6 Setting Up Vessels

This chapter contains the following topics:

6.1 Setting Up Tanks

This section provides an overview of tanks, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

  • Set processing options for Tank Master (P31B08).

  • Create a tank.

6.1.1 Understanding Tanks

Tanks are vessels that are used for storing, fermenting, and aging bulk material. Operations can be transacted against a tank. For example, blend facility staff often use the contents of tanks to top off barrels when bulk material has evaporated. Other examples of operations that involve a tank are blending two blend lots together, moving bulk material from one tank to another, adding a concentrate to a tank, and topping off a tank.

When you create a tank, you enter information such as:

  • The tank identifier.

  • The facility to which the tank belongs.

  • Tank availability information.

  • Construction information (material that the tank is made from, its shape, and so on).

    Construction information is optional for the tank setup.

  • Measurement information (the gauge type that is used to measure the tank's contents, and so on).

  • Temperature information, such as minimum and maximum temperatures for heating and cooling.

6.1.2 Prerequisites

Before using this program, you must set up:

  • User-defined code (UDC) tables 31B/FM, 31B/SV, 31B/VS, 31B/HS, 31B/TP, 31B/TT, 31B/TV, 31B/FC, 31B/MC, 31B/TG, 31B/TC, 31B/CR, 31B/TH, and 31B/HM.

  • Branch/plant locations.

  • Dip charts.

6.1.3 Forms Used to Set Up Tanks

Form Name Form ID Navigation Usage
View Tanks W31B08A Blend Facility Setup (G31B02), Tank Master View existing tanks.
Edit Tanks W31B08C Click the Add button on the View Tanks form. Create tanks.

6.1.4 Setting Processing Options for Tank Master (P31B08)

Processing options enable you to specify default settings for programs and reports. Defaults

Set these processing options for default tank settings.

1. Default User Specific Winery

Specify whether to use a facility based on user ID. Values are:

0 or Blank: Do not supply the default facility.

1: Supply the default facility.

2. Tank Status

Specify whether to clear the Date and Comment fields when a tank is recommissioned. Values are:

0 or Blank: Do not clear the fields.

1: Clear the fields.

3. Optional Tank Attributes Clear

Specify whether to clear tank attribute values during a commit. Values are:

0 or Blank: Do not clear the values.

1: Clear the values.

6.1.5 Creating a Tank

Access the Edit Tanks form.

Figure 6-1 Edit Tanks form: Attributes tab

Description of Figure 6-1 follows
Description of "Figure 6-1 Edit Tanks form: Attributes tab" Attributes

Select the Attributes tab.

Tank Number

Enter a code that uniquely identifies a tank within the facility.

If you set up a tank as moveable, the tank number must be unique across different wineries. If you try to copy a tank to a different facility without changing the number, the system will issue an error.

Tank Name

Enter a name that uniquely identifies a single tank within the facility. If you set up a tank as moveable, the tank name must be unique across different wineries.

Tank Description

Enter a description that further describes the tank.


Enter the associated asset number of the tank. The system uses this field if you set up the tank as an asset in the Asset Master table (F1201).


Enter the branch location where the tank is stored. You set up locations in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system.

Piping Bank

Enter a value that identifies the piping bank to which the tank is connected.

Tank Status

Select a status from UDC 31B/SV that specifies the status of the tank. Values are:




Not in Branch

Out of Commission

Waiting for Receipt

If you select Decommissioned or Out of Commission, save the record that you are adding and then access the Edit Tank form again to enter more information. The system activates the Date Out field to enable you to indicate when the tank was decommissioned.

The system disables the Date Out and Date In fields for all other tank status selections.

Date Out

Enter a date that indicates when a tank was taken out of commission.

Date In

Enter a date that indicates when a tank is expected to return to service for use within the facility.

Volume Status

Select a volume status from UDC 31B/VS that specifies the fill status of the tank. A tank might be full, partially full, or empty, or you might not know the fill status.

Hygiene Status

Select a hygiene status from UDC 31B/HS that specifies the hygiene status of a tank. Values are:






Select a value from UDC 31B/TP to indicate whether the tank is fixed or moveable. Operations can change the location of moveable tanks only.

If you change the placement of a tank from fixed to moveable, the system issues a warning that other tanks with the same number could exist in the system and would be considered to be the same tank.


Select a material from UDC 31B/FM that specifies the material to be used in constructing a tank. Values are:


Coated Mild Steel


Stainless Steel

Food Grade Plastic


Tank Type

Select a tank type from UDC 31B/TT that specifies the tank's storage purpose.


Select a value from UDC 31B/TV that indicates the shape of the tank.


Select a value from UDC 31B/FC that indicates the type of floor upon which the tank was constructed. Floors could be flat or sloped at different angles.


Select a value from UDC 31B/MC that indicates whether a tank was calibrated and, if so, the type of calibration that was performed. For example, a tank might be calibrated according to the standards of the tank manufacturer.

Gauge Type

Select a gauge type that indicates what type of dip to use for the tank. This field is required. Values are:


Dry Dip

Wet Dip

These values are stored in UDC table 31B/TG.


If you set a tank master record with a gauge type of Both, you must enter fill heights as though you were setting up the tank with a gauge type of Dry Dip. This information enables you to use both dry and wet dip charts in operations.

Dip Chart Code

Enter a value that identifies the dip chart upon which to record measurement information. A dip chart code is required for tanks that will be used to contain liquid volume.

White Fermentation

Enter a value, expressed in the volume unit of measure that you defined in the Winery Constants program (P31B13). This value indicates the maximum fill capacity of the tank for white fermentation. The system uses this field in combination with the Fermentation Flag field to determine whether the fermentation capacity of the tank has been exceeded.This field is required.


Enter a value, expressed in the volume unit of measure that you defined in the Winery Constants program (P31B13). This value indicates the maximum fill capacity of the tank for storage. The system uses this field in combination with the Fermentation Flag field to determine whether the storage capacity of the tank has been exceeded. This field is required.

Reference Point Description

Enter a description that explains to the operator where to locate the measurement reference point for a tank.

Reference Point Height

Enter a value, expressed in the dimension unit of measure that you defined in the Winery Constants program (P31B13). This value indicates the measurement reference height of the tank. This field is required in order to perform wet or dry dips on a tank.

Red Fermentation

Enter a value, expressed in the weight unit of measure that you defined in the Winery Constants program (P31B13). This value indicates the maximum fill capacity of the tank for red fermentation. This field is required. Options and Cost

Select the Options and Cost tab.

Figure 6-2 Edit Tanks form: Options and Cost tab

Description of Figure 6-2 follows
Description of "Figure 6-2 Edit Tanks form: Options and Cost tab"

Fermenter Tank

Select to indicate that the purpose of the tank is fermentation.

Spirit Approved

Select to indicate that the tank is approved by the appropriate authorities for storage of spirits.

Racking Valve

Select to indicate that a tank has a racking valve for tank access.


Select to indicate that the tank is approved by the appropriate authorities for storage of spirits.

Fixed Agitator

Select to indicate that the tank is approved by the appropriate authorities for storage of spirits.


Select to indicate that the tank is approved by the appropriate authorities for storage of spirits.


Select to indicate that the tank is approved by the appropriate authorities for storage of spirits.

Pressure Level

Enter a value, expressed in the unit of measure that is defined in the Winery Constants program (P31B13), that indicates the pressure level of the tank.

Tank Pumping

Enter a value that indicates the type of pump that is associated with the tank.

Temperature Control

Select to indicate that a tank is equipped with a temperature control system for either heating or cooling of the tank.

Cooling System

Select to indicate that a tank is equipped with a temperature control system used for cooling.


Enter a UDC (31B/TC) that specifies the system to be used for cooling or heating of tank contents. Values are:


Plant intelligence system



Enter a UDC (31B/CR) that specifies the type of refrigerant to be used in the cooling temperature control system. Values are:


Dimple Jacket

Glycol Jacket

Heating System

Select to indicate that a tank is equipped with a temperature control system used for heating.


Enter a UDC (31B/HM) that specifies the medium to be used in the tank heating control system. Values are:


Heat exchanger



Enter a value to indicate the number of degrees (temperature) in the range that a tank cooling or heating system can achieve.

Plank Tank

Select to indicate that a tank contains planks (wooden inserts).


Enter a number that indicates the number of wooden planks that were used to construct the tank.


Select a forest from which the wood was harvested for the plank tank. Available values are stored in the Forest UDC table (F31B/FO).


Enter a valid address book number that represents the cooper of the plank tank.


Select the country where the tank originated. Available values are stored in the Country Codes UDC table (00/CN).


Enter a number that identifies the plank vendor in the Address Book.

Cost Group

For costing purposes, assign a cost group to the tank. You set up cost groups in the Cost Group Setup program (P31B21), where you assign a unit cost to each tank.

Dip Chart

Click to review details for the dip chart that you associated with the tank.

Tank Styles

Click to access the Edit Style Assignments form. On this form, you can select styles from a list of existing style definitions and assign them to the tank.

Winery Constants

Click to access the Edit Winery Constants form to review and revise constants for the facility where the tank is located.

6.2 Creating Dip Charts

This section provides an overview of dip charts, lists a prerequisite, and discusses how to create a dip chart.

6.2.1 Understanding Dip Charts

Dip charts are tools for calculating the liquid volume within tanks. At various times, blend facility staff records a height measurement, which the dip chart converts into volume.

Wet dips are taken by measuring the height from the bottom of the tank to the top of the liquid within the tank. Dry dips are taken by measuring the height from the top of the tank (the reference height) to the top of the liquid. The dip chart is capable of converting either wet or dry dips into volume.

Dip charts typically contain measurement information about multiple tanks. For example, for an individual tank, you might record volume for every 1/8th inch or centimeter in the tank, a single volume for the full height, or many dip-to-volume pairs.

The system ensures that after you create a dip chart and assign the dip chart to a tank, you cannot assign additional dip charts to that same tank. You can assign a dip chart to multiple tanks, but each tank can have only one dip chart assigned.

You must set up dip charts before you can set up tanks because the dip chart code is required for the tank setup.

6.2.2 Prerequisite

Set up UDC 31B/TG.

6.2.3 Forms Used to Create a Dip Chart

Form Name Form ID Navigation Usage
View Tank Dip Chart Information W31B15B Blend Facility Setup (G31B02), Set Up Tank Dips Review existing dip charts.
Edit Dip Chart Information W31B15A Specify the facility to which the dip chart applies, and click the Add button on the View Tank Dip Chart Information form. Create dip charts.

6.2.4 Creating a Dip Chart

Access the Edit Dip Chart Information form.

Figure 6-3 Edit Dip Chart Information form

Description of Figure 6-3 follows
Description of "Figure 6-3 Edit Dip Chart Information form" Dip Chart Header

Dip Chart Code

Enter a name that uniquely identifies the dip chart. This name can be assigned to one or more tanks.


Select a status. Only Active dip charts can be assigned to tanks.

Gauge Type

Select the type of gauge with which a tank is equipped. Values are:

  • Dry dip

  • Wet dip

Tank Dip Minimum

Displays the minimum value that was entered in the dip chart details grid. You cannot edit this field. This value is expressed in terms of the dip chart unit of measure.

Tank Dip Maximum

Displays the maximum value that was entered in the dip chart details grid. You cannot edit this field. This value is expressed in terms of the dip chart unit of measure. Dip Chart Details

Dip Height

Enter one or more incremental measurements in the dip chart details grid. Each measurement that is entered represents a significant change in the cylindrical properties of the tank, which results in a change to the height-to-volume conversion. You enter these measurements in the facility unit of measure. If the facility uses the metric system, enter one value (for example, meters). If the facility uses the U.S./Imperial system, enter up to three quantities (feet, inches, sixteenths).


Enter the respective volume for the dip height. This value is expressed in terms of the facility volume unit of measure.

Dip Chart VPI (dip chart volume per increment)

Displays the calculated volume per increment (VPI) for each height and volume pairing that is entered. The system uses this value to perform height-to-volume conversions for the tank. You cannot modify this value.


Click to delete detail records for dip charts that you no longer need or that you entered in error. When you assign a dip chart to a tank, you can no longer delete it.


Click to insert additional height-to-volume increments between existing records. When you assign a dip chart to a tank, you can no longer revise the dip chart.

6.3 Defining Barrel and Container Types and Capacities

This section provides an overview of barrel and container types and capacities, lists a prerequisite, and discusses how to define barrel and container types and capacities.

6.3.1 Understanding Barrel and Container Types and Capacities

For barrels and containers, you must define types for categorization. For each barrel or container type, you define a specific capacity. You store barrel and container types in the Barrel Type UDC table (31B/BT). You differentiate containers from barrels by adding a special handling code of 1 to each container type that you set up. The Special Handling field for barrels in the UDC table remains blank.

When you set up barrel and container types, you also define the total and fermentation capacity for the barrel or container. If you do not specify a fermentation capacity, the system uses the total capacity as the default value. The values that are specified in this program are used to estimate volume for virtual barrel tanks (VBT) or virtual container tanks (VCT).

You must set up a barrel type and capacity definition for the default VBT type that you define for the blend facility in the winery constants.

6.3.2 Prerequisite

Set up UDCs 31B/UM and 31B/BT.

6.3.3 Forms Used to Define Barrel and Container Types and Capacities

Form Name Form ID Navigation Usage
View Container Type and Capacity W31B032A Blend System Setup (G31B01), Setup Barrel Types & Capacity Review previously defined barrel or container types and capacities.
Edit Container Types Capacity W31B032C Click the Add button on the View Container Type and Capacity form. Define the capacities for the different barrel and container types that you use.

6.3.4 Defining Barrel and Container Types and Capacities

Access the Edit Container Types Capacity form.

Figure 6-4 Edit Container Types Capacity form

Description of Figure 6-4 follows
Description of "Figure 6-4 Edit Container Types Capacity form"

Container Type

Select a value from the Barrel Type UDC table (31B/BT) that identifies a particular type or class of barrel or container. Barrel types include:

AOK: American Oak

AOM: American Oak Metric

BDX: Bordeaux

BOR: Bourbon

BUR: Burgundian

CHT: French Chateau

ORE: American Oregon

TRN: Transport

Container types include:

BIN: Bins.

BTL: Bottles Liter.

BTT: Bottles.

DRL: Drum Liter.

DRM: Drum.

LYR: Layer.

LT: Pallet.

RCK: Rack.

Container Total Capacity

Enter a value that stores the total capacity of a barrel or container.

Ferment Capacity

Enter a value that stores the total fermentation capacity of a barrel or container. This value is typically lower than the total capacity to allow for volume changes during fermentation.

UOM (unit of measure)

Enter the volume unit of measure for the capacity measurements. Select a volume unit of measure from the Unit of Measure UDC table (31B/UM).

Container or Barrel Type

Displays a value that indicates whether you are defining capacity for a barrel or container. Values are:




6.4 Setting Up Barrel Profiles

This section provides an overview of barrel profiles, lists a prerequisite, and discusses how to:

  • Set processing options for Barrel Profiles (P31B031).

  • Set up barrel profiles.

6.4.1 Understanding Barrel Profiles

Barrel profiles are templates that you can use to predefine some information about a group of barrels. For example, you can specify a cost group for the barrels, attributes such as barrel class, toast level, and forest, and usage information such as the number of fills.

Using the barrel profile is optional, but it can be an efficient tool if you have a large number of barrels to set up. When you create barrels using the Barrel Master program (P31B03), you define the barrel profile when you set up the barrel master record. When you generate the desired number of barrels, the system associates the barrel profile with every barrel you generate.

You can also use the barrel profile for purchasing a large number of barrels with similar characteristics. Based on the processing option setting, the system generates an item master and an item branch record after you have created the barrel profile. The barrel profile code becomes the item number. Using the item number generated through the barrel profile, you can purchase and receive the desired number of barrels.

6.4.2 Prerequisite

Set up UDC 31B/CL.

6.4.3 Forms Used to Set Up Barrel Profiles

Form Name Form ID Navigation Usage
View Barrel Profiles W31B031A Blend Facility Setup (G31B02), Setup Barrel Profile Review previously defined barrel profiles.
Edit Barrel Profiles W31B031B Click the Add or Copy button on the View Barrel Profiles form. Set up barrel profiles.

6.4.4 Setting Processing Options for Barrel Profiles (P31B031)

These processing options control default processing for the Barrel Profiles program. Create Item

These processing options specify item master and default facility information.

1. Create Item Master Record after Barrel Profile is created

Blank: The system does not create an item master record.

1: The system creates an item master record.

2. Default Winery associated with User ID

Blank: The system does not supply a default facility name.

1: The system supplies a default facility name.

3. Item Master Version

Enter the version that you want the system to use to create an item master record. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the default version, ZJDE0001.

6.4.5 Setting Up Barrel Profiles

Access the Edit Barrel Profiles form.

Select the Construction tab.

Figure 6-5 Edit Barrel Profiles form: Construction tab

Description of Figure 6-5 follows
Description of "Figure 6-5 Edit Barrel Profiles form: Construction tab"

Profile Status

Displays the default status Active when the profile is created. Only active profiles can be used to create barrels.

Barrel Type

Select a value to identify barrel profiles. Values include:

French Burgundian




Select a barrel type variation, for example Heavy, Light, or Medium.


Enter a number indicating the address book number of the supplier of a tank, barrel, or other equipment.

Profile Code and Description

Enter a unique name and a description for the barrel profile. Costing

Select the Costing tab.

Cost Group

Enter a barrel cost group that the system uses when you create barrels using this barrel profile.

6.5 Creating Barrels

This section provides an overview of barrel creation, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

  • Set processing options for Barrel Master (P31B03).

  • Create a barrel.

6.5.1 Understanding Barrel Creation

Use the Barrel Master program (P31B03) to add and revise existing barrels and their attributes, one barrel at a time.

The system can automatically generate barrel style definitions when new barrels are created.

The Barrel Master program tracks the details and attributes of individual barrels if each barrel is numbered. If you do not number each barrel, you cannot track the history and other specific information about a barrel, but you can track barrels with similar attributes that have been grouped together.

The barrel number consists of three segments. The first segment is a user-defined value, the second shows the year, and the third value is user-defined if you create barrels using the Barrel Master program. If you purchase barrels based on the barrel profile, the third segment is not available for user input. An example of a barrel number is ZIN/2004/1028.

Several of the values in the fields on the Barrel Master form are supplied from barrel types and barrel profiles.

Use the Receipt Quantity field to create multiple new master records at one time for barrels with the same attributes. For example, if you enter 5 in the Receipt Quantity field for barrel number PNOIR-2004-0420, the system creates identical master records for barrels PNOIR-2004-0420 through PNOIR-2004-0425.

Many of the fields on the Usage tab are maintenance-related and are updated through the operations.

If you purchase and receive barrels into the system, the barrel master record also displays the purchase receipt information for the barrel.

6.5.2 Prerequisites

Before using this program, set up:

  • User-defined code (UDC) tables 31B/CB, 31B/VS, 31B/BS, 31B/LS, 31B/LT, 31B/CL, 31B/TL, 31B/CN, 31B/OL, 31B/CU, and 31B/NU.

  • Next numbers for vessel ID and barrel ID.

  • Barrel capacities, barrel profiles, and branch/plant locations.

  • Address Book records for suppliers and owners.

6.5.3 Forms Used to Create Barrels

Form Name Formed Navigation Usage
View Barrel Master W31B03C Blend Facility Setup (G31B02), Setup Barrels Review previously generated barrel records.
Edit Barrel Master W31B03B Click the Add button on the View Barrel Master form. Create barrels.

Maintain barrel master records.

6.5.4 Setting Processing Options for Barrel Master (P31B03)

These processing options control default processing for the Barrel Master program. Versions

This processing option controls which versions the system uses for programs called by the Barrel Master program.

Generate Barrel Style Definition

Specify the version for the Generate Barrel Style Definition program (R31B34). If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses version XJDE0001. ERP PO

This processing option controls whether to use purchase order information from enterprise resource planning (ERP).

Using Purchase Order Information from ERP

Specify whether to use purchase order information from ERP. Values are:

Blank: The system does not use ERP.

1: The system uses ERP.

6.5.5 Creating a Barrel

Access the Edit Barrel Master form.

Figure 6-6 Edit Barrel Master form (1 of 2)

Description of Figure 6-6 follows
Description of "Figure 6-6 Edit Barrel Master form (1 of 2)"

Figure 6-7 Edit Barrel Master form (2 of 2)

Description of Figure 6-7 follows
Description of "Figure 6-7 Edit Barrel Master form (2 of 2)"

Configured Barrel Number

Enter a string that uniquely identifies an individual barrel. You can enter values for segment 1 and segment 3. Segment 2 automatically displays the current year.

The system validates the values that the user enters and displays an error if duplicate barrel numbers exist. For a range of barrels, the system displays an error even if only one barrel in the range is a duplicate. The Barrel Segment Master table (F31B033) stores the three barrel number segments.

If you change the barrel separator information in the blend system constants, the system cannot check for duplicate numbers. If multiple users attempt to add the same barrel number at the same time, the system cannot set an error.


You can enter segment 3 information only if you create barrels using the Barrel Master program. When you purchase barrels based on the barrel profile definition, the system uses next numbers for the third segment.

Barrel Description

Enter text that further describes the barrel.

Avail. Code (available code)

Select a status for the barrel. Only active barrels can be assigned to VBTs.

Commission Date

Enter the date that the barrel was commissioned.

Shave By

Specify which facility staff member performed a barrel shave operation.

Shave Date

Enter the date that the barrel was shaved.

Date Out Service

Enter the date that the barrel was placed out of service.


Enter the location where the barrel is stored. You must set up branch/plant locations in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system.

Rack Number

Enter the name of the rack where the barrel is stored. This is a user-defined text field.

Barrel Color Status

Select a color status inside a barrel. Values might be:






Barrel Volume Status

Select a volume status of a barrel. Values might be:





Barrel New/Used

Select a status of the barrel. Values might be:




Barrel Age

Enter the current age of the barrel, expressed in years.

Leased Y/N (leased yes or no)

Select Yes to indicate that the barrel is leased. Select No to indicate that the barrel is not leased.

Barrel Owner

Enter an address book number that represents the owner of the barrel.


Enter an address book number that represents the owning company of the barrel.

Lease Date

Enter the date that the barrel was leased.

Lease Term

Enter the length of time that the barrel is leased, expressed in months.

Doc Ref# (document reference number)

Enter a third-party document number that describes the lease terms.

Total Capacity, Ferment Capacity, and Barrel UOM (barrel unit of measure)

These fields display capacity information that you set up for the barrel type.

Barrel PO (barrel purchase order)

Displays the number of the purchase order for the barrel.

Blend Supplier

Displays address book number of the barrel supplier. You can also enter this value.

Original Quantity

Displays the number of barrels originally ordered.

Receipt Quantity

If you use the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement system to purchase barrels, this field displays the number of barrels actually received.

If you use the Barrel Master program to generate barrels, enter the number of barrels that you want to create.

Year Received

Displays information from the related purchase order (if you are using the procurement system).

Asset Number

Displays an asset number if you defined the barrels as assets.

Profile Code

Displays the barrel profile code that you used to generate an item master record and purchase barrels. Barrel Profile

Select the Barrel Profile tab.

Figure 6-8 Edit Barrel Master form: Barrel Profile tab (1 of 2)

Description of Figure 6-8 follows
Description of "Figure 6-8 Edit Barrel Master form: Barrel Profile tab (1 of 2)"

Figure 6-9 Edit Barrel Master form: Barrel Profile tab (2 of 2)

Description of Figure 6-9 follows
Description of "Figure 6-9 Edit Barrel Master form: Barrel Profile tab (2 of 2)"

Cost Group

Select a cost group for the barrel.


Select to indicate that the barrel contains inserts (for example, wood planks).


Enter the number of inserts within the barrel.

Insert Supplier

Enter a valid address book number that represents the vendor who supplied the inserts.


Select a cooper from the available list. These values are stored in the Cooper UDC table (31B/CP).

Barrel Class

Select a barrel classification. Values might include:





Toast Level

Select a toast level for the barrel. Values might include:




Head Toast

Select to indicate that the barrel is head toasted.


Select a forest from which the wood was harvested for the barrel. Available values are stored in the Forest UDC table (F31B/FO).


Select a country where the barrel originated. Available values are stored in the Country Codes UDC table (00/CN).


Select a locality of a barrel. Values might include:




Number Fills

Enter a number. Over the usable life of a barrel, this value represents the cumulative number of times that a barrel has been filled.

Operations can be configured to update this value automatically.

Current Use

Select the current use of a barrel. Values might include:




Operations can be configured to update this value automatically.

Next Use

Select the next use of a barrel. Values might include:




Operations can be configured to update this value automatically.

First Use

Enter or select the date that the barrel was first used.

Operations can be configured to update this value automatically.

Date Treated

Enter or select the date that the barrel was last treated.

Operations can be configured to update this value automatically.

Method Treated

Select the latest method that was used to treat the barrel. Values might include:



Saltwater rinse

Operations can be configured to update this value automatically.

Last Sulfur

Enter or select the date that the barrel was last treated using sulfur.

Operations can be configured to update this value automatically.

6.6 Setting Up Barrel Style Definitions

This section provides an overview of barrel style definition, lists a prerequisite, and discusses how to set up a barrel style definition.

6.6.1 Understanding Barrel Style Definition

Before you receive or create barrels, use the Barrel Style Definition program (P31B343) to define barrel styles that will be assigned based on barrel attributes such as UDC 31B/BA. For example, you can set up one definition for new barrels and one definition for used barrels. This program enables you to add, revise, delete, or search barrel style definitions. You can specify up to three attributes for each style definition. The system will use the definition to automatically generate styles when barrels are received or created. You can set up multiple style definitions for one definition ID. When you add a new definition, a new definition ID is generated based on next numbers.

If you change key values, for example, barrel attributes 1 through 3, the original definition is deleted and replaced by the modified definition.

For existing definitions, the Definition ID and Data Type fields cannot be modified. For new definitions, you must enter a value in the Date Type and Barrel Attribute 1 fields.

6.6.2 Prerequisite

Before you use this program, set up UDCs 31B/B, 31B/DT, 31B/WM, 31B/BM, 31B/BH, and 31B/VM.

6.6.3 Form Used to Set Up a Barrel Style Definition

Form Name Form ID Navigation Usage
Edit Barrel Style Definition Information W31B343A Blend System Setup (G31B01), Setup Barrel Style Definition

Select the Add New Definition option.

Set up a barrel style definition.

6.6.4 Setting Up a Barrel Style Definition

Access the Edit Barrel Style Definition Information form.

Figure 6-10 Edit Barrel Style Definition Information form

Description of Figure 6-10 follows
Description of "Figure 6-10 Edit Barrel Style Definition Information form"

Style Prefix

Enter a two-character value that the system uses to generate concatenated identifiers for barrel style definitions. The suffix is added to the beginning of the concatenation to make the record unique.

Barrel Attributes (1 - 3)

Select an attribute from UDC 31B/BA to identify specific characteristics of style. For example, Forest and Toast Level are barrel attributes, and the combination of forest and toast level can describe specific barrel style characteristics.

If barrel attribute 1 or 2 is Cooper Number, barrel attribute 3 is disabled.

You must enter a value in the Barrel Attribute 1 field.

Style Suffix

Enter a one-character value that the system uses to generate concatenated identifiers for barrel style definitions. The suffix is appended to the end of the concatenation to make the record unique.

Data Type

Select a value from UDC 31B/DT that specifies data type. Values are:

Counter Day: Track longer time periods, for example, the time spent in a particular type of barrel.

Counter Event: Track the number of times an action has been performed, for example, the number of times the bulk material in a barrel has been stirred.

Timer Day: Track the days that have elapsed between the on event and the off event in days.

Date: Track style definition by date.

Percent: Track the percentage of the style.

Counter Hour: Track how many hours a lot has been in a vessel or an operation. This counter is best used for styles that are associated with lengthy operations.

Timer Hour: Track the number of hours between the on event and the off event. This value is used for events that start with one operation and end with another.


You must enter a value in this field. This value cannot be changed for an existing record.


Enter a value that is associated with the data type. If the data type is Percent, the default value is 100. For Percent, the value cannot be greater than 100. All other data types have a default value of 1.

Wine Effect Modifier

Select a value from UDC 31B/WM that specifies the wine effect modifier. This value controls how the style value of an existing blend lot style is affected when a vessel or piece of equipment is encountered or an operation is performed. Values might include:

Additive: Adds the new calculated value to the current style value of the blend lot. This value is applicable only to counters and timers.

Maximum: Changes the style value for the blend lot if the new calculated value is higher than the current value on the blend lot. This value is not applicable to Counter Event.

Minimum: Changes the style value for the blend lot if the new calculated value is lower than the current value on the blend lot. This value is not applicable to Counter Event.

Override: Always change the style value for the blend lot. This value is not applicable to Counter Event.

Average: Calculation is based on weight average. This value is not applicable to counters and timers.

Instructable Y/N (instructable yes or no)

Enter Y to specify that the value is instructable in the operations. You must enter a value in this field.

Blending Method

Select a value from UDC 31B/BM that specifies the blending method. Use this value to set the rules for how the style values are calculated when two or more lots with existing style items and style values are blended. Values might include:

Additive: The resulting lot has the sum of the values of the contributing lots that meet or exceed the threshold percent.

Maximum: The resulting lot has the maximum value of the contributing lots that meet or exceed the threshold percent.

Minimum: The resulting lot has the minimum value of the contributing lots that meet or exceed the threshold percent.

Style Cat Code 01 and Style Cat Code 02 (style category codes 1 and 2)

Select values from the style category code UDC table (31B/T1 and T2) to support classification of the barrel style definitions that you create. You can use these style category codes for summary.

Handling Code

Select a value from UDC 31B/BH that specifies handling codes. Use this value to specify the method of treatment during blend calculation if the style item and style value do not exist on one of the lots being blended. Values are:

Do Not Calculate: Do not calculate a value.

Ignore Blank Values: This lot should be excluded just as in the minimum threshold.

Treat Blank Values as Zero: If any of the blended lots has a blank value, treat the value as if it were zero.

Threshold Value Percent

Enter the minimum percentage of the resulting lot that a contributing lot must be before its style is contributed.

The percentage value cannot be greater than 100.

VBT Summ Method (virtual barrel tank summary method)

Select a value from UDC 31B/VM that specifies summary methods for VBTs. Use this value to calculate the VBT style to assign to the lot instead of the styles of every single barrel within the VBT. The value that you specify for this field is recorded in the F31B34 table. Values are:

  • Maximum: Use the maximum style value of any one barrel.

  • Minimum: Use the minimum style value of any one barrel.

  • Weighted Average: Use the weighted average of the style values for every barrel within the VBT.

VBT Summ Handling Code (virtual barrel tank summary handling code)

Select a value from UDC 31B/BH that specifies handling codes. Use this value to specify the method of treatment during blend calculation if the style item and style value do not exist on one of the lots being blended. Values are:

  • Do Not Calculate: Do not calculate a value.

  • Ignore Blank Values: This lot should be excluded just as in the minimum threshold.

  • Treat Blank Values as Zero: If any of the blended lots has a blank value, treat the value as if it were zero.

VBT Summ Threshold % (virtual barrel tank summary threshold percentage)

Enter the minimum percentage of the resulting VBT that contributing barrels must be before their style is contributed. The percentage value cannot be greater than 100. The value that you specify for this field is recorded in the F31B34 table.

Modify Definition

Select to revise an existing definition.

6.7 Generating Barrel Style Definitions

This section provides an overview of generating barrel style definitions, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

  • Set processing options for Generate Barrel Style Definition (R31B34).

  • Generate a barrel style definition.

6.7.1 Understanding Generating Barrel Style Definitions

After you set up barrel style definitions, run the Generate Barrel Style Definition program (R31B34) to automatically assign styles to barrel master records.


This program generates style definition records (F31B34) for selected barrels based on the parameters from the barrel style definition ID.

This batch program assigns values in a concatenated view, for example, 61AMOHV/2004/9583. The field separator (/) is specified in the winery constants. You can generate barrel style definitions independently of the Barrel Master program, that is, either before or after barrels are received. If you run this program at the time of barrel receipt when adding barrels to the Barrel Master table, only the barrel numbers that are supplied in the Barrel Master are affected. If you run this program independently of the Barrel Master program, use data selection to specify the barrel number, business unit, and other necessary data.

You should set up a different version for each barrel style definition. You will need to specify the R31B34 version in the processing options for Barrel Master (P31B03).

6.7.2 Prerequisites

Before you run use this program, set up:

  • Barrel attribute UDC values (31B/BA).

  • Barrel style definitions (P31B343).

  • Barrel master records (P31B03).

  • Style definitions (P31B34).

  • Delimiters for barrels in the blend constants.

6.7.3 Setting Processing Options for Generate Barrel Style Definition (R31B34)

These processing options control default processing for the Generate Barrel Style Definition program. Process

These processing options control the data to process for this program.

Status Code

Specify the default status code for the new style combinations in the F31B341 table when a new style is created. Values are:

A: Active

I: Inactive

Barrel Definition ID

Specify the definition ID that you set up in the Barrel Style Definition Setup program (P31B343). This value is used to generate a barrel style definition.

Auto Assign Style Attribute

Specify whether the system automatically assigns the new style to the barrel when generating a style attribute definition. Values are:

Blank: Automatically assign a new style when a new style attribute definition is generated.

1: Do not automatically assign a new style.

6.7.4 Generating a Barrel Style Definition

Select Blend Facility Setup (G31B02), Generate Barrel Style.

6.8 Assigning Styles to Vessels

This section provides an overview of style assignments, lists a prerequisite, and discusses how to assign styles to vessels.

6.8.1 Understanding Style Assignments

Use the Style Assignment program (P31B342) to assign style definitions to tanks, barrels, and equipment.

When you select a record on the Edit Style Assignments form, the styles that are assigned to that record appear in the Style Assignments area of the form. You can delete or edit existing style assignments. You can edit only the style value. To add more styles, click the Assign Style button to view all available styles. Click the Apply button in the Style Definitions area of the form after you select the styles that you want to assign. When you click Apply, the style assignments are recorded in the Style Assignment table (F31B342). The selected styles are now assigned to the selected tank, barrel, or equipment and reflected on the Style Assignment form.

If you assign a style that has a parent style, the system automatically assigns the parent style to the tank, barrel, or piece of equipment as well.

6.8.2 Prerequisite

Set up style definitions.

See Setting Up Style Definitions.

6.8.3 Form Used to Assign Styles to Vessels

Form Name Form ID Navigation Usage
Edit Style Assignments W31B342A Blend Facility Setup (G31B02), Style Assignment Assign styles to vessels.

6.8.4 Assigning Styles to Vessels

Access the Edit Style Assignments form. Tank

Select the Tank tab.

Figure 6-11 Edit Style Assignments form: Tank tab

Description of Figure 6-11 follows
Description of "Figure 6-11 Edit Style Assignments form: Tank tab"

The system displays the available tanks.

Assign Style

Select the tank, barrel, or piece of equipment to which you want to assign styles. Click this button to view the Style Definitions area. Barrel

Select the Barrel tab.

Figure 6-12 Edit Style Assignments form: Barrel tab

Description of Figure 6-12 follows
Description of "Figure 6-12 Edit Style Assignments form: Barrel tab"

The system displays the available barrels Equipment

Select the Equipment tab.

Figure 6-13 Edit Style Assignments form: Equipment tab

Description of Figure 6-13 follows
Description of "Figure 6-13 Edit Style Assignments form: Equipment tab"

The system displays the available pieces of equipment. Style Definitions

Click the Assign Style button.

Figure 6-14 Edit Style Assignments form: Style Definitions area

Description of Figure 6-14 follows
Description of "Figure 6-14 Edit Style Assignments form: Style Definitions area"

Style Type

Select a value from UDC 31B/TY that specifies the type of style being used.


Select the styles that you want to assign and click this button to assign the styles to the selected vessel or piece of equipment.

If the style that you are assigning has the parent style, the system automatically assigns the parent style to the vessel or piece of equipment as well.


Click to clear the existing selection and select different styles to assign. Style Assignments

Select the Tank, Barrel, or Equipment tab.

Figure 6-15 Edit Style Definition form: Equipment tab: Style Assignments area

Description of Figure 6-15 follows
Description of "Figure 6-15 Edit Style Definition form: Equipment tab: Style Assignments area"

This area of the form displays the style assignments for tanks, barrels, and equipment. You can review assignments here and, if appropriate, save or delete individual style assignments.

6.9 Performing Mass Barrel Updates

This section provides an overview of mass barrel updates and discusses how to:

  • Set processing options for Mass Barrel Update (P31B110).

  • Set up mass barrel updates.

  • Set processing options for Mass Barrel Update (R31B110).

  • Perform a mass barrel update.

6.9.1 Understanding Mass Barrel Updates

Use the Mass Barrel Update program to update barrel attributes and statuses of barrels.

You can use the batch process to dispose of empty barrels by changing the barrel's status to Culled and moving it to a specific location.

Additionally, the batch process can be used to ship and receive empty barrels. You can set up an update profile to change the branch and status of barrels to simulate a transfer. The branch of the barrel is updated to the receiving facility, and its status is changed to Active. The system copies the barrel attributes and styles from the shipping facility to the receiving facility.

When you run the mass barrel update, the system deletes the existing barrel style assignments and creates new assignments. It does not delete the barrel style definitions from the Barrel Style Definition table (F31B343).

If you update barrels from a closed operation, this update does not affect the lot style.

To determine the barrels to be included in this update, you can use all the fields in the Barrel Master table for data selection.

You can print a report that states the number of barrels that were selected and the number of barrels that were updated. If a barrel was selected but could not be updated, the barrel name is printed. If a barrel is selected but is being used in a VBT, it is automatically taken out of the selection and no changes are made to it.

6.9.2 Form Used to Set Up Mass Barrel Updates

Form Name Form ID Navigation Usage
Edit Update Barrel Attributes W31B110B Blend Facility Setup (G31B02), Setup Mass Barrel Update Template

Click the Add button on the Search for Update Barrel Attributes form.

Set up a mass barrel update.

6.9.3 Setting Processing Options for Mass Barrel Update (P31B110)

These processing options control default processing for the Mass Barrel Update program. Versions

This processing option controls the version that the system uses when calling other programs from the Mass Barrel Update program.


Enter the version of the Mass Barrel Update batch program (R31B110) that you want the system to use. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the default version XJDE0001.

6.9.4 Setting Up Mass Barrel Updates

Access the Edit Update Barrel Attributes form.

Figure 6-16 Edit Update Barrel Attributes form: Barrel Attributes 1 tab

Description of Figure 6-16 follows
Description of "Figure 6-16 Edit Update Barrel Attributes form: Barrel Attributes 1 tab"

On each Barrel Attribute tab, select the barrel attribute that you want to update and then select or enter the desired value in the corresponding field.

Availability Code

Select a value indicating the availability status of a barrel. Values might include:



In repair

Color Status

Select a value from UDC 31B/CB to specify the color status of the barrel. Values might include:





Enter general comments. The system does not verify this information. You can enter any alphanumeric string.

Adj Reason (adjustment reason)

Select a value from UDC 31B/RC to specify the reason that a barrel adjustment or change was made. Values might include:

New receipt


Gain or loss


Select the condition of the barrel, for example, New, Used, or Reconditioned.


Select the type or class of barrel. Values might include:



Australian Oak


Select a variation of a particular barrel type. Values include:





Enter a number corresponding to the address book number for the owner of a barrel.

Volume Status

Select a fill status of a barrel. Values might include:





Origin Country

Select a country from UDC 00/CN for the country of origin.

Date First Use

Enter the date when a barrel was first used.

Date Last Sulfur

Enter the date when SO2 (sulfur dioxide) treatment was last performed on a barrel.

Date Last Treatment

Enter the date when the last treatment operation was performed on a barrel.

Date Out Service

Enter the date when a barrel was taken out of service.


Select a value from the Forest UDC table (31B/FO) to specify the forest that was the source of the wood for the barrel. Barrel Attributes 2

Click the Barrel Attributes 2 tab.

Figure 6-17 Edit Update Barrel Attributes form: Barrel Attributes 2 tab

Description of Figure 6-17 follows
Description of "Figure 6-17 Edit Update Barrel Attributes form: Barrel Attributes 2 tab"

Insert Flag

Specify whether a barrel or other vessel contains an insert.

Lease Company Name and Lease Company

Enter the name and address book number of the leasing company for the barrel.

Lease Doc Number (lease document number)

Enter a number that references the document number associated with the lease contract.

Lease Date

Enter the date that a lease contract was entered into.

Lease Term

Enter a value indicating the number of months in the term of a barrel lease.


Enter the location of the barrels.


Enter the facility where the barrels are located.

Last Treatment Method

Select the most recent treatment method that was applied to a barrel. Values might include:




No. of Fills (number of fills)

Enter the cumulative number of times that a barrel has been filled.

Next Use

Select the intended next use of a particular barrel. Values might include:




Previous Owner

Enter the address book number of the previous owner of a vessel.

Rack Number

Enter a unique string that identifies a particular barrel storage rack.


Enter the age of the barrel. Barrel Attributes 3

Click the Barrel Attributes 3 tab.

Figure 6-18 Edit Update Barrel Attributes form: Barrel Attributes 3 tab

Description of Figure 6-18 follows
Description of "Figure 6-18 Edit Update Barrel Attributes form: Barrel Attributes 3 tab"

Category Codes 1-5

Select a code from UDC 31B/R1-5 to specify category code information.

Shave Date

Enter the date that a barrel shave operation was completed.

Toast Level

Select the toast level for the barrel interior.

Cost Group

Enter an alphanumeric code that identifies a set of one or more rates that is associated with a blend operation. Individual rates are summarized by cost component. Cost groups can be assigned to material, vessels, equipment, staff, dry goods, overhead, or expenses.

Ferment Capacity

Displays the total fermentation capacity of a barrel.

Barrel Total Capacity

Displays the total capacity of a barrel.

Barrel Capacity UOM (barrel capacity unit of measure)

Displays the unit of measure (typically volume) that is associated with the total barrel capacity.

Update Barrels

Click to launch the Mass Barrel Update batch program (R31B110) after you define the barrel attributes that you want to update. The system uses the version of the batch program that you specified in the processing option.

6.9.5 Setting Processing Options for Mass Barrel Update (R31B110)

These processing options control default processing for the Mass Barrel Update batch program. Process

This processing option controls the update definition that the system uses for updating barrels in batch.

Update ID

Enter the ID of the update definition that you want to use to update barrels. The system uses this value when you run the mass barrel update from the menu.

If you run the mass barrel update from the Mass Barrel Update program (P31B110), the system disregards this value. Versions

This processing option controls the version that the system uses when calling other programs from the Mass Barrel Update batch program.

1. Generate Barrel Style Definition (R31B34)

Enter the version of the Generate Barrel Style Definition program (R31B34) that the system uses when performing a mass barrel update. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses version XJDE0001.

6.9.6 Performing a Mass Barrel Update

Select Blend Facility Setup (G31B02), Mass Barrel Update.

6.10 Setting Up Containers

This section provides an overview of containers, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to set up container master records.

6.10.1 Understanding Containers

Containers are a type of vessel that are used for sparkling operations. They are used in the system as virtual vessels in the same way as VBTs, describing a collection of containers. They do not represent a separate vessel class. Examples of container types are:

  • Layer

  • Pallet

  • Bin

  • Rack

  • Bottles


In contrast to barrels, you cannot assign styles or profiles to a container.

When you set a container master record, you define the container based on a container type and capacity that you set up previously. You can define the size of the container based on user-defined smaller container units. For example you can specify that one bin contains a certain number of bottles.

For operation, you can use containers in three different ways:

  • As individual containers with a quantity of one to enable individual tracking of containers.

  • As single containers representing a collection to enable a higher level of tracking.

    For example, you can set up a container with a capacity of 12 bottles. If you specify two containers in the operations, you actually use 24 bottles, but you track the collection at the container level.

  • As single containers representing a collection but with the capability of listing each lower-level container by a reference serial number.

    For example, a layer might include four pallets, and you enter each pallet with a separate reference serial number.

The system provides four base operations that use containers, but you can also use containers for some other operations that are set up to allow overriding the vessel class.

6.10.2 Prerequisites

To set up containers, you must:

  • Set up container types in the Barrel Type UDC table (31B/BT).

  • Set up container capacities for each container type.

  • Set up units of measure for defining container capacity in the Container Master program.

6.10.3 Form Used to Set Up Containers

Form Name Form ID Navigation Usage
Edit Container Master W31B130B Blend Facility Setup (G31B02), Setup Container Master

Click the Add button on the View Container Master form.

Set up container master records.

6.10.4 Setting Up Container Master Records

Access the Edit Container Master form.

Figure 6-19 Edit Container Master form

Description of Figure 6-19 follows
Description of "Figure 6-19 Edit Container Master form"

Container Name and Container Description

Specify a name and description for the container that you are creating.

Container Type

Select the type of container that you want to create from the Barrel Type UDC table. Examples of container types are rack, pallet, and bin.

Container Capacity

Enter the capacity of the container in user-defined terms. For example, you can specify that a container of type PLT (pallet) contains a specified number of bottles.


Displays the total capacity for the container type that you set up previously.

Container Category Code 1–5

Use category codes to classify the container.