OracleJavaScript API Reference for Oracle ADF Faces


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data - Field in CharacterData
The character data of the node that implements this interface.
data - Field in ProcessingInstruction
The content of this processing instruction.
Date - Class in oracle.adfinternal.view.js.bootstrap
Date() - Constructor in Date
Date - Class in org.ecmascript.object
The native browser JavaScript object used to work with dates and times.
Date() - Constructor in Date
The native browser JavaScript object used to work with dates and times.
DATE_NEXT - Static field in AdfCalendarDisplayChangeEvent
DATE_PREVIOUS - Static field in AdfCalendarDisplayChangeEvent
DATE_TODAY - Static field in AdfCalendarDisplayChangeEvent
deactivateCurrentDialog() - Method in AdfDhtmlDialogManager
Deactivates the current dialog but doesn't audit it in activation history.
decodeURI(String) - Static method in Global
Decodes a URI that was encoded by encodeURI or other mechanism with the same result.
decodeURIComponent(String) - Static method in Global
Decodes a URI component that was encoded by encodeURIComponent or other mechanism with the same result.
DEFAULT_ACCESSIBILITY_MODE - Static field in AdfDhtmlPage
DefaultInitClass() - Static method in AdfRichUIPeer
Perform default subclass initialization
DELETE_KEY - Static field in AdfKeyStroke
DeleteBlock(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlTablePeer
deleteData(Number, Number) - Method in CharacterData
Remove a range of 16-bit units from the node.
DELIVER_EVENTS_PHASE - Static field in AdfPage
Phase during event delivery
DeliverDerivedPropertyEvents(Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfUIComponent
Hook for subclasses to deliver events derived from property change events
DeliverDerivedPropertyEvents(Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfUIEditableValue
DeliverDerivedPropertyEvents(Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfUIInputPopup
Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
DeliverDerivedPropertyEvents(Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfUITable
Override to fire selection change events
DeliverDerivedPropertyEvents(Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfUITree
Override to fire expansion and selection change events
deliverEventToListeners(Object, Object) - Static method in AdfEventUtils
deliverEventToNewWindow(Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlPage
Delivers a single event synchronously to a new window.
DEPRESSED_STYLE_CLASS - Static field in AdfMenuUtils
description - Field in Error
The rarely-supported description of the error.
destroy() - Method in AdfAbstractFloatingElement
destroy() - Method in AdfDhtmlPopupWindow
Unregister event handlers, remove the shadow decorator, unregister with the position manager before calling on super.
destroy() - Method in AdfDhtmlSimpleFloat
Invoked when the dialog/panelWindow is hidden.
destroy() - Method in AdfRepositionable
DestroyDragGhost() - Method in AdfDhtmlPanelAccordionPeer
Destroys the drag ghost
detach() - Method in AdfDhtmlPanelCollectionPeer
DETACHED_STYLE_CLASS - Static field in AdfMenuUtils
detail - Field in UIEvent
Specifies some detail information about the Event, depending on the type of event.
DETAIL_STAMP_DIALOG_ID - Static field in AdfDhtmlTablePeer
DIALOG_FETCH_EVENT_TYPE - Static field in AdfPanelCollectionDialogFetchEvent
dir - Field in Element
Specifies the base direction of directionally neutral text and the directionality of tables.
disableBrowserAutoComplete(Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlEditableValuePeer
Disables the browser auto-complete property of the input element bound to the component instance.
disableBrowserContextMenu(Object, Object) - Method in AdfAgent
Disables browser's context menu
DISABLED_STYLECLASS - Static field in AdfRichUIPeer
disableUserSelect(Object) - Method in AdfAgent
Disable the user's ability to select text in this component
disableUserSelect(Object) - Method in AdfGeckoAgent
Disable the user's ability to select text in this component
disableUserSelect(Object) - Method in AdfIEAgent
Disable the user's ability to select text in this component
disableUserSelect(Object) - Method in AdfSafariAgent
Disable the user's ability to select text in this component
discloseAll(Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlTreeTablePeer
discloseAll(Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlTreeTablePeer
Component for outputting tree data Note:
dismiss(HTMLElement) - Method in AdfAutoDismissalManager
Iterate over the components under dismissal management.
dismiss(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in AdfMenuUtils
Pops every opened menu until the one containing element is found.
DispatchComponentEvent(AdfBaseEvent) - Method in AdfDhtmlPopupPeer
Callback event invoked when the content has been delivered.
DispatchComponentEvent(Object) - Method in AdfRichUIPeer
Dispatch a component event to the peer
DispatchComponentEvent(Object) - Method in AdfUIPeer
Dispatch a component event to the peer
dispatchEvent(Object, Object) - Method in AdfAgent
Dispatches the specified event to the target, returning whether the dispatch was successful
dispatchEvent(Object, Object) - Method in AdfIEAgent
Dispatches the specified event to the target, returning whether the dispatch was successful
dispatchEvent(Event) - Method in EventTarget
This method allows the dispatch of events into the implementations event model.
display(Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlPageProcessingIndicator
Displays/Hides the processing indicator
DisplayStatus(Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlTablePeer
dispose() - Method in AdfAutoDismissalManager
Disposes the AdfDhtmlAutoDismissalManager instance.
dispose() - Method in AdfDataTransferService
dispose() - Method in AdfDhtmlModalityManager
Dispose() - Method in AdfDhtmlPage
Tear down the Rich Client environment
dispose() - Method in AdfDhtmlPositionManager
Disposes the AdfDhtmlPositionManager instance.
dispose() - Method in AdfDhtmlPositionManager
dispose() - Method in AdfDhtmlZOrderManager
Removes the internal collections used to manage dom nodes.
dispose() - Method in AdfGeckoNavigationHistoryAgent
Disposes of this agent
dispose() - Method in AdfIE8NavigationHistoryAgent
Disposes of this agent
dispose() - Method in AdfIENavigationHistoryAgent
Disposes of this agent
dispose() - Method in AdfNavigationHistoryAgent
Disposes of this agent
Dispose() - Method in AdfPage
Called to tear down the AdfPage instance
dispose() - Method in AdfSafariNavigationHistoryAgent
Disposes of this agent
docType - Field in Document
Stores the Document Type Declaration associated with document (or null if the DTD was not specified).
documemtElement - Field in Document
Stores the root element of the document (For HTML documents, this is the element with the tagName "HTML").
Document - Class in org.w3c.dom.core
The Document interface represents the entire HTML or XML document.
DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE - Static field in Node
This constant is of type Number and its value is 11.
DOCUMENT_NODE - Static field in Node
This constant is of type Number and its value is 9.
DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE - Static field in Node
This constant is of type Number and its value is 10.
DocumentEvent - Class in
The DocumentEvent interface provides a mechanism by which the user can create an Event of a type supported by the implementation.
DocumentFragment - Class in org.w3c.dom.core
Core Dom Level 2 Interface.
DocumentType - Class in org.w3c.dom.core
Each Document has a doctype attribute whose value is either null or a DocumentType object.
DOMException - Class in org.w3c.dom.core
DOM operations only raise exceptions in "exceptional" circumstances, i.e., when an operation is impossible to perform (either for logical reasons, because data is lost, or because the implementation has become unstable).
DOMImplementation - Class in org.w3c.dom.core
The DOMImplementation interface provides a number of methods for performing operations that are independent of any particular instance of the document object model.
DomReplaceNotify(Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlCarouselItemPeer
Notifies the peer that some DOM corresponding to a child (or descendent) has been replaced.
DomReplaceNotify(Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlCarouselPeer
Notifies the peer that some DOM corresponding to a child (or descendent) has been replaced.
DomReplaceNotify(Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlDecorativeBoxPeer
Notifies the peer that some DOM corresponding to a child (or descendent) has been replaced.
DomReplaceNotify(HTMLElement) - Method in AdfDhtmlPanelAccordionPeer
Overidden to track replacement of DOM children such as with optimized rendering.
DomReplaceNotify(HTMLElement) - Method in AdfDhtmlPanelDashboardPeer
Overidden to track replacement of DOM children such as with optimized rendering.
DomReplaceNotify(Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlPanelSplitterPeer
Notifies the peer that some DOM corresponding to a child (or descendent) has been replaced.
DomReplaceNotify(Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlPanelStretchLayoutPeer
Notifies the peer that some DOM corresponding to a child (or descendent) has been replaced.
DomReplaceNotify(HTMLElement) - Method in AdfDhtmlRegionPeer
Handles child dom replacement after PPR activity.
DomReplaceNotify(Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlShowDetailItemPeer
Notifies the peer that some DOM corresponding to a child (or descendent) has been replaced.
DomReplaceNotify(Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlTablePeer
Notifies the peer that some DOM corresponding to a child (or descendent) has been replaced.
DomReplaceNotify(Object) - Method in AdfRichUIPeer
Dom replace notify hook.
domReplaceNotify(AdfUIComponent, Object) - Method in AdfRichUIPeer
Notifies the peer that some DOM corresponding to a child (or descendent) has been replaced.
DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR - Static field in DOMException
If the specified range of text does not fit into a DOMString.
doRedirect(Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlPage
Redirects to a supplied url
doResizeNotify(AdfUIComponent) - Method in AdfDhtmlPage
Performs the resize notify traversal on the subtree rooted at the specified component.
doResizeNotify(Object) - Method in AdfPage
Performs the resize notify traversal on the subtree rooted at the specified component.
doResizeNotifyDom(Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlPage
Performs a resize notify traversal for the subtree rooted at the specified DOM node.
DoResizeNotifyDom(Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlPopupMenu
For now there is no use case for geometry management of the menu content.
DoResizeNotifyDom(Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlPopupWindow
Perform a resize notification traversal when showing popup contents so that geometry managing components are given the opportunity to lay themselves out.
DoShow(Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlPopupWindow
Do the work to actually display of the popup window.
DoShow(map) - Method in AdfDhtmlSimpleFloat
Overridden to capture a few "dialog" specific hints and register with the dialog services (AdfDhtmlDialogManager and optionally AdfDhtmlModalityManager).
DoShow(Object) - Method in AdfInputComboboxListOfValuesWindow
Sets the width of the rich table within the popup content to the size of the LOV combo's parent.
DOUBLE_CLICK_EVENT_TYPE - Static field in AdfUIInputEvent
DRAG_SOURCE_STYLECLASS - Static field in AdfRichUIPeer
DragAbortAnimationComplete(Object) - Static method in AdfDhtmlPanelAccordionPeer
dragDropEnd(Object, Object) - Method in AdfCalendarDragSource
Overridden to hook into the drag drop end
dragDropEnd(AdfDnDContext, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlCalendarPeer
Signifies the drag drop end for the drag source
dragDropEnd(Object, Object) - Method in AdfDragSource
This method is invoked to signify that the Drag and Drop operation is complete.
dragEnter(Object) - Method in AdfDragSource
Called as the cursor's hotspot enters a platform-dependent drop site.
dragExit(Object) - Method in AdfCalendarDropTarget
Called while a drag operation is ongoing, when the mouse pointer has exited the operable part of the drop site for the AdfDropTarget.
dragExit(Object) - Method in AdfDragSource
Called as the cursor's hotspot exits a platform-dependent drop site.
dragExit(Object) - Method in AdfDropTarget
Called while a drag operation is ongoing, when the mouse pointer has exited the operable part of the drop site for the AdfDropTarget.
dragExit(Object) - Method in AdfStampedDropTarget
Called while a drag operation is ongoing, when the mouse pointer has exited the operable part of the drop site for the AdfDropTarget.
dragOver(Object) - Method in AdfDragSource
Called as the cursor's hotspot moves over a platform-dependent drop site.
drop(Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfAttributeDropTarget
Override to set the property value of the specified property
drop(Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfBasicDropTarget
Called when the drag operation has terminated with a drop on the operable part of the drop site for the AdfDropTarget
drop(Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfCalendarDropTarget
Overriden to queue the drop event on a drop operation
drop(AdfDnDContext, Object, Number, Number) - Method in AdfDropTarget
Called when the drag operation has terminated with a drop on the operable part of the drop site for the AdfDropTarget
drop(Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfStampedDropTarget
Called when the drag operation has terminated with a drop on the operable part of the drop site for the AdfDropTarget
DROP_EVENT_TYPE - Static field in AdfDropEvent
DROP_ORIENTATION - Static field in AdfStampedDropTarget
DROP_ORIENTATION_AFTER - Static field in AdfDropEvent
DROP_ORIENTATION_BEFORE - Static field in AdfDropEvent
DROP_ORIENTATION_INSIDE - Static field in AdfDropEvent
DROP_ORIENTATION_ON - Static field in AdfDropEvent
DROP_TARGET_STYLECLASS - Static field in AdfRichUIPeer
dropActionChanged(Object) - Method in AdfDragSource
Called when the user has modified the drop gesture.
DropOnRowKey(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfDashboardDropTarget
Override for the subclassed drop target to perform an action on the drop of rowkey.
DropOnRowKey(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfStampedDropTarget
Override for the subclassed drop target to perform an action on the drop of rowkey.
DTS_IDLE_ICON - Static field in AdfDhtmlStatusIndicatorPeer
DTS_PROCESSING_ICON - Static field in AdfDhtmlStatusIndicatorPeer
dump(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in AdfUIUtils
Property dumping function
dumpHtmlDom(Object, Object) - Static method in AdfUIUtils
DW_SUB_ID - Static field in AdfDhtmlCarouselPeer
DW_SUB_ID - Static field in AdfDhtmlTablePeer

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Generated on 2010.03.26 00:14 UTC
Copyright (c) 1998, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.