Siebel Marketing User Guide > Planning and Designing Marketing Campaigns > Process of Setting Up Campaign Quotas >

Assigning Campaign Quota Plan Participants

Use the following procedure to assign eligible participants to your quota plan using the Participants view tab.

To add participants to the campaign quota plan

  1. Navigate to the Campaigns screen.
  2. Click the campaign name.
  3. Click the Design tab.
  4. In the Design link bar, click Quotas.
  5. In the Quotas list, click the plan name.

    Quota objectives appear in the Quotas list.

  6. Click the Quota Plan Participants view tab.
  7. In the Participants list, create a new record.
  8. In the Participants list, create a new record, and complete the fields.

    This field updates if you change the participant's start or end date. You can also edit the Prorate field directly. For each plan participant, quotas are calculated by multiplying the prorate by the target amount or quantity.

    For example:

    Prorate=((Participant's End Date - Participant's Start Date) + 1) / ((Period End Date - Period Start Date) + 1)

Repeat this procedure to add other participants.

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