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Class ContentAttributeRenderer<T extends WindowPresentationContext>

  extended by com.bea.netuix.servlets.controls.AttributeRenderer
      extended by com.bea.netuix.servlets.controls.window.ContentAttributeRenderer<T>

public class ContentAttributeRenderer<T extends WindowPresentationContext>
extends AttributeRenderer

ContentAttributeRenderer is an attribute renderer designed to render a window's content attributes.

See Also

Method Summary
 String getDefaultPresentationClass()
          Returns the default for the window's "contentPresentationClass" attribute.
 String getDefaultPresentationStyle()
          Returns the default for the window's "contentPresentationStyle" attribute.
 void render(Writer out)
          Renders the attributes of the related component using the specified Writer.
 void setDefaultPresentationClass(String defaultPresentationClass)
          Sets the default for the window's "contentPresentationClass" attribute.
 void setDefaultPresentationStyle(String defaultPresentationStyle)
          Sets the default for the window's "contentPresentationStyle" attribute.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Method Detail


public String getDefaultPresentationClass()
Returns the default for the window's "contentPresentationClass" attribute. This default will be used if an explicit "contentPresentationClass" attribute is not set on the window component.


public void setDefaultPresentationClass(String defaultPresentationClass)
Sets the default for the window's "contentPresentationClass" attribute. This default will be used if an explicit "contentPresentationClass" attribute is not set on the window component.


public String getDefaultPresentationStyle()
Returns the default for the window's "contentPresentationStyle" attribute. This default will be used if an explicit "contentPresentationStyle" attribute is not set on the window component.


public void setDefaultPresentationStyle(String defaultPresentationStyle)
Sets the default for the window's "contentPresentationStyle" attribute. This default will be used if an explicit "contentPresentationStyle" attribute is not set on the window component.


public void render(Writer out)
            throws IOException
Description copied from class: AttributeRenderer
Renders the attributes of the related component using the specified Writer.
Specified by:
render in class AttributeRenderer
out - Writer to which component attributes are rendered
IOException - If an I/O error occurs

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