OracleJavaScript API Reference for Oracle ADF Faces


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P_KEY - Static field in AdfKeyStroke
KeyCode representing P key.
PAGE - Static field in AdfPage
Static reference to the page context Object for theis Rich Client Page.
PAGEDOWN_KEY - Static field in AdfKeyStroke
KeyCode representing Page Down key.
pageUnloading() - Method in AdfDataTransferService
PAGEUP_KEY - Static field in AdfKeyStroke
KeyCode representing Page Up key.
parentNode - Field in Node
The parent of this node.
parse(String) - Static method in Date
Gets the number of milliseconds since midnight of January 1st, 1970 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) represented by dateString.
parse0To255(Object) - Static method in AdfDhtmlChooseColorPeer
parseFloat(String) - Static method in Global
Parses the given value and returns a floating point number.
parseHexColor(Object) - Static method in AdfDhtmlChooseColorPeer
parseInt(String, Number) - Static method in Global
Parses the given value and returns an integer number.
parseXML(Object) - Method in AdfAgent
Parses XML string into a DOM document
parseXML(Object) - Method in AdfIEAgent
Parses XML string into a DOM document
PI - Static field in Math
The value of π (pi; approximately 3.14159).
pointInElementBounds(Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfAgent
Returns true if the specified point in page space is in the bounds of this element
pointInElementBounds(Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfGecko19Agent
Returns true if the specified point in page space is in the bounds of this element
pointInElementBounds(Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfGeckoAgent
Returns true if the specified point in page space is in the bounds of this element
pointInElementBounds(Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfIEAgent
Returns true if the specified point in page space is in the bounds of this element
pointInElementChrome(HTMLElement, int, int) - Method in AdfAgent
Returns true if the point in page coordinates is over element chrome on the specified component
pointInElementChrome(HTMLElement, int, int) - Method in AdfIEAgent
Returns true if the point in page coordinates is over element chrome on the specified component
pointInElementOrChildBounds(HTMLElement, Number, Number) - Method in AdfAgent
Returns true if the specified point in page space is in the bounds of this element or one of its non-absolute children elements.
pointInElementOrChildBounds(HTMLElement, Number, Number) - Method in AdfGeckoAgent
Returns true if the specified point in page space is in the bounds of this element or one of its non-absolute children elements.
POLL_EVENT_TYPE - Static field in AdfPollEvent
pop() - Method in Array
Removes and returns the last element of the array.
popModal() - Method in AdfDhtmlModalityManager
Removes modal state from last modal element, and adds the glasspane to the previous modal element - if any.
POPUP_CANCELED_EVENT_TYPE - Static field in AdfPopupCanceledEvent
POPUP_CLOSED_EVENT_TYPE - Static field in AdfPopupClosedEvent
POPUP_OPENED_EVENT_TYPE - Static field in AdfPopupOpenedEvent
POPUP_OPENING_EVENT_TYPE - Static field in AdfPopupOpeningEvent
PopupClosed(Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlChooseColorPeer
Handles the custom dialog close event This event is to put the dialog content back to the hidden div inside the component DOM
PopupClosed(Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlCommandToolbarButtonPeer
Hook for notifying a peer that a popup of its was just closed.
PopupClosed(Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlDocumentPeer
Hook for notifying a peer that a popup of its was just closed.
PopupClosed(Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlInputColorPeer
Call back method called when the popup chooseColor is closed.
PopupClosed(Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlInputFilePeer
Hook for notifying a peer that a popup of its was just closed.
PopupClosed(Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlMenuPeer
Moves the menu from the popup back into root element so that it can be cleaned up on a PPR
PopupClosed(Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlNavigationPanePeer
Call back method called when the popup choice list is closed.
PopupClosed(Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlPanelCollectionPeer
Hook for notifying a peer that a popup of its was just closed.
PopupClosed(Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlPanelHeaderPeer
Hook for notifying a peer that a popup of its was just closed.
PopupClosed(AdfUIComponent, HTMLElement) - Method in AdfDhtmlPopupPeer
Fires the "popupClosed" on the component after moving the contentDom back under the popupDom.
PopupClosed(Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlQueryPeer
Callback method called when the popup is closed.
PopupClosed(Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlSelectManyChoicePeer
Call back method called when the popup option list is closed.
PopupClosed(Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlSelectOneChoicePeer
Call back method called when the popup option list is closed.
PopupClosed(AdfUIComponent, HTMLElement, String) - Method in AdfRichUIPeer
Hook for notifying a peer that a popup of its was just closed.
PopupOpened(AdfUIComponent) - Method in AdfDhtmlPopupPeer
Callback handler that is invoked after the popup becomes visible.
Position(String) - Method in AdfDhtmlPopupWindow
Registers this floating element with the position manager based on the alignment hint.
An identifier for values that are greater than MAX_VALUE.
pow(Number, Number) - Static method in Math
Computes the value of value^power (the specified value raised to the specified power).
PPR_NAVIGATION_FORCE_PPR - Static field in AdfDhtmlPage
PPR_NAVIGATION_ON - Static field in AdfDhtmlPage
PreEdit() - Method in AdfRichInlineEditor
Called by preEdit to determine whether the component returned by getEditedComponent can be edited by this inlineEditor.
preEdit(AdfUIComponent) - Method in AdfRichInlineEditor
Returns true if this inline editor is capable of editing the specified component.
PreEdit() - Method in AdfRichPlainTextEditor
Implement by delegating to GetEditedDomElement.
prefix - Field in Node
The namespace prefix of this node, or null if it is unspecified.
prepareMaskingFrame() - Method in AdfDhtmlPage
Makes sure that a masking frame is available in the maskFramePool, in anticipation of an upcoming call to createMaskingFrame method.
prepareMaskingFrame() - Method in AdfDhtmlZOrderManager
Finds the first unused iframe in the masking frame layer.
prepareStretchedChild(Object, Object) - Method in AdfAgent
Prepares a child for stretching.
prepareStretchedChild(Object, Object) - Method in AdfIE6Agent
Prepares a child for stretching.
prepDrag(Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfDragRecognizer
Called by the AdfDnDContext when drag might be initiated.
prepDrag(Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfInputNumberSliderDragRecognizer
Override to only start drags when not on the thumb
prepDrag(Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfPanelBoxDragRecognizer
Override to only start drags over the title bar.
PrevComponent - Field in AdfComponentFocusEvent
preventDefault(Object) - Method in AdfAgent
preventDefault(Object) - Method in AdfIEAgent
preventDefault(Object) - Method in AdfOperaAgent
preventDefault() - Method in Event
If an event is cancelable, the preventDefault method is used to signify that the event is to be canceled, meaning any default action normally taken by the implementation as a result of the event will not occur.
preventDefaultCallback(Object) - Static method in AdfAgent
Static callback handler for preventing the default action
preventUserInput() - Method in AdfBaseEvent
Calling this method prevents all user input while the event is being processed, including while the event is propagated to the server.
previousSibling - Field in Node
The node immediately preceding this node.
This constant is of type Number and its value is 7.
ProcessingInstruction - Class in org.w3c.dom.core
The ProcessingInstruction interface represents a "processing instruction", used in XML as a way to keep processor-specific information in the text of the document.
ProcessPushData(String, Number) - Method in AdfDhtmlTablePeer
Called by the Active Data Service to deliver push data to the peer.
ProcessPushData(String, Number) - Method in AdfDhtmlTablePeer
Called by the Active Data Service to deliver push data to the peer.
processPushData(AdfUIComponent, Object, Number) - Method in AdfRichUIPeer
Called by the Active Data Service to deliver push data to the peer.
ProcessPushData(Object, Number) - Method in AdfRichUIPeer
Hook called by the Active Data Service to deliver push data to the peer.
processPushData(Object, Number) - Method in AdfUIComponent
Called by the Active Data Service to deliver push data to the component.
processPushData(AdfUIComponent, Object, Boolean) - Method in AdfUIPeer
Called by the Active Data Service to deliver push data to the peer.
propagatesToServer() - Method in AdfActionEvent
Override to cause the event to propagate to the server.
propagatesToServer() - Method in AdfAutoSubmitEvent
Returns true if the this event should propagate to the server.
propagatesToServer() - Method in AdfBaseEvent
Returns true if the this event should propagate to the server.
propagatesToServer() - Method in AdfCalendarActivityDurationChangeEvent
Override to cause the event to propagate to the server.
propagatesToServer() - Method in AdfCalendarActivityEvent
Override to cause the event to propagate to the server.
propagatesToServer() - Method in AdfCalendarDisplayChangeEvent
Returns true if the this event should propagate to the server.
propagatesToServer() - Method in AdfCalendarEvent
Override to cause the event to propagate to the server.
propagatesToServer() - Method in AdfCarouselDataFetchEvent
Override to cause the event to propagate to the server.
propagatesToServer() - Method in AdfCarouselSpinEvent
Override to make the event to propagate to the server only if the row key has changed.
propagatesToServer() - Method in AdfContentFetchEvent
Override to cause the event to propagate to the server.
propagatesToServer() - Method in AdfContextInfoEvent
Returns true if the this event should propagate to the server.
propagatesToServer() - Method in AdfCustomEvent
Returns true if the this event should propagate to the server.
propagatesToServer() - Method in AdfDialogEvent
Override to cause the event to propagate to the server.
propagatesToServer() - Method in AdfDialogServicePopupContainerRemoveEvent
Returns true if the this event should propagate to the server.
propagatesToServer() - Method in AdfDisclosureEvent
Override to cause the event to propagate to the server.
propagatesToServer() - Method in AdfFocusEvent
Override to cause the event to propagate to the server.
propagatesToServer() - Method in AdfItemEvent
Override to indicate the event progogates to server
propagatesToServer() - Method in AdfLaunchPopupEvent
Override to cause the event to propagate to the server.
propagatesToServer() - Method in AdfLovInternalEvent
Override to cause the event to propagate to the server.
propagatesToServer() - Method in AdfLovInternalPopupClosedEvent
Override to cause the event to propagate to the server.
propagatesToServer() - Method in AdfPanelCollectionDialogFetchEvent
Override to cause the event to propagate to the server.
propagatesToServer() - Method in AdfPollEvent
Override to cause the event to propagate to the server.
propagatesToServer() - Method in AdfPopupCanceledEvent
Returns true if the this event should propagate to the server.
propagatesToServer() - Method in AdfQueryEvent
Override to force the event to be propagated to the server.
propagatesToServer() - Method in AdfQueryInternalEvent
Override to cause the event to propagate to the server.
propagatesToServer() - Method in AdfQueryOperationEvent
Override to cause the event to propagate to the server.
propagatesToServer() - Method in AdfRangeChangeEvent
Override to cause the event to propagate to the server.
propagatesToServer() - Method in AdfReorderEvent
Returns true if the this event should propagate to the server.
propagatesToServer() - Method in AdfResetEvent
Returns true if the this event should propagate to the server.
propagatesToServer() - Method in AdfReturnEvent
Override to cause the event to propagate to the server.
propagatesToServer() - Method in AdfReturnPopupDataEvent
Override to cause the event to propagate to the server.
propagatesToServer() - Method in AdfReturnPopupEvent
This event needs to propogate to the server
propagatesToServer() - Method in AdfRowDisclosureEvent
Override to cause the event to propagate to the server.
propagatesToServer() - Method in AdfRowKeySetChangeEvent
Override to cause the event to propagate to the server.
propagatesToServer() - Method in AdfSelectionEvent
Override to cause the event to propagate to the server.
propagatesToServer() - Method in AdfSortEvent
Override to cause the event to propagate to the server.
propagatesToServer() - Method in AdfTableDataFetchEvent
Override to cause the event to propagate to the server.
propagatesToServer() - Method in AdfTableShowColumnsEvent
Override to cause the event to propagate to the server.
propagatesToServer() - Method in AdfTreeExpandAllEvent
Override to cause the event to propagate to the server.
propagatesToServer() - Method in AdfValueChangeEvent
Returns true if the this event should propagate to the server.
PROPERTY_CHANGE_TYPE - Static field in AdfPropertyChangeEvent
prototype - Field in Object
The instance properties and instance methods for the object.
publicId - Field in DocumentType
The public identifier of the external subset.
publicId - Field in Entity
The public identifier associated with the entity, if specified.
publicId - Field in Notation
Stores the public identifier of the Notation (or null if the identifier was not specified).
publish(Object) - Method in AdfConsoleLogWriter
Write the record to the Console window
publish(Object) - Method in AdfLogWriter
Publish a AdfLogRecord.
PublishImpl(Object) - Method in AdfBufferedLogWriter
Buffer the message
PublishImpl(AdfLogRecord) - Method in AdfFireBugLogWriter
Write the record to the FireBug console in Gecko console
PublishImpl(Object) - Method in AdfGeckoLogWriter
Write the record to the Gecko console
PublishImpl(Object) - Method in AdfIELogWriter
Write the record to the Microsoft Script Debugger
PublishImpl(Object) - Method in AdfLogWriter
Override hook point for AdfLogWriter subclasses that don't want to perform any filtering of their own
PublishImpl(Object) - Method in AdfOperaLogWriter
Write the record to the Gecko console
PublishImpl(AdfLogRecord) - Method in AdfSafariLogWriter
Write the record to the browser console
PublishImpl(Object) - Method in AdfStatusLogWriter
Write the record to the top window's status bar
push(Object...) - Method in Array
Removes and returns the last element of the array.
PushChannelStates - Static field in AdfDhtmlPage
pushModal(HTMLElement) - Method in AdfDhtmlModalityManager
Make this element modal, place a glasspane underneath and push it on the modality stack.

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Generated on 2010.03.26 00:14 UTC
Copyright (c) 1998, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.