Accessing Content

This chapter provides an overview of the folder hierarchy and discusses how to:

Note. This chapter describes the basic concepts and functionality of browsing and searching. Differences between the Managed Content, Categorized Content, and News Publications features are discussed in more detail in later chapters.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Folder Hierarchy

In Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal, folders and subfolders are used to organize items in the Content Management system. Each content management feature (Managed Content, Categorized Content, and News Publications) has a folder and subfolder hierarchy that is separate from the other two features. Folders at the root of the hierarchy are known as top folders. Each top folder can contain zero or more subfolders; and each subfolder in turn can contain zero or more subfolders, and so on. Content can reside in any folder except at the top (or root) of the folder hierarchy.

In the Content Management system, users can use a number of functions and menu items to access content:

Outside of the Content Management system, you can also browse published categorized content from the Browse by Category page.

This diagram illustrates these Managed Content (or Categorized Content) hierarchical relationships:

Managed Content (or Categorized Content) hierarchy

In the News Publications feature, the terminology and hierarchy are slightly different, but the concepts and access mechanisms are the same. In the News Publications feature, top folders are known as publications. In the News Publications feature, only one level of subfolders is allowed, and these subfolders are known as sections. Each piece of content within a news publication is called an article, and articles can only reside within sections, not in publications.

The diagram illustrates the News Publication hierarchical relationships:

News Publications hierarchy

In summary, each Content Management feature (Managed Content, Categorized Content, and News Publications) has a folder and subfolder hierarchy that is separate from the other two features, as illustrated in this diagram:

Folder and subfolder hierarchy of Content Management feature

See Also

Browsing All Folders

Click to jump to parent topicBrowsing Folder Hierarchies

This section provides an overview of folder hierarchy rules and discusses how to:

Note. Defining folder properties and setting up their privilege security is not discussed in this chapter because too many variations exist between features.

See Also

Setting Up and Working With Managed Content

Setting Up and Working with Categorized Content

Setting Up and Working With News Publications

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicFolder Hierarchy Rules

Folder hierarchies and content within Content Management undergo frequent changes. Content is constantly being created, updated, published, relocated, and deleted. Content Management reflects these changes as they occur.

The Browse Folder or Browse Publications menu items are used to start browsing at the top of each content management hierarchy. From there, depending on the feature being browsed, the Browse Managed Content, Browse Categorized Content, Browse News Publication, or Browse Publication Sections page is used to continue browsing through the content hierarchy.

The following rules apply to all Content Management features:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Browse Folder Hierarchies

Page Name

Definition Name



Browse Content


  • Content Management, Managed Content, Browse Folders

  • Content Management, Categorized Content, Browse Folders

  • Content Management, News Publications, Browse Publications

Add a top-level folder if you are a top administrator for this feature or, starting at the top level folders, drill down through folder hierarchies for content that is accessible by that feature.

Browse Managed Content

Browse Categorized Content

Browse Publication Sections


  • Content Management, Managed Content, Browse Folders

    Click a folder title link on the Browse Managed Content page.

  • Content Management, Categorized Content, Browse Folders

    Click a folder title link on the Browse Categorized Content page.

  • Content Management, News Publications, Browse Publications

    Click a section title link on the Browse News Publications page.

For Managed Content and Categorized Content, drill down through the folders containing managed content or categorized content.

For News Publications, access the Browse Section Articles page.

Browse Section Articles


Content Management, News Publications, Browse Publications

Click a section that has no children on the Browse Publication Sections page.

Displays basic information about the articles within a single section of a news publication and provides access to article details.

You can add, edit, delete, or view articles depending upon article status and member privileges for the section.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Top-Level Browse Pages

Access the Browse Managed Content page (select Content Management, Managed Content, Browse Folders).

Alternatively, access the Browse News Publications page (select Content Management, News Publications, Browse Publications).


Click to open the feed for this item, if available.

See Working With Feeds and Alerts.

Add Top Folder

Click to create new folder hierarchies or publications.

Search Content

Click to access the Maintain Content page to access and maintain the properties for the content that you have privileges to view.

See Using Other Methods for Accessing Folders and Content.


Click to drill down through the folder hierarchy.

The bracketed number indicates the number of folders and documents that are located at the next level. This number does not distinguish between folders and documents.

Indicates folder that contains recently added contents.


Displays the date when the content folder was last modified.

Modified By

Displays the user ID who last modified the content folder.


Click to go to the Folder Properties page to view or edit property details and security for this folder hierarchy.


Click to delete the associated folder.

Note. Deleting a folder is allowed only if the folder does not contain any published content. Deleting the folder will cascade the deletion to all of the folder's sub-folders and child content.

The Shared Content folder is a system folder and cannot be deleted.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBrowsing Sub-Level Managed Content or Categorized Content Folders

Access a sublevel Browse Managed Content page (select Content Management, Managed Content, Browse Folders and click a folder title link).

Alternatively, access the sublevel Browse News Publications page (select Content Management, News Publications, Browse Publications and click a folder title link).

Sublevel Browse Managed Content and Browse Categorized Content pages display basic information about the folders and the content within a folder. Within a top folder or a subfolder, you can add a subfolder, add content, or navigate deeper into the folder hierarchy. Beneath the root folder (Top), locator links enable you to traverse back up the folder hierarchy. A description of the content appears below the locator links. This description can include HTML that is entered in the summary on the Folder Properties page.

This page provides drill-down access to subfolders as well as a navigation path to return to the top level. Depending on member privileges for the folder, you can add, edit, delete, or view subfolders and content.

Note. Managed Content and Categorized Content hierarchies may contain many subfolder levels.

Depending on the feature, Content Management enables you to add different types of content, such as file attachments, web URLs, text, HTML, and image attachments. Based on the type of content that you select, you have a choice of format; for instance, the format for a file attachment can be Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat. The image to the left of the title identifies the format that is used for each content item.


Click to open the feed for this item, if available.

See Working With Feeds and Alerts.

Add Folder

Click to access the Folder Properties page to add a new subfolder.

Add Section

Click to access the Browse Managed Content - Add Content page, where you can specify the type of content you want to add to a folder in managed content.

Add Content

Click to access the Folder Properties page, where you can define the folder properties and details for child content.

Note. Child content created from this folder uses the specified child default values.


Click to access the Folder Properties page to view or edit property details and security for this folder hierarchy.

Search Content

Click to access the Maintain Content page to access and maintain the properties for the content that you have privileges to view.

See Using Other Methods for Accessing Folders and Content.

Corporate Communications


Displays the content IDs that exist in the selected content folder.


Click the content title link to view the content details.


Displays the date when the content was last modified.

Modified By

Displays the user ID who last modified the content.


Click to access the content properties page to view or edit property details for this content.


Click to delete the associated content.

Click to jump to parent topicSearching for Folders and Content

This section provides an overview of search functions and menus and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Search Functions and Menus

In the content management system, users can use a number of functions and menu items to search for folders and content:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Search for Folders and Content

Page Name

Definition Name



Search Folders


Content Management, Managed Content, Search Folders

Used to locate a folder in the content management system. This search is restricted to the current content management feature. You can select to search by folder title, folder ID, last item added, or parent ID.

Search Content


Content Management, Managed Content, Search Folders

Click a folder title link on the Search Folder page.

Click the Search Content link on the Browse Managed Content page.

Search for content within the entire content management system or within a selected content management feature or features.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSearching for a Folder

Access the Search Folders page (select Content Management, Managed Content, Search Folders).

Use the Search Folders page to locate a folder in the content management system. This search is restricted to the current content management feature. You can select to search by folder title, folder ID, last item added, or parent ID.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSearching for Content

Access the Search Content page (select Content Management, Managed Content, Search Folders; click a folder title link on the Search Folder page; and click the Search Content link on the Browse Managed Content page).

Use the Search Content page to search for content within the entire content management system or within a selected content management feature. Content search uses the Verity engine.

See Searching for Content.

Click to jump to parent topicBrowsing Published Categorized Content

This section discusses how to browse by category.

Access the Browse by Category page (EPPCM_BRWS_MAIN) (select My Content, Browse by Category from the main menu; click a title link).

Use this page to browse and view published categorized content outside of the Content Management system. The system displays published content to users with viewer roles for the parent folder where the content is located. The system does not display unpublished categorized content.

Click the folder item title to drill down through the hierarchy. Use the navigation path to navigate to the parent folders. Click the title of the content item to view the content.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing a Content Folder in a Pagelet

This section discusses how to view a content folder in a pagelet.

Access the Investor News pagelet (click the Content link from the menu bar on the homepage and then select any news publication option in the Personalize Content page).

<News title links>

Click to access the News Publication Details page, where you can view the details of each news.

Submit Article

Click to access the Add News Articles page, where you can specify the type of content you want to add to a folder in managed content.

See Submitting News Articles.

Update Submitted Articles

Click to access the Submit News Articles page, where you can view basic information about the articles within a section and drill down to article details. Depending upon article status and member privileges for the section, you can add, edit, delete, or view articles.

See Submitting News Articles.


Click to open the feed for this publication, if available.

See Working With Feeds and Alerts.

View All Articles and Sections

Click to access the View All Articles and Sections page where you can view all active articles and sections of the selected news publication pagelet.

See Viewing All Articles and Sections.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Other Methods for Accessing Folders and Content

This section discusses how to access folders and content using methods other than the methods already discussed.

You can access folders and content within hierarchies through the standard portal search using the Search Folders and Maintain Content functions. These functions are common to the Content Management features. The user sees only content for which he or she has viewer rights, regardless of expiration dates, which enables a user to search through existing content.

These are the types of left navigation links used to access folders and content:

Note. The same content item may be listed multiple times because a single content item can be shared across multiple hierarchies, features, and sites.

See Also

Using the Advanced Options