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Creating Assignment Rule Groups

This topic is part of About Assignment Rule Administration.

This topic explains how to create new assignment rule groups using the assignment administration views. This task is a step in Process of Defining Assignment Rules.

About Assignment Rule Groups

An assignment rule group is a logical grouping of assignment rules, and assignment rules are logical business boundaries associated with individuals or a team of people to achieve a business goal. Assigning rule groups to assignment rules allows you to partition rules based on organizational or corporate goals, or some other grouping, such as email response.

Table 8 provides sample rule groups and their descriptions.

Table 8. Sample Rule Groups
Assignment Rule Group Name

North America-USA

Assignment rules related to the United States are associated with the North America-USA rule group.

Service Products

Assignment rules related to service products are associated with a single rule group.

Email Response Group

Assignment rules related to Siebel Email Response are associated with a single rule group.

You can set up Assignment Manager to process only specific assignment rule groups and not others. See How Siebel Assignment Manager Uses Server Key Mappings to Load Rules to a Particular Siebel Server.


Before applying rule groups to your assignment rules based on your particular business needs:

  • Decide whether you want to use rule groups.

    Create rule groups if you want a separate set of assignment rules that you can apply to different business scenarios. Alternatively, you do not need to create rule groups if you want all rules processed every time you run Assignment Manager. In this case, use the Default Rule Group that is provided as part of the Assignment Manager seed data.

  • Decide whether you need rule group hierarchies.

    If you plan to use delegated assignment, you need rule group hierarchies.

For more information about the Default Rule Group, see the description for assignment rule groups in Essential Building Blocks of Siebel Assignment Manager. For more information about delegated assignment and rule group hierarchies, see Assignment Rule Administration for Delegated Assignment.

To create an assignment rule group

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Assignment screen, and then the Rule Groups List view.
  2. In the Rule Groups list, click New.
  3. In the new record, click in the available fields to enter relevant information.

    The new rule group appears in the Rule Groups list as well as in the Rule Group Explorer.

Table 9 shows the predefined fields.

TIP:  All fields may not be visible in the initial view. Use the Columns Displayed feature to make fields visible (right-click, select Columns Displayed, use the arrows to move a field from Available Columns to Selected Columns, and then click Save).
Table 9. Assignment Rule Group Fields


Name of the assignment rule group.

Parent Rule Group

A rule group that appears directly above another rule group in the hierarchy.

Owner Position

The owner of the rule group. Each rule group has an owner (and potentially designees who also have owner rights).

For more information about owners and designees as it relates to delegated assignment, see About Assignment Rule Group Hierarchy.

Owner Login

The login of the owner position. The owner position has visibility from the delegated administration views for rule groups and each of the child rule groups.


Start date of the assignment rule group.

By default, rules within a group inherit the activation date from the group date. However, if you specify an activation date for a particular rule, it overrides that date.

NOTE:  By default, Siebel Business Applications use Universal Time Coordinated (UTC). For more information, see Siebel Global Deployment Guide.


End date of the assignment rule group.

By default, rules within a group inherit the expiration date from the group date. However, if you specify an activation date for a particular rule, it overrides that date.

NOTE:  By default, Siebel Business Applications use Universal Time Coordinated (UTC). For more information, see Siebel Global Deployment Guide.

Key Based

Indicates the rule group is intended for key-based routing and usually has a corresponding server key mapping.

By checking this flag, even if there is no server key mapping defined for the rule group, this makes sure that the rules that belong to this rule group are not processed when running Assignment Manager in default mode.

TIP:  The Key Based field may be a hidden column on the Assignment Rule Groups list. You can enable the Key Based field by selecting it through the Columns Displayed feature.

For more information about key-based routing and server key mappings, see How Siebel Assignment Manager Uses Server Key Mappings to Load Rules to a Particular Siebel Server.


The organization in which this rule group belongs.

If you plan to use delegated assignment, see also Creating Child Assignment Rule Groups.

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