2 Introduction to the ADF Desktop Integration Sample Application

This chapter provides an overview of the Master Price List module, which is the ADF Desktop Integration module's sample application. The Master Price List module is a module in the Fusion Order Demo application. It contains several Microsoft Excel workbooks that are integrated with a Fusion web application.

This chapter includes the following sections:

2.1 About the Master Price List Module

The Master Price List module allows end users to download information (product names, prices, and so on) about electronic devices that are sold through a storefront-type web application. End users can search the downloaded information, modify pricing information, and upload the modified information to the Fusion web application.

Set up the development environment before you set up and run the Master Price List module. After setting up the development environment, you can download the Fusion Order Demo application, which includes the Master Price List module.

2.2 Setting Up and Executing the Master Price List Module

Set up the development environment as described in Chapter 3, " Setting Up Your Development Environment", so that you can run the Master Price List module.

Once you have set up the development environment, download the Fusion Order Demo application, which includes the Master Price List module. For information about how to download the Fusion Order Demo application, see the "How to Download the Application Resources" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Fusion Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework.

The Fusion Order Demo application includes a directory named Infrastructure. This directory includes scripts that create the users and data that the Fusion Order Demo application and Master Price List module require. For information about how to run these scripts, see the "How to Install the Fusion Order Demo Schema" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Fusion Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework.


If you have an old version of ADF Desktop Integration installed on the system, do the following:
  1. Upgrade ADF Desktop Integration as described in Section 3.7, "Upgrading ADF Desktop Integration."

  2. Refresh the Fusion Order Demo schema as described in "How to Install the Fusion Order Demo Schema" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Fusion Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework.

To run the Master Price List module:

  1. Open the MasterPriceList.jws file in JDeveloper.

    This file is located in the MasterPriceList subdirectory of the directory into which you extracted the Fusion Order Demo application.

  2. In the Application Navigator, click the Application Resources accordion title to expand the panel.

  3. In the Application Resources panel, choose Connections > Database > FOD.

  4. Right-click the FOD connection and choose Properties.

  5. In the Edit Database Connection dialog, modify the connection information shown in Table 2-1 for your environment.

    Table 2-1 Database Connection Properties for the Master Price List Module

    Property Description

    Host Name

    The host name for your database. For example:


    JDBC Port

    The port for your database. For example:



    The SID of your database. For example:

    ORCL or XE

    Do not modify the user name and password fod/fusion. These must remain unchanged. If you click Test Connection and get any error message, ignore it.

    Click OK to close the dialog.

  6. In the Application Navigator, click the Project accordion title to expand the panel.

  7. Right-click Model and choose Rebuild Model.jpr.

  8. Right-click ViewController and choose Rebuild ViewController.jpr.

  9. Expand the ViewController project and choose Web content > login.jspx.

  10. Right-click login.jspx and choose Run.

  11. In the Select a Starting View Activity dialog, choose login, and click OK.

  12. In the login page, to log on as an administrator, enter sking in the User Name field and welcome1 in the Password field. To log on as a manager, enter ahunold in the User Name field and welcome1 in the Password field. For more information about users, see Section 2.3.1, "Log on to the Fusion Web Application in the Master Price List Module."

    You can download the integrated Excel workbooks as described in Section 2.3.3, "Downloading Integrated Excel Workbooks." Open and connect the workbook, as described in Section 2.4, "Overview of the Integrated Excel Workbooks in the Master Price List Module," to the Fusion web application that the Master Price List module deploys.

2.3 Overview of the Fusion Web Application in the Master Price List Module

The Fusion web application in the Master Price List module enables end users to edit and navigate through a list of products, search for a product, download integrated Excel workbooks, sort and reorder columns, and so on.

2.3.1 Log on to the Fusion Web Application in the Master Price List Module

When the end user runs the Master Price List Fusion web application in JDeveloper, the default browser opens the login page after the Master Price List module is deployed on Oracle WebLogic Server.

Figure 2-1 Login Dialog of Master Price List Fusion Web Application

Fusion Web Application login page

The Master Price List module provides two user profiles to log on to the Fusion web application. Table 2-2 summarizes both user profiles.

Table 2-2 User Profiles for the Master Price List Module

Login Name Password Role Description




Enables you to access and modify information.




Enables you to access information, but you cannot modify it.

After the login credentials are verified, the end user is redirected to the home page of the Master Price List Fusion web application.

2.3.2 Introduction to the Fusion Web Application in the Master Price List Module

The Master Price List Fusion web application is divided into four panes: Product Search, Matching Products, Product Detail, and Active Discounts.

Figure 2-2 Web Interface of Master Price List Fusion Web Application

The web interface of MPL web application.

The Product Search pane has tabs for searching a product in the application repository. The Product Search pane is an accordion pane and the end user can hide it, if desired.

The Matching Products pane displays products in a tabular format, according to the search criteria set in the Product Search pane. By default, all products are displayed. The end user can use the Matching Products pane's toolbar to do various activities such as download integrated Excel workbooks, sort columns in ascending or descending order, hide a column, and so on.

The Product Detail pane displays detailed information about the product selected in the Matching Products pane. The information includes the attributes available in the table, and additional information about the product's supplier, product's current availability status, a graphical representation of the product's sale in each month, and so on.

The Active Discounts pane is an independent pane. It displays the available discounts on products with their discount codes and discount percentages.

2.3.3 Downloading Integrated Excel Workbooks

The Master Price List module provides various integrated Excel workbooks to meet different requirements. End users can download the integrated Excel workbooks from the Excel menu of the toolbar.

Figure 2-3 Excel Menu of Matching Products Toolbar

Excel menu of Master Price List module.

Table 2-3 provides the description for each menu option.

Table 2-3 Download Excel Menu Options

Menu Option Description

Export as Read-only Spreadsheet

Exports all Product table data into a spreadsheet. The spreadsheet is not an integrated Excel workbook.

The exported file is saved as read_only_pricelist.xls.

Edit Using Live Spreadsheet

Downloads the integrated Excel workbook that enables you to edit and update common data.

The downloaded file is saved as EditPriceList.xlsx.

Edit Using Advanced Live Spreadsheet

Downloads the integrated workbook that enables you to edit and update all data.

The downloaded file is saved as AdvEditPriceList.xlsx.

View and Query Using Live Spreadsheet

Downloads the integrated workbook that enables you to view all products and, if desired, search for a product. This integrated Excel workbook does not allow you to edit and update data.

The downloaded file is saved as ReadOnlyPriceList.xlsx.

2.4 Overview of the Integrated Excel Workbooks in the Master Price List Module

The Master Price List module provides the EditPriceList.xlsx, AdvEditPriceList.xlsx, and ReadOnlyPriceList.xlsx integrated Excel workbooks. All workbooks enable end users to:

  • Log on to the Fusion web application from the workbook

  • Download rows of data about product pricing

  • Search the workbook for information about product pricing

In addition, the EditPriceList.xlsx and AdvEditPriceList.xlsx workbooks permit end users to:

  • Search the Master Price List module Fusion web application for information about products and product pricing

  • Modify product pricing information in the workbook

  • Use Excel formulas to perform calculations on values in an ADF Table component

  • Upload modified product pricing information to the Master Price List module Fusion web application from the workbook

Subsequent sections in this chapter provide more information about the functionality in the workbooks along with cross-references to implementation details.

2.4.1 Log on to the Fusion Web Application from an Integrated Excel Workbook

At runtime, the integrated Excel workbooks in the Master Price List module render an Excel ribbon tab that allows end users to log on to the Fusion web application. Figure 2-4 shows the runtime Fusion Order Demo tab in the Ribbon of the EditPriceList.xlsx workbook.

Figure 2-4 Runtime Fusion Order Demo Tab

FOD tab at runtime in EditPriceList-DT.xlsx

The EditPriceList.xlsx workbook prompts the end user to log on to the Fusion web application when the end user clicks Login or invokes an action that requires a connection with the Fusion web application. Because the worksheet Startup event in the EditPriceList.xlsx workbook invokes the ADF Table component Download action, end users are prompted to log on immediately after starting up the EditPriceList.xlsx workbook.

The Login button invokes the workbook Login action. For information about configuring the Login button (and other buttons in Figure 2-4), see Section 8.3, "Configuring the Runtime Ribbon Tab."

The workbook Login action invokes the Fusion web application's authentication process. For more information about implementing this functionality, see Chapter 11, "Securing Your Integrated Excel Workbook."

The Master Price List module provides two user profiles to log in to the application, as summarized in Table 2-2.

2.4.2 Download Rows of Data About Product Pricing

The EditPriceList.xlsx workbook uses an ADF Table component to host information downloaded from the Fusion web application about product pricing. This component allows end users to edit rows and upload modified rows to the Fusion web application.

The following sections provide information about how to implement the download functionality:

The ReadOnlyPriceList.xlsx workbook uses an ADF Read-only Table component to download data from the Fusion web application about product pricing. End users can view this data, but they cannot modify data or save changes to the Fusion web application.

The following sections provide information about how to implement the download functionality of the ReadOnlyPriceList.xlsx workbook:

2.4.3 Simple Search for Products in the Workbooks

The integrated Excel workbooks have ADF components configured to provide end users with a search form. End users can enter a search term in the form to invoke a query on the Fusion web application and download the results to the workbook. Figure 2-5 shows a runtime view of these components in the EditPriceList.xlsx workbook.

Figure 2-5 Runtime View of a Simple Search Form in the EditPriceList.xlsx Workbook

Runtime View of a Simple Search Form

The following sections provide information about how to implement a simple search form that you can use in the EditPriceList.xlsx workbook:

2.4.4 Advanced Search for Products in the Edit Price List Workbook

The EditPriceList.xlsx and AdvEditPriceList.xlsx workbooks have search functionality configured that allow end users to invoke a page from the Fusion web application, specify search criteria, and download the results to the ADF Table component in the workbooks. Figure 2-6 shows the page from the Fusion web application that end users invoke by clicking the Advanced Search button.

Figure 2-6 Advanced Search Dialog in the EditPriceList.xlsx Workbook

Advanced Search Dialog

For more information about how to implement the advanced search functionality in the EditPriceList.xlsx workbook, see Section 8.6, "Creating ADF Databound Search Forms in an Integrated Excel Workbook."

2.4.5 Modify Product Pricing Information in the Edit Price List Workbook

End users of the EditPriceList.xlsx and AdvEditPriceList.xlsx workbooks can edit product pricing information that the ADF Table component downloads from the Fusion web application. Columns in the runtime ADF Table component that have an UpdateComponent property configured permit end users to modify values and upload the changes to the Fusion web application. For example, end users can modify the values that appear in the ProductId, ProductName, and CostPrice columns.

End users can enter or modify the values that appear in the cells of other columns. However, the ADF Table component does not upload these changes to the Fusion web application, because some of these columns display the results of evaluating Excel formulas using values downloaded from the Fusion web application. Such columns should use a read-only style to distinguish themselves from other columns. For example, the Difference column displays the result of an Excel formula that subtracts the cost price from the list price and uses a read-only style, which makes it easily distinguishable from other input columns.

Other columns, such as Status and Changed, appear in the ADF Table component to provide status information about upload operations and changed columns.

The following sections provide information about how to implement this functionality:

2.4.6 Upload Modified Product Information to the Fusion Web Application

The EditPriceList.xlsx and AdvEditPriceList.xlsx workbooks allow end users to upload modified data in the ADF Table component to the Fusion web application. An action set is configured for the runtime Save Changes button that invokes the ADF Table component's Upload action. For information about implementing this functionality, see Section 7.8, "Configuring an ADF Component to Upload Changes from an ADF Table Component."


You can also use the Upload to Server button in the Fusion Order Demo tab to upload modified data.