A Tables Used by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne In-Memory Project Portfolio Management System

This appendix contains this topic:

A.1 Tables Used by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne In-Memory Project Portfolio Management System

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne In-Memory Project Portfolio Management system uses tables from several JD Edwards EnterpriseOne systems, as well as tables that are specific to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne In-Memory Project Portfolio Management system.


If you use table security on tables, consider setting up table security for the tables in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne In-Memory Project Portfolio Management system. See Security Considerations.

This table lists the tables used by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne In-Memory Project Portfolio Management system as it processes records:

Table Description
F0006 (Business Unit Master) The system retrieves job and project information from the F0006 table. The system uses the F0006 records to select data in other tables. It also displays the F0006 values in the Project Management Console form.
F03B11 (Customer Ledger) The system retrieves data from the F03B11 table for certain types of billing lines, and displays values from the table in the Project Management Console form.
F0902 (Account Balances) The system retrieves data from the F0902 table and displays account values from the table in the Project Management Console form.
F0911 (Account Ledger) The system retrieves data from the F0911 table for the AA and AU ledgers when you specify to use specific dates instead of periods.
F4812 (Billing Detail Workfile) The system retrieves data from the F4812 table for certain types of billing lines, and displays values from the table in the Project Management Console form.
F4812H (Billing Workfile History) The system retrieves data from the F4812H table for certain types of billing lines, and displays values from the table in the Project Management Console form.
F4822 (Invoices Summary Workfile) The system retrieves data from the F4822 table for certain types of billing lines, and displays values from the table in the Project Management Console form.
F51X10 (Project Management Console Worktable) This table holds the job, project, contract, and account data that you specified to include in a view, and includes the values that the system calculated for your selected data, such as totals and subtotals.

The system populates this table with temporary records when you click View Now on the Work with Project Management Console form. Unless you save the results, the system deletes the view records when you exit the Project Management Console form.

When you save results to view later, the system saves the view data such as the job, project, and calculated totals until you delete the saved results. You delete records from this table by deleting the saved view using the Work with Project Management Console View program (P51X30).

F51X100 (Account Range Table) The system populates this table with the records that you set up using the Project Management Account Ranges program (P51X100).
F51X30 (View List) The system populates this table with information about the view results when you save results to view later. You access and modify records in the table using the Work with Project Management Console View program (P51X30). When you delete records from this table, the system also deletes the related records from the F51X10 table.
F51X90 (Column Definition) This table includes the column definitions that you set up in the Project Management Console Column Definitions program. The system uses the values in this table when you specify columns in the Project Management Console Column Layouts program (P51X091) and the Work with Project Management Console program (P51X0200).
F51X91 (Column Layout table) This table includes the column layouts that you set up in the Project Management Console Column Layout program. The system uses the values in this table when you specify columns in the Work with Project Management Console program and when you modify column layouts in the Project Management Console program (P51X0210).