Web Application Development: Editing Tags with Property Sheets

This document describes the following:

1. Using Property Sheets

You use property sheets to quickly edit the most common attributes of various tags with assistance of choice dialogs. Property sheets offer collapsible sections and provide buttons that enable choice of values and binding to dynamic values.

The Property sheet (view) displays attributes and their values for a tag selected in the Design or Source page. The Property view consists of two tabs:

You open a Property sheet (see Figure 1) by selecting Window > Show View > Properties from the top-level menu. By selecting a tag in the Source or Design view and then clicking on buttons located to the right of attribute edit fields on the Property sheet displays editor dialogs.

Figure 1.
Property Sheet

1.1 Choosing Binding

You use the Choose Binding dialog to create bindings to dynamic values. Figure 2 and Figure 3 show the Variables and Resources tabs of this dialog.

Figure 2.
Choose Binding Dialog - Variables

Figure 3.
Choose Binding Dialog - Resources

The Resources tab allows you to do the following:
  • Select the resource bundle, if more than one exists.
  • Select the resource key.
  • Select whether the dialog should display the resource key or value. You use the View combo box to make this choice.
  • Add a resource key by clicking the New Resource Key.

1.2 Choosing a Method

You use the Choose Method dialog that Figure 4 shows to select an existing or create a new method in the selected managed bean.

Figure 4.
Choose Method Dialog

To create a new method, click New Validator Method, and then complete the New Method dialog that Figure 5 shows.

Figure 5.
New Method Dialog

1.3 Selecting a Navigation Case

You use the Select Navigation Case dialog that Figure 6 shows to specify a navigation case outcome. If there are no existing navigation cases listed, you may click New Navigation Case to open a dialog (see Figure 7) that will let you define a new navigation case (action) and either select an existing JSP page in the project, or create a new destination JSP page for your new navigation case.

Figure 6.
Select Navigation Case Dialog

Figure 7.
New Navigation Case Dialog

1.4 Selecting a File

You use the File Selection dialog (see Figure 8, Figure 9, and Figure 10) to select the source of a file, such as an image, CSS, or a JSP file. To open the dialog, click Select File.

Figure 8.
File Selection Dialog

Figure 9.
Image File Selection Dialog

Figure 10.
File Selection (JSP) Dialog

1.5 Selecting a Style Class

You use the Choose Style Class dialog that Figure 11 shows to select a style class for the selected tag.

Figure 11.
Choose Style Class Dialog

1.6 Defining CSS Style

You use the CSS Style Definition dialog that Figure 12 shows to define a CSS to apply to the tag. Using this dialog, you can define all elements of a style sheet.

Figure 12.
CSS Style Definition Dialog

Note that for the style to be applied, you need to register it with the application.

1.7 Choosing a Resource Bundle

You use the Resource Bundle Selection dialog that Figure 13 shows to choose a resource bundle for your application (as defined by the basename attribute). The dialog displays a list of available resource bundles including the following:
  • Resource bundles that reside in your project's src directory.
  • Resource bundles in JAR files in your project's WEB-INF/lib directory.
  • Resources bundles in JAR files in Shared Libraries;
  • Resources bundles in JAR files in User Libraries;

Figure 13.
Resource Bundle Selection Dialog

Note that this dialog allows you to set the resource bundle defined by the basename attribute of the JSF Core loadBundle and JSTL Formatting setBundle tags.

Also note that if the basename attribute contains a valid value, it will be selected in the dialog by default.

1.8 Choosing a Validator

You use the Validator Id Selection dialog that Figure 14 shows to choose a validator from a list of available validators, which includes the standard JSF validators and any validators that are defined in the faces-config.xml file. Note that through this dialog you set the value of the validatorId attribute of the JSF Core validator tag.

Figure 14.
Validator Id Selection Dialog

If the validatorId attribute already contains a valid value, this value is displayed separately at the top of the dialog, as Figure 15 shows.

Figure 15.
Validator Id Selection Dialog with Valid Value

1.9 Choosing a Converter

You use the Converter Id Selection dialog that Figure 16 shows to choose a converter from a list of available converters, which includes the standard JSF converters and any converters that are defined in the faces-config.xml file. Note that through this dialog you set the value of the following attributes:
  • converterId attribute of the JSF Core converter tag.
  • converter attribute of JSF HTML inputText and outputText tags.

Figure 16.
Converter Id Selection Dialog

If the converterId or converterId attribute already contains a valid value, this value is displayed separately at the top of the dialog, as Figure 17 shows.

Figure 17.
Converter Id Selection Dialog with Valid Value

2. Related Information