Setting Up Instant Messaging in PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal

This section provides an overview of instant messaging in PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal and maintain discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Instant Messaging in PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal

The setup tasks described in this chapter must be completed before you can use the instant messaging functionality that is available in the following areas of PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal:

Click to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Users that are utilizing instant messaging functionality will need to have an instant messaging client installed on the machine from which they’re accessing the PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal product. If this functionality is going to be made available to users of a shared PC, then Oracle recommends that an instant messaging account be set up on the shared machine that is available for general use by anyone that has access to the shared PC.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Instant Messaging

This section discuss how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Instant Messaging in PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal

Page Name

Definition Name



Import Instant Message Users


Portal Administration, Instant Messaging, Import IM Users

Run the Import User Instant Message Information Application Engine process (EPPRC_IM_IMP) to load user instant message data contained in CSV-formatted files.

Maintain Instant Messaging Users


Portal Administration, Instant Messaging, Maintain IM Users

Manually enter user instant messaging information. Once the Import User Instant Message Information process has completed successfully, review or edit loaded user instant messaging information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLoading Instant Messaging Information Using a CSV-Formatted File

Access the Import Instant Message Users page (Portal Administration, Instant Messaging, Import IM Users).

The CSV-formatted file you use to load user instant message data should contain the following information in this order:

<PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal user ID>,<instant message domain>,<domain screen name>

For example, the following user’s instant messaging information should appear in the CSV-formatted file entry as shown here:

PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal user ID


Instant message domain


Domain screen name


CSV-formatted file line entry


Entries in the CSV-formatted file are case sensitive. For example, instant message domains must be capitalized (XMPP, SAMETIME, and YAHOO), and the PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal user ID and domain screen name in the CSV-formatted file must use the case formatting of your actual user ID and screen name.

In addition, there should be no spaces around commas in the CSV-formatted file.

You can generate a CSV-formatted file by creating a spreadsheet formatted like the one shown in this example:

When you save the spreadsheet, select a Save as type value of CSV (Comma delimited (*.csv).

If you open the file in a text editor, it should appear as follows:

Create one CSV-formatted line entry for each unique user ID and instant message domain combination.

Server Name

Select the server you want to use to run the process. Select a server that can access the designated file path to the CSV-formatted file.

Select Files


Enter an identifier for the data in the designated CSV-formatted file.

File Path

Enter the full path to the CSV-formatted file that contains the user instant message data you want to load. The file path you enter must be accessible by the server selected in the Server Name field.


Select to include the CSV-formatted file in your run of the Import User Instant Message Information process.

Once the process has completed successfully, review or edit loaded user instant messaging information on the Manage Instant Messaging page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLoading Instant Messaging Information Using a Component Interface

Rather than using a CSV-formatted file to load user instant messaging data, you can use the EPPRC_IM_USER_CI component interface (CI) with the Excel-to-CI spreadsheet load utility to load this data from a spreadsheet, or any other external application you want to create to interact with the CI.

The Excel-to-CI spreadsheet utility supports the automatic configuration of a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to match the properties of a designated CI. For example, the fields related to the CI; PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal user ID, instant message domain, and domain user ID as discussed earlier; appear as columns in the spreadsheet. After entering data into the spreadsheet, you load it into your PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal database using the associated CI.

See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Component Interfaces, “Using the Excel to Component Interface Utility”

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging Instant Messaging Information

Access the Maintain Instant Messaging Users page (Portal Administration, Instant Messaging, Maintain IM Users).

Use the elements at the top of the page to enter user instant messaging information search criteria. Elements in the scroll area on the page display your search results. You can also use the elements in the scroll area to add, delete, and edit user instant messaging information.

User ID

Enter the user ID of the user for which you want to view instant messaging information.


Select the domain name for which you want to view instant messaging information.

Screen Name

Enter the screen name of the user for which you want to view instant messaging information.


Select to execute a search using any criteria you have entered in the User ID, Domain, and Screen Name fields. Your search results are displayed in the lower portion of the page.

User ID

Add or edit a user’s PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal user ID.


Select an instant message domain name.




Screen Name

Add or edit a user’s domain screen name.