2 Setting Up the Job Cost System

This chapter contains the following topics:

2.1 Understanding Job Cost Setup Requirements

Before you use JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Job Cost, you should define information that will customize the system to your business needs. The system uses the information that you define to work with the jobs. This table lists the setup tasks associated with each feature:

Feature Setup Task
Job Cost constants Set up Job Cost constants to determine whether the system:
  • Calculates projected final costs and unit quantities.

  • Maintains an audit trail of changes to projected final cost and unit quantities.

  • Maintains an audit trail of changes to budget information that relates to methods of computation A and R.

  • Automatically relieves open commitments when you post accounts payable vouchers to the Account Ledger table (F0911) using JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement or JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Subcontract Management.

AAIs Set up AAIs to define the integration between JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Job Cost and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting.

Release 9.1 Update

Set up revenue performance obligation (RPO) AAIs to define the integration between JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Job Cost and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting when working with revenue performance obligations.
Next numbers Use next numbers to assign numbers to items that must have unique numbers, such as draw reports. The Next Numbers program (P0002) determines how these numbers are assigned.
Draw next numbers Use the draw next numbers feature to associate jobs with a draw next number. You specify the draw number for these jobs.
UDCs Set up UDCs to customize the system to your company's specific business needs. You can set up a variety of UDCs, including codes for:
  • Job categories

  • Ledger types

  • Account categories

  • Units of measure

  • Projected final business unit types

  • Contract types

  • Cost code master chart types

  • Chart type edit fields

  • Inquiry ledger types

  • Profit recognition entries

Ledger type master Job cost ledgers roll amounts forward to the next fiscal year when you perform the annual close. You can also set up the revised budget ledger types and the ledger types that you want to summarize and purge.
Chart types Chart types and model jobs create standard cost code structure information that you can copy into the jobs and then modify for each job.

2.2 Understanding UDCs for Job Cost

You can customize many of the fields in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Job Cost by setting up user defined codes to meet the needs of the business environment. You identify user defined codes by the system code and the user defined code list. For example, the represents system 51 (Job Cost) and user defined code list TO (chart type).

The system stores UDCs in tables related to a specific system and code type. These tables determine what codes are valid for the individual fields in the system. If you enter a code that is not valid for a field, an error appears. For example, you can only enter codes in the Business Unit Type field that exist in the table for System 00 and code type ME. The system stores the tables for all of the user defined codes in the User Defined Codes table (F0005).

2.2.1 Business Unit Types (Job Types) (00/MC)

Use business unit types to combine similar business unit type codes. In JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Job Cost, business unit type is also called job type. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Job Cost uses both terms interchangeably. In JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Job Cost, you use job type codes to perform projected finals. If you want to project finals, the business unit type (job type code) must be the same code that you assign to the projected final business unit type (51/PF).

2.2.2 Business Unit Category Codes (00/01 through 00/30)

Use business unit category codes to identify different groups of jobs for reporting purposes.

You can define up to 30 different category code types, including the 10 menu selections for job category codes. For code types 01 through 20, the codes are three characters long. For code types 21 through 30, the codes are 10 characters.

You can assign job category codes to a job from either the Job Category Code Revisions form or the Job Revisions by Company form. The system stores these codes in the Business Unit Master table (F0006). All the systems that use this table share the same business unit category codes.

If you use JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Service Billing and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Contract Billing, reserve codes 11 and 12 for cost plus billing.

2.2.3 Account Category Codes (09/01 through 09/23)

Use account category codes to identify different groups of accounts for reporting purposes. You also use account category codes to affect the sequence of the accounts on forms and reports.

You can define up to 23 different code types, including the four menu selections for account category codes. For code types 01 through 20, the codes are three characters. For code types 21 through 23, the codes are 10 characters.

Use these methods to assign the category codes to an account:

  • Assign codes 01 through 08 on account related forms, such as Chart Type Setup, Original Budget, and so on.

  • Assign codes 01 through 20 on the Account Category Codes form, which you access from the Revise Single Account form in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system.

  • Assign codes 21 through 23 on the Cost Code Schedule form. These codes can be used with the accounts in a secondary chart of accounts.

  • Assign codes 01 through 03 to accounts for alternate sequences.

The system stores these codes in the Account Master table (F0901). All the systems that use this table share the same account category codes.

2.2.4 Units of Measure (00/UM)

Use units of measure codes to identify the different types of units related to the accounts. The codes are two characters. For example, you can define CF for cubic feet, CY for cubic yards, SF for square feet, and so on. The system assigns unit of measure to an account from account related forms, such as Chart Type Setup, Original Budget/Account Master Sequence, and so on.

2.2.5 Contract Type (51/CT)

Use these codes to identify the type of contract to which a job is related. You only define contract type codes if you use Service Billing. The codes are four characters, and are for information and reporting purposes only.

You assign the contract type to a job on the Job Master Revisions form.

Code FF relates to fixed fee or fixed price contracts.

2.2.6 Commitment Document Types (40/CT)

Use these codes to identify document types for purchasing (for example, OP and OS). You should use commitment document types if you want to update or track commitments in the PA and PU ledgers, which are stored in the Account Balances table (F0902).

2.2.7 Projected Final Business Unit Types (51/PF)

Use these codes to identify the jobs, by job type, for which you want to project final amounts (ledger type HA) and unit quantities (ledger type HU). The code is the same as the business unit type that you assign to a job on the Job Master Revisions form or the Job Revisions by Company form. If you do not set up the job type in UDC 51/PF, the system cannot create project final values for the jobs to which that job type is assigned. The job type that you assign as a code in UDC 51/PF must also exist in UDC 00/MC.

2.2.8 Cost Code Master Chart Type (51/TC)

Use these codes to identify a model chart of accounts for a type of job or a standard range of cost codes within a job.

The codes are three characters. For example, you can define RAB for roads and bridges, RET for retail stores, and so on. A blank chart type usually relates to the most commonly used model.

You set up the model related to the chart type on the Chart Type Setup form. A model chart of accounts is optional. You can have one model job for each job type. We recommend that the job name be the same as the job type, for example:

  • Job Name = JB

  • Model Job = M

  • Job Type = JB

2.2.9 Chart Type Edit Field (51/ED)

Use these codes to identify the fields for the accounts in a job that you want the system to verify against the cost code structure that is set up for the chart type. The codes help maintain uniformity within jobs related to a given chart type.

If a job and chart type share a common account (cost code and cost type), this UDC table ensures that the values agree for the specified fields. The code can be up to six characters. Use the data item name, which is the alias, for the field in the Chart Type Master table (F5109). For example, use GJERC for the equipment rate code, GJPEC for the posting edit code, GJUM for the unit of measure, and so on.

If you want the system to validate that the level of detail for the cost code is the same as the level of detail for the job, you must define data item GJLDA (level of detail) in the UDC table. Specify the chart type to compare the processing options for the Budget Original program (P510121).

2.2.10 Formula Descriptions (51/FM)

The codes in this UDC table are hard-coded to correspond to the formulas that appear when you define inquiry columns for the Job Status Inquiry User Defined Columns program (P512000). Do not add or revise the codes in this table. Although the codes relate specifically to amounts, the system displays corresponding formulas for units and units at the header level when you define columns.

  • Formulas for amounts are set up using codes 1 through 10, and 61.

  • Corresponding formulas for units use codes 20 through 30.

  • Corresponding formulas for units at the header level use codes 40 through 50.

See Inquiring on Job Information.

2.2.11 Inquiry Ledger Types (51/IL)

Use inquiry ledger types to identify any additional ledgers from which the system can retrieve amounts or unit quantities for the Job Status Inquiry User Defined Columns program (P512000).

  • For amounts, the valid codes are 11 through 20 and 70 through 79.

  • For unit quantities, the valid codes are 31 through 40 and 80 through 89.

  • For unit quantities at the header account level, the valid codes are 51 through 60 and 90 through 99.

The first two characters of the Description 02 field must specify the amount ledger type. The third and fourth characters of the field must specify the corresponding unit ledger type, if one exists.

The ledger types must be in uppercase.

The Special Handling field should contain one of the values:

  • Blank: Non-budget ledger (period buckets only)

  • 1:Budget ledger (period buckets and BORG)

  • 2: BORG field retrieval (original budget only)

When you complete the Description 01,Description 02, and Special Handling fields for the code, the system automatically displays it in the formula list that you use to define inquiry columns.

2.2.12 Profit Recognition IS Entry (51/IS)

If you use the Create Journal Entries program for profit recognition, the system uses locates the offset account to use for the work in progress (WIP) account by using the AAI item IS. If you want to use multiple offset accounts, you can set up the IS AAI by cost type (for example, IS1340). The system uses the account associated with IS1340 for all journal entries that it creates for that account. If, however, you want to differentiate offset accounts by job type, you can do so by setting up codes in UDC 51/IS. When you set up UDC 51/IS, you specify a code for the job type and a user defined AAI in the Description 02 field. You can set up additional codes for job type/cost type combinations, as required.

When you run the Create Journal Entries program, the system uses this hierarchy to locate the AAI that it uses to retrieve the offset account:

  1. The system verifies whether a code for the job type is set up in UDC 51/IS, for example JB.

  2. If the code is set up, the system searches for another code that is set up by job type and cost type, for example JB1340.

  3. If the system locates a code for the job type/cost type combination, it retrieves the AAI from the Description 02 field, the account from the AAI, and uses it in the journal entry.

  4. If the system does not locate a code in UDC 51/IS for JB1340, it uses the AAI associated with code JB.

  5. If a code is not set up for JB, the system uses the AAI item ISxxxx, where xxxx is equal to the cost type.

  6. If the system cannot locate AAI item ISxxxx, it uses AAI item IS.

This table shows an example of how to set up codes and AAIs in UDC 51/IS:

Code Description 01 Description 02

The system requires that you set up a code for the job type only.

Construction job. JB00

The system uses the account associated with AAI JB00.

JB1340 JB1340 JB1340

The system uses the account associated with AAI JB1340.

JB1360 JB1360 JB1360

The system uses the account associated with AAI JB1360.

JB1380 JB1380 JB1380

The system uses the account associated with AAI JB1380.


You do not have to set up UDC 51/IS if the IS AAIs are specific enough for the entries on the income statement.

2.3 Setting Up Job Cost Constants

This section provides an overview of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Job Cost constants and discusses how to set up the constants for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Job Cost.

2.3.1 Understanding Job Cost Constants

You set up JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Job Cost constants for a company to define whether the system:

  • Calculates projected final costs and unit quantities.

  • Maintains an audit trail of changes to projected final cost and unit quantities.

  • Maintains an audit trail of changes to budget information related to methods of computation A and R.

  • Automatically relieves open commitments when you post accounts payable vouchers to the Account Ledger table (F0911) using JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement or Subcontract.

Projected final costs and unit quantities are an estimate of the total cost and unit quantities required for the completion of a job. If you set up the system to create projected final information, it estimates the final costs and unit quantities for each account based on:

  • The percentage of completion of the account.

  • The field progress values related to the account.

  • The actual costs against the account.

  • The budgeted and committed values.

  • The method of computation that you select when you calculate job progress.

You can use the projection audit trail to track changes to projected costs and unit quantities. You use budget audit trails to track changes to budgeted costs and unit quantities in the IA and IU ledgers.

You can set up the system to automatically reduce open commitments by the amount of payments posted against the accounts.

You can view commitment information as total commitment amounts or as open commitment amounts. Total commitment amounts are the sum of all open commitment amounts and all actual commitment amounts. Open commitment amounts are the sum of committed costs only.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Job Cost shares its constants with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Subcontract Management and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement. You should work with the system administrators of both of these systems to ensure that the constants are set up the same way. You define JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Job Cost constants and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Subcontract Management constants on the same form, which updates the Job Cost Company Constants table (F0026).

You must set up the system constants for company 00000. Doing so provides default constants for companies that do not have specific constants defined for them. To save time, you should set up the default company constants as the constants most commonly used by companies on the system. Set up company specific constants for exceptions to the default values.


To use the commitment relief functionality, you must select the Commitment Relief check-box for Company 00000 in the Job Cost Constants form and also ensure that the company for which you to want to relieve commitments is used for transactions.


To create projected final amounts and unit quantities for the jobs in a company, you must select the Job Cost Projections option and define the types of business units (UDC 51/PF) for which you calculate projections.

2.3.2 Forms Used to Set Up Job Cost Constants

Form Name Form ID Navigation Usage
Work with Job Cost Constants W0026B Job Cost Setup (G5141), Job Cost Constants Review and select Job Cost constant records.
Job Cost Constants W0026A Click Add on the Work with Job Cost Constants form. Specify whether to use projects or encumbrances.

2.3.3 Setting Up Job Cost Constants

Access the Job Cost Constants form.

Job Cost Projections

Select this check box to specify that the system updates and saves projected final amounts and quantities (ledger types HA and HU, respectively) in the Account Balances table (F0902).

Projection Audit Trail

Select this check box to create an audit trail (F0911 records) for changes to the job cost projections (ledger types HA and HU).

Budget Audit Trail

Select this check box to create audit trail records (F0911) for changes to a budget, which are kept in ledger types IA and IU. These audit trail records are stored in the Ledger Type Master File (F0025) table.

This constant relates only to methods of computation A and R.

Commitment Relief

Select this check box to automatically relieve open commitments when you post accounts payable vouchers, such as process payment vouchers, to the general ledger.

These vouchers are related to non inventory purchase orders and contract progress payments.

2.4 Setting Up AAIs for Job Cost

AAIs define the link between the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Job Cost, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Subcontract Management, and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting systems. Before defining new AAIs, you should first review the AAIs in the system to ensure that the AAIs that you want to include are not already defined.

If you run the Profit Recognition process at the job or project level for specified jobs, the system uses the AAIs listed in this section. If you run the Profit Recognition process at the revenue performance obligation (RPO) level for specified jobs, the system uses RPO AAIs. Revenue Performance Obligations are used when you have more than one performance obligation within a single job for which you will need to recognize revenue.

See Revenue Performance Obligation AAIs (Release 9.1 Update)

The sequence numbers for AAIs related to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Job Cost begin with 51.

2.4.1 Profit Recognition AAIs

Profit recognition AAIs specify the accounts that the system uses when it creates journal entries for profit recognition. This table lists profit recognition AAI items and describes how they are used:

AAI Item Description
BS The offset (contra) account that the system uses when work-in-progress (WIP) accounts are transferred to the income statement. The system posts offset amounts to this contra asset account.

You can summarize the offset amounts into a single balance sheet account using AAI item BS, or create an offset by cost type using AAI item BSxxxx, where xxxx is equal to the cost type. For example, if you set up BS1344, the system uses the account associated with the AAI as the offset for accounts with cost type 1344. The system automatically uses AAI item BS when you do not specify a cost type in the item number.

The system does not require this AAI if you set up jobs on the income statement. However, for jobs on the balance sheet, the BS AAI must at least be defined for the default company 00000.

IS The account for revenue and cost of sales reported on the income statement. The system creates entries for costs and billings when it relieves WIP amounts, then uses this AAI to transfer those entries from the balance sheet to the income statement.

You can summarize the offset amounts into a single balance sheet account using AAI item IS, or create an offset by cost type using AAI item ISxxxx, where xxxx is equal to the cost type. For example, if you set up IS1344, the system uses the account associated with the AAI as the offset for accounts with cost type 1344. The system automatically uses AAI item IS when you do not specify a cost type in the item number.

The system does not require this AAI if you set up jobs on the income statement.

JCBE The account for an overbilling. An overbilling is a billing in excess of costs and estimated earnings. If BSLOSS is not set up, you can also use this account for the credit offset to JCLOSS.

This account is generally a liability account. The system reverses the amounts monthly.

JCCE The account for am underbilling. An underbilling is a cost or estimated earning in excess of a billing.

This account is generally an asset account. The system reverses the amounts monthly.

JCBOUA The account for adjustments to the income statement related to the cost of sales. The system posts over and under entries to this account when you base the percentage of completion on billings.

The account is the offset for entries posted to the accounts related to JCBE and JCCE. The system reverses the amount monthly.

JCCOUA The account for adjustments to the income statement related to revenue. The system posts profit and loss entries to this account when you base the percentage of completion on cost.

The account is the offset for entries posted to the accounts related to JCBE and JCCE. The system reverses the amount monthly.

JCLOSS The account for entries related to a provision for loss. The system creates such an entry when a job has a projected final loss. The system reverses the amount monthly.
BSLOSS The offset (contra) account for the provision for loss. It is the offset for entries posted to the account related to JCLOSS. The system reverses the amount monthly.

This AAI is optional. If it is not set up, the system uses JCCE.

JCAPC The account for accrued cost on the job account. The system automatically reverses the amounts in the next month.
JCSMJ The account for deferred cost on the job account. You typically use this AAI for stored materials. Any amounts are automatically reversed in the next month.
JCAPO The offset (contra) account for accrued costs. It is the offset for entries posted to the account related to JCAPC.
JCSMI The offset (contra) account for deferred costs. It is the offset for entries posted to the account related to JCSMJ.
JCPFC The account for adjustments to the projected final cost. This AAI requires an object account. The subsidiary is optional, and the system does not use the business unit.
JCPFP The account for adjustments to the projected final profit. You typically set up this AAI only if the company posts profit to an account and maintains balanced budgetary ledger types.

This AAI requires an object account. The subsidiary is optional, and the system does not use the business unit.

JCPFR The account for adjustments to the projected final revenue. This AAI requires an object account. The subsidiary is optional, and the system does not use the business unit.
JCCAxx - JCCAxx+1 The beginning and ending object accounts for a range of revenue accounts. Profit recognition can include up to 49 ranges, from JCCA01 to JCCA02 and from JCCA97 to JCCA98.
JCSTxx - JCSTxx+1 The beginning and ending object accounts for a range of cost accounts. Profit recognition can include up to 49 ranges, from JCST01 to JCST02 and from JCST97 to JCST98.

2.4.2 Field Progress Protection AAIs

Field progress protection AAIs protect the actual units in specific accounts from updates in related job progress entry programs. These AAIs prevent entering quantities when the actual quantities come from other JD Edwards EnterpriseOne systems.

AAI Item Description
JCxx - JCxx+1 The beginning and ending object accounts for the range of labor accounts. Field progress protection can include the five ranges from JC01 to JC02 and from JC09 to JC10.

This AAI requires the object account. The subsidiary is optional, and the system does not use the business unit.


You should set up an AAI range of cost types for any actual quantities that are automatically posted from another JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system.

2.4.3 Draw Reporting Selection AAIs

Draw reporting selection AAIs specify the eligible construction cost accounts for draw reporting. The system does not process any other accounts for draw reporting.

AAI Item Description
DWxx - DWxx+1 The beginning and ending object accounts for two ranges of eligible accounts. Draw reporting selection can include any ranges from DW01 to DW02 and from DW49 to DW50.

This AAI requires an object account. The subsidiary is optional, and the system does not use the business unit.

2.4.4 Job Cost Discount AAIs (Release 9.1 Update)

When you use the Job Cost system along with voucher that carry discounts, you may need to set up additional Job Cost discount AAIs (PKJ and PKJL). In the discount process, the system searches first for the Job Cost discount AAIs (PKJ and PKJL). The Job Cost discount AAIs direct the programs to post the discount to individual jobs, by using the Business Unit from the voucher. If you have not set up the Job Cost AAIs, the system uses the PKD and PKL AAIs.

You can set up the PKJ and PKJL AAIs for company 00000 with a blank Business Unit. The system sends the gain or loss to the correct business unit that is on the voucher.

2.4.5 Revenue Performance Obligation AAIs (Release 9.1 Update)

If you use revenue performance obligations (RPOs) to track costs and revenue associated with specific tasks within a job, you must set up RPO AAIs. To learn more about the RPO AAI setup, review the following section:

Setting Up Revenue Performance Obligation AAIs

2.5 Setting Up Ledger Types for Job Cost

This section provides an overview of ledger types for Job Cost and discusses how to set up ledger types for Job Cost.

2.5.1 Understanding Ledger Types for Job Cost

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Job Cost uses different types of ledgers to track units, maintain budgets, and so on. You must set up financial rules for each of the ledgers. The system identifies a ledger type as a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Job Cost ledger type because:

  • The Roll Original Budget to Next Year check box is selected.

  • The Revised Budget Ledger check box, which you access through Job Cost Rules, is selected.

You can also specify that the amounts and units for the ledger type are included as part of the revised budget ledger by selecting the Summarize Ledger Types check box, which you also access through Job Cost Rules. Summarization enables you to review the sum of all revised ledger on a form or on a report, as well as enables you to summarize any journal entries before purging.

For accurate calculations for profit recognition and projected finals, the currency code for all JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Job Cost ledgers must match the currency of the company to which the job belongs in the Ledger Type Master File table (F0025).

If you set up an amount ledger type that corresponds to a unit ledger type, both ledger types must have the same first character. Additionally, the second character in the unit ledger type must be U. For example, SA (amount ledger type) and SU (unit ledger type).

The data used by JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Job Cost is stored in the Account Balances table (F0902) by ledger type. The ledgers in the Account Ledger table (F0911) can contain both amounts and quantities that support the information in the Account Balances table, including:

  • Budget information

  • Commitment information

  • Actual information

  • Field progress information

  • Forecasts and estimates

  • Projected final information

Before you revise the ledger types for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Job Cost, you should review the ledger types that are defined for the system. You can then revise the ledger types as necessary.

This table lists and describes the ledger types used by JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Job Cost:

Ledger Types Description
AA and AU Actual amounts (AA) and actual units (AU).
JA and JU Job budgeted amounts (JA) and job budgeted units (JU).
PA and PU PO/Contract amounts (PA) and PO/Contract units (PU). These ledger types relate to purchase orders and subcontracts.
HA and HU Projected final amounts (HA) and projected final units (HU).
FA and FU Field progress amounts (FA) and field progress units (FU). These relate to the difference between the job cost budget and the projected final values.
F% Percent of job complete. This is used in the job general ledger account to manually update the percent complete of a job.
IA and IU Job Cost projection budget amounts (IA) and Job Cost projection budget quantity (IU). These relate to methods of computation R (Revenue-Unit Price Contract) and A (Account Budget: Forced), and are maintained by the system.
RA Remaining unit rate. This relates to method of computation U (Remaining Unit Rate).


Additional tasks are involved in setting up and using additional ledger types in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Job Cost.

See Setting Up Ledger Types for Job Cost.

See Inquiring on Job Information. Performing the Tasks to Set Up New Job Cost Ledgers

To use additional ledgers to track job cost budgets and review job progress, you must perform specific tasks in sequential order. Because it is easy to neglect a simple setup task, this tasks are listed in the order in which you should perform them to successfully set up and use additional ledgers in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Job Cost:

  1. Set up the amount and unit ledger types as UDC codes in 09/LT. Amount and unit ledger types share the same first initial; therefore, if you set up ledger type QA, you must use ledger type QU for units.

  2. Set up the ledger type rules, including the job cost rules, for each ledger type separately. Although the form has separate fields for Ledger Type and Units Ledger Type, you cannot set them both up simultaneously on one form. For example, you set up ledger type QA, and then you set up ledger type QU.

    These check boxes must be selected to distinguish the ledger types as JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Job Cost:

    • Roll Original Budget to Next Year on the Ledger Type Rules Setup form.

    • Revise Budget Ledger on the Job Cost Ledger Type Rules form.

  3. After you set up the ledger type rules for both the amount and units ledger, you must add the units ledger type in the Units Ledger Type field of the amount ledger type. For example, you must select the record for the QA ledger and add QU in the Units Ledger Type field.

  4. Set up the ledger types in UDC 51/IL, so that you can set up user defined columns for Job Status Inquiry User Defined Columns (P512000). The system automatically adds formulas for the numeric values that you use for the ledger types that you specify in the Description 02 field of the UDC. In addition to the ledger type, you must specify a value in the Special Handling field:

    • If you enter 1, the system retrieves the values in the net amount posting fields from the Account Balances table (F0902).

    • If you enter 2, the system retrieves the value in the BORG field from table F0902.

  5. For example, if you select UDC 13 for the QA/QU ledger, you must enter QAQU in the Description 02 field of UDC 13 with a special handling code of 1. When you do this, the system adds formula 13 for the budget ledger amount, formula 33 for the budget units ledger, and formula 43 for the header units. The units and header units formulas are hard coded based on the UDC code that you select in 51/IL.

  6. Set up the column formula for each ledger type using the Define Inquiry Columns program (P51921).

  7. Set up the column on the Job Status Inquiry form.

  8. Set up new versions of the Original Budget (P510121) and Budget Revisions (P510171) programs and specify the new budget ledger type (for amounts) in the Budget Amount Ledger Type processing option.

  9. Add the new program versions to the menu, for example, Original Budget QA.

2.5.2 Prerequisite

Before you complete the task in this section, you must set up the ledger type that you want to use for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Job Cost in UDC 09/LT.

2.5.3 Forms Used to Set Up Ledger Types for Job Cost

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
Work with Ledger Types W0025FQ Job Cost Setup (G5141), Ledger Type Master Setup Review and select ledger type records.
Job Cost Ledger Type Rules W0025FS Select a ledger type on the Work with Ledger Types form, and then select Job Cost Rules from the Row menu. Specify rules for Job Cost ledger types.

2.5.4 Setting Up Ledger Types for Job Cost

Access the Job Cost Ledger Type Rules form.

Units Ledger Type

Enter the units ledger that corresponds to the amount ledger. Assign the same first character to both the amount and unit ledgers, and assign U as the second character of the units ledger.


If you do not specify a units ledger type for the cash basis amount ledger type (AX), the system uses ZU.

Roll Original Budget to Next Year

Select the check box to roll the original budget from the current year into the original budget for the next year when you run the Annual Close program (R098201).

Summarize Ledger Types

Select this check box to specify that transactions entered for this ledger type are eligible for summarization using the Summarize Transactions program (R09811).

Revise Budget Ledger

Select this check box to specify that the ledger type is a Job Cost ledger type and that budget amounts for this ledger can be revised.

2.6 Setting Up Next Numbers

This section provides an overview of Job Cost next numbers and discusses how to set up draw next numbers.

2.6.1 Understanding Job Cost Next Numbers

You set up standard next numbers for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Job Cost by system code. The system code for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Job Cost is 51. The standard next numbers for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Job Cost utilize only lines three and four (Job Draws and Profit Recognition, respectively). The system uses these JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Job Cost next numbers to:

  • Assign draw numbers.

  • Link profit recognition tables.

You can assign next numbers by company and fiscal year for selected documents.

See "Setting Up Next Numbers" in theJD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Financial Management Fundamentals Implementation Guide.


Next numbers are central to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne systems. You must be thoroughly familiar with next numbers before you change them. Draw Next Numbers

You use the Draw Next Number program (P51002) to associate a job or multiple jobs to a draw number. By setting a processing option when you generate the draw information, you can direct the system to assign the next number from either the Job Cost Draws Next Number table (F51002) or the standard next number table (F0002). If you direct the system to use a draw next number, but you have not added the job on the next numbers table, the Draw Generation program automatically adds the job with a Draw Number 1.

2.6.2 Forms Used to Set Up Job Cost Next Numbers

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
Work with Next Numbers W0002A Job Cost Setup (G5141), Job Cost Next Numbers Search for System 51 next numbers.
Set Up Next Numbers by System W0002C Select the next number table for system 51. Set up next numbers.
Job Cost Draw Next Numbers W51002C Job Cost Setup (G5141), Job Cost Draw Next Numbers Associate a job with a specific draw next number.

2.6.3 Setting Up Draw Next Numbers

Access the Job Cost Draw Next Numbers form.

Next Number Range 1

Enter the beginning next number to use when the system assigns the draw number. The system assigns the draw number you specify only to the job entered in the Job processing option. If the job is not set up, the system adds it to the table and assigns 1 as the next number.