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Package com.bea.netuix.servlets.controls.window

Class Summary
AbstractButtonPresentationContext Used to provide access to presentation-related attributes specific to the Button in use.
ButtonPresentationContext A basic implementation of AbstractButtonPresentationContext.
ContentAttributeRenderer<T extends WindowPresentationContext> ContentAttributeRenderer is an attribute renderer designed to render a window's content attributes.
TitlebarPresentationContext Used to provide access to presentation-related attributes specific to the Titlebar in use.
ToggleButtonPresentationContext An implementation of AbstractButtonPresentationContext.
WebflowPresentationContext Deprecated Webflow is no longer part of the WebLogic Portal product.
WindowCapabilities This class represents certain predefined window capabilities.
WindowMode Represents a mode the window may be in.
WindowPresentationContext This class represents a portal window component.
WindowState Represents a state the window may be in.


Exception Summary
IllegalWindowModeException Represents illegal window mode exceptions.
IllegalWindowStateException Represents illegal window state exceptions.


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