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Class WindowPresentationContext

  extended by com.bea.netuix.servlets.controls.ControlContext
      extended by com.bea.netuix.servlets.controls.PresentationContext
          extended by com.bea.netuix.servlets.controls.window.WindowPresentationContext

All Implemented Interfaces
ResponseHeaderAdder, Serializable
Direct Known Subclasses:
PagePresentationContext, PortletPresentationContext

public abstract class WindowPresentationContext
extends PresentationContext

This class represents a portal window component. All presentation-related attributes of a window component are available from instances of this class. Such instances are typically used during portal rendering via look and feel skeleton files (e.g. window.jsp).

See Also
getWindowPresentationContext(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest), Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected static String CLASS_NAME


Method Summary
 Capability getCapability(Capability capability)
          Gets the capability for the Window, may be a state or a mode.
 ContentAttributeRenderer getContentAttributeRenderer()
          Returns a renderer for this window's content attributes.
 String getContentPresentationClass()
          Returns this window's content presentationClass attribute.
 List getContentPresentationContextChildren()
          Returns a list of PresentationContext children within this window's content area.
 String getContentPresentationStyle()
          Returns this window's content presentationStyle attribute.
 String getDefinitionId()
          The definition id for the window.
 String getDefinitionLabel()
          The definition label for the window.
 String getInstanceId()
          Returns the instance id for the window.
abstract  String getLabel()
          Returns a general label for the window.
 String getLocalInstanceId()
          Returns the Local () instance id for the window.
 MetaData getMetaData(String name)
          Return the metadata elements for this control matching the supplied name
 MetaData[] getMetaDatas()
          Return the metadata elements for this control
 String getOrientation()
          Returns the orientation of the window's navigation/titlebar.
 PagePresentationContext getParentPagePresentationContext()
          If this window is a child of a page, that page's PagePresentationContext is returned.
 WindowMode getPreviousWindowMode()
          Returns the previous mode of the window, which may be from the standard set or an extended mode.
 ThemePresentationContext getThemePresentationContext()
          Returns a ThemePresentation context for this portlet, page or book if one has been applied.
 String getTitle()
          Returns the display title for the window, which may be localized if a proper localizable value can be resolved.
 TitlebarPresentationContext getTitlebarPresentationContext()
          Returns a TitlebarPresentation context for this portlet, page or book if one exists.
 WindowMode getWindowMode()
          Returns the current mode of the window, which may be from the standard set or an extended mode.
static WindowPresentationContext getWindowPresentationContext(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          This is a convenience method for returning a reference to the current WindowPresentationContext.
 WindowState getWindowState()
          Returns the current state of the window, which may be from the following fixed set: normal, minimized, maximized.
 boolean isCapable(Capability capability)
          Returns true if this control has the specified capability.
 boolean isPacked()
          Returns whether or not the window should be rendered such that it occupies a minimal space as required by its contents (packed), or tries to expand to the maximum size of its containing layout cell.


Methods inherited from class com.bea.netuix.servlets.controls.PresentationContext
addCookie, addDateHeader, addHeader, addIntHeader, getAttributeRenderer, getChildren, getChildren, getFirstChild, getOrderedChildren, getParsedProperties, getPresentationClass, getPresentationId, getPresentationStyle, getProperties, getProperty, getProperty, getPropertyAsBoolean, getPropertyAsInt, getRenderFormat, getResolvedLocale, getTagName, isVisible, setCharacterEncoding, setContentType, setVisible


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Field Detail


protected static final String CLASS_NAME

Method Detail


public WindowMode getWindowMode()
Returns the current mode of the window, which may be from the standard set or an extended mode. Standard modes include (but are not limited to) view, edit, help, etc.
The WindowMode instance
See Also


public WindowMode getPreviousWindowMode()
Returns the previous mode of the window, which may be from the standard set or an extended mode. Standard modes include (but are not limited to) view, edit, help, etc.
The WindowMode instance or null is there was no previous mode
See Also


public WindowState getWindowState()
Returns the current state of the window, which may be from the following fixed set: normal, minimized, maximized.
The WindowState instance
See Also


public String getTitle()
Returns the display title for the window, which may be localized if a proper localizable value can be resolved. Angle brackets are escaped by this call.
The title of the window, which may be localized


public String getInstanceId()
Returns the instance id for the window. This value is only valid in portal streaming mode.
A unique instance label for the portlet
See Also


public String getLocalInstanceId()
Returns the Local () instance id for the window. This value is only valid in portal streaming mode. In non-WSRP this will return the same as getInstanceId(), in WSRP this will return the ID on the Producer.
A unique instance label for the portlet
See Also


public String getDefinitionId()
The definition id for the window. This value is only valid in portal streaming mode.
The definition id of this window


public String getOrientation()
Returns the orientation of the window's navigation/titlebar. Values are top (the default), left, right, or bottom.
A string describing the window's nav/titlebar orientation


public boolean isPacked()
Returns whether or not the window should be rendered such that it occupies a minimal space as required by its contents (packed), or tries to expand to the maximum size of its containing layout cell.
True, if the window should be packed into as small a space as possible


public String getDefinitionLabel()
The definition label for the window. This will be valid in both portal streaming and non-streaming modes, but may not necessarily be unique.
The definition label of this window


public ContentAttributeRenderer getContentAttributeRenderer()
Returns a renderer for this window's content attributes. This renderer is intended to be used in skeleton files.


public abstract String getLabel()
Returns a general label for the window. The precise semantic of the value depends on the subclass's implementation, but generally returns the most specific label (between definition label and instance label) available for the subtype.
A string label used to identify this window as specifically as possible


public List getContentPresentationContextChildren()
Returns a list of PresentationContext children within this window's content area.
The list of this window's content PresentationContext children


public PagePresentationContext getParentPagePresentationContext()
If this window is a child of a page, that page's PagePresentationContext is returned.
The parent PagePresentationContext, or null if it does not exist


public String getContentPresentationClass()
Returns this window's content presentationClass attribute. Since window content areas do not have presentation contexts, their presentationClass attribute can be accessed from their parent window. This attribute should only affect the content area of the window.
The presentationClass for this window's content area
See Also


public String getContentPresentationStyle()
Returns this window's content presentationStyle attribute. Since window content areas do not have presentation contexts, their presentationStyle attribute can be accessed from their parent window. This attribute should only affect the content area of the window.
The presentationStyle for this window's content area
See Also


public boolean isCapable(Capability capability)
Returns true if this control has the specified capability.
capability - A window mode or state
See Also


public Capability getCapability(Capability capability)
                         throws NullPointerException

Gets the capability for the Window, may be a state or a mode. This method can be used to check if a Window (Book, Page or Portlet) supports a given Mode or State. If you are intersted in the current or active Window Mode or Window State you should use getWindowMode() and getWindowState repectively.

Note: this method should be called after the init() lifcycle, because the buttons have net yet registered with the parent window.

capability - the Capability to check for.
The Capability if this Window has it and the user is entitled to use it, otherwise null. Note. this Capability may be cast to a WindowMode or WindowState to get additional information such as mode content uri.
See Also
WindowCapabilities, Capability, WindowMode, WindowState


public ThemePresentationContext getThemePresentationContext()
Returns a ThemePresentation context for this portlet, page or book if one has been applied.
a ThemePresentationContext otherwise null if none was applied.


public TitlebarPresentationContext getTitlebarPresentationContext()
Returns a TitlebarPresentation context for this portlet, page or book if one exists.
a TitlebarPresentationContext otherwise null if none was applied.


public MetaData[] getMetaDatas()
Return the metadata elements for this control
a non null array of MetaData<code/> objects


public MetaData getMetaData(String name)
Return the metadata elements for this control matching the supplied name
a MetaData element if a match is found otherwise null.


public static WindowPresentationContext getWindowPresentationContext(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
This is a convenience method for returning a reference to the current WindowPresentationContext. Note this method will only work if called from within a portal (typically, from the window.jsp skeleton). This method may return null if called when no appropriate context exists, but such a context should safely exist when being fetched from the associated skeleton JSP during normal portal rendering.
request - The current HTTPServletRequest instance
A reference to the current WindowPresentationContext, if any

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