Method Summary
private Object |
this is the callback function when we press the hot key in screenreader mode this function will walk through the active components list and if there is any dirty components, ask user to confirm if we should do a page refresh.
public Object |
addADSConnectionStateListener(Object listener, Object instance)
public Object |
addBusyStateListener(Object instance, Function listener)
Adds a listener to be invoked whenever there is a busy state event.
public Object |
addComponents(Object components)
Add the list of components as varargs to be managed by the Page
private Object |
_addDelayedMessages(Object showMessages)
Allow lazy content loaded components to ensure all messages for its children components are added once the children's client components are loaded.
public Object |
addMessage(String componentId, AdfFacesMessage facesMessage, Object toBeRemoved)
Adds a Message to AdfDhtmlPage's message queue.
private Object |
_addPageId(Object headerParams)
public Object |
addPartialTargets(Object components)
Adds the components to the set of components that will be redrawn on the next communication with the server.
private Object |
_addPendingStreamingIDs(Object ids, Object params)
public Object |
addPropertyChangeListener(Object instance, Function listener)
Adds a PropertyChangeListener with the specified instance and listener function
public Object |
addResource(Object type, Object value)
Adds either a JavaScript script or CSS link to the page.
static Object |
__addServerParamsToEvent(Object event, Object params)
A back door for a peer to add extra parameters to an event by attaching them to the event object.
private static Object |
_addStateParameter(Object formElem, Object params)
private boolean |
_alert(String title, String message, Function callback)
Launches a modal inline popup alert dialog.
private Object |
Alert when we think session really times out
private Object |
Alert when we think session is going to time out soon
private Object |
this method pops up a dialog telling users about the active data information in the screenreader mode in this function we launch another thread to popup the alert window, since the alert is a blocking call, and our function is going to be called from the PPR handling code, blocking it will sometimes screw up the PPR timing
private Object |
this method will create the message and popup the alert window
private Object |
_announceActiveComponentsChanged(Object oldActiveComponents)
check to see if there is any change made to the active data components on the page if yes, announce that.
public Object |
announceToAssistiveTechnology(Object message, Object onlyIfChanged)
Issues an announcement for AT users using our "status" live region.
private Object |
_appendParameter(Object form, Object name, Object value)
private Object |
_appendResponseId(Object url)
Append response identifier to the URL.
private static Object |
_appendUrlFormEncoded(Object buffer, Object key, Object value)
private Object |
_applyRichResponse(Object documentElement, Object needsUnescape, Object isStreaming, Object reqContext)
private Object |
Loop over the loading components, returning true if all of them are loaded.
private Object |
private Object |
_blockUI(Object block)
Prevents the user from interacting with the client UI.
private Object |
_broadcastADSConnectionStateChange(Object adsConnectionState)
private Object |
_broadcastBusyStateEvent(Boolean newBusyState)
=-= Unsupported, internal implementation method.
static Object |
__callTimerCallback(Object timerId)
Calls the callback specified for the timer in the correct state.
public Object |
cancelTimer(Object timerId)
Cancels the firing of the specified timer.
private Object |
This method is called by a setInterval based timer to check if the channel is connected.
Object |
public Object |
Displays uncommitted data warning if <af:document> has uncommittedDataWarning="on", and the page contains uncommitted data (either on the client or on the server).
private Object |
_claimMaster(String masterWindowId, String masterPageId)
a rich page calls this method to claim itself as the master this happens when rich page exists(not the init page case), but somehow we think we should create a channel on our page
private Object |
Clears all of the delayed messages for a particular page.
public Object |
Clears all of the messages for a particular page.
private Object |
_clearDelayedMessages(String componentId)
Clears delayed messages array for a component id
Object |
private Object |
_clearFloatingDiv(Object floatingDiv)
Removes the conteiner content of the floating div
public Object |
clearMessages(String componentId)
Clears a messages for a particular component id.
private Object |
public Object |
clearSubtreeMessages(String rootId)
Clear the messages for a subtree of components, including the root of the subtree
private Object |
private Object |
private boolean |
_confirm(String title, String message, Function callback, int timeout, Object disableCancel)
Launches a modal inline popup confirm dialog.
public Object |
confirmNavigation(Object token, Object isPartial)
This method gets called when the user should be asked to confirm server-side navigation.
private Object |
_createADSChannel(Object reconnect)
this method create the channel and send the client state in one shot.
private Object |
_createADSChannelParameterMap(Object reconnect)
creates the channel parameter map that we will use to submit the form to create channel
private Object |
_createADSClientStateMap(Boolean createChannel)
Creates the client state map for all the windows, this is used in handling migration ADS reconnect.
public Object |
createFloatingDiv(Object parent, Object zIndex, Object className)
Creates a floating div with the specified zIndex and style class for the included span
private Object |
_createGlassPane(Object ownerDocument)
public Object |
createMaskingFrame(Object element)
Creates a masking IFrame underneath a floating element.
private Object |
_createStyle(Object content)
private Object |
private Object |
_delayMessageForComponent(Object componentId, Object facesMessage, Object title)
Add a message as delayed since the target client component is not available
private Object |
public Object |
deliverEventToNewWindow(Object event)
Delivers a single event synchronously to a new window.
private Object |
Deliver queued events to their sources for broadcast
private Object |
Deliver all of the events in the server event queue
private static Object |
_descendantResizeNotifyListComparator(Object itemA, Object itemB)
private Object |
protected Object |
Tear down the Rich Client environment
private static Object |
_disposeIFrames(Object domDocument)
Cleanup code to remove all IFrames This cleans up IFrame leaks in IE
private Object |
Clean up all of the outstanding timers
Object |
=-= Unsupported, internal method per Andy and Blake discussion.
private static Object |
_doFrameBusting(Object newLocation)
private Object |
_doFullPostback(Object formElement, Object params, Object blockUI, Object responseExpected)
public Object |
doRedirect(Object url, Object noNavigation)
Redirects to a supplied url
public Object |
doResizeNotify(AdfUIComponent component)
Performs the resize notify traversal on the subtree rooted at the specified component.
private Object |
_doResizeNotify(Object domNodes)
private static Object |
_doResizeNotify(Object node, Object forceResize)
public Object |
doResizeNotifyDom(Object domNode, Object forceResize)
Performs a resize notify traversal for the subtree rooted at the specified DOM node.
private Object |
_doResizeNotifyDomChildren(Object domNode, Object resizeNotifyNode, Object checkDescendents)
private Object |
_doRichPostback(HTMLElement formElement, Object params, Object headerParams, Object blockUI, Object context)
Perform a rich postback
private Object |
_dragKeyDown(Object evt)
private Object |
_dragMouseMove(Object evt)
private Object |
_dragMouseUp(Object evt)
private Object |
private static Object |
_eraseCookie(Object domDocument, Object name)
Erase the cookie, by setting its expiration to a past time.
private Object |
Called from the event loop to dispatch events to the components and server
private static Object |
_extractInstructionXML(Object responseText, Object element)
Object |
__failover(Object windows)
this function is called from the server, when the AdsProcessor notices it is in a failover
private Object |
_filterComponent(Object component, Object domElement, Object filterFunction, Object filterContext)
private Object |
_filterEditableSubtree(Object subtree, Object filterFunction, Object filterContext)
Recursively add all of selectable and editable the styles from a subtree
public AdfUIComponent |
findComponent(String clientId)
Retrieves a component by its clientID.
public AdfUIComponent |
findComponentByAbsoluteLocator(String absoluteLocator)
Retrieves a component by its absloute locator.
private Object |
_findYoungestWindow(Object windowMap)
helper function to find the latest added (youngest) AdfPage object from our window map.
private Object |
_fixupLinkOnClick(Object element)
public Object |
private static Object |
_forceGC(Object count)
Code for forcing a GC
static Object |
__frameBusting(Object frameBusting)
public Object |
Returns the accessibility mode.
public AdfUIComponent |
Returns the AdfUIComponent with the current focus
public String |
Returns the id of the currently focused component on the page.
public Node |
Returns the DOM Element with the current DOM focus
private Object |
get the IFrame that we will use for active data channel
public Object |
private Object |
_getADSMasterWindow(String masterWindowId)
Get the master window.
public Object |
Return an object containing all messages keyed by componentID and containing an array of FacesMessages.
private Object |
_getAndClearDeltas(Object doClear)
public AdfAutoDismissalManager |
Returns the autoDismissal manager for this page.
private Object |
_getClientIdFromComment(Object comment)
Returns the clientId, if any, represented by a DOM comment Node
public Object |
getClientIdsWithMessages(Object rootId)
Return an array of the client identifiers for which at least one FacesMessage has been queued.
private Object |
get the client state map, i.e.
private Object |
_getComponentFromComment(Object comment)
Returns the component, if any, represented by a DOM comment Node
public Object |
Returns a list of components ID that were update by the last Poll event.
private static Object |
_getCookie(Object domDocument, Object name)
Returns the value of a cookie or null if the cookie doesn't exist.
public AdfDataTransferService |
getDataTransferService(Object noCreate, Object adsDTS)
Returns the AdfDataTransferService instance for this page.
public String |
Retrieves the component ID that is the default message handler (for global messages).
private Object |
private Object |
public Object |
Returns the current Drag and Drop context, associated with the page
public Object |
Returns the DOM Document that the AdfPage is associated with
public Object |
public Object |
public AdfUIComponent |
Returns the root of the component subtree that inline-editing is allowed on
public AdfUIComponent |
Returns the current component being edited.
private Object |
_getFilterResult(Object component, Object filterFunction, Object filterContext)
private Object |
_getFirstElementFromFragment(Object fragmentNode, Object needsUnescape)
private static Object |
_getFirstElementWithId(Object domNode)
private Array<HTMLElement> |
Returns the current focus path, divorced of the actual DOM elements, so that the focus can be reapplied after the DOM has changed.
private static Object |
_getFormElement(Object component)
Returns the form element for a component
public Object |
Returns the GlassPane, creating it if it hasn't already been created
Object |
Get access to the last DOM event that was fired by the browser
public HTMLElement |
getLastFocusedElement(Object element)
Gets the last focused element.
public Object |
getLazyFetchURI(Object id)
Returns a URI for a lazy fetch request (used for loading Rich Text Editor's IFRAME)
private Object |
get the master page Id
private Object |
get the master window ID
private Object |
public String |
Retrieves the component ID that is the slave to the default message handler (provides configuration attributes that the default handler can consume).
public Array |
getMessages(Object componentId)
Get FacesMessage objects associated with a particular component.
private Object |
_getMilliSecondsBehind(Object timestamp)
public AdfDhtmlModalityManager |
Returns the modality manager for this page.
private Object |
get the page instance Id
public Object |
getPageProperty(Object propertyName)
Gets the value of a page property.
private Object |
_getParameterElement(Object form, Object name)
Object |
Hook to get a reference to our poll helper.
public AdfDhtmlPositionManager |
Returns the position manager for this page.
private static Object |
_getPostbackContent(HTMLElement actionForm, Object params)
Returns the payload to include in the rich postback
public Object |
Retrieves PPR Navigation options
private Object |
_getPPRURL(Object element)
private Object |
_getPublicAncestor(Object component)
private Object |
gets the window name to window map
public Object |
getResourceURL(Object path)
Returns the resource URL for the given path.
public Object |
Returns an identifier for the previous response if one is available.
public String |
Returns the value of the rootClientId, if set
public Array<AdfUIComponent> |
Returns the array of AdfUIComponents currently selected for inline editing, or null if no AdfUIComponents are selected.
public Object |
Returns an identifier for the current middle-tier session if one is available.
private Object |
_getSubtreeRootNode(Object rootId)
private AdfDhtmlPage |
_getTargetPage(String windowId)
Returns the AdfDhtmlPage object for the specified windowId This will only be called when we deliver the events.
private static Object |
_getTimeDifference(Object timestamp)
This method returns the difference in milliseconds between the current time and the passed in time
public Object |
private Object |
convenience method for getting the window ID, i.e.
public AdfDhtmlZOrderManager |
Returns the z-order manager for this page.AdfDhtmlPage().
private Object |
handles the migration
private Object |
_handleAllFailovers(Object windows)
this function is only called on the master window.
private Object |
_handleBeforeUnload(Object evt)
the onbeforeunload event handler we attach to window
private Object |
This method is invoked from the event handler(s) that detect disconnection from the push channel.
private Object |
this function handles failover for each individual window
private Object |
_handleGlobalError(Object msg, Object url, Object line)
private Object |
_handleInvalidPprResponse(Object responseText, Object requestContext, Object requestEvent)
Called when we receive invalid (non-XML) response to PPR or streaming request
private Object |
_handleKey(Object event)
Checks whether the key matches a registered global key handler
private Object |
_handleNavigation(Object url, Object target)
Handle GET request triggered by clicking Faces navigation components.
private Object |
_handleNavigationClick(Object evt, Object url, Object target)
onclick event handler for Faces navigation components with GET request, here we only handle it if left button is clicked by clalling _handleNavigation, otherwise let the browser to handle it.
Object |
private Object |
Called when the window is resized
private Object |
_handleRichResponse(Object responseDocument, Object reqContext)
Object |
__handleRichResponseAction(Object action, Object pprAction)
private Object |
_handleRichResponseFragment(Node fragmentNode, Array<HTMLElement> resizeDomNodes, Boolean needsUnescape, Array<HTMLElement> savedFocusPath, Boolean isStreaming)
Handles a single fragment node in a rich response.
private Object |
_handleRichResponseLibrary(Object scriptNode)
private Object |
_handleRichResponseScript(Object scriptNode)
private Object |
_handleSessionTimeoutAlert(Object adfDialogEvent)
private Object |
_handleSessionTimeoutConfirm(Object adfDialogEvent)
public Object |
handleStreamingResponse(Object doc, Object id, Object needsUnescape)
public Boolean |
hasMessages(String componentId)
Returns true if this particular component has messages or false if it does not.
public Object |
hideFloatingDiv(Object floatingDiv)
Hide's a floating Div and cleans out its content
public Object |
hideGlassPane(Object listenerMap)
Hide the GlassPane, removing all of the listeners in the listener map
protected Object |
Init(Object lookAndFeel, Object domWindow)
Initializes the instance.
private Object |
Setup the page states Plus, if we are master, create the channel.
private Object |
this method initializes the page states this should only be called once
protected static Object |
Initializes the AdfDhtmlPage class
public Object |
initializeActiveForm(Boolean wls, String ctxName)
Initializing the ADS Active Form URL, based on the underlying runtime.
private Object |
Object |
This script is rendered by the server to trigger a new long-polling request from the client to the server.
Object |
__initPollingTimeout(Object interval)
Called by "DocumentRenderer" to setup a callback which ensures all <af:poll> components stop polling after a configured amount of time, while the user is inactive (no interaction with mouse or keyboard)
Object |
__initUncommittedDataWarningForDocument(Object enabled)
Initializes uncommitted data warning facility for the document
private Object |
_inlineSelectionListener(Object event)
Event capture listener used to select and start editing of components when we are in editing mode
private static Object |
_inlineSelectionStub(Object event)
Event capture stub used with in-place editing.
private Object |
_installBlockingHandler(HTMLDocument ownerDocument)
Creates a blocking pane, masking frame and installs keyboard blocking.
private Object |
_intersectSelectionWithEditableSubtree(AdfUIComponent editableSubtree, Object selection)
Given the proposed selected components, returns an array of those that are in the editable subtree.
private Boolean |
_isAncestorComponent(AdfUIComponent possibleAncestor, AdfUIComponent possibleChild)
Returns true if the possibleAncestor is an ancestor of component
private Boolean |
_isAncestorComponentOrSelf(AdfUIComponent possibleAncestor, AdfUIComponent possibleChild)
Returns true if the possibleAncestor is an ancestor of component or the component iself.
public Object |
Tests if animation is enabled for the page.
private Boolean |
_isComponentInlineSelectable(HTMLElement componentDomElement)
Determines whether the component is inline selectable based on the presence of style classes on the component's DOM
public Object |
Determines whether a drag operation is in progress
public Object |
Queries the migrated state of this AdfPage object.
public Boolean |
Automation tools such as selenium use this function to verify that our rich page has successfully loaded.
public Boolean |
public Boolean |
public Boolean |
Returns whether or not this Page is in a Portlet context based on an internal flag.
public Boolean |
Returns whether or not PPR-Navigation is enabled.
public Object |
Returns whether the processing indicator is displayed or not
private Object |
public Object |
Tests whether the page is running in screen reader mode.
public Object |
public Object |
isStreamingRequestPending(Object id)
public Boolean |
The logic for checking for completion of a full page postback has been combining with the logic to check for a partial page postback.
private Boolean |
Returns whether the UI is currently blocked in the rich page.
private Object |
_jsfAjaxAddOnError(Object callback)
private Object |
_jsfAjaxAddOnEvent(Object callback)
private Object |
_jsfAjaxRequest(Object source, Object event, Object options)
private static Object |
_keyEventCallback(Object event)
Static stub callback for ensuring that we have an event and using the correct "this"
public Object |
launchHelpWindow(Object url)
Method that will launch the help window given a url.
private Object |
_loadCss(Object source)
private Object |
_loadScript(Object source)
public Object |
loadView(Object viewId, Object params, Object loadId)
This function is called by AdfNavigationHistoryAgent when it needs to load a new view
public Object |
localNavigate(String uri)
Issue a GET request for a local page and perform a page transition.
private Object |
_logAsGlobalError(Object e)
private Object |
_makeADSChannelRequest(Boolean createChannel, Boolean reconnect)
Makes the request to server to create channel, this also sends the change counts.
public Object |
mapComponent(Object clientId, Object component)
Adds a component to the clientID map.
private Object |
_marshallMultipleEventParameters(Object paramList)
public Object |
moveMaskingFrame(Object element, Object maskFrame)
Moves a masking IFrame underneath a floating element.
private Object |
public Object |
Mark that this page needs windowUnloaded events.
private Object |
_notifyADSConnectionStateChange(Object adsConnectionState)
Notifies the page of the latest ADS connection state.
private Object |
_notifyComponent(Object componentId, Object messageArray)
Notifies a component that it's message queue has changed
Object |
Called when the DialogService closes the dilaog programmatically
Object |
__notifyWindowCloseImmediately(Object windowClosed, Object returnId)
this method notifies the server about window closed event.
private Object |
_notifyWindowEvent(Object isWindowOpen, Object windowId, Object pageId, Object isDialog)
build the notify window open/unregister event and queue the event this function puts the event information into the global variable _windowEventHeaderMap, which afterwards got cleaned up by deliverQueuedServerEvents()
private Object |
_notifyWindowOpened(Object isDialog)
private Object |
Send window-unloaded notification if necessary
private Object |
_notifyWindowUnregistered(Object windowId, Object pageId)
private Object |
This method is normally called from _handleBeforeUnload() However, when we ask the user whether navigation is desired, this method will be called from onUnload
Object |
Called when the window first loads.
private Object |
private Object |
private Object |
Cancel drag selection if we're already dragging
Object |
__perfTimings(Boolean closeRecord, Boolean closeBefore, Boolean timing, String str1, String str2)
For performance timings.
private Object |
This is the method that prepares and sends the poll request
private Object |
_positionBlockingGlassPane(Boolean assumeVisible)
Position the blocking pane to fill the visible area of the window.
private Object |
_positionGlassPane(Boolean assumeVisible)
Position the GlassPane to fill the visible area of the window.
private Object |
_postOrderPopulate(Object targetNode, Object depth, Object depthArrays, Object ignoreHidden)
private Object |
_postOrderPopulateComponent(Object clientId, Object depth, Object depthArrays)
private Object |
Helper function that handles to schedule the _checkAdsConnection timer.
private Object |
public Object |
Makes sure that a masking frame is available in the maskFramePool, in anticipation of an upcoming call to createMaskingFrame method.
Object |
__processActiveDataEvent(String windowId, String pageId, String clientId, Object payload, Number changeCount, Number timeStamp, Number eventNumber, Number perfLogging)
Process an active data event from the push service.
private Boolean |
_processPushData(String clientId, Object payload, Number changeCount, Boolean isLate, Number eventNumber, Boolean perfLogging)
This method is called by the current active data manager to delivery active data to a component, returning whether the component the component can accept more active data events.
private Object |
_processValidators(Object sourceComponent, Object rootComponent, Object onlyImmediate)
Object |
__queueDescendantResizeNotifySource(AdfUIComponent component)
=-= Unsupported, internal method per Andy and Blake discussion.
public Object |
queueEvent(Object event)
Queues the specified event for delivery during the next event delivery phase.
public Object |
Queue a timer to run the event thread.
public Object |
queueEventToServer(Object event)
Queues an event for later delivery to the server
private Object |
_reattachInlineEditing(Object editableSubtreeDom)
Detaches and reattaches the inline editing subtree and Reapplies the selected, selectable, and editable styles to the selected editing components to handle the case where they have been ppr'ed
private Object |
This method sends a reconnect request and sets a timer for the next reconnect attempt If the configured maximum number of reconnect attempts is reached, then a warning is logged to the console and no further reconnect attempts are made.
Object |
Heartbeat called from active data iframe
Object |
__recordSessionTimeout(Object timeout, Object warningBeforeTimeout, Object newSessionURL)
Record the session related info from server.
private void |
_redistribute(HTMLDomEvent event)
Converts the native dom event into a AdfComponentEvent that is queueed and then sent to the target component.
private Object |
this method makes a request to refresh all the push components within the page use case:
Object |
__refreshPushComponent(String windowId, String pageId, String clientId)
this method is invoked through a script rendered over the push channel it finds the window identified by windowId and makes a request to the rich page on the window for refreshing the push component with the specified clientId use cases:
private Boolean |
_refreshPushComponent(String clientId)
this method makes a request to the rich page for refreshing a push component use case:
Object |
__registerDescendantResizeNotifyComponent(AdfUIComponent component)
=-= Unsupported, internal method per Andy and Blake discussion.
public Object |
registerKeyStroke(AdfKeyStroke keystroke, Function callback, Object callbackContext)
Registers a global keyboard shortcut/accelerator.
public Object |
registerLoadingComponent(AdfUIComponent component)
Registers a component that isn't fully loaded on creation with the framework.
public Object |
registerResizeNotifyComponent(AdfUIComponent component)
Register a component to recieve resize notification when the browser window is resized.
private Object |
_registerWindowWithADSMaster(Object registeringWindow)
Registers a page with the AdfDhtmlPage acting as the master
Object |
__registerWithNewMaster(Object masterWindowId, Object masterPageId)
this method is called in this scenario:
private Object |
_registerWithNewMaster(Object state)
this method registers this window with this new master window
private Object |
Reload current page, appending a timestamp to avoid caching
public Object |
removeADSConnectionStateListener(Object listener, Object instance)
private static Object |
_removeAllFormElements(Object formObject)
remove all form elements, such as inputs requires a valid form object to be passed in
private Object |
_removeBlockingHandler(HTMLDocument ownerDocument)
Removes the blocking pane and masking frame.
public Object |
removeBusyStateListener(Object instance, Function listener)
Removes a listener so that it will no longer be invoked whenever there is a busy state event.
public Object |
removeComponentsInSubtree(Object targetDomElement)
Removes all of the componetns in the subtree specified by the clientId
public Object |
removeMaskingFrame(Object maskFrame)
Removes the masking IFrame underneath a floating element.
public Object |
removePageResources(Object name, Object head)
Removes CSS resources added to the page via af:resource during a PPR navigation to ensure styles from one page are not carried over to the next.
public Object |
removePropertyChangeListener(Object instance, Function listener)
Removes a PropertyChangeListener with the specified instance and listener function
public Object |
removeResourceURL(Object resourcePath)
Returns the URL minus the resourceURL for the given path Note:
private Boolean |
_removeStyleFromComponent(String clientId, String styleClass)
Removes the style class from the component with the specified client id and returns whether it actually removed the style class
private Object |
_removeUncommittedIds(Object Ids)
Object |
__replaceDomElement(HTMLElement newElement, HTMLElement oldElement)
Replaces the a dom element contained in a peer.
private Object |
Replaces the jsf.ajax public API functions so that we can have JSF2 requests and responses channel through the rich client framework and honer queuing, client events and other rich framework architecture
public Object |
requestStatusChanged(Object requestEvent)
public Object |
rescheduleTimer(Object timerId, Number delay)
Reschedules the timer to fire delay</coee> milliseconds in the future
private Object |
private Object |
private Object |
_resolveMessageComponentId(Object componentId)
Calculate the id of the component to show message associated with component whose id is componentId If componentId is null, or component is not an editable component, default Message Key will be used so that the message will be page level message.
private Object |
_restoreFocusPath(Array<HTMLElement> focusPath, Object maxIndex)
Restores the focus to the best focusable element based on the focusPath
public Object |
scheduleTimer(Object context, Function callback, Object state, Object delay)
Schedules a callback to be fired in the future.
static Object |
__scrollComponentIntoView(Object clientId, Object focus)
Private function used from the server to scroll a component into view.
private static Object |
_scrollComponentIntoView(Object argObj)
Private function to be called from a timer
private static Array |
_scrubEvents(Array eventQueue, Object eventSourceFixup)
As a pre-condition of sending queued events to the server, scrub the event queue for events that have a reference to a dead component - it may have been replaced via PPR.
private Object |
_sendADSChannelRequest(Object channelParameterMap, Object clientStateMap)
This method does the following:
private Object |
_sendJsfAjaxEvent(Object type, Object params)
private Object |
_sendRichPayload(Object params, Object context)
public Object |
sendStreamingRequest(Object iDs)
public Object |
setAccessibilityMode(Object mode)
Sets the accessibility mode.
private Object |
_setActiveComponentId(Object clientId)
Sets the page's active component to the component with the specified id.
Object |
__setActiveDomNodeInfo(HTMLElement domNode, string clientId)
Sets the currently focused DOM Node and the clientID of the focused component Package private method, needed for cases where there's another document and the _redistribute method is not called.
private Object |
_setActiveTimeout(Object argObj)
public Object |
setAnimationEnabled(Boolean enabled)
Sets the accessibility mode.
private Object |
In FF2 active page shows progress cursor so we need to set custom cursor that looks like default cursor arrow.
Object |
__setConfiguration(Object config)
This script is rendered by the server to send active data configuration parameters as stored in a configuration file on the server (adf-config.xml)
Object |
This script is rendered by the server over the push channel to notify the Page that the channel is connected
private static Object |
_setCookie(Object domDocument, Object name, Object value, Object expiresAfter, Object path)
Sets the value of a cookie on the page.
public Object |
setDataDirty(Object isDirty)
public Object |
setDefaultMessageHandlerComponentId(String id, String slaveId)
Sets the component id for global messages.
public Object |
setDocumentClientId(Object documentClientId)
public Object |
setEditableSubtree(AdfUIComponent newEditableSubtree)
Sets the root of the component subtree that inline-editing is allowed on.
public Object |
setEditableSubtreeFilter(Function callback, Object context)
Sets the filter applied to all components in the editable subtree.
public Object |
setEditedComponent(AdfUIComponent newEditedComponent, Event event)
Attempts to start editing on the specified component with an option DOM event as the editing trigger.
public Object |
setExpectedWindowId(Object windowId)
public Object |
setFacesPath(Object path)
This method is called by the DocumentRenderer during page initialization
Object |
__setHAMigrated(Object migration)
Takes a boolean to tell the AdfPage object if this in an HA migration
public Object |
setHelpWindowName(String windowName)
Method that will set the help window name.
public Object |
setLastFocusedElement(Object element)
Sets the last focused element.
private Object |
_setMasterPageId(String masterPageId)
set the master page id
private Object |
_setMasterWindowId(String masterWindowId)
set the master window ID
private Object |
_setMasterWindowRef(Object masterWinRef)
set the reference to the window object
static Object |
__setNonHtmlResponse(Object event)
Forces an event to be submitted as a full-page event and mark it as one whose response will never be received by this framework (Excel export, file download)
static Object |
__setNonHtmlResponsePartialSubmit(Object event)
In some instances an event will need to be forced to partial (ExportCollectionActionListener is one such case).
public Object |
setOnLoadCallback(Object onLoadCallback)
Sets the onLoad callback to fire when the AdfPage has finished loading.
private Object |
_setPageId(String pageId)
set the page instance id
public Object |
setPageProperty(Object propertyName, Object propertyValue)
Sets the value of a page property.
private Object |
_setParameter(Object form, Object name, Object value)
public Object |
setPortlet(Boolean flag, Object rootClientId)
Setter for internal variable
public Object |
setPPRNavigationOptions(Object options)
Sets PPR Navigation options
public Object |
private Object |
_setReplaceMasterPageId(Object replaceMasterPageId)
set the replace master page ID
private Object |
_setReplaceMasterWindowId(Object replaceMasterWindowId)
set the replace master window ID
Object |
__setResponseIdentifier(Object responseId)
Called by response handling code to save the ECID
private Object |
_setRichResponseDirty(Object isDirty)
public Object |
setSelectedEditingComponents(Array<AdfUIComponent> newSelection)
Sets the array of AdfUIComponents for inline selection.
private Object |
_setSelectedEditingComponents(Array<AdfUIComponent> newSelection)
Sets the array of AdfUIComponents for inline selection.
Object |
__setServerTimestamp(Object timestamp)
This script is rendered by the server to send the server time to the client.
Object |
__setSessionIdentifier(Object sessionId)
Called by server to set the session indentifier
Object |
__setShouldInterpretEmptyStringSubmittedValuesAsNull(Object interpretEmptyString)
Called by server to specify if the client validation should interpret an submitted empty strung as NULL
Object |
__setShouldTracePPRRequestId(Object tracePPRRequestId)
Set the flag to control whether we should trace request id on PPR request.
Object |
__setShouldValidateEmptyFields(Object validateEmptyFields)
Called by server to specify if the client validation should validate empty fields
public Object |
setStreamingDisabled(Object disabled)
private Object |
_setWindowId(String windowId)
set the window id
public Object |
Checks if the client validation should interpret an empty submitted value should be handle as .NULL.
public Object |
Checks whether we should trace request id on PPR request.
public Object |
Checks if the client validation should handle empty field validation.
public Object |
showFloatingDiv(Object floatingDiv, Object floatingContent)
Shows the content from the floating content in the specified floating Div at the specified location
public Object |
showGlassPane(Object listenerMap, Object cursor)
Show the GlassPane, adding all of the listeners in the listener map and setting the cursor to the specified CSS-3 cursor
public Object |
showMessages(String componentId)
Displays the messages to the user.
public Object |
showPageProcessingIndicator(Object show)
Displays a processing indicator for the entire page that is useful when and application developer wants to relayout the entire page
public Object |
public Object |
startDrag(Object evt, Object moveCallback, Object dropCallback, Object abortCallback, Object showGlassPane)
Initiates drag operation
private Object |
Part of interlock called by components to prevent active data from being delivered until the component is in its initial state ready to receive data
private Object |
_startPolling is called by the onload handler for the iframe and is responsible for scheduling the next polling timeout.
public Object |
private Object |
_stopActiveData(Object clientId)
notifies the active data manager to stop delivering events for the specified component
private Object |
_stopAutoPPR(Object clientId)
notifies the active data manager to stop delivering events for the specified autoPPR component
public void |
Terminates the drag operation.
private Object |
Part of interlock called by components to prevent active data from being delivered until the component is in its initial state ready to receive data.
public Object |
Called after all streaming fragments have arrived This function will be called from the IFRAME's onload handler
public Object |
A call to this script is rendered at the beginning of the streaming document.
public Object |
A call to this script is rendered just before the end of the streaming document.
private Object |
_testAdfPageExistence(Object windowObject)
test the window object to see if the rich page exists
private Object |
private static Object |
Static function called from timer to dispatch events to the components and server if no UI event has occurred recently
private Object |
Send a request to server to touch the server session
private Object |
_unfilterEditableSubtree(Object subtree)
Recursively remove all of selectable and editable the styles from a subtree
public Object |
unmapComponent(Object clientId)
Removes a component from the clientID map
Object |
__unregisterDescendantResizeNotifyComponent(AdfUIComponent component)
=-= Unsupported, internal method per Andy and Blake discussion.
public Object |
unregisterKeyStroke(Object keystroke, Object clientId)
Unregisters a global keyboard shortcut/accelerator.
public Object |
unregisterLoadingComponent(AdfUIComponent component)
Unregisters a component registered with registerLoadingComponent.
public Object |
unregisterResizeNotifyComponent(AdfUIComponent component)
Unregister a component so that it will no longer receive resize notifications.
public Object |
updateActiveDataComponents(String masterWindowId, Object masterPageId, Object pageId, String... clientIds, Number... changeCounts)
List of components to update the active data counts for.
public Object |
updateAutoPPRComponents(Object pageId, Object clientIds)
Called by server to register one or more clientIds as representing server components on which auto-PPR will be performed.
private Object |
Called to reset the timer that will deliver the events
private Object |
_updateStartActiveDataStateChange(String clientId)
Updates the sets of components to start active data on, ensuring that the sets of components to start active data on and stop active data on are disjoint.
private Object |
_updateStopActiveDataStateChange(String clientId)
Updates the sets of components to stop active data on, ensuring that the sets of components to start active data on and stop active data on are disjoint and queueing a stop event if necessary
public Object |
updateStreamingViewState(Object doc, Object id)
private Object |
_updateViewState(Object fragmentNode)
private Object |
_wrapMasterWindowId(Object windowId)
this is for safety, in case somebody messes up the window id basically in IE, doesn't like anything like "/", "-", or "."