9 Processing Outbound Inventory Shipment Orders

This chapter contains the following topics:

9.1 Understanding Outbound Inventory Order Information

You review and analyze outbound inventory shipment order information to track the status of orders and invoices and accurately plan for future needs. For example, you can monitor quantity information to identify how many items on an outbound inventory order are backordered. You can also review the present status of any order, including orders that are on hold. When entering or reviewing an outbound inventory order, you can quickly access item information, such as item number, availability, quantity cost-breaks, and so on.

You can also access additional item information that helps you accurately plan for future needs, such as summary availability and supply and demand for an item. For example, you can locate information about how many items are in demand and available in supply.

You can access information about customer accounts, including open and closed outbound inventory orders. You can use the Check Credit program (P42050) to compare a customer's total accounts receivable and open orders with their credit limit. You can also access and review sales history information.

You can access all of this information using the Update Sales Order - Header First - Manage Existing Order form on the Sales Order Management (G4211) menu.

9.2 Understanding Outbound Inventory Order Processing

The following diagram illustrates the outbound inventory order management process:

Figure 9-1 Outbound Inventory Order Management Process Flow

Surrounding text describes Figure 9-1 .

After you create an outbound inventory order, you print picking documents. Warehouse personnel use picking documents for picking inventory to fill outbound inventory orders.

After warehouse personnel pick the appropriate items to fill the order, you can verify that the billing and shipping information on the outbound inventory order by using the Shipment Confirmation application. You can also use the Shipment Confirmation application to relieve inventory from your inventory books.

9.3 Understanding Transaction Processing

Transaction processing ensures data integrity for specific programs and tables. If a transaction results in a database error or failure of a server while the system is committing inventory to the database, all table updates that are related to the transaction must be rolled back from the database to maintain data integrity. Transaction processing enables the system to store data in a queue until a commit command is issued, at which time the data is moved to the corresponding table.

The system creates boundaries for each process that is covered by transaction processing. The transaction boundary includes all data elements that constitute an outbound inventory transaction. When a failure occurs, the system generates a work flow message stating that the system resets to its original state before the failure occurred.

The Item Location File table (F41021) reflects on-hand and committed quantities of items by branch/plant, location, and lot/serial number. Maintaining the F41021 table accurately is extremely important. Transaction processing ensures that you do not commit items to an outbound inventory order before having a valid, processed order. If an item or order is held up for any reason, the system does not commit the order.

Transaction processing works with these programs during sales update:

  • Sales Order Entry (P4210)

  • Shipment Confirmation (P4205)

  • Backorder Release (P42117)

9.4 Understanding Status Codes

You can use the Status Code Update program to manually advance the status codes for order lines that you select. The Status Code Update program enables you to manage steps in the order process that are unique to a specific company or order. For example, you can bypass credit approval for several order lines by processing them through the Status Code Update program (P42040).

You can also manually change the status code of a single line to the next status code. However, if an order or order line is on hold, you must first release the order. Advancing the status of a held order does not automatically release the order.

9.5 Printing Picking Documents

This section provides an overview of picking documents and discusses how to print pick slips for outbound inventory orders.

9.5.1 Understanding Picking Documents

Warehouse personnel can print documents such as pick slips, to assist them with retrieving inventory from the warehouse to fill an outbound inventory order. A pick slip is a document that contains information about the items to be shipped, such as quantity and location, for an outbound inventory order.

If you cancel an outbound inventory order, the system rolls back the commitments and agreement quantity.


To know more about the types of picking documents supported by JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, see "Printing Picking Documents" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Sales Order Implementation Guide.

9.5.2 Setting Processing Options for the Print Pick Slips Program (R42520)

Use these processing options to specify edit processes, printing parameters, how the system processes and to define default versions for the Print Pick Slips program (R42520).


To know more about setting processing options for the Print Pick Slips Program (R42520), see "Setting Processing Options for the Print Pick Slip Program (R42520)" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Sales Order Implementation Guide.

9.5.3 Printing Pick Slips

Access the Print Pick Slips report.

Form Name Form ID Navigation
Print Pick Slip R42520 G4211, Print Pick Slip

Select the desired version of the Print Pick Slip report and run the report.

9.6 Confirming Shipments

This section provides overviews of shipment confirmations, additional order processing during ship confirm, tare and pack information, and the ship confirm batch application, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

  • Set processing options for the Shipment Confirmation program (P4205).

  • Confirm shipments.

  • Set processing options for the Ship Confirm Batch Application program (R42500).

  • Run the Ship Confirm batch application.

9.6.1 Understanding Shipment Confirmations

After warehouse personnel pick the items for an outbound inventory order, you must verify that the item and shipping information is correct before shipping the order. You use the Shipment Confirmation program (P4205) to verify that the inventory has left the warehouse. You can verify the location from which the item was picked, the quantity, all item and shipping information, additional charges, and serial numbers before shipping the order. You can also ship on-hold items that have an allowed lot status.

When you confirm an outbound inventory order, the system advances the order to the next status. For example, an outbound inventory order with a status of 540 advances to 560 after you confirm shipment.

If the shipment quantity is less than the order quantity, you can adjust the shipment quantity on the outbound inventory order. If the system cannot fill a quantity of items, it processes the order depending on how these options are set:

  • Options for the P4205 program are set to backorder, cancel, or ship available items.

  • Customer billing instructions allow backorders.

    Settings for the branch/plant constants, item branch, and item master allow backorders.

In the P4205 program, you can enter the Actual Ship Time value when you confirm an outbound inventory order line.

Frequently, not all the quantity ordered by a customer will be available at a source location. You can also use the Multi-Location program (P42053) to decide the location or multiple locations from which to source the quantities during shipment confirmation.

9.6.2 Understanding Additional Outbound Inventory Order Processing During Ship Confirm

When you run the ship confirmation process, the system can perform other processes for the order. These processes include updating the on-hand inventory. Updating On-Hand Inventory

You can relieve the on-hand quantity for an item during shipment confirmation or sales update. The method that you select affects when the system writes history files to the Item Ledger File table (F4111). Consider these points when determining which method to use:

  • If you subtract the on-hand quantity from inventory during shipment confirmation, the system creates a record in the Item Ledger table with the sales order as the document number and the order type as the document type.

    During sales update, the system overwrites the record with the invoice number and type, general ledger date, and batch number.

  • If you subtract the on-hand quantity from inventory during sales update, the system writes the invoice number, type, and general ledger date to the F4111 table.

    No record is written during shipment confirmation.

To relieve the on-hand quantity for an item during shipment confirmation, you must add order types to UDC table 40/IU. During sales update, the system overwrites the F4111 table record with the invoice number and type, general ledger date, and batch number.

You can also use processing options to auto acknowledge or manually acknowledge the receipt of outbound inventory orders at the customer's location. When you set the processing option to automatically acknowledge the receipt of outbound inventory, the system updates the quantity during shipment confirmation at the locations specified in the outbound inventory branch/plant. If you select the processing option to manually acknowledge the items received, you must use the Acknowledge Outbound Order Receipt application to manually acknowledge orders. The system then updates the quantity at the locations specified in the outbound branch/plant. Overshipping

You can use the Outbound Inventory Agreement Details application to ship more than the agreement quantity to your customer's location. If you select the Allow Overshipping option, the system enables you to bypass the agreement quantity and ship more quantity to the customer.

9.6.3 Understanding the Ship Confirm Batch Application

The Ship Confirm Batch Application program (R42500) enables you to confirm multiple orders simultaneously. When you confirm shipments for orders in batch mode, the system retrieves all orders at the status that you specify in the Ship Confirm Batch Application processing options.

The system does not process orders with these criteria:

  • Orders that are currently on hold

  • Orders that are processed by JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Warehouse Management

  • Orders that were previously processed for ship confirmation

  • Orders with a future committed quantity that is greater than zero

You can run the batch shipment confirmation in proof or final mode. When you run the batch shipment confirmation in proof mode, the system does not advance the status of the orders or update the database. The system sends any electronic error messages to the work center. You can correct errors in the Sales Order Detail Revisions form and resubmit the order for confirmation.

Whenever you run the R42500 program, the system automatically runs the Inbound Transaction Processor (R47500) program to streamline batch processing. When you set up the processing options for the R42500 program, you must specify a version of the P4205 program. Also, set the processing options for the R47500 program.

9.6.4 Prerequisites

Before you complete the tasks in this section:

  • For the P4205 program, verify that a status code is set up for shipment confirmation.

  • Create a version of the R42500 program and set the processing options according to the company's business needs.

    For example, you might want to create multiple versions for proof and final mode. In this way, you can review the orders that are confirmed before actually confirming orders and updating the database.

  • Create a version of the P4205 program and set the processing options according to the company's business needs.

  • Create a version of the R47500 program and set the processing options according to business needs.

  • Ensure that the correct version of the R47500 program is indicated in the processing options for the R42500 program.

  • Ensure that the correct version of the P4205 program is indicated in the processing options for the R47500 program.

9.6.5 Setting Processing Options for the Shipment Confirmation Program (P4205)

Use these processing options to specify data selection criteria, specify default and display values, define how the system processes and edits data, define print options, specify versions, and activate prepayment processing. 17-Outbound Inventory

Use this processing option to specify how the system acknowledges outbound inventory orders.

1. Outbound Inventory Acknowledgement Processing

Use this processing option to acknowledge that the item has been received at the outbound inventory branch/plant. Values are:

Blank: Acknowledge automatically

1: Acknowledge manually

When you set the processing option to acknowledge outbound inventory orders automatically, the system automatically updates the quantity during shipment confirmation at the locations specified in the outbound branch/plant.

When you set the processing options to manually acknowledge outbound inventory orders, you must manually acknowledge the inventory received using the Acknowledge Outbound Order Receipt application (P42I02). The system then updates the quantity at the locations specified in the outbound branch/plant.

9.6.6 Confirming Shipments

Access the Work With Shipment Confirmation form.

Form Name Form ID Navigation
Work with Shipment Confirmation W4205H Outbound Inventory Order Processing (G42I10), Confirm Shipments

On the Work With Shipment Confirmation form, select the outbound inventory orders for which you want to confirm shipment, and click OK. On the Confirm Shipments form, complete the following fields:

Quantity Shipped

Enter the number of units that are committed for shipment in Sales Order Entry, using either the entered or the primary unit of measure that is defined for this item.


Enter a number that identifies a lot or a serial number. A lot is a group of items with similar characteristics.

Quantity Canceled

Enter the number of units that are canceled in Sales Order or Work Order Processing, using either the entered or the primary unit of measure that is defined for this item.

9.6.7 Setting Processing Options for the Ship Confirm Batch Program (R42500)

Use these processing options to determine the records to select and to specify a version name for the Ship Confirm Batch Application program (R42500). Rec Selection

These processing options determine the ranges of statuses that are selected when you run the program.

Next Status From (required)

Enter a code from UDC 40/AT that indicates the beginning status for the next step in the order flow of the line type. This processing option works with the Next Status Through processing option to define a range of order lines to process.

Next Status Through (required)

Enter a code from UDC 40/AT that indicates the ending status for the next step in the order flow of the line type. This option works with the Next Status From processing option to define a range of order lines to process. Process

This processing option determines the version of the Inbound Transaction Processor program that the system uses.

R47500 Version Name

Enter the version of the Inbound Transaction Processor program (R47500) to use for confirming shipments.

9.6.8 Running the Ship Confirm Batch Application

Select Outbound Inventory Order Processing (G42I10), Confirm Shipments - Batch.