2 Understanding Localizations for Hungary

This chapter contains the following topics:

2.1 Hungary-Specific Setup and Processes

This table lists the country-specific setup and functionality for Hungary.

Setup or Process Description
UDCs (user-defined codes) Setting up Hungary-specific UDCs enables you to use Hungary-specific functionality. You also set up some base software UDCs with Hungary-specific values.

Set up UDCs for:

Next numbers Set up next numbers for:
Invoice processing Invoice processing in Hungary includes the printing of invoices, correction invoices, reversing invoices, and credit and debit notes. To work with invoice processing in Hungary:

See Working with Invoices and Other Legal Documents for Hungary.

In addition to standard invoice processing, you can print invoices with an attached International Payment Instructions (IPI). To print these invoices and attachments:

Value-added tax (VAT) and other European Union (EU) reports To report VAT and generate other EU reports:

See Generating the Hungarian VAT Report.

See Generating the Hungarian EU Reports.

Financial statement reports To setup and generate financial statement reports:
Fixed asset reports To set up and print fixed asset reports: