OracleJavaScript API Reference for Oracle ADF Faces


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M_KEY - Static field in AdfKeyStroke
KeyCode representing M key.
MAC_OS - Static field in AdfAgent
managesElement(Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlPositionManager
Floating elements are registered with the page services zOrderManager.
managesElement(Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlPositionManager
mapComponent(Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlPage
Adds a component to the clientID map.
mapNativeToComponentEventType(Object) - Method in AdfAgent
Maps a native event type to a component event type
markAsScopingContainer(Object) - Static method in AdfPopupScopingUtils
marshal(Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfMarshalingService
Marshals a Javascript object into XML This method returns a newly created XML element or null if the object could not be parshaled because it was a part of a circular reference Parameters:
match(RegExp) - Method in String
Retrieves the match in this string for the given pattern.
Math - Class in org.ecmascript.object
The native browser JavaScript object used to work with mathematical operations.
max(Number, Number) - Static method in Math
Retrieves the largest of the given values.
MAX_VALUE - Field in Number
The largest possible value in JavaScript.
MENU_DEPTH_KEY - Static field in AdfMenuUtils
message - Field in Error
The message of the error.
messageGroupFocus(String) - Static method in AdfMessageUtils
Method called by the messages popup when the user clicks the a component-level message group title.
MessageNotify(Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlDocumentPeer
Called to notify the peer that its messages have changed.
MessageNotify(Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlEditableValuePeer
Overrides to hide the note window when the message changes.
MessageNotify(Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlMessagesPeer
Called to notify the peer that its messages have changed.
MessageNotify(Object, Object) - Method in AdfRichUIPeer
This is the default implementation of the MessageNotification.
messageNotify(Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfRichUIPeer
Message notification callback.
messageNotify(Object, Number, Array) - Method in AdfUIPeer
Called to notify the peer that its messages have changed.
MessageShow(Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlDocumentPeer
Called to notify the peer that its messages should be shown.
MessageShow(Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlEditableValuePeer
Overrides to hide the note window when the message changes.
MessageShow(Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlMessagesPeer
Called to notify the peer that its messages should be shown.
MessageShow(Object, Object) - Method in AdfRichUIPeer
This is the default implementation of MessageShow.
messageShow(Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfRichUIPeer
Message show callback.
messageShow(Object, Number, Array) - Method in AdfUIPeer
Called to notify the peer that its messages should be shown.
META_MASK - Static field in AdfKeyStroke
Modifiers, bit mask value if Meta key is pressed
metaKey - Field in MouseEvent
Used to indicate whether the 'meta' key was depressed during the firing of the event.
MIDDLE - Static field in AdfDhtmlPositionManager
MIDDLE - Static field in AdfDhtmlPositionManager
MIDDLE_BUTTON_FLAG - Static field in AdfUIInputEvent
Bit mask value indicating that the middle button is down
min(Number, Number) - Static method in Math
Retrieves the smallest of the given values.
MIN_VALUE - Field in Number
The smallest possible value in JavaScript.
MIN_WIDTH - Static field in AdfDhtmlPositionManager
MIN_WIDTH - Static field in AdfDhtmlPositionManager
MINIMAL_Z_INDEX - Field in AdfDhtmlZOrderLayer
MISSING_AFTER - Static field in AdfDhtmlCarouselPeer
MISSING_AFTER - Static field in AdfDhtmlTablePeer
MISSING_BEFORE - Static field in AdfDhtmlCarouselPeer
MISSING_BEFORE - Static field in AdfDhtmlTablePeer
MISSING_CONVERTER - Static field in AdfMissingConverter
The default instance
modifyIdsInDomSubTree(HTMLElement, Object, Object) - Method in AdfAgent
Modify the ID values for every element in the given DOM sub tree.
MOUSE_DOWN_EVENT_TYPE - Static field in AdfUIInputEvent
MOUSE_IN_EVENT_TYPE - Static field in AdfUIInputEvent
MOUSE_MOVE_EVENT_TYPE - Static field in AdfUIInputEvent
MOUSE_OUT_EVENT_TYPE - Static field in AdfUIInputEvent
MOUSE_UP_EVENT_TYPE - Static field in AdfUIInputEvent
MouseEvent - Class in
The MouseEvent interface provides specific contextual information associated with Mouse events.
moveMaskingFrame(Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlPage
Moves a masking IFrame underneath a floating element.
moveShadowDecorator(Object) - Static method in AdfDhtmlShadowDecorator
Moves the shadow decorator for a dom element
moveShadowDecorator(Object) - Static method in AdfDhtmlShadowDecorator
Moves the shadow decorator for a dom element
multiline - Field in RegExp
Describes whether the "m" attribute is applied to this regular expression.

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Generated on 2010.03.26 00:14 UTC
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