6 Generating Unified Audit Files for Poland (Release 9.1 Update)

This chapter discusses these topics:

6.1 Understanding Unified Audit Files for Poland

All registered companies in Poland must produce audit documentation on demand by the Polish tax authorities. The audit documentation must be in a prescribed electronic format called Jednolity Plik Kontrolny (JPK).

Tax authorities may request historical data in traditional format if companies cannot deliver the audit documentation using the JPK file.

The audit file must be produced in an XML format presenting accounting journals, tax transactions, bank statements, and inventory movements in the prescribed format and grouped into the following sections:

  • Purchase and Sales VAT Registers

  • VAT Invoices

  • Bank Statements

  • Accounting Books

  • Inventory Transactions

The tax authorities can request for partial delivery of any audit file section. The EnterpriseOne system provides you five different programs to run each section of the XML file separately. For example, tax registers are run on tax period basis, invoices on GL period basis, and accounting data on GL period as well as annual basis to ensure completeness of accounting data.

The files are sent directly to the tax authorities web page or through other electronic media (for example, DVD).

The system retrieves information for the five accounting sections from the existing tables. You must also set up additional data and reconfigure the system to support all of the audit file reporting requirements.


To understand the XML file layout, see Poland – Unified Audit File (”Jednolity Plik Kontrolny”) XML Format (Doc ID 2201004.1) on the My Oracle Support site: https://support.oracle.com/rs?type=doc&id=2201004.1

6.2 Information in the XML File Common to the Five Accounting Sections

The XML file includes the header, legal entity identification, and legal entity address sections that are common to all the five accounting sections:

  1. Naglowek: This header section includes the following:

    • Address book number of the tax authority

    • Currency of the company

    • Reporting period (date range)

  2. IdentyfikatorPodmiotu: This is the legal entity identification section and includes the following:

    • Tax registration number of the reporting company

      The system prints the tax registration number without the country code as the prefix.

    • Name of the reporting company

  3. AdresPodmiotu: This legal entity address section includes the address of the reporting company.

    Company address information includes Polish-specific data such as the post office location that is linked with the address zip code and can be different from the company address.

Note that for the Purchase and Sales VAT register:

  • Information regarding the address book number of the tax authority and currency of the company is not included in the Neglowek header.

  • IdentyfikatorPodmiotu header section is replaced with Podmiot1.

  • AdresPodmiotu header section is not available.

6.2.1 Prerequisite to Printing the XML File

Before you print the XML file for any of the five accounting cases, set up data for the post office location of the reporting company. This data is common to all the five accounting cases.

To set up data for the post office location, access the Alternate Address form of the Address Book Revisions program (P01012) and enter:

  • The company address type in the Address Type field

  • The post office address of the reporting company in the Address Line 1 field

All the five batch programs that you use to run the XML file sections have a Company Address Type processing option. The system fetches the address (that you specify in the Address Line 1 field of the P01012 program) for this Company Address Type (that you specify in the processing option) from the Alternate Address table (F01161) and uses this retrieved address as the post office location of the reporting company.

6.3 Generating the XML File for Sales and Purchase VAT Registers

Use the Sales and Purchase VAT Registers program (R74P501) to generate the XML file for sales and purchase VAT registers. You can print the sales VAT register and the purchase VAT register separately or both in the XML file. Transactions are sequenced, grouped, and totaled in the same way as the regular sales and tax registers that the company prepares on a monthly basis for the tax authorities in Poland.

See, Poland - JPK Purchase and Sales VAT Registers (XML Format) (Doc ID 2363925.1).

6.3.1 Sales VAT Register

The sales VAT register section in the Sales and Purchase VAT Register XML file includes all posted invoices from the Customer Ledger table (F03B11) and paid vouchers from the Accounts Payable Ledger table (F0411) that have entries in the Taxes table (F0018), Legal Document Header table (F7430010), and Legal Document Header Tag File - POL table (F74P3B1T) for the selected reporting period.

The system prints all of the JPK elements for the sales VAT register in the XML file. Sales Transaction Types Included in the Sales VAT Register XML File

The Sales VAT Register XML file includes these sales transactions: domestic transactions, intracommunity transactions, and export transactions.

If you have not correctly set up the alternate tax rate area in the Alternate Tax Rate/Area by Country program (P40082), the system cannot retrieve domestic transactions and does not include them in the XML file. The system prints a PDF file listing all the invoices that are not included in the XML file due to incomplete setup or invalid processing option values.

Void transactions are not included in the XML file.

The system identifies a domestic transaction when the country specified in the Alternate Tax Rate/Area by Country program (P40082) is the same as the country of the company in the Address Book program (P01012).

The system identifies an intracommunity transaction when the output tax is recovered by the input tax. For example, when the amount in the Tax Rate 2 field is 16 and the amount in the Tax Rate 3 field is -16 in the Taxes table (F0018), the transaction is an intracommunity transaction.

The system identifies an export transaction when the transaction is not a domestic or an intracommunity transaction.

See Section 3.2, "Setting Up Tax Rate Areas".

See Section 3.3.1, "Setting Up UDCs for Tax Processing".

See also "Understanding Intracommunity VAT" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Localizations for European Reporting and SEPA Processing Implementation Guide.

See also "Understanding Tax Rate Areas" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Localizations for European Reporting and SEPA Processing Implementation Guide. Purchase Transaction Types Included in the Sales VAT Register XML File

The Sales VAT Register XML file includes intracommunity and import transactions. Domestic transactions are not included in the report.

If you have not completed the setup correctly for intracommunity and import transactions, the system cannot retrieve these transactions and does not include them in the XML file. The system prints a PDF file listing all the vouchers that are not included in the XML file due to incomplete setup or invalid processing option values.

Void transactions are not included in the XML file.

The system identifies an import transaction when the tax rate area used in the transaction has a record in the Customs Tax Categories UDC table (74P/IM).

See Section 3.3.1, "Setting Up UDCs for Tax Processing".

For purchase transactions that are exempted from VAT, the system does not include the amounts for these transactions, but includes the header information in the XML file. Information in the Sales VAT Register XML File

The XML file includes the header and legal entity sections, and sections specific to the sales VAT register.


See Section 6.2, "Information in the XML File Common to the Five Accounting Sections" for information on the header and legal entity sections.

These are the sections specific to sales VAT register.

  1. SprzedazWiersz: Each invoice or voucher has a SprzedazWiersz section in the XML file. This section includes all of the transaction lines in an invoice or voucher grouped by applicable VAT reporting fields (JPK elements). The system displays the net amount and tax amount for each group of transaction. For example, the value of the K_15 JPK element is the net amount of all the transactions in the invoice that is related to the domestic supply of goods and services, where the applicable tax rate code is second level reduced rate. The value of the K_16 JPK element is the calculated tax amount for the net amount displayed in the K_15 element.

    For an accounts receivable transaction (invoice), this section includes the following:

    • Tax registration number of the contractor (customer or supplier)

    • Contractor (customer or supplier) name and address

    • Sales date

    • Invoice issued date

    • Invoice number

    • Net amount for non-domestic supply of goods and services

    • Net amount for non-domestic supply of goods and services, where the tax is self-assessed by the customer

    • Net amount for domestic supply of goods and services that are exempted from tax

      This type of transaction is specified as E (exempted) in the Tax Exr1 field in the Taxes table (F0018).

    • Net amount for domestic supply of goods and services that are taxed at 0% (tax rate code is 5)

    • Net amount for domestic supply of goods and services applicable to the case in Article 129 of the Tax Law Act for which the VAT is 0% (tax rate code is 5)

    • Net amount and tax amount for domestic supply of goods and services that are taxed at a second level reduced rate (tax rate code is 2)

    • Net amount and tax amount for domestic supply of goods and services that are taxed at a reduced rate (tax rate code is 1)

    • Net amount and tax amount for domestic supply of goods and services that are taxed at a standard rate (tax rate code is 0)

    • Net amount for intracommunity supply of goods and services

    • Net amount for the export of goods and services

    • Net amount and output tax amount for supply of goods and services, where the purchaser is the taxpayer (according to Article 17, Section 1, Item 5 of the VAT Act)

    • Net amount and output tax amount for supply of goods and services, where the purchaser is the taxpayer (according to Article 17, Section 1, Item 7 or 8 of the VAT Act)

    • Output tax amount for supply of goods and services covered by the stock-taking proceeding referred to in Article 14, Section 5 of the VAT Act

    For an accounts payable transaction (voucher), this section includes the following:

    • Sequence number

    • Sales date

    • Invoice issued date

    • Invoice number

    • Customer name

    • Net amount and tax amount for intracommunity acquisition of goods and services

    • Net amount and tax amount for import of goods subject to settlement in accordance with Article 33a of the VAT Act

    • Net amount and output tax amount paid for import of services, excluding services acquired from VAT taxpayers to whom Article 28b does not apply

    • Net amount and tax amount for import of services acquired from VAT taxpayers to whom Article 28b applies

    • Net reimbursed amount that has been spent for the purchase (import transaction) of cash registers referred to in Article 111, Section 6 of the VAT Act

    • Net output tax amount paid for intracommunity acquisition of a means of transport that is paid within the deadline established in Article 103, Section 3 with reference to Section 4 of the VAT Act

    • Net output tax amount paid for intracommunity acquisition of petrol or gas online established in Article 103, Section 5a and 5b of the VAT Act

  2. SprzedazCtrl: This section includes the following:

    • Total number of documents (includes both invoices and vouchers) in the reporting period

    • Sum of the tax amount for all the documents in the reporting period

6.3.2 Purchase VAT Register

When you run the Sales and Purchase VAT Registers program (R74P501) to print the Purchase VAT Register XML file, the system:

  1. Retrieves all paid vouchers for the selected reporting period from the Accounts Payable Ledger table (F0411) that have tax entries in the Taxes table (F0018)

  2. Segregates vouchers (and lines in vouchers) that are related to fixed assets, not related to fixed assets, or are adjustments to the original transaction

    The system checks the Fixed Assets option in the Poland AP Document Types table (F74P4010) to identify the vouchers for fixed assets, and checks the Voucher Fixed Asset Information - POL - 74P table (F74P506) to identify the voucher lines that are selectively specified as belonging to fixed assets. If line-level setup exists in the F74P506 table, the system overrides the document type-level setup in the F74P4010 table for those lines. If fixed asset classification information is missing in both the F74P506 and the F74P4010 tables, the system reports an error when you run the R74P501 program.

    The system identifies a correction voucher based on the document type specified in the Debit Memo Document Type processing option.

  3. Prints all of the JPK elements for the purchase VAT register in the XML file Information in the Purchase VAT Register XML File

The Purchase VAT Register XML file includes the header and legal entity sections, and sections specific to the purchase VAT register.


See Section 6.2, "Information in the XML File Common to the Five Accounting Sections" for information on the header and legal entity sections.

These are the sections specific to the purchase VAT register.

  1. ZakupWiersz: Each voucher has a ZakupWiersz section in the XML file. The system groups all of the transaction lines in a voucher by the applicable VAT reporting fields (JPK elements). The net amount and tax amount for each group of transaction are displayed using the JPK elements mapped to the document type that you have set up in the Setup JPK Element program (P74P501).

    This section includes the following:

    • Sequence number

    • Tax registration number of the invoice issuer

    • Address book number of the supplier

    • Address book number of the invoice issuer

    • Invoice number

    • Invoice date

    • Net amount and tax amount for the acquisition of goods and services that are the taxpayer's fixed assets, where the transaction is not for input tax correction

    • Net amount and tax amount for the acquisition of goods and services that are not the taxpayer's fixed assets, where the transaction is not for input tax correction

    • Input tax correction for the acquisition of goods and services treated as the taxpayer's fixed assets

    • Input tax correction in respect of other acquisitions

  2. ZakupCtrl: This section includes the following:

    • Total number of vouchers in the reporting period

    • Sum of the tax amount for all the vouchers in the reporting period

6.3.3 Prerequisites to Printing the Sales and Purchase VAT Register XML File

Before you print the Sales and Purchase VAT Registers XML file, complete the tasks in this section:

6.3.4 Printing the XML File for Sales and Purchase VAT Registers

Select Unified Audit File (G74P50), Sales and Purchase VAT Register.

6.3.5 Setting Processing Options for the Sales and Purchase VAT Registers (R74P501)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. Select

Date From

Specify the first date of a range of dates that the system uses for selecting records to process.

The system considers the date type (G/L date, invoice date, or tax date) specified in the Date Type processing option when selecting records.

Date To

Specify the last date of a range of dates that the system uses for selecting records to process.

The system considers the date type (G/L date, invoice date, or tax date) specified in the Date Type processing option when selecting records.


Enter the address book number of the company for which you want to generate the report.

Company Address Type

Enter a code that exists in the 01/AT UDC table that indicates the address type of the reporting company.

The system retrieves the address specified in the Address Line 1 field for this address type from the Alternate Address table (F01161) and uses the address as the post office location of the reporting company.

Purpose of Declaration

Enter a code that exists in the 74P/PD UDC table that specifies the purpose of the declaration. Values are:

Blank or 0: Original declaration

The system prints 0 in the XML file when you leave this processing option blank.

1: Declaration Correction

The system prints 1 in the XML file.

Email (Contact Email Address)

Enter the email address of the contact person. Process

Date Type

Specify the source of the dates that the system uses to select records to process. Values are:

Blank or 2: G/L date

1: Invoice date

3: Tax date

Section to Print

Specify whether to print the Sales VAT Register section or the Purchase VAT Register section. If you leave this processing option blank, the system prints both sections in the report.

Debit Memo Document Type

Specify the document type for the debit memo that you have set up in the 00/DT UDC table to use for correction invoices.

If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the document type PD.

6.4 Generating the XML File for VAT Invoices

Use the VAT Invoices program (R74P503) to generate the XML file for VAT invoices and vouchers. You can print the accounts payable transactions and the accounts receivable transactions separately or both in the XML file.

When you run the VAT Invoices program (R74P503) to print the XML file, the system:

  • Retrieves all posted transactions for the selected reporting period from the Accounts Payable Ledger table (F0411) and the Customer Ledger table (F03B11) that have tax entries in the Taxes table (F0018)

  • Retrieves the classification category for each invoice from the Reclassify Posted Invoices table (F74P503) and for each voucher from the Reclassify Posted Vouchers table (F74P507)

  • Identifies prepayment transactions based on the document type specified in the Prepayment Document Type processing option and credit memos based on the document type specified in the Credit Memo Document Type processing option

    For Poland VAT invoices, the system maintains a one-to-one relationship between the original invoice and the correction invoice (credit memo) and does not support multiple original invoice numbers for a correction transaction.

  • Prints a PDF file listing all the invoices and vouchers that are not included in the XML file due to invalid processing option values

6.4.1 VAT Invoices XML

The XML file includes the header and legal entity sections, and sections that are specific to VAT invoices.


See Section 6.2, "Information in the XML File Common to the Five Accounting Sections" for information on the header and legal entity sections.

These are the VAT invoices sections in the XML file.

  1. Faktura: Each invoice or voucher has a header section called the Faktura. This section includes all of the transaction lines in an invoice or voucher grouped by applicable VAT reporting fields (JPK elements). The information in this section consists of three types: customer or supplier information, total net amount, and tax regime information.

    For each invoice or voucher, this section includes:

    • The invoice date, invoice number, and the payment date

      For an accounts receivable transaction, this section also includes the customer name, customer address details, customer tax code prefix, and customer tax registration number.

      For an accounts payable transaction, this section also includes the supplier name, supplier address detail, supplier tax code prefix, and supplier tax registration number.

    • The net amount and associated tax amount for each applicable tax rate code: standard rate, reduced rate, second level reduced rate, third reduced tax rate, fourth reduced tax rate, 0% tax rate, and exempt from tax

      For example, if the standard tax rate code applies to three transactions and the reduced tax rate code applies to two transactions in an invoice that has five transaction lines, the system totals the net amount and the tax amount for each tax rate code and prints separate lines in the XML header.

      The system ignores those transactions for which the tax rate area has not been mapped to a tax rate code in the Tax Rates Setup program (P4008) or the Tax Rate/Area Additional Details program (P74P502).

      The XML file also includes the gross amount for all the transactions in the invoice or voucher.

    • The classification that applies to the transactions in the invoice or voucher: cash accounting; self billing; reverse charge; exempted from VAT; case described in Article 106c of the VAT Act; invoice issued by the taxpayer's representative; intracommunity transaction through a new means of transport; tourist's services; used goods, works of art, collector's items, or antique; prepayments; and credit memo

      If the transaction is for prepayment, the XML file includes the gross amount and tax amount. For a credit memo, the XML file includes the reason for correction, original invoice number, and tax period.

  2. FakturaCtrl: This section includes the following:

    • Total number of documents (invoices and vouchers) in the reporting period

    • Sum of the net amount for all the documents (invoices and vouchers) in the reporting period

  3. StawkiPodatku: This section includes the sum of the tax amount for each tax rate code in UDC table 74P/TC applied to vouchers (accounts payable transactions) and invoices (accounts receivable transactions).

  4. FakturaWiersz: This section includes the details of all the transaction lines in an invoice or voucher. The system prints a FakturaWiersz section for each invoice and voucher included in the XML file. This section includes line level details of each invoice such as the type of commodity or goods and services, unit of measure, quantity, net and gross unit price, and discount amount (if applicable).

  5. FakturaWierszCtrl: This section includes the following:

    • Total number of transaction lines for all the documents (invoices and vouchers) in the reporting period

    • Sum of the net amount in all the transaction lines for all the documents (invoices and vouchers) in the reporting period

6.4.2 Prerequisites to Printing VAT Invoices XML File

Before you print the VAT invoices information in the XML file, complete the tasks in this section:

6.4.3 Printing the XML File for VAT Invoices

Select Unified Audit File (G74P50), VAT Invoices UAF XML Report.


To print the sales order line details correctly, you need to run the sales update in non-summarization mode.

6.4.4 Setting Processing Options for VAT Invoices (R74P503)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. Default

Date from

Specify the first date of a range of dates that the system uses for selecting records to process.

The system considers the date type (G/L date or invoice date) specified in the Date Type processing option when selecting records.

Date to

Specify the last date of a range of dates that the system uses for selecting records to process.

The system considers the date type (G/L date or invoice date) specified in the Date Type processing option when selecting records.


Enter the address book number of the company for which you want to generate the report.

Tax Authority

Enter the address book number of the designated tax authority for the reporting company.

The system retrieves the alpha name specified for this address book number from the Address Book Master - table (F0101) to use in the report.

Company Address Type

Enter a code that exists in the 01/AT UDC table that indicates the address type of the reporting company.

The system retrieves the address specified in the Address Line 1 field for this address type from the Alternate Address table (F01161) and uses the address as the post office location of the reporting company. Process

Date type used for VAT Register processing

Specify the source of the dates that the system uses to select records to process. Values are:

1: Invoice date

Blank or 2: G/L date

Prepayment Document Type

Specify the document type for the prepayment invoice that you have set up in the 00/DT UDC table. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the document type RU.

Credit Memo Document Type

Specify the document type for the credit memo that you have set up in the 00/DT UDC table to use for correction invoices.If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the document type RM.

Transactions to process

Specify whether to print accounts payable transactions or accounts receivable transactions. If you leave this processing option blank, the system prints both transactions in the report.

6.5 Generating the XML File for Accounting Books

Use the Accounting Books - POL - 74P program (R74P511) to generate the XML file for accounting books.

When you run the R74P511 program to print the XML file, the system:

  • Retrieves all posted transactions from the Account Ledger table (F0911) for the company, all ledger types except the CA ledger type, and the reporting period that you specify in the processing options or during data selection

  • Prints the retrieved transactions and the document lines of the transactions in separate sections in the XML file

  • Prints information about all accounts of the company based on the To Fiscal Year processing option value in the General Ledger Trial Balance section

    The system retrieves account information from the Account Ledger table (F0911), Account Balances table (F0902), and Account Master Additional Information - POL - 74P (F74P511).

Before you print the XML file, you can print the report as a PDF or Microsoft Excel document to verify the selected records in a format that is easy to review. To print the report in these formats, you use the XJDE0002 version of the Accounting Books - POL - 74P program (R74P511) on the Available Versions form.

6.5.1 Accounting Books XML File

The XML file includes the header and legal entity sections, and sections that are specific to accounting books.


See Section 6.2, "Information in the XML File Common to the Five Accounting Sections" for information on the header and legal entity sections.

These sections are specific to accounting books.

  1. ZOiS: This section includes information on the accounts used in the general ledger transactions that are eligible for processing. For each account, the system includes a ZOiS section, which provides the following account information:

    • Account number and description

    • Account type

    • Account category (the group that the account is included in) and description of the account category

    • Group category code and description of the group category

    • Debit balance (positive amount) at the start date of the reporting period

    • Credit balance (negative amount) at the start date of the reporting period

    • Difference between the closing debit balance and opening debit balance (turnover debit amount)

    • Year-To-Date debit balance as of the reporting end date

    • Difference between the closing credit balance and opening credit balance (turnover credit amount)

    • Year-To-Date credit balance as of the reporting end date

    • Net debit balance for the reporting period

    • Net credit balance for the reporting period

  2. Dziennik: Each posted transaction (document) in the Account Ledger table (F0911) has a Dziennik section in the XML file. The section includes these transaction details:

    • Sequence number

    • Concatenation of batch type, batch number, document type, and document number

    • Journal entry description

    • Subledger document number and document type

      This is the document number and document type of the transaction (for example, accounts receivable and accounts payable transaction) that resulted in the journal entry.

    • Actual transaction date (for example, sales date or purchase date)

    • Journal entry creation and posting date

    • User identification of the person who created the subledger transaction

    • Transaction description

    • Total amount in the journal entry

  3. DziennikCtrl: This section includes the following information:

    • Total number of transactions (documents) in the reporting period

    • Sum of the transaction amount of all the documents in the reporting period

  4. KontoZapis: For each transaction detail line (document line) in the Account Ledger table (F0911), the system prints a KontoZapis section in the XML file. The section includes the following document line information:

    • Sequence number

    • Concatenation of batch type, batch number, document type, and document number

    • Debit account number

    • Debit amount

    • Credit account number

    • Credit amount

  5. KontoZapisCtrl: This section includes the following information:

    • Total number of document lines for all the documents in the reporting period

    • Sum of the debit amounts of all the document lines in the reporting period

    • Sum of the credit amounts of all the document lines in the reporting period

6.5.2 Prerequisites to Printing the Accounting Books XML File

Before you print the Accounting Books XML file, complete the tasks in this section:

6.5.3 Printing the XML File for Accounting Books

Select Unified Audit File (G74P50), Accounting Books XML Report.

6.5.4 Setting Processing Options for Accounting Books - POL - 74P (R74P511)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. Select

1. Period From
Fiscal Year
Period Number

To select records for processing based on a duration ranging from a period in a fiscal year to a period in the same or different fiscal year, enter the period and the fiscal year to start from using the Period From Fiscal Year and Period Number fields.

You can enter a period number from 1 to 14.

2. Period To
Fiscal Year
Period Number

To select records for processing based on a duration ranging from a period in a fiscal year to a period in the same or different fiscal year, enter the end period and end fiscal year using the Period To Fiscal Year and Period Number fields.

You can enter a period number from 1 to 14.

3. Company

Enter the address book number of the company for which you want to generate the report.

4. Ledger Type

Enter the ledger type that the system uses to retrieve records to include in the report. If you do not specify a value, the system uses the default ledger type AA.

5. Tax Authority

Enter the address book number of the designated tax authority for the reporting company.

6. Company Address Type

Enter a code that exists in the 01/AT UDC table that indicates the address type of the reporting company.

The system retrieves the address specified in the Address Line 1 field for this address type from the Alternate Address table (F01161) and uses the address as the post office location of the reporting company.

6.6 Generating the XML File for Bank Statements

Use the Bank Statement - POL - 74P program (R74P507) to generate the XML file for bank statements. The system uses the values that you have set up in the processing options or during data selection to identify the records to include in the report.

When you run the R74P507 program to print the XML file, the system:

  • Retrieves all accounts for the selected reporting period that has the record type G (GL Bank Account) from the Bank Statement Header table (F0916)

  • Retrieves the IBAN (International Bank Account Number) for the eligible accounts if the IBAN is available in the Bank Transit Master table (F0030)

  • Retrieves and prints the bank statements for the eligible accounts from the Bank Statement Header (F0916) and Bank Statement Detail (F0917) tables

Before you print the XML file, you can print the report as a PDF and Microsoft Excel document to verify the selected records in a format that is easy to review. To print the report in these formats, you use the XJDE0002 version of the Bank Statement - POL - 74P program (R74P507) on the Available Versions form.

6.6.1 Bank Statements XML File

The XML file includes header and legal entity sections, and sections that are specific to bank statements.


See Section 6.2, "Information in the XML File Common to the Five Accounting Sections" for information on the header and legal entity sections.

NumerRachunku: Each account included in the processing has a NumerRachunku section. In this section, the system prints the IBAN for the bank account from the Bank Transit Master table (F0030). This section is left blank for those accounts for which the IBAN is not available in the F0916 table.

There can be several bank statements for an account in the reporting period, and each bank statement can have several detail lines. For each bank statement, the system prints these sections:

  1. Salda: This section includes the opening and the closing balance (of the account) for the bank statement.

  2. WyciagWiersz: This section includes the following bank statement details:

    • Bank statement line number

    • Actual bank transfer date

    • Third-party name

    • Description of the transfer

    • Transfer amount

    • Account balance after transferring the amount

  3. WyciagCtrl: This section incudes the following information:

    • Number of lines reported in the bank statement

    • Total debit amount in the reported period

    • Total credit amount in the reported period

6.6.2 Prerequisites to Printing the Bank Statements XML File

Before you print the Bank Statements XML file, complete the tasks in this section:

  • Verify that bank statement records have been entered in the system and are available in the Bank Statement Header and Detail tables (F0916 and F0917) or in the Auto Bank Statement Header and Detail tables (F09616 and F09617).

    See ”Processing Bank Statements Manually” and ”Processing Bank Statements Automatically” in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications General Accounting Implementation Guide.

  • To include the IBAN for the accounts in the XML file, verify that the accounts have been set up with the IBAN in the Bank Transit table (F0030).

6.6.3 Printing the XML File for Bank Statements

Select Unified Audit File (G74P50), Bank Statement XML Report.

6.6.4 Setting Processing Options for the Bank Statement XML Report (R74P507)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. Select

1. Company

Enter the address book number of the company for which you want to generate the report.

2. Statement Date From
Statement Date Thru

To select records for processing based on the dates that the bank statements are created, enter the selection start date and the selection through date using the 2. Statement Date From and Statement Date Thru processing options.


To specify the start and end dates for selecting records, you can use either the 2. Statement Date From and Statement Date Thru processing options, or the 2. Period From and Period To processing options.

If you have entered dates in both the 2. Statement Date From and 2. Period From processing options, the system uses the date that was entered in the 2. Statement Date From field.

2. Period From
Fiscal Year
Period Number

To select records for processing based on a duration ranging from a period in a fiscal year to a period in the same or different fiscal year, enter the start period number and the associated fiscal year using the Fiscal Year and Period Number processing options in the 2. Period From section.

Period To
Fiscal Year
Period Number

To select records for processing based on a duration ranging from a period in a fiscal year to a period in the same or different fiscal year, enter the end period and the associated fiscal year using the Fiscal Year and Period Number processing options in the Period From section.

3. Tax Authority

Enter the address book number of the designated tax authority for the reporting company.

4. Company Address Type

Enter a code that exists in the 01/AT UDC table that indicates the address type of the reporting company.

The system retrieves the address specified in the Address Line 1 field for this address type from the Alternate Address table (F01161) and uses the address as the post office location of the reporting company.

6.7 Generating the XML File for Inventories

Use the Inventory - POL - 74P program (R74P513) to generate the XML file for inventories. The system uses the values that you have set up in the processing options or during data selection to identify the records to include in the report.

The system runs the report based on the value specified in the Business Unit processing option. If the processing option is blank, the system runs the report based on the Company information.

When you run the R74P513 program to print the XML file, the system checks the inventory section that is mapped to the reporting company from the Inventory Section Mapping - POL - 74P table (F74P513). Then, the system retrieves the inventory information for the mapped inventory section from the Item Ledger File table (F4111) and prints the retrieved inventory information in the XML file.

Before you print the XML file, you can print the report as a PDF and Microsoft Excel document to verify the selected records in a format that is easy to review. To print the report in these formats, you use the XJDE0002 version of the Inventory - POL - 74P program (R74P513) on the Available Versions form.

6.7.1 Inventories XML File

The XML file includes the header and legal entity sections, and sections that are specific to inventories.


See Section 6.2, "Information in the XML File Common to the Five Accounting Sections" for information on the header and legal entity sections.

JPK: The system prints the reporting company in this section.

When you set up the Work with Inventory Section Mapping - POL - 74P program (P74P513) to print the Inventory Receipt section, the system includes these sections in the report for inventory receipts:

  • PZWartosc: This section includes basic inventory receipt information, such as the document number, document date, total amount, for all the transactions included in the receipt, actual receipt date, supplier's identification number, and related payables invoice date and number.

  • PZWiersz: This section includes transaction line details for the processed inventory receipts, such as the receipt document number, item number and description, quantity of goods received, units of measure, unit price, and product value.

  • PZCtrl: This section includes the total number of transaction lines and sum of the transaction amounts of all the transaction lines.

When you set up the Work with Inventory Section Mapping - POL - 74P program (P74P513) to print the Inventory External Issue section, the system includes the inventory issue transactions of items outside of the reported legal entity, and includes these sections in the report:

  • WZWartosc: This section includes basic information for external issue transactions, such as the inventory issue document number, document date, total amount for all the inventory issue transactions, actual issue date, customer's identification number, and related sales invoice date and number.

  • WZWiersz: This section includes transaction line details for the processed external issue transactions, such as the issue document number, item number and description, quantity of goods received, units of measure, unit price, and product value.

  • WZCtrl: This section includes the total number of reported inventory issue transactions (documents) and sum of the transaction amounts of all the inventory issue documents.

When you set up the Work with Inventory Section Mapping - POL - 74P program (P74P513) to print the Inventory Internal Issue section, the system includes inventory issue transactions for internal production purposes within the same legal entity, and includes these sections in the report:

  • RWWartosc: This section includes basic information for internal issue transactions, such as the inventory issue document number, document date, total amount of all the inventory issue transactions, actual issue date, and ship from and ship to location.

  • RWWiersz: This section includes transaction line details for the processed internal issue transactions, such as the issue document number, item number and description, quantity of goods received, units of measure, unit price, and product value.

  • RWCtrl: This section includes the total number of reported inventory issue transactions (documents) and sum of the transaction amounts of all the inventory issue documents.

When you set up the Work with Inventory Section Mapping - POL - 74P program (P74P513) to print the Inventory Transfer section, the system includes inventory transactions received from or issued to a different inventory within the same legal entity. For example, material movements between raw material inventories, and product transfers between finished product inventories. The system includes these sections in the report for inventory transfer:

  • MMWartosc: This section includes basic information for the inventory internal movement transaction, such as the inventory movement document number, document date, total amount of the inventory movement transactions, actual issue or received date, and ship from and ship to location.

  • MMWiersz: This section includes transaction line details for the processed inventory movement transaction, such as the issue document number, item number and description, quantity of goods received, units of measure, unit price, and product value.

  • MMCtrl: This section includes the total number of reported inventory movement transactions (documents) and sum of the transaction amounts of all the inventory movement documents.

6.7.2 Prerequisite to Printing the Inventories XML File

Before you print the Inventories XML file, map the document type and order type to inventory sections for the company for which you want to run the report.

See Section 3.12, "Mapping Document Type and Order Type to Inventory Section for Inventories Audit XML File (Release 9.1 Update)".

6.7.3 Printing the XML File for Inventories

Select Unified Audit File (G74P50), Inventories XML Report.

6.7.4 Setting Processing Options for the Inventory - POL - 74P Program (R74P513)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

1. Company

Enter the address book number of the company for which you want to generate the report.

2. Date From
Date To

To select records for processing based on the dates that the inventory records are created, enter the selection start date and the selection through date using the 2. Date From and Date To processing options.


To specify the start and end dates for selecting records, you can use either the 2. Date From and Date To processing options, or the 2. Period From and Period To processing options.

If you have entered dates in both the 2. Date From and 2. Period From processing options, the system uses the date that was entered in the 2. Date From field.

2. Period From
Fiscal Year
Period Number

To select records for processing based on a duration ranging from a period in a fiscal year to a period in the same or different fiscal year, enter the start period number and the associated fiscal year using the Fiscal Year and Period Number processing options in the 2. Period From section.

Period To
Fiscal Year
Period Number

To select records for processing based on a duration ranging from a period in a fiscal year to a period in the same or different fiscal year, enter the end period and the associated fiscal year using the Fiscal Year and Period Number processing options in the Period To section.

3. Tax Authority

Enter the address book number of the designated tax authority for the reporting company.

4. Company Address Type

Enter a code that exists in the 01/AT UDC table that indicates the address type of the reporting company.

The system retrieves the address specified in the Address Line 1 field for this address type from the Alternate Address table (F01161) and uses the address as the post office location of the reporting company.

5. Business Unit

Enter a code that identifies a entity within a business for which you want to track costs. For example, a business unit might be a warehouse location, job, project, work center, branch, or plant.