This chapter covers the following topics:
You configure AXF components on PeopleSoft pages using the PeopleSoft Application Designer and the AXF tables in PeopleSoft. For procedures, see "Enabling AXF Components on PeopleSoft Pages". For a description of tables, see "About the AXF Tables in PeopleSoft".
There are two categories of AXF components:
User interface items refer to AXF buttons, links, and menus you place on a PeopleSoft page. Five of each are provided (for example, AXF_BUTTON_1 through _5). For more information and configuration examples, see "PS_AXF_COMMANDS Table".
Important Points About User Interface Items
You must specify a PeopleSoft role (in the PS_AXF_COMMANDS Table) to grant users permission to use a specified user interface item. If a user lacks the permissions, the item is not displayed.
A user interface item becomes active when it is positioned on a page. If AXF_BUTTON_1 is placed on multiple pages in the same PeopleSoft component, it shares the same configuration across the pages. To configure different actions for each page, use a different user interface item (for example, AXF_BUTTON_2). Note that you can reuse user interface items on different PeopleSoft components without conflicts.
System event components refer to pre- and post-save items you place on a PeopleSoft page that trigger a pre- or post-save system event.
The AXF_POSTSAVE_SBP item captures SAVE_POST_CHANGE system events, which execute a configured command after a PeopleSoft component is saved.
For example, you might configure a SaveInvoice command to be invoked during the SAVE_POST_CHANGE event, so that whenever an action inserts a new PeopleSoft transaction record, the SaveInvoice command automatically performs a save.
The AXF_PRE_SAVE_SBP item captures SAVE_PRE_CHANGE system events, which execute a configured command before a PeopleSoft component is saved.
Important Points About System Events
You must specify a PeopleSoft role (in the PS_AXF_COMMANDS Table) to allow a specified system event to be triggered for a user.
System events, like user interface items, are configured at the PeopleSoft component level. However, because they are not visible to the user, they are triggered as appropriate regardless of the page on which they are placed. For example, the AXF_POST_SAVE_SBP and the AXF_PRE_SAVE_SBP items are placed on specific pages; if a Save event occurs on a page in a PeopleSoft component that is being saved, the configured command executes.
This section describes how to configure PeopleSoft components and communications for the solution. It covers the following topics:
Follow these steps to import the PeopleSoft project:
Start the PeopleSoft Application Designer in two-tier mode.
From the menu, select Tools, then Copy Project, then From File. The Copy From File screen is displayed.
Locate the following directory:
Select psft, the parent directory of the AXF_PS_INTEGRATION directory. The AXF_PS_INTEGRATION directory contains the project XML files, but you must select its parent directory to access them from the PeopleSoft Application Designer. The project is displayed in the lower pane of the screen.
Click Select, select all definition types, and click Copy. The project files begin copying.
After all files have copied, select Build, then Project from the menu. The Build screen is displayed.
Select the Create Tables and Execute SQL Now options, and click Build. You can monitor the build status as the files are imported into PeopleSoft.
Once done, check the PSBUILD.LOG file to verify that the project imported successfully.
If the log file shows tablespace 'AXF' does not exist errors, manually create a tablespace called AXF
in the same database you logged into when starting the PeopleSoft Application Designer, then return to step 6 to rebuild the project.
Importing the AXF_PS_INTEGRATION project to PeopleSoft also imports the Integration Broker connection information. These components contain information needed to connect from PeopleSoft to the AXF Server. The following section describes how to access this information in the PeopleSoft web client and edit it to point to the AXF Server.
For the appropriate AXF Server version, follow the steps listed to configure communication between the Integration Broker and AXF:
After configuring communication for the appropriate AXF Server version, complete these steps:
In PeopleSoft Server, open PeopleTools, then Integration Broker, then Integration Setup. The Integration setup menu expands to show the available options.
Click Nodes.
On the Find an Existing Value tab, select Node Name, enter AXF
in the Node Name field, and click Search.
From the search results, click the AXF_SOLUTION_MEDIATOR_10G link.
Click the Connectors tab.
Set the Host property name to the AXF Server name or IP address.
Set the URL property name to the following URL:
AXF_Server name or IP address
Click Save.
Click Ping Node to verify that the node is configured properly.
If configured properly, the word Success is displayed in the message text area of the Ping NodeResults page. Proceed to "Setting Up the Service Operation Routings" and "Validating Domain Status".
If Success is not displayed, return to the Node Configuration page to reenter values until you can ping the node successfully.
In PeopleSoft Server, open PeopleTools, then Integration Broker, then Integration Setup. The Integration setup menu expands to show the available options.
Click Nodes.
On the Find an Existing Value tab, select Node Name, enter AXF
in the Node Name field, and click Search.
From the search results, click the AXF_SOLUTION_MEDIATOR_11G link.
On the Node Definitions tab, enter a valid username and password in the External User ID and External Password fields. This user authenticates against the Solution Mediator web services installed on the application server on which AXF is installed.
Click the Connectors tab.
Set the Host property name to the AXF Server name or IP address.
Set the URL property name to the following URL:
AXF_Server name or IP address:port_number
For example:
Click Save.
Click Ping Node to verify that the node is configured properly.
If configured properly, the word Success is displayed in the message text area of the Ping NodeResults page. Proceed to "Setting Up the Service Operation Routings" and "Validating Domain Status".
If Success is not displayed, return to the Node Configuration page to reenter values until you can ping the node successfully.
From the Integration Setup Menu, select Service Operations.
On the Find Service Operation tab, enter AXF
in the Service Operation field and click Search. A single results listing is returned.
Click the AXF_EXECUTE link.
Click the Routings tab.
Verify status.
If communicating with a 10g AXF Server, verify that the AXF_SM_ROUTING_10G routing definition's status is Active. If it is not, choose the Selected field, click the Activate Selected Routings button, and ensure that all other routing definition are set to Inactive.
If communicating with an 11g AXF Server, verify that the AXF_SOLUTION_MEDIATOR_ROUTING routing definition's status is Active. If it is not, choose the Selected field, click the Activate Selected Routings button, and ensure that all other routing definition are set to Inactive.
Click the Save button.
Once you have configured the Integration Broker to communicate with AXF, follow these steps to verify its status.
Navigate to the Service Operation Monitor page by selecting PeopleTools, then Integration Broker, and then Service Operations Monitor. The Service Operations Monitor page is displayed.
Click Domain Status under the Administration section. The Domain Status page is displayed.
Verify that the domain status is listed as Active next to the PeopleSoft Server. If not, select Active from the Domain Status menu and click Update.
Follow the steps in this section to apply the wss_username_token_service_policy to all services.
Log in to the WebLogic Server Administration Console.
From the Domain Structure options, select Deployments. The Summary of Deployments page is displayed.
From the Deployments table, select imaging.
Click the Update button. The Update Application Assistant page is displayed.
Select the lower Redeploy this application using option to redeploy the ear file with a deployment plan.
Click the Change Path button for the Deployment plan path option, browse to the following location, and select the Plan.xml file:
Continue the wizard and complete the deployment.
To ensure that appropriate PeopleSoft users have access to AXF functionality, follow these steps to add the AXF_ROLE and permissions to PeopleSoft.
In PeopleSoft Server, open PeopleTools, then Security, then Permissions & Roles. The Permissions & Roles menu expands to show available options.
Click Roles. The Roles page is displayed.
Click the Add New Value tab.
in the Role Name field and click Add. The Role Name field is cleared and the AXF_ROLE is added.
Add a description in the Description field.
Click the Permission Lists tab, enter AXF_PERMS
in the Permission List field, and click Save.
After creating the AXF_ROLE in PeopleSoft, follow these steps to assign the role to all users that require access to AXF functionality.
For AXF calls to be processed correctly from PeopleSoft, all users needing access to AXF functionality must be assigned the AXF_ROLE in PeopleSoft.In PeopleSoft Server, open PeopleTools, then Security, then User Profiles. The User Profiles menu expands to show available options.
Click User Profiles. The User Profiles page is displayed.
In the search field, specify criteria to identify the user to find, and click Search. A listing of users is displayed.
Click the user to which to assign the role. A detailed page of user information is displayed.
Click the Roles tab. A listing of roles assigned to the user is displayed.
Click the + (plus) sign to add a blank field, and enter AXF_ROLE
in the blank field. To search for the role, click the magnifying glass icon.
Click Save. The user can now access AXF functionality on PeopleSoft pages.
Follow these steps to enable an AXF component on a PeopleSoft page. For more information, see "About Configuring AXF Components on PeopleSoft Pages".
Open the AXF_PS_Integration Project in PeopleSoft Application Designer.
Open a PeopleSoft page to enable. For example, open VCHR_HDR_QV2.
In the Project Workspace, select one of the AXF pages from the Pages node (for example, AXF_BTN1_SBP) and drag it onto the PeopleSoft page or subpage.
Save the page.
Configure the PeopleSoft AXF tables to associate a command with the newly added user interface item or system event as described in the following sections:
You may want to examine the following AXF-related logs:
AXF logs
PeopleSoft logs
Use the AXF logs to isolate issues in solution configuration. By default, some AXF logging automatically occurs as part of Application Server logging. Follow these steps to configure more detailed and separate AXF logging.
Add a log handler to the Application Server configuration. Add the handler inside the <log_handlers> tag in the logging.xml file, at the following location:
An example location follows:
<log_handler name='axf-handler'class='oracle.core.ojdl.logging.ODLHandlerFactory' level='ALL'> <property name='path' value='${domain.home}/servers/${weblogic.Name}/logs/axf.log'/> <property name='maxFileSize' value='5485760'/> <property name='maxLogSize' value='54857600'/> <property name='encoding' value='UTF-8'/> </log_handler>
Add a logger to the logging.xml file and set the level from the Log Levels (ODL Message Types) listed in Table 2-1. You can set the logging level in the XML file or using Enterprise Manager.
<logger name='oracle.imaging.axf' level='TRACE:32' useParentHandlers='false'> <handler name='axf-handler'/> <handler name='console-handler'/> </logger>
Remove the console-handler tag to omit logging on the console.Table 2-1 Available Logging Levels
Log Type | Description | Log Level (ODL Message Type) |
The logger inherits the log level set for its parent. |
n/a |
Log system errors requiring attention from the system administrator. |
Log actions or conditions discovered that should be reviewed and may require action before an error occurs. |
Log normal actions or events. This could be a user operation, such as login completed, or an automatic operation, such as a log file rotation. |
Log configuration-related messages or problems. |
Log trace or debug messages used for debugging or performance monitoring. Typically contains detailed event data. |
Log fairly detailed trace or debug messages. |
TRACE:16 |
Log highly detailed trace or debug messages. |
TRACE:32 |
Restart Administration Server if it is running. The logger is displayed in Enterprise Manager. You can change the logging level at run time.
The AXF PeopleSoft adapter uses standard apache log4j logging. Logging can be activated and managed through the file. This file is located in the PeopleSoft Installation Directory/class directory. Set the following options:
# A1 is set to be a ConsoleAppender which outputs to System.out. log4j.appender.A1=org.apache.log4j.DailyRollingFileAppender log4j.appender.A1.File=./LOGS/PS_AXF.log # A1 uses PatternLayout. log4j.appender.A1.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.A1.DatePattern=.yyyy-MM-dd log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{DATE} [%t] %-5p %c %x - %m%n, A1
At a minimum, define an appender with a valid file location, and the level of messages to report (see above). Valid levels include the following in order of decreasing detail, where DEBUG displays all messages and detail:
For detailed information about log4j, see the log4j documentation.