Siebel eService Administration Guide Addendum for Industry Applications > Siebel Public Sector eService > Managing Applications >

Applying for Benefits

Citizens can apply for benefits by completing and then submitting applications in the Siebel Public Sector eService Web site.

To apply for benefits, citizens can enter information in an Oracle Policy Automation interview session that they access in the Siebel Public Sector eService Web site. This information includes data about themselves (such as their name, social security number, date of birth, contact information, and address), about their finances (such as income, financial assets, and expenses) and about their households (such as other people living with them and their finances).

Generally, the citizen who creates an application is the primary contact for that application. However, if another user creates an application for a citizen, then that user is not the primary contact for the application. Only the user who creates an application can access that application in the Siebel Public Sector eService Web site.

NOTE:  The described behavior of the Oracle Policy Automation interview session in this topic applies to the preconfigured, sample rulebase for Oracle Policy Automation. If customers use a different rulebase, then this behavior does not apply. For more information about the sample rulebase, see Siebel Public Sector Guide.

The following guidelines apply to the user interface in the interview session:

  • Siebel Public Sector assigns a case ID to an application in the interview session. The case ID identifies the Oracle Policy Automation interview session. Siebel Public Sector also assigns a case number to an application in the Siebel Public Sector application. The case ID is not the same as the case number.
  • You must enter a value in fields that have a star icon.
  • If you enter an invalid value in a field, then an error message appears when you attempt to continue to the next screen, and you must correct the field value before you can continue to the next screen.
  • A diagram near the bottom each screen graphically depicts your progress in completing the application.
  • If you close the interview session before clicking the Save link, then the data that you enter in the interview session is not saved, and you do not see a warning message about the unsaved data. If you click the Save link to save an application, but you do not submit that application to the agency, then agents can see, but not process, the application record in the Siebel Public Sector application.

To apply for benefits

  1. In the Siebel Public Sector eService Web site, click the Service tab.
  2. In the Quick Links applet, click the Apply For Benefits hyperlink.

    The first screen of the Oracle Policy Automation interview session appears. You can click links in the Further Information section of this screen to access information about benefit plans in a different browser session.

  3. Click Apply Now, and enter information on each screen of the interview session that applies to you.
  4. Perform the following actions to navigate in the interview session:
    • To temporarily save the data in the current screen and to navigate to the next screen, click Continue. (You must click Save to save the application record.)
    • To add records to a screen of the interview session, click Add.

      For example, you can add household members on the screen for people in the household.

    • To remove records from a screen of the interview session, select the Remove check box, and click Remove.

      For example, you can remove household members from the screen for people in the household.

    • To save an incomplete application or to later submit a completed application, click Save.

      The Save Successful dialog box appears showing a case ID link for the application. To access this application later, you can add the case ID link for the saved application to your bookmarks, or you can copy this link to another application, such as a Microsoft Word document. After you obtain the information that you need from this dialog box, close it. For more information, see Resuming the Submission of Applications.

    • To review the information that you entered in the application, click Data Review.

      To change the information in the Data Review screen, click the link the precedes the information that you want to change, change the information in the screen of the interview session that appears, and then click Continue.

      To continue to enter application data in screens of the interview session that you have not yet completed, click Summary, and then click Update Application to see the first incomplete screen. After you complete all the screens for an application, the screen with the summary of the benefits for which you are eligible appears when you click Summary.

  5. On the screen that indicates that your application is complete, complete the following steps:
    1. Note the application number.
    2. Select the radio button to submit the application to the agency.

      If you are not ready to submit the application, then do not change the radio button selection. You must click Save on the next screen to submit the application to the agency. After you submit an application, you cannot change the application information unless an agent rejects the application. For more information, see Revising Rejected Applications.

    3. (Optional) Enter any additional comments for the application.
  6. On the screen with a summary of the benefits for which you are eligible, complete the following steps:
    1. To view more information about the decision hierarchy that describes why you are eligible for a benefit plan, click the Why? links in the text next to the benefit plan.

      You can click Summary to return to the screen with the summary of benefits.

    2. To view more information about a benefit plan, click the link for the benefit plan.

      This information appears in a different browser session.

    3. To print the application, click Print My Application.

      You can print the application only if you select the radio button to submit the application in Step 5.

    4. Click Save.

      The Save Successful dialog box appears showing a case ID link for the application.

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