Using Default Hierarchies

This chapter provides overviews of default hierarchies used in PeopleSoft Services Procurement, and discusses how to define the region hierarchy.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding PeopleSoft Services Procurement Default Hierarchy

PeopleSoft Services Procurement enables you to set up several default hierarchy structures to use throughout your transaction processing. By setting up defaults, data entry is more consistent, saves time, and cuts down on redundancy and user error. Default values enable an Enterprise to predefine key values that automatically default onto requisitions and work orders.

The most common defaults for requisitions and work orders come from the requester or service coordinator user defaults or from the service type and the business unit. When requesters or service coordinators create requisitions or work orders, the system first determines whether there is default information available for requester, then the service coordinator, then the service type, in that order respectively. If there are no default values defined at the service type level, the system then uses defaults that are defined at the business unit level.

PeopleSoft Services Procurement provides default capability for those values that are relatively static in nature (values that remain the same in everyday operations and would become repetitive to enter for every transaction). For example, if you set up your ChartField defaults with the most appropriate values for your service request, you have little need to drill down to the requisition's distribution level to enter any values. The ChartField values at that level are set by default.

Note. Although it is possible to establish several defaults for your requisition and work orders, you can override most values at the requisition and work order component levels.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Transaction Defaults

This table details the levels in the transaction default hierarchy from which the selected transaction values can appear by default. The Default Source indicates where the Transaction Field Value comes from. If there is more than one default source listed, then follow this order: review from left to right, with the left-most source taking precedence, and continues from left to right in that order.

The default values listed default onto requisitions, work orders, timesheets, and progress logs.

Transaction Field Value

Default Source

Service Method

Service Method field on the Service Types page.


Category field on the Category Definition page, where Category is the item category defined for the service type on the Service Types page.


Score field on the Service Types and Services Procurement Bus Unit pages.

Allow Multicurrency Reqs (allow multicurrency requisitions)

Allow Multicurrency Reqs field on the Services Procurement Bus Unit page.


Currency field on the Services Procurement Bus Unit page.


Location field on the Services Procurement Bus Unit page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRequisition Defaults

The following table lists values that default onto requisitions.

See Creating and Managing Requisitions.

Transaction Field Value

Default Source

Business Unit

Business Unit field from the Requester’s Overall Preferences page.


Requester field from the Requester's Procurement user preferences page.


Currency field from the Requester Setup page; Currency field from the Purchasing Business Unit Definition page.

Service Type

Service Type field from the Service Requester Defaults page.


Service field from the Service Requester Defaults page.

Requesting Dept

Department field from the Requester’s Procurement user preferences page.

Job Title

Description field from the Service/Project Role Attributes page.


Ship To field from the Requester Setup page; Ship To Location field from the Requester’s Procurement user preferences page.

Time Approver

Time Approver field from the Service Requester Defaults page.

Allow Expenses

Allow Expenses field from the Service Type page; Allow Expenses field from the Services Procurement Bus Unit page.

Expense Approver

Expense Approver field from the Service Requester Defaults page.

Time Reporting Option

Time Reporting Option field from the Service Type page; Time Reporting Option field from the Services Procurement Bus Unit page.

Scope of Work

Comments field from the Service/Project Role Attributes page.

Rate and Unit of Measure (Resource Only)

Rate and Unit of Measure fields from the Maintain Rate Sheets page.

Unit of Measure (Resource Only)

If no rate sheet exists for the service and region, then the value comes from the Days or Hours Unit of Measure field on the Services Procurement Installation Options page.

Competencies (Resource Only)

Competencies field from the Service/Project Role Attributes page.

Other Skills (Deliverable Only)

Competencies field from the Service/Project Role Attributes page are concatenated into the Other Skills field.

Education Level (Resource Only)

Education Level field from the field Service/Project Role Attributes page.

Experience (Resource Only)

Experience field from the Service/Project Role Attributes page.

Interview Required (Resource Only)

Interview Required field from the Service/Project Role Attributes page.

Track Resources(s) (Deliverable Only)

Track Resource(s) field from the Service Types and Services Procurement Bus Unit pages (Work Order Settings tab).

Service Coordinator and Service Team (non-VMS)

Service Coordinator or Service Team field from the Service Requester Defaults page.

Service Coordinator and Service Team (VMS)

Service Coordinator or Service Team field on the VMS Details by Supplier and Business Unit page.

See Establishing and Managing VMS.


This table details the default values for various ChartFields used on requisitions.


Default Source

PC Bus Unit (Project Business Unit)

Projects Business Unit field from the Service Requester Defaults page.


Project field from the Service Requester Defaults page.

Dept (department)

ChartField Dept field from the Requester's Setup page; Department field from the requester's Procurement user preferences page.


Ship To field from the Requester Setup page; Ship To Location field from the requester's Procurement user preferences page.

GL Unit

ChartFields GL Unit field from the Requester Setup page; GLUnit field on the Purchasing Business Unit Definition page.

Account (Labor)

Account field from the Category Definition page, where Category is the item category defined for the service type.

Account (Expense Distrib.Type)

Default Expense Account field from Services Procurement Bus Unit page. If not found, then the Account associated to the category for the service type.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSourcing Defaults

The following table list values that default onto sourcing pages.

See Managing Requisition Sourcing.

Transaction Field Value

Default Source

Supplier Information - Sent To, Provider Contact, Notification Method, Maximum Submittals

Various fields from Region/Service Type combination for resource based or Region/Service combination for deliverable based, Region only or Service/Service Type only (order determined by sourcing preference defined on Business Unit); Services Procurement Bus Unit page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicWork Order Defaults

The following tables lists values that default onto work orders.

See Managing Work Orders.

Note. If you create a work order that is linked to a requisition, many of the values that automatically default onto the requisition will also default onto the work order.

This table represents default values for work orders that are not linked to requisitions.

The Default Source indicates where the Transaction Field Value comes from. If there is more than one default source listed, then follow this order: review from left to right, with the left-most source taking precedence, and continues from left to right in that order.

Transaction Field Value

Default Source

Business Unit

If the service coordinator creates a work order, then Business Unit value defaults from the Business Unit field on the Service Coordinator’s Overall Preferences page, otherwise it comes from the Business Unit field on the Requester's Overall Preferences page.

Service Type

If the service coordinator creates a work order, then the Service Type value defaults from the Service Type field on the Service Coordinator Defaults page, otherwise it comes from the Service Type field on the Service Requester Defaults page.


If the service coordinator creates a work order, then the Service value defaults from the Service field on the Service Coordinator’s Defaults page, otherwise it comes from the Service field on the Service Requester Defaults.

Requesting Dept

Department field from the requester’s Procurement user preferences page.

Job Title

Description field from the Service/Project Role Attributes page


Ship To field from the Requester Setup page; Ship To Location field on the requester's Procurement preferences page; Ship To Location field from the Service Coordinator’s Procurement user preferences page.

Time Approver

Time Approver field on the Service Requester Defaults page; Time Approver field from the Service Coordinator Defaults page.

Allow Expenses

Allow Expenses field on the Service Type page; Allow Expenses field from the Services Procurement Bus Unit page.

Expense Approver

Expense Approver field from the Service Requester Defaults page; Expense Approver from the Service Coordinator Defaults page.

Invoice Approver

Invoice Approver field from Service Requester Defaults page; Invoice Approver field from the Service Coordinator Defaults page.

Supplier Invoice Approver

Non VMS: From The work order's Service Provider Contact field.

VMS: From the work order's VMS Service Coordinator field. If the work order's VMS coordinator is a Service Team, and there are more than one member of the team, then no default is provided and it must be supplied by the user, otherwise the sole member of the team is defaulted into the Supplier Invoice Approver field.

Time Reporting Option

Time Reporting Option field from the Service Type; Time Reporting Option field from the Services Procurement Bus Unit page.

Scope of Work

Comments field from the Service/Project Role Attributes page.


Currency field from the Requester Setup page; Currency field from the Purchasing Business Unit Definition page.

Rate and Unit of Measure (Resource Only)

Rate and Unit of Measure fields from the Maintain Rate Sheets page.

Unit of Measure (Resource Only)

If no rate sheet exists for the service and region, then the value comes from the Days or Hours Unit of Measure field on the Services Procurement Installation Options page.

Competencies (Resource Only)

Competencies field from the Service/Project Role Attributes page.

Other Skills (Deliverable Only

Competencies from the Service/Project Role Attributes page are concatenated into the Other Skills field.

Education Level (Resource Only)

Education Level field from the Service/Project Role Attributes page.

Experience (Resource Only)

Experience field from the Service/Project Role Attributes page.

Track Resources (Deliverable Only)

Track Resource(s) field from the Service Type page; Track Resource(s) field from the Services Procurement Bus Unit page (Work Order Settings tab).

Work Order Alerts

Work Order Alerts values from the Service Requester Defaults page; Service Coordinator Defaults page; Service Type page; Services Procurement Bus Unit page (Work Order Settings tab).

Survey ID

Survey ID field from the Surveys by Service Types page.

Require Survey

Require Survey field form the Service Types page.

Automatically Send Survey

Automatically Send Survey field from the Service Types page.

Survey Role Distribution List

Role Distribution List field from the Setup Survey page.

Service Coordinator and Service Team (non-VMS)

Service Coordinator or Service Team field on the Service Requester Defaults page. When the service coordinator creates a work order, the service coordinator who creates the work order is defaulted into the field.

Service Coordinator and Service Team (VMS)

Service Coordinator or Service Team field on the VMS Details by Supplier and Business Unit page.

See I'll add the link to the section in the VMS chapter


This table details the default values for various ChartFields used on work orders.

See Requisition Defaults.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Service Requester Defaults

This section discusses how to define service requester defaults.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicService Requester Defaults

Use the Service Requester Defaults page to simplify the requisition and work order data entry process for requesters. When you define service requester default values, requesters can use those values when creating multiple requisitions and work orders. This streamlines data entry for each requester, because default information appears on requisitions and work orders automatically. You can then authorize established purchasing users to enter and process requisitions for all or specific requesters.

Service requester default values include, but are not limited to the following fields:

In addition, the following values are defaulted from the requesters Procurement User Preferences

See Also

Setting Up Service Requester Defaults

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Service Coordinator Defaults

This section discusses how to define service coordinator defaults.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicService Coordinator Defaults

Use the Service Coordinator Defaults page to simplify the work order data entry process for service coordinators.

Service coordinator default values include, but are not limited to the following fields:

In addition, the following values are defaulted from the service coordinators Procurement User Preferences:

See Also

Setting Up Service Coordinator Defaults

Click to jump to parent topicDefining the Region Hierarchy

Use the region hierarchy to determine the best suppliers to source the requisition request. Use the Region Codes and Tree Manager pages to build the region default structure and associate locations to the regions.

Once you establish the region hierarchy, use it to define rates and valid suppliers for sourcing.

The location specified on a requisition or work order is used to determine the related region for identification of associated rates.

Note. If the Use Region Tree Structure option is not selected on the Services Procurement Installation Options page, the Locations by Region page is used instead of the Region Tree to associate locations to regions for purposes of determining rates.

See Also

Building the Region Hierarchy