on your entry in the Short Ship Opt field. This field is located on the Shipping/Issues- Picking Feedback page and on the Fulfillment Workbench. The short ship options are:

If stock has been placed into a shipping container or assigned to a shipping serial ID, you must release the association before short shipping the order line.

Once you have short shipped a demand line, the unshipped quantity creates a backordered demand line or a canceled demand line based on the Backorder Rule for shipping. If no rule exists, then the system looks to the Cancel Backorder option on the demand line. You can override the Cancel Backorder option on the Shipping/Issues - Order Details page.

See Also

Monitoring Inventory Quantity Balances

Packing Orders for Shipment

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicFinancial Sanctions Screening

Financial Sanctions Screening (FSS) in the Order to Cash business process is performed by validating customer names and addresses with a variety of national and international security lists. For U.S. based companies and their foreign subsidiaries, a federal regulation from the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) requires that customers be validated against a Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) list. You can use the Screen For Denied Parties process (SCM_FSS) to screen material stock requests with a request type of:

The Screen For Denied Parties process does not validate material stock requests with the request types of Internal Issue, Vendor Returns, or Interunit Transfer not related to VMI transaction.

In order to screen material stock requests, you must complete the following setup steps:

  1. Select the value of Enable at Business Unit or Enable at Install for the Order to Cash field on the Financial Sanctions Options page within the Installation Options-Overall component.

  2. If the value of Enable at Business Unit was selected on the Installation Options component above, then you must enable financial sanctions screening for each inventory business unit by selecting the Screen Customer Stock Requests check box on the Inventory Definition - Business Unit Options page.

  3. Define one or more hold codes to be used by the financial sanctions screening feature using the Hold Codes page.

  4. Add a default hold code to the Installation Options-Inventory page.

    This hold code is automatically applied to any material stock request that fails to pass the Screen For Denied Parties process. The default hold code must be entered here in order for material stock requests to be screened.

To screen material stock requests for denied parties:

  1. Before shipping, run the Screen For Denied Parties process (SCM_FSS).

    This run control is located in the Inventory, Order Management, and Billing menus. The Screen For Denied Parties process can review external material stock requests and VMI interunit transfers. If the customer on the stock request does not pass the screening, then the default hold code is automatically applied to the stock request. A hold code prevents a stock request from shipping.

  2. Use the Financial Sanctions inquiry component to review the stock requests put on hold.

    The Screen For Denied Parties process only identifies potential matches to the SDN list. You must review the matches and verify with OFAC. You can use the Cancel/Hold Stock Requests page to add or remove hold codes.

See Also

Performing Financial Sanctions Validation

Activating Optional Business Unit Features

Defining Hold Codes

Canceling or Holding Orders Within PeopleSoft Inventory

Setting Financial Sanctions Options

Setting Up Inventory Installation Options

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Shipping Rules

The following rules are applied when shipping with the fulfillment engine:

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

Business Unit and To Business Unit

If this run control should process one PeopleSoft Inventory business unit, enter the unit in the Business Unit field. If you want to process a range of business units, enter the starting unit in the Business Unit field and the ending business unit in the To Business Unit field. The system processes all Inventory business units, sorted in alphanumerical order, that fall between the starting and ending unit.

All Business Units

Select to process all PeopleSoft business units in this run control.

Ship by Date or Select by Date

Choose the date to select orders for shipping. Values are:

  • Order Date: Select to process orders based on the order date. Enter a date range in the Date From and Through fields.

    For just one specific date, use theDate From field only.

  • Orders Placed Today: Select to process orders entered in the system today.

  • Schedule Date: Select to process orders based on a the scheduled shipment date defined on the order demand line.

    Enter a date range in the Date From and Through fields.

    For just one specific date, use theDate From field only.

  • Ship Early Date: Select to process orders based on the Earliest Ship Date field of the order demand line.

    Enter a date range in the Date From and Through fields. For just one specific date, use the Date From field only.

Note. If the Verify Ship Date and Verify Ship Time check boxes have been selected on the Setup Fulfillment component, then the system does not allow you to ship until the scheduled shipment date and time on the order are less than or equal to the current date and time. If the Ship Prior to Schedule Date check box is selected on the order, then the earliest ship date and earliest ship time would also be used to determine when shipping was allowed.

Date From and Through

Enter the dates to retrieve orders for shipping. This is based on the entry in the Ship by Date field.

Demand Source or Source

Restrict the orders selected for shipment to one of the following sources:

  • IN: Material stock requests created in PeopleSoft Inventory.

  • OM: Sales orders created in PeopleSoft Order Management.

  • PL: Planning requisitions from PeopleSoft Supply Planning.

Source Unit or Source Bus Unit

Enter the business unit where the order originated.

Order Number and To

Enter the order number or range of order numbers to be shipped. The order can be a sales order from PeopleSoft Order Management or a material stock request from PeopleSoft Inventory, Purchasing, Manufacturing, or Supply Planning. If you enter a range of orders using the Order Number and To fields, then the system processes all orders, sorted in alphanumerical order, that fall between the starting and ending order numbers.

Order Line and Schedule Line

Enter the line number and schedule line number of the order number specified above.

Load ID

Enter to select orders assigned to a single load ID.

Route Group and Route Code

Enter to select orders grouped together for a particular transportation grouping and transportation route for delivery of the order.

Customer ID and Location

Enter to select orders to ship that were entered for a particular customer and customer location.

Ship To Customer and Address Number

For sales orders, enter the Ship To Customer ID and address to select orders to ship.

Ship ID or Shipping ID

Enter the shipping ID to select orders to ship using a previously assigned shipping ID.

Carrier ID

Enter to select orders to ship with one carrier.

Ship Via or Ship Via Code

Enter to select orders to ship using one shipping method.

Pick Batch ID and Pick Line

(Shipping Requests process page only) Enter to select orders or a single demand line by the pick batch ID or line number assigned by the Order Release process.

TMS Reference ID and TMS Reference Line

Enter to select orders or a single demand line by the TMS reference ID or line number assigned during the interface to the transportation management system.

External Reference Number and External Reference Line

Enter to select orders by the external reference number and line. The external reference information is assigned when WMS orders are downloaded using the Shipping Order Release EIP.

Ship Container ID

(Shipping Requests process page and Fulfillment Workbench only) Enter to select orders assigned to a single shipping container.

Priority and To

Enter a shipping priority code or range of codes that are assigned to sales orders in PeopleSoft Order Management or to interunit transfers coming from PeopleSoft Supply Planning.


Note. PeopleSoft Inventory is delivered by PeopleSoft, such that this field is only relevant for sales orders or interunit transfers created from PeopleSoft Supply Planning. However, the field is always available for entry to support modifications and third-party integration.

Product ID

Enter the product ID from PeopleSoft Order Management.

Parent Product ID

Enter the parent of a product kit from PeopleSoft Order Management.

Auto Process

Select an option to process the demand lines passed the shipped state to the depleted state. If you select the No Auto-Processing option then the system launches this process to place the demand lines in the shipped state. Select Use Auto-Processing Defaultto use the default value. The default value for this field comes from the Auto-Processing Option defined for the process on the Setup Fulfillment-Fulfillment Engine Options page (business unit level). If no value is entered, then the default comes from the Fulfillment Engine Options page (setID level).

Build Bills of Lading

Enter a value to create bill of lading reports (BOL) for the demand lines shipped by this process page. The options are:

  • Build Bill of Lading: Select this option to run the Build Bill of Lading Requests process (IN_FUL_BOL) after the shipping process is complete.

    This application engine process groups demand lines into BOLs by load, route, carrier, ship via, ship to, address sequence number, and address fields (for overridden addresses). This process adds the commodity code, quantity shipped, shipping UOM, shipping weight, and shipping volume into the BOL definition. For foreign BOLs, the harmonized code is used instead of the commodity code.

  • Build and Print Bill of Lading: Select this option to run the following processes after the shipping process is complete:

    1. The Build Bill of Lading Requests process (described above) to create the bill of ladings.

    2. The Bill of Lading report process (INS6100 SQR) to print the bill of ladings.

  • No Bill of Lading: Select this option to not create or print bill of ladings.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing the Shipping/Issues Component

Use the Shipping/Issues component to manually assign demand lines to shipping IDs, enter or change shipping information, and set the demand lines to the shipped state. If a shipment is canceled, this component can also be used to unship demand lines, that have not yet been depleted. When you save the Shipping/Issues component, your entries are applied directly to the inventory demand tables. In addition, the Shipping/Issues component will:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Section

Ship Action

The shipping action applies to different levels within an order, depending upon which page you’re using.

  • Selections on the Shipping/Issues - Order Summary page apply to an entire order.

  • Selections on the Shipping/Issues - Ship Details Summary page apply to demand lines of a particular order.

  • Selections on the Shipping/Issues - Ship Containers page apply to a shipping container.

Identify where the action is to be applied (order, demand line, or shipping container), by using the Select check box or Select All button, then select one of the following values:

  1. Ship/Include: Ship an order, demand line, or shipping container and include it in the shipping ID.

    The system automatically selects the Shipped and Include in Ship ID options.

  2. Do not ship/Include: Include an order, demand line, or shipping container in the shipping ID without physically shipping it.

    Also use this option to unship an order, line, or container but leave it in the shipping ID. The system automatically selects the Include in Ship ID option and clears the Shipped option.

    Note. The Deplete On Hand Qty (Depletion) process ignores orders that are included in the shipping ID but not identified as shipped.

  3. Do not ship/Do not include: Unship an order or exclude a demand line or container from the shipment.

    The system automatically clears both the Shipped and Include in Ship ID options.

    Note. You can only unship orders, demand lines, and containers that have not yet been depleted or selected for Intrastat processing.

Select or Selected

Selects individual orders, demand lines, or shipping containers for shipping actions.

Include in Ship ID

Indicates that an order, demand line, or shipping container should be included in the current shipping ID. This field is for display only.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Update the Shipping/Issues Component

Page Name

Object Name



Shipping/Issues - Order Summary


Inventory, Fulfill Stock Orders, Shipping, Shipping/Issues, Order Summary

Confirm that orders are ready for shipment.

Shipping/Issues - Shipping Order Selection


Click the Search link on the Shipping/Issues - Order Summary page.

Select orders to ship.

Shipping/Issues - Order Defaults


Click the Order Defaults button on the Shipping/Issues - Order Summary page.

Override shipment field values for the demand lines included in an order. This page provides an efficient method of changing information for multiple demand lines at once.

Note. For single-shipment restricted orders, this page is the only place in which you can modify the shipment fields.

Shipping/Issues - Ship Details Summary


Click the Ship Detail Summary button on the Shipping/Issues - Order Summary page.

Mark individual demand lines for shipment. For orders containing many demand lines, use this page to gain rapid access to order details for a specific demand line.

Shipping/Issues - Ship Containers


Click the Choose Container link on the Shipping/Issues - Order Summary page or on the Shipping/Issues - Shipping Order Selection page.

Select shipping containers to include in a shipment. The system automatically adds all orders associated with the containers to the shipping ID.

Shipping/Issues - Ship Line Defaults


Click the Default Shipment Fields link on the Shipping/Issues - Order Summary page.

Define default pro numbers, shipping dates, and shipping times.

Shipping/Issues - Shipping Comments


Click the Notes button on the Shipping/Issues - Order Summary page.

Enter any comments for the shipment. These notes are for informational purposes only and do not appear on any other page or printed on any reports.

Shipping/Issues - Shipping Miscellaneous Charges


Click the Miscellaneous Charges button on the Shipping/Issues - Order Summary page.

Enter any miscellaneous charges (for example, pallet or packing charges) for orders originating in PeopleSoft Order Management.

Shipping/Issues - Order Details


Click the Detail button on the Shipping/Issues - Ship Details Summary page.

Modify shipment quantity and transportation information for a particular demand line.

Shipping/Issues - Picking Feedback


Click the Picking Details link on the Shipping/Issues - Order Details page.

Enter picking exceptions or new picking feedback at shipment time.


Note. You can only change picking information here after completion of the Picking Confirmation process.

Shipping/Issues - Export Proforma Comments


Click the Export Proforma Comments link on the Shipping/Issues - Order Details page.

Enter any notes that should print on the Export Proforma report.

Shipping/Issues - Kit Definition


Click the Product Kit Detail link on the Shipping/Issues - Order Details page.

View product kit information for a shipment or enter the actual kit quantity shipped.

Shipping/Issues - Ship Serial


Click the Enter Serial IDs link on the Shipping/Issues - Order Details page.

Generate shipping serial ID numbers for the items in a shipment.

Shipping/Issues - Rapid Serial Numbers


Click the Rapid Data Entry button on the Shipping/Issues - Ship Serial page.

Generate shipping serial ID numbers automatically.

Shipping/Issues - Additional Information


Click the Select Config Code link on the Shipping/Issues - Order Details page.

View configuration information items in a shipment.

Load Assignment Options


Click the Assign Load link on the Shipping/Issues - Order Summary page.

Modify load information for the shipping ID.

Load Capacity Inquiry


Click the Load Details link on the Shipping/Issues - Order Defaults page.

View additional information about the selected shipment load.

Order Address


Click the Override Address link on the Shipping/Issues - Order Defaults or Shipping/Issues - Order Details page.

Override address information.


Note. You can override the address for single shipments only at the order header level.

Ship Container Hierarchy - Ship Container Inquiry


Click the Container link on the Shipping/Issues - Order Details page.

View orders or shipping IDs packed into shipping containers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConfirming Orders for Shipment

Access the Shipping/Issues - Order Summary page.


Click to print the Shipping Document report for the shipment.

Calculate Freight

Click to calculate freight charges for the orders in the shipment.

Direct Invoicing

Indicates that this sales order or intercompany transfer has been defined for direct invoicing. The system automatically creates an invoice for the order when the Deplete On Hand Qty process is launched. PeopleSoft Inventory sends accounting information to the PeopleSoft Billing business unit defined on the Inventory Definition-Business Unit Definition page or on the PeopleSoft Order Management Order Management Definition - Order Management Setup page.

Freight Amount

Displays the current freight amount for a sales order from PeopleSoft Order Management. This freight charge is included on the invoice. This amount appears in the Inventory business unit’s base currency.

Additional Freight Charge

Enter any additional freight amounts to be included on the invoice. This field applies only to sales order from PeopleSoft Order Management. A positive number is added to the current freight amount. A negative number is subtracted from the current freight amount. The additional freight charge can be greater than the current freight amount; however, it cannot drive the total freight charge negative.

Run Process

Click to run the Deplete On Hand Qty (Depletion) process. If the Inventory business unit has been defined to launch the direct invoicing or auto-putaway jobs when depletion is run and this order contains sales orders or interunit transfers, then selecting this link will take you to a Process Scheduler Request page to choose the jobs to run.

Note. You can define the system to launch the Deplete On Hand Qty (Depletion) process, the Direct Invoicing jobs, and the Auto-Putaway job when you save this page. The user is not asked to choose which jobs to run. To use this method; first, select the Auto Process at Save check box for the Shipping/Issues row on the Fulfillment Engine Options page (business unit or setID level), then turn on direct invoicing by selecting the Run Direct Invoicing check box on the Setup Fulfillment-Shipping page, and then turn on auto-putaway by selecting the Flag Items for Auto-Putaway and Run Auto-Putaway Job check boxes on the Inventory Definition-Business Unit Definition page.

Manage Loads

Click to access the Manage Loads (LOAD_CONS_INV) page to add or modify information for a load ID.

Build Bill of Lading

Click to access the Bill of Lading (BOL_HDR_INV) page to create or update a bill of lading.

See Also

Packing Orders for Shipment

Creating Shipping Documentation

Transferring Stock Between Business Units

Setting Up Transportation Lead Times and Freight Charges

Understanding How Orders Are Submitted For Billing

Understanding the Direct Invoicing Jobs

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Orders to Ship

Access the Shipping/Issues - Shipping Order Selection page.

For more field descriptions on these search criteria, see the Common Elements Used in This Chapter section.

See Common Elements Used in This Chapter.

Note. This page uses a special processing mechanism called smart prompting. When you click the prompt button next to a field, the system transfers you to a smart prompting page. Unlike most PeopleSoft search pages, this prompting page takes into account any other search fields that you have already entered on the Shipping/Issues - Shipping Order Selection page and only displays orders consistent with the entered values. For example, suppose that you have specified a particular load ID and you are now searching for a valid order number, the prompting page displays only the orders assigned to that load ID. Click the prompt button for all fields to ensure that you do not enter conflicting search criteria.

Unpacked Orders and Shipping Containers

When you click Search, the system retrieves any unpacked orders and shipping containers matching the selection criteria. If you leave all the selection criteria blank, the system retrieves all orders and shipping containers in the business unit that are not already assigned to a shipping ID and are eligible for shipment.

Select the check box next to each order or shipping container that you want to add to the shipping ID on the Shipping/Issues - Order Summary page.


Select to return to the Shipping/Issues-Order Summary page. Any orders or containers that you have selected are placed on the Shipping/Issues-Order Summary page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOverriding Order Shipment Defaults

Access the Shipping/Issues - Order Defaults page.

Override Backorder Cancel Flag

Select to apply the cancel backorder setting to all order lines that appear on this page.

Note. The cancel backorder check box, including this override, are not used if a Backorder Rule for shipping exists for the demand line.

Override Non-Blank Values

Select to override existing field values when copying the attributes that you modify here. This option does not appear for single-shipment restricted orders; it is assumed to be in effect for these orders.

Copy Values to Order Lines

Click to apply the values entered on this page to all lines for the order. Unless you have elected to override non-blank values, PeopleSoft Inventory verifies that each field is blank before permitting the copy. You cannot copy values for order lines that have already been depleted or selected for Intrastat processing.


Note. If you do not override non-blank values, the system applies the copy to a demand line only if: (1) the field to be copied is blank on the demand line, or (2) the field value on the demand line matches the original value of a field that you just changed here.

Note. If the order is designated as a single-shipment restricted order, the system automatically populates all fields on this page with the appropriate values.

See Also

Single-Shipment Order Processing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMarking Demand Lines for Shipment

Access the Shipping/Issues - Ship Details Summary page.

Use this page to mark individual demand lines for shipment. For orders containing many demand lines, this page enables you to ship specific demand line instead of the entire order.

For more field descriptions, see Common Elements Used in This Section.

See Common Elements Used in This Chapter.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Shipping Containers

Access the Shipping/Issues - Ship Containers page.

As you select shipping containers, PeopleSoft Inventory automatically adds all orders in the shipping container hierarchy to the shipping ID. When you save the Shipping/Issues component, the system validates all included shipping containers to ensure proper shipping. These validations include:

If errors are found during the validation, an error message and a suggested resolution appear. Once you resolve the errors, you can repeat the validation by saving the Shipping/Issues component again.

Note. You cannot save or ship the current shipping ID until you resolve all errors in the shipping container information.

For more field descriptions, see Common Elements Used in This Section.

See Common Elements Used in This Section.

See Also

Packing Orders for Shipment

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Default Pro Numbers and Shipping Dates

Access the Shipping/Issues - Ship Line Defaults page.

Pro Number

Any demand line added to the shipping ID that has not already been assigned a pro number inherits this value. You can modify the pro number for an order on the Shipping/Issues - Order Summary page or for an individual line on the Shipping/Issues - Order Details page.

Ship Date and Ship Time

The default values are the current date and time. Any new demand lines added to the shipping ID and identified as shipped inherit these values.

If the Verify Ship Date and Verify Ship Time check boxes have been selected on the Setup Fulfillment component, then the system does not allow you to ship until the scheduled shipment date and time on the order are less than or equal to the current date and time. If the Ship Prior to Schedule Date check box is selected on the order, then the early ship date and early ship time would also be used to determine when shipping was allowed.

Note. The defaults that you define here apply only to newly added orders in the shipping ID; the values for already included or shipped orders do not change.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Miscellaneous Charges

Access the Shipping/Issues - Shipping Miscellaneous Charges page.

The description that you enter here appears as a bill line on the PeopleSoft Billing invoice.

See Also

Billing Orders

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicModifying Line-Level Quantity and Transportation Information

Access the Shipping Issues - Order Details page.

Note. Under certain circumstances, such as if the order line is part of a kit component or a single-shipment restricted order, has already been depleted, or has already been selected for Intrastat processing, most fields are display only. In such cases, a message indicating why certain fields are not available appears at the top of the page.


Indicates that the order is an intercompany transfer order requiring export shipping documentation.

Cancel Backorder

Modify to change the cancel backorder check box for the demand line.

Note. The cancel backorder check box, including this override, are not used if a Backorder Rule for shipping exists for the demand line.

Earliest Ship Date

Enter a date to ship the line before the designated scheduled ship date when using the verify ship date and time option. If the Verify Ship Date and Verify Ship Time check boxes have been selected on the Setup Fulfillment component, then the system does not allow you to ship until the scheduled shipment date and time on the order are less than or equal to the current date and time. If the Ship Prior to Schedule Date check box is selected on the order, then the Earliest Ship Date and Earliest Ship Time would also be used to determine when shipping was allowed.

Sched Arrv (scheduled arrival)

For interunit transfers, PeopleSoft Inventory calculates these values by adding the scheduled ship date and the in-transit time required for the ship via. If the scheduled ship date changes, you can adjust the scheduled arrival date manually.

Qty Shipped

Reflects the actual shipment quantity. This field is automatically populated and unavailable for entry under the following circumstances:

  • If shipment of partial quantities is not allowed, the shipped quantity must equal the picked quantity.

  • If the order has already been depleted, you cannot change either the shipped quantity or its unit of measure.

The Intrastat Interunit Returns and Replacement fields are only available for Intrastat interunit transfers. If both the source and destination business units are members of the European Union and require Intrastat reporting, identify the interunit receipt as a replacement or a return. Your selections populate the Receipt Line page when the destination business unit receives the transfer order.

Intrastat InterUnit Returns

The interunit or intercompany transfer contains goods that were previously sent to another business unit but are now being returned. The transfer is reported on the Intrastat return with a nature of transaction code indicating that it is a return. (If you clear this option, the transfer is a normal transfer and is reported on the intrastat return with a nature of transaction code indicating that it is a purchase.

If you select this option, the Replacement field value is NA (not applicable). A transfer can be a return or a replacement, but not both.


This field works in conjunction with the Intrastat InterUnit Returns field. Values are:

NA(not applicable): The interunit transfer is a normal transfer order or a return. This is the default value when the Intrastat InterUnit Returns option is selected.

RN (replacement of goods not returned): The transfer replaces an order that had been previously received but was scrapped or otherwise disposed of. The transfer is reported on the intrastat return with a nature of transaction code indicating that it is a replacement of goods that have not been returned.

RR (replacement of returned goods): The transfer replaces an order that was returned to the source business unit. The transfer is reported on the intrastat return with a nature of transaction code indicating that it is a replacement of goods that have been returned.

Load ID

If you specify a load, the system populates the Carrier ID and Ship Via fields with the associated default values. If you enter these values manually, enter a valid combination of carrier, ship via, and load.

Route Code and Stop No stop number

When you change a route assignment on this page, PeopleSoft Inventory does not validate the new route. In addition, if you modify either the carrier ID or the ship via, any existing route assignment must be valid for the ship via and carrier selection. If the combination of carrier, ship via, and route is not valid, the system issues an error and prevents you from saving the page.

Freight Charge Override and Freight Charge Method

If you use freight rating, the system uses this freight charge method when calculating freight internally for sales orders.

CIF Paid (cost/insurance/freight paid by)

PeopleSoft Order Management’s OMBILL multiprocess job uses this value to determine whether freight charges should be included on sales order invoices.

Customer PO (customer purchase order), Customer Contact, Int’l Prefix (international prefix), Phone, and Ext (extension)

If the demand line belongs to a PeopleSoft Order Management sales order, you can update customer fields here, but the new information does not transfer to Order Management.


Note. You must use the Order Entry Form component to update demand lines originating from a sales order.

Note. If you have set up ad hoc replenishment for the business unit or for the item, the online shipping process creates an ad hoc replenishment request when a backorder occurs. If the business unit requires closure-calendar validation and processing for receiving activities, as defined on the Closure Calendar page, and if the calculated required date for the requisition falls on a closure date, the system selects the first valid previous date for the required date. It then takes this new required date and adds the number of replenishment lead days to arrive at the expected date. If this calculation encounters a closure date, the system selects the first valid future date for the expected date. Therefore, the lead days include only open business days.

See Also

Setting Up and Running Intrastat Reports

Establishing Operation Closure Dates

Changing Route Assignments

Single-Shipment Order Processing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Picking Information

Access the Shipping/Issues - Picking Feedback page.

  1. Select a pick line action.


    Identifies the order line as shipped and populates the quantity shipped with the quantity picked. You cannot modify picking information for lines identified as shipped. This field is for display only.


    Cancels the confirmed status for the order line. When you select this option, PeopleSoft Inventory unpicks the order line but does not remove it from the pick batch. Therefore, you can still go back to the Picking Feedback page and enter picking information. Use the Unconfirm field for situations in which you must enter feedback not available in the Shipping/Issues component, such as selecting substitute items.


    Unpicks the order line entirely, removing it from the pick batch and making it available to print on another picking plan.

    Note. The Unconfirm and Remove options are only available for demand lines that have not been depleted or identified as shipped. In addition, if stock has been assigned to a shipping container or a ship serial ID, you must cancel this association before unpicking the demand line.

  2. The system displays either the storage location and associated location unit of measure or the container ID selected by the picking plan.

    If you actually picked the stock from a different location, delete the old picking line and enter a new line. PeopleSoft Inventory returns the stock to the original storage location and removes it from the new one. If you want to enter a new location for an order line that does not permit overpicking, you must either set the quantity picked to 0 or delete the current row and insert a new one.

    Note. The business unit’s default display options determine how many storage location levels appear for new rows. If you are entering a storage location that requires additional levels, enter the storage area, then refresh the page to display the remaining levels for that area.

  3. Adjust the quantity picked as necessary, in the ordering UOM.

    If the stocking and ordering units of measure differ, you can also enter the stocking quantity picked. If the demand line is identified as shipped, these fields are not available for entry.

  4. Enter the correct quantity shipped.

    If you enter a shipped quantity greater than the picked quantity, an error message appears. This field is available only if the demand line has been identified as shipped and only if partial shipments are permitted.

  5. If partial shipments are permitted, you can short ship.

    Unless you have a backorder rule for shipping that cancels backorders or, if no rule, you have selected the Cancel Backorder check box for the demand line, PeopleSoft Inventory automatically creates a backorder for the under-shipped quantity.

    If you are short shipping, select Short Ship Opt (short shipment option) to determine what to do with the undershipped quantity:

    Scrap the Undershipment

    Scraps the undershipped stock.

    Return to Location Picked From

    Returns the undershipped stock to the storage location from which it was picked.

  6. Click the Detail link to access the Shipping/Issues - Order Details page.

    Note. If you have set up ad hoc replenishment for the business unit or for the item, the online shipping process creates an ad hoc replenishment request when a backorder occurs. If the business unit requires closure calendar validation and processing for receiving activities, as defined on the Closure Calendar page, and if the calculated required date for the requisition falls on a closure date, the system selects the first valid previous date for the required date. It then takes this new required date and adds the number of replenishment lead days to arrive at the expected date. If this calculation encounters a closure date, the system selects the first valid future date for the expected date. Therefore, the lead days include only open business days.

See Also

Single-Shipment Order Processing

Fulfillment Process Exceptions

Entering Picking Feedback Online

Working with Shipping Containers and Shipping Serial IDs Using an Electronic Data Collection System

Defining PeopleSoft Inventory Business Unit Display Options


Searching for Material Storage Locations

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Export Proforma Comments

Access the Shipping/Issues - Export Proforma Comments page.

Enter any notes that should print on the Export Proforma report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing and Entering Product Kit Information

Access the Shipping Issues - Kit Definition page.

Maximum Kit Quantity

PeopleSoft Inventory determines the maximum kit quantity that can be shipped for a component by dividing the quantity picked for that component by the quantity per kit. The component with the least quantity available to ship determines the maximum kit quantity that can be shipped.

Kit Quantity Shipped

PeopleSoft Inventory automatically calculates the shipment quantities for the component pieces of the product kit and updates the Qty Shipped field on the Shipping/Issues - Order Details page. If the kit was shipped previously, this field is populated with the quantity actually shipped.

Opt (optional)

Demand lines that are optional kit components require special processing under the following circumstances:

  • The shipping ID contains only optional components. In this case, kit processing is disabled and the demand lines are treated like any other demand line.

  • The quantity shipped on the Shipping/Issues - Order Details page changes.

If an optional component is not available or is only partially available, PeopleSoft Inventory ships as much as possible and backorders the remaining quantity. The unavailability of an optional component does not keep the required parts of the kit from shipping. If, however, there is insufficient quantity of a required component to make a full kit (or if no quantity was picked), the system sets the maximum kit quantity to 0 and issues an error message, preventing you from shipping any of the kit component’s detail lines.

Note. Changing either the shipped quantity or the picked quantity for any demand line that is part of a kit automatically updates all other component demand lines and all quantity information on this page. In addition, changing the picked quantity prompts the system to recalculate the maximum kit quantity. If you short ship a kit, saving the Shipping/Issues component prompts the system to update the kit definition and reduce the maximum kit quantity to the quantity actually shipped.

See Also

Defining Product Kits

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating Shipping Serial IDs

Access the Shipping/Issues - Ship Serial page.

Request Number

Indicate how many serial numbers should be generated automatically by the Rapid Serial Numbers page. The default value is either the quantity that you are shipping or (if the demand line has not been identified as shipped) the quantity picked, expressed in the base UOM.

Serial ID

Use this field to assign shipping serial IDs manually.

For lot-controlled items, you can associate the serial ID with a lot ID. The system verifies that the ratio of shipping serial numbers to lot IDs is correct. For example, if 10 items were picked from lot A and 15 items were picked from lot B, the system ensures that 10 shipping serial ID numbers are associated with lot A and 15 shipping serial ID numbers are associated with lot B.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating Shipping Serial IDs Automatically

Access the Shipping/Issues - Rapid Serial Numbers page.

Serial Number Count

The request number entered on the Ship Serial page.

Serial Number Prefix

Enter a prefix to be attached to each shipping serial ID.


Indicate the size of any gaps that you want between serial numbers. For example, a multiplier of 5 creates the serial numbers 10, 15, 20, and so forth.

Serial Number Length

Enter the maximum length permitted for the shipping serial ID.

Start Number

Indicate what number to start with when generating shipping serial IDs. For example, suppose that you start at 100 with a multiplier of 5, the first three serial IDs are 100, 105, and 110.

Zero Pad

Select to place zeros at the beginning of the shipping serial ID whenever this number is shorter than the defined maximum length.

Lot ID

If you are working with lot-controlled items, you can associate all of the generated shipping serial ID numbers with a particular lot. You can generate only one batch of shipping serial ID numbers per lot ID, so if you want to associate shipping serial ID numbers with more than one lot, you must generate them in separate batches. The lot ID must be one of the lots actually picked for the line.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChanging Load Assignment Options

Access the Shipping/Issues-Load Assignment Options page.

Modify load information for a shipping ID.

Override Existing Load IDs

Select to assign the load ID defined here to all selected order lines, including those for which a different load has already been assigned.

Override Carrier IDs/Ship Vias

Select to assign the carrier ID and ship via for the load ID defined here to all order lines. If you leave this option blank, the system does not copy the load ID to lines whose carrier and ship via values differ from those assigned to this load.

Shipped Orders Only

If you accessed this page from the Shipping/Issues - Order Summary page, select to apply load assignment changes only to orders with a Shipped status on the Order Summary page.

Click to jump to parent topicShipping from the Fulfillment Workbench

The Fulfillment Workbench is an online component that enables you to enter requests to move material stock orders and sales orders from one fulfillment status to another. Requests are placed in staging tables and then processed by the fulfillment engine using the Fulfillment Request process. Using the Fulfillment Workbench, you can skip the intermediate fulfillment steps and place an order directly in the state that you need. You can ship orders from an:

This section discusses how to use the Fulfillment Workbench to ship inventory. The Fulfillment Workbench also provides many other options, depending on the template ID, including the ability to:

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Object Name



Fulfillment Workbench


Inventory, Fulfill Stock Orders, Fulfillment Workbench

Create a request to move material stock orders and sales orders from one fulfillment state to another.

Fulfillment Queue


Select the Fulfillment Queue link on the Fulfill Workbench page, the Orders page, or the Demand Lines page.

View the demand lines in the processing queue. These are the orders that will be processed by the Fulfillment Workbench request. You can add or delete individual lines and even delete the queue and start over.



Select the Orders link on the Fulfill Workbench page, the Demand Lines page, or the Fulfillment Queue.

View all of the material stock orders and sales orders matching the search criteria on the Fulfillment Workbench. Also include or exclude specific orders.

Demand Lines


Select the Demand Lines link on the Fulfill Workbench page, the Orders page, or the Fulfillment Queue.

View the demand lines of the material stock orders and sales orders selected by the selection criteria on the Fulfillment Workbench or the order number chosen on the Orders page, depending on how the page was accessed. You can use this page to include or exclude specific demand lines. You can also change the quantity to be reserved or promised (if you are using an Action of Reserve) or shipped (if you are using an Action of Front End Ship or Ship).

Location / Lot / Serial


Select the Location / Lot / Serial link on the Demand Lines page.

Review demand location information for a specific request detail row. When shipping from an unfulfilled or releasable state, you can enter the exact picking location, lot ID, stage date, serial ID, or ship serial ID. You can also exclude a specific picking location, lot ID, and serial ID when shipping from a confirmed state or change the pick or ship quantity and UOM.

When shipping from the confirmed or released state where allocations have already been made, the LLS rows must match existing picking information. When shipping from the released state where no allocations have been made (push pick plan), then you can enter the exact picking location, lot ID, stage date, serial ID, or ship serial ID.

Fulfillment Queue Location / Lot / Serial


Select the Location / Lot / Serial link on the Location / Lot / Serial tab of the Fulfillment Queue page.

Review demand location information for a specific request detail row. When shipping from an unfulfilled or releasable state, you can enter the exact picking location, lot ID, stage date, serial ID, or ship serial ID. You can also exclude a specific picking location, lot ID, and serial ID when shipping from a confirmed state or change the pick or ship quantity and UOM.

Picking/Shipping Overrides


Select the Group Picking/Shipping Default link or the Ship Defaults link on most pages of the Fulfillment Workbench component.

Enter any picking and shipping override entries to be applied at the transaction request's group or detail level.

Processing Defaults


Select the Process Default link on the Fulfill Workbench page.

Change processing defaults for this request.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Fulfillment Workbench Page to Ship

Access the Fulfill Workbench page.

Note. The exact fields and field values available on this page are determined by the template ID.


Identify the type of request. To ship stock, select:

  • Front End Ship: Enables you to move an unfulfilled order or releasable order to shipped status.

  • Ship: Enables you to move an unfulfilled order, releasable order, or pick confirmed order to shipped status.

Search By

Enter level that you want to search for and process demand. Based on the option selected, the fields that appear on the Fulfillment Workbench component will vary. Values are:

  • Group: Select to display group-level fields to search and retrieve demand data.

  • Detail: Select to display detail-level fields to search and retrieve demand data.

Group ID

Enter a group identification code for the request that you are creating to allow these transactions to be processed together by the fulfillment engine processes.

Selection Criteria

Use the Selection Criteria group box to enter the search criteria to retrieve demand lines for processing. These search criteria fields include both group level fields (for example, load ID or pick batch ID) and order level fields (for example, order number). The actual search criteria fields that appear are determined by the template ID, as well as the entries in the Action and Search By fields.

For more field descriptions on these search criteria, see the Common Elements Used in This Chapter section.

See Common Elements Used in This Chapter.


Select to define demand data to exclude from the group. This check box only appears if Detail is selected in the Search By field. For example, if the group level identifies a specific load ID, use the detail level to exclude a specific order from the load.

Select Unfulfilled

Select this check box to include unfulfilled orders in the search results and request.

Select Releasable

Select this check box to include releasable orders in the search results and request. This check box only appears if you have selected an action of Front-end Ship or Ship.

Select Released

Select this check box to include released orders in the search results and request. This check box appears only if you have selected the action of Ship.

Select Confirmed

Select this check box to include confirmed orders in the search results and request. This check box only appears if you have selected an action of Ship.

Other Options


Select to process all the demand lines matching the entered search criteria, without viewing any details. The entered search criteria (request) is written to the staging tables to be processed by the fulfillment engine using the Fulfillment Requests process. If you have selected the Auto Schedule Processing check box on the Processing Defaults page of this workbench or the Setup Fulfillment - Fulfillment Engine page, then the Fulfillment Requests process is launched when you click this button.

Note. Because the Process button immediately adds the information to the staging tables, it is not available once you have added data to the fulfillment queue. Go to the fulfillment queue and click the Process button to write the transaction request to the staging tables.

Add to Queue

Select to add search criteria to the fulfillment queue to be processed later. You can view the search criteria on the Fulfillment Queue page. When an order or demand line is selected and added to the fulfillment queue using the Orders link or Demand Line link, then a group level entry is automatically created in the fulfillment queue if one was not previously added from the Fulfillment Workbench page. In this situation, the group level entry has no selection criteria. This is done to meet the fulfillment engine's requirement for all detail segments to belong to a group ID on the transaction request being processed.

When entering data in the Picking/Shipping Overrides page accessed from the Orders page, you must select orders and use the Add to Queue button on the Orders page in order to save your overrides.


Select to clear any search criteria fields that have been populated.

Empty Queue

Select to remove all demand lines from the request.

Fulfillment Queue

Select to go to the Fulfillment Queue page, where you can view and edit the details of the current search criteria added to this request.


Select to go to the Orders page, where you can view and select individual orders for processing.

Demand Lines

Select to go to the Demand Lines page, where you can view and select individual demand lines for processing.

Ship Defaults

Select to go to the Picking/Shipping Overrides page, where you can override the picking storage location and shipping parameters. The overrides entered through this link apply to all demand lines in the transaction request.

Process Default

Select to go to the Processing Defaults page, where you can alter the fulfillment engine processing options applied to this request.

See Using the Fulfillment Workbench.

Click to jump to parent topicShipping with the Fulfillment Engine Process Pages

The fulfillment engine can be used to ship stock using two run requests:

The Front End Shipping Requests process (IN_FUL_SHF) and the Shipping Requests process (IN_FUL_SHP) submit requests to the fulfillment engine to move the demand lines of a material stock request or sales order from an earlier state to the shipped state. If auto-processing is enabled, both of these processes could move the demand lines further downstream to the depleted state. The two shipping requests are very similar with the difference being the from states that can be selected when identifying demand lines to ship. The front-end shipping request can only ship from theunfulfilled or releasable state while the shipping request can ship from the unfulfilled, releasable, released, or confirmed state. Both process pages:

The different request types are available to give the implementation team of PeopleSoft Inventory the options for developing procedures that do not require users to make day-to-day decisions as to which from state should be allowed. These decisions are usually procedural in nature and do not differ in day-to-day processing.

For example, a site that is performing the multi-step fulfillment process would reserve an order, release the order to picking, enter picking feedback, confirm and then create a shipping request to ship the order. In this situation, the Shipping Request process could be used to actually ship, or even deplete, the transaction. The implementation team of the system would set up a default from state of confirmed for the Shipping Request process page at the setID level, using the Fulfillment Engine Options component, or at the PeopleSoft Inventory business unit level, using the Setup Fulfillment - Fulfillment Engine Options page. Also, the Allow State Overrides check box should be clear to make sure that users could not accidentally ship backordered demand lines sitting in a unfulfilled or releasable status that had not been picked and prepared for shipping. When users create shipping requests they are expecting to ship only from a confirmed state and since that is what the default is set to, then they do not have to worry about this setting when entering a shipping request.

In addition, a site that is not performing the multi-step fulfillment process and wishes to complete shipping after a soft reserve of the item, could use the Front End Shipping Requests process to ship or deplete the demand lines from the releasable state. In this situation, because the order is always shipped from a releasable state, then a default from state of releasable is set on the Front-end Shipping Requests row at the setID level, using the Fulfillment Engine Options component, or at the PeopleSoft Inventory business unit level, using the Setup Fulfillment - Fulfillment Engine Options page. This enables users to work with their procedures without being concerned about erroneously shipping orders that are not available for shipment.

In either example mentioned above, users (when authorized) can ship orders coming from any state using the Fulfillment Workbench component. For example, on a ten line order, two lines are backordered and sitting in a unfulfilled state. The other eight lines are picked, confirmed and ready for shipping. If quantity for the other two lines shows up before the shipment goes out the door, all ten lines can be shipped on the same shipment without having to run through the multi-step fulfillment process for the two backordered lines. An authorized user can go into the Fulfillment Workbench and create a transaction for the order shipping from any of the four states (unfulfilled, releasable, released, and confirmed); shipping the eight confirmed lines, as well as the two backordered lines sitting in a unfulfilled status.

If this same functionality is needed from the run request pages, then the Allow State Overrides check box can be selected enabling users to override the from state on the run request.

Verifying Shipping Documents

Both the Front End Shipping Requests process page and the Shipping Requests process page can compare current shipping information to any previously printed shipping documents for the Ship IDs being processed. The system compares item ID, quantity shipped, ship ID and line, carrier ID, ship via, ship to customer and address, export flag, and scheduled shipment date and time. If differences are found between the current information and the information printed on the shipping documents, then the system can launch a warning using the Message Dashboard functionality. In addition, a message is placed in the message log of the Process Monitor.

See Generating Shipping Documents Before Shipment.

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Front End Shipping Requests


Inventory, Fulfill Stock Orders, Shipping, Front-end Shipping Requests

Submit requests to the fulfillment engine to move the demand lines of a material stock request or sales order from an unfulfilled or releasable state to a shipped state.

Shipping Requests


Inventory, Fulfill Stock Orders, Shipping, Shipping Requests

Submit requests to the fulfillment engine to move the demand lines of a material stock request or sales order from an unfulfilled, releasable, released, or confirmed state to a shipped state.

Bill of Lading Options


  • Click the Bill of Lading Options link on the Front End Shipping Requests page.

  • Click the Bill of Lading Options link on the Shipping Requests page.

Select options to create and print bill of ladings for the demand lines shipped. created by the Build Bill of Lading Requests process page. Use this page to identify the Bill of Lading type (domestic, foreign, or both), the output type, format, and destination of the printed BOLs. In addition, you can select to print bar codes.

This page is available based on the value in the Build Bills of Lading field on the Front End Shipping Requests page or the Shipping Requests page.

Processing Controls


  • Click the Processing Options link on the Front End Shipping Requests page.

  • Click the Processing Options link on the Shipping Requests page.

View or change processing or passthrough options before running this process. The default values are defined at the business unit level on the Setup Fulfillment - Fulfillment Engine Options page. If no defaults exists at the business unit level, then any defaults at the Fulfillment Engine Options page at the setID level are used.

Fulfillment Engine Options


  • Click the View Process Defaults link on the Front End Shipping Requests page.

  • Click the View Process Defaults link on the Shipping Requests page.

Review the business unit level fulfillment engine processing options that default to this run control. These defaults are defined on the Setup Fulfillment - Fulfillment Engine Options page in the Front-end Shipping Requests and Shipping Requests rows.

See Also

Setting Up the Fulfillment Engine Processing Options

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Fulfillment Engine Front-End Shipping

Access the Front End Shipping Requests page.

Use this process page to submit requests to the fulfillment engine to move the demand lines of a material stock request or sales order from an unfulfilled or releasable state to a shipped state. If auto-processing is enabled, this process could move the demand lines further downstream to the depleted state.

For the field descriptions on these search criteria, see the Common Elements Used in This Chapter section.

See Common Elements Used in This Chapter.


The Front End Shipping Requests process and the Shipping Requests process move demand lines from an earlier state to the shipped state; therefore, it may be necessary to enter shipping overrides for demand lines selected by the process. The overrides are applied to all demand lines in the request. The following overrides and related options are available for these process pages:

Clear Overrides After Each Run

(at the top of the process page) Select to remove all override entries from the run control process page after each run. Use this check box when the overrides should only apply to this process run. Do not select this check box if you want the same overrides used each time this run control is processed.

Shipping ID

Enter a shipping ID. If this field is left blank, the system assigns the next sequential shipping ID based on the Inventory Definition -Business Unit Counters page.

From States

Select the starting fulfillment status of the demand lines to be shipped. Selecting or clearing check boxes here override the default states defined for the process on the From States tab of the Setup Fulfillment-Fulfillment Engine Options page (business unit level). If no value is entered, then the default comes from the Fulfillment Engine Options page (setID level).

Ship Date and Ship Time

Enter the ship date and ship time to be used on the demand line. If these fields are left blank, the system uses the current date and time.

Carrier ID

Enter the carrier ID to be used on all demand lines selected by this process. This entry overrides any previously entered value on an individual demand line.

Ship Via Code

Enter a shipping method ID to be applied.

Freight Terms Code or Freight Trm

Enter a freight terms code to be applied.

Freight Calculate Flag

(For sales order from PeopleSoft Order Management only) Select to have PeopleSoft calculate the freight, at the request-level, for any carrier that has an internal freight carrier specified on the CARRIER_TBL. The calculated freight costs are then applied to all sales orders in the request. The costs are prorated across multiple sales orders within the same request by the item weight for each order line. If the selection criteria of this request includes a Ship Container ID, then the calculated freight amount is applied to the container and the order. If a previous freight amount exists, then the calculated freight amount is added to it.

Note. You cannot enter a value in the Freight Amount field in this section and also select this check box to calculate freight for the request.

Pro Number

Enter a pro number to be applied to the entire request. This entry overrides any previously entered value on an individual demand line.

Freight Amount

(For sales order from PeopleSoft Order Management only) Enter the freight costs for the entire request. If a value is entered in this field, then the amount is prorated across the sales orders of the request and inserted into the SHIP_FRT_MISC record. The costs are prorated across multiple sales orders within the same request by the item weight for each order line. If the selection criteria of this request includes a Ship Container ID, then the freight amount is applied to the container and the order. If a previous freight amount exists, then the freight amount is added to it.

Note. You cannot enter a value in the Freight Amount field in this section and also select this check box to calculate freight for the request.

Tracking Number

Enter a tracking number. This entry overrides any previously entered value on the container. A tracking number cannot be entered unless a shipping container ID is specified either as an override or in the selection criteria.

Storage Location or Storage Area

Enter the material storage location to be used for picking.

Ship Cntr ID

Enter a shipping container ID to be applied to the request. Everything in the request is packed in the container. If some of the lines were already in a different container, the process instance will error.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Fulfillment Engine Shipping Requests

Access the Shipping Requests page.

Use this process page to submit requests to the fulfillment engine to move the demand lines of a material stock request or sales order from an unfulfilled, releasable, released, or confirmed state to a shipped state. If auto-processing is enabled, this process could move the demand lines further downstream to the depleted state.

For the field descriptions on these search criteria, see the Common Elements Used in This Chapter section.

See Common Elements Used in This Chapter.


The Front End Shipping Requests process and the Shipping Requests process move demand lines from an earlier state to the shipped state; therefore, it may be necessary to enter shipping overrides for demand lines selected by the process. The overrides are applied to all demand lines in the request. The following overrides and related options are available for these process pages:

Clear Overrides After Each Run

(at the top of the process page) Select to remove all override entries from the run control process page after each run. Use this check box when the overrides should only apply to this process run. Do not select this check box if you want the same overrides used each time this run control is processed.

Shipping ID

Enter a shipping ID. If this field is left blank, the system assigns the next sequential shipping ID based on the Inventory Definition -Business Unit Counters page.

From States

Select the starting fulfillment status of the demand lines to be shipped. Selecting or clearing check boxes here override the default states defined for the process on the From States tab of the Setup Fulfillment-Fulfillment Engine Options page (business unit level). If no value is entered, then the default comes from the Fulfillment Engine Options page (setID level).

Ship Date and Ship Time

Enter the ship date and ship time to be used on the demand line. If these fields are left blank, the system uses the current date and time.

Carrier ID

Enter the carrier ID to be used on all demand lines selected by this process. This entry overrides any previously entered value on an individual demand line.

Ship Via Code

Enter a shipping method ID to be applied.

Freight Terms Code or Freight Trm

Enter a freight terms code to be applied.

Freight Calculate Flag

(For sales order from PeopleSoft Order Management only) Select to have PeopleSoft calculate the freight, at the request-level, for any carrier that has an internal freight carrier specified on the CARRIER_TBL. The calculated freight costs are then applied to all sales orders in the request. The costs are prorated across multiple sales orders within the same request by the item weight for each order line. If the selection criteria of this request includes a Ship Container ID, then the calculated freight amount is applied to the container and the order. If a previous freight amount exists, then the calculated freight amount is added to it.

Note. You cannot enter a value in the Freight Amount field in this section and also select this check box to calculate freight for the request.

Pro Number

Enter a pro number to be applied to the entire request. This entry overrides any previously entered value on an individual demand line.

Freight Amount

(For sales order from PeopleSoft Order Management only) Enter the freight costs for the entire request. If a value is entered in this field, then the amount is prorated across the sales orders of the request and inserted into the SHIP_FRT_MISC record. The costs are prorated across multiple sales orders within the same request by the item weight for each order line. If the selection criteria of this request includes a Ship Container ID, then the freight amount is applied to the container and the order. If a previous freight amount exists, then the freight amount is added to it.

Note. You cannot enter a value in the Freight Amount field in this section and also select this check box to calculate freight for the request.

Tracking Number

Enter a tracking number. This entry overrides any previously entered value on the container. A tracking number cannot be entered unless a shipping container ID is specified either as an override or in the selection criteria.

Storage Location or Storage Area

Enter the material storage location to be used for picking.

Ship Cntr ID

Enter a shipping container ID to be applied to the request. This entry overrides any previously entered value on an individual demand line.

Complete Flag

(Shipping Requests process page only) Choose a Complete Flag option to automatically performing picking functionality on demand lines that have no previous picking activity reported against them.

See Utilizing the Fulfillment Engine.

Click to jump to parent topicShipping Using the Fulfillment Engine EIPs

Third-party systems can use the following inbound EIPs to send PeopleSoft fulfillment transaction requests that ship orders using the fulfillment engine:

These EIPs are especially useful when dealing with a large number of orders. Data originating from external systems can be processed through service operations within the PeopleSoft Integration Broker. This data can request to move material stock orders and sales orders from one fulfillment status to another. PeopleSoft delivers these asynchronous service operations that enable you to post data to the Integration Broker and receive a response indicating the data has been received. These requests are placed in staging tables and then processed by the fulfillment engine using the Fulfillment Requests process.

See Also

Processing Inbound EIPs for the Fulfillment Engine

Click to jump to parent topicDepleting Inventory Balances

The Deplete On Hand Quantity (Depletion) process completes the final step in order fulfillment by depleting the Inventory business unit for the shipped stock and marking the demand lines as depleted. Once this process has been run, the demand lines cannot by unshipped. The Deplete On Hand Quantity process selects demand lines in the shipped state and:

In addition, this process performs the following functions to prepare shipped orders for further processing:

You can launch the process using the Deplete On Hand Qty Requests process page, the Shipping/Issues-Order Summary page, the Express Issue page, the Front End Shipping process, and the Shipping process.

See Also

Staging Sales Orders and Intercompany Transfers for PeopleSoft Billing

Using Vendor Managed Inventory

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicNumbering Transaction History Records Using Set-Based Processing

Within the Deplete On Hand Qty process, a substantial reduction in processing time can be achieved by using set-based processing to number the lines of the newly-created transaction history records placed in TRANSACTION_INV. As delivered, the system uses row-by-row processing to create the transaction history sequence numbers. By performing additional setup steps you can switch from row-based processing to set-based processing to generate the line numbers.

Note. The set-based approach is optional. The delivered default option is the row-by-row approach.

Set-based processing of the line numbers can be accomplished by using the database platform’s approach and syntax to generate sequential numbers. All PeopleSoft supported database platforms have an approach for generating sequence numbers within the database. The Deplete On Hand Qty process can take advantage of this feature with some minor additional setup steps.

The architecture of the set-based sequence approach is similar across all platforms with just a few changes for platform specific syntax:

Database Platform

Sequential Numbering Method

Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase, DB2, and OS390

These platforms use an IDENTITY type column. When a table is created with an identity column, the sequence numbers are generated automatically by the database behind the scenes.


This platform uses a SERIES type column. When a table is created with a series column, the sequence numbers are generated automatically by the database behind the scenes.


This platform uses a ROWNUM function to generate sequential numbers.

The set-based sequencing approach depends on a special installation process to set up the objects. The setup has the following steps on all platforms except Oracle:

  1. Find the DMS for your specific database platform.

    The scripts are located on the scripts folder: <PeopleTools home>\scripts.

    Database Platform

    PeopleSoft Data Mover Script

    Microsoft SQL Server











    (no DMS needed)

  2. Engage your Database Administrator and review the provided PeopleTools DMS.

    If the database is configured to use the unicode character set, then the DMS must be modified manually. Some platforms require tablespace names and other database administration parameters to be defined as part of the create table command.

  3. Run the provided PeopleTools DMS to recreate the sequence numbering work table (the IN_DP_TR2_TM2 record) with an IDENTITY type column (or SERIES type column on Informix).

  4. The Set based Sequencing check box on the Installation Options- Inventory page should now be available.

    Select the check box to use set-based sequencing.

On Oracle, the installation process for set-based sequencing is just one step. Select the Set based Sequencing check box on the Installation Options- Inventory page. It is always available on an Oracle platform. The system uses a built-in database ROWNUM function and work table (the IN_DP_TR2_TMP record) as originally installed by PeopleTools.

At run time, the Deplete On Hand Qty process checks for three specific issues before deciding to use set-based sequencing:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Deplete Inventory Balances

Page Name

Object Name



Deplete On Hand Qty Requests


Inventory, Fulfill Stock Orders, Shipping, Deplete On Hand Quantity

Establish parameters for a stock depletion request.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Deplete On Hand Qty Process

Access the Deplete On Hand Qty Requests page.

For the field descriptions on these search criteria, see the Common Elements Used in This Chapter section.

See Common Elements Used in This Chapter.

Click to jump to parent topicShipping and Invoicing Orders Automatically

When you ship intercompany transfers and sales orders originating in PeopleSoft Order Management, you can automate both the shipping process and invoice creation. Running the Ship and Invoice process page launches the Direct Invoicing with AutoShip multiprocess job (DIRAUTO), which confirms, ships, depletes, and creates invoices for the shipped stock. In addition to direct invoicing, the Ship and Invoice job can also be used to print packing lists, bills of landing, and send out ASNs. This PeopleSoft job should be set up to include only those functions needed by the user. The job starts with the Picking Confirmations process using the auto-processing option. Demand lines are moved from a released state to the depleted state.

Note. This process cannot be run for a Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) business unit.

See Also

Understanding Order Fulfillment Processing

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Page Name

Object Name



Ship and Invoice


Inventory, Fulfill Stock Orders, Shipping, Ship and Invoice

Run the direct invoicing with the AutoShip multiprocess job.

Bill of Lading Options


Select the Bill of Lading Options link on the Ship and Invoice page.

Use this page to define bill of lading parameters, including; choosing domestic or foreign bill of lading reports, generating bar codes, and identifying the output type, format, and destination of the printed bill of lading reports.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Ship and Invoice Multiprocess Job

Access the Ship and Invoice page.

Indicate which items you want to confirm:

Business Unit

Enter the Inventory business unit.


Select the lines to be processed. The options are:

  • All: Confirm all demand lines in the business unit that have been picked and identified for confirmation.

    If you select this option, all subsequent fields are unavailable for entry.

  • Build Selection: Confirm demand lines meeting the criteria that you specify in the subsequent fields.

  • Range of Pick Batches: Confirm demand lines contained within the specified range of pick batches.

    Use the From and To fields to select a range of pick batch IDs.

Build Bills of Lading

Select to create and print bill of lading reports for the selected demand lines. The options are:

  • Build Bill of Lading: Select to add the Build Bill of Lading Request process (IN_FUL_BOL ) to the AutoShip multiprocess job. This process builds multiple BOLs automatically by grouping the selected demand lines onto BOLs by load, route, carrier, ship via, ship to, and address. This process adds the commodity code, quantity shipped, shipping UOM, shipping weight, and shipping volume into the BOL definition.

  • Build and Print Bill of Lading: Select to create and print the bill of lading reports using the Build Bill of Lading Request process.

  • No Bill of Lading: Select to not create or print bill of lading reports for the selected demand lines.

Bill of Lading Options

Select this link to access the Bill of Lading Options page where you can define bill of lading parameters, including; choosing domestic or foreign bill of lading reports, generating bar codes, and identifying the output type, format, and destination of the printed bill of lading reports.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Shipment Backlogs

You can view detailed information about and enter comments for orders that do not ship on time.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to View Shipment Backlogs

Page Name

Object Name



Shipping Backlogs


Inventory, Fulfill Stock Orders, Review Fulfillment Information, Shipping Backlogs

View orders that ship later than the scheduled date assigned during order entry.