Recognizing Revenue

This section provides an overview of revenue recognition and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Revenue Recognition

Revenue recognition is the accounting rule that defines revenue as an inflow of assets, not necessarily cash, in exchange for goods or services. It requires the revenue to be recognized at the time, but not before, it is earned. You use revenue recognition to create G/L entries for income without generating invoices.

Generally, you use revenue recognition when:

To calculate revenue (actual or accrued) for the current period, you must create G/L journal entries. The amounts related to these entries appear on the income statements and balance sheets when you complete the revenue recognition process. You can use the recognized revenue amounts for projections and to review the profitability or liability of specific departments in the organization.

This diagram illustrates the relationships among the primary tables for revenue recognition:

Revenue recognition tables

When you process revenue recognition, the system creates G/L journal entries to update the Account Ledger table (F0911) with revenue, cost, and margins. You can also create correcting reclassification G/L journal entries, depending on whether you select the Journal Reclassification Control check box in the Billing Constants program (P48091).

The billing system offers a range of journal entry processes that enable you to select the mode that best suits your organization's accounting needs. This table explains the modes, which are controlled by which Journal Generation Control option you select in the Billing Constants program (P48091):

Journal Generation Control Mode


Invoice Processing Only

Select this mode if your organization does not require revenue to be recognized independently of the billing cycle.

Actual revenue is credited at the time during which the system writes final invoice journal entries to table F0911 and you post them using the Post General Journal program (R09801).

Revenue Processing Only

Select this mode if your organization bills interdepartmentally only and does not require customer receivables updates in the Customer Ledger table (F03B11).

The actual revenue account is credited and interdepartmental offset accounts are credited at the time during which the system writes final G/L journal entries to table F03B11 and you post them using the Post General Journal program.

Invoicing with Revenue

Select this mode to enable revenue to be recognized independently of the billing process.

Actual revenue is credited and accrued receivables (unbilled A/R) is debited at the time during which the system writes final G/L journal entries to table F03B11 and you post them using the Post General Journal program.

The accrued receivables account is credited and the trade A/R account is debited at the time during which the system writes the final invoice journal entries to table F03B11 and you post them using the Post General Journal program.

Invoicing with Revenue Reconciliation

Select this mode to enable accrued revenue to be recognized independently of the billing cycle, or to mark up the revenue amount independently of the invoice amount and clear the variance from accrued receivables at the end of the billing cycle.

The accrued revenue (unbilled) account is credited and the accrued receivables (unbilled) account is debited when the system writes the final G/L entries to table F03B11 and you post them using the Post General Journal program.

The actual revenue account is credited, the accrued revenue account is debited, the accrued receivables account is credited, and the trade A/R account is debited when the system writes the final invoice journal entries to table F03B11 and you post them using the Post General Ledger program.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicVersions and Modes for G/L Journal Generation

When you run the G/L Journal Generation program (R48132), the system creates preliminary G/L journal entries. If you specify a version of the Create G/L Entries program (R48198) in the processing options of the G/L Journal Generation program, the system also creates final G/L journal entries in the Account Ledger table (F0911). If you leave that processing option blank, the system does not create final journal entries in the F0911 table.

Running the G/L Journal Generation program without specifying a version of the Create G/L Entries program is considered running in proof mode because the system does not create the journal entries in the F0911 table. Similarly, running the G/L Journal Generation program with a version of the Create G/L Entries program specified in the processing options is considered running in final mode.

You run the G/L Journal Generation program in proof mode to review any accounting errors prior to writing the final journal entries to table F0911. You run the Journal Generation program in final mode if you do not need to review the accounting entries.

Note. If the system detects any errors when you run the program in final mode, it sets the batch status to an error status and does not create the final journal entries in the F0911 table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInteractive Versions in G/L Journal Generation

The Journal Generation program (R48132) calls the Journal Edit Register program (R48300). The Journal Edit Register program performs all validations and updates for G/L journal entries in the billing system. You specify which version of the Journal Edit Register to use in the processing options for the Journal Generation program.

When you run the Journal Generation program to process journal entries, the system uses the versions of the journal entry master business function that you specified in the processing options of the Journal Edit Register program. If you leave the processing options for the Journal Edit Register program blank, the system uses the ZJDE0001 versions of the master business functions.

To review the processing options for the journal entry master business function, select Interactive Versions from the System Administration Tools menu (GH9011), and review the interactive application Journal Entry MBF Processing Options (P0900049).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTypes of Journal Entries

The billing system processes:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDocument Types for Revenue Recognition

As you complete the revenue recognition process, the system can create G/L entries using various document types. You can use these document types to identify the origin of journal entries:

Document Type

Origin of Journal Entries

EU-G/L Journal Entry

Journal entry that the system creates when you run the Journal Generation program (R48132).

AJ-G/L Journal Entry Adjustment

Adjusting journal entry that the system creates when you run the Journal Generation program for journal entries that have been processed previously.

BA-Billing Adjustment

Reclassification journal entry for a source transaction that originated from general accounting.

T2 - Payroll Labor Distribution

Reclassification journal entry that originated from payroll labor.

T4-Labor Billing Distribution

Reclassification journal entry that originated from labor billing.

T5-Equipment Distribution

Reclassification journal entry that originated from equipment billing in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Payroll system.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicJournal Reclassification

Depending on whether you set the billing constants to enable journal reclassification and how you set the processing options for the Workfile Revisions program (P4812), you can reclassify, or change the account information, for a workfile transaction.

Journal reclassification exists within the billing system to enable you to transfer the original cost entry to a different account and let the system automatically create the correcting entries in the Account Ledger table (F0911).

When you set up the billing constants to enable journal reclassification, the system creates the correcting journal entries in the F0911 table during journal creation.

For example, an employee might charge time to two different work orders during a pay period. When entering time for the pay period, the employee makes an error. After the accounting department processes payroll transactions, you review the costs and discover the employee's data entry error.

You correct the error by changing the work order numbers in the workfile transactions in the Billing Detail Workfile table (F4812). With journal reclassification, when you run the Journal Generation program (R48132), the system creates correcting journal entries along with the preliminary journal entries for revenue and costing. The system creates adjusting journal entries in the F0911 table to reverse the original account and update the new account.

You can identify the correcting journal entries by the document type (AJ). The system also uses the same pay type (PDBA code) of the workfile transaction for journal reclassification, such as 101 for regular pay, unless you use the PDBA code override in the billing constants.

In addition to creating adjusting entries in the account ledger, if you are correcting a workfile transaction that originated from JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Payroll, the system creates an adjusting entry in the Employee Transaction History table (F0618) when you run the Create G/L Entries program (R48198). These preliminary correcting entries are stored in the Payroll Reclassification Workfile table (F48S0618) until the Create G/L Entries program finishes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding G/L Batches for Revenue Recognition

You use the Batch Review program (P48221) to access all batches in the billing system. You select the batch of transactions to prepare it for further processing. Processing options are available to enable you to set up default versions for the batch processing.

Note. If you delete a batch, the system does not keep an audit trail for the batch number, which comes from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Foundation system (system 00).

To maintain the integrity of batch processing in the billing system, the system updates the current activity of the batch header record while the batch is actively being processed. For example, when you select a batch and run the Journal Edit Register program (R48300), the system updates the current activity to indicate that the batch is actively being processed. This prevents others from accessing this batch until the Journal Edit Register program has finished processing, at which time the system resets the current activity to 0. The batch is then available for subsequent processing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCombining Revenue Recognition and Invoicing

You can complete the revenue recognition and invoicing processes either separately or together as a combined process. When you combine the processes, the system assigns an associated general ledger batch to the invoice batch to contain the general ledger journal entries that are associated with the invoice journal entries that include T and M billing lines. You must run the Revenue Workfile Generation program (R52120) for non-T and M billing lines.

When you run the Create A/R Entries program (R48199), the system writes the associated general ledger batch and writes the invoice journal entries to the Customer Ledger table (F03B11) and the Account Ledger table (F0911).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRevenue Reconciliation

You can manage the revenue recognition and invoicing process with or without revenue reconciliation. You use revenue reconciliation to ensure that no variances exist between recognized revenue and invoice amounts. Variances between recognized revenue and invoice amounts might exist if:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReconciliation for Timing Differences

If you do not recognize revenue and generate invoices at the same time, the timing difference creates a variance in accrued accounts receivable.

For example, suppose that you plan to create an invoice for a project only after the customer approves and accepts the completed project. The project takes three months to complete, and you recognize revenue for the project each month. Because of the difference between when you recognize revenue (each month) and generate invoices (after completion) for the project, an unreconciled balance exists in accrued accounts receivable.

Three months later, when you bill for the project:

In the case of a timing difference, over time, all variances are reconciled and equal zero for accrued accounts receivable.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReconciliation for Independent Revenue and Invoice Markup

If you use the same markup rules for revenue and invoicing, no variance generally exists between the recognized revenue and invoice amounts. However, if you mark up revenue and invoice amounts independently, a permanent variance between recognized revenue and billing amounts can exist.

If you do not want variance balances to exist when you mark up revenue and invoice amounts independently, you can use revenue reconciliation to ensure that:

For example, your company might renegotiate an hourly rate for rental equipment. Although the new rate is 75.00 USD per hour, your company continues to bill 70.00 USD per hour until the negotiations are complete.

For two hours of equipment use, the invoiced amount is 140.00 USD. If revenue is recognized at the new rate, the revenue amount is 150.00 USD. Without reconciliation, a variance of 10.00 USD remains in accrued (unbilled) accounts receivable.

Without revenue reconciliation, the system creates debits and credits for these journal entries:

Billing Step

Journal Entries

Revenue recognition

150.00 USD for accrued accounts receivable and accrued revenue


140.00 USD for actual accounts receivable and accrued accounts receivable

With revenue reconciliation, the system tracks, reverses, and reconciles recognized and actual revenue amounts. In the previous example, the system would create debits and credits, respectively, for these journal entries:

Billing Step

Journal Entries

Revenue recognition

140.00 USD for accounts receivable and accrued revenue

Revenue reconciliation

140.00 USD for accrued revenue and accrued accounts receivable

150.00 USD for accrued accounts receivable and actual revenue


150.00 USD for actual accounts receivable and accrued accounts receivable

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRevenue and Invoicing for Contract Billing Lines

The processes of revenue recognition and invoicing depend on whether the contract billing lines are for costs that are related to time and materials.

For T and M or cost plus contract billing lines, you process revenue recognition and invoicing for the portion of a contract that you bill for the actual costs of goods and services plus specific markup amounts for the work. The actual costs include payroll-based costs, such as labor and burden, and non-payroll-based costs, such as the equipment and material required to complete the contract.

For non-T and M contract billing lines, you process revenue recognition and invoicing for the portion of the contract that is not related to time and material, such as fixed fees, prepayments, and quantities. These contract billing lines are for costs that are not related to time and materials (non-T and M):

If the contracts for your company include billing lines for time and material, you begin the invoicing process by accumulating costs. When you accumulate costs, the system creates workfile transactions. You can use the workfile transactions to create invoices automatically.

If your company does not bill for time and material, you do not need to accumulate costs. Instead, you begin the invoicing process by creating invoices automatically. When you create invoices automatically, the system calculates billing amounts based on the non-T and M contract billing lines that you set up for the contracts.

You can always create invoices manually, regardless of whether the contracts include costs for time and materials.

Revenue is calculated only for these billing line types:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRevenue Reversal

In some situations, you might need to reverse a revenue entry. For example, you might have recognized revenue when the transaction should have been for cost only.

If the Journal Generation Control option in the billing constants is set to Inv/Rev w/o Reconciliation, and a workfile transaction has an eligibility code of 0 (available for invoice and revenue processing), you can reverse the original revenue entry.

To reverse the original revenue entry:

  1. Using the Workfile Revisions program (P4812), change the eligibility code of the transaction from 0 (available for invoice and revenue processing) to 4 (cost only).

  2. Process G/L entries in proof or final mode by running the Journal Generation program (R48132) to create a new revenue batch that contains the changed workfile transaction.

The system creates AJ (billing adjustment) documents that reverse the previously created G/L entries for that transaction. You can review these entries on the Journal Edit Register report (R48300).

Example: Reversing Revenue Entries

This example shows the original G/L entries and the adjusting entries.

The original G/L entries (EU document type) are:

Document Type







Unbilled A/R



Work in Progress



Cost of Goods Sold


The reversing entries that the system creates after the eligibility code in the workfile has been changed (AJ document type) are:

Document Type







Unbilled A/R



Work in Progress



Cost of Goods Sold


Important! The EU entries for the Work in Progress and Cost of Goods Sold accounts are created when the cost automatic accounting instructions (AAIs) 4841 (Work in Process - Credit) and 4842 (Cost of Goods Sold - Debit) are set up at the time that you first run the Journal Generation program (R48132). If the costing AAIs are set up after the workfile transaction has been processed to the G/L for the first time, the correcting AJ entries are still created for the 4841 and 4842 accounts even though no original EU entries exist for the 4841 and 4842 accounts.

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating the Revenue Workfile

This section provides an overview of the Revenue Workfile Generation program (R52120) and discusses how to:

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If you did not create workfile transactions for lump sum, unit price, revenue-only, and fee billing lines when you generated the workfile, you must use the Revenue Workfile Generation program (R52120) to add these non-T and M revenue records to the workfile before you generate preliminary G/L journal entries for revenue recognition.

Note. As an alternative to running the Revenue Workfile Generation program independently, you can set up the processing options for the Workfile Generation program (R48120) to run the Revenue Workfile Generation program.

This table describes how the Revenue Workfile Generation program creates records in the Billing Detail Workfile table (F4812), based on the billing line type:

Billing Line Type

Records Created in the F4812 Table

Unit price and lump sum

One record for each billing line.

Percent complete, percent of billing, fee, and award fee

One record for each billing line with a zero amount.

System-calculated amounts are based on actual costs and projected final costs from the cross-referenced accounts on the lump sum billing lines. Fixed amounts are also calculated for the lump sum revenue amount regardless of the actual costs that are incurred. Revenue amounts for the lump sum billing lines are calculated using the percent complete method of calculation. For units, the system-calculated amounts are based on the AU (actual units) ledger in the Account Balances table (F0902) from the cross-referenced accounts on the billing line. The date range is specified in the processing options of the Revenue Workfile Generation program.

The Revenue Workfile Generation program produces a report that lists any errors that occurred during processing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Revenue Workfile Generation Program

Select Revenue Recognition (G5222), Revenue Workfile Generation.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for Revenue Workfile Generation (R52120)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


These processing options specify the date range and recurring billing codes to use when the system is creating non-T and M revenue transactions to include in the workfile.

1. Beginning Date for Revenue generation

Specify the beginning date for the generation of non-T and M revenue transactions. If you leave this processing option blank, the system does not generate non-T and M revenue transactions.

2. Ending Date for Revenue generation

Specify the ending date for the generation of non-T and M revenue transactions. If you leave this processing option blank or if this date is before the beginning date for the generation of non-T and M revenue transactions, the system does not generate non-T and M revenue transactions.

3. Lump Sum Recurring Billing Code 1 through 7. Lump Sum Recurring Billing Code 5

Specify a recurring billing code for revenue generation. Values are stored in user-defined code (UDC) table 52/RB.

Project and Gov Contracting

These processing options specify the frequency codes for generating fees and award fees for project and government contract accounting (PGCA) contracts.

1. Project and Gov Fee/Award Fee Frequency Code 1through5. Project and Gov Fee/Award Fee Frequency Code 5

Specify a frequency code for fee generation for PGCA contracts. Values are stored in UDC table 52G/FF.

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating Preliminary G/L Journal Entries

This section provides an overview of preliminary G/L journal entries, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

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When you run the Journal Generation program (R48132) to create journal entries, the system:

For Contract Billing only, the system performs these additional actions:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you complete the tasks in this section:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Journal Generation Program

Select Revenue Recognition (G48S22 or G5222), Journal Generation.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Data Selection for Journal Generation (R48132)

If you use the BC Billing Control ID (F4812) (BCI) field to select a payroll transaction that has burden, the burden transactions are not included in the batch because burden records have a different billing control ID. To avoid this situation, set up the data selection to select by batch number, company number, job number, and so on.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for Journal Generation (R48132)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


These processing options enable you to specify the general ledger date for revenue journal generation and the description to assign to the journal entry.

1. G/L Date (general ledger date)

Specify the G/L date for revenue journal generation. This date is assigned during revenue journal generation and is used when you post the journals to the general ledger files. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the G/L date of the source transaction. This date is validated against the current fiscal period identified in the company constants.

2. Override G/L Date (override general ledger date)

Enter 1 to use the system date as the G/L date for revenue journal generation. This date is assigned during revenue journal generation and is used when you are posting the journals to the general ledger files. This date is validated against the current fiscal period identified in the company constants.

If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the G/L date from the G/L Date processing option

3. Journal Description

Specify the description to assign to the journal entry. Values are:

1: Use the description from the AAI table.

2: Use the description associated with the subledger value.

Blank: Use the description from the Account Master table (F0901).


This processing option enables you to specify the cut-off date for the system to use to select billing detail transactions for revenue journal generation.

1. Cut-off Date

Specify the cutoff date for selecting billing detail transactions for revenue journal generation. The system selects the billing detail transactions if the table basis date is less than or equal to this cutoff date. If you leave this processing option blank, the program uses the system date.


This processing option enables you to specify the versions of the Journal Edit Register (R48300) to use.

1. Journal Edit Register Version (R48300)

Specify the version of the Journal Edit Register (R48300) to use for journal batch processing. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses version XJDE0001.


This processing option enables you to specify whether to generate journal entries.

Create G/L Entries Version (R48198)

Enter the version of the Create G/L Entries program (R48198) to run to generate journal entries in final mode. If you leave this processing option blank, the Create G/L Entries program does not run.

Project and Gov Contracting

This processing option enables you to specify which transactions to include for revenue processing.

1. Revenue Status to Include

Enter the code that represents the revenue status of the transactions to include for revenue processing. Leave this field blank to indicate all statuses, or enter a value from UDC table 52G/RS. Values include:

E: Eligible for revenue

C: Revenue complete

H: On hold

N: Not eligible for revenue

To determine which contracts to include for revenue processing, the system compares the value that you specify in this field with the value in the Revenue Status field in the Contract Master table (F5201). This processing option applies only to contracts that you enter in the Create/Edit Project and Government Contracts program (P52G01M).

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing and Revising Preliminary G/L Journal Entries

This section provides overviews of the Journal Edit Register report, preliminary G/L journal entry errors, and the deletion of revenue information, lists a prerequisite, and discusses how to print the Journal Edit Register for G/L journal entries.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Journal Edit Register Report

When you run the Journal Edit Register program (R48300), the system prints a report that you can use to review the preliminary summarized journal entries. You can also use this report to verify the accounting entries. Use the Employee Work Center program (P012501) to review any error messages that appear on the report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Preliminary G/L Journal Entry Errors

Due to the complexity and volume of the preliminary journal entries in a batch, you cannot revise preliminary detail journal entries. However, you can correct errors and reset the error status of a batch. To understand how to correct batches that are in error, you need to understand the types of errors that the system detects.

When you create a batch of preliminary journal entries, the system validates these entries. Any resulting errors are either General Accounting setup errors or billing system setup errors.

General Accounting Setup Errors

These errors are caused by incorrect setup information in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system. You can usually correct these errors without deleting the preliminary journal entries. You can make the necessary corrections in General Accounting and rerun the Journal Edit Register report (R48300). The system edits the preliminary journal entries again and, if it detects no errors, updates the batch status to indicate no errors. You can then create final journal entries.

Billing System Setup Errors

Billing system setup errors are caused by incorrect setup information in the billing system. These errors require that you delete the batch of preliminary journal entries and make the necessary corrections to setup information in the billing system. You must then rerun the Journal Generation program (R48132) to create the preliminary journal entries.

Note. Each time that you run the Journal Generation program, the system assigns a new batch number. When the system detects no errors, the batch status indicates that no errors exist, and you can continue processing final journal entries.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Deletion of Revenue Information

As you review revenue information, you might need to delete revenue information. You can delete revenue information at the batch level only. For example, you might need to delete the revenue batch if you used the wrong data selection during journal generation.

Note. After you create final general ledger journal entries, you cannot delete the batch.

When you delete a revenue batch, the system:

For Contract Billing only, the system also:

Considerations for Deleting a Revenue Batch

You can delete revenue batches interactively, or you can submit the job to the server. The submit to server method is recommended if you are running the system on the Web.

When you use the submit to server method, the system calls the Batch Delete program (R48S900). If the deletion is successful, the Batch Delete program generates a report that indicates that the batch was deleted successfully. If the batch was not deleted successfully, the report indicates that the batch deletion failed or that the records being deleted are reserved by another user.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisite

Set the processing options of the XJDE0001 version of the Journal Edit Register (R48300).

See Setting Processing Options for Journal Edit Register (R48300).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForm Used to Review and Revise Preliminary G/L Journal Entries

Form Name




Work With Batches


  • Revenue Recognition (G48S22), Batch Review

  • Revenue Recognition (G5222), Batch Review

Run the Journal Edit Register report to review preliminary G/L journal entries. Before you run this report, set the processing options of the XJDE0001 version of the Journal Edit Register (R48300).

Delete a revenue batch.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrinting the Journal Edit Register for G/L Journal Entries

Access the Work With Batches form.

Select a batch and select Journal Edit Reg from the Row menu.

The system runs the Journal Edit Register program (R48300) for the selected batch.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Final G/L Journal Entries

This section provides an overview of final G/L journal entries and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Final G/L Journal Entries

You complete the revenue recognition process in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Contract Billing and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Service Billing systems by creating final journal entries in the Account Ledger table (F0911). The system uses the Create G/L Entries program (R48198) to create these final journal entries. After you create the final G/L journal entries, you must post these journal entries using the Post General Journal program (R09801). You post the entries automatically by specifying a version of the Post General Journal program in the processing options of the Create G/L Entries program, or you can post the entries manually.

When you create final G/L entries, the system:

For Contract Billing only, the system also:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForm Used to Create Final G/L Journal Entries

Form Name




Work With Batches


  • Revenue Recognition (G48S22), Batch Review

  • Revenue Recognition (G5222), Batch Review

Create final G/L journal entries.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for Create G/L Entries (R48198)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


These processing options enable you to specify the versions of programs that are called by the Create G/L Entries program (R48198).

1. Journal Edit Register Version (R48300)

Specify the version of the Journal Edit Register (R48300) for journal processing. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses version XJDE0001.

2. Automatic G/L Post Version (R09801)

Specify the version of the General Ledger Post Report program (R09801) to use for automatic posting of the G/L batch. If you leave this processing option blank, the G/L batch is not automatically posted to the general ledger. You can then post it later by using the standard General Ledger Post Report program (R09801).

Batch Approval

This processing option enables you to override the Manager Approval of Input setting in the general accounting constants so that the Create G/L Entries program (R48198) can automatically approve and post G/L entries.

1. Batch Approval

Specify the batch status to apply to general ledger batches that are created through this batch process. Values are:

Blank: Set the batch status according to the General Accounting constant.

1: Set the batch status to approved, regardless of the General Accounting constant.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Final G/L Journal Entries

Access the Work With Batches form.

Select the batch and select Create G/L from the Row menu.

Click to jump to parent topicPosting G/L Batches

This section provides an overview of the posting of G/L batches and discusses how to run the post program for G/L batches.

See Also

Understanding the General Ledger Post Process

Working with Journal Entries

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding G/L Batch Posting

After you create the final G/L entries, you complete the overall revenue recognition process by reviewing, approving, and posting the final journal entries to the Account Ledger table (F0911).

When you post a batch of journal entries, the system creates the automatic offsetting entries and updates the entries in the F0911 table as being posted.

The journal review and post programs are the same programs that you use in General Accounting.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Post Program for G/L Batches

You can select either of these methods to run the Post General Journal program (R09801):

The navigation that you select depends on the method of posting that you want to use. If you post from the Post General Journal menu option, you can:

If you post from the General Journal Review program, you can post using automated data selection and a subsystem.

Click to jump to parent topicRebuilding the Contract Revenue Summary Table for Contract Billing

This section provides an overview of the Contract Revenue Summary table and discusses how to run the Re-Build Contract Revenue Summary Table program.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Contract Revenue Summary Table

If the data in the Contract Revenue Summary table (F5280) is deleted or becomes out of synch with the transactions in the Billing Detail Workfile table (F4812) and the Billing Workfile History table (F4812H), you can rebuild the summary table using information from the F4812 and F4812H tables for the contract billing lines in the Contract Billing Line Detail table (F5202).

The system generates only unit price, time and material, lump sum, component, labor burden, and fee billing lines in the Contract Revenue Summary table. For time and material billing lines, the system creates one line for the cumulative amount. The GL date, period, century, and fiscal year are blank.

Important! The Re-Build Contract Revenue Summary Table program (R52809) is designed to recover data in unusual situations. This program should be run by a system administrator only as necessary.

If active revenue batches exist in the billing system when you run this program, you might get unpredictable results. Also, you should run this program during evening or off-peak hours.

The Re-Build Contract Revenue Summary program produces a report that includes only headings. The report verifies that the process has finished successfully. However, no information is printed on the report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Re-Build Contract Revenue Summary Table Program

Select Advanced Technical Operations (G5231), Re-Build Contract Revenue Summary Table.