Managing the Contract Library

This chapter provides a list of common elements and overviews of the contract library, document clauses, document sections, document rules, bind variables, document configurators, contract wizards, document types, and contract library searches, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Contract Library

This section provides a list of common elements and discusses the contract library.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

Approval Status

Approval status represents the availability of content, including the clause, section, or rule for use in a generated document. If approvals have been enabled through installation options, then the system requires that clauses go through a more formal approval workflow process. You manually approve sections and rules. When content is not approved, you can still reference, save, and preview the content within clauses, sections, and configurators. However, document generation requires that any content included in a document have an approval status of Approved, a status of Active, and effective date equal to or prior to the begin date of the transactional or ad hoc contract.

Cancel Checkout

Select to cancel the checkout of a document. This button is available when a clause, section, or document has been checked out for editing. The system does not save any updates that have been made to the document and resets the document back to the version it was at when it was checked out. Cancel checkout is available only to the user who checked out the document.

Collapse Full Text

Click to reduce the amount of text that appears in the Full Text field. This button is available after you expand the Full Text field.

Edit Document

Click to open a Microsoft Word document that is associated with a clause or section. The system checks out the document for you to edit. Click the Check In button to upload the document after you make the changes and save the document. You can also cancel the editing session by clicking the Cancel Checkout button.

You can create Microsoft Word documents using the Clause Definition and Section Definition pages. When you enter text in the Title and Full Text fields and save the element, the system automatically generates the Microsoft Word document in WordML code. You can also edit the document before you enter the title or full text information. When you check in the document, the system populates the fields from the Microsoft Word document.

If you make changes to title or full-text information using clause or section pages and then try to edit the document using Microsoft Word, the system displays a warning message explaining that the document has Microsoft Word formatting saved from an earlier edit or copy. If you edit the title on the PeopleSoft Internet Architecture page, the system removes any Microsoft Word formatting. You can click the Yes button to continue with the edit in the Supplier Contract Management system or cancel to save the Microsoft Word formatting.

Effective Date

Select a date for which this document element becomes effective. Effective dates are key values for uniquely identifying the current or future effective-dated section, rule, clause, or document that is submitted for approval.

During document generation, the current effective-dated version of an element definition might be active, but not approved. In this case, the system searches for a previous effective-dated table row that is approved to include in the generated document. Document generation always uses the begin date of the contract to determine which effective-dated rows of sections, clauses, dependent clauses, and rules to include. The system provides a warning when situations in which a clause has been designated for inclusion in the contract based on effective date, but the clause has not been approved. Warnings can appear in the generation log of the Document Management page.

In most cases, when you refresh a document using the Document Management page, the system does not reevaluate the effective dates of clauses in the document. For example, if you change a clause in the library after you generate a document, but before you refresh it, the system does not pick up the clause change during the refresh.

Exceptions to how the system reevaluates effective dates when refreshing documents include when a rule was false and is now true. In this case, the system includes new clauses from the library. Another exception is when a bind value changes anywhere in a repeating section. In this case, the system re-creates the entire section in the document. In both of these cases, the system uses any changes to the library in document generation.

See Refreshing and Re-creating Documents.

Expand Full Text

Click to view a larger portion of the text that is contained in the Full Text field. Use the Collapse Full Text button to return to the normal view. You can edit clauses and sections using the Full Text field.

Preview Document

Click to open Microsoft Word preview files of a clause, section, or configurator. Preview applies the Microsoft Word template and paragraph styles to provide you an approximation of how a final generated document will appear. The document is intended for read-only purposes and cannot be checked in when you use the Preview Document button. After closing the document, you do not have to initiate any other action to end the preview session.

Microsoft Word 2003 integration enables formatted content, so you can preview the document in the same way that you would use the View feature in Microsoft Word.

Spell Check

Click to initiate the Spell Check feature for entries in clause and section titles and full text. You can also use check spelling by-reference text in clauses. If the spell checker doesn't find a word that it questions, the system displays a message that no misspellings were found.


Represents a state for a clause, section, or rule. Active or inactive states are pertinent to the effective date of the object.

Select Active to indicate that the element is ready for use, or select Inactive to remove the element from consideration for use in the structure.

This status is not the same type of status as the approval status. Approval statuses relate to the document review cycle. You can manually control the approval for clauses and sections. The approval workflow engine can control the approvals of clauses and documents.

Typically, the status is Active for all content that is not activated in the system. The approval status (versus this status) controls the approval settings and use of content in generated documents. However, if you need to completely inactivate a clause or section, or make it temporarily unavailable, you can use this status to do so by setting to Inactive.


Enter the title to use for this clause or section. The title serves as a heading for the document element. This is a required field and appears on the created document with the title format.

Where Used

Click to perform a search on where this object is used in PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management. When you click the link, you access the Search for All Content Instances page, where you can enter additional search criteria for the object. Where-used capability often enables you to traverse the system. For example, from a bind, you can find all clauses that use it. Or you can find sections that use a clause, configurators that use a section, and documents that use a configurator.

See Searching for Library and Document Contents.

Click to jump to parent topicContract Library

The PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management document library is an authoring system that enables you to create, track, and reuse a variety of document elements. The contract library contains the reusable building block components for the authoring system. Using the library, you can create reusable rules, clauses, and section elements. These elements are the building blocks for a document configurator which, in turn, you can use to generate a Microsoft Word document. Similar to clauses, sections, and rules, you can reuse document configurators. Documents resulting from a configurator can have different structures based on the data that they contain.

The contract library and document management system bring together transaction information, such as purchase order lines, with the PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management-generated document. The system formats the document, inserts the appropriate contractual and legal wording for the given situation and agreements, and manages the approvals and execution of the contract.

Establishing document types in the contract library enables you to define criteria for creating a certain type of document. Document types help authors and clause librarians find the right document to meet their requirements. When you set up document types, you define settings, default values, and security for the document.

Along with the capability to import clauses, the library also provides you with a complete set of searchable contract elements. Among the types of searches that you can perform within PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management are searches for clauses, sections, rules, document types, and bind variables. You can also search for document configurators and documents and perform full-text and object-specific searches, such as class names, group names for clauses, and generated documents. This search capability enables you to combine searches for certain transactional data along with document search criteria, such as contract amount and item category. After completing a search, you can review the results and then select a value from the resulting list that meets the search criteria.

This flowchart illustrates the elements of the contract library and how the system processes a purchasing contract or ad hoc document:

Contract library components and document creation

The building blocks that appear in the upper section of this flowchart are the elements that are described in this chapter. The document authoring system uses these elements to generate a document. After the Microsoft Word document is available, you can perform authoring tasks and then place the document into its life cycle, which is described in the next chapter.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Document Clauses

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicClauses

Document clauses are the basic building blocks for document content. A clause typically represents a certain portion, paragraph, or paragraph grouping in a contract. After establishing clauses, you can reference them directly in document sections to structure a document section for reuse. You can also reference the clause directly in document configurators and, optionally, indent them to accomplish the structure and appearance of a section in a configurator.

Before defining clauses, you should define appropriate classes to categorize clauses, and if you are using workflow, define approval types for workflow. If you do not have a clause library, then make sure you consider how and what you define as the content within clauses and the level of granularity. This is most important when considering clause approvals, because the approval level is defined at the clause level for both clause approvals and document approvals that use clauses in final documents.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEffective Dating

Clauses are effective-dated so that the system can keep a history of clause text updates and approval cycles. Effective dating also enables you to make changes to existing clauses for future use without affecting the wording of the current clause, which might be in use in documents. When creating a contract library, you should define the starting effective dates. The system uses these start dates of the contract to determine which valid clauses to include.

Note. Clause librarians should include the Correct History option in rows of history in clause maintenance, especially when new effective-dated changes are commonly added as of today.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicClause Status, Approval Status, and Workflow

Clauses have several statuses associated with them. The first is the status for the clause itself and the next is the approval status for the clause. Because clauses are effective-dated, the clause status is typically Active even for clauses that are pending approval. You can manually set a clause status to Inactive to phase out a particular clause.

You use the clause approval status to determine whether a new clause or change to an existing clause for this specific effective date is approved for use. When you add a new clause or change a clause, the system sets the clause status to Active and sets the approval status to Initial. You can submit clauses for approval through the approval workflow engine (AWE) or perform approvals manually, depending on the installation options and user preferences. If you do not set up clauses for approval workflow using installation options, then users with access to the clause page can manually set the clause approval status.

Clause librarians with clause approval permissions can have their newly copied, created, or edited clauses automatically set to approved. The system validates the structure of a clause before it saves or submits the clause for approval. If a clause structure is not valid, the system displays a message and sets the clause to an initial status, regardless of user preference settings.

See Approving Clauses.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicClause Text Editing

Clause text fields can include user-defined text and bind variables. You use the Clause Definition page in PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management to insert these elements directly into the clause using plain text. Plain text does not support formatting. You can also use the page to open the clause in Microsoft Word for editing for rich-text formatting.

Note. When you define simple clauses, Microsoft Word editing is not necessary because the system applies basic paragraph styles from the Microsoft Word template that have been set up using the Document Format and Options page. This setup can apply basic formatting, such as body and numbering styles, using a consistent method for the entire contract. If you need to apply special character-based formatting such as making text bold, underlining text, italicizing a specific sentence or word, or applying other rich-text formatting, you can edit the clause directly using Microsoft Word.

Additional considerations for formatting text within Microsoft Word so that it renders correctly using the preview feature and the final assembled document are described later in this book.

See Microsoft Word Integration with Supplier Contract Management.

This example illustrates how a simple clause might appear when you edit it using Microsoft Word. When you edit a clause using Microsoft Word, only the title, full text, and by-reference text are included in the edit. The system does not include other values that appear on the PeopleSoft Internet Architecture page for Microsoft Word maintenance. Only the clause content is available for editing.

Microsoft Word clause edit example

When you open a document using Microsoft Word, the system includes information about the clause. This information appears with instructional components in a gray background in the document and the system displays the structure of the clause and its contents. The displayed information includes the setID, clause ID, effective date, and fields to which the text belongs.

Microsoft Word XML Formatting

When the system generates the Microsoft Word document, the document's storage format is in XML instead of a Microsoft Word .doc template. You can also view the custom XML tags for the Microsoft Word document using a task pane in the document. You can view custom tags using Microsoft Word. To view custom tags:

  1. Select View from the toolbar.

  2. Select Task Pane.

  3. Click the Other Task Panes down arrow and select XML Structure.

The system displays the XML tags for the clause document.

Clauses contain titles, body, and by-reference text, which the system converts into Microsoft WordML when it creates a document. WordML is a Microsoft tool for use with XML language.

See Also

XML Schema

Microsoft Word Integration with Supplier Contract Management

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBind Variables and Repeating Clauses

Clauses can include bind variables. The system resolves the binds and converts them to text when it generates the document.

See Mapping Bind Variables.

Bind variables can be wizard or transactional types. Wizard binds are user-defined variables that you create. Transactional binds are those that you use in clauses that are linked to purchasing contract transactions. Transaction bind variables enable you to map values from the transactional data such as a purchasing contract into the authored contract. For example, referencing bind variable %%CONTRACT_ID%% can map the transactional contract number from the purchasing contract into a title clause when the system generates the contract.

Bind variables also have repeating attributes associated with them that, in turn, are inherited by the clause or section in which they are used. For example, you can use repeating clauses for things such as an item description list by including the bind variable %%ITEM_DESCR%% within the clause title (or body). The bind variable %%ITEM_DESCR%% happens to repeat at level one because the item list is an immediate child record of the contract header, which is at level zero. So you could define a clause having the text:

This inspection process applies to %%ITEM_DESCR%%.

When the system includes this clause for generation against a purchasing contract with three lines, it could appear as follows in the generated document:

1. This inspection process applies to 4 Piece Saltwater Fly. 2. This inspection process applies to Rod and Reel Case Combo. 3. This inspection process applies to Travel Fly Rod.

You can nest the repeating-level clauses and sections as well. For example, a dependent clause could be assigned to an existing parent clause that repeats level two data, such as contract milestones data. This is a child record to the procurement transaction contract line in the parent clause. When nesting repeat structures, the system validates that it uses the proper child repeating clauses with the immediate parent by checking the level and key structures of each bind variable.

Note. Proper setup of nested repeating structures requires some technical expertise. PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management provides a set of transactional binds for purchasing contracts. Wizard binds are less complex and do not use repeating structures, so they are always at a level zero. You can easily create wizard binds.

See Mapping Bind Variables.

A clause can stand alone or be used as a dependent or alternate clause. These are clauses that you can associate with another clause or use instead of another clause. Descriptions of these clauses are in the next sections.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDependent Clauses

A dependent clause is a clause that is linked to a parent clause. When you include the parent clause in a section or configurator, the system also uses the dependent clauses that are linked to the parent clause. Any time the system uses a main clause, the dependent clauses appear directly below it in the Microsoft Word document. You can use dependent clauses when they are defined independently, but they are always mandatory when you link them to a parent clause.

You create a dependent clause in the same way that you create any clause. A clause becomes dependent only when you associate it as a dependent clause using the Dependents grid on the Clause Definition page.

To associate a dependent clause with a parent clause, the dependent clause must be effective on or before the parent clause's effective date. This enables you to change the parent clause content and structure over time and include different structures and content based on contract start date.

Dependent clauses are approved separately from parent clauses, but their approval statuses appear on the Clause Definition page. When you are developing a parent clause, this visibility to dependent clauses assists in the approval of the parent clause.

See Defining Dependent Clauses.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAlternate Clauses

You use an alternate clause as a substitute for a parent clause. Similar to a dependent clause, you create an alternate clause in the same way that you create the parent clause. The clause becomes an alternate clause when you assign it as an alternate to another clause. Alternate clauses enable you to specify clauses that can be selected manually as an alternate clause using Research task pane integration with Microsoft Word 2003.

In addition, the system can automatically include alternate clauses based on rules that you set up in the system and associate with the alternate clause. For example, you might have two standard address clauses used in an ad hoc contract. One address clause uses two lines while the other uses three lines. Then, depending on document author responses to wizard questions, the system determines whether the author wants to use the two-line or three-line clause for formatting. You can define the three-line formatted clause as the default clause, but based on wizard responses, the system can collect address-line values during contract generation, find a rule to recognize the wizard response for a two-line clause and, in turn, switch the three-line clause to the two-line clause automatically in the document.

Another example of switching to alternate clauses might include working with specific suppliers. In this case, for an ad hoc document, a wizard response could determine the supplier based on the alternate rule. In the case of a transactional contract, the supplier value might come from a transactional bind value such as VENDOR_ID.

If an alternate rule is not defined using the Rule tab on the Clause Definition page, the system uses these standards to process alternate clauses:

When you use an alternate clause, the system uses only dependent clauses that are assigned to the alternate and not the dependent clauses that are assigned to the main clause. Alternate clauses can include bind variables, but cannot be repeating in nature. This means that they cannot contain bind variables that repeat.

See Bind Variables and Repeating Clauses.

Alternate clauses can have dependent clauses that are used in the document in the same way as dependent clauses.

See Also

Microsoft Word Integration with Supplier Contract Management

Defining Dependent Clauses

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicClause Previews

During document preview and generation, the system uses the Microsoft Word template and setup definitions to determine which paragraph style and outline numbering to associate with the clauses in a generated document while preserving special character formatting such as making characters bold or underlining a word.

The system applies these paragraph styles for any clause content that does not have a explicit override paragraph styles or lists defined for it within the clause itself. Setting up Microsoft Word templates requires a working knowledge of Microsoft Word and paragraph styles and special consideration for when users can edit clause content and override styles.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicClause Imports

Using the Import Clause feature, you can import a single clause or group of clauses into the contract library. The system provides for completing a partial clause definition and applies the same edits to clause entry as are present in the online entry.

See Importing Clauses.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Document Sections

You use a document section to create a reusable structure of clauses, rules, and sections that can be nested up to nine indented outline levels and to create rules for use within a document.

The next sections describe section features.

Effective Dating

Sections are effective-dated so that you can make future changes to sections without affecting existing section structures that might already be in use in documents. You should decide which starting effective date to use when creating the contract sections. The system uses the start date of the contract to determine which sections are valid at a point in time and includes the content of the section in the document.

Section Approval Status

Unlike clauses, sections do not use the approval workflow engine for approvals. You maintain approvals for sections using the Section Definition page. Use the User Preferences page for PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management to define who can approve sections. You can set user preferences for clause librarians so that the sections they create are automatically set to an approved status.

See Setting Up User Preferences.

Section Text Edits

Sections can contain a title and section body, for example, that you can use as an introduction to the document section. The editing functions for a section are similar to those for clauses in that you can edit text directly using the PeopleSoft page, or use Microsoft Word 2003 to modify the section and add text using a rich text format (RTF).

This format is a file type that the system uses to transfer formatted text documents between applications. The format is often used when a document is created in one word processing program but is expected to be edited in another word processing program. With the document authoring system, you use the format between Microsoft Word and the PeopleSoft system.

The following example illustrates how a simple section might appear when you preview it in Microsoft Word. Although sections do not have a formal workflow status, if the section status is not set to Approved, the Microsoft Word document indicates the status in the section title when you are previewing the section. If you were to include a pending section in a document configurator, the unapproved section would be omitted from any final generated document.

Microsoft Word preview of a section

The example illustrates a section that is pending approval. The system generates a message within the section to indicate that it has not been approved. Sections do not use alternates or groups. The section structure can include clauses, other sections, and rules, whereas a clause can have only dependent clauses associated with it.

During document preview and generation, the system uses the Microsoft Word template and setup definitions to determine which paragraph style and outline numbering to associate with the section in a generated document while preserving special character formatting such as making text bold or underlining a word.

The system applies these paragraph styles for any section content that does not have a explicit override paragraph styles or lists defined for it within the section itself. Setting up Microsoft Word templates properly requires a working knowledge of Microsoft Word and paragraph styles. For more information about special considerations for editing clause content and overriding styles, see the Microsoft Word Integration with Supplier Contract Management appendix.

See Microsoft Word Integration with Supplier Contract Management.

Section Bind Variables and Repeating Sections

Sections also act similar to clauses with regard to their use of binds and repeating sections. Sections may contain binds within the section title or section body.

See Bind Variables and Repeating Clauses.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Document Rules

A rule is a user-defined set of data and conditions that the system uses to determine whether to include any additional specific clauses or sections in a generated document, or to determine whether an alternate clause is to substitute for the initial clause that was intended for the document.

Rules can reference bind variables, which enables you to retrieve actual field values from a transaction's record or wizard response when the system processes the rule during document generation. So depending on an author's responses to certain wizard questions or other transactional bind values that are specific to the document that the system is generating, you can use the rule to include additional pertinent content within the document.

See Binds.

This list summarizes how you use rules:

The next sections describe additional rule features.

See Setting Up Contract Rules.

Effective Dating

Rules are effective-dated so that you can revise them over time without affecting prior versions of the rule. The system includes the correct version of an active rule in document generation based on the start date of the contract. Each rule has its own identifier, and you can control the Active or Inactive status for the rule.

Rule Criteria

You can establish basic rule criteria for both standard and alternate rules with simple operands and binds. Basic queries can reference multiple bind variables and values, but all comparisons must be processed with a simple and or or statement for the criteria. You can also use more advanced rules that use parentheses to combine statements for more complex data sets when needed.

Repeating Rules

A repeating rule is one that has binds that are from a level greater than zero. If the rule is against a child-level transactional repeating record, such as a contract item line for a transaction at level one, the content types and their children that are attached to that rule are transferred into the document for each row of a repeating rule.

Content elements (sections and clauses) that are listed for a rule should not have binds, or level-zero binds only, or the same level binds as the criteria. For example, if the criteria for a transactional contract item is at level one, then the system cannot list content element objects in the rules grid at a level greater than one.

You can include only rules with bind variables that are greater than level zero in a repeating section of the same level. For example, if the rule evaluates a bind variable for the transactional contract item ID at level one, the rule must be included on a section that also contains a bind variable at the same level. Thus, you cannot include rules with bind variables that are greater than level zero on the document configurator directly. Furthermore, if you do require a content element to contain a bind value that is greater than level zero, then the bind variable must be associated with the same record view as the bind that is used within the rule.

See Mapping Bind Variables.

Alternate Rules

When rules are attached to alternate clauses, the system uses the rule to determine which of the alternate clauses to use. Each alternate clause can have an associated rule attached to it. The attached rule must have a type of Alternate. The system checks the alternate rules in sequence to find the first alternate for which the rule is true. If none of the rules are true, the system uses the original main clause and does not make a substitution.

During document generation, if a substitution takes place, the system replaces the lead clause information in the document with the alternate clause information.

Note. Substitution of clauses happen for only the lead clause and not the alternate clause. So in the previous example, if the alternate clause itself has alternate clauses and rules defined for it, the system doesn't evaluate those alternate clauses.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Bind Variables

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBinds

Binds that you use in PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management are variable definitions that enable you to map source transactional values, such as a purchase order transactional contract or contract wizard values, to content within clauses or sections. When the system processes binds during document generation, the value of the record field that is mapped to the transactional bind variable or the response value of a wizard bind variable replaces the bind variable placeholder in the document. You can also use binds in rules. This enables the inclusion of additional or alternate clauses in documents that you create and maintain.

Binds are stored in a central table that you access using the Binds page. A bind can apply to specific transactions, while others might apply across a variety of transactions.

The system uses binds:

See Also

Mapping Bind Variables

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBind Definition Steps

To define and use binds in addition to those that the system supplies:

  1. Define the bind that includes the bind and field types.

    Use the Bind Definition page to add these values. Wizard type binds are those that are used with the contract wizard. Transactional type binds originate from a source transaction. These are nonwizard binds, such as those related to the purchasing transactional contract or ad hoc binds.

  2. Review the defined source transaction structures that include the source and parent records.

  3. Map the binds to the view of the source transaction record.

  4. Use bind variables within clauses or rules.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSystem-Supplied Binds

Bind setup is intended for advanced users, but the system supplies predefined binds that you can use with fields for the transactional purchasing contract. All bind types that the system supplies are TRANS type binds. The binds are mapped based on their description. Descriptions include:

Supplier Contract Management delivers the transactional bind types described in this table:

Bind Variable


Field Type


PO Contract Buyer ID



PO Contract Buyer Descr



PO Contract Buyer FAX



PO Contract Buyer Phone



PO Contract Amount



PO Contract Description



PO Contract End Date



PO Contract Header Comments



PO Contract ID



PO Contract Line Comments



PO Contract Maximum Amount



PO Contract Single Rel PO Num



PO Contract Start Date



PO Contract Currency Code



PO Contract Currency Code Desc



PO Contract Currency Rate Type



PO Contract Cur Rate Type Desc



Adhoc Document ID



Adhoc Document Begin Date



Document Contact Address1



Document Contact Address2



Document Contact Address3



Document Contact Address4



Document Contact City



Document Contact Country



Document Contact County



Document Contact Email



Document Contact Extension



Document Contact Name



Document Contact Phone



Document Contact Phone Country



Document Contact Phone Type



Document Contact Postal Code



Document Contact State



Document Contact Title



Document Department ID



Document Expire Date



Document Owner



PO Contract Hdr Agreement Code



PO Contract Hdr Agreement Desc



PO Contract Hdr Agree Tgt Date



PO Contract Item Description



PO Contract Item ID



PO Contract Line Agreement Cd



PO Contract Line Agreement Dsc



PO Contract Line Agree Tgt Dt



PO Contract Category Code



PO Contract Category Code Desc



PO Contract Line Currency CD



PO Contract Line Currency CD



PO Contract Line Merch Amt



PO Contract Line Number



PO Contract Line Max Quantity



PO Contract Line Min Quantity



PO Contract Line Status



PO Contract Line UOM



PO Contract Master Contract



PO Contract Manufacturer ID



PO Contract Mfg Item ID



PO Contract Milestone Amount



PO Contract Milestone Number



PO Contract Milestone Status



PO Contract Payment Terms



PO Contract Payment Terms Desc



PO Contract Milestone % Cmplt



PO Contract Retention Amount



PO Contract Retention Code



PO Contract Retention Percent



Document Sponsor



PO Contract Vendor Address 1



PO Contract Vendor Address 2



PO Contract Vendor Address 3



PO Contract Vendor Address 4



PO Contract Vendor City



PO Contract Reference Number



PO Contract Vendor Country



PO Contract Vendor County



PO Contract Vendor ID



PO Contract Vendor's Item ID



PO Contract Vendor name



PO Contract Vendor Short Name



PO Contract Vendor Postal Code



PO Contract Vendor State


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBind Use Standards

Clauses and sections are stored off the record view name and the level in the child source transaction table. The system uses binds as described in the following list.

See Also

Setting Up Contract Rules

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Document Configurators

A document configurator is a collection of sections, clauses from the library, ad hoc clauses, and rules that compose the overall structure and wording of a document. You create a configurator after you define sections, clauses, and rules and place them in the order that you want within each configurator. When you generate a document, the configurator determines the content and order of the document elements and provides static and dynamic structure within a document. The document configurator can also be related to a wizard that prompts for specific values that can be used by sections, clauses, and rules within the configurator.

Another type of content, the ad hoc clause, is content that you add to the document configurator as you are creating the configuration definition. The system doesn't manage ad hoc clauses the same as clause content in the contract library. It associates the clause with only a single configurator.

You create ad hoc clauses by selecting the Ad Hoc Clause content type on the Insert a Content Row page. This page enables you to enter text for the clause's content description, title, and full text. You can also use Microsoft Word to add rich text by using the Edit in Word button on the Insert a Content Row page. You can upload the edited content into the PeopleSoft system. The process for ad hoc clause creation does not use the Edit Document and Check In features or the clause approval process. Also, ad hoc clauses cannot contain bind variables.

Document configurators are not version or effective-date controlled. However, they are dynamic in that you can introduce changes over time. Changes might include new sections, clauses, or rules.

Using the View As Of Date feature, you can see the current status and effective date of the element in use. The date is based on the as of date that you can enter. This feature also enables you to preview how the configurator content appears as of a certain date. So the document configurator is essentially a set of pointers back to content in the library, and it is ultimately the contract start date that determines which version of the content is included when you generate document at any time.

Depending on requirements, you can create several configurators that are more static in nature, or create fewer configurators that are more rules-based and that dynamically pull information depending on the rules that are implemented. A Copy From configurator feature enables you to set up a baseline configurator and create other configurators from it. You can also categorize configurators using configurator types and groups.

This example shows how elements are brought together and organized in a configurator:

Document configurator flow

The document configurator references a Microsoft Word template that plays a major role in the resulting format and styles that the system applies to a generated document. You define templates for use with a configurator using the Document Templates and Styles and the Document Format and Options pages in the Supplier Contract Setup component.

The settings within this component determine overall Microsoft Word paragraph style names to apply from the Microsoft Word template as the system generates the document. For example, if you are using all numbered sections and clauses, with titles, and body text, the system retrieves the style name that is associated with the Numbered Title Style and Body Style Under Numbered Title fields from the Microsoft Word template. The system then applies the styles to all sections and clauses that are included in the configurator during document generation.

Note. The system applies paragraph styles for any clause or section content that does not have an explicit override paragraph style or list defined for it within the clause itself.

Paragraph styles in Microsoft Word and attributes of the outline numbering define what numbering scheme the system uses, indentation for titles and body text, and fonts and font size that are used for the overall text. Because templates have such an impact on document format, you should define Microsoft Word templates to meet document needs prior to generating documents with them.

You need some working knowledge of Microsoft Word and paragraph styles to set up the template properly. As you develop the Microsoft Word template, you should create a trial document configurator and use the Preview feature within document configurator to review and evaluate the format of the finished document.

During document preview and generation, the system uses the Microsoft Word template and setup definitions to determine which paragraph style and outline numbering to associate with the clauses in a generated document while preserving special character formatting such as making a word bold or underlining a word.

You build configurators as a logical grouping of elements to create a final document from the first to last page, including a table of contents. You do this by inserting references into section, clause, and rule elements in the clause library and, if needed, by adding specific ad hoc clauses for the configurator. After you define the configurator, you can manage elements by either indenting and outdenting or deleting and reinserting the elements. Changing the indentation level of elements within the configurator can also affect the indentation within the generated Microsoft Word document, depending on how you have defined indentation for each outline level within the Microsoft Word template.

Note. Changing the indentation level of elements within the configurator can also affect the indentation within the generated Microsoft Word document. This depends on how you define indentation for each outline level within the Microsoft Word template.

This example shows how elements might appear in a configurator.

Configurator content elements example

You can expand and collapse configurator elements and view up to nine levels. Four levels appear in the example. For maintenance purposes, the system automatically defines the outline numbering for the configurator element as you maintain the configurator.

See Also

Defining Basic Configurator Information

Viewing and Maintaining Configurator Structures

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Contract Wizards

A wizard is a tool that automatically guides document authors to answer questions. It then enables the authors to use the answers to those questions as input to a generated document. The wizard uses wizard binds or rules that can affect a document through alternate clauses or by inserting additional clauses or sections based on the answers. You can define a wizard and use it with one or more document configurators to guide authors during document generation.

You can also define a wizard that helps authors determine what document configurator best meets the needs of the document they are creating when there are multiple configurators defined for a document type. You can define configurator selector wizards for document types when there are multiple configurator IDs that you might apply for the selector wizard.

See Also

Using the Contract Document Wizard

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Document Types

Document types can help you organize and further categorize documents that you use in the document authoring system. Using document types, you can define specific settings, defaults, and security that can help fine-tune the use of each type of document. For example, you can associate a specific configurator with a specific type of document to ensure that the right configuration is used when authors create those types of documents.

The document type structure enables you to standardize life-cycle processing options and default values for all documents that are created for the specified type. For example, you can configure a formal contract document type to enable full life-cycle statuses and functions including executing the document and processing formal amendments. You can also configure other documents, such as a request document, with a more simplified Draft and Approved status option or, even more simple, a Draft and Completed status option.

In addition, using document types, you can specify whether users can edit generated documents, collaborate with other users, or both. An additional benefit of the document type concept is that the document type choice insulates you from the direct selection of the more technical document configurator ID when creating documents.

You can use document types within the requisition flow for requisitions that will require new contracts. In this scenario, you can define a request document and wizard that captures additional information from the requestor. When a document type is set up for the contract request situation, you can specify that the system use this type with a PeopleSoft eProcurement or Purchasing requisition. In this case, along with the requisition, the requestor can generate a supplemental request document by launching a wizard that captures needed information pertaining to the contract request.

The requestor can then provide the required information in the supporting document. When you award the requisition to a contract, the specialist can reference the original request document and make use of any wizard responses within that request document to help drive the content and fill in required data for the actual contract. The benefit of this process is that by the time the contracting specialist becomes involved in the process, the requestor has already been prompted for and provided all of the necessary information.

Other examples for using document types can include statements of work, document summaries, executive summaries, and non-disclosure agreements.

The use of document types requires that you select the Use Document Type check box on the Installation Options page. You can create document types, but the system does not apply them during document creation until the installation option is selected.

Document type features include:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Contract Library Searches

You can use the Verity search index for searches in the contract library. Verity searches enable you to search the content of clauses, sections, and current documents. For example, you can use Verity searching to search for clauses and sections by content while creating document configurators. You can also perform Verity searches for content in imported documents and for specific document types.

You perform Verity searches using the Search Contents component to set up and to perform the searches. If you do not enable Verity searching, you can still use standard PeopleSoft search pages and prompts for clauses, sections, and rules for searching. However, without Verity searches, you cannot search content such as clause text or the text within a document.

See Also

Searching for Library and Document Contents

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Contract Clauses

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Contract Clauses

Page Name

Object Name



Clause Definition


Supplier Contracts, Manage Contract Library, Clauses

Define clause information.

Define dependent clauses.

Define alternate clauses and related rules.

Submit clauses for approval.

Copy Information From


Click the Copy From button on the Clause Definition page.

Create a clause by coping the clause from an existing clause. After you make the copy, you can incorporate new values into the clause.

Associate to Clause Group


Supplier Contracts, Manage Contract Library, Clauses

Click the Associate to Clause Group link on the Clause Definition page.

Associate clauses with clause groups.

Add Bind Variables to Content Fields


Supplier Contracts, Manage Contract Library, Clauses

Click the Add Variables button on the Clause Definition page.

Add bind variables to content fields.

Clause Approval Status


  • Click the Preview Approval button on the Clause Definition page.

  • Click the Submit for Approval button on the Clause Definition page.

Preview clause approvals. This feature is available only when installation options require that clauses must be approved.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Clause Information

Access the Clause Definition page.

Use this page to define contract clauses. You can also define alternate and dependent clauses, as well as associate the clause with clause groups.

You can define multiple clauses for use in creating documents. You can create clauses directly using this page or by using Microsoft Word, which you can use for more rich-text editing.

When you insert a clause into sections or document configurators, the content format value for the section or configurator determines whether text is used from the Full Text or the Reference Textfield. You use the Reference Text field to enter simple or abbreviated text strings for the clause instead of the entire text in the Full Text field.

Copy From

Click to access the Copy Information From page. The button is available when you are adding a clause, and it enables you to copy an existing clause to create a new clause. When you click the button, the system provides a list of existing clauses.

Associate to Clause Group

Click to access the Associate to Clause Group page, where you can associate the clause with a clause group. By grouping clauses, you can use them in searching, filtering, and selecting document clauses.

You can use a clause group to add groups of clauses that are associated with a group to a configurator. In this case, the group assists in the selection of objects. However, you cannot associate the group itself with a document configurator.


Select a library to which you want to assign this clause. You use libraries to group contract clauses and develop an authoring document infrastructure that can support complex solicitation and documents. You define and organize clauses in the library. You can use a clause only in one library definition. You use libraries to associate related clauses. Libraries also facilitate searching for clauses.

Class Name

Select the clause class with which you want to associate this clause. You use classes to group similar clauses for searches. Class is a required field and determines which if any approval types are available for the clause.

Approval Type

Click to select an approval type for approving clauses. The system bases the available values in this field on the approval types that have been defined for the class name that you selected. Approval types control which, if any, approval routing the clause requires as well as clause usage within documents. The system can provide a default value for the approval type based on the associated class name.

See Setting Up Approval Types.


Enter informational text that is related to this clause. The system does not use the text for validation.

Effective Date

Select an effective date. Clauses are effective-dated to enable you to keep a history of clause text and approvals and to make future changes to existing clauses without affecting existing clause terminology that may already be in use on given documents. During document generation, the system uses the start date of the contract to determine which valid clauses to include in a document. As you introduce clause changes, you should select an effective date that represents the effective-dated clauses that you want to include in new contracts. When the system creates new effective-dated rows for the clause, it assigns the new row an approval status of Initial.


Select a status to assign to the clause. The system requires the Status field with all effective-dated records in Supplier Contract Management. For clauses, this status is typically Active, even for clauses that are pending approval.

When you need to completely deactivate a clause or temporarily put a clause on hold so that the system does not use it in a document, you can set the status to Inactive. This prevents the clause from being included in new documents.

Edited via Word Application (edited using Microsoft Word application)

This indicator appears if the clause has been checked out and edited in Microsoft Word. If the check box is selected and disabled, the document has been edited. This indicates that you may have rich text associated with the clause that would be lost if you were to make edits directly using this page. If you attempt to edit the document, the system displays a warning.

Where Used

Click to identify where this clause is used, which includes sections and document configurators. Using the where-used search results, you can perform additional where-used searches. For example, this enables you to determine which documents have been generated using the document configurator that contained this clause.

Numbered Clause

Select to indicate that this is to be a numbered clause in the Microsoft Word document. The clause title is numbered according to the default numbering style that is defined in the Document Format and Options setup page. The check box is selected as the default setting. An example of numbered clauses is:

1. Introduction 2. Opening paragraph

If you clear the check box, the clause is not numbered in the document or preview document. For example:

Introduction Opening paragraph

Insert Page Break Prior

Select to begin the clause on a new page. The document will contain a page break prior to this clause. This is useful, for example, when you are creating signature pages for the contract. When the system generates WordML, it writes a page break wordmltag before writing out the clause data.

Protect in Document

Select to indicate that the clause should be protected in a document. This means that the clause is read-only when you generate the document. This feature enables you to specify that a clause is protected on a clause-by-clause basis when you check in a document.

The field is clear as the default value. When you select to protect the clause, the system displays that the clause is protected in the Content Elements grid on the Document Configurator Definition page.

When a clause is protected and the protection is removed using Microsoft Word, and then the document is checked in, the system issues a warning that the clause is protected in the library, but was changed in the edited document.

Repeating Object

Indicates whether this clause is repeating in nature. You do not enter this clause attribute. The system derives the value based on the bind variables that are included in the clause. If the system includes a bind variable that repeats, such as %%Item ID%% (level one), in the clause title or text, it sets this check box to selected. The Repeating Object check box is typically clear for most clauses. But because special rules and edits can be applied as repeating objects, it helps you to identify when an object is repeating.

Approval Status

Displays the approval status for the clause. This field is disabled if the system requires the clause to go through the approval workflow engine for approval processing. When you use the workflow process, the system automatically updates the field, depending on the approval progress. You define clause approval requirements using installation options.

If approval workflow is not required as defined on the Installation Options page, then the default value that is established in user preferences for the person who is creating the clause controls the default value of the approval status. For example, to save time in approving clauses, you could provide the clause librarian the authority to create a clause that is already in the Approved status. This also applies when the librarian checks out and edits a document. The system sets the status back to approved upon check in.

The approval status must be set for each new effective-dated row of the clause because each row acts as a new version of the clause. If the system requires approvals, each effective-dated row of the clause must be submitted for approval unless the clause librarian has user preferences permissions for approving clauses.

If workflow approvals are required, the Preview Approvals and Submit for Approval buttons also appear on this page. If approvals are not required, the field can also be set manually.

See Approving Clauses.

Validate Variables

Click to call validation routines to verify that bind variables in the clause exist and that they are being used correctly in case repeating binds exist. This is the same as saving the clause, except that validating bind variables enables you to verify the clause's binds for use without saving it.

The validation also checks that the bind variables are valid and that the dependent clause relationships in the clause are valid when repeating binds are in use. These validations ensure that any dependent clause structures that might repeat contain repeating binds with proper levels and internal key structures relative to binds that the system uses in the main parent clause.

If errors occur with the validation, the system populates the Errors grid with the issues.

Add Variables

Click to search for and add bind variables to the clause title, full text, or reference text. The purpose of adding a variable is to add a placeholder location within the clause which the system will replace by using an actual transactional or wizard value when it generates the document.

When you add bind variables using this button, the system places variables at the end of any text within the field to which you are adding the bind. If you know which bind variable to use, you can alternatively type it in directly in the clause title, full text, or reference text without using the Add Variable button.

Note. After you edit the clause in Microsoft Word, you should not use this button. This changes the value in the PeopleSoft page and causes you to lose any Microsoft Word formatting you may have made to the clause.

See Adding Bind Variables to Content Fields.

Preview Document

Click to open the clause in a read-only mode using Microsoft Word. During the preview, the system applies paragraph style formatting from the Microsoft Word template that is defined for the setID. The preview also expands dependent clauses.

Note. Numbered clause preview always starts at the first number in the Microsoft Word numbering scheme; however, when the system generates the final document, the numbering changes based on positions in the document.

Edit Document

Click to edit clause content using Microsoft Word. Before editing documents, you should understand Microsoft Word functionality and integration with Supplier Contract Management to better help you create the contract library.

When you click this button, the system displays the Checked Out By and On fields and creates a Microsoft Word document that includes the title, full text, and reference text fields. You must save this file to the local client system using Microsoft Word before you check the document back into the PeopleSoft system. The system creates a default filename with the setID, clause ID, and effective date of the clause being edited as part of the filename.

While you can apply custom formatting using Microsoft Word, you should use the Microsoft Word template and paragraph styles for format processing during document preview and generation. This provides a consistent format of numbering and content for finished documents.

Note. You should refrain from applying custom paragraph styles while editing in Microsoft Word. You should limit style changes to character styles, such as changing characters to bold or underlining specific words.

After accessing Microsoft Word, you can create or modify the content for the title, full text, and reference text by modifying text within the brackets in Microsoft Word.

Note. The system enables Microsoft Word document protection for the clause to protect hidden tags used by Supplier Contract Management to recognize the title and text fields during check-in. Protection can at times prevent you from performing certain format changes using Microsoft Word. In these cases, you can turn off the protection, make the change, then turn the protection back on. The protection of a clause is typically set up by administrators.

See Protected Areas.

See Clause Text Editing.

Checked Out By

Displays the user ID of the person who is editing the clause.


Displays the date on which the clause was checked out for editing.

Cancel Checkout

Click to cancel the check out of a clause without checking in any changes

Note. If you saved a local version of the clause, it remains on the local client system.

Check In

Click to check in the Microsoft Word version of the clause. This process uploads the Microsoft Word version of the clause so that the PeopleSoft system is aware of the rich formatting that you added for the clause. When you click Check In, the system:

  1. Provides an Upload page with Browse, Upload, and Cancel buttons.

    If you know the exact location and filename of the clause, you can enter it, and click Upload. If you don't know the location, click the Browse button.

  2. Click Browse to locate the clause that you checked out.

  3. Double-click the file to select it.

    The system displays an Upload button.

  4. Click the Upload button to upload and check in the clause.

Note. The system validates the file you try to upload to ensure that it is an XML file and that it has embedded keys identifying it as the clause that was originally checked out.

Preview Approvals

Click to view approvers for the clause. This button is available when installation options have been set to require clause approval through the approval workflow engine. When you click this button, you access the Clause Approval Status page, where you can review information about approval stages and paths and who is reviewing or approving the clause.

Submit for Approvals

Click to initiate the approval process for the clause. This button is available when installation options have been set to require clause approval through the approval workflow engine. When you enable clause approvals, the system uses a more formal process for users to review, modify, and approve the clause. The system notifies approvers and reviewers that the clause is waiting for their approval.

For clauses that do not require approval, the system displays a secondary page stating that approval isn't required, and automatically approves the clause.

See Setting Up Approval Types.

See Approving Clauses.

Approval Details

Click to access the Clause Approval Status page, where you can review information about a clause that has already been sent for approvals or has already been approved. This link is available when installation options have been set to require clause approval through the approval workflow engine.


Enter descriptive text that identifies the clause's content.

Full Text

Enter the text to use for a clause. You can specify either full text or reference text, but not both, when a clause is referenced in the system for use on, for example, a section or configurator. The text becomes a part of the document when you use this element to generate the document.

Click the Expand Full Text button to view a larger portion of the text. You might have to scroll to see all of the text, depending on the amount of text. Click the Collapse Full Text button to reduce the viewing area.

Typically, if you have a simple clause without any special formatting, you can use PeopleSoft pages to create the clause and use the Microsoft Word template that is associated with the configurator to control standard numbering, bolding, title font sizes, and text. If you require more detailed formatting, you can leave the title and body text blank and edit directly in Microsoft Word to complete the content.

Note. You should not cut and paste from current Microsoft Word documents directly into PeopleSoft pages. Some Microsoft Word characters do not translate correctly. If you do cut and paste into the PeopleSoft page, you need to review the text and clear any formatting issues with the clause in Supplier Contract Management or by editing the clause in Microsoft Word.

See Character Limitations.

Reference Text

Enter a reference as additional information concerning the clause. Occasionally, you might need to use more simple references to an existing clause within the library instead of using or repeating the full text of the clause in a document. Reference text enables you to do this. For example, if you have a document that relates to hazardous materials, rather than including an entire clause such as the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 52.223-3 Hazardous Material Identification and Material Safety Data, simply site reference to this clause using the reference text when appropriate.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Dependent Clauses

Access the Clause Definition page.

Use the Dependents grid to include a list of mandatory clauses that accompany the primary clause. This means that if you add this primary clause to a section or document configurator, any dependent clauses that are listed in this section will always appear after the primary clause when the system generates the document. The dependent clauses appear as indented children for the main clause when displayed within the document configurator, and also in the generated word document, depending on the implementation of paragraph styles and indentation that is specified for outline numbering that is related to the paragraph style.

You cannot select the primary clause to be its own dependent clause. However, dependent clauses can have dependents that can also have dependent clauses. The system checks for looping situations and adjusts them during the document generation process.


Enter a value that represents the order in which you want to use dependent clauses. The lowest value is the first clause to be used after the primary clause when the system generates the document.


Select to make this dependent clause a numbered clause that follows the primary clause. The check box is available when you select the Numbered Clause check box for the primary clause. If the check box is disabled, the primary clause is not a numbered clause and therefore, the dependent clause cannot be numbered.

If you select the Numbered Clause check box, then you can decide if you want to continue that numbering for dependent clauses. You can define which dependent clauses are numbered.

Note. The system determines the numbering of clauses in the preview of a clause by using paragraph styles and outline numbering that are defined in the default Microsoft Word template for the setID. The system determines the numbering of the clause in an authored document by using the Microsoft Word template that is associated with the document configurator.

Content ID

Select a clause to use as a dependent clause for this primary clause. When you select this clause, the system uses it along with the primary clause to generate the document. You cannot select the primary clause. For a clause to be valid here, it must have at least one effective- dated row that exists on or before the effective date of the primary clause.


Displays the description of the clause to use as the dependent clause for the current clause that you are maintaining. Click the Description link to access the Clause Definition page, where you can view or maintain the dependent clause.

Content Format

Select how you want to represent the text in the document when you use this dependent clause. Select Full to enter the full text for the dependent clause so that it becomes a part of the document. Select Reference to use the reference text that is defined in the dependent clause.


Select the Statuses tab.

The Effective Status column displays whether the dependent clause is at an Active or Inactive status. You cannot select a clause that is inactive; however, if the clause is being updated and has been changed to an Inactive status since it was added as a dependent clause, then this message informs you of the change. If the clause is inactive, the system does not use it in the document as a dependent clause, and does not display an approval status.

The Approval Status column displays the current state of approval for the dependent clause. The states are Initiated, Pending, and Approved. You can assign a dependent clause regardless of its effective or approval status. If the dependent clause has been changed to an Inactive status, the system does not display an approval status.

To check whether a dependent clause has been approved using clause workflow approvals, use the clause Approval Status page. This page provides useful information because you can submit dependent clauses separately for approval, depending on approval types.

The system displays the Prior Approved Rows Exist column if the dependent row that is currently displayed is not approved, but a previously effective-dated row for the dependent clause that was approved does exist.

The system displays the Future Pending Change Exist column when pending rows for this dependent clause need to be approved before you use them.

See Also

Understanding Document Rules

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Alternate Clauses and Related Rules

Access the Clause Definition page.

Use the Alternates grid to define whether the system should potentially use an alternate clause instead of the primary clause. You can list multiple alternate clauses for use instead of the primary clause. While they might exist, the system does not process any alternate clauses of an alternate clause.


Enter the importance of this alternate clause in the document. The lower the number, the higher the priority. The priority determines the order in which the system evaluates the alternate clauses, providing that the alternate clause's rule is met. If a rule is true, the system places all objects that are attached to the alternate clause's rule and their children into the document, and it considers no additional alternates. When rules are not met, the system uses the primary clause and all of its dependents.

Alternate Clause

Select the alternate clause. You cannot select the primary clause you are working with as an alternate for itself, and you cannot select the same alternate clause twice.

If you are not using alternate rules, you can still list alternate clauses. You can select these clauses manually from within a generated Microsoft Word document.

See Alternate Clauses.

Click the Search button to access the Select a Clause page, where you can initiate a search for a specific clause. The page provides detailed search criteria such as clause effective dates, classes, and groups in which a clause might be used, and dates on which the clause was checked out for editing.


Click to access the Clause Definition page for the clause you select.

Content Format

Select how you want to represent the text in the document when you use this alternate clause. Select Full to select the full text for the alternate clause to become a part of the document when you use this clause to generate the document. Select Reference to use the reference text that is defined in the alternate clause.

Approval Status

Displays the approval status for this alternate clause. You can add alternate clauses that are in the Initial or Pending status. The system uses this field for informational purposes and does not require an Approved status for the system to list the alternate clause. If an alternate clause is not approved and is selected by a rule, the system does not include the unapproved alternate version of the clause in the document.


Select the Rules tab.

Use the Rules tab to associate alternate type rules to alternate clauses. The rule determines whether the alternate clause should replace the primary clause. Each alternate clause can have a rule attached. The system checks the alternates in their priority to find the first alternate for which the rule is true, and that alternate becomes the first clause instead of the primary clause in the document. If none of the rules are true, the system does not substitute the alternate clause.

Use the Rule field to select a rule for this alternate clause. Only alternate rules are available for selection, not standard rules. When you make the selection, the system displays a description of the rule. You can click the link to view the rule itself.

Alternate rules can contain only level zero binds; however, you can use an alternate rule on clauses that repeat. When you save the clause definition and a bind that is used in the rule does not meet the document generation requirements, the system displays a message that errors were found with the binds. You cannot approve the clause for use until the errors are resolved. The error also appears in the message area of the clause. The following is an example of an error message:

Rule JHAR5 cannot be attached as an alternate rule because it contains binds from a level > 0. (10420,306)

See Also

Understanding Document Clauses

Understanding Document Rules

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssociating Clauses with Clause Groups

Access the Associate to Clause Group page.

Use the Clause Group field to select a group with which you want to associate this clause. You can associate a clause to multiple groups. Clause groups are user-defined. You can use them to group types of clauses, or you can use them to group a sequential list of common clauses that can go together in documents, but are not mandatory dependencies. You can use these groups in document configurator maintenance to select all clauses by group and include them in the configurator.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Bind Variables to Content Fields

Access the Add Bind Variables to Content Fields page.

Use this page to add a bind variable to the content of a clause. Binds that are used in PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management are variable definitions that enable you to map source transactional values or contract wizard values into contract clauses. You can add bind variables to the Title, Full Text, or By Reference Text fields.

To add a bind variable:

  1. Use the Bind Variable field to select the variable that you want to add.

    The system displays details about the predefined variable when you click the Search button.

  2. Or, use the Bind Type field to select a type of bind from which you can add a variable to the clause content.

  3. Click the Search button.

    The system displays details about a single bind if you select a specific bind variable, or it displays a list of binds if you selected to search by type. This gives you an opportunity to use the bind or find another one.

  4. From the list of binds, select those that you want to add to the clause.

    The system places the variable at the end of the field that you specify, Title, Full Text, or Reference Text. You can move the variable to the location that you want within the document after the system inserts the variable.

  5. Select the location where you want to add the bind variable in the clause.

    You can add variables to a single clause element or to multiple elements, including the title, full text, and by-reference text.

Supplier Contract Management supports a standard set of bind variables that represent PeopleSoft Purchasing transactional elements of the contract and include fields such as %%Vendor Name%%, %%Location%%, and %%Item Description%%.

Bind Variable

Displays the bind variable that you selected. You can create binds using the Bind Definition field and then map them to transaction records.

See Defining Bind Definitions.

Bind Type

Select the type of bind to add to this clause. You can use this field to create a list from which you can select a variable. Values are:

Transactional: Select to display a list of variables which originate from a source transaction. These are nonwizard binds such as those related to the PeopleSoft Purchasing transactional contract or ad hoc binds.


Select to display a list of bind variables that are used with the contract wizard.

Field Type

Displays the type of field that you are adding to the clause. Field types define the structure of the data. Values are:







See Defining Binds for Use in Contract Wizards.

Field Length

Displays the field length of the bind which you are adding to the clause.


Select to include this bind variable in the Title field of the clause.

Full Text

Select to include this bind variable in the Full Text field of the document clause.

By Reference

Select to include this bind variable in the Reference Textfield of the document clause.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPreviewing Clause Approvals

Access the Clause Approval Status page.

When you click the Preview Approval button, you can preview any approvers and reviewers and comments about the approval. The system displays a message if approvals are not required for the clause. After reviewing the approval stages and paths, you can submit the clause for approval. The Submit for Approval button also enables you to preview clauses before submitting them for workflow approval.

Click the Clause Definition link to return to the Clause Definition page.

See Also

Submitting Clauses for Approval

Approving and Reviewing Documents

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSubmitting Clauses for Approval

Access the Clause Definition page.

Use this page to review, add ad hoc approvers or reviewers, and submit a clause for approval without using the Preview Approval button. When approvals are required, the system routes the approval notifications and sets the contract approval status to Pending after you submit the clause for approval.

If you submit a clause that does not require approvals, the system displays the Clause Approval Status page, which indicates that approvals are not needed and the clause is approved automatically.

If approvals are needed and the approval criteria has been met, the system sets the clause approval status to Pending and sends email and worklist routings to approvers in the first relevant steps based on approval configuration. The Clause Approval Status page displays the updated approval status.

Click the Clause Definition link to return to the Clause Definition page.

Note. If bind variables have not been resolved, the system does not send the clause for approval and displays the errors that exist in the variable definitions.

See Also

Approving Documents

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Contract Sections

This section discusses how to define sections.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define Contract Sections

Page Name

Object Name



Section Definition


Supplier Contracts, Manage Contract Library, Sections

Define document sections.

Copy Information From


Click the Copy From button on the Section Definition page.

Create a document section by copying it from an existing section. After you make the copy, you can incorporate new values into the section.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Sections

Access the Section Definition page.

Use this page to define and maintain a section. Sections provide a method for creating a collections of clauses, other sections, and rules that have a common function or purchase attributes within the contract. For example, information that is necessary for defining the warranty for a custom product might consist of several clauses, because all of the clauses together make up the warranty for the contract. You can include the clauses in a single section. Sections are reusable and nested in document structures and can contain clauses, subsections, and rules. You can include sections explicitly or use inclusion rules on a document configurator. Sections are controlled by a setID.

The Section Definition page is divided into two types of information, section attributes and section structure. The attributes provide basic information about how the section is used and the structure provides the section's component details and statuses. The elements or children of a section can consist of clauses, sections, rules, and tables.

The Description field is required.

Copy From

Click to access the Copy Information From page. The button is available when you are adding a section and enables you to copy an existing section to create a new section. When you click the button, the system provides a list of existing sections.

Section Type

Select the section type that you want to use to organize and control document behavior. Available types are:

General: Select to use this as an overall section throughout a document. You can use general sections alone or in conjunction with other sections, for example as subsections. General is the default value for the field.

Introduction/Title: Select to use this as an introduction section. You use introduction/title sections to identify document introduction sections, and they are useful if you intend to create documents with a table of contents.

If you specify a table of contents on the document configurator, the system places the table of contents from Microsoft Word after the introduction/title section. This enables you to create introduction pages of the contract prior to the table of contents and numbering of terms and conditions. The system requires that introduction/title sections be listed before any general sections in a document configurator.

Note. When you use contract agreements and use the system-provided bind variables, (%%HDR_AGREE*%% and %%LINE_AGREE*%%), in a section, the system automatically creates a special placeholder section, either SLA-HDR-PLACEHOLDER or SLA-LINE-PLACEHOLDER, for you when the bind value is referenced in a section content. The system prompts you to include this section in the section structure to gather and place any contract-specific agreement clauses in the document configurator using special logic. The system maintains these placeholder sections and you cannot modify them.


Enter comments that provide additional information about the section and its use. Notes are for informational purposes only and appear only on this page.

Effective Date

Select an effective date. Sections are effective-dated to enable you to keep a history of section text and approvals and to make future changes to existing sections without affecting existing section terminology that might already be in use for documents. During document generation, the system uses the start date of the contract to determine which sections to include in a document. As you introduce section changes, you should select an effective date that represents the effective-dated sections that you want to include in new contracts. When the system creates new effective-dated rows for the section, it assigns the new row an approval status of Initial.


Select a status to assign to the section. The system requires the Status field with all effective-dated records in Supplier Contract Management. For sections, this status is typically Active, even for sections that have not been approved.

When you need to deactivate a section or temporarily not use it in documents, you can set the status to Inactive. This prevents the section from being included in new documents.

Edited via Word Application (edited using Microsoft Word application)

This indicator displays whether the section has been checked out and edited in Microsoft Word. If the check box is selected and disabled, the document has been edited. This indicates that you may have rich text associated with the section that would be lost if you were to make edits directly using this page. If you attempt to edit the document, the system displays a warning.

Where Used

Click to identify where this section is used in document configurators. Using the where-used search results, you can perform additional where-used searches. For example, this enables you to determine which documents have been generated using the document configurator that contained this section.

Numbered Section

Select to indicate that this section title should be numbered according to the default numbering style when you preview or generate a document. The check box is selected as the default value.

Note. The system determines the numbering of clauses in a section preview by using paragraph styles and outline numbering that is defined in the default Microsoft Word template for the setID. The system determines the numbering of the content within an authored document by using the Microsoft Word template that is associated with the document configurator.

Insert Page Break Prior

Select to insert a page break prior to this section in the document. You can use page breaks to ensure that a section receives higher visibility in the document.

Repeating Object

Indicates whether this section is repeating in nature. You do not enter this section attribute. The system derives the value based on the bind variables that are included in the section. If the system includes a bind variable that repeats, such as %%Item ID%% (level one), in the section title or text, it selects this check box. The Repeating Object check box is typically clear for most sections. But because special rules and edits can be applied as repeating objects, identifying when an object is repeating is helpful.

Approval Status

Select an approval status. Unlike clauses and documents, sections do not use the approval workflow engine for approval processes. You can set the approval status as long as you have authority to do so. The system validates the setting before it changes the section to the Approved status. Automated approvals can be defined for librarians using the User Preferences page.

Valid statuses are:

Approved: Select to make the section available for use in generated documents. If you make changes to a section and click Save, the system automatically sets the status back to Initial and you have to manually select Approved.

Initial: Select to indicate that the section is not ready for use. This is the default setting when you create or make changes to the section.

Validate Variables

Click to call validation routines to verify that bind variables in the section exist and that they are being used correctly in case repeating binds exist. This is the same as saving the section, except that validating bind variables enables you to verify the section's binds for use without saving it.

If errors occur with the validation, the system populates the Errors grid with the issues.

Add Variables

Select to access the Add Bind Variables to Content Fields page where you can define bind variables for this section.

See Adding Bind Variables to Content Fields.

Preview Document

Click to open the section in a read-only mode using Microsoft Word. During the preview, the system applies paragraph style formatting from the Microsoft Word template that is defined for the setID.

Note. Numbered section previews always starts at the first number in the Microsoft Word numbering scheme; however, when the system generates the final document, the numbering changes based on positions in the document.

Edit Document

Click to edit section content using Microsoft Word. Before editing documents, you should understand the functionality of Microsoft Word and its integration with PeopleSoft to better help you create the contract library.

See Clause Text Editing.

When you click this button, the system displays the Checked Out By and Checked Out On fields and create a Microsoft Word document that includes the title, full text, and reference text fields. You must save this file to the local client system using Microsoft Word before you check the document back into the PeopleSoft system. The system creates a default filename with the setID, clause ID, and effective date of the section that you are editing as part of the filename.

While you can apply custom formatting using Microsoft Word, you should use the Microsoft Word template and paragraph styles for format processing during document preview and generation. This provides a consistent format of numbering and content for finished documents.

After accessing Microsoft Word, you can create or modify the section content for the title, full text, and reference text by modifying text within the brackets in Microsoft Word.

Note. The system enables Microsoft Word document protection for the section to protect hidden tags that are used by PeopleSoft to recognize the title and text fields during check-in. Protection can at times prevent you from performing certain format changes using Microsoft Word. In these cases, you can turn off the protection, make the change, then turn the protection back on.

See Microsoft Word Integration with Supplier Contract Management.

Checked Out By

Displays the user ID that is editing the section.

Checked Out On

Displays the date on which the section was checked out for editing.

Cancel Checkout

Use this button to cancel the checkout of a clause without checking in any changes.

Note. If you saved a local version of the section, it remains on the local client system.

Check In

Click to check in the Microsoft Word version of the section. This process uploads the Microsoft Word version of the section so that the PeopleSoft system is aware of the rich formatting that you added for the section. When you click Check In, the system:

  1. Provides an Upload page with Browse, Upload, and Cancel buttons.

    If you know the exact location and filename of the section, you can enter it, and click Upload. If you don't know the location, click the Browse button.

  2. Click Browse to locate the section that you checked out.

  3. Double-click the file to select it.

    The system displays an Upload button.

  4. Click the Upload button to upload and check in the section.

Note. The system validates the file that you try to upload to ensure that it is an XML file and that it has embedded keys identifying it as the section that was originally checked out.


Enter descriptive text that identifies the section's content.

Full Text

Enter the text to use for a section. You can specify either full text or reference text, but not both, when a section is referenced in the system for use on, for example, a configurator. The text becomes a part of the document when you use this section to generate the document.

Section Structure

Use this grid to define the content of a section and how that content flows to produce the contract.


Enter a number that orders content in the section. When the system processes the Microsoft Word document, it sequences the elements based on the value that you enter here. You do not have to enter sequential numbers because the system will order the elements for you when you click the Sequence column heading.


Select to make the content within the section numbered as well. The check box is available when you select the Numbered Clause check box for the primary section. If the check box is disabled, the primary section is not a numbered section and therefore, the dependent clause cannot be numbered.

If you select the Numbered Section check box, then you can decide whether you want to continue that numbering for content within the section. You can define which content is numbered. The default value is selected, which means that the system continues to number the content in the section structure when the system generates a document.

Note. The system determines the numbering of clauses during a section preview by using paragraph styles and outline numbering that is defined in the default Microsoft Word template for the setID. The system determines the numbering of the content within an authored document by using the Microsoft Word template that is associated with the document configurator.

Content Type

Select the type for the section element content. Sections can comprise several elements to form a complete document. After you select the content type, use the Content ID field to select a specific element. Values are:

Clause: Select to use a required clause as part of this section. Clauses are the basic building blocks of a document. You can use multiple clauses.

Rule: Select to use a rule in this section. A rule is a set of conditions that produces specific results to include additional clauses or sections within this section and generated document.

Section: Select to use another section as a subsection of this section.


Click to access the page that describes this element of the section.

Content Format

Select the text type to include this clause or section. Values are:

Full: Places the entire element in the Full Text section of this section.

Reference: Places a reference in the By Reference section.


Select the Statuses tab.

Use this tab to view the effective status and approval status of the section's elements based on the effective date of the section itself. This tab assists you in understanding the availability and current state of the section's elements . For example, if someone is updating an element, you can use this tab to ensure that the entire section is stable for use.

The Effective Status field values are Active and Inactive. If an element is inactive, you cannot use it to form the structure of a document.

The Approved Status field values are Initial, Approved, and Pending. Unless an element is approved, the system does not include it in the generated document.

Note. While the system bases the section status that appears here on the effective date of the section itself, within the document configurator you can display the status based on the View As Of Date field in the configurator. Furthermore, during document generation, the system includes the version of the content based on the begin date of the transactional purchasing or ad hoc contract.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Contract Rules

This section discusses how to establish rules.

See Also

Understanding Document Rules

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set Up Contract Rules

Page Name

Object Name





Supplier Contracts, Manage Contract Library, Rules

Establish rules.

Copy Information From


Click the Copy From button on the Rules page.

Create a rule by copying it from an existing rule. After you make the copy, you can incorporate new values into the rule.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Rules

Access the Rules page.

Use this page to define rule definitions, criteria, and the content to include when the rule is true. Rules are a set of conditions that when evaluated render a true or false result. When a standard rule type is true, the system includes any additional clauses or sections in the document configurator or within a section in the configurator. The system adds these to the Content Elements grid on the Document Configurator Definition page and into the document when you use the configurator to generate a document.

When an alternate rule type is true, the system substitutes the alternate clause that is defined for the primary clause for which the alternate is a member. Use the Clause Definition page to define the alternate clause. The system bases rules on the transactional- or wizard-based bind variables that it resolves during document generation and refreshes.

You can define basic or advanced criteria for rules. The difference between basic and advanced criteria is that advanced rules enable you to place parentheses markers around statements in rules and to create combinations of query-type and/or statements in the rule criteria. As a default value, the system formats the basic criteria as the page setup. To define advanced criteria, click the Show Advance Criteria button. To return to basic criteria, click the Show Basic Criteria button.

Copy From

Click to access the Copy Information From page. The button is available when you are adding a rule and enables you to copy an existing rule to create the new rule. When you click the button, the system provides a list of existing rules.

Rule Type

Select a value that determines how the system uses the rule. Values include:

  • Standard: Select to use this rule with any section or configurator. This is the default value for new rules.

  • Alternate: Select to indicate that the rule is tied to an alternate clause. The system defines the alternate clause to include for alternate rules on the parent clause and not within the rule itself.

Basic Criteria

Use this section to define basic selection criteria for a rule. This feature enables you to define basic queries to evaluate one or more transactional or wizard bind variables. During document generation or refreshes, the system renders a true or false result and takes the appropriate content action, such as including an additional clause or substituting an alternate clause.

When more than one row of criteria exists within basic criteria, the system can evaluate all rows using and or orstatements. This means that all rows of the criteria must evaluate as true for the rule to be true for the and statement. For the or statement, it means that if any of the rows of criteria evaluate as true, the rule is true for the orcondition.

Advanced Criteria

Use this section to define advanced criteria for a rule. Advanced criteria enables you to define more complex sets of criteria. You can use advanced criteria when situations arise in which the basic criteria for a rule is not sufficient. Advanced criteria enables you to place open and close parentheses around one or more criteria and also enables you to use both the ANDand OR constructions when needed.


Select the open parenthesis character to signify the start of a group of criteria to enclose. For example, if you have three criteria, you can create a selection criteria of (A or B) and C by placing an open parenthesis on the line for A.

Bind Variable

Select a bind variable that defines a procedure for retrieving field values from a record. The variable that you select determines the field type that you must use in the Value field.


Select a value that determines the action that the system applies to the criteria that you define from the bind variable record and the value in the Value field. For example, suppose that you want to place amounts from the record that are equal to or greater than 100,000 in the document. You use the => operator and enter 100000 in the value field. You should enter the correct form of the criteria to match the operation that you want the system to perform.

Values are:

  • <: Include values that are less than the value that you enter in the Criteria field.

  • <=: Include only values that are less than or equal to the criteria.

  • <>: Include values that are not equal to the value that you enter in the Criteria field.

  • =: Include only values that are equal to the criteria.

  • >=: Include values that are equal to or greater than the criteria.

  • >: Include values that are greater than the criteria.


Enter the value to use when applying the operators. For example, if you select >= for an item description field and enter 100000 as the criteria, then the system includes only values that are equal to or above that value.


Select the close parenthesis character to signify the end of a group of criteria to enclose. For example, if you have three criteria, you can create a selection criteria of (A or B) and C by placing a close parenthesis on the line for B.


Select AND or OR. This field enables you to create or modify statements for the operators and criteria that you enter. Select AND to create additional criteria and apply a logical and between the rule criteria. Select OR to create a logical or between the rule criteria.

Content Elements

Use this grid to select document elements to which you want to attach standard type rules. This grid appears only for standard rules. After you create alternate rules, the system adds them directly to the dependent clause in the Clause Definition component. Clauses in this grid do not apply alternates.


For standard rules, enter the sequence in which the system should add sections and clauses during document generation.

Content Type

Select either Clause or Section.

Content ID

Select the clause or section.

Content Format

Determines which content to include for a clause, either full text or reference text. For sections, the content format is always Full.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Bind Definitions

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Bind Definitions

Page Name

Object Name



Search for All Content Instances


Click the Where Used button on the Bind Definition page.

Search for where binds are used.

Bind Definition


Supplier Contract, Manage Contract Library, Binds

Set up bind definitions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSearching for Where Binds Are Used

Access the Search for All Content Instances page.

This page displays all the bind variables that are defined for contracts. The system uses Bind Variables as the default value to perform the search when you select Where Used on the Bind Definition page.

To view or maintain a bind variable usage, click the value in the Description field. You use binds in clauses, sections, and question groups.

See Also

Where-Used Searches

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Bind Definitions

Access the Bind Definition page.

All fields on this page are required.

Bind Variable

Enter the system identifier that you want to use for the bind if you are creating a bind variable. This value appears if you are maintaining or viewing the bind. The format for the bind variable is string/date/number.

Bind Type

Select how you want to use the bind variable.

Values are:

Transactional: Select if you want this bind used with transactional events for which the data values come from contract transactions. The system uses a contract and values contained in its fields to replace the variable that you define.

Wizard: Select if you want to use this bind with a contract wizard. When the system processes a wizard bind, it replaces the variables with user-defined default values.

Field Type

Select a value that determines the method in which data is stored in the field. When the system finds a bind during document generation, it replaces it and uses the type of value that you define. Bind values are:

Date: Select to use a date in the document when the system resolves the bind. For example, if you are using a transaction bind, you can use this bind type to include the contract end date in the document.

Date/Time: Select to use a date and time in the document when the system resolves the bind.

Decimal: Select to use a decimal to represent the contract value.

Integer: Select to use an integer to represent the contract value.

String: Select to have the system enter the text string that is defined for the bind.

Yes/No: Select to use a yes or no variable to determine the value for a document. If you are using wizards, this is a yes or no response to a question.

Display Format

Select the format that you want the system to use when it displays date and time information when you select either the Date value or the Date/Time value in the Field Type field. For example, if you use a date and time field type, you might display the time and date as 31/12/2005 at 11:59 PM or as December 31, 2005 at 11:59 PM.

Field Length

Select the number of characters to which you want to limit this field's length. This field is available when you select String in the Field Type field. You can limit the field length to 2, 5, 12, 30, or 254 characters.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Document Configurators

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Document Configurators

Page Name

Object Name



Document Configurator Definition


Supplier Contracts, Manage Contract Library, Document Configurators

Define basic configurator information.

View and maintain configurator structures.

Validate document configurators.

Preview document configurators.

Copy Document Configurator From


Click the Copy From button on the Document Configurator Definition page.

Create a document configurator by copying values from an existing configurator. After you make the copy, you can incorporate new values into the configurator.

Select and Add Clauses or Sections to Document Configurator


Click the Add Multiple Objects button on the Document Configurator Definition page.

Click the Insert button on the Content Elements grid on the Document Configurator Definition page.

Add multiple elements to document configurators. Use the Add Multiple Objects button to insert more than one clause or section into the document configurator structure.

Insert a Content Row


Click the Insert button in the Content Elements grid on the Document Configurator Definition page.

Add single elements to document configurators. Use the Insert button to insert a single clause, section, rule, or ad hoc clause element.

Associate to Configurator Groups


Click the Associate to Configurator Groups link on the Document Configurator Definition page.

Associate document configurators with configurator groups.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Basic Configurator Information

Access the Document Configurator Definition page.

Use this page to build a collection of sections, clauses, or rules that make up the overall structure and wording of a document. When you generate a document, the configurator determines the content and the order of document elements and provides static and dynamic structure within the document.

Copy From

Click to access the Copy Document Configurator From page. The button is available when you are adding a configurator and enables you to copy an existing document configurator to create a new configurator. When you click the button, the system provides a list of existing document configurators.

Availability Status

Select a status for the configurator. This changes the state that represents the current status of the configurator. This field is disabled if you do not have the authority to update configurator status. You define the authority for changing a configurator status by using the Change Configurator Status check box on the User Preferences page.

Values include:

Available: Select to make the document configurator available for use. If the configurator is not available, you cannot use it as a template for creating documents. Make sure that you save the configurator to activate the status.

In Progress: Select to remove the configurator from general use when you are creating documents. You might want to do this if you are redefining configurator values. In Progress is the default value when you create the configurator. The configurator remains in progress and is unavailable for use until you select the Available option.

Obsolete: Select to indicate that this configurator should not be used in the creation of documents. The system does not remove or delete the configurator and prevents the configurator from being selected to create a document. However, you can open an obsolete configurator and set it to the Available status for document use.

Configurator ID

Displays the configurator that you selected. If you are adding a configurator, enter a unique identifier.

View As Of Date

Displays the clause, section, and rules content status as of this date. The system uses today's date as the default value. When you preview a document button, the system selects content based on the date that you enter in the View As Of Date field. This can be useful when determining what format and static approved content (rules are not exploded) would be included for contracts that are generated as of this date. When you change the View As of Date field, the system clears the details of the configurator until you select to refresh or preview the document again. The system also provides a warning if previous changes have not been saved.

Source Transaction

Select the type of source transaction for which you want to use this configurator. You can select either Ad Hoc or Purchasing Contracts. The source transaction determines which templates can be used for which document types. For example, you can only generate an ad hoc document using an ad hoc configurator. The source transaction is also important to the configurator content because the content must match the configurator type. For example, an ad hoc configurator should not contain bind variables that are Purchasing Contract types because the system would not resolve the binds during the generation process.

Note. You can use wizard bind values in configurators for both ad hoc and purchasing contract source transactions.

Log at Document Generation

Select how you want the system to log warnings during document generation. The system inserts a default value in the field based on the settings that are defined for PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management installation options. You can override the value.

Select Details to create a log that includes important warnings such as bind variables that were not resolved, a list of bind variables that are included in the document, resolved values, expansion of the document as exploded, and a detailed log to trace the wizard responses. This option is useful for evaluating and debugging a configurator when you add a new configurator with wizards and rules.

Note. Using the Details log requires more time to process if you are generating a document from a large and more complex configurator.

Select Log Warnings and Wizard to log important warnings during document generation as well as an audit log of wizard responses for the document that is generated. After placing a configurator into production, you should use this logging option for larger and more complex document configurators.

Use for Amendments only

Select to indicate that this document configurator is to be used only for contract amendments. An amendment configurator is used and required only when you are creating separate amendment files as part of the amendment process.

Configurator Type

Select the type of configurator to which you want to link this configurator. Use configurator types to define the requirements that you can use in document configurators.

Associate to Configurator Groups

Select to access the Associate to Configurator Groups page, where you can link this configurator to a group. Use configurator groups to group document configurators for organizational needs. When you display a group, you can view individual document configurators that are contained in the group and that relate to the overall configurator use.

Wizard ID

Select a contract wizard to use with this configurator. Wizards are predefined sets of questions that assist you in formulating a document. The wizard that you associate with the configurator must resolve any wizard binds that are referenced within clauses, sections, or rules for this configurator. Generating trial documents and using various paths you define in the wizard is the best way to identify problems with the wizard.

Note. While there are two types of wizards available in Supplier Contract Management, only document creation wizards are available when you define a configurator. Configurator selector wizards are for use in document types to guide authors to the appropriate configurator.

See Viewing Document Generation Logs.

Word Template

Select a Microsoft Word template on which to base this configurator. The template controls the overall formatting and styles of the document. The system provides a default value for this field based on the values on the Document Format and Options page.

See Templates.

Include Table of Contents If Available

Select to indicate that you want the configurator to build a table of contents within the document. The system can build the table of contents only if the Microsoft Word template has been set up to build the contents. If the table of contents is not defined for the Microsoft Word template, the system ignores the value that you enter in this field when you preview and generate the document. When a table of contents is available, the system includes it in the generated Microsoft Word document after the introduction section within the document. You must refresh the table of contents in the Microsoft Word document to generate or refresh the Microsoft Word version of the table of contents.


Enter a value that describes the use of this document configurator. The system displays the description along with the configurator ID and uses the Description field as a search option. This field is required.


Enter free-flow text to use as further instructions or comments about the use of the configurator. The text is not a part of the document configurator itself, but provides easy-to-access instructions to the contract officer as to the document configurator’s use.


Click to retrieve the last-saved document configurator content. When you initially open the configurator, the Content Element grid does not appear with the configurator elements. When you click the Refresh button, the system displays the full document structure.

Note. You must define and save the configurator before you refresh it.

Refresh does not save changes. The system reminds you to save when you click Refresh and if you have made changes to the configurator but not saved them.

Preview Document

Click to open the Microsoft Word version of the document. The system gathers the elements and builds them as they appear in the document configurator outline. The system uses the Microsoft Word template that is associated with the configurator to apply any styles that are defined for content within the previewed document similar to how it will appear for the generated version of the document. This document is not intended for editing. Instead, it provides a preview of included content based on the View As Of Date field value for the configurator.

When you preview the document, the system highlights unapproved configurator content that is not controlled by rules. This can include clauses and sections that have not been approved and that are listed directly on the configurator. The system uses the View As Of Date field value on which to base the approval. For example, pending clauses might appear during the preview, but the system could exclude their versions from document generation later based on the same configurator and date. This provides you more visibility into any issues with content approval statuses.

Rules and their content are not exploded as part of preview because they depend on bind values that are not resolved; however, a placeholder appears in the Microsoft Word preview document to show the relative positioning of the rule.

The system displays bind values as the variable itself in preview mode. The value appears as (%%VARIABLE%%) in the Microsoft Word preview document.

The system displays any repeating content, such as repeating clauses or sections, when it is in the document. Multiple instances of the content is not repeated within the Microsoft Word preview document.


Click to update the document configurator with any changes that you have made. The system validates elements that are included in the configurator structure when you save the configurator. It also produces messages about problems with building the document. You must resolve the problems to successfully update and save the configurator.

View Outline to Level

Select the level at which you want to view the document outline. The document configurator controls the elements of a document. You use the Content Elements grid to populate the outline and the Outline Position column to view the levels of an outline. You can view up to nine levels.

Note. Depending on the paragraph styles and outline number definitions that are defined for the Microsoft Word template, the configurator numbering scheme and indentation can be different in the actual Microsoft Word documents. In addition, repeating sections and rules that the system resolves to be true and that include various content during document generation will affect the Microsoft Word document numbering.

The following example shows how a document configurator outline might appear with four levels:

1. 1.1 1.1.1

If you limited the outline view level to two, the outline might look like this:

1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 2. 2.1 2.2

See Adding Single Elements to Document Configurators.

Configurator History

Use this expandable grid area to review historical information about the configurator. You can view who created the document configurator, when the configurator was created, whether the status has changed, and who has updated the configurator.

Content Elements

The Content Elements grid displays elements that make up this configurator. You can build a document configurator structure by clicking the insert buttons in the right side of the grid.

The next several sections describe the use of this grid and how you build the configurator.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Multiple Elements to Document Configurators

Access the Select and Add Clauses or Sections to Document Configurator page.

Use this page to search for and find multiple clauses or sections for use in the document configurator structure. You can add multiple clauses or sections at the same time, which facilitates organizing and building the structure.

Note. Verity searching must be enabled and the Verity search collections built and kept up to date for this page to contain the most accurate information. To add single elements, including ad hoc clauses, clauses, rules, and sections, click the Insert button in the Content Elements grid.

Note. When you are adding single elements, the system does not use the Verity search.

To insert multiple sections or clauses:

  1. Use the Content Type field to select the content type for which you want to search.

    You can add only multiple sections or clauses at the same time.

  2. Use the Title or Body Text field to enter any text to use for the search.

    You can also use the text search options to further refine the search. Select the Match Case, Exact Word, or Use Thesaurus check boxes to refine the search.

  3. Select or enter the clause attributes to use in the search.

  4. Click the Search button.

    The system displays the search results.

  5. Select the elements to include in the configurator structure.

    As you select the elements, the system orders them in the sequence that you select. Regardless of the numbering in the current configurator structure, the system will add these elements to the location in the structure from which you selected to insert additional elements.

    Note. When you use the Verity search feature to select an element, the results grid is limited to a single page of returned information. If the system returns more than one page of search results, you must reenter the search criteria and select the next page in the sequence to select the element to add to the document configurator. The Chunk Size field on the Installation Options page controls the number of lines that are returned by the Verity search. Large chunk size values can result in performance issues.

  6. Click the OK button.

    The system populates the structure with the selections.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Single Elements to Document Configurators

Access the Insert a Content Row page.

Use this page to insert a single section, clause, rule, or ad hoc clause into the document configurator structure. When you make the selection and click OK, the system loads the selection into the configurator structure. To add multiple clauses and sections at the same time, click the Insert Multiple Objects button. This multiple object search relies on Verity searching.

Use the Content Type field to select one of these types to insert into the structure:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing and Maintaining Configurator Structures

Access the Document Configurator Definition page.

Use the Content Elements grid to build, maintain, and view details about the configurator structure. This structure represents a document.

Outline Position

Displays a simple numbered position within the outline for this configurator element. The position shows the order and level of indentation only. The system bases the final generated document's outline on the style and formatting that is defined by the Microsoft Word template and the paragraph styles that you defined using setup pages. This style and formatting can be different from the configurator outline. The configurator outline provides you with a basic outline while the generated document applies the actual styles and formatting.

Bold characters in the column represent elements with multiple subsections. You can collapse and expand these sections. The level to which the section appears is controlled by the value that you select in the View Outline to Level field.

Content Type

Displays the type of element that makes up this portion of the document configurator. Types can include sections, clauses, ad hoc clauses, or rules. Often, an element is embedded within another element. When you insert a section or clause containing dependent clauses, the system displays the child elements within the configurator, but you cannot indent or outdent them separately because the rows are linked to the parent section or clause.

Also, you cannot insert elements within the structure of a predefined section or between a clause and its dependents from within the configurator. Instead, you must modify the section or parent clause. The system automatically reflects the change in the configurator.

Content ID

Displays the identifier for the configurator element.

Content Description

Displays the description that applies to the element. You can click the link to view and update the element. Only parent elements are available for maintenance. You can view and update child elements by opening the parent and accessing the child.

Indent Row

Click the right arrow to move the configurator element up to the next higher level in the structure. The system adds the element and its children to the bottom of the previous level if the structure permits the move. Depending on the Microsoft Word template that is defined for the configurator and the paragraph styles, the outline numbering and indentation in the configurator can affect the format within the generated document.

See Format and Style Considerations in Microsoft Word.

For example, if a clause is at level two, when you indent a row, the system moves the element to a level one following the last position in that level. If the last position is 1.4, then the element is added at the 1.5 level. The system also moves any children that are associated with the clause to a corresponding level. So if the original level is two for the clause and 2.1 for the child, the system changes the level to 1.5 for the clause and 1.5.1 for its child.

This example shows how the system indents according to the previous description. This is the initial outline:

1. 1.1 1.2 2. 2.1 2.2

After you click the right arrow, the outline appears as:

1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.3.1

After moving the element, the system changes the left arrow to a right arrow.

Outdent Row

Click the left arrow to move the configurator element down to the next lower level in the structure. The system adds the element and its children as a continuation at the top of the next level if the structure permits the move.

For example, if a clause is at level two, when you outdent a row, the system moves the element to a level three in the first position at that level. It also moves any children that are associated with the clause to a corresponding level.

After moving the element, the system hides the right arrow if the element can move no further to the right. You can indent to a maximum of nine levels.


Select to review indentation information. A few cases occur in which the system doesn't permit the indentation of clauses or sections in the configurator. When this occurs, the system displays the Information button to describe the reason. Typically, you can limit content indentation if the content above it is dynamic and its ultimate indentation is a variable that the system cannot determine in the document configurator. This restricts the indentation of an immediate row following this row.

Add Multiple Objects

Click to add more than one section or clause.

See Adding Multiple Elements to Document Configurators.


Click to add a single ad hoc clause, clause, rule, or section.

See Adding Single Elements to Document Configurators.


Click to remove a document element from the contents. When you select to delete an element, the system does not copy it for future pasting and the deletion is immediate.

Cut Row

Click to cut and copy an element. After cutting an element, you can click the Paste Row button to insert the element below the row that you select. When you cut a content row, the system includes the parent element and all of its children. You can cut only one element at a time, and you must paste the element before you can cut another row. To delete a row, use the Delete button.

Paste Row After

Click to paste a content element row. You must cut a row before you use the Paste button. The content row and its children will be pasted into the document below the row to which you select to paste the contents.


Select the Details tab.

Use this page to view the content format and the content title of content elements. The Content Format field displays how the system generates the content of the element. Field values are Reference and Full.

More Details

Select the More Details tab.

Use this page to view approval and content statuses for document configurator elements. Also, you can view whether the content approval status is Initial, Pending, or Approved, whether the content status is Active or Inactive, and the content effective date. The approval status for content is for the effective-dated clause or section. The system bases the effective-dated content on the View As Of Date field value.

The Level field displays the indention level at which the element resides in the document. For example, a 2 means that the content element is a subsection of a parent element while a 3 means that the content element is a subsection of a subsection.

The Protect field indicates whether the content element is protected when the document is being edited. The field is display-only and the setting is defined on the Clause Definition page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicValidating Document Configurators

Access the Document Configurator Definition page.

After completing a structure or a portion of the structure, click the Save button. The system performs validation routines to check for conditions such as element placement, valid binds and rules, indent and outdent issues, and repeating clauses. For example, if you have used a title/introduction section in the middle of the document, the system displays an error message when you attempt to save the structure. Title sections must be at the beginning of a document. In this case, you could delete the section and reinsert it at the beginning of the structure.

See Also

Understanding Document Configurators

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPreviewing Document Configurators in Microsoft Word

Access the Document Configurator Definition page.

Use the Preview Document button to open a read-only version of the Microsoft Word document for a configurator. Previewing a configurator enables you to view a document representation similar to how it would appear if it were a Microsoft Word document. Previewing a configurator; however, does not resolve bind variables. This means that the system does not expand rules or repeating objects that would be resolved during document generation.

Previewing a configurator also enables you to view a representation of the document prior to saving any configurator changes. This enables you to view configurators based on the View As Of Date field value on the Document Configurator Definition page. You can simulate included content as of the start date of the transactional contract or ad hoc document.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssociating Document Configurators with Configurator Groups

Access the Associate to Configurator Groups page.

Use this page to link a configurator to a configurator group. A group assists you in organizing and searching for configurators.

See Also

Setting Up Document Configurator Groups and Types

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Document Types

To set up document types, use the Document Types (CS_DOCUMENT_TYPE) component.

This section discusses how to define document types.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set Up Document Types

Page Name

Object Name



Document Type


Supplier Contracts, Manage Contract Library, Document Types

Define document types.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Document Types

Access the Document Type page.

Use the Document Type page to create a document type. You can create document types, regardless of whether document types have been selected for use in Supplier Contract Management installation options; however, the system does not apply them during document creation until the Use Document Types check box has been selected in installation options. After documents have been created using a document type, you cannot clear the Use Document Types check box in installation options.

Document Type

Displays the document type ID. Document types provide a way to categorize documents. You can define specific settings, defaults, and security that can help fine-tune the use of each type of document.


Displays the source transaction that was defined when the document type was created. Ad hoc sources are for general use, whereas purchasing contract sources are tied to a purchasing contract. After the source has been defined, you cannot change it.

If you select Purchasing Contracts, as the source, this page does not display the Enable on PO Requisitions, Automatic Document Generation, and Start Sequence fields.

Also, if you select Purchasing Contracts, the page does not enable the Internal Document check box and sets the Applicable Status field to Full Life Cycle Status. You cannot change the value.


Enter a brief description for this document type. This is a required field. The description is what you see in the document type list of values for all pages.


Select the status of the document type. Values are:

Available: Makes the document type available for use. This is the default value for the field.

Obsolete: Removes the document type from availability. The system does not validate the status when you change it.

Note. If a document type is available, you must provide users the authority to create documents using this document type. Use the Roles with Permission to Create Documents grid box to define the permissions.


Enter any additional information for the document type that might help clarify its use.

Start Sequence

Select a start sequence for this document type. A start sequence is an ID that links a series of documents for automatic numbering purposes. The sequences that are available on this page are the ones that have been added for the CS_ADHOC_ID field and Contract Ad Hoc ID number type for automatic numbering. The Start Sequence field is not available for purchasing contract sources. The start sequence controls the prefix for numbering.

If a start sequence does not exist or the Use Document Type check box is not selected in installation options, you can still use the automatic numbering default value if one has been defined.

Note. If you associate the same start sequence with different document types, the system uses the last sequence number across all document types that use the start sequence. This can cause gaps in sequencing for a document type. So, if sequencing is important to document numbering, then ensure that you establish a unique start sequence specifically for use with a single document type.

You can create numbering sequences using the Auto Numbering page in the Supplier Contracts Setup component. You also use the feature to select the default start sequence.

See Defining Automatic Numbering Specifications.

Internal Document

Select this check box if you want the document identified as an internal document. Internal documents are those documents that are attached to a document and are intended for internal use, whereas external documents are intended for dispatching to external contacts, such as collaborators or document approvers.

If you defined the source transaction as a Purchasing Contract type, the Internal Document check box is not available for use.

Note. When the Internal Document check box is selected, the Full Life Cycle Statuses value is not available in the Applicable Statuses field. The applicable status values available are only Draft/Complete and Draft/Approved.

Allow using wizard responses from a prior document

Select to enable authors who use this document type to be able to copy wizard responses from a different document when creating a new document. The system provides a check box on the Create Document page that authors can also select to use when they want to use responses from another wizard. When an author selects to use another wizard's responses, the system provides a link to select the document that includes the wizard responses.

After pulling the responses into the current document, you can change any wizard response. If you select to have the system to automatically create a document, you cannot use responses to wizard questions in another document. The system goes directly to the Create Document page.

Use Only with PO Requisitions (use only with purchase order requisitions)

Select this check box to indicate that this document type is a request type of document for use with purchase order requisitions. Documents of this type must be associated to a requisition ID and business unit. This field is available only with an ad hoc source.

Using the Use Only with PO Requisitions check box, requestors can define a related document and wizard that captures additional information. When a document type is setup for the contract request, you specify that the system use this type with an PeopleSoft eProcurement or Purchasing requisition. In this case, along with the requisition, the requestor can generate a supplemental request document by launching a wizard that captures needed information pertaining to the contract request. The requestor can then provide the required information in the supporting document as needed. When you award the requisition to a contract, the specialist can reference the original request document and make use of any wizard responses within that request document to help drive the content and fill in required data on the actual contract.

See Defining Installation Options for PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management.

Automatic Document Creation

Select this check box to enable the system to automatically create a document using all the defaults when you click the Add a Document button. This enables you to bypass the Create Document page where you can normally review and change the defaults before creating the actual document. The system determines whether the configurator selector wizard should be invoked when a document is added on the Document Management page. The system uses the next number in the starting sequence to create the document. This check box is available only for document types using ad hoc as the source.

Determine Configurator Using

Use this section to define how you want the system to select a document configurator to use when you generate a document using this document type.

See Adding Authored Documents.

Specific Configurator

Select to indicate that you want to use a specific configurator ID with this document type. Select the configurator using the Configurator ID field. When you create a document using this document type, the system uses the configurator you define on this page as the default value in the Configurator ID field on the Create Document page.

Configurator Selector

Select to indicate that you want to use a special configurator selector wizard to determine the document configurator to be used with this document type. Select the configurator selector wizard using the Wizard ID field. When you define the document type on the Add a Document page, and click the Add a Document button, the system launches the configurator selector wizard.

After you answer wizard questions, the system selects the appropriate configurator and the Create Document page appears. At this point, you can run the configurator selector wizard again, or select another document type to create the document.

Configurator ID

Select a document configurator. The field is available when you select Specific Configurator. This is a required field if you are using the Specific Configurator feature. When you create a document using this document type, the system uses this specific configurator to generate the document. The system bases document types and configurators on source types of ad hoc and purchasing contracts. A configurator and a document type must use the same source type.

Wizard ID

Select a configurator selector wizard to use with this document type. The field is available when you select the Configurator Selector check box. This field is required if you are using the Configurator Selector feature. When you create a document, the system uses this wizard and its questions to assist you in selecting the appropriate configurator to use when generating the document. Only wizards that have been defined as configurator selector wizards are available. Document types do not use document creation wizards. These wizards are available for use with document configurators.

Life Cycle Options

Use this group box to define life-cycle settings for a document type. Using the check boxes, you can control some of the statuses and buttons that appear on the Document Management page when you use this document type to create a document. This helps you streamline the life-cycle flow for this type of document.

See Document Approval Statuses.

Enable Edit

Select this check box to control edit settings on the Document Management page when you create this type of document. When you select Enable Edit, the Enable Collaboration check box becomes active.

Enable Collaboration

Select to control collaboration settings on the Document Management page when you create this type of document. When you select Enable Collaboration, you have the option to process documents of this type through a collaboration cycle.

The Enable Collaboration check box remains inactive until you select the Enable Edit check box.

Applicable Statuses

Select the grouping of statuses that you want to use to process the document through its life cycle. For ad hoc document types, theDraft, Approve Statuses Only value is the default value. You can change this value.

For purchasing contract types, the Full Life Cycle Statuses value is the default value. You cannot change the value.

Values include:

Draft, Approve Statuses Only: Select this value to set a document's status selections on the Document Management page to Draft or Approve.

Draft, Complete Statuses Only: Select this value to set a document's status selections on the Document Management page to Draft or Complete.

Full Life Cycle Statuses: Select this value to use all life-cycle statuses on the Document Management page. This value is the default value when the source is purchasing contract.

Amendment Configurator ID

Enter the amendment configurator that you want to use when creating amendments for documents of this type. Only configurators that have their Use for Amendments only check box selected on the Document Configurator Definition page appear in the list of values. The source transaction on the Document Configurator Definition page must also match the source that is defined on this page.

Note. This field is inactive until you select the Full Life Cycle Statuses value in the Applicable Statuses field.

Roles with Permission to Create Documents

Use this section to add user roles who can use this document type.

Role Name

Select roles who can create documents using this document type. Until a user role has access to this document type, the document type will not appear in that user's list of values. Users can also have multiple roles, so using this grid box, you can, for example, define authority to create a document using this document type in one role, and in the other role enable the user to override a configurator as well as create documents using this document type.

Allow Override Configurator ID

Select to indicate that the selected roles have the authority to modify the configurator ID for use with this document type. When users have this authority, they can change the Configurator ID field on the Create Document page.

Users with View Access to Documents of This Type

Use this grid box to define who can access documents that were created using this document type ID. This provides only view access and not edit permission.

Role Name

Select a role name to whom you want to grant view access. The system validates that users of this role can view any documents of this type. This provides an extra level of granting view access to a document other than through other areas, but does not supersede those areas. For example, users defined as collaborators on the My Internal Contacts/Collaborators page, users who have administrative rights defined on the User Preferences page, and users who have been assigned as approvers for the approval cycle can still view documents even if their roles are not defined here.