6 Completing Preconversion Tasks

This chapter contains the following topics:

6.1 Understanding the Preconversion Tasks

Before you run the base currency conversion, you must complete the preconversion tasks. The preconversion tasks consist of processing and updating all transactions and ensuring that the data contains as few errors as possible. Remember that the conversion programs convert records in all batches, regardless of their status. Posted batches, as well as batches in error and unposted batches, are converted. To ensure that you convert all of the records and batches that you need to convert, make sure that you complete the preconversion tasks.

Complete only those preconversion tasks that apply to the programs and systems that you use. For example, if you do not use localization programs, do not complete the preconversion tasks for Localization. Similarly, if you do not use bank statement processing, do not complete the two preconversion tasks for reconciliation.


The preconversion tasks are described in a checklist. The checklist has one check-off (√) column to indicate that the task is complete. Complete the preconversion tasks and all remaining tasks in this guide in the test environment first, correcting any data issues in both the test and production environments. Later, when you are satisfied with the results of the conversion in the test environment, complete all of the tasks again in the production environment and go live.

6.2 Verifying the CRCD and CRCX Currency Code Fields

Before running the base currency conversion, verify that the currency code values in the CRCD and CRCX fields of certain tables contain accurate values. This ensures that, when you convert the base currency, you convert all amounts and that the amounts that you convert are assigned an accurate currency code. The base currency conversion does not convert amounts without a currency code; that is, it does not convert amounts when the associated CRCD and CRCX fields are blank.

These tables contain CRCD and CRCX fields, as indicated:

Company Constants (F0010) Ã Field does not exist
Account Master (F0901) Ã Field does not exist
F0911 Ã Field does not exist
F0902 Ã Ã

6.2.1 Example of Currency Code Values for CRCD and CRCX Fields

Use this example to verify that the currency code fields in the tables contain accurate values.

This example is based on a Canadian company:

Base Currency Transactions Monetary Account Currency-Specific Ledgers (09/LT)
CAD EUR USD XA (detail) = USD
  GBP   AC (balance) = USD

6.2.2 F0010 Table

In this table, the CRCD field is called CCCRCD and contains the company currency code.

Company CCCRCD
Canadian CAD

6.2.3 F0901 Table

In this table, the CRCD field is called GMCRCD and is either blank, if the account is not a monetary account, or it contains a currency code, if the account is a monetary account:

Account GMCRCD
Nonmonetary Accounts Blank
Monetary Accounts USD

6.2.4 F0911 Table

In this table, the CRCD field is called GLCRCD and contains the transaction currency code for the actual amount (AA) and (foreign currency) CA ledgers:

Transaction Ledger GLCRCD












6.2.5 F0902 Table

In this table, the CRCD and CRCX fields are called GBCRCD and GBCRCX and contain currency codes based on the variables that are described in this list:

  • Simple Method

    For the simple method, the GBCRCX field contains the company currency code of the AA and CA ledgers.

    Transaction Ledger GBCRCD GBCRCX
    CAD, EUR, GBP, or JPY AA Blank CAD
    CAD, EUR, GBP, or JPY CA Blank CAD
    CAD, EUR, GBP, or JPY BA Blank CAD

  • Alternate Ledgers (09/LT)

    For alternate currency ledgers, the GBCRCX field contains the currency code that is assigned to the alternate ledger.

    Transaction Ledger GBCRCD GBCRCX
    CAD, EUR, GBP, or JPY AC Blank USD
    CAD, EUR, GBP, or JPY XA Blank USD

  • Monetary Accounts

    For monetary accounts, the GBCRCD field contains the currency code that is assigned to the monetary account in the F0901 table. The GBCRCX field contains the company currency code for the AA ledger and the monetary account currency code for the CA ledger.

    Transaction Ledger GBCRCD GBCRCX

  • Balance by Currency

    For balance by currency, the GBCRCD field contains the transaction currency code. The GBCRCX field contains the company currency code for the AA ledger and the transaction currency code for the CA ledger.

    Transaction Ledger GBCRCD GBCRCX
    EUR AA






    GBP AA






    JPY AA






6.3 Completing the Financial Management Preconversion Checklist

These checklists describe the tasks that you must perform for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financial Management systems before you run the base currency conversion.

This section discusses how to:

  • Complete the Accounts Receivable preconversion checklist.

  • Complete the Accounts Payable preconversion checklist.

  • Complete the General Accounting preconversion checklist.

  • Complete the reports preconversion checklist.

  • Complete the localization preconversion checklist.

  • Complete the Fixed Assets and Job Cost preconversion checklist.

6.3.1 Completing the Accounts Receivable Preconversion Checklist

This checklist discusses the preconversion tasks that apply to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable system:

Preconversion Task Description Complete
Determine whether to run multiple versions of the conversion programs for accounts receivable.

See Running Multiple Versions of the Accounts Receivable Conversion Programs.

Convert the accounts receivable records to the new base currency. To reduce the processing time, you can run multiple versions of the conversion programs for accounts receivable from different workstations.  
Process all automatic debit and draft transactions for accounts receivable. Process all open batches of automatic debits and drafts through to completion.  
Process all batch invoices. Upload all batch invoices to create records in the Batch Invoices table (F03B11Z1), and then process them to create transactions in the F03B11 table.  
Complete all receipt processing. Process all receipts through to completion.  
Convert customer currency codes.

See "Converting Customer Master Currency Codes" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Multicurrency Processing Implementation Guide .

Complete this task before or after the base currency conversion.

The conversion programs do not convert the customer currency code (CRCD) or the address book amount currency code (CRCA) in the Customer Master by Line of Business table (F03012). To change the currency codes for multiple customers, you must run a separate conversion program that is not part of the base currency conversion.

Review a list of recurring invoices. Print a Recurring Invoice Report (R03B305) and review the open recurring invoices. The conversion program converts recurring invoices. If you do not want to convert the recurring invoices, delete them and enter new ones after the conversion.  
(Optional) Close the fiscal period for a company. Run the Update A/R from Address Book program (R03B802) to update amounts in the F03012 table, based on the address book amount currency code (CRCA).

The conversion programs do not convert these amounts.

Calculate realized gains and losses on currency transactions. Complete this task before or after the conversion. The conversion programs do not affect the date and order in which you calculate gains and losses on transactions.  
Post all accounts receivable transactions to the general ledger. Ensure that you post transactions from other systems, such as Sales Order Management, to Accounts Receivable before you post accounts receivable transactions to the general ledger. Run any update programs.

Run all active batches through to completion and verify the posting edit reports.


6.3.2 Completing the Accounts Payable Preconversion Checklist

This checklist discusses the preconversion tasks that apply to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable system:

Preconversion Task Description Complete
Process all draft transactions. Process all open batches of accounts payable drafts through to completion.  
Process all batch vouchers. Upload all batch vouchers to create records in the Voucher Transactions - Batch Upload table (F0411Z1), and then process them to create transactions in the F0411 table.  
Complete all payment processing. Process all payments through to completion. Make sure no active payment groups or workfiles exist. The F04571, F04572, and F04573 tables should not contain any transactions.  
Convert supplier currency codes.

See "Converting Supplier Master Currency Codes" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Multicurrency Processing Implementation Guide.

Complete this task before or after the conversion.

The conversion programs do not convert the Supplier Currency Code (CRCD) or the Address Book Amount Currency Code (CRCA) in the Supplier Master table (F0401). To change the currency codes for multiple suppliers, you must run a separate conversion program that is not part of the base currency conversion.

Review a list of recurring vouchers. Print a Recurring Voucher Report (R04305) and review the open recurring vouchers. If you do not want to convert the recurring vouchers, delete them and enter new ones after the conversion.  
(Optional) Close the fiscal period for a company. Run the Update YTD Voucher Amount program (R04820A) to update amounts in the F0401 table, based on the Address Book Amount Currency Code (CRCA).

The conversion programs do not convert these amounts.

Calculate realized gains and losses on currency transactions. Complete this task before or after the conversion. The base currency conversion programs do not affect the date and order in which you calculate gains and losses.  
Post all accounts payable transactions to the general ledger. Post transactions from other systems, such as Procurement, to Accounts Payable before you post accounts payable transactions to the general ledger.

Run all active batches through to completion and verify the posting edit reports.


6.3.3 Completing the General Accounting Preconversion Checklist

This checklist discusses the preconversion tasks that apply to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system:

Preconversion Task Description Complete
Determine whether to run multiple versions of the Convert F0911 Base Currency program (R890911E).

See Running Multiple Versions of the F0911 Conversion Program.

Run the Convert F0911 Base Currency program. To reduce the processing time when converting the records from the F0911 table, you can run multiple versions of this program from different workstations.  
Verify that currency codes in the CRCD and CRCX fields exist in certain tables and that they are accurate.

See Verifying the CRCD and CRCX Currency Code Fields.

The base currency conversion does not convert amounts without a currency code, that is, it does not convert amounts when the associated CRCD and CRCX fields are blank.  
Process all batch journal entries. Upload all journal entry batch transactions to create records in the F0911Z1 table, and then process them to create transactions in the F0911 table.  
Reconcile all bank statements. Complete bank statement processing and reconciliations for all companies that you are going to convert to a new base currency.  
Delete the WF - Account Ledger Reconciliation workfile (F0911R). The base currency conversion does not convert records in the F0911R workfile. Delete the workfile before the conversion so that you do not inadvertently try to reconcile unconverted records after the conversion.

After the conversion, regenerate the workfile so that the records are based on the new base currency amounts.

Review a list of the model journal entries. Review a list of the model journal entries and determine whether you need to manually change them after the conversion. The base currency conversion does not convert model journal entry amounts in the F0911 table.

Run a query or batch program over the F0911 table for journal entries with a posted code M (model). Review the list and, after the conversion, revise the model journal entries, as needed.

(Optional) Enter budget amounts in the current base currency for the upcoming year. Complete this task if you want the base currency conversion programs to convert the budget amounts in the BA ledger to the new base currency. The conversion programs convert budget amounts in the BA ledger only.

The conversion programs do not convert amounts in currency-specific ledgers. If you do not want to convert the budget amounts, create a new ledger type (such as BX), assign a currency code to the ledger, and enter the budget amounts. The amounts do not convert as long as the ledger type has a currency code assigned to it.

(Optional) Run allocations. Complete allocations for the current period or year, depending on when you run the base currency conversion.  
Review a list of the allocations. Review a list of the recurring journal entries for the allocations and determine whether you want to manually change fixed amounts after the base currency conversion. The conversion does not convert amounts in the Cost Allocations/Flex Budgeting table (F0912).

Run a query or batch program over the F0912 table for journal entries with a batch type of D. Review the list and, after the conversion, revise the recurring journal entries for the allocations, as needed.

Run the annual close. Complete this task only if you run the base currency conversion at the end of a fiscal year.

You should run the annual close before you run the base currency conversion. The advantages to doing this include:

  • The data that the company converts is likely to contain fewer errors because most companies ensure that all accounts are reconciled and balanced as part of their year-end procedures. By running the annual close before you run the conversion, you should have fewer integrity issues after the conversion.

  • You can provide the auditors with year-end reports in one currency instead of two currencies.

Complete fiscal date pattern steps. Complete this task only if you change a company's fiscal date pattern before running the base currency conversion.

Make sure that you complete all steps for changing a company's fiscal date pattern before you run the conversion programs. The steps include running the repost, annual close, and all integrity reports.

(Optional) If XA and AC ledgers are not used, retain amounts in the domestic currency. If you want to retain amounts in the existing base currency of the company, restate the domestic currency ledger to a currency-specific ledger before you run the conversion. The amounts do not convert because amounts in currency-specific ledgers, such as XA and AC, are not converted.

For example, suppose that a Canadian company wants to be able to review their original balances in the Canadian dollar (CAD) after they run the conversion to convert to the Japanese yen (JPY). To do this, the company restates the AA ledger to the AC ledger before the conversion. The original domestic balances (CAD) reside in the AC ledger and, after the conversion, the JPY balances reside in the AA ledger.

You should run balance currency restatement instead of detailed restatement to retain the domestic currency amounts. If you run detailed restatement, be aware that the size of the F0911 table increases significantly. This might create serious performance and disk space problems during the base currency conversion.

Set up currency relationships for the new base currency.

See "Setting Up Currency Codes" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Multicurrency Processing Implementation Guide .

See "Setting Up Exchange Rates" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Multicurrency Processing Implementation Guide .

Verify that you have set up this information before you run the base currency conversion:
  • Currency code for the new base currency.

  • Exchange rates and currency relationships between the currencies that you are converting from and the new base currency that you are converting to.

Set up exchange rates for previous years. If the company plans to convert transactions that are dated in a previous year, set up exchange rates for the currency relationships with an appropriate effective date.

For example, a Canadian company that wants to convert historical data for year 2010 to their new base currency (JPY) must set up a CAD to JPY exchange rate with an effective date of January 1, 2010. The effective date must include the general ledger date of the oldest transaction.

Verify an option in General Accounting Constants. If the company does not create multicurrency intercompany transactions, make sure that the Allow MultiCurrency Intercompany Transaction option in the General Accounting Constants program (P0000) is not selected. The conversion takes longer to process when the option is selected.  
Compile a list of batches posted out of balance.

See Running Preconversion Integrity Reports.

Run the Batch to Detail report (R007031) and compile a list of accounts receivable, accounts payable, and general ledger batches that were intentionally posted out-of-balance. Use this list to compare the results after the conversion.

The Batch to Detail report indicates batches in which the Post Out of Balance option and the Include Batch on Integrity option are set to Y.

Post all journal entry transactions to the general ledger.

See Completing the Final Post Preconversion Checklist.

Run all active batches through to completion and verify the posting edit reports.  
Run all financial reports. Consult the auditors to find out which financial reports are required and then run the reports.  

6.3.4 Completing the Reports Preconversion Checklist

This checklist discusses the preconversion reports that you need to run:

Preconversion Task Description Complete
Run JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Enterprise Report Writer reports. Run JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Enterprise Report Writer reports for all companies that you are going to convert to the new base currency. Use these reports to compare preconversion amounts to postconversion results.  

6.3.5 Completing the Localization Preconversion Checklist

This checklist discusses the preconversion tasks that you must perform if you are using localized versions of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne systems:

Preconversion Task Description Complete
Post all transactions to the general ledger. Run all active batches through to completion and verify the posting edit reports.  
Determine whether countries require Intrastat tax reports in the existing base currency or the new base currency. If required, create Intrastat tax reports in the current base currency if it is the end of the calendar year and you are converting to a new base currency as of a new calendar year.

Run the Intrastat Generation - Sales (R0018I1) and Intrastat Generation - Procurement (R0018I2) reports to update the Intrastat Revision table (F0018T) before you create the reports. These programs are located on the EU Intrastat Processing menu (G00211).

After the conversion, you can create Intrastat tax reports in the previous currency using the As If Currency processing options for the Intrastat Generation - Sales and Intrastat Generation - Procurement reports.


6.3.6 Completing Fixed Assets and Job Cost Preconversion Checklists

This checklist discusses the preconversion tasks that apply to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Fixed Assets and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Job Cost:

Preconversion Task Description Complete
(Optional) Run the annual close. If you run the annual close, also run the depreciation schedule over the assets for the year.  
Post all transactions to the general ledger. Run all active batches through to completion and verify the posting edit reports.  

6.4 Completing the Distribution Preconversion Checklist

This checklist discusses the tasks that you must perform for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Distribution systems before you run the base currency conversion:

Preconversion Task Description Complete
Process all open and pending inbound and outbound electronic data interchange (EDI) transactions. Complete this task to reduce the number of inbound records in the EDI tables and help improve processing time and performance during the base currency conversion.  
Process billing for Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Container Management system. Run end-of-day processing for the Container Rental Billing (R41186) and Container Deposit/Refund Billing (R41187) programs.  
Identify orders that have items for which the unit of measure (UOM) conversion has changed. If you change the UOM conversion factor for items on sales or purchase orders, you get unexpected results when you run the base currency conversion. The results of the conversion are based on the new (changed) UOM factor, not the original factor. The conversion does not support UOM changes, as described in this example:

A sales order for a stock item has a UOM conversion of 12 EA = 1 BX, a pricing UOM of BX, and a transaction UOM of EA. The conversion factor for the item is 12 to 1. You later change the UOM conversion to 5 EA = 1 BX, which changes the conversion factor to 5 to 1. The sales order is in the domestic currency only. Using this example, the following occurs during the base currency conversion:

  • The original domestic order becomes a foreign order with an EA to BX conversion factor of 5 to 1 and a foreign value of 12 to 1.

  • For the new domestic order, the quantity is converted based on the transaction UOM of EA. The extended price is converted using the current conversion factor of 5 to 1 (not the original factor of 12 to 1) to derive the new domestic value.

As this example illustrates, the base currency conversion does not support UOM changes. To convert orders that have items in which the UOM has changed, identify the purchase or sales order and change the UOM conversion for an item back to its original value before running the base currency conversion.

Post all transactions to the general ledger. Run all active batches through to completion and verify the posting edit reports.  

6.5 Completing the Manufacturing Preconversion Checklist

This checklist discusses the tasks that you must perform for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Manufacturing systems before you run the base currency conversion:

Preconversion Task Description Complete
Locate and revise items with missing values. Run the Costing Exceptions program (R30801).

This program generates a report that lists the values that are missing for an item, such as an item without a routing or cost component. Revise any items that appear on the report.

Compile a list of UDC fields that contain amounts. If you have UDC fields that contain amounts, compile a list of the fields and tables in which they reside. After the conversion, you must manually update the amounts in these fields.  
Locate and correct price variances. Run the Work in Process (R31802A) and Completions (R31802) programs.

The Work in Process program locates any open work orders with price variances.

The Completions program locates any completed work orders with price variances.

In final mode, both of these programs create journal entries for work order transactions and update the F3102 table.

Locate and correct manufacturing variances. Before you complete this task, run the Work in Process and Completions programs in final mode (previous task).

Run the Variances program (R31804). In final mode, this program creates journal entries for manufacturing variances.

Note: Run this program only one time for the same set of transactions; otherwise, the program creates duplicate journal entries.

Decide whether to convert x-rule records in the Assembly Inclusion Rules table (F3293) table.

See Ordered and Additional Conversion Tables.

Review the x-rule records in the F3293 table. The cost (CST1) and price (UPRC) fields for x-rule records can contain a monetary amount or factor (nonmonetary) value. For records with a factor value, the price field is multiplied by the result from the derived calculation in the DERC field.

Determine whether most of the x-rule records contain a monetary amount or factor value, and then use these guidelines to decide whether to convert the F3293 table to the new base currency:

  • If most of the x-rule records contain monetary amounts, consider converting the F3293 table and then manually changing any records with factor values.

  • If most of the x-rule records contain factor values, consider not converting the F3293 table because it would convert the factor values to the new base currency, which would not be the desired result. In this situation, you must manually convert all F3293 records.

To convert the F3293 table, you run a postconversion program called Assembly Inclusion Conversion (R893293EB).

Process all open work orders. Process all open work orders and complete all shop floor activities.

The base currency conversion converts amounts in the Work Order Routing (F3112), Work Order Time Transactions (F31122), and F3102 tables, but it does not convert open work orders. If it did, a work order would have labor and material costs in two different currencies after the conversion. The labor costs would be in the new base currency, whereas the material costs would remain in the previous currency. Therefore, you must process all work orders to avoid inconsistencies in the F3102 table.

Locate work orders with blank values in the Business Unit field. Create and run a report or query over the Work Order Master File (F4801) to locate work orders that have business units equal to blank. To correct the work orders, enter a value for each work order in the Business Unit field on the Work Order Revisions form.

The base currency conversion does not convert work orders that have blank values in the Business Unit field.

Post all transactions to the general ledger. Run all active batches through to completion and verify the posting edit reports.  

6.6 Completing the Final Post Preconversion Checklist

This checklist discusses the posting task that you need to complete before you run the base currency conversion:

Preconversion Task Description Complete
Post the general ledger. Ensure that you have processed and posted transactions in all other JD Edwards EnterpriseOne systems before you complete this task.

Run the Post General Journal program (R09801). This program updates the F0911 and F0902 tables. You must run this program before you review and correct preconversion integrity reports.