Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions

This chapter lists prerequisites and common elements and discusses how to:

See Also

Understanding Exception and Collection Processing

Generating Correspondence

Click to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before managing exception and collection issues, perform these tasks:

See Also

Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing

Setting Up Correspondence Options

Defining Receivables Installation Options

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

Action or Action Code

Activity that an individual or the system performs when a customer or item violates a condition. For example, placing a customer on credit hold or generating a dunning letter.

Action Parameter

Value to use when the system performs the action. On some pages, you can provide a value.

For Send a dunning Letter (DLTR), enter a letter code.

Note. To use the letter assigned to the action, you must assign a customer a dunning ID that uses an Dunning by Action List dunning method. Otherwise, the system uses the letter codes based on the rules for the dunning ID.

For Place a hold message on a customer (HOLD), enter a message code.

For Send a follow-up letter (OLTR), enter a letter code.

For Refer to a collection agency (REFR), enter a collection code.

Action Template

Template that provides an escalating plan for actions based on the age of the violation.

Assign To or Action Owner

User ID of the action owner assigned to work with the action item.

Condition or Condition ID

Change of status in a customer's account, such as reaching a credit limit or exceeding a user-defined balance. A condition also occurs when specified item types meet user-defined criteria.

Due Date

Date by which the action should be performed.


Click to populate a grid with data that matches your search criteria.

Click to jump to parent topicMonitoring Conditions

This section provides an overview of the Condition Monitor Application Engine process (AR_CNDMON) and discusses how to run the Condition Monitor process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Condition Monitor Application Engine Process

The Condition Monitor process scans customer and item information to determine whether their current condition should trigger an action plan.

When you run the process, you specify which customers to include in the run:

This process performs four primary functions:

Selection and Load Process

The Condition Monitor process analyzes the schedules, customers, items, and rules to determine what to monitor. The process selects customers who meet the criteria specified on the Condition Monitor page. The process also selects all rules scheduled to be monitored on the current day as well as rules that were scheduled to run between the current day and the last time that you ran the process. The process runs user-defined schedules only if they match the run day.

The process matches the customers and items with the appropriate rules and loads the rules into a temporary table.

The process applies the rules at the lowest specified level, even if the rule at the customer or customer group level is on a schedule that does not meet the criteria for the current run. For example, a rule set to process weekly at the customer level is not overridden by a rule set to process daily at the setID level.

The process collects data specific to each customer (such as credit limit). The process loads customer balances into a temporary table and makes adjustments for unapplied payments, in process payments, and for disputed amounts, based on your installation options.

The process loads the items used for rules that use item-level conditions, such as Entry Type/Reason Code or deduction item.

The process loads the action owners—collectors, credit analysts, receivables (AR) specialists, and sales people—into temporary tables.

Collection and Assessment Rule Processing

The Condition Monitor process analyzes each assessment rule and compares the rule parameters to the specific data related to each condition. The process inserts any rule violations into a temporary table. The process compares the violations in the temporary table with existing violations. If the violation is new, it places the actions for the action template in the Temporary Action Process table (AR_CM_PRC_TAO).

Also, when you run the Condition Monitor process, the Condition Monitor evaluates each promise date conversation and creates an action list for all promise date conversations requiring follow up. It also evaluates whether a promise has been kept or broken and sets the promise status appropriately.

The Condition Monitor process also analyzes all collection rule violations and loads them into a temporary table. It deletes any violation in the temporary table that has an existing action plan, unless you enabled the escalation feature on the Installation Options - Receivables page. If the new violation has a higher priority action template, the process removes current actions and future pending actions and inserts new actions based in the new action template into the Action Process table (PS_AR_ACTION_PRCS).

See Collection Processing.

Application Table Updates

The Condition Monitor analyzes the temporary table that contains rule violations, and inserts new records into the Action Process and Action List (PS_ACTION_LST) tables.

The process also:

Automated Action Processing

The Condition Monitor process performs any actions that are flagged as Automatic. For noncorrespondence actions, such as Hold, the Condition Monitor process updates the appropriate data in the database. If the action produces correspondence, such as a dunning letter or statement, the process inserts a record in the Condition Monitor Correspondence Interface table (PS_CM_CRSPD_IFC) that includes the type of action, such as Send Follow Up Letter, and sets the process flag on the record to Y.

Note. The Condition Monitor process automatically calls the processes to generate the correspondence for all actions whose process flag is Y. If a customer has multiple actions for the same type of correspondence—for example, two actions to generate dunning letters—the system generates the dunning letters for the most recent action.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used for Condition Monitoring

Page Name

Definition Name



Condition Monitor


Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Actions, Condition Monitor, Condition Monitor

Define the run parameters for the Condition Monitor process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Condition Monitor Process

Access the Condition Monitor page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Actions, Condition Monitor, Condition Monitor.)

Specify the level to be monitored. Monitor by SetID, Customer Group, or Customer.

Anchor Date, Anchor Currency, and Anchor Rate Type

Enter the date, currency code, and rate type used to convert monetary amounts to a common currency for comparison purposes. If you leave these fields blank, the process uses the current date, format currency for the user—who created the run control—in user preferences, and the rate type for the business unit.

Click to jump to parent topicAssigning Actions and Sending Notification

This section provides an overview of action assignments and notification and discusses how to assign actions to items.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Action Assignments and Notification

The Condition Monitor process assigns actions to individuals based on the type of action owner in the condition definition and the individual assigned to the customer or item. For example, if the assigned owner for a deduction item condition definition is AR Specialist, the system assigns the action for the deduction item to the AR specialist on the item. As another example, if the assigned owner for the Collection condition is collector, the system assigns the collector assigned to the customer to the action.

Note. If you selected the Allow Business Unit Monitoring check box on the Installation Options - Receivables page, the Condition Monitor process groups all open items for the business unit and collection customer combination together. If all these transactions have the same value in the action owner field, it uses that value for the assigned action owner. Otherwise, it assigns the owner based on the collection customer.

You can also assign actions to items online, using the Item Action page. This is useful when an AR specialist is managing a deduction or disputed item, and the specialist wants to assign an action to a broker or salesperson to research information or obtain information from the customer.

When you assign a new action related to an item to action owners, the system calls a function that triggers a workflow process to send an email to the action owners indicating that they have a new action. The Condition Monitor process also sends notification for new actions that the Condition Monitor creates. In both cases, the system also adds the action to the action owner's worklist.

You specify the number of days before or after the due date, to send the action owners an email reminding them that an action is due to be completed in each action template.

See Also

Delivered Workflows for PeopleSoft Receivables

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Assign Actions and Send Notification

Page Name

Definition Name



View/Update Item Details - Detail 1


Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Item Information, View/Update Item Details, Detail 1

Review an item to determine whether it needs an action.

Item Action


Click the Item Action link on the View/Update Item Details - Detail 1 page.

Create a new action for an item and assign it to an action owner.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Actions to Items

Access the Item Action page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Item Information, View/Update Item Details, Detail 1.)

For an existing action, you can change only the Action Status field.

View/Update Conversations

Click to access the Conversations page, where you can view conversation entries or add additional entries. This link is available only if the customer has existing conversations.

Add Action

Click to create a new action.

Action Status

Displays the status for the action. Values are: New, Pending, or Cancelled.

If the status is Cancelled, you cannot change it. If you enter an action online, the default status is New. The system triggers workflow processing for new action assignments.

Only the action owner or action creator can change the status. The system sets the status to Complete after you perform the action.


Displays the action code. For a new action, select an action.


Click to access the Action page, where you work the action.

Assigned and Action Owner

Displays the user ID and name of the action owner. For a new action, select a user ID.

Due Date

Displays the due date. For a new action, the system calculates the due date using the calendar assigned to the business unit on the Receivables Options - General 1 page and the Due Days field for the action definition. The system adds the number of days in the Due Days field to the current date, and subtracts the number of weekend days and holidays, as defined in the calendar.

Action Parm (action parameter)

Enter the appropriate parameter for the action based on the action type:

For Send a dunning Letter (DLTR), enter a letter code.

Note. To use the letter assigned to the action, you must assign a customer a dunning ID that uses an Dunning by Action List dunning method. Otherwise, the system uses the letter codes based on the rules for the dunning ID.

For Place a hold message on a customer (HOLD), enter a message code.

For Send a follow-up letter (OLTR), enter a letter code.

For Refer to a collection agency (REFR), enter a collection code.

Days to Notify Owner

Enter the number of days from the action due date to remind the action owner that the action is not complete.

Days to Notify Supervisor

Enter the number of days from the action due date to notify the action owner's supervisor that the action is not complete.

Days to Notify Specialist

Enter the number of days from the action due date to notify the AR specialist for an item that the action is not complete.

Note. Enter a positive number to send the notification after the due date and a negative number to send the notification before the due date. To send the notification on the due date, enter 0. You must run the Condition Monitor process to send the notification.

The system does not include weekends and holidays when it calculates the notification date. The system uses the business calendar that you selected for the general ledger business unit associated with the receivables business unit, to determine which days are holidays and weekend days. Select the calendar in the Holiday List field on the General Ledger Definition - Definition page.

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Action Owner Assignments

This section provides an overview of management of action owner assignments and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Management of Action Owner Assignments

PeopleSoft Receivables provides two reports that help you manage action owner assignments:

The Condition Monitor process triggers workflow processing to send the supervisor of an action owner an email when an action is not completed in the specified number of days in the action template or item action list. The Condition Monitor process also triggers workflow processing to send the AR specialist for an item with an action an email when the action is not completed in the specified number of days in the action template or item action list. The email provides a uniform resource locator (URL) to the Action page, where the supervisor or AR specialist reviews the action and reassigns it, if needed.

PeopleSoft Receivables enables a supervisor to balance the workload of action owners. The Reassign Action page displays a list of action assignments based on your search criteria. If you see that an action owner has a large number of actions, you can reassign selected actions to a different action owner. You can also change the status of an action assigned to an owner to Future, to indicate that actions that are not urgent can be postponed. The system automatically triggers workflow processing to send an email to the new owner with notification of the new action.

See Also

Delivered Workflows for PeopleSoft Receivables

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Set up action owners to receive email notification.

See Also

Setting Up Workflow Notification for Action Owners

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Manage Action Assignments

Page Name

Definition Name



Action Status by Owner Rpt


Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Actions, Action Status by Owner Rpt, Action Status by Owner Rpt

Define the run parameters for the Owner Action Status report (ARCMCHK). Use the report to view the number of actions added to the owner's action list for each day of the reporting period specified in the run parameters, and the number completed or canceled.

Condition Status by Owner Rpt


Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Actions, Condition Status by Owner Rpt, Condition Status by Owner Rpt

Define the run parameters for the Condition Status by Owner and Customer report (ARCMCUST). Use the report to view details about action items on the customer action list for each action owner.

Reassign Action


Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Actions, Action Reassignment, Reassign Action

Review action assignments and reassign actions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Owner Action Status Report

Access the Action Status by Owner Rpt page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Actions, Action Status by Owner Rpt, Action Status by Owner Rpt.)

From Date and To Date

Enter the date range of the actions entered on the action lists.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Condition Status by Owner and Customer Report

Access the Condition Status by Owner Rpt page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Actions, Condition Status by Owner Rpt, Condition Status by Owner Rpt.)

This page is the same as the Action Status by Owner Rpt page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReassigning Actions

Access the Reassign Action page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Actions, Action Reassignment, Reassign Action.)

Entering Search Criteria

Enter search criteria to populate the grid with actions and click Search.

Action Status

Select the status of the items that you want to review. You can select one of these values:

  • New

    This action status indicates that the owner has not reviewed the action.

  • Pending

    This action status indicates that the owner has reviewed the action, but has not completed it.

  • Future

    This action status indicates that the owner has reviewed the action and determined that it will be performed in the future.


Due Date

Select a date by which the owner should perform the action.

Owner Type and Owner

Select an owner type and owner. Values for owner type are: AR Specialist, Collector, Analyst, or Sales Person. The values in the Owner field are the codes that you defined for your collectors, credit analysts, AR specialists, or salespeople, depending on your selection.

Reassigning Actions

To reassign owners:

  1. Select the actions that you want to reassign individually, or click Select All.

  2. Select the owner type and appropriate value for the owner.

  3. Click Reassign.

    The owner name in the grid changes when you click Reassign. The system automatically triggers the Workflow Notification process to send notification to the new owner. A notification is also sent to the original owner indicating that the action has been reassigned.

Click to jump to parent topicWorking with Actions

This section provides an overview of action processing and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Action Processing

PeopleSoft Receivables provides three types of action lists:

If a customer has an action plan, the Future Actions page displays the list of escalating actions in the action template associated with the rule that created the plan. The Future Actions page displays the date that the Condition Monitor should move the action to the action list.

PeopleSoft Receivables enables you to access and work with actions from these locations:

This diagram shows the process flow for working with actions. You can perform or reassign actions based on an email, a PeopleSoft Worklist, a Customer Action List, and an Owner Action List. You can perform an action from the Item Action List by accessing first the Owner Action List to the Item Maintenance component, which enables you to access the Item Action List. You can also access the Customer Action List from the Owner Action list in order to perform actions.

Methods for performing and reassigning actions.

When you work with an action, you can:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Work with Actions

Page Name

Definition Name



Owner Action List


  • Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Actions, Owner Action List, Owner Action List

  • Click the URL in an email notification.

Review a list of open actions that are assigned to a specific owner.

Display Currency Conversion


Click the Display Currency link on the Owner Action List page.

Change the display currency and specify the effective date used for currency conversion and which exchange rate to use.

Customer Action


  • Click a customer ID link on the Owner Action List page.

  • Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Customer Information, Account Overview, Customer Action

Review a list of open actions for the customer and take action on the conditions.

Item Action


Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Item Information, View/Update Item Details, Detail 1

Click the Item Action link on the View/Update Item Details - Detail 1 page.

Review a list of open actions for an item and add actions for an item.



  • Click the URL in an email notification.

  • Click the link for a work item on your personal worklist.

  • Click an Action link on the Owner Action List page.

  • Click an Action link on the Item Action page.

Review and work a single action.

Letter Delivery


Click the Perform Action button on the Action page for a Dunning Letter, Follow-up Letter, or Statement action.

Enter the time to generate a dunning letter, statement, or follow-up letter, and override the default contact name to appear on the correspondence.

Future Actions


Click Future Actions link on the Customer Action page. The link is available only if the customer has active future actions.

Edit actions in an action plan for a customer that have not yet been moved to the customer action list. Cancel an action.

Action History


Click the Action History link on the Customer Action page.

Review a list of all actions for a customer, including completed actions and actions assigned to all users.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicWorking with Actions Received by Email

To work with actions received in an email notification:

  1. Open the email.

  2. Do one of the following:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicWorking with Actions on the PeopleSoft Worklist

To work with actions on your personal worklist:

  1. Click the PeopleSoft Worklist link.

  2. Click one of the worklist item links.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicWorking with Actions on the Owner Action List

Access the Owner Action List page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Actions, Owner Action List, Owner Action List.)

Searching for Actions

Enter the search criteria that defines which customers appear in the list.

SetID, Customer, Country, and State

Enter the setID, customer ID, country, and state, to restrict the list of customers. The system uses the primary bill to address for each customer to determine the county and state.

User ID

Change the ID to display customers with actions assigned to another user. The default user is the current user.


Enter the supervisor of an action owner. Select from a list of user IDs.


Enter the AR specialist assigned to the actions.

Display Currency

Click to open the Display Currency Conversion page, where you can change the display currency. You can use the customer's default currency or enter a specific currency. Also specify the date used to determine which exchange rate to use. This button is available only if you selected the Use an AR Display Currency option for the business unit.

Selecting the Display Option for the List

Highest Priority Per Customer

Select to display only the highest priority action for each customer. The default sort order is priority. Actions that you define on the Item Action page have the lowest priority.

Show All Actions

Select to display a list of all actions for each customer. The default sort order is customer and priority.

Reviewing and Working Actions

Action Status

Displays the status of an action. Values are:

New: No action has been taken.

Pending: You have looked at an action, but not completed it.


Click an action link to access the Action page, where you perform the action.


Click to access the Customer Action page, where you view a list of all actions for the customer and access the page used to perform the action.

Note. If you want to view actions for multiple customers, select the row for the customers whose actions you want to view on the Customer Action page.

Customer Balance

Displays the total open amount that the Condition Monitor calculates for the customer. Depending on your selection on the Installation Options - Receivables page, the amount includes unapplied payments and in process payments, and excludes disputed items.


Click to access the View/Update Item Details - Detail 1 page, where you view or update details for an item and access the item action list. An item ID appears only if the action is associated with an item condition, such as a deduction or an online action.

Item Balance

Displays the open amount for the item. This amount appears only if the action is associated with an item condition.

Past Due

Displays the total past due amount for the customer or item.

Due Date

Displays the date by which the action should be performed.

Action Owner

Displays the name of the individual assigned to perform the action.


Displays the name of the supervisor for the action owner.

AR Specialist

Displays the AR specialist assigned to the customer or item.

Date Added

Displays the date on which the Condition Monitor process added the action to the list.


Displays the priority number for the action from the action template. Override the priority if needed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicWorking with Actions on the Customer Action List

Access the Customer Action page. (Click a customer ID link on the Owner Action List page, or select Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Customer Information, Account Overview, Customer Action.)

Enter the search criteria that defines which customers' actions appear in the list.

Specify a setID, business unit (optional), customer ID, and subcustomer qualifiers. Leave the Unit field blank if you want to see items for a single customer across all business units.

Use the Level field to limit or expand the list to include actions for any customer group to which this customer belongs. Select C (corporate customer), P (correspondence customer), or R (remit from customer). The default value is N (none), indicating that no customer relationships are taken into account.

Click the Next Customer button to see the action plan for the next customer selected on the Owner Action List page.

Click the Previous Customer button to see the action plan for the previous customer selected on the Owner Action List page.

Action History

Click to access the Action History page, where you view a list of completed and cancelled actions for a customer. This link is available only if there are completed or cancelled actions.

Future Actions

Click to access the Future Actions page, where you view or update future actions in the current action plan. This link is available only if the Condition Monitor process generated an action plan for the customer with escalating actions over a period of time.


Action Status

Displays New as the default status. You can change the status to Pending or Cancel. The system changes the status to Complete.

Action Code

Click an action link to access the Action page, where you perform the action.

Monitor Role

Displays the customer relationship that was monitored for the action list item, such as Bill To Customer or Remit From Customer.

Due Date

Displays the date by which the action should be performed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicWorking with Actions on the Item Action List

Access the Item Action page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Item Information, View/Update Item Details, Detail 1, and Click the Item Action link on the View/Update Item Details - Detail 1 page.)

Action Status

Displays the status for the action. Values are:

New: Displays for new actions that the owner has not begun to work.

Pending: Displays for actions that the owner has reviewed on the Action page, but has not performed the action.

Cancel: Select to cancel the action. The system removes it from the list when you save the page.


Click the Description link for an action to access the Action page, where you perform the action.

See Also

Assigning Actions to Items

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPerforming an Action

Access the Action page. (Click the URL in an email notification, or click the link for a work item on your personal worklist, or click an Action link on the Owner Action List page, or click an Action link on the Item Action page.)

Perform Action

Click to perform the action.

Cancel Action

Click to remove the action from the action list.

Action Status

Displays the current status for the action: New or Pending. The system changes the status to Complete after you perform the action.

Date Added

Displays the date on which the action was added to the action list.

Days on List

Displays the number of days the action has been on the action list.

Item Balance

Displays the open amount for the item. This value appears for an item condition, such as deduction item and reflects the current balance

Past Amount Due

Displays the total amount past due for a customer. This value appears only for the Collection (COLL) condition and reflects the amount calculated by the Condition Monitor process.

Customer Balance

Displays the total open amount that the Condition Monitor calculates for the customer. Depending on your selection on the Installation Options - Receivables page, the amount includes unapplied payments and in process payments, and excludes disputed items.

History ID

Displays the history ID specified in the assessment rule for the Key Statistics Exceeded (KSTE) condition.

Entry Type and Entry Reason

Displays the entry type and reason specified in the assessment rule for the Entry Type/Reason (ETRC) condition. Items with this entry type and reason have reached a specified amount or number of days before or after the date that the Condition Monitor process ran.

Add A Conversation

Click to access the Conversations page, where you add new conversation entries for the customer.

View/Update Conversations

Click to access the Conversations page, where you view existing conversation entries for the customer.

Reassign Action

Click to access the Reassign Action page, where you change the action assignment.

Action Results

When you click the Perform Action button for a noncorrespondence action, a message appears. The result of the action varies, depending on your response to the message. If you are working on a correspondence action, such as DLTR, OLTR, or STMT, the Letter Delivery page opens where you specify information for processing the correspondence. The system generates the correspondence at the time that you specify on the Letter Delivery page.

This table lists the results of the noncorrespondence actions:


Action Result

Alert (ALRT)

The result depends on your response to the message.

Yes: Changes the action status to Complete.

No: Changes the status to Pending.

Call the customer (CALL)

You enter information into a current date conversation for the customer or add a new conversation.

After you enter the conversation information, a message appears. The result depends on your response to the message.

Yes: Changes the action status to Complete.

No: Changes the status to Pending.

Downgrade credit rating (DNGD)

Opens the General Information component (CUSTOMER_GENERAL) for the customer, where you access the Credit Profile page to change the customer's credit limit. When you save or exit the page, you respond to a message.

The result depends on your response to the message.

Yes: Changes the action status to Complete.

No: Changes the status to Pending.

Place a hold message on the customer (HOLD)

Inserts a record in the Customer Message table to put the customer on hold, and changes the action status to Complete.

Refer to collection agency (REFR)

Updates the collection status on the Credit Profile page for the customer using the status code that you specified as the action parameter.

Changes the action status to Complete.

Write-off balance

Opens the Worksheet Selection page where you build a worksheet to write-off the item on the Action page. Perform these steps:

  1. Enter the selection criteria and build the worksheet on the Worksheet Selection page.

    Use the same business unit, customer ID, and item ID that is displayed on the Action page.

  2. Select the item on the Worksheet Application page and select the entry type for write-offs.

  3. Select a posting action on the Worksheet Action page and click OK.

  4. Save the worksheet.

  5. Click the Transfer to Action Detail Page link to return to the Action page.

    The status for the action changes to Complete.

    Note. If you did not select an item with the same business unit, customer ID, and item ID as the item on the Action page or you did not write off the entire amount, the system displays a warning message that you did not complete the action. You can either return to the Action page and the status of the action changes to Pending, or you can return to the worksheet and make the appropriate correction to write off the item. Also, if you select Do Not Post, the action status changes to Pending. As long as you open the worksheet again and select a posting status prior to logging off the system, you can use the Transfer to Action Detail Page link from the Worksheet Action page to complete the action.

User-defined action

The result depends on your response to the message.

Yes: Changes the action status to Complete.

No: Changes the status to Pending.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Correspondence Parameters

Access the Letter Delivery page. (Click the Perform Action button on the Action page for a Dunning Letter, Follow-up Letter, or Statement action.)

Specify when to generate a dunning letter, statement, or follow-up letter.

Process Now

Depending on the action, accesses the appropriate run control page to initiate the Dunning Application Engine process (AR_DUNNING), Follow Up Letter Extract Application Engine process (AR_FOLLOWUP), or Statements process (AR_STMTS).

Process Later

Depending on the action, the system generates the correspondence for the customer the next time that you run either the Dunning process, Follow Up Letter Extract process, or Statements process. If you run the Condition Monitor process prior to running the correspondence process, it automatically calls the appropriate process to generate the correspondence.

The system changes the status to Complete when you click OK.


Contact ID

Override the number of the contact in your organization whose name you want to print on the correspondence. If you do not override the contact, statements and dunning letters use the contact assigned to the correspondence customer and follow-up letters use the contact assigned to the bill to customer.

See Also

Generating Correspondence

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging Future Actions

Access the Future Actions page. (Click Future Actions link on the Customer Action page. The link is available only if the customer has active future actions.)

Cancel Selected Actions

Changes the status of all selected actions in the list to Cancelled.

The actions remain in the Action grid, but you cannot edit them.


Displays the status for the action. The default status is New. You can change it to Cancelled if you want to remove the action from the collection process.

Descr (description)

Displays the description for the condition that the customer violated.

Action Date

Displays the date to move the action to the action list or to automatically perform the action.


Indicates whether the Condition Monitor process performs the action. Values are:

Automated: The Condition Monitor process automatically performs the action the next time that you run it on or after the action date.

Proposed: The Condition Monitor process transfers the action to the action list the next time that you run it on or after the action date.

Note. You cannot edit an action that has been moved to the action list.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Action History for a Customer

Access the Action History page. (Click the Action History link on the Customer Action page.)

Action Status

Displays the status. Values are:

Cancelled: An action owner canceled the action.

Complete: The action owner completed the action.

System Cancelled: The Condition Monitor process canceled the action because the customer is no longer violating the condition.

System Complete: The Condition Monitor process completed the action, such as generating correspondence.

Cancel Reason

Displays the reason the action was cancelled. Option are:

Credit Hold Exists: The customer was put on a credit hold.

Item Closed: The item associated with the action has a zero balance.

No Longer in Violation: The condition that generated the action no longer exists. For example, the customer made a large payment and they are no longer approaching the credit limit.

Operator Cancelled: The action was manually cancelled on the Action page or the Future Actions page.

Rule Owner Change: The Condition Monitor cancelled the action and created a new action, because the owner type in the collection or assessment rule that generated the action was changed.

Template Upgrade: The action was cancelled because the Condition Monitor upgraded the action to the next action on the action plan.


Displays the condition that the customer or item violated.

Condition Role

Indicates whether the Condition Monitor process was monitoring conditions for the bill to customer, corporate customer, correspondence customer, or remit from customer.


Displays the action to be performed.


Indicates whether the Condition Monitor process performs the action. Values are:

Automated: The Condition Monitor process automatically performs the action the next time that you run it on or after the action date.

Proposed: The Condition Monitor process transfers the action to the action list the next time that you run it on or after the action date.

Delivery Method

Displays the method used to deliver the correspondence for correspondence actions: Email, Fax, or Print.

Complete Date

Displays the date on which the action was completed.

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating Additional Workflow Notifications

This section provides an overview of additional workflow notifications, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to run the Workflow Notification process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Additional Workflow Notifications

You can generate items on individuals' worklists and send email notifications for these situations:

The Workflow Notification Application Engine process (AR_WORKFLOW) notifies the workflow user assigned to the customer.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Set up users for workflow notification.

See Also

Setting Up Workflow Notification for Action Owners

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Generate Additional Workflow Notifications

Page Name

Definition Name



Notification Run Control


Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Actions, Notification, Notification Run Control

Run the Workflow Notification process to notify workflow users of payment worksheets requiring review and new debits and credits.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Workflow Notification Application Engine Process

Access the Notification Run Control page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Actions, Notification, Notification Run Control.)

New Debit Credit Flag

Select to notify workflow users of new debits or credits created by the system when closing another item.

PP On Account Flag (Payment Predictor on account flag)

Select to notify workflow users when the Payment Predictor process created a new on-account item and generated a worksheet for the item.

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating Risk Scores

This section presents an overview of risk score processing and discusses how to run the risk scoring process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRisk Score Definitions

These definitions are

Scoring Element

Describes the type of scoring data used to make up a scoring rule. For example, balance due or DSO30.

Scoring Group

A group of related scoring elements, such as, system defined history or aging

Scoring Rule

A user-defined rule which can consist of one or more scoring elements used to compute a risk score for a customer or group of customers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Risk Scoring Process (RUN_AR_RISK)

The AR_RISK application engine program is used to compute the risk score for a customer or group of customers using the scoring rules that you set up in the Risk Scoring Rule component (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Credit/Collections, Risk Scoring Rule.) You should run the AR_RISK program as part of a nightly batch run after the ARUPDATE and AR_AGING processes have completed. The AR_RISK program relies on updated history and aging information to compute the most accurate risk score.

The customers are loaded by setID, customer group or specific customer, depending on your selections on the Compute Risk Scores run control page. The business units are loaded based on the customers that were loaded. The risk scoring rules are loaded in a hierarchical fashion, similar to assessment rules used by the Condition Monitor. The user also has the option to run the risk scoring process for only one rule by entering the override risk score id on the Compute Risk Scores run control page.

After all the customers and rules are loaded into temporary tables, the program processes each type of scoring group necessary based on the rules selected. Each section retrieves the relevant data to compute the score and stores the data in a temp table. Amounts are converted to the anchor currency defined on the risk scoring rule using the anchor date and rate type selected on the Compute Risk Scores run control page. Once all of the scoring groups are processed and the data is stored in temp tables, a risk score is computed for each scoring element by comparing the data to the range values defined on the risk scoring rule. The computation is risk score = (risk range value * (risk scoring weight / 100)). The individual element scores are summed for the overall customer score and the PS_CUST_CREDIT table is updated with the customer risk score.

Here is an example of how the hierarchical Risk Scoring program (AR_RISK)works:

You run the AR_RISK program using customer 1000.

The program:

These are examples of how the Risk Score process calculated risk scores for Customer A and Customer B.

Customer A

Scoring Group


Customer Metrics

Range Low

Range High

Range Value

Scoring Weight (%)


Weight * Value

System Defined History


(Average Days Late)













Aging Information

06 121+

(121+ days aging category)













Total Score:




Customer B

Scoring Group


Customer Metrics

Range Low

Range High

Range Value

Scoring (%)


Weight * Value

System Defined History


(Average Days Late













Aging Information

06 121+

(121+ days aging category













Total Score:



See Setting Up Risk Scoring Rules.

See Also

Understanding Conditions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding How Risk Scoring Elements Are Derived

This table describes how risk scoring element data is derived for use in the Risk Scoring process.

Risk Scoring Group

Risk Scoring Element


System Defined History

All History Elements

The Risk Scoring process selects the HIST_AMT or HIST_COUNT from CUST_HISTORY table for either the FY/Period based on the run date of the risk scoring process or the user-entered FY/Period, which is an option on the Run Risk Scoring Process page. The HIST_AMT is used when the System Defined History element is amount-based such as PAST_DUE. The HIST_COUNT is used when the element is days-based such as AVG_DAYS_LATE. NOTE: If the element is amount-based and more than one currency exists in the CUST_HISTORY table, the amount will be converted to the currency selected on the risk scoring rule.

You must run Aging or ARUPDATE and select the history options before the CUST_HISTORY table is populated with current FY/Period data. Aging updates some of the System Defined History elements and ARUPDATE updates some of the System Defined History elements.

See Reviewing System-Defined History IDs.

Once the process selects the HIST_AMT or HIST_COUNT, the selected value is summed by:








The process compares the summed amount to the risk ranges to determine the range value.

User Defined History

All User Defined History Elements

Same as System Defined History.



The Risk Scoring process selects the AGING_AMT from CUST_AGING table for the: BU, Customer, Aging ID and Aging Category.

  • Business Unit

  • Customer

  • Aging ID

  • Aging Category

NOTE: The aging elements are amount-based and will be converted to the currency selected on the risk score rule if more than one currency exists in the CUST_AGING table.

You should run Aging prior to Risk Scoring to ensure that the most current Aging data exists in the CUST_AGING table.

Once the Risk Scoring process selects the AGING_AMT, it is summed by SETID, RISK_SCORE_ID, CUST_ID, RISK_SCORE_GRP, RISK_SCORE_ELEMENT and AGING_ID.







The summed amount is compared to the risk ranges to determine the range value.


Large Amount Past Due Item

This risk scoring element refers to the item with the largest amount that is past due.

The Risk Scoring process selects all of the amounts from PS_ITEM that are less than or equal to the current date for open items (IT-01 only). Next, it selects the maximum amount and compares this amount to the risk ranges to determine the range value.

NOTE: The item amounts will be converted to the currency selected on the risk scoring rule if more than one currency exists in the PS_ITEM table.


Date of Oldest Item

This risk scoring element refers to the item with the highest number of days late and is over a specified minimum amount.

You enter the minimum threshold amount on the risk scoring rule. For example, the oldest item that has an amount greater than $1000 USD.

The Risk Scoring process selects the maximum days that an item is past due based on the due date in PS_ITEM for open items (IT-01 only) and the item balance is greater than or equal to the threshold amount entered on the risk scoring rule. The maximum days selected that meets the above criteria is compared to the risk ranges to determine the range value.

Customer Activity

Approaching Credit Limit Percent

This risk scoring element refers to the percentage of the customer balance that is approaching the credit limit.

NOTE: You must set up the customer credit information for the processing of this element to return any data.

This formula is used to calculate the percentage of the customer balance that is over the credit limit.


The risk scoring processes compares this percentage over credit limit to the risk ranges to determine the range value.

Customer Activity

Exceeded Credit Limit

This risk scoring element refers to whether the customer has exceeded their credit limit.

The Risk Scoring process selects the customer balance from PS_CUST_DATA and compares it to the credit limit from the CUST_CREDIT table.

NOTE: You must set up the customer credit information for the processing of this element to return any data.

This formula is used to determine if the customer has exceeded the credit limit:


If the customer exceeds the credit limit, the Risk Scoring process sets the scoring element value to Y (yes) and uses the range value for Y. If the customer does not exceed the credit limit, the Risk Scoring process sets the scoring element value to N (no) and uses the range value for N.

Customer Activity

Credit Hold

This risk scoring element refers to whether a customer is on credit hold.

If the customer exists in the view PS_AR_CUST_CRHD_VW then it is on credit hold and the Risk Scoring process sets the flag to Y (yes) and uses the range value for Y on the Risk Scoring Rule details page. If the customer does not exist in the view PS_AR_CUST_CRHD_VW, the Risk Scoring process sets the value to N (no) and uses the range value for N.

Customer Activity

Balance Due

This risk scoring element refers to the customer balance due.

The Risk Scoring process selects and sums the PS_CUST_DATA.BAL_AMT and compares that amount to the risk ranges that appear the Risk Range Detail page associated with the Risk Scoring Rule to determine the range value.

Customer Activity

Percent of Balance Past Due

This risk scoring element refers to the percentage of the customer balance that is past due.

The Risk Scoring process selects and sums the PS_ITEM.BAL_AMT_BASE field for open items where the due date is less than the current date. It divides the past due balance by the total customer balance to determine the percentage that is past due. It compares this percentage to the risk ranges that appear on the Risk Range Detail page associated with the Risk Scoring Rule to determine the range value.

Customer Table

All Elements

Select the risk scoring element from the PS_CUSTOMER table for the customers selected for risk scoring and compare that data against the risk ranges to determine the range value.

Customer D&B Table (customer Dunn and Bradstreet table)

All Elements

The Risk Scoring process selects the element from the PS_CUST_DB table for the customers selected for risk scoring and compares that data against the risk ranges to determine the range value.

NOTE: The PS_CUST_ID_NBRS.STD_ID_NUM record field was used to obtain the DB number for lookup on the CUST_DB table. The STD_ID_NUM_QUAL = 'DNS' field was used to determine which STD_ID_NUM to retrieve from the PS_CUST_ID_NBRS table.


Debt Ratio

The Risk Scoring process divides the total current liabilities by the total current assets based on this formula:



Asset Turnovers

The Risk Scoring process divides the sales by the total current assets based on this formula:



ROE (Return on Equity)

The Risk Scoring process divides the net income by the total current assets and subtracts the total current liabilities based on this formula:



Acid Test Ratio

The Risk Scoring process subtracts inventory from the total assets and divide by the total current liabilities based on this formula:


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Run the Risk Scoring Process

Page Name

Definition Name



Compute Risk Scores


Accounts Receivable, Receivables Analysis, Request Risk Scoring, Compute Risk Scores

Run the Risk Scoring Process (RUN_AR_RISK)

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Risk Scoring Process

Access the Compute Risk Scores page. (Accounts Receivable, Receivables Analysis, Request Risk Scoring, Compute Risk Scores)

Override Risk Score ID

Select a risk score id if you want to run the risk scoring process for only one risk scoring rule. If you select a value for this field, the risk score process will only process this selected rule and will override the risk score processing hierarchy that runs based on your selection of a SetID value and Customer Group or Customer ID.

Leave this field blank if you want to process all rules that apply based on the selection criteria.

Anchor Date

Select the date to apply to the currency conversion when processing this risk score. The currency is derived from the risk score rule.

This is a required field.

Anchor Rate Type

Select the rate type to apply to the currency conversion when processing this risk score.

This is a required field.

See Setting Up Risk Scoring Rules.

Date Option for History

Select one of these dates to use for retrieving history data:

  • Use Run Date

    Select this option to use the date this process is run for the history scoring elements in the process.

  • Specify Date

    Select this option to enable the Fiscal Year and Period fields, and enter the year and accounting period to use for the history scoring elements in this process.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Conversations and Promises

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review Conversations and Promises

Page Name

Definition Name





Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Conversations, View/Update Conversations, select the Conversations tab.

View and update existing conversations and promises in PeopleSoft Receivables.



Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Conversations, View/Update Conversations, select the References tab.

Review and add transaction references to the conversation.



Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Conversations, View/Update Conversations, select the Attachments tab.

Add attachments of files to the conversation.



  • Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Conversations, Update Contacts, Update Contacts page

  • Customers, Contact Information, Contact page

Enter and update contact information.

Conversations by Key Word


Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Conversations, Search by Key Word, Conversations by Key Word

Search for conversations based on key words identified on the Conversations page.

Follow-Up Action


Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Conversations, Follow-Up Action Needed, Follow-Up Action Needed page

Search for Conversations with incomplete follow-ups.

Conversation Review Needed


Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Conversations, Review Needed, Conversation Review Needed page

Search for regular conversations where a review was not completed on the review date.

Promise Date Review Needed


Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Conversations, Promise Date Review Needed, Promise Date Review Needed page

Search for promise date conversations where a review based on the promise date has not been completed.

Broken Promises Review Needed


Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Conversations, Broken Promises Review Needed, Broken Promises Review Needed page

Search for the promise date conversations for which the promise was broken.

Supervisor Review Needed


Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Conversations, Supervisor Review Needed, Supervisor Review Needed page

Search for regular and promise date conversations that have the Supervisor Review check box selected.

Promise Date Inquiry


Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Conversations, Promise Date Inquiry, Promise Date Inquiry page

Review promised date conversation information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing and Updating Conversations and Promises in PeopleSoft Receivables

Access the Conversations page. (Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Conversations, View/Update Conversations, select the Conversations tab.)

See Managing Conversations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Conversations with Incomplete Follow-ups

Access the Follow-up Action Needed Search page. (Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Conversations, Follow-Up Action Needed, Follow-Up Action Needed page)

Enter the search criteria to enable the system to search for regular conversations and promise date conversations that have incomplete follow-up actions. The user assigned to the action has not selected the Done check box on the Conversations page. The system lists these conversations in the search results. Click the appropriate conversation's link to open that Conversations page, perform the follow-up action required, and click the Done check box to indicate that this follow-up action has been completed.

See Entering and Reviewing Conversations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing, Adding or Updating Conversations with Follow-up Dates That Need Review

Access the Conversation Review Needed page. (Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Conversations, Follow-Up Action Needed, Conversation Review Needed page)

Enter the search criteria to enable the system to search for conversations in which the Done check box for the follow up action was not selected. A list of conversations where the follow-up action need to be reviewed displays. Click the conversation link that you want to review. The selected conversation appears on the Conversations page. You can review, add to, or update the fields on this conversations page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing or Modifying Promise Date Conversations

Access the Promise Date Review Needed page. (Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Conversations, Promise Date Review Needed, Promise Date Review Needed page)

Enter the search criteria to enable the system to search for and review promise conversations that have not been reviewed and marked as done. A list of promise date conversations that have promise dates need to be reviewed and possibly modified displays. Click the conversation link that you want to review. The selected promise date conversation appears on the Conversations page. You can review and modify the fields on this Conversations page as necessary.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Broken Promises

Access the Broken Promise Review Needed page. (Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Conversations, Broken Promise Review Needed, Broken Promise Review Needed page)

Enter the search criteria to enable the system to search for promise date conversations that have broken promises where a broken promise action is needed and the Done check box is not selected. A list of promise date conversations that have broken promises displays. Click the conversation link that you want to review. The selected promise date conversation appears on the Conversations page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing, Adding, or Changing Promises that Require Supervisor Review

Access the Supervisor Review Needed page. (Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Conversations, Supervisor Review Needed, Supervisor Review Needed page)

Enter the search criteria to enable the system to search for regular and promise date conversations in which the Supervisor Review check box has been selected. A list of conversations that have the Supervisor Review check box selected displays. Click the conversation link that you want to review. The selected conversation appears on the Conversations page. You can review and modify the conversation as necessary, as well as change the status of the supervisor's review.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSearching by Key Words

Access the Conversation by Key Work page. (Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Conversations, Search by Key Word, Conversations by Key Word)

Select a key word that applies to conversations that you want to review. You set up key words for conversations on the Conversations page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInquiring on Promise Date Conversations

Access the Promise Date Inquiry page. (Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Conversations, Promise Date Inquiry, Promise Date Inquiry page) or (Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Collection Workbench)

Search Promises

Select criteria in this group box to narrow your search for promise date conversation information.

Display Options

Show All

Click this option and click the Search button to display information based on the search criteria that you set up in the Search Promises group box for all promises.

These promise information columns appear on the grid:

  • Business Unit

  • Customer

  • Promise Date

  • Promise Status

  • Promised Amount

  • Currency

  • Override (Y/N)

  • Override Reason

  • Collector

  • Supervisor

Group by Customer

Click this option and click the Search button to display promise information based on the search criteria that you set up in the Search Promises group box.

These promise information columns appear on the grid:

  • Broken Promises

  • Broken Amount

  • Kept Promises

  • Kept Amount

  • Open Promises

  • Open Amount

  • Currency Code

Group by Business Unit

Click this option and click the Search button to display promise information based on the search criteria based on each business unit associated with a customer.

The same columns that are in the Group by Customer grid display grouped by business unit.

Group by Collector

Click this option and click the Search button to display promise information based on the search criteria based on the collector associated with each promise.

The same columns that are in the Group by Customer grid display grouped by collector.

Group by Supervisor

Click this option and click the Search button to display promise information based on the search criteria based on the supervisor who was selected to review each promise.

The same columns that are in the Group by Customer grid display grouped by supervisor.

Click to jump to parent topicObtaining Dun and Bradstreet Information for a Customer

You can arrange to order credit reports from Dun and Bradstreet and load them directly into PeopleSoft Receivables. Dun and Bradstreet bills you for each report that you order. The interface with Dun and Bradstreet enables you to purchase these reports:

Create a unique logon ID for the Dun and Bradstreet system for each setID, if needed, so that you can have separate billing accounts for the different areas of your organization. You set up the login IDs on the D & B Account Information page, which you access from the Installation Options - Overall page.

When you purchase a report for a specific DUNS number, you see the last time that you purchased a report for that DUNS number as well as which report you purchased.

Review each report for a specific DUNS number, using the Dun and Bradstreet component (CUSTOMER_DB). Associate the report with a customer on the Dun and Bradstreet - Operations page.

If you want to review a Dun and Bradstreet report for a customer, you can access the report from the Credit Profile page or the Additional General Info page for the customer or the Account Overview - Profile page.

See Also

Reviewing a Customer's Profile

Obtaining D&B Credit Reports