Using the Contract Document Wizard

This chapter provides an overview of the contract wizard and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Contract Wizard

A contract wizard is a utility that assists you in authoring a document. Two types of wizards are available. The first is the configurator selection wizard. This wizard type helps authors determine which document configurator best meets their document needs. By using a predefined set of questions, authors are directed to a configurator that they can use to create a document.

The second wizard type is the document creation wizard. It automatically guides you through a set of questions or prompts for which you provide responses that support the document that you are creating. The utility automates document operations that determine the composition of the document and inserts known information such as vendor ID, dates, amounts, or items into the text within the document. The system stores contract wizard responses in wizard bind variables and uses them during document generation to process the rules and bind variables for the document configurator.

You can use the document creation process with the contract wizard to manage documentation procedures and polices. For example, you can use the wizard to ensure that certain contract language limits the extent to which suppliers can use the organization's name in their marketing literature. If the language only applies in some circumstances, you can create a wizard question to ask the contract authors when the language applies. If they answer that they want a marketing restriction, the system automatically includes the appropriate language in the correct place in the draft contract. If they answer no restrictions, the clause is omitted. Using wizard definitions, the system helps you consider issues that could delay or quicken the contract process.

You can use the document creation process with the contract wizard to author ad hoc and purchasing contract documents. Ad hoc documents are stand-alone documents that are not associated with a purchasing transaction. For example, an ad hoc document might be a nondisclosure agreement. A purchasing transaction document is a document that is associated with purchasing contract within the PeopleSoft Purchasing application.

To create a wizard, you define a set of one or more question groups that are unique to the wizard ID. A question group is a set of predefined questions that you can use across multiple wizards. For document creation wizards each question in the question group can be associated with a wizard bind variable. The questions are typically based on a specific topic and each question results in a response from the user. If you are using a document creation wizard, the system stores the question responses as a wizard bind variable.

Note. If you use a configurator selector wizard, the system collects the answers and places them in the generation log when you use the wizard.

To create a document using a wizard, you associate the wizard to a document configurator. The configurator is a template that the system uses to gather elements of a document and to structure the document. When you create a wizard and assign an ID, you use that ID in the configurator. Then, using the configurator to create a document, the system presents the wizard questions to the author. If you are using a configurator selector wizard, you also define the selector wizard that will select the appropriate configurator.

During processing, the system uses the responses that you provide for wizard questions to navigate within the questions of the question groups, to resolve rules, and to include text in the document. You can access document creation and configurator selector wizards using the Manage Document Library component.

Note. Amendment document configurators cannot have wizards specified for them; however, amendment configurators can use any wizard bind values set during the original generation of the contract.

Document creation and selector wizards are made up of these processes:

Wizard Bind Variables

Bind variables provide values that the system uses in wizard questions, in rules, or within the content of documents. The system uses two types of binds. The first, wizard binds, store the values of the responses from the questions within the question groups. Wizard bind variables have defined data types that include date, date/time, decimal, integer, string, and yes/no. Document creation wizards and question groups can use wizard bind variables while configurator selector wizards do not.

The second type of bind variables, transaction binds, pull information from a source transaction such as the purchasing contract transaction into the content of the contract document during document generation. The system provides predefined field values on the purchasing contract transaction that you can use in rules and documents. The transactional bind variable value is substituted for the bind variable place holder in the text within the contract content. For example, the system replaces the string %%Contract Amt%% within a clause text with the value of the contract amount from the transaction page. Since transaction bind variables map directly to a source transaction they are never specified within a wizard itself.

See Defining Binds for Use in Contract Wizards.

See Mapping Bind Variables.

Question Groups

A question group is a logical set of topic-related questions. A wizard type value specifies if the question group is to be used for a document creation wizard or for configurator selection. Question groups can have one or multiple questions. Each question can result in navigating within the question groups to a set of additional questions on a specific topic or in the case of a document creation wizard, the population of a wizard bind variable value.

When you assign a wizard bind variable to a question, the system stores the response to that question within the bind variable for later use when you create the document. The wizard bind variable values are specific to a single document generation and are not available to other documents.

A question used for navigation does not have a bind variable assigned to it. For example, if a question group contains questions for services and goods, a question such as “Is this contract for Services?” can be used to navigate to the set of service-related questions. The question on services does not have a bind variable assigned to it, since the response is used to navigate to other questions. You can use a question group in one or multiple wizards.

For a document creation wizard type, you can create a new bind variable from within a question group as you create the group. When you select to add a bind, the system provides access to the Bind Definition page, where you can add a bind to meet your question group needs. After saving the bind, the system places the new bind in the Bind Variable field on the Question Groups page. The system places the variable on the question row from which you selected to add the bind variable. From that point within the question group, you can create a list of valid values for the specific question related to this bind variable.

Wizard bind variables can also be used as data placeholders within a contract or document in the same way transactional bind variables are used. For example, the system replaces the string %%Contract_Max_Amount%% within a clause text with the value of the contract amount from the response to a question in the wizard.

For a document creation wizard type, you can also create a new rule from within a question group. Rule creation enables you to evaluate bind variables in the question group. Bind values must already exist before you can create the rule. You use the List of Valid Values page to add a rule. Within the rule definition, the system will default the bind variable and value within the rule criteria. You can then specify which content, clauses or sections, that you want to include in the document if the rule evaluates to true based on the author's response when running the wizard.

After you add the rule and return to the page, the system activates the Show Rules column. So, in the process of adding a question to a question group, you can create a new bind variable, create a list of valid values for the bind, and subsequently add a rule to evaluate the question's bind variable and values. These binds ultimately include or don't include additional content in the document based on the author's response to the question.

You can access question groups using the Manage Document Library component or from the Define Wizard page as you create or maintain a wizard definition. Individual questions always belong to a question group.

When you create a question group, you can also copy other question groups into the original group. You use the Copy From button to append a complete set of questions from a group into the original group, after which you can resequence all questions in the original question group.

Note. Be careful that you don't duplicate bind variables when copying question groups. Because you can't have duplicate binds in a question group, you must change the bind before saving the question group.

See Copying Question Groups.

Question Navigation

A question group navigational feature provides the capability for the system to navigate or branch from question to question, within a question group, based on the user's response to a question. Branching enables you to:

Navigation options are:

Navigation using wizard bind variable data types of Date, Date and Time, and Decimal do not support entry of a list of valid values for the wizard bind variable value. The system disables several fields on the List of Valid Value page, but still provides basic navigation options to go to the next question, the next question group, or a specific sequence.

Navigation using wizard bind variable data types of Integer, String, and Yes/No can use a list of valid values. The List of Valid Values page provides entry of the Valid Values, Description, and Navigate type for each value enter for the wizard bind variable.

The Yes/No data type has predefined values of Y and N and predefined descriptions of Yes and No.

The following example illustrates how a question with a date bind type might appear when you select to define or modify the question on the Question Groups page. The List of Valid Values page appears for you to define question navigation. Based on this example, the system navigates to question 007 when you enter a date as a response to the question:

Example of a date bind type navigation

When you define or modify questions with yes and no bind types or do not use a bind value, the system provides you a way to define navigation for both yes and no responses. The system displays the Valid Values and Description fields that are predefined for this bind type. You can also define navigational values. This example illustrates the yes and no bind type navigation values:

Example of yes and no bind type list of values

Using navigation based on a list of values, the value that you select determines the specific question to which the system navigates. String and integer bind types enable you to create a list of values from which the document author can select a response. An example of this type of navigation might be when a contract includes different types of hazardous material handling. The contract requires different clauses for each method of shipping material. Using a list of values, you can define questions and question navigation for each of the material shipping methods. You can create a list of values at any point while defining the question group.

The previous example illustrates the possible yes and no navigation values for the hazardous materials question. A yes answer guides the author to a specific sequence question 060 that might include a clause for shipping container requirements. A no answer guides the author to the next question.

This example illustrates how you create a question group for shipping materials:

List of values example

The purpose of a value list is to enable the document author to have the flexibility to address multiple situations in a document. In the previous example, the author's organization ships hazardous material using three methods: truck, rail, and boat. When setting up the question group, you initially provide the author with the choices for the method of shipping on which the contract is based. Then, setting up the navigation, you establish a sequence of questions for the shipping method you select.

Note. You must select either an integer or string bind type on the Question Group page to enter value lists for a question.

The instructions indicate that authors use the question group to create contracts that include shipment of hazardous materials. The first question asks for the method of shipping. A field is available for selecting the method. Navigational details display all the values that are available to answer the question. In the previous example, if you select the TRUCK value, the system navigates the you to question 060, which might begin a series of questions about vehicle weights, safety standards, and so on.

After you define the wizard, the wizard test mode provides a method to test the question logic without generating the document. You click the Test Mode button on the Wizard Definition page to test the wizard. This example illustrates how the system presents questions about material shipments in the wizard test mode:

Test-Document Creation Wizard page

You can define navigation for each value in a list of values using the same navigation options that are available for all bind types. So, for example, you might have a different question group that deals only with chemical questions, so you could skip to that question group to include clauses in the document for shipping these types of materials.

Wizard Processing for Document Creation

The contract wizard requires that an administrator configures the structures and data for the clauses, sections, rules, and configurators to which wizard definitions relate. Contract authors do not need that level of expertise. They only need the business knowledge to answer the predefined questions.

The next flowchart illustrates the flow for document creation using a wizard. The process begins when authors select a configurator ID that uses a wizard. During the processing, authors answer the wizard questions. When completed, they click the Finish button, and the system processes the document configurator by running the wizard, resolving bind variables, then creating the authored document.

This example illustrates the wizard process using the document creation type wizard:

Wizard processing

To create a wizard and use it to assist in generating a draft authored document, you:

  1. Define wizard bind variables.

    You use the bind variable in the wizard to substitute user-entered values into text within clauses and documents and to determine the result of a rule that can, in turn, include content in the document.

  2. Create question groups.

    A wizard consists of a single or multiple groups of questions. Each question can provide a value for the resulting document or can be a simple routing to the next question or question group. You can limit and control question navigation by using a list of values to incorporate certain questions and bypass others.

  3. Create the wizard.

    The system initially sets the wizard status to Draft. You can change the status to Available after completing and testing the wizard. You can also add question groups to the wizard and sequence them how you want.

  4. Test the wizard.

    A Test Mode button enables you to run the wizard without generating a document. You can go through the questions within a single or multiple question groups to ensure their flow and responses. This provides you a method to test the user paths and prompting within the wizard. You should perform further testing to evaluate each path when the wizard is linked to multiple configurators. The system doesn't save the answers that you provide in the test mode.

  5. Create the rules.

    Rules use logic along with wizard and transactional bind variable values to determine document composition. If the logic in a rule is true, then one or more clauses or sections can be added to the document. For example, if the wizard question asks “Is freight insurance required?,” the rule in a section or configurator can use the response value to add one or more clauses or sections to the document to specify freight insurance requirements. As part of this step, you should create rules that reference wizard responses, and also include those rules on any configurators or sections in document configurators to include related content.

    Note. To use rules with a wizard, you must specify them in the document configurator after you create them here. See the next step.

  6. Create a document configurator and attach the wizard.

    You can also change the wizard for an existing configurator. Using the configurator, you determine whether you use the wizard with an ad hoc or purchasing contract type of document. You should design the clause, section, and rules content in the configurator to reference appropriate wizard responses for the various paths in the wizard that you define in step 2.

    For example, you can include a clause directly on a configurator that contains a wizard bind that always requires a response in the associated wizard. If a response is not required the document could generate with unresolved bind values. Likewise, if a response is optional, and depending on navigation within the wizard because the clause containing the wizard bind is optional, then you should include the clause on the configurator through the use of a rule.

  7. Create a document.

    When you create a document, the system uses the configurator ID you selected on the Document Management page and invokes the wizard associated with that configurator.

  8. Respond to wizard questions.

    The system prompts you with wizard question groups in the order in which they occur in the wizard definition. You can bypass some questions or prompts if they are not activated based on bind settings in previous responses or if the question is marked as not required. When creating new documents, and you have a long wizard definition with many question groups, the document creation wizard enables Save for Later button that saves wizard values to which you have responded. In this case, the system has not created document. When you return to the document, the system uses your stored responses to the point in the question group that you saved your responses. After you create a document and entered the required wizard responses, the Save for Later button is no longer available.

  9. The system creates (generates) a draft-authored document.

    The system creates a document using the clauses, sections, and rules with the value of the wizard bind variables associated with questions substituted when wizard binds are referenced. For rules that render true based on wizard bind responses, the system includes the content related to the rule while clauses that contain wizard bind responses resolve the value.

    When wizards are more complex and contain multiple paths to test them, you should test all of the possible paths in the test environment and generate multiple documents with detailed logging turned on to validate that the system populates the right content and values in the document. You should do this before moving a wizard or configurator into production.

If you refresh the document or re-create the document, you might want to update some or all of the questions. The system prompts you with the existing populated wizard responses. You can change responses for questions.

If you change a question, the system might present additional questions or it might change the sequence of the questions if a changed value affects other questions. For example, if a question is only activated based on the response of a previous question and the previous questions response is modified, then you need to set the next question to its default value. If the wizard requires a response to a question in a question group, you cannot proceed to the next question group until you respond. The system displays a warning when required questions are not answered.

Note. If a question group or wizard changes after you generate a document, you cannot reuse existing answers when you re-create the document. You must complete the answers again.

Wizard Processing for Configurator Selection

In addition to defining wizards to create documents, you can define wizards to help determine which configurator you should use to create a document. When numerous configurators are available, it may be difficult to know which configurator specifically meets document requirements. This wizard enables you to answer questions that the system uses to determine which is the most appropriate configurator for you to use. In turn, this helps to limit the need for you to track and remember configurator IDs. You can only use this wizard feature in conjunction with document types.

The configurator selection wizard type is an optional tool that you can use to define questions that lead you to an appropriate configurator. When creating a question group, you specify which type of wizard the group can be used with. The system does not save questions answered as part of this wizard for use in the final document or for use with a document creation wizard; however, you can log and track configurator selection wizard answers using the Generation Logging feature.

Using these steps, you can invoke a configurator selector wizard:

  1. Define any question groups, and create the selector wizard using the Manage Library component.

  2. Access the Document Type page.

  3. Click the Configurator Selector button, and then select the selector wizard you want to use for the document type.

  4. Use the Add a Document page to create a document using the document type for which the selector wizard has been defined, and click the Add Document button.

    The Create Document page appears without a value in the Document Configurator field.

  5. Click the Configurator Selector button on the Create Document page.

    The system launches the selector wizard. After you respond to the questions, the system displays the document configurator most appropriate for the document you are creating.

  6. Click the Finish button.

    The system displays the Create Document page again, this time with the configurator the system will use to create the document. You can run the selector wizard again if you want to change any answers you initially provided prior to creating the document.

  7. Ensure you have entered a description for the document and click the Create Document button.

    The system creates the document and, if the creation process includes a document creation wizard, launches that wizard as well.

See Also

Generating Microsoft Word Documents

Click to jump to parent topic Setting Up Question Groups for the Contract Wizard

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Question Groups for the Contract Wizard

Page Name

Object Name



Question Groups


Supplier Contracts, Manage Contract Library, Question Groups

Enter the question group name and select the Document Creation wizard type.

Define question groups for the contract wizard.

Question Groups


Supplier Contracts, Manage Contract Library, Question Groups

Enter the question group name and select the Configurator Selection wizard type.

Define question groups that you use to determine which document configurator to use. This page is similar to the page used to define wizard question groups.

Copy Question Group


Supplier Contracts, Manage Contract Library, Question Groups

Click the Copy From button on the Question Groups page.

Create a question group based on another group. After you copy the group, you can edit the questions to create the new question group.

List of Valid Values


Click the Modify or Define link in the Valid Values & Navigation field on the Question Groups page.

Define question values and navigation details.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Document Creation Question Groups

Access the Question Groups page.

Use this page to define individual questions that comprise a question group.

The system uses wizard questions to resolve special wizard binds that are contained within document. A Copy From button is available that enables you to locate and copy an existing question group. A question group must have at least one question and at least one bind variable with which it is associated.

Binds that are not yes/no binds should appear only once in a question group. When you save the question group, the system validates for yes and no questions that can be left unresolved for a single question.

Copy From

Click to access the Copy Question Group page, where you can select a setID and a specific question group from which to copy questions into the current question group or the question group you are creating.

See Copying Question Groups.


Displays the type of wizard to which this question group belongs. The Configurator Selection wizard type includes question groups that contain questions that you can use to help determine a configurator for a document. The Document Creation type determines document contents.

Clause ID

Select the clause from which you want to gather bind variables to include in this question group. A clause ID is not required to create a question group. When you use a clause to define a group, the system searches the clause for any defined wizard binds and populates the question grid with those bind variables. If the clause you select does not contain bind variables, the system displays a warning message and does not populate the question. This field is not available for configurator selection type question groups.

Instructional Text

Enter additional information that might aid in the use of this question group, such as material from a published regulation. This text will always be available for review when using the question group. If you use a clause, the system populates this field with the instructional text from the clause. If you do not include instructional text, this field does not display when you run the wizard.

Where Used

Click to view where the question group is in use on wizard definitions. You can view which wizard definitions might be affected by a change to this question group.

Seq (sequence)

Enter a number that defines the order in which the question is asked in the question group. You can redefine the sort order at any time. The wizard uses the display sequence during execution to order the questions. The system will automatically order the questions from the lowest to the highest number. You cannot use the same number twice and you can use any number up to 999.

If you make a sequence change that would affect a set of responses already given to this question group, the system displays an error. This field is required.


Select to indicate that the response box must be completed when you run the wizard. If you select a bind variable and it is a yes/no bind, then the system automatically selects the Required check box.


Enter a question. This is the question that document authors answer when they run the wizard to create a document. The answers to these questions determine the content of the document based a combination of bind variables and yes and no answers. This is a required field.

Click the Expand button next to the Question field to increase the text display area and enter longer questions. Click the Spell Check button to check the spelling of the question.

No Bind Value

Select to indicate that a question is not directly tied to a bind variable, but is used to determine flow within the group. The system disables the Bind Variable field. If you leave the field blank, you must select a bind variable.

If you are updating the question and change the value in this field, the system displays a warning message. Changing bind variables removes list and navigation values that are based on the bind type and length.

Add Bind

Click to access the Binds page where you can create a bind and use it in this question group. If you are changing an existing bind, the system will remove any list and navigational values defined for the question. After you complete the bind, the system automatically adds it to the Bind Variable field.

Bind Variable

Select a bind variable. This variable is placeholder data within a contract or document, or it can be used in rules to control composition of the document. The system replaces the bind variable with the data represented by the variable when the document is created.

You assign a bind variable to a question and the system stores the wizard response to that question with the bind variable for later use during document generation. The system defines binds in the wizard using the CS_BIND table with a CS_BIND_TYPE of Wizard=3.

Note. You cannot use the same bind more than once in document. The system displays a warning when you attempt to save a wizard that contains the same bind, even if the bind is in another question group.


Displays the description of the bind variable. You can update the description using the Bind Definition page.

Valid Values

Click to access the List of Valid Values page, where you can define or modify values and navigation for this question. The Modify link appears when you either select a yes/no or date bind variable or when you do not use a bind variable.

The Define link appears when you select a string or decimal type bind variable.


Indicates whether the available responses to this question have defined navigation values. Click the Define or Modify link to access the navigation setup.

Field Type

Displays the type of field. This value is determined by the system when you select to include or not include a bind in a question. If you select a bind, the field type for that bind appears in the Bind Variable field. If you select not to include a bind, then Yes/No appears. Field types include: String, Integer, Date, Date/Time, and Yes/No.

Along with the field type, the size of the field displays when the field type is String. When the bind is other than a sting field type, the system does not display values. The system determines string sizes when you define the bind and select String as the field type. The system prompts you for the maximum number of characters to use in the string. Values are: 2, 5, 12, 30, and 256 characters.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Configurator Selection Question Groups

Access the Question Groups page.

The Question Groups page for configurator selection questions is similar to the page for document creation questions, but it's purpose is different. Questions for configurator selector wizards should guide authors through questions that help them determine which document configurator best meets their requirements. Configurator selector wizards are assigned to document types on the Document Types page. The system selects the configurator to which the question responses lead.

Examples of these types of questions might included:

The differences between the pages are that the configurator selection page:

See Defining Document Creation Question Groups.

The previous page provides examples of how questions might be structured for a configurator selection question group.

Source Transaction

Select the source transaction on which you want to base this question group. This field is only available when you are creating a configurator selection type question group.

Values include:

Ad Hoc: Select if you want this question group to use an ad hoc document configurator ID. Ad hoc source transaction documents are not constrained by procurement requirements, and you can use them for a variety of organizational purposes.

Purchasing Contract: Select if you want this question group to use a document configurator based on a purchasing contract transaction. Purchasing contract transaction documents are tied to a specific contract ID and extract specific information from the contract to include in the document.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCopying Question Groups

Access the Copy Question Group page.

Using the Copy From button on the Questions Group page, you can either create a new question group or append an existing question group with questions from the group you are copying.

Each question group being copied will be appended to any questions that may already exist in the original question group grid. If question group instructions or the clause ID on the originating page are blank, then the system copies these values. After appending a copied question group to the original group, you can resequence questions, but keep in mind that resequencing is subject to cross checks with navigational references.

Note. Remember that when resequencing questions, the system validates navigational references. So the question must be sequenced to match the navigation or you need to update navigation references.

Copy From Question Group

Select the question group from which you want to either create a new group or append an existing question group. The list of values only contains the question groups for the wizard type you are using.

For copied items, the system increments lines in the Navigate to Sequence field on the List of Valid Values page by the amount of the initial starting sequence number. The system also provides a message to warn you to verify the sequence numbers. If you are copying from multiple question groups, you should perform a save between copying different question groups. If a transaction is outstanding, the system prompts you to save and continue with the copy function.

After you select the group to copy and click OK, the system populates the new group with the copied questions. You can then edit, add, or delete questions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Question Values and Navigation Details

Access the List of Valid Values page.

Use this page to define how to process responses to questions and how you can branch from one question to another. Branching provides flexibility in navigating from question to question in a question group.

Note. If you are defining a question group that uses a configurator selection wizard type, the Rules tab is not available because the system does not store those values.

Display Sequence

Displays the order in which the question is asked in the question group.


Displays the question text.

Display Option

Use this field to select how you want the system to display information about the question group. Values include:

Display Description at Runtime: Displays when the system processes the wizard during document generation and during wizard testing.

Display Value at Runtime: Displays when the system processes the wizard during document generation and during wizard testing.

Navigation Only (No Values): Displays only the navigation that the system uses when an author responds to this wizard question. This value is not available for question groups using a configurator selection wizard type.


Select to define this question response as the default value when the system displays the question to the document author. If you select a response as a default value, you cannot define navigation for that response.

Valid Values

Enter a value that the system displays for this question. The system uses this as a default entry when the question displays for an author.


Enter a description of the value that you entered in the Valid Value field.

Navigation Choices

Select a navigation action that the system should take when a document author is using the wizard to create a document. Values include:

Next Group: Select to indicate that the document author should use the first question in the next question group.

Next Question: Select to indicate that the document author should use the next sequenced question in this question group.

Specific Configurator: Select to indicate that the document author should navigate to a specific document configurator. When you select this option, the system makes the Configurator ID column available, where you must provide a configurator ID. Also, when a document author is answering the wizard question, the wizard ends with this navigation and the selected configurator is used to created the document.

Specific Sequence: Select to indicate that the document author should bypass the next question and go to a specific question in this question group.

Navigate to Sequence

Select a sequence number that represents the next question you want to ask in the question group. You can select questions with a sequence number higher than the current question. This field becomes available when you select Specific Sequence in the Navigation Choices field.

Configurator ID

Select a document configurator that you want this wizard to provide based on question answers. You can define a different configurator for each question. This field is available when you select Specific Configurator in the Options field.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Contract Wizard Definitions

This section discusses how to:

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Object Name



Define Wizard


Supplier Contracts, Manage Contract Library, Wizards

Define wizard information for document creation or configurator selector wizards.

Test-Document Creation Wizard


Click the Test Mode link on the Define Wizard page for a document creation wizard.

Test wizard values for document creation wizards.

Test-Configurator Selection Wizard


Click the Test Mode link on the Define Wizard page for a configurator selection wizard.

Test wizard values for configurator selection wizards.

Wizard Summary


Click the View Expanded Wizard link on the Define Wizard page.

View expanded wizards.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Wizard Information

Access the Define Wizard page.

You can use this page to add or maintain a document creation or configurator selector wizard. When you add a wizard, the Copy From button is available for you to locate and copy an existing wizard. When you maintain a wizard, the Test Mode button is available to test the wizard flow.

Wizard ID

Displays the system identifier for this wizard. When the wizard is available for use, you can select it from the wizard ID list when you create or maintain a document configurator.

Copy From

Click to access the Copy Wizard Definition page. You use the page to search for other wizard IDs that might be similar to the type of document requirement you have. The search is within the current setID. When you save the current question group, the button is no longer available.

Wizard Type

Displays the type of wizard the system will create. You select this value when you add the wizard, and it determines the use of the wizard. Values are:

Configuration Selection: Select to define the wizard for use with a document type. The document type uses questions in wizard to guide you to the appropriate configurator.

Document Creation: Select to use the wizard with a document configurator to create a document. Using this type of wizard, you define the wizard ID on the Document Configurator Definition page, and during document creation, you use question groups to populate bind variables for the document.

Test Mode

Click to access either the Test-Document Creation Wizard or the Test-Configurator Selection Wizard page, where you can review and verify the question flow used with the wizard.

See Testing Wizard Values.

Wizard Status

Select a value to indicate the state of the wizard. The status determines if the wizard is available for use throughout the system or is still in a draft mode. The Available value means that you can use the wizard to create documents, and the wizard will appear in lists of values for wizards. If you select Draft, the wizard cannot be used to create documents and does not appear with available wizards.

Where Used

Click to access the Search for All Content Instances page, where you can view where this wizard is used.


Enter a value that uniquely describes the wizard.

Wizard Instructions

Enter any information that you want to provide with the wizard. The information should relate to the purpose of the wizard and any requirements for its use in creating a document.

View Expanded Wizard

Click this link to access the Wizard Summary page. Use this page to view all aspects of the wizard, including its questions, sequence, and navigation routes. You can also download the information to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

Create New Question Group

Click to access the Question Group page, where you can define another set of questions for this wizard. The system provides a new page for this function.

See Defining Document Creation Question Groups.

Display Sequence

Enter the order in which the system should use a question group. When you use the wizard to create a document, the Wizard Execution routine asks the questions contained in the group in the sequence you define, beginning with the lowest number.

Question Group

Select a group of questions that you want to use in this wizard definition. You can define multiple groups and execute them in any sequence you define. Available question groups are determined by the wizard type you select.

Question Description

Click to view the questions contained in this question group. Along with the questions, you can view yes and no navigation details and the bind variables. You use this link to verify that you selected the correct question group.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTesting Wizard Values

Access the Test-Configurator Selector Wizard page.

Use this page to review how the system presents the questions. In test mode, the system processes the wizard questions but does not create a document.

When in test mode, bind variables, navigation, required check boxes, and question descriptions are visible for each question. The question, using a defined set of valid values, also has a Navigation Detail grid to display the valid values, description, and navigation details.

You can also enter values to test the navigation flow, but the system does not save the values. Use the Next and Previous buttons to navigate between question groups in test mode. You can change the responses to questions to assist in resolving navigation logic. The system populates the length for the question response from the wizard bind definition.

Use the Navigation Details grid to view navigation details for a question.

Group Instructions

Displays the instructions for each group as you go from one group to another. You cannot edit the instructions in test mode because they are read-only. If instructions were not entered for the question group, then this field does not appear.


When the system loads the wizard binds, the object type and name are blank and the sequence number is always set to zero. When the system expands the document, it determines where those wizard binds are used and sets the object type and name fields. If a yes/no bind variable is referenced multiple times, then the last response is the one that the system writes to the CS_WIZARD_BINDS record.


Click this button to return to the Wizard Definition page at anytime while you are testing the wizard.

When testing a configurator selector wizard, and there is a question answered that resolves the wizard, the system displays a note indicating what happened. During actual document processing, you would be returned to the document creation process at that point.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Expanded Wizards

Access the Wizard Summary page.

Use the page to view how a wizard flows. Unlike testing a wizard, during which you use the wizard to review questions, the Wizard Summary page enables you to see the entire flow of the wizard, including its navigational jumps on the same page and possible answers to questions. You can print the page and download it to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

Seq (sequence)

Displays the sequence of question groups within the wizard.

Question Group

Displays the name of the question group. Values in this column represent a single question group. Information below this row relates to questions in this question group.

Question Display Sequence

Displays the sequence of questions within the question group.

Bind Variable

Displays the bind variable value. If the No Bind Value check box was selected on the Question Group page, ** no bind variable ** appears in this field.


Displays whether a response is required for the question. Values include Y and N.

Display Option

Displays how the system presents information about the question group when it processes a question group. Values include:

Display Description at Runtime: Displays the description when the system processes the wizard during document generation and during wizard testing.

Display Value at Runtime: Displays the value when the system processes the wizard during document generation and during wizard testing.

Navigation Only (No Values): Displays only the navigation that the system uses when an author responds to this wizard question. This value is not available for question groups using a configurator selection wizard type.

Possible Answers

Displays the answers that have been defined for the question. You define these values using the Define or Modify link on the Question Groups page. Use the Valid Values field on the List of Valid Values page to define the value.

Answer Description

Displays the description for the answer.


Displays the navigation for this question. For example, depending on the answer, the system might navigate to the next question group.

Go to Seq (go to sequence)

Displays the sequence number for the next question. This value appears when a question is set to navigate to a question that is out of sequence within the question group.

Configurator ID

Displays the configurator selector wizard that the system will use with the corresponding answer to this question.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Documents Using Contract Wizards

This section provides an overview of document creation and discusses how to use a wizard to create documents.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Document Creation

When you create a document, the system establishes a document based on the structure that is defined in the document configurator and answers to wizard questions. The system loads the wizard definition that is associated with the configurator ID and runs the question group or groups that are associated with the wizard definition. Authors will answer questions when prompted by the contract wizard. At the end of the process, the system creates the document that is ready for editing or approval.

You should not change a wizard that is currently being used in documents because the wizard question responses can change the composition of the document and can change information in the content of the document. If a wizard is changed, for example, you add a new question, you must evaluate how the changes will affect existing documents or contracts. If you make a change to a question group that is associated with a wizard that would affect multiple uses of that question group, the system displays a warning message. And, you will need to enter the wizard responses again when re-creating the document.

To create an ad hoc or source transaction document using a wizard:

  1. Determine the document configurator and corresponding wizard that relate to the document you want to create.

  2. Ensure that the Wizard ID field on the Document Configurator Definition page displays the wizard that you want to use, or click the Configurator Selector button if it's available.

  3. Access the Contract Entry page for entering a purchasing contract.

    The system adds the contract information to the Purchasing transaction page. After you save the contract, the system displays the Add a Document button. Use the Contract Entry page to create only source transaction documents.

  4. Click the Add a Document button.

    The system displays the Document Management page. Make sure that you enter the configurator with the appropriate wizard in the Configurator ID field and complete the remaining entries. Also, ensure that the dates are valid or you will not be able to save the document when you complete it. You should have run the wizard in test mode to determine if any validation problems occur.

  5. Click the Create Document button.

    The system displays the Wizard Execution page along with the wizard questions. You scroll through the pages answering wizard questions. The system hides questions that are not part of the navigation based on the author's responses to the questions. The system provides Next and Previous buttons for you to use in scrolling between question groups. When you reach the last question group, the system displays the Finish button.

  6. Click the Finish button to complete the wizard questions.

    The system displays the Document Management page with the document's details and sets the document status to Draft. At this point, you can view or edit the document or send it for collaboration or approval.

    Note. The system warns you if the wizard has changed since the document was generated. This means that if you continue with the re-creation, the system erases previous answers that were supplied through the wizard. You must reenter the answers. Changes in the wizard's use in a document can affect the composition of the document and may change values within the content.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create Documents Using Contract Wizards

Page Name

Object Name



Wizard Execute - Document Creation


Supplier Contracts, Create Documents and Contracts, Document Management

Select a Configurator ID that uses a contract wizard to for document creation.

Create documents using contract wizards.

Configurator Selection Wizard


Supplier Contracts, Create Documents and Contracts, Document Management

Select to create a document type that uses a configurator selector wizard on the Add a Document page.

Create documents using contract wizards.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing a Wizard to Create Documents

Access the Wizard Execute - Document Creation or the Configurator Selection Wizard page. The system automatically displays these pages when you are using wizards.

Use these pages to answer wizard questions. The system displays information about the wizard that includes the description and instructions. The Question Groups area displays the name of the question group and any instructions defined for the group. The Questions area displays wizard questions. An asterisk (*) indicates when a question is required; otherwise, you do not have to answer it. You the Previous and Next buttons to navigate among question groups.

The Refresh Document and Recreate Document functions on the Document Management page check to see if responses already exist in the CS_WIZARD_BIND record for this wizard. If they do, then the system populates the previous answers before execution. The system verifies the questions and responses when you save the wizard values.

Question Group

Displays the group identifier for the questions that are listed on this page.

Group Instructions

Displays detailed instructions about how the you use the wizard and the implication of questions. You define this information when you create the question group, and it cannot be changed. Use the Expand Question button to see additional instructional text.


Click to return to the previous list of questions. The Previous button is initially disabled if you are on the first question group in a series. If you have more than one page of questions, the system makes the button available on the next page.


Click to go to the next page of questions. The next page might be a continuation of a question group or another question group.


Click to create the document based on wizard questions and definitions. The system displays the Document Management page, where you can perform other tasks with the document.

Save for Later

Click to save your responses to the wizard questions. The system displays a confirmation page. When you click the OK button, the system saves your responses to this point in the wizard and exits the wizard. The document is not yet created because you have not responded to all of the wizard questions. When you are ready to continue, search for the document and click Create Document button to continue creating it. The system displays your existing responses. You can page through the wizard to return to the last response. From that point, you can complete the questions and finish the wizard.

Click the Cancel button on the confirmation page to return to the using the wizard. The Save for Later button is available regardless of the number of questions in the wizard, and is only available for use with document creation wizards.

See Also

Defining Document Creation Question Groups

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Binds for Use in Contract Wizards

This section discusses how to define wizard binds.

See Also

Understanding Contract Wizards

Defining Bind Definitions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define Binds for Use in Contract Wizards

Page Name

Object Name



Bind Definition


Supplier Contracts, Manage Contract Library, Binds

Define wizard binds.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Wizard Binds

Access the Bind Definition page.

Use this page to create bind variables for a wizard. Bind types can be Transactional or Wizard. When you select a bind type of Wizard, the system makes the bind available for use in wizards. The binds will, in turn, either populate content on the resulting document or be used for determining the applicability of rules that drive clause or section inclusion in the document. You cannot interchange the use of transactional and wizard binds because the wizard can only store responses in wizard bind variables.

The system maps transactional bind variable values to the fields in the purchasing contract transaction. A question group in a wizard is required to have at least one defined bind variable field.

Binds for use in the wizard are stored in the CS_BIND record with a CS_BIND_TYPE of Wizard=3.

Field Type

Select the type of data for use in this bind field. This a required field for a wizard bind type. Field types are:

Date: Select to use the date and time as a bind field. When you select this value, the Display Format field appears for you to select the format for the date and time.

Date/Time: This field is not for use with wizard type binds. If you select it, the system displays Invalid Value as a default value.

Decimal: Select to enable decimal entries for the bind field. The maximum length for a decimal is 23.8.

Integer: Select to use numeric values in the bind field. The maximum length for an integer is 23.

String: Select to enter the bind field as a string of data. The length of text string depends on a predefined field length. You must complete the Field Length field if you select String. Lengths can limit characters up to 2, 5, 12, 30, and 254. The system validates the values when you save the bind.

Yes/No: Select to use the bind field with a yes or no answer.

Field Length

Select the maximum number of characters to use for the bind field. This field appears when you select the String field type. These lengths are predefined.

Display Format

Select the predefined format in which you want the date and time to appear in this bind field. The field appears when you select the Date field type. If the display format value is left blank, the system displays an error because the format is required.

See Also

Mapping Bind Variables

Setting Up Contract Rules