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Oracle Data Mining Java API Reference
11g Release 2 (11.2)


Interface OraTransformationTask

All Superinterfaces:
javax.datamining.MiningObject, javax.datamining.base.Task

public interface OraTransformationTask
extends javax.datamining.base.Task

OraTransformationTask is used to execute the specified transformation. In this release binning (discretization), normalization, clipping and text transformations are supported.

See Also:
OraBinningTransform, OraNormalizeTransform, OraClippingTransform, OraTextTransform

Method Summary
 OraTransformation getTransformation()
          Get the transformation to be executed.
 java.lang.String getTransformationSequence()
          Returns the name of the transformation sequence.
 void setTransformation(OraTransformation transform)
          Used to set the transformation to be executed.
 void setTransformationSequence(java.lang.String transformSeq, boolean useTransformDefinitionTables)
          Sets transformation sequenece name and a boolean flag to indicate whether to use transformation definition tables that are pre-specified in the transformation sequence.


Methods inherited from interface javax.datamining.base.Task
getExecutionHandle, verify


Methods inherited from interface javax.datamining.MiningObject
getCreationDate, getCreatorInfo, getDescription, getName, getObjectIdentifier, getObjectType, setDescription


Method Detail


public void setTransformation(OraTransformation transform)
Used to set the transformation to be executed.
transform - instance of transform to be executed


public OraTransformation getTransformation()
Get the transformation to be executed.


public void setTransformationSequence(java.lang.String transformSeq,
                                      boolean useTransformDefinitionTables)
Sets transformation sequenece name and a boolean flag to indicate whether to use transformation definition tables that are pre-specified in the transformation sequence.
transformSeq - name of the task sequence that is saved in the DME
useTransformDefinitionTables - boolean flag to indicate whether to use specified transformation definition tables or not.
OJDM 11.1.0


public java.lang.String getTransformationSequence()
Returns the name of the transformation sequence. Returns null when it is not specified.
OJDM 11.1.0

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Oracle Data Mining Java API Reference
11g Release 2 (11.2)


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