Setting Up PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management

This chapter provides an overview of PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management setup and discusses how to:

Note. PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management uses Microsoft Word 2003 Professional version and Microsoft Office Word 2003 Markup Language (Microsoft WordML) extensively for document authoring. Certain multibyte characters are in Microsoft Word that cannot be supported when you integrate with a nonmultibyte PeopleSoft database for clause content in the library. If you are not using a Unicode Standard database, you should not use these special characters. This exception applies to library setup because the system stores this content in its database. This exception does not apply to modified documents after they have been generated.

You also must set up PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management to enable syndication, contract agreements, approvals, and Verity searching. This chapter does not provide setup requirements for these features. See the corresponding chapters for setup information about these features.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management Setup

This chapter discusses the general setup information that the system uses to control the document authoring system. Using supplier contract authoring for transactional purchasing contracts and ad hoc document generation requires basic setup to enable authoring. For example, basic document authoring includes:

See Also

Understanding Contract Agreements

Setting Up Contract Syndication

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Supplier Contract Attachment FTP Servers and Directories

To set up attachment FTP servers and directories, use the Administer File Attachment component (SAC_ATT_ADMIN).

This section discusses how to add FTP servers.

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Page Name

Object Name



Administer File Attachments


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, File Attachments, Administer File Attachments

Add FTP servers for supplier contract attachments. Click the Add FTP Server button on the Administer File Attachments page to add server information.

Note. The Supplier Contract Management application does not support database server types.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding FTP Servers

Access the Administer File Attachments page.

Prior to accessing a component in the system that stores or retrieves files, you must set up an attachment file-transfer program server and its appropriate directories. The system stores and retrieves attachments for Supplier Contract Management from the server locations that are defined on this page.

System administrators can configure one or more servers to store attachments. These servers can be FTP servers only. Using this page, system administrators set up new servers and identify the active server. They can add or modify the FTP root folder and the component-specific subfolder for FTP servers. Administrators set up the attachment server and directories to operate:

File Attachment Servers

Use this grid to add file transfer protocol servers. Click the Add FTP Server button to add a server.

Pick Active Server

Select the server ID that you want to make active for the entire installation.

ID (server ID)

Displays the system-assigned ID number for each server on this page. When an attachment is stored on the server, the server ID is inserted into the attachment record. When you request to download (view) this attachment, the system retrieves it from the original server based on the server ID.


Identifies the type of server based on whether you click the Add FTP Server button or the Add Database Server button. After you save the row and quit the component, you cannot change the server type. Values include: FTP (file transfer protocol server) and DB (database server).

Note. PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management does not support the database server type.


Enter or change the login name. This is required for FTP servers.


Enter or change the password corresponding to the login name. The password is required for FTP servers.

Server/Record Name

Enter a value for both FTP servers and database servers. For FTP servers, enter the machine name. After you save the information, the machine name should be changed only if the same FTP server is renamed. To add a different FTP server, click the Add FTP Server button to insert a new row into the grid and define the new server. You cannot delete servers, because attachments could already be stored on them.


Enter the subdirectory path under the server's FTP root where all attachments are to be stored. This is a required field for FTP servers.

Add FTP Server

Click to insert a new row in the grid to define a new FTP server for attachments.

Add Database Server

Click to insert a new row in the grid to define a new database server for attachments.

Note. PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management does not support the use of database servers.

Component Subdirectories

Use this grid after you set up the attachment server to specify specific server subdirectories for the appropriate components. This enables you to segregate and better manage files on the file server as they pertain to contracts. The next table provides examples of how you can set up subdirectories. You can select any path name you want for a subdirectory. You set up subdirectories for these components:


Path Example




Stores clause information for Microsoft Word 2003 editing.



Stores contract agreement results that are attachments.



Stores transactional contract-entry related attachments.



Stores generated contract documents.



Stores section information for Microsoft Word 2003 editing.



Stores ad hoc document configurator clauses for Microsoft Word 2003 editing.

See Defining Document Templates and Styles.

Click to jump to parent topic(Optional) Setting Up PeopleSoft Integration Broker and Microsoft Word Configuration Files

This section provides an overview of setting up PeopleSoft Integration Broker and Microsoft Word configuration files and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding System Setup for Microsoft Word Configuration Files and PeopleSoft Integration Broker

Microsoft Office Word 2003 integration is a core requirement of PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management. You can use Microsoft Word directly to check out and edit clauses, sections, ad hoc configurator clauses, and contract documents. In addition to standard editing of content with Microsoft Word, an optional, real-time integration between Microsoft Word and the PeopleSoft clause library is available. This integration enables clause librarians to search for bind variables and clauses when developing clause content. Using the search feature, contract specialists and collaborators can search for, locate, and retrieve binds and clauses while maintaining the authored contract.

To use Microsoft Word editing features and the Research task pane search requires that you setup workstations on local systems and define settings for PeopleSoft Integration Broker service operations. This section describes the basic steps for setting up both systems. After activating system-supplied service operations in Integration Broker, you can install and configure Microsoft Word components on workstations to interact directly with the PeopleSoft database.

For example, if you are creating a contract clause that requires an inspection process that has been described in another clause, you don't have to navigate to and view the clause using application pages. You can use the Research task pane functionality to search for the clause directly from Microsoft Word and insert the content of the clause or alternate clause directly into the document that you are creating. Optionally, you can click a link that is provided for each clause from the search results, which accesses the specific clause and its details in the document authoring system.

See Installing and Configuring Microsoft Word Components on Workstations.

The following sections describe special Microsoft Word setup conditions for use with Supplier Contract Management. They include:

Microsoft Word Installation

PeopleSoft delivers setup files on the product installation CD that are necessary for this integration. A setup directory containing files for installing and configuring Microsoft Word is available on the CD when you follow this path: setup\SupplierContractMgmt\eng.

Note. You can install the CD to the path you choose.

This setup utility must be run on the workstation of each user who wants to use the Microsoft Word integration with PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management. The setup files add information to the registry that is specific to Microsoft Word, which shows up as two additional Microsoft Word Research task pane services. Within Microsoft Word, you can enable the Research task pane by selecting the Alt key and clicking the mouse. You can also access the page by selecting Tools on the toolbar, and then selecting Research from the menu.

When you open the Research pane, the drop-down menu displays the search values PeopleSoft Search For Clauses and PeopleSoft Search for Binds.

To enable this functionality, you must update the config.txt file in the directory before you run the setup.exe program. The config.txt file contains information that needs to correspond to the PeopleSoft environment configuration. Uniform resource locators (URLs) that are listed in the file need to point to the machine name of the gateway that has been configured for the database for messaging. In addition, you need to update the URLs to contain the corresponding default local node for the database. The config.txt file contains < > markers that indicate what you need to update. Update these URLs:

ClauseQueryPath=http://<insert server name here> /PSIGW/PeopleSoftServiceListeningConnector?From=PSFT_XINBND &To=<insert default local node here> &MessageName=CS_SEARCH_CLAUSES&MessageVersion=VERSION_1 ClauseServiceName=Peoplesoft Search For Clauses BindQueryPath=http://<insertserver name here> /PSIGW/PeopleSoftServiceListeningConnector?From=PSFT_XINBND &To=<insert default local node here>&MessageName= CS_SEARCH_BINDS&MessageVersion=VERSION_1 BindServiceName=Peoplesoft Search For Bind Variables

Here is an example of how the URLs appear after you insert the machine name for the gateway and the default local node:

ClauseQueryPath=http://ple-machine/PSIGW/PeopleSoftServiceListeningConnector?From= PSFT_XINBND&To=PSFT_EP&MessageName=CS_SEARCH_CLAUSES&MessageVersion=VERSION_1 BindQueryPath=http://ple-machine/PSIGW/PeopleSoftServiceListeningConnector?From= PSFT_XINBND&To=PSFT_EP&MessageName=CS_SEARCH_BINDS&MessageVersion=VERSION_1

Use the Gateways page to set up and define the gateway. To access the page, select PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Configuration, Gateways.

While you must update the machine name for the server and default local node (the to parameter) in the config.txt file, you need to change the PSFT_XINBND node only if you want to change the node to be another external node. The from node can be any external node. .

The following labels in the config.txt file appear in the Microsoft Word Research task pane as the service names. You can change the labels.

BindServiceName=Peoplesoft Search For Bind Variables ClauseServiceName=Peoplesoft Search For Clauses

Note. When you are working with Microsoft Word, you do not need to be signed in to a database; however, the gateway for the database to which the config.txt file points must be running. If it's not running, the search does not produce results. The system uses a synchronous message to which it posts the request in the Research task pane and the reply is a message with any clauses or binds in it.

Microsoft Word Setup on Workstations

Microsoft Office 2003 helps you edit clauses and contract documents through the use of task panes. These tools provide a variety of support such as searches, cutting and pasting, XML schema display, and style formats. You can set task panes to open automatically when you perform certain tasks, or you can open the task pane as you need.

After you set up the messages and integration gateway, you can install and configure Microsoft Word for use with task panes, including the Research task pane for bind and clause searches. A URL is provided in Microsoft Word that links to clauses in the clause library. The next example shows the link.

The following example shows how the Research task pane might appear after you have performed a search for the word WARRANTY in a clause ID, description, or title:

Example of a Microsoft Office Word 2003 Professional Research task pane

When you search for a clause, the frame displays the first 300 plain-text characters of full text and by reference text that are defined in the clause definition. You can use the Actions button to insert either the formatted full text or by reference text into the document that you are maintaining.

When you search for binds, you use the Actions button to insert the bind value and markers where the cursor is positioned in the Microsoft Word document.

Note. You can uninstall the Microsoft Word integration by running the setup.exe program again.

URL Configuration for Use with Clause Searches

Linking to clauses requires an extra task. To link to clauses from within a Microsoft Word Research task pane, you also need to establish a URL that will display as the clause name in Microsoft Word. You must define a server and location for the EMP_SERVLET URL. To access the URL, select PeopleTools, Utilities, Administration, URLs. Search for the EMP_SERVLET URL identifier. Enter a partial PeopleSoft Internet Architecture URL In the URL field. An example of the formatting appears on the page. An entry might be, for example, See the previous example to view how the URL appears in a Microsoft Word page.

Clause Import XML Schema Setup

Each clause needs to have specific XML tags to meet system clause-structure import requirements. This is achieved by applying custom import tags to content within the Microsoft Word document that contains the clauses you want to import. Then, you save the file as an .xml file. An XML schema provides you the capability to mark and import clauses from a Microsoft Word file. This schema enables you to tag clause information in the document prior to importing the document. The system parses the incoming file and creates a list of clauses and content to create.

Note. You need to deliver the schema to client desktops for clause librarians before the librarian user can use import features. This can include setting up a location to which you want to download the schema depending on who and how you want to distribute the schema.

The Understanding the Clause Upload Process section describes the steps for enabling the schema.

See Understanding the Clause Upload Process.

See Also

Understanding Microsoft Word Integration with Supplier Contract Management

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up PeopleSoft Integration Broker and Microsoft Word Configuration Files

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Object Name





PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Configuration, Gateways

Configure gateways.

Service Operations-General


PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, General

Define and activate a service operation.

Service Operations-Handlers


PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, Handlers

Activate one or more service operation handlers.

Service Operations-Routings


PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, Routings

Define and activate routing definitions on the service operation.

Queue Definitions


  • PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, General. Select the Queue link attached to this service operation.

  • PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Queues

Set the queue used by the service operation to Run.

Node Definitions


PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Nodes, Node Definitions

Activate node used by the service operation.



PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Nodes, Connectors

For an outbound service operation, verify the node is connected to the correct network.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up PeopleSoft Integration Broker for use with Microsoft Word

Access the Service Operations - General page

A service operation definition consists of general information about an operation, such as its name, and alias if one has been defined. It also specifies an operation type, which determines how the operation is to be processed, synchronously or asynchronously. The CS_SEARCH_BINDS and CS_SEARCH_CLAUSES are processed synchronously, meaning that the system waits for a response to the message. In addition, the service operation definition contains routings, which determine the direction, inbound or outbound, of the service operation. A service operation has one or more handlers, which contain and run the programming logic for sending or receiving the message and manipulating service operation content.

See “Understanding PeopleSoft Integration Broker,” Incoming and Outgoing Request Flows, Enterprise PeopleTools 8.48 PeopleBook: Integration Broker.

To prepare a system to use service operations for bind variable and clause searches:

  1. Ensure that a Microsoft Windows-based server machine, such as Windows 2000 or Windows XP, has PeopleTools installed on it.

    The machine must be set up as an application server in the system. The PeopleTools installation on this machine must have the file %PSHOME%/BIN/SERVER/WINX86/ CSDOCUTIL.DLL. This file enables server-side processing of Microsoft Word files.

  2. Ensure that the same server machine has Microsoft Word 2003 installed on it.

    The CSDOCUTIL program interacts with Microsoft Word 2003 on the machine.

  3. Configure the gateway if it's not already configured for the database.

    The integration gateway is a platform that manages the receipt and delivery of messages that are passed among systems through PeopleSoft Integration Broker. Information defined for the gateway relates to the config.txt file you update to define servers. The gateway manager maintains links to the other integration gateway components, including target connectors and listening connectors. Listening connectors invoke the gateway manager when they receive a message request.

    The gateway manager invokes the appropriate target connector based on the content of the message object and waits for a reply from the target connector. When the reply is received, the gateway manager forwards the reply to the calling listening connector. PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management delivers the LOCAL gateway configured to exchange information with the PeopleSoftServiceListeningConnector in the URLs for bind and clause searches.

    Note. If the gateway is not configured, the database administrator should perform this task.

    See “Managing Integration Gateways,” Enterprise PeopleTools 8.48 PeopleBook: Integration Broker.

  4. Set the CS_SEARCH_BINDS and CS_SEARCH_CLAUSES service operations to Active.

    PeopleSoft delivers the service operations in PeopleSoft Integration Broker with a default status of Inactive. You must activate each service operation before attempting to send or receive data from a third-party source or another PeopleSoft system, such as Supply Chain Management.

    To specify messages for the service operations, and to set them to an Active status:

    1. Select PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations.

    2. Select CS_SEARCH_BINDS and CS_SEARCH_CLAUSES, alternately in the Service Operations field.

    3. Click Search.

      The service operation appears.

    4. Click the Service Operation link.

      You specify messages for service operations in the Message Information section of the Service Operations - General page. Because the CS_SEARCH_BINDS and CS_SEARCH_CLAUSES are already available, they appear in the section. These messages define the structure of the data that is contained in the service operation. The service operation type determines the number of messages and message types (request or response) that you specify.

    5. Set the CS_SEARCH_BINDS and CS_SEARCH_CLAUSES services to Active using the Active check box in the Default Service Operation Version group box.

    6. Select the Handlers tab.

      The page provides summary information about handlers that have been added to an operation. Two individual server processes work together to handle incoming requests. One server process functions as a dispatcher, while the other functions as a handler. You can specify an application class as a handler for a service operation. The CS_SEARCH_BINDS and CS_SEARCH_CLAUSES use an application class handler.

      See “Sending and Receiving Messages,”Enterprise PeopleTools 8.48 PeopleBook: Integration Broker.

    7. Ensure that Active is selected in the Status field on the Handlers tab.

    8. Click the Save button.

    9. Select the Routings tab.

      This page provides access to routing information that has been added to an operation. Routings determine the direction, inbound or outbound, of the service operation. The routing page is where you specify the sending and receiving node. The Sender Node field value should be node should be ANY for both the CS_SEARCH_BINDS and CS_SEARCH_ CLAUSES operations. The Receiver Node field value should equal the value for the database's default local node. This value appears on the Nodes page and contains Y in the Local Node Name column for the node.

    10. Select the Active check box.

    11. Click the Save button.

      See Understanding Integration Setup, “Appendix: Integration Scenarios,” Enterprise PeopleTools 8.48 PeopleBook: Integration Broker.

  5. Set the CS_DOC_CHL queue status to Run.

    A queue isolates different groups of service operations from each other. The CS_DOC_CHL queue queues the CS_SEARCH_BINDS and CS_SEARCH_CLAUSES for processing.

    See Managing Service Operation QueuesEnterprise PeopleTools 8.48 PeopleBook: Integration Broker.

    To set the queue status:

    1. Select PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Queues.

    2. Ensure that Run is selected in the Queue Status field.

    3. Click the Save button.

See Also

“Managing Service Operations,”Enterprise PeopleTools 8.48 PeopleBook: Integration Broker

Setting Up Service Operations, “Implementing Integrations,” Enterprise PeopleTools 8.48 PeopleBook: Integration Broker

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInstalling and Configuring Microsoft Word Components on Workstations

After you set up the messages and the integration gateway, you can install and configure Microsoft Word for use with task panes, including the Research task pane for bind and clause searches.

To install and configure Microsoft Word:

  1. Modify the config.txt file that is included in the setup directory before running the setup.exe program.

  2. After updating the config.txt file, disseminate all files in the setup directory to user machines for configuration and complete the remaining steps on each machine.

  3. Close all instances of Microsoft Word.

  4. Run the setup.exe program.

  5. Define the folder where you want to store the .dll file that you use to integrate PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management with Microsoft Word.

  6. Open Microsoft Word. The version must be Microsoft Word 2003 or greater.

  7. Select Tools, and then select Research.

    The Research frame appears on the left side of the window.

  8. Enter a string or word in the Search for field.

    When searching for a clause value, the system searches through the clause IDs, descriptions, and titles. When searching for binds, the system searches through bind names and descriptions. The search is not case-sensitive.

  9. Select a value from the list that is below the Search for field.

    Select PeopleSoft Search for Bind Variables to search for binds.

    Select PeopleSoft Search for Clauses to search for clauses.

    Note. These values are delivered by PeopleSoft; however, you can change them in the config.txt file.

  10. Click the button with the green arrow to initiate the search.

    The button changes to red as the system performs the search. When the search is complete, the system displays the results of the search in the Research frame. All results that meet the search criteria appear in the frame.

    Note. Due to Microsoft Word size limitations, the system returns only the first 20 clauses that meet the search criteria. If more than 20 clauses meet the search criteria, the system displays a message at the top of the results that indicates that only the first 20 results appear.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Installation Options for PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management

To set up installation options, use the Installation Options component (INSTALLATION_CS).

This section provides overviews of document comparisons and rendering and document comparison and rendering setup and discusses how to define installation options for PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Document Comparisons and Rendering

Document comparisons enable you to compare the current document to a temporarily re-created, refreshed, or last-executed document. Last-executed documents are available only when you are working with amendments. The system compares the current document to a temporary document using the normal Microsoft Word Compare Document feature without you accessing it through Microsoft Word.

The resulting output document highlights the differences between the current document and the temporary document that you chose to compare to the current document. You can use this feature to determine what the impact of doing a document refresh or re-creation would be and what changes you would lose or gain.

Document rendering is the process in which the system provides files in a .doc format to users who use an earlier version of Microsoft Word than the 2003 version. When the system creates XML documents, they are meant to be opened only using Microsoft Word 2003. If suppliers do not have this version available to them or if they prefer to review the documents in a .doc format, then you use the Installation Options page to set up information enabling the system to convert the documents from an XML format to a .doc format.

Conversion to a .doc format is available only as an option when you send documents to contacts or dispatch documents during the document life cycle. When you send the documents, the system converts the documents that are attached to the email to .doc file formats.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Document Comparison and Rendering Setup

To compare and render documents, you must enable the features using the Installation Options page. Using installation options, you define a directory path name for the Windows NT application server that will serve as a temporary location for document processing for server-side comparisons and document rendering of .xml documents. You also define the machine name of the Windows NT application server and port that has been set up with Microsoft Word 2003 and the CSDOCUTIL.DLL file.

Note. The temporary directory should be operating-system specific if a single operating system is being used in the implementation for all applications servers. If there are multiple operating system application servers in the implementation (for example Unix and NT), you should leave the Application Server Path field blank on the Installation Options page.

PeopleSoft delivers the service operations in PeopleSoft Integration Broker with a default status of Inactive. You must activate each service operation before attempting to send or receive data from a third-party source or another PeopleSoft system, such as Supply Chain Management.

Note. Your database administrator will need to assist you with this setup.

See Incoming and Outgoing Request Flows, “Understanding PeopleSoft Integration Broker,” Enterprise PeopleTools 8.48 PeopleBook: Integration Broker.

To prepare a system to use the compare and render features:

  1. Ensure that a Microsoft Windows-based server machine, such as Windows 2000 or Windows XP, has PeopleTools installed on it.

    The machine must be set up as an application server in the system. The PeopleTools installation on this machine must have the file %PSHOME%/BIN/SERVER/WINX86/ CSDOCUTIL.DLL. This file enables server-side processing of Microsoft Word files.

  2. Ensure that the same server machine has Microsoft Word 2003 installed on it.

    The CSDOCUTIL program interacts with Microsoft Word 2003 on the machine.

  3. Configure the Integration Gateway if it's not already configured for the database.

    The integration gateway is a platform that manages the receipt and delivery of messages that are passed among systems through PeopleSoft Integration Broker.

    See “Managing Integration Gateways,” Enterprise PeopleTools 8.48 PeopleBook: Integration Broker.

  4. Activate the CS_DOC_ACTION service operation.

    This service operation is a synchronous operation and serves as the integration that handles all requests to the Document Utilities library. Using the library, the system converts documents to a .doc format and enables the comparison of documents using the Document Management page.

    To activate the service operation:

    1. Select PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations.

    2. Select the CS_DOC_ACTION in the Service Operation field.

    3. Click Search.

      The service operation appears in the search results.

    4. Click the Service Operation link.

      The Service Operations: General tab page appears with the service operation definition. The definition consists of general information about an operation, such as its name, and alias if one has been defined. It also specifies an operation type, which determines how the operation is to be processed, synchronously or asynchronously. The CS_DOC_ACTION operation is processed synchronously, meaning that the system waits for a response to the message. In addition, the service operation definition contains routings, which determine the direction, inbound or outbound, of the service operation. A service operation has one or more handlers, which contain and run the programming logic for sending or receiving the message and manipulating message content.

      See Incoming and Outgoing Request Flows, “Understanding PeopleSoft Integration Broker,” Enterprise PeopleTools 8.48 PeopleBook: Integration Broker.

      See “Managing Service Operations,”Enterprise PeopleTools 8.48 PeopleBook: Integration Broker.

    5. Ensure the Active check box is selected in the Default Service Operation Version group box.

      If the version you want is not the default version for the service operation, the default version must also be activated.

    6. Select the Handlers tab.

      The page provides summary information about handlers that have been added to an operation. Two individual server processes work together to handle incoming requests. One server process functions as a dispatcher, while the other functions as a handler. You can specify an application class as a handler for a service operation. The CS_DOC_ACTION uses an application class handler.

      See “Sending and Receiving Messages,”Enterprise PeopleTools 8.48 PeopleBook: Integration Broker.

    7. Ensure that Active is selected in the Status field on the Handlers tab.

    8. Click the Save button.

    9. Select the Routings tab.

      This page provides access to routing information that have been added to an operation. Routings determine the direction, inbound or outbound, of the service operation. The routing page is where you specify the sending and receiving node. The Sender Node field value should be node should be ANY for both the CS_SEARCH_BINDS and CS_SEARCH_ CLAUSES operations. The Receiver Node field value should equal the value for the database's default local node. This value appears on the Nodes page and contains Y in the Local Node Name column for the node.

    10. Select the Active check box.

    11. Click the Save button.

      See Understanding Integration Setup, “Appendix: Integration Scenarios,” Enterprise PeopleTools 8.48 PeopleBook: Integration Broker.

  5. Set the CS_DOC_LIBRARY queue status to Run.

    A queue isolates different groups of service operations from each other. The CS_DOC_LIBRARY queue queues the CS_DOC_ACTION service operation for processing.

    See “Managing Service Operation Queues,”Enterprise PeopleTools 8.48 PeopleBook: Integration Broker.

    To set the queue status:

    1. Select PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Queues.

    2. Ensure that Run is selected in the Queue Status field.

    3. Click the Save button.

  6. Complete the fields in the Document Compares & Rendering grid in the Installation Options component.

    This is a part of setting up the Supplier Contract Management application and is described in the next sections.

After completing these steps, you can convert documents to a .doc format and compare documents using the Document Management page.

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Installation Options


Supplier Contracts, Supplier Contracts Setup, Installation Options

Click the Supplier Contract Management link on the Installation Options page.

Define installation options for PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Installation Options for PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management

Access the Installation Options page.

Use this page to define servers, server paths, compare and render options, verity searching, syndication options, and required approvals.

Server Path

Use this group box to define default server locations for use in the file creation processes within PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management.

Application Server Path

Enter a directory that is on the server where the system creates temporary server-side files. For example, when the system generates authored documents, it uses this temporary document on the application server to create the file prior to transferring it to the FTP server. You might want to select a directory such as c:\temp, which exists on Windows NT application servers.

Note. The temporary directory should be operating-system specific if a single operating system is being used in the implementation for all applications servers. If multiple operating-system application servers are in the implementation, for example Unix and NT, you should leave this field blank.

Document Compare and Rendering .Doc Word Files

Use this group box to enable server-side Microsoft Word processing. This includes comparisons of the current authored document with a temporarily created version of a refreshed or re-created document. After you enable server-side processing, the system makes a Compare button available on the Document Management page.

Also, you can optionally create a Microsoft Word .doc version of the XML-generated documents to send to suppliers who might be using a version of Microsoft Word that is prior to Microsoft Word 2003. After you enable rendering, the system displays the Send in .doc Format check box on the Send to Contacts and Dispatch to Contacts pages.

Enable Compare Functionality

Select to permit the document administrator to run a server-side comparison of the current authored document against a re-created version or refreshed version of the document. The comparison displays the differences and is for information purposes only.

Enable Rendering .doc

Select to permit the generation of a .doc format document when dispatching a document or sending it to contacts. You select this check box in case a supplier does not use Microsoft Word 2003 and cannot read an .xml version of the file.

Compare/Render Server/Path

Enter a directory path name for the Windows NT application server that will serve as a temporary location for document processing for server-side comparisons and document rendering of .xml documents. An example of a temporary location might be c:\temp.

Compare/Render Server URL (compare/render server uniform resource locator)

Enter the machine name of the Windows NT application server and port that has been set up with Microsoft Word 2003 and the CSDOCUTIL.DLL file.

Verity Search

Use this group box to specify Verity index search options. PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management uses Verity searching to perform content searches on elements in the library. For example, you can search clauses and sections, the latest versions document content, and transactional-related contract data for purchasing contracts.

Chunk Size

Enter the number of returned rows that you want to retrieve and display when you perform a Verity search. If you do not enter a value, the system retrieves 20 rows at a time.

Filter Results Without Chunking For Documents

Select to enable filtering of search results based on user security access to the document. When you select this check box, only rows for users who have access to documents appear in the search results. These users can include administrators or interested parties as examples. This helps to reduce the number of results. When you select this check box, the system ignores the chunk size value when searching for documents.

See Searching for Library and Document Contents.

See Implementing the Verity Search Engine.

Processing Options

Use this group box to define system processing options for syndication and documents. Syndication is the exchange of contract information between PeopleSoft contracts and third-party systems. Using syndication, the system publishes contract information from PeopleSoft Purchasing contracts to third-party systems. This enables the third-party system to create the contract. Using syndication, the system can also receive and consolidate contract performance information from third-party systems.

The syndicate options control additional information that the system might publish with the contract. Depending on the capabilities of the remote system as well as the consistency of setup data between the two systems, you might not want to syndicate this optional information.

The default value for all check boxes in this group box is cleared.

See Syndicating Supplier Contracts and Contract Messaging.

Allow Contract Syndication

Select to indicate that you want to include syndication as part of the contract process. When you select this check box, the system includes the Syndication tab on the Contract Entry page.

If you use contract syndication and the Allow Contract Syndication check box is cleared later, the syndication features appear only for contracts that have already been syndicated. For contracts that have not been syndicated, the system hides the syndication features.

Subscriber Node

Select a default node to which contracts can be syndicated. The system cannot syndicate a contract until you define a subscriber node. This subscriber node is supplied as a default value on the supplier contract if Allow Contract Syndication has been selected.

If a node is not defined at the header level, the system generates a message during processing. If you run syndication as a batch process, only those contracts that have nodes defined can be selected for processing.

Syndicate Contract Defaults

Select to include purchase order defaults as part of the syndicated contracts. The defaults include header and shipping information, and you click the PO Defaults link on the Contract page to view them.

Syndicate Miscellaneous Charge

Select to include miscellaneous charges in the syndicated contract. You can add miscellaneous charges to purchase orders in addition to sales and use taxes and value-added taxes. Miscellaneous charges can include freight, setup costs, insurance, and a variety of other costs that are incurred to deliver purchased goods to a location.

Syndicate Milestones

Select to include milestone information in syndicated contracts. Milestones are points in a contract cycle, such as a specified period of time or a percentage of contract fulfillment, at which an approval or reevaluation is made by contract participants. Often, partial compensation is linked to a milestone. PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management verifies the release of milestone lines for merchandise amount changes.

Syndicate Shipping Schedules

Select to include syndicated shipping schedules in syndicated contract information. The system verifies that the line quantity on the shipping template is greater than the minimum line quantity.

Syndicate Distributions

Select to include syndicated distributions in syndicated contract information. During syndication, the system processes distribution percentages and amounts and verifies that the distribution amount does not exceed the contract line amount.

Protect Bind Values in Document

When you protect bind values, and the system generates authored documents, Microsoft Word 2003 places a protection tag around each transactional or wizard bind value in the document. This can be useful if you do not want bind values to be readily changed within an authored document, but want them primarily controlled by wizard or transactional changes within the PeopleSoft system.

When Microsoft Word protection is in place, bind values cannot be easily changed. Controls for overriding protection exist within Microsoft Word. For more information about protecting documents, see Microsoft Word Help.

Use Track Changes in Word

Select to make Track Changes the default option when the system generates documents. If you do not select this check box, users can manually set the Track Changes feature in Microsoft Word.

Log at Document Generation

Select the default method by which you want the system to log errors when it generates a document. The system provides the value as a default value to document configurators when you first create them. Two levels of logging are available. Select Details to indicate that the system should log full error details during the document generation process. Full logging can slow the generation process, but is useful for debugging and testing wizard paths when you create new configurators. Full logging also validates bind variables that the system uses within a configurator and validates the expansion of a configurator by checking rules that are evaluated during document generation.

Select Log Warnings and Wizard to log only warnings, such as missing bind values and the summary wizard history for a given document generation. You should use this setting after a configurator is made available for general use.

Enforce clause protection during check in

Select to indicate that the system should protect clauses. This places Microsoft Word protection tags around the specific clause to help prevent users from making any changes to the clause. When you select the check box, the system prevents the check in of a document if any of its protected clauses have been changed by users within Microsoft Word.

If you do not select this check box, the system displays a warning about the protected clause that have been modified; however, it allows the check in of the document.

Use Document Type

Select to indicate that you want to make document type categorization available for contract documents. Using document types provides user-defined categorization of documents and enables additional functionality within the system. When you select this check box, all new documents that are created in the system will require a document type value to be specified.

Using document types, you can define specific settings, defaults, and security that provide you better control over the flow of document creation and life cycles of the various documents that you generate in your organization.

When you select this check box, the system also makes the Use with PO Requisition check box available.

See Understanding Document Types.

See Setting Up Document Types.

Use with PO Requisition (use with purchase order requisition)

Select this check box if you intend to create documents related to requisitions that will require new contracts. In this scenario, you can define a related document and wizard that capture additional information from the requestor. This information can be pulled into the actual purchasing contract document when it is created later. Selecting this check box enables you to set up document types that allow this association to requisitions.

When a document type is set up for the contract request situation, you can specify that the system use this type with a PeopleSoft eProcurement or Purchasing requisition. In this case, along with the requisition, the requestor can generate a supplemental request document by launching a wizard that captures needed information pertaining to the contract request. The requestor can then provide the required information in the supporting document. When you award the requisition to a contract, the specialist can reference the original request document and make use of any wizard responses within that request document to help drive the content and fill in required data for the actual contract.

The system will display the Add Request Document link on Maintain Requisitions page in Purchasing and on the Create Requisition page in eProcurement when you select Use with PO Requisition check box.

The default value for the check box is clear. To select to have the capability to launch a request for a requisition, you must first select to use document types. This is because the Use with PO Requisition feature is enabled on the Document Type page.

If you clear the field, the system validates that no document types are currently enabled for use with purchase order requisitions. If document types are enables, an error message appears when you attempt to save the update.

Approvals Required

Use this group box to define high-level information for supporting collaboration workflow and approvals.

Clause Approval

Select to indicate that approvals are required for clauses. When you select this check box, the system enables workflow approvals for clauses. If you do not select this check box, the person maintaining the clause can set the clause status to approved.

See Setting Up Approval Types.

See Establishing Clause Classes.

See Configuring the Approval Workflow Engine for Use with Supplier Contract Management.

See Approving Documents and Document Components.

Document Approval

Select to indicate that approvals are required for documents. If you select this check box, the system requires the document administrator to submit documents for approval. If you do not select this check box, the document administrator can click the Approve button to approve the document for final dispatch to supplier for signature.

See Approving Documents and Document Components.

Document Reapproval After Edit

Select to indicate that if a document is edited after being approved, it must then be reapproved. Depending on organization internal controls for documents, this may or may not be required.

Collaboration Notifications

Select the method that the system should use to notify collaborators when they are listed as collaborators in the document collaboration process. Values are:

Email: Select to use an email notice to alert collaborators that a collaboration is waiting for them.

Email and Worklist: Select to notify collaborators using both notification methods.

None: Select to indicate that a notification is not required.

User Preference: Select to use a combination of generic templates, which include user roles and PeopleCode application classes, to notify collaborators for clause and document approvals.

Worklist: Select to use an automated to-do list that routes work items. From the worklist, collaborators can directly access the pages that they need in order to perform the next action for a document, and then return to the worklist for another item.

Collaboration Routing Template

Select the generic template that the system should use in routing documents for collaboration. This template controls the format of information for email notifications when the system routes a document for collaboration.

See Defining Generic Templates, “Using Notification Templates,” Enterprise PeopleTools 8.48 PeopleBook: Workflow Technology.

Predefined values are:

DocumentCollabComplete: Document Collaboration Review

DocumentCollabReview: Document Collaboration Review

Collaboration Done Template

Select the template that the system should use when collaboration has been completed for a document. The template controls the information that appears in the email to the administrator when collaboration is completed.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Clause Libraries and Groups

To set up clause libraries, use the Clause Library Setup component (CS_LIBRARY).

To set up clause groups, use the Clause Group Setup component (CS_CLS_GROUP_DEFN).

This section provides an overview of clause libraries, groups, and classes and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Clause Libraries, Groups, and Classes

You use clause libraries to define a broad grouping of contract clauses. Each clause can belong to only a single library code. Library codes provide a simple method to categorize a complete set of clauses. You can use library codes as search criteria when searching for clauses.

Use contract clause groups to help organize and categorize clauses. Clause groups provide a user-defined means for categorizing clauses as needed. For example, you might have a group of clauses relating to indemnification for work that is performed at the buyer’s site. You can associate member clauses with a clause group for work-site indemnification and then address or select the clauses as a group when creating a document configurator.

Note. A clause can belong to more than one clause group at a time.

Clause classes provide another user-defined method of categorizing clauses, particularly for the purposes of clause approvals. Each class contains a description and an optional list of approval types, including a default that enables you to define how the clauses of that class are to be approved. For example, when you create a new clause, you must specify a class. Depending on the class that you select, the system can supply the appropriate workflow for the class by default based on the presence of an approval type on the class.

In addition, you can define alternate approval types on the class. This enables you to further select the appropriate workflow if needed. For example, you can choose to use the class as a higher level category of clauses with zero to n appropriate approval types and descriptions. This enables you to select the appropriate routing, or conversely use the class to define a more detailed grouping, such as a high risk factor, and force a single approval type for the class that cannot be altered by other users.

See Also

Defining Contract Clauses

Establishing Clause Classes

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Page Name

Object Name



Library Definition


Supplier Contracts, Supplier Contracts Setup, Libraries

Define clause libraries.

Group Definition


Supplier Contracts, Supplier Contracts Setup, Groups

Define clause groups.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Clause Libraries

Access the Library Definition page.

Use this page to define a clause library. To establish a library, enter a library name and description. If you leave the fields blank, you can update them later.

After you establish a library, you can assign contract clauses to it using the Library field on the Clause Definition page. To access the field, select Supplier Contracts, Manage Contract Library, Clauses.

Note. Clause library codes provide a means for a simple broad grouping of clauses. They do not control clause access or row-level security. Permission lists and setIDs control access to clauses.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Clause Groups

Access the Group Definition page.

Use this page to add and update clause group definitions. You can use groups to categorize clauses. When selecting clauses for use on document configurators, you can use clause groups as search criteria. You can associate contract clauses with groups by clicking the Associate to Clause link on the Clause Definition page. To access the field, select Supplier Contracts, Manage Contract Library, Clauses.

You can add all clauses that are related to a group to a document configurator or section, but the intent is only for aiding the selection of clauses during clause addition to the configurator. For example, after you add clauses by group, the clauses are individually maintainable within the configurator as if you added them individually.

Note. You cannot add a group as a dynamic object to a section or to a document configurator.

To add a clause group:

  1. Enter the name of the group in the Group Name field and click Add.

  2. Type a description of the clause group, and click Save.

  3. To add clauses directly to the group, select an existing clause ID in the Clause ID field.

    You can also add a clause to one or more groups while maintaining the clause by clicking the Associate to Clause Group link on the Clause Definition page.

    Groups can contain multiple clauses, and a clause can be included in one or more groups.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Approval Types

To set up approval types, use the Approval Type Setup component (CS_APPROVAL_TYPE).

This section provides an overview of approval types and discusses how to define approval types.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Approval Types

An approval type is a part of the workflow process and controls approvers for the clause approval process and document approval process. Because approval types are associated with clause classes, you use approval types to define the types of approvals that are required for a class of clauses.

Each approval type has an associated role name. The system uses the role name to determine the group of users that it uses in the approval cycle for a clause or document. The system includes all users who have this role in their user profile in the approval process. Each approval type also has a number of configurable approval settings that determine when role users are used in an approval cycle. Check boxes control the approval settings and determine whether:

The following examples describe clause definitions and clause usage.

For a clause definition, when the system starts the approval process and accesses the Approval Status page for a clause, it determines the correct approval role names based on the clause class and approval type that is specified on the clause. If the Clause Definition check box is selected for the approval type, then users who have the associated role in the Approving Role Name field will be notified to approve the clause definition.

When using a clause, the system starts the approval process and checks the Approval Status page for a document to be approved. It determines the correct approval role names based on the clause class and approval type that are specified on the clause. If the approval type has the Clause Changes in Doc check box or the Clause Exists in Doc check box selected, then users with the associated role in the Approving Role Name field will be notified to approve the clause use or changes in the document approval process.

To create and apply approval types:

  1. Create the approval type and select the types of clause definition or usage approvals for each approving role name that you add to the approval type.

  2. Add the approval type to the clause class definition.

    This links the roles to a class. To define the clause class, select Supplier Contracts, Supplier Contracts Setup, Classes. Specify which approval type is to be the default for the class definition. When a clause is defined, this default approval type is displayed and entered for you.

  3. Create a clause using the clause class with which the approval type is associated.

    When you create the clause, the system creates the link between the approval settings from the approval type definition and the specific clause definition. The approval types are associated with classes on a separate configuration page. Each class can have multiple approval types with a default type, but you can select any of the configured approval types that are available for the class.

See Also

Configuring the Approval Workflow Engine for Use with Supplier Contract Management

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Page Name

Object Name



Approval Type


Supplier Contracts, Supplier Contracts Setup, Approval Types

Define approval types.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Approval Types

Access the Approval Type page.

The system uses the approval type that you define on this page for clause approvals. You can include users who are associated with the role name as collaborators in the approval process.


Enter a description for the approval type. This field is required.

Risk Factor

Enter the level of risk that this clause brings to the organization if it is included in a contract. You can associate a risk factor with the level of responsibility of a user. For example, senior personnel might need to approve clauses with higher risks.

Risks are represented by numeric values from zero to 100. Clauses that are associated with a high-numbered risk factor represent a high level of risk for the organization. The numbers facilitate the use of algorithms that help identify the overall risk of a contract.

Note. Risk factors are not incorporated within contract workflow processing

Approving Role Name

Select which roles should be notified when a clause that uses this approval type is added or changed. Each approval type has an associated role name. The system uses the role name to determine the group of users that is pulled into the clause or document approval cycle. All users with this role in their user profile will be included in the approval process.

You do not have to select a role name when you initially create the approval type; however, before you define the approval settings, you must define the name.

Clause Definition

Select to require that this user role is included for clause approval cycles with which this approval type is associated.

Clause Usage

Select the Clause Usage tab.

Clause Changes in Doc (clause changes in document)

Select if you want this role name as a required approver when a clause of this approval type is updated or deleted within a contract.

Clause Exists in Doc (clause exists in document)

Select if you want this role name as a required approver when a clause of this approval type simply exists in a document.

Click to jump to parent topicEstablishing Clause Classes

To set up clause classes, use the Clause Class Setup component (CS_CLS_CLASS).

This section discusses how to set up classes.

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Object Name



Clause Class


Supplier Contracts, Supplier Contracts Setup, Classes

Set up classes for document clauses.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Classes

Access the Clause Class page.

Use this page to classify clauses and map the clause classes to approval types. This enables the user to use those classes that require workflow approvals for the clause definition itself or within documents. At least one class must be defined. One class can also be designated as the default for new clauses. When a class is associated with a clause, the default approval type is supplied as well for that clause. This determines the behavior for the clause in terms of its approval process and approval for use. If approvals for particular classes of clauses are not required, leave the Approval Settings grid empty.

Class Name

Displays the name of the class. If you are adding a class, the field is required.


Select to make this clause class the default class value when a clause is defined. You can select only one class as a default.

Approval Type

Select an approval type for use with this clause class. The system uses the approval roles and settings that are contained in the approval type definition to control workflow routings. You can't select duplicate approval types.


Select which, if any, approval type you want to be the default value when this clause class is used for collaboration. If you select a type, that type appears when you select this class for use with a document clause. You can change the approval type on the clause, but it cannot be cleared and always returns to the default approval type. This ensures that all clauses that are related to this class can be designated for workflow processing.

Click to jump to parent topicMapping Bind Variables

To set up mappings for bind variables, use the Bind Mapping Setup component (CS_BIND_MAPPING).

To set up source transaction structures, use the Source Transaction Structures Setup component (CS_SRC_TRANS_STRCT).

This section discusses how to:

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Source Transaction Structures


Supplier Contract, Supplier Contracts Setup, Source Transaction Structures

Define source transaction structures.

Bind Mappings


Supplier Contract, Supplier Contracts Setup, Bind Mappings

Map binds.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Source Transaction Structures

Access the Source Transaction Structures page.

Use this page to define the hierarchical structure of source transaction structures for purchasing contracts. After defining the structure, you can associate a bind variable with the actual record or view and field name from which you want to retrieve data.

See Mapping Binds.

Note. PeopleSoft delivers predefined source transaction structures as system data. Although these are documented here, you cannot change these delivered structures.

Source Transaction

Select the source transaction type for which you want to maintain the base record hierarchy. Values are:

Ad Hoc: This is a general-use source transaction that is not associated with a transactional purchasing contract; however, it does enable the binding of information that is related to the fields that are visible on the Document Management page.

Purchasing Contracts: This source transaction enables you to create contract documents that can reference and include transactional purchasing contract information such as vendor name, maximum amounts, and items on the contract.

Source Record

Enter the core transactional record for each data level to which all views need to be linked when you enter bind mappings.


Enter a numeric value that indicates the level in the record hierarchy at which the source record exists for the indicated source transaction. The system uses the level to validate binds, which ensures the proper setup of repeating elements.

Parent Record

The parent record is the record that the specified source record relates to in the hierarchy. If the source record is at a level greater than zero in the structure, then you must define the correct parent record. This helps to resolve repeating binds during the generation of document elements. If the level is equal to zero, then the parent and source record should be the same, which also helps ensure that document elements are used in the correct parent and child relationship.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMapping Binds

Access the Bind Mappings page.

Use this page to map bind variables to record views and source records.

Source Transaction

Select the source transaction type for which you want to map a bind. Values are:

Ad Hoc: This is a general-use source transaction that is not associated with a transactional purchasing contract.

Purchasing Contracts: This source transaction enables you to create contract documents that can reference and include transactional purchasing contract information such as vendor name and maximum amounts.

Record View

Select the view from which the system gathers data that it uses to resolve the bind in authored documents.

Source Record

Select a source record. Source records are ones that have been defined as source records within source transaction structures. Only records that are defined as source records are available for selection. The source record is the base record for the record view fields.


Displays the level in the source transaction structure at which the source record resides.

Parent Record

Displays the parent record that is associated with the source record. This is based on information in the source transaction structures. For example, the contract header record is considered a parent record for contract line records.

Bind Variable

Select a bind variable. Only transactional type variables are available for use. The system validates that a bind is not entered for more than one record or view.

Field Name

Select a field that the bind variable maps to in the record view. During document generation, the system replaces bind placeholders in document elements with the actual value that corresponds to this field name in the record view.

Display Type

Displays a list of display options when the field that you entered is an XLAT field. This enables you to indicate that you want to display the XLAT short name, XLAT long name, or the actual code in the actual contract.

If you are using this bind in a rule criteria, then the criteria always needs to use the code. This field is only for display purposes in an authored document.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Document Configurator Groups and Types

To set up configurator groups, use the Configurator Group component (CS_TEMPLATE_GROUP).

To set up configurator types, use the Configurator Type component (CS_TMPL_TYPE).

This section provides an overview of configurator groups and types and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Configurator Groups and Types

Configurator groups and types assist you in organizing document configurator information. While the system does not use the groups and types for validation purposes, you can use them for informational and searching purposes.

Use configurator groups to group document configurators for organizational needs. When you display a group, you can view individual document configurators that are contained in the group and that relate to the overall configurator use. For example, if you have contract documents for a class of items, you can associate the configurators that are used for those documents. You can also group configurators that specify certain contractual requirements. After you define a group, you can add individual configurator IDs to it.

Use configurator types to define requirements that you can use in document configurators. These requirements provide instructions and specific details about a transaction type. When you create a document configurator, you can optionally use a transaction configurator type as an information reference for the configurator.

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Document Configurator Group Definition


Supplier Contracts, Supplier Contracts Setup, Document Configurator Groups

Define configurator groups.

Document Configurator Type Definition


Supplier Contracts, Supplier Contracts Setup, Document Configurator Types

Define configurator types.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Configurator Groups

Access the Document Configurator Group Definition page.

Use this page to create a group of configurators that you can use in document authoring. Define the group name, and then use the Configurator ID field to select document configurators for the group.

You can also enter the descriptions and any other textual information to further define information for the configurator group. The Description and Short Description fields are required.

See Also

Understanding Configurator Groups and Types

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Configurator Types

Access the Document Configurator Type Definition page.

Use this page to define the requirements for a specific type of document configurator. For example, you can enter detailed information that might, for example, indicate that the document should specify items and pricing on the contract or indicate how delivery orders should be addressed in the document.

The Short Description field is required.

See Also

Understanding Configurator Groups and Types

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Document Templates and Styles

To set up document templates and styles, use the Document Template and Styles component (CS_WORD_TMPL_SETUP).

This section provides an overview of document templates and discusses how to define document templates and styles.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Document Templates

Templates are predefined Microsoft Word documents that provide formatting for documents. These templates traditionally determine the basic structure for the document that you use in the creation of documents. A template in Microsoft Word is another Microsoft Word document that uses the extension .dot. Templates traditionally have placeholders in which you enter text and use placeholders mainly as starting points for final documents.

A template might traditionally contain document settings, such as autotext entries, fonts, key assignments, macros, menus, page layout, special formats, and styles. When you save a template, Microsoft Word stores it by default in the Templates folder or in one of its subfolders.

Note. Microsoft templates are used only as a basis for the creation of documentation. Other types of templates, such as notification templates and document configurators, are used by the Supplier Contract Management application to manage approvals and collaboration.

See Also

Format and Style Considerations in Microsoft Word

Locating PeopleSoft Document Elements from Microsoft Word


Sample Templates

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Define Document Templates and Styles


Supplier Contracts, Supplier Contracts Setup, Document Templates and Styles

Define document templates and styles.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Document Templates and Styles

Access the Define Document Templates and Styles page.

Use this page to upload Microsoft Word templates containing paragraph styles for use with supplier contracts. This page contains all the valid Microsoft Word templates that you can use in setIDs and configurators. The Microsoft Word templates must be inclusive of all paragraph styles that you use in the system, regardless of whether they are defaults for document generation or for overriding a style within a clause.

See Defining Document Configurators.

See Templates.

Document Style Templates

Upload a File

Click to access a page where you can either enter or browse for a location of the template that you want to upload and add to the group of available templates.

Template Name

Displays the name of the template after it has been uploaded. This is the name by which the Microsoft Word file is stored in the template folder. After you upload the file, you can change the template name.


Click to open the corresponding template.


Use this grid to list all valid paragraph styles that are defined in Microsoft Word templates that you want to use for PeopleSoft prompting. You must enter these paragraph styles with spelling that matches that of the styles in the Microsoft Word template because the system does not validate against the Microsoft Word template. System prompting for styles is based on this list to reduce the chance of data-entry errors.

Style Name

Enter all valid paragraph styles for use within PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management across all Microsoft Word templates.


Enter the description of the style. This should provide further details about how the style appears and its format.

See Also

Generating Microsoft Word Documents

Format and Style Considerations in Microsoft Word

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Default Settings for Document Formats and Options

To set up default values for document formats and options, use the Configuration component (CS_CONFIG).

This section discusses how to define default settings for document formats and options.

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Object Name



Document Format and Options


Supplier Contracts, Supplier Contracts Setup, Document Format and Options

Define default settings for document formats and options.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Default Settings for Document Formats and Options

Access the Document Format and Options page.

Use this page to define Microsoft Word templates and paragraph text styles. These paragraph style values control the default formatting and numbering of documents that are created within the selected setID.

Document Defaults and Options

Use this group box to define default values that the system will apply to a document when you apply a Microsoft Word template to a document.

Word Template Name

Select a Microsoft Word template to use in the preview mode for clauses and sections within this setID. The available templates are XML versions of word template files (.dot). The system also uses the template that you select as the default template to populate the Word Template field when you add a document configurator. You use the default template for clause and section previews and initial document generation and in the configurator structure preview.

Templates that are available for this field are the templates that have been uploaded from Microsoft Word template folders. The templates are uploaded by users. To add more templates, use the Document Templates and Styles feature.

Allow Check-In as Same Version

Select to indicate that you want to enable a document to be checked in at the same version as it was when it was checked out. When this check box is selected, you can leave the document at the same version instead of allowing the system to check it in as an incremental version.

This option is also available when you refresh or re-create a document. You should be careful using these functions because if you do not increment the version number during check in, the system overwrites any previous files (file pointers in history) that use the same version number with this new file.

For history and tracking purposes, you typically use a version change for actions that can affect the contents of the document. However, if you select the Allow Check-In as Same Version check box, the system provides access to only the latest version of the document on the Document History page.

Amendment Creation Default

Use this field to define the default setting when you are creating and updating amendments. The system uses the value to process amendments when you are using the Document Management page. You can always override this value when creating the first amendment of a specific document.

Settings include:

Amend Contract Only: Select to process amendments within the original document and do not use a separate amendment file. If you use this option, the system leaves the last processed version in place and creates a new version of the same document that you can edit as an amended contract.

Amend Contracts with Amendments: Select to amend the original document, and to create a separate amendment document that is specific for this amendment number. If you select this option, the system creates and maintains two files for checking in and checking out as part of the amendment. The first file is for the last processed document, and the second file is for changes that are made specific only to the amendment. The second amendment file is generated, and you must specify an amendment document configurator for its initial content.

Note. Use the Amend Contracts with Amendments option if you intend to maintain only amendment-related changes in a new version of the originally processed contract.

Amendment Files Only: Select to generate the amendment as a separate document for each version of the amendment. This leaves the last original document as is. This option is similar to Amend Contracts with Amendments except that it requires you to maintain only a separate amendment file describing just the changes to the original contract. Use this option if you do not intend to maintain online amendment-related changes in a new version of the originally processed contract.

See Setting Up System Values for Amendments.

Document Text Styles

Use this group box to define default styles to be applied to Microsoft Word documents. Styles determine the format and appearance of content in the document.

Warning! Be careful when you maintain the paragraph styles that are listed on this page and the styles within Microsoft Word templates. The styles affect the generated format for previewing clauses, sections, configurators, and generated contracts.

To preview clauses and sections, the system always uses the Microsoft Word template name that you specify on this page. To preview document configurators and document generation, the system always uses the Microsoft Word template that is specified on the document configurator that is supplied by default from the setID value. You can select styles for different uses with the template.

Numbered Title Style

Select a paragraph style for use with a Numbered Title style. You use this style with the one in the Body Style under Numbered Title field to define how numbered clauses and sections appear. The system applies this paragraph style when a clause or section is part of a title and when the Numbered check box is selected on the Clause Definition or Section Definition pages. The paragraph style within Microsoft Word must have a custom outline-level numbering scheme associated with it to achieve the numbering format that you want in the authored contract when it is generated.

Note. The Level field in the Custom Outlined Numbered list in Microsoft Word corresponds to the Outline Position field in the Content Elements grid on the Document Configurator Definition page. For each element that is assembled for the contract in the authored document, the system applies the correct numbering, indentation, and formats based on the final level in the Microsoft Word document.

For more information about paragraph styles and custom outline numbered lists, see Microsoft Word documentation.

The system applies the Body under Numbered Title style to paragraph text that appears following numbered titles. This example illustrates the PeopleSoft Numbered Title style using PSNumHeading.

1. Introduction, level one title Introduction text with multiple lines. 1.1 Level two title This is text under level 2 title 1.2 Another level two title This is text under level 2 title 2. Another level one title Text for second level one title

Body Style Under Numbered Title

Select a style that determines how text following numbered titles should appear in documents. The system uses this paragraph style with the Numbered Title style so that as the system generates a document and level indentation occurs, the indented title and body can be specified to align through the paragraph style in Microsoft Word.

In Microsoft Word, this paragraph style normally has a blank Customized Outline Number List associated with it. The style also has the Number and Text positions within the Level in Microsoft Word so that the system generates clause and section body indentations correctly depending on the outline position of the clause and section in the document configurator.

Unnumbered Title Style

Select a paragraph style for use with Unnumbered Title styles. The system uses this value with the Body following the Unnumbered Title style for use within clauses or sections that are not numbered. The system applies this paragraph style when a clause or section is included with a title, and when the Numbered check box is not selected. The Unnumbered Title style applies to all unnumbered clause and section titles within the document regardless of the outline level. The system applies the Body Text following the Unnumbered Title style to paragraph text that follows unnumbered titles. This example illustrates the Unnumbered Title style.

Introduction, level one title Introduction text with multiple lines. Level two title This is text under level 2 title Another level two title This is text under level 2 title Another level one title Text for second level one title

Body Style Under Unnumbered Title

Select a style that determines how text following unnumbered titles should appear in documents. Use this paragraph style with the unnumbered title style so that as the system generates and indents a document, the indented title and body is specified to align through the paragraph style in the Microsoft Word document.

In Microsoft Word, this paragraph style normally has a blank Customized Outline Number List associated with it. The style also has the number and text positions within the level in Microsoft Word so that any indentation of the clause or section body is generated correctly depending on its outline position as defined in the document configurator and its content.

Numbered Body Style

Define a paragraph style for a numbered body if you want to create numbered text within normal body paragraphs, such as when you have not defined this text as a title within a clause or section definition. The system applies this paragraph style when it includes a clause or section without a title and when the Numbered check box is selected. This example illustrates the Numbered body style.

1. Offers can be mailed or hand-delivered, but must be physically
received by the terms specified. A vendor that submits an offer
by mail should allow sufficient mail handling time. 2. No extension of time will be granted for submissions by mail or
any other type of submission. Offers submitted by email, facsimile
transmission, or any other forms of electronic submission are not

Note. For more information about paragraph styles and custom outline numbered lists, see Microsoft Word documentation.

See Also

Styles and Formatting

Style Examples

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Automatic Numbering Specifications

This section provides an overview of automatic numbering and discusses how to set automatic numbering details.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Automatic Numbering

Automatic numbering applies a system-generated number to new objects as they are entered into the system. You can define automatic numbering specifications for PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management objects, such as clauses and entire documents. When you use automatic numbering, you define the starting sequence for the object, and as the system processes a new object, it assigns the prefix for the starting sequence, plus the remaining numbering scheme for the ID. PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management provides system-defined numbering specifications.

The application package SAC_ID_GEN contains classes that the system uses for automatic numbering. The default starting sequence comes from the AUTO_NUM_TBL record. The record appears in the list of values, but you can select a different starting sequence if it has been defined. Data is stored in AUTO_NUMFLD_TBL and you use the CS_ADHOC_ID field name to define the start sequence.

Using the Auto Numbering page, you can define the default value for the clause ID to NEXT when each clause is parsed from the incoming file and added to page. As it creates each clause, the system then assigns the next number with the specified sequence to the clause. You need to set up automatic numbering data for each setID that you use for automatic numbering.

Note. Automatic numbering is optional for clause ID, contract ad hoc ID, section ID, contract reporting entity ID, and contract number.

To set up and use automatic numbering:

  1. Create an entry for each sequence that you want to use for automatic numbering.

    For example, suppose that you want to create an automatic numbering sequence for a series of sections that relate to product inspections. Remember that PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management provides numbering for section IDs. So you'll perform these steps:

    1. Select Supplier Contracts, Supplier Contracts Setup, Auto Numbering.

    2. Select the Add a new Value tab.

    3. Select Contract Sections in the Number Type field.

      The Auto Numbering page appears.

    4. Select CS_OBJECT_ID in the Field Name field.

    5. Complete the numbering details.

      For example, you could name the starting sequence for the number INS for inspections. After completing the details, save the new automatic numbering scheme for contract sections. Then, if you wanted, you could add another starting sequence for a different type of inspection or for general sections. With the numbering details set up, you can now select the default value for automatic numbering and automatically generate numbers for sections.

    6. Select INS as the default starting sequence.

      This automatically adds a section with the INS starting sequence when you create a section. If you do not select a default value for the starting sequence, the system uses the last sequence that was added as the default, and automatically selects it when you save the page.

  2. Select Supplier Contracts, Manage Contract Library, Sections.

  3. Select the Add a New Value tab.

    The system inserts NEXT in the Section ID field. This is a placeholder.

  4. Click Add, and enter the section information.

  5. Save the section.

    The system applies the default prefix for the starting sequence and then applies the numbering scheme by using the next available number in the sequence.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define Automatic Numbering Specifications

Page Name

Object Name



Auto Numbering


Supplier Contracts, Supplier Contract Setup, Auto Numbering

Set automatic numbering details.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Automatic Numbering Details

Access the Auto Numbering page.

You use the Auto Numbering page to define number types and starting sequences for documents. The system uses the row that is marked as the default value for automatic numbering if document type is selected as an installation option. You can use each start sequence later for one or more document types.

Note. For clauses, sections, and contract reporting entities, a single numbering scheme, which is the default value, can be active at any point in time for each setID. For ad hoc ID numbering, users who are not using document types or for document types for which the sequence is not specified on the Document Type Setup page, you have one active automatic numbering scheme as well. However, if you define numbering schemes for multiple contract ad hoc IDs, you can select which one to use on the Document Type page. This enables the use of a specific nondefault-value numbering scheme for each document type.

Number Type

Displays the number type to which these automatic-numbering details belong. Number types are provided with PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management and include:

Contract Ad Hoc ID

Contract Clause

Contract Reporting Entity

Contract Section

Field Name

Select a field for automatic numbering. The field that you select should be the key field that you want for the type of number you are generating. Fields for each of the PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management number types are:

Contract Ad Hoc ID: CS_ADHOC_ID

Contract Clause: CS_OBJECT_ID

Contract Section: CS_OBJECT_ID

Contract Reporting Entity: REPORT_ENTITY

You can set up automatic numbering in PeopleSoft Purchasing for the transactional purchasing contract. This is similar to the numbering concept for the Contract Entry component in PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management.

See Defining Contract Control Parameters.

Start Seq (start sequence)

Enter a prefix using up to three alphanumeric characters. For example, for the CS_ADHOC_ID field, you might want to use a unique prefix of DOC for generated documents. When you create the document, the system uses the NEXT value as the ad hoc ID, and will automatically number the document DOC with the next available number that is appended to the new ID. This is the number that is used for the last document, plus one.

When you enter fewer than three characters, the system automatically adds zeros to complete the start sequence. Then, for example, if you use 2 as the starting sequence, the system updates the field to 200. As it assigns numbers, the system then increments the new number by one when assigning new numbers. In the example, if the maximum length is five, then a number might eventually appear as 20025, with the first three numbers representing the start sequence.

Max Length (maximum length)

Enter a maximum length of the number. The length cannot exceed the length of the field that appears with the field name.

Last Number Issued

Displays the last number that the system used to generate an automatic number in this numbering sequence. The starting value is zero, meaning that the system will assign 1 as the next ending number. You can change the number. If you change the number, automatic numbering will increment the next number in the sequence by one.


Select if you want the system to use a certain sequence as the default value for automatic numbering. You can select only one sequence. If document type is selected in installation options, and no start sequence is specified for a document type, the system uses the sequence that is selected as the default.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up User Preferences

To set up user preferences, use the Supplier Contract Management Define User Preferences component (OPR_DEF_TABLE_CS).

This section provides an overview of user preferences and discusses how to define user preferences.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding User Preferences

User preferences determine the security access and authorizations that users (document administrators and librarians) have when working with authored documents. A document administrator is typically the contract specialist in an organization and is the user doing day-to-day management of documents. Librarians are users who manage and update content in the contract library. This includes clauses, sections, configurators, wizards, and question groups. PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management provides a sample librarian user role.

Within user preferences, you can define users as document administrators and also grant users access to other administrators' documents, for example, as a supervisor or team member for other administrators. You can also define a document administrator user to have full authorization when needed. In this case, this user has full control of any document in the system when needed.

Users whom you intend to be capable to generate documents of any type must be set up with at least document administrator capabilities. Also, the use of document types should be considered when you are defining user preferences. For example, if you intend to have documents generated only by contract specialists who are using document types for contracts only or who are not using document types, you might want to grant document administrator capabilities to contract specialists only.

On the other hand, if you intend to use document types for generic purposes, such as a generic request-for-contract type for documents that are tied to requisitions, then you need to set up all users whom you intend to permit requesting documents as document administrators, and use the role filter in document type setup to restrict those users to creating just the request.

See Setting Up Document Types.

In addition to providing user preferences for document administrators and librarians, you use user preferences to define security settings to segregate the duties of approving sections, changing document configurator statuses, and importing documents. These may or may not be the same users as document administrator users.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set Up User Preferences

Page Name

Object Name



User Preferences


Supplier Contracts, Supplier Contracts Setup, Define User Preferences

Click the Supplier Contract Management link.

Define user preferences by establishing user document authorizations for tasks that users can perform on supplier contract documents.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining User Preferences

Access the User Preferences page.

Use this page to define user authorizations for managing documents through their life cycles and to grant the types of controls that the user who is defined in the User ID field can perform on documents. This is the selected user for this page discussion. This user preference page is enabled only for users who have administration rights for authored contracts. Those users can approve library sections and set configurator status.

The application administrator completes the setup information for user preferences for any document administrator.

Document and Librarian Authorizations

The application administrator uses this group box to grant security for document administrators and librarians who will manage section approvals and status changes for configurators and who import documents.

Full Authorization for All Documents

Select to grant a user the authority to perform all tasks that are listed on this page. This user has full authority for all documents in the system, and is considered a super user with access to perform all actions on contracts that are in the system. When you select the check box, the system disables the remaining fields and check boxes and they cannot be changed. If you do not select to fully authorize the user for all documents, then you can select individual authorizations for document tasks.

Document Administrator

Select to indicate that the user has document administrator authority to perform selected document tasks. As a document administrator, a user can generate, re-create, refresh, check out, edit, and check in documents. You can select one or all tasks in this grid.

Document administrators can also control life cycles for contracts for authors by submitting contracts for collaboration and approvals. Depending on how you are using document types, document administrators might include only contract specialists or maybe a broader list of users for self-generating documents.

Bypass Approval

Select to indicate that the user can set a document to bypass approvals. This means that the document can be automatically set to approved by this administrator. Normally, approved steps are required, but when necessary, the user can expedite the document. When users have the authority to push a document through its approvals, the Bypass Approval button appears on the Document Management page.

Reset to Dispatch

Select to indicate that the user can reset a document to a Dispatched status. After a document has been completed between a supplier and customer, it is in an Executed status. At that status, the Reset to Dispatch button is available on the Document Management page. This feature is useful if you want to do minor changes, such as correct typographical errors, in the current version of the document without processing an amendment.

Import Document

Select to provide this document administrator with permission to import a document. Document administrators with this permission have access to the Import Document button on the Add Document and Create Document pages, which enables them to load legacy external documents into the system as an alternative to generating them from a document configurator.


Use this grid box to set default values for clause librarians. You can set the default approval for sections and clauses and whether the librarian can change the status of a document configurator. The default values apply to the user ID you select.

Approve Sections

Select to indicate that a librarian can mark a section as approved, making the section available for use in documents. Section statuses can be changed or set to Approved on the Section Definition page.

Default Section Status

Select the default value for the status when this librarian creates a new section. This saves time in submitting the section for approval. Values include Approved and Initial. This field is available when the Approve Sections check box has been selected.

When this value is set to Approved, and the librarian checks out an approved section and makes changes, the system does not set the status back to Initial. Rather, it leaves it as Approved.

Default Clause Status

Select the default value for the status when this librarian creates a new clause. This saves time when librarians are not using clause approvals by allowing certain librarians to set clauses as approved by default. Values include Approved and Initial.

This field is not available when the Clause Approval option is selected on the Installation Options page. In this case, the default value is Initial because all clauses must be submitted for approval.

When this value is set to Approved, and the librarian checks out an approved clause and makes changes, the system does not set the status back to Initial. Rather, it leaves it as Approved.

Change Configurator Status

Select to indicate that the user can update the status of a document configurator. Configurator statuses can be changed on the Configurator Definition page.

Authorize Document Access for

Use this grid area to define additional authorizations for the person with the selected user ID. These authorizations enable this user to act on behalf of other users who are selected in the Document Administrator column of the grid. You might use this feature, for example, if the selected user is a senior contract administrator. While members of his department or group are away from the office, then the user has the authority to perform tasks for his or her documents.

Document Administrator (column)

Select additional users for whom the selected user will have authority to perform document tasks. Use the corresponding check boxes to define the authorities for the selected user.

Document Administrator (check box)

Select to indicate that the selected user has document administrator authority for the corresponding user's documents. This means that the selected user can generate and edit the user's documents just as if he or she were the administrator.

Reset to Dispatch

Select to indicate that the selected user has authority to reset a processed document back to dispatch for the corresponding user. This authority is in addition to any other task authorities that you select in this grid.

Bypass Approval

Select to indicate that the selected user has authority to bypass approvals and expedite a document for the corresponding user. This authority is in addition to any other task authorities that you select in this grid.