Abstract base Page Management class. Instances of this class are created by calling AdfLookAndFeel.createRichPage() on the appropriate AdfLookAndFeel subclass.
Method Summary
public Object |
addBusyStateListener(Object instance, Function listener)
Adds a listener to be invoked whenever there is a busy state event.
public Object |
addChangedComponent(Object component)
Marks a component as having attribute changes that need to be synched to the server
public Object |
addComponents(Object components)
Add the list of components as varargs to be managed by the Page
public Object |
addMessage(String componentId, AdfFacesMessage facesMessage, Object toBeRemoved)
Adds a Message to AdfPage's message queue.
public Object |
addPartialTargets(Object components)
Adds the components to the set of components that will be redrawn on the next communication with the server.
public Object |
addPropertyChangeListener(Object instance, Function listener)
Adds a PropertyChangeListener with the specified instance and listener function
public Object |
announceToAssistiveTechnology(Object message, Object onlyIfChanged)
Issues an announcement for AT users using our "status" WAI-ARIA live region.
public Object |
Displays uncommitted data warning if <af:document> has uncommittedDataWarning="on", and the page contains uncommitted data (either on the client or on the server).
public Object |
Clears all of the messages for a particular page.
protected Object |
Clears the list of components with changes that need to be synched to the server
public Object |
clearMessages(String componentId)
Clears a messages for a particular component id.
protected Object |
Called to tear down the AdfPage instance
public Object |
doResizeNotify(Object component)
Performs the resize notify traversal on the subtree rooted at the specified component.
public AdfUIComponent |
findComponent(String clientId)
Retrieves a component by its clientID.
public AdfUIComponent |
findComponentByAbsoluteId(String absoluteId)
Search for and return the AdfUIComponent with an id that matches the specified absolute id expression.
public AdfUIComponent |
findComponentByAbsoluteLocator(String absoluteLocator)
Search for and return the AdfUIComponent with an id that matches the specified absolute locator expression.
public AdfUIComponent |
Returns the AdfUIComponent with the current keyboard focus
public Object |
Returns the id of the currently active component on the page.
public Object |
Return an object containing all messages keyed by componentID and containing an array of FacesMessages.
public Object |
Deprecated: this relies on client-side url manipulation which will not work in a portal environment. This should not be used. Instead, url's should be created and encoded on the server.
protected Object |
Returns an Object containing keys mapping from the clientIds of the changed components to their instances
public Array |
getClientIdsWithMessages(String rootId)
Return an array of the client identifiers for which at least one FacesMessage has been queued.
public String |
Retrieves the component ID that is the default message handler (for global messages).
public Object |
Returns the current Drag and Drop context, associated with the page, or null if no Drag and Drop context is available.
public AdfUIComponent |
Returns the root of the component subtree that inline-editing is allowed on
public AdfUIComponent |
Returns the current component being edited.
public Object |
Gets the text to display in an alert if the XMLHttpRequest fails.
public Object |
Retrieves the locale context associated with this AdfPage.
public Object |
Returns the LookAndFeel that this page is displaying
public String |
Retrieves the component ID that is the slave to the default message handler (provides configuration attributes that the default handler can consume).
public Array |
getMessages(Object componentId)
Get FacesMessage objects associated with a particular component.
public Object |
getPageProperty(Object propertyName)
Gets the value of a page property.
public Object |
Returns the current phase of the AdfPage lifecycle.
public Object |
getResourceURL(Object path)
Returns the resource URL for the given path.
public Object |
Returns an identifier for the previous response if one is available.
public String |
Returns the value of the rootClientId, if set
public Array<AdfUIComponent> |
Returns the array of AdfUIComponents currently selected for inline editing, or null if no AdfUIComponents are selected.
public Object |
Returns an identifier for the current middle-tier session if one is available.
public Object |
Returns the year offset for parsing years with only two digits.
public Object |
get the tzOffset in minutes for the current date on the server.
public Boolean |
hasMessages(String componentId)
Returns true if this particular component has messages or false if it does not.
protected Object |
Init(Object lookAndFeel)
Initializes the instance.
public Boolean |
Tests if animation is enabled for the page.
public Boolean |
Returns whether or not this Page is in a Portlet context based on an internal flag.
public Boolean |
Tests whether the page is running in screen reader mode.
public Boolean |
The logic for checking for completion of a full page postback has been combining with the logic to check for a partial page postback.
public Object |
launchHelpWindow(String url)
Method that will launch the help window given a url.
public Object |
localNavigate(String uri)
Issue a GET request for a local page and perform a page transition.
public Object |
queueEventToServer(Object event)
public Object |
registerLoadingComponent(AdfUIComponent component)
Registers a component that isn't fully loaded on creation with the framework.
public Object |
registerResizeNotifyComponent(Object component)
Register a component to recieve resize notification when the browser window is resized.
public Object |
removeBusyStateListener(Object instance, Function listener)
Removes a listener so that it will no longer be invoked whenever there is a busy state event.
public Object |
removeChangedComponent(Object component)
Removes a component from the list of components with attribute changes needing to be synched to the server
public Object |
removePropertyChangeListener(Object instance, Function listener)
Removes a PropertyChangeListener with the specified instance and listener function
public Object |
setBaseResourceUrl(Object baseResourceUrl)
Sets the base URL for resources.
public Object |
setDefaultMessageHandlerComponentId(String id, String slaveId)
Sets the component id for global messages.
public Object |
setEditableSubtree(AdfUIComponent newEditableSubtree)
Sets the root of the component subtree that inline-editing is allowed on.
public Object |
setEditableSubtreeFilter(Function callback, Object context)
Sets the filter applied to all components in the editable subtree.
public Object |
setEditedComponent(AdfUIComponent newEditedComponent, Event event)
Attempts to start editing on the specified component with an option DOM event as the editing trigger.
public Object |
setFailedConnectionText(Object text)
Sets the text to display in an alert if the XMLHttpRequest data transfer fails.
public Object |
setHelpWindowName(String windowName)
Method that will set the help window name.
public Object |
setPageProperty(Object propertyName, Object propertyValue)
Sets the value of a page property.
protected Object |
SetPhase(Object phase)
Called by subclasses to change the current lifecycle phase
public Object |
setSelectedEditingComponents(Array<AdfUIComponent> newSelection)
Sets the array of AdfUIComponents for inline selection.
public Object |
setTwoDigitYearStart(Object twoDigitYearStart)
Sets the year offset for parsing years with only two digits.
public Object |
setTzOffsetMinutes(Object tzOffsetMinutes)
set the tzOffset in minutes for the current date on the server.
public Object |
Checks whether we should trace request id on PPR request or not.
public Object |
showMessages(String componentId)
Displays the messages to the user.
public Object |
showPageProcessingIndicator(Object show)
public Object |
unregisterLoadingComponent(AdfUIComponent component)
Unregisters a component registered with registerLoadingComponent.
public Object |
unregisterResizeNotifyComponent(Object component)
Unregister a component so that it will no longer receive resize notifications.