35 Using Configurator to Configure Customer Center

This section describes the Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) Configurator application included with Customer Center Software Development Kit (SDK).

About Configurator

You use Configurator to configure the most commonly modified features of Customer Center. The Configurator interface mimics the tab organization of the Customer Center interface, so you can easily locate the features you want to modify.

When you choose File - Save in Configurator, Configurator saves the changes to the WizardCustomizations.properties and WizardCustomizationsResources.properties configuration files in the BRM_Home/CustomerCareSDK/CustCntr/bin directory, where BRM_Home is the directory in which you installed BRM components.

For an overview of all Customer Center properties files, see "Modifying the Customer Center Properties Files".

Using Configurator

To use Configurator to configure Customer Center:

  1. Go to the CCSDK_Home/CustomerCareSDK/CustCntr/bin directory.

  2. Double-click the runConfigurator executable script.

    The Login dialog box appears.

  3. Enter your login and password.


    To verify that you have full access to make changes across all brands, use either your BRM root account or another account that is allowed to change permissions. See "About Granting Access to Brands" in BRM Managing Customers.
  4. Click the Connection Info button to display and, if needed, change the values for Host and Port. These entries are automatically filled in with the values you provided when you installed Customer Center SDK.


    You can enter values that point to a different BRM server or database after installing Customer Center SDK.
  5. Click OK.

    The Configurator application opens with the Summary Configurator tab on top.

  6. Make your configurations:

    Figure 35-1 shows where to find these options in the initial Configurator panel:

    Figure 35-1 Customer Center Configurator Panel

    Description of Figure 35-1 follows
    Description of ''Figure 35-1 Customer Center Configurator Panel''

  7. Save your changes.

What's Next?

Continue coding your configurations using other methods described in "Customizing and Configuring Customer Center", or proceed to "Building Your Customer Center Customizations".

Configuring Customer Center Account Maintenance Pages

This section describes how to configure fields and pages used in Customer Center to display information about existing accounts.

Using the Account Maintenance Configurator Tabs

The tabs and toolbar selections in Configurator mirror the ones found in Customer Center.

Table 35-1 lists the Configurator tab selection options for configuring the corresponding account maintenance items in Customer Center.

Table 35-1 Configurator Account Maintenance Configurator Tab Selections

Configurator Account Maintenance Tab Tab Description

Summary Configurator

Configures options in the Customer Center Summary tab

Contacts Configurator

Configures options in the Customer Center Contacts drill-down area of the Summary tab

Balance Configurator

Configures options in the Customer Center Balance tab

Payment Configurator

Configures options in the Customer Center Payment tab

Plan Configurator

Configures options in the Customer Center Plans tab

Service Configurator

Configures options in the Customer Center Services tab

Hierarchy Configurator

Configures options in the Customer Center Hierarchy tab

Sponsorship Configurator

Configures options in the Customer Center Sponsorship tab

Sharing Configurator

Configures options in the Customer Center Sharing tab

Other Settings

Handles configuration options that are not specific to a particular account maintenance tab

Table 35-2 shows the Configurator toolbar selection options for configuring the corresponding account maintenance items in Customer Center.

Table 35-2 Configurator Account Maintenance Toolbar Selections

Account Maintenance Toolbar Selection Tab Description

Account Search Results Configurator

Configures the Customer Center account Search panel

Tab Options

Configures the Customer Center tabbed pages

Summary Configurator

Click the Summary tab to configure the fields and choices displayed on the Customer Center Summary page.

The Drill Downs menu on this tab displays two choices:

  • Summary

  • Contacts

Choose Summary to open the Summary Configurator, which displays the choices listed in Table 35-3:

Table 35-3 Summary Tab Items

Item Summary Page Action Default

Security code 1

Select an option to set permissions for the first Security code field.

  • Editable

  • Not editable

  • Do not display field


Security code 2

Select an option to set permissions for the second Security code field.

  • Editable

  • Not editable

  • Do not display field


Deferred actions

Select or clear the option to display the Deferred actions field.


Language (locale)

Select or clear the option to display the Language field.



Select or clear the option to display these dispute options:

  • Unresolved Dispute link on the Summary and Balance pages

  • Dispute option in the Type drop-down list in the Search dialog box on the A/R Actions On All Bills page

  • Open Dispute and Settle Dispute options on the Bill Details page

  • Open Dispute and Settle Dispute options on the Item Changes Action menu


Balance summary section

Select or clear the option to display:

  • The Currency Balance Summary pane on the Summary page

  • The Balance Summary pane on the Balance page.


Payment type

Select or clear the option to display the Billing Payment Method section of the Payments tab.

Note: This option only affects the Payment page. It does not affect the Summary page.


Show service in change status list

Select or clear the option to display or hide the services in the Account/service drop-down list in the Change Account/Service Status panel in the Summary tab.


Modify Customer Type

Click Modify Customer Type to change the list of customer type options. See "Modifying the Customer Type List".

Default list:

  • Bronze

  • Silver

  • Gold

  • Platinum

Modifying the Customer Type List

The Summary tab in Customer Center Configurator includes a Modify Customer Type button that allows you to modify the customer type pull-down list.

Adding a customer type

To add a customer type to the selector pull-down list:

  1. In the Summary tab, click Modify Customer Type.

    The Modify Customer Type window appears:

  2. Type a BRM value in the Map the Infranet value field.

  3. Type a string to associate with the BRM value in the To the string field.


    The text in the To the string field will appear in the Customer Type selector pull-down list.
  4. Click Add.

Deleting a customer type

  1. In the Summary tab, click Modify Customer Type.

  2. Click the customer type you want to delete.

  3. Click Delete.

Contacts Configurator

Choose Contacts from the Drill Downs menu to open the Contacts Configurator.

The Contacts Configurator options shown in the following table affect the text entry fields displayed in the Contact Information drill down on the Summary page. If you remove a field from the display, the fields that follow it are moved up on the displayed pages.

To change only the fields displayed in the New Account wizard, click the New account toolbar button and access the Contact Configurator for the "Configuring the Customer Center New Accounts Wizard". Set the values for the items listed in Table 35-4.


The Last name, Address, and Phone fields cannot be removed.

Table 35-4 Contacts Configurator Items

Item Action Default


Select or clear the option to display the Company field.


Job Title

Select or clear the option to display the Job title field.



Select or clear the option to display the Salutation field.


First Name

Select or clear the option to display the First name field.


Middle Name

Select or clear the option to display the Middle name field.



Select or clear the option to display the City field.



Select or clear the option to display the State/Province field.



Select or clear the option to display the ZIP/Postal field.



Select or clear the option to display the Country field.



Select or clear the option to display the Email field.


Balance Configurator

Click the Balance tab to open the Balance Configurator. Use the Balance Configurator to configure the options (shown in Table 35-5) in the Balance tab of Customer Center:

Table 35-5 Balance Configurator

Item Balance Panel Action Default

Event browser

Select or clear the option to display the Event Browser menu choice on the Edit menu.

Note: This choice doesn't affect the Event Adjustment action.



Select or clear the option to display all of the following:

  • Refund Account item on the A/R menu

  • Refund Bill item on the Bills - Action menu



Select or clear the option to display all of the following:

  • Unresolved Disputes link on the Summary and Balance pages.

  • Dispute choice in the Type drop-down list in the Search – A/R Actions dialog box on the A/R Actions On All Bills page.

  • Open Dispute and Settle Dispute Action menu selections in the Item Charges panel on the Bill Details drill-down page.



Select or clear the option to display the of the following:

  • Write Off Account menu option on the A/R menu.

  • Write Off Bill item in the Bills section on the Balance page

  • Write Off Bill item in the Item Charges - Action menu on the Bill Details drill-down page.


Make "Include Child Amount" checkbox read only

Click the checkbox to enable or disable changing the selection of the Include Child Accounts checkbox.

The Include Child Accounts checkbox choice can be modified.

Balance summary section

Select or clear the option to display the Balance Summary pane on the Balance page and the Currency Balance Summary pane on the Summary page.


Noncurrency section

Select or clear the option to display the Noncurrency panel.


Account adjustment

Select or clear the option to display the Account Adjustment link on the Balance and Bill Details pages.


Item adjustment

Select or clear the option to display the Item Adjustment choice in the Action menu in the Item Charges panel on the Bill Details drill-down page.


Event adjustment

Select or clear the option to display the Event Adjustment choice in the Action menu in the following:

  • Bills panel on the Balance page

  • Item Charges panel on the Bill Details page


Disable View Invoice Button in Bill Details page

Select or clear the option to disable the View Invoice button in the Bills panel of the Balance tab.

By default, this option is not selected.


Tax treatment

Select the option to control whether the customer center representative (CSR) can choose the Tax treatment on the adjustment, dispute, and settlement dialog boxes:

  • Include tax: Always perform a tax reversal for the adjustment, dispute, or settlement. If you select this option, the Customer Center dialog boxes do not include tax treatment check boxes.

  • Exclude tax: Never perform a tax reversal for the adjustment, dispute, or settlement. If you select this option, the Customer Center dialog boxes do not include tax treatment check boxes.

  • None: Allow the CSR to choose whether to include taxes. If you select this option, the Customer Center dialog boxes include tax treatment check boxes.

  • This is the default setting for Customer Center. While it provides flexibility by letting the CSR make decisions based on the circumstances surrounding the adjustment, dispute, or settlement, it can result in inconsistent application of tax reversals for disputes and settlements.

For more information on tax treatment, see "Configuring the Default Tax Treatment for Customer Center" in BRM Managing Accounts Receivable.


Payment Configurator

Click the Payments tab to open the Payment Configurator. Use the Payment Configurator to configure the options (shown in Table 35-6) in the Payment tab of Customer Center:

Table 35-6 Payment Configurator Items

Item Payments Panel Action Default

Payment section

Select or clear the option to display the Payment Setup panel.


Tax setup section

Select or clear the option to display the Tax Setup panel.


Credit Card Number - maximum digits allowed

Enter an integer to indicate the maximum number of digits allowed for the Credit Card Number field.


CVV2 Number - maximum digits allowed

Enter an integer to indicate the maximum number of digits allowed for the CVV2 field.

Important: If you change the default value, you must also customize the PCM_OP_CUST_POL_VALID_PAYINFO policy opcode to validate the number of CVV2 digits entered. See "Specifying the Maximum Number of Digits Allowed for CVV2 Verification" in BRM Configuring and Collecting Payments.


Account Number - maximum digits allowed

Enter an integer to indicate the maximum number of digits allowed for the Account Number field for direct debit accounts.


Bank Number - maximum digits allowed

Enter an integer to indicate the maximum number of digits allowed for the Bank Number field for direct debit accounts.


Custom billing cycle/tax setup class

Enter the custom PBillingCycleAndTaxSetupPage class name.

For more information, see "Configuring Values in the Billing Day of Month Combo Box".

Not customized

Plan Configurator

Click the Plans tab to open the Plan Configurator. Use Plan Configurator to configure the options (listed in Table 35-7) in the Plans tab of Customer Center:

Table 35-7 Plan Configurator Items

Item Plan Panel Action Default

Product History

Select or clear the option to display the Product History option in the Actions menu on the Plans page.


Deal History

Select or clear the option to display the Deal History option in the Actions menu on the Plans page.


Service History

Select or clear the option to display the Service History option in the Actions menu on the Plans page.


Product status

Globally modifies all Customer Center user permissions for altering Product Status settings.

Note: To modify a specific user's permissions for altering Product Status settings, see the permission strings displayed when you click Additional note under the field. The permission string is entered in the Customer Center Permission dialog box.

Read and write permissions

Service Configurator

Click the Service tab to open the Service Configurator.

The Drill Downs menu on this tab displays two choices:

  • Service

  • Deferred Actions

Choose Drill Downs - Service to open the Service Configurator. Use Service Configurator to configure the options (shown in Table 35-8) on the Services tab of Customer Center:

Table 35-8 Service Configurator

Item Service Panel Action Default

Allow purchase products

Select or clear the option to display the Purchase option.


Service History

Select or clear the option to display the Service History option.


Status column

Select an option to set permissions for entries in the Status column:

  • Editable

  • Not editable

  • Do not display field


Defer action column

Select an option to set permissions for entries in the Defer Action column:

  • Editable

  • Not editable

  • Do not display field


Custom SIM Panel Class

Enter the subclass of the SIMPanel.java class that you created for charging for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) changes.

For more information, see "Adding Charges for SIM and MSISDN Changes".

Not customized

Custom Number Panel Class

Enter the subclass of the NUMPanel.java that you created for charging for MSISDN changes.

For more information, see "Adding Charges for SIM and MSISDN Changes".

Not customized

Disable change in MSISDN number

Select or clear the option to disable changes to the Mobile Station International Subscriber Directory Number (MSISDN) number.


Choose Drill Downs - Deferred Actions to open the Deferred Actions Configurator. Set the items shown in Table 35-9.

Table 35-9 Deferred Actions Configurator

Item Action Default

Delete deferred actions

Select or clear the option to display the Delete button.


Execute deferred actions

Select or clear the option to display the Execute Now button.


Hierarchy Configurator

Click the Hierarchy tab to open the Hierarchy Configurator. Use Hierarchy Configurator to configure the options (shown in Table 35-10) on the Hierarchy tab in Customer Center:

Table 35-10 Hierarchy Configurator

Item Hierarchy Panel Action Default

Allow accounts to be moved

Select or clear the option to display the Move button.


Allow moves to be deferred

Select or clear the option to display the Defer the action until field in the Move – Options dialog box.


Custom Hierarchy Move Page Class

Enter the name of your extended com.portal.app.cc.PHierarchyMovePage.java class for your custom search dialog box.

For more information, see "Creating Customized Search Dialogs and Disabling the To Field".

Not customized

Allow accounts to be removed

Select or clear the option to display the Actions – Remove from Hierarchy option.


Allow removal to be deferred

Select or clear the option to display the Action – Remove from Hierarchy – Effective Move Date option.


Allow the bill in progress to be transferred or carried along

Select or clear the option to display the:

  • Transfer the current bill in progress to this account option in the Actions – Remove from Hierarchy – Bill in Progress Options menu

  • Transfer the bill in progress to the new parent option in the Move – Options – Bill in Progress Options menu

Click the option under Default to set Transfer the (current) bill in progress as the default choice for both menus.


Allow the bill in progress to be billed immediately

Select or clear the option to display the Bill now option in the:

  • Actions – Remove from Hierarchy – Bill in Progress Options menu

  • Move – Options – Bill in Progress Options menu

Click the option under Default to set Bill now as the default choice for both menus.

Not allowed

The confirmation dialog's default button is

Select one of these options as the default confirmation button:

  • Yes

  • No


Note: A CSR can still click the Cancel button.

Custom NoHierarchy Page Class

Enter your custom NoHierarchy page class.

For more information, see "Adding a Custom NoHierarchy Page".

Not customized

Double click account opens the account

Select or clear the option to enable opening any account in a hierarchy by double-clicking it.

Note: If this feature is disabled, double clicking an account expands or collapses it.


Show expand/collapse control

Select or clear to display the expand and collapse controls (+ and - icons) in an account hierarchy.

Not shown

Expand entire hierarchy by default

If the Show expand/collapse control option is selected, select or clear to specify whether the default tree display mode is expanded or collapsed.

Not expanded

Expand by default only when total number of accounts are less than

If the Expand entire hierarchy by default, enter the threshold number of accounts above which the default display is collapsed.

To show the entire hierarchy for any size tree, set the field to 0.

Important: Customer Center performance might be affected if this field is set to 0 or a high number.

If the number of accounts in the hierarchy is more than the expansion threshold, the account hierarchy is displayed as a collapsed tree and a message window indicates the complete hierarchy cannot be shown.

Not specified (a default value of 25 is assumed)

Sponsorship Configurator

Click the Sponsorship tab to open the Sponsorship Configurator. Click the Include sponsorship functionality checkbox to display or hide sponsorship information from all areas of Customer Center. The default behavior is to display sponsorship information.

Sharing Configurator

Click the Sharing tab to open the Sharing Configurator. Use Sharing Configurator to control how Customer Center adds members to resource sharing groups and to configure the options (shown in Table 35-11) on the Sharing tab in Customer Center:

Table 35-11 Sharing Configurator

Item Sharing Panel Action Default

Automatically participate in the membership

Select the option to control whether members can automatically participate in group sharing:

  • Accept

  • Decline

Selecting Accept lets members benefit from resource sharing groups without having to explicitly join the group by clicking Participate in Membership. BRM automatically adds ordered balance groups to the data base for all members selected on the Add Members dialog box.

For more information, see "Creating and Modifying Multiple Ordered Balance Groups Simultaneously" in BRM Managing Accounts Receivable.


Accepting the membership as

Select the option to determine whether new resources sharing groups are added at the beginning or end of the ordered balance group list for participating services:

  • First Priority

  • Last Priority

This setting controls the sequence in which BRM applies discount and charge sharing for a service. This setting also controls how the sharing groups for a service are arranged on the Sharing tab and Participate in Membership dialog box.

For information on ordered balance groups, see "About Ordered Balance Groups" in BRM Managing Accounts Receivable.

Last Priority

Bill unit for group owner

Select the option to display or hide Bill to put charges in and Payment method fields:

  • Show it

  • Hide it

The Bill to put charges in field appears on the Charge Sharing Group and Discount Sharing Group dialog boxes. The Payment method field appears only on the Charge Sharing Group dialog box.

Show it

Ordering the Sharing combo box

Change the order of the sharing groups in the View drop-down on the Sharing tab. To do so, select a group and click:

  • Raise Order

  • Lower Order

The list of groups always include PDiscount and PCharge. It also includes any new sharing group types you create and add to Customer Center.

For information on adding new panels to Customer Center, see "Customizing the Customer Center Interface". For information on adding new sharing types to the View drop-down on the Sharing tab, see "Customizing Fields in the Sharing Tab".

Discount sharing (PDiscount) is first

Other Settings

Click the Other tab to configure default behavior for the items in Table 35-12:

Table 35-12 Other Items

Item Other Action Default

Alert user when opening accounts in different brands

Select or clear the option to display an alert message to a CSR who opens two or more accounts in different brands.

Not displayed

Note: See "About Granting Access to Brands" in BRM Managing Customers.

Display the connection info in the login dialog

Select or clear the option to display the Connection Info button in the Login dialog box.


Tip: If you are working in a single BRM environment, hide the Connection Info button.

Background image in home page

Enter the package path and name for an alternate image to display in the Customer Center home page.


Allow an account to have only one plan

Select or clear this option to restrict accounts to have only one plan.

When this option is selected, a CSR doesn't have the standard set of options in the Purchase Options field in the Plans - Purchase window. Instead, the CSR can only select the Upgrade from option to transfer the account to a new plan.

Not restricted (accounts can have two or more plans)

Enable plan options page when using plans with only optional deals

Enable or disable the Plan Options tab in the Account purchase wizard when the plan being purchased has no required deals.

Not enabled

Class name for loading the Custom Properties

Enter the class name that implements the LoadCustomProperties interface.

Important: You must define the fully qualified class name, for example, com.helloworld.MyInterface.

For more information, see "Configuring Dynamic Drop-Down Lists".

Not customized

Maximum number of contacts allowed for an account

Enter the maximum number of contacts allowed for an account.

-1 (No limit to the number of contacts in an account)

Enforce deal customization

Select or clear this option.

When selected, Customer Center automatically reminds CSRs to visit the Customize Products page if they select a deal with required customization.

Not selected

Account Search Results Configurator

The Account Search Configurator wizard in the Customer Center SDK Configurator includes a Search Criteria section. You use this area to add, change, and delete custom search fields that CSRs use to search for accounts in Customer Center.


The Customer Center SDK includes sample configurations.

To change Customer Search criteria field options in Customer Center by using the Account Search Configurator, follow these steps:

  1. Starting Account Search Configurator

  2. Adding a New Search Criteria field

  3. Modifying a Search Criteria Field

  4. Deleting a Custom Search Criteria Field

Starting Account Search Configurator

  1. Start Configurator.

  2. Click the Search toolbar button to open the Account Search Configurator dialog box. Use this dialog box to:

    • View and modify the list of fields available in the Customer Center Search dialog by default.

    • Add more fields.

Adding a New Search Criteria field

To add a new search criteria field:

  1. In the Search Criteria section of the Account Search Configurator Wizard, click Add New.

  2. In the Attributes window, type the values for the basic attributes fields:

    1. Property file identifier: Type a keyword that is unique to the field.


      For easy identification, use a value that resembles the label name. For example, if you use Payment type for the label, you could use Payment_type for the Property file identifier.

      This key is stored in the Customized.properties file when you exit Configurator.

    2. Label: The label that appears in the Search dialog box for this field.

    3. (Optional) Mnemonic: A single letter that allows the customer service representative (CSR) to access this field quickly.

      For example, if you specify t as the mnemonic for the Payment Type field, the CSR can access this field by typing Ctrl+t.

  3. (Optional) To require CSRs to select from a set of specific values for the field:

    1. Click the Define values for field option.

    2. Type a selectable value in the Define value field.

    3. Click Add.

    4. Repeat steps 3b and 3c until all predefined options are added.

    5. (Optional) To specify a default value for the field, select the button to the left of the field.

    6. To delete a field value option, select its row and click Delete.

    Figure 35-2 shows the Month field added with selectable values:

    Figure 35-2 Month Field Attribute Configuration

    Description of Figure 35-2 follows
    Description of ''Figure 35-2 Month Field Attribute Configuration''

    When a CSR searches on the Month field, the pull-down list of months is presented (as shown in Figure 35-3):

    Figure 35-3 Customer Center Month Pull-Down List

    Description of Figure 35-3 follows
    Description of ''Figure 35-3 Customer Center Month Pull-Down List''


    If no default value is specified and the CSR selects it (the Not specified option) the search ignores the field.
  4. (Optional) To require CSRs to select from a set of predefined values that map to BRM values:

    1. Click the Map Infranet values to text option.

    2. Type value pairs for the Mapped the Infranet value and To the string fields.

    3. Click Add.

    4. Repeat steps 4b and 4c until all options are added.

    5. (Optional) To specify a default value for the field, select the button to the left of the String field value.

    6. To delete a field value option, select its row and click Delete.

    Figure 35-4 shows how to add a Payment Type field with selectable values:

    Figure 35-4 Adding a Payment Type in Configurator

    Description of Figure 35-4 follows
    Description of ''Figure 35-4 Adding a Payment Type in Configurator''

    When a CSR searches on the Payment Type field, the pull-down list of payment methods is presented as shown in Figure 35-5:

    Figure 35-5 Customer Center Payment Type Pull-Down List

    Description of Figure 35-5 follows
    Description of ''Figure 35-5 Customer Center Payment Type Pull-Down List''

  5. Click Next.

    The Select field window displays storable classes and their fields in tree format.

  6. Select a field from the appropriate storable class.

  7. Click Finish. The new field appears at the bottom of the list in the Search Criteria section of the main Account Search Configurator window.

Modifying a Search Criteria Field

To modify an existing Search Criteria field:

  1. In the Search Criteria area of the Account Search Configurator window, click the field to modify.

  2. Click Modify.

  3. In the Modify wizard, change the displayed attributes of the search field.


    The Modify wizard is similar to the Add wizard. See "Adding a New Search Criteria field".The Modify wizard doesn't include a Property file identifier field in the Attributes window. You can't change the Property file identifier for a field after you add the field.

Deleting a Custom Search Criteria Field

To delete a custom Search Criteria field:

  1. In the Search Criteria area of the Account Search Configurator window, select the custom field to delete.

  2. Click Delete.


    You cannot delete a default Search Criteria field. However, you can prevent it from displaying in Customer Center by clearing the check box next to the field. You can disable the display of custom Search Criteria in the same way.

Tab Options

This section describes how to reorder, modify, or add a page to the Customer Center account maintenance interface.

  1. Start Configurator.

  2. Click the Tab options button.

    The Configure Page Maintenance wizard appears.

  3. Make your configurations. See:

Reordering Pages

To reorder pages, highlight the page's name in the list and click one of the arrows to move its position on the page.

Modifying Attributes of an Existing Page

  1. Highlight an existing page in the list.

  2. Click Modify.

  3. Modify the page's name, the tool tip text, or the name of the Java class that creates the page, as required.

Hiding an Existing Page

To hide an existing page, clear its checkbox in the list.


You cannot delete the default pages included with Customer Center. However, you can prevent their display.

Adding a New Page

To add a new page, click the Add New button and enter information listed in Table 35-13:


To add a new page, first create the new page with an IDE tool such as JBuilder. See "Setting Up JBuilder to Customize the Customer Center Interface".

Table 35-13 New Page Information

Field Description

Property file identifier

The property file key to attach your class values to.


The tab text to display for your new page's name.

Tool tip

The tool tip text to display when the mouse hovers over the tab name.

Java class name

The name of the source file for your new page, in the format com.yourpackage.YourClassName.

Removing a Custom Page

To remove a custom page, highlight the page and click the Delete button.


You cannot delete the default pages included with Customer Center, however, you can prevent their display.

Configuring the Customer Center New Accounts Wizard

To configure fields and panels used in the Customer Center new accounts wizard:

  1. Click the New account toolbar button in Configurator.

    The new accounts configurator wizard appears.

  2. Modify the configurator options as required.


    The selections on each tab in this configuration wizard only affect the fields and options displayed in the New Account wizard. They do not impact the Contact Information drill-down on the account maintenance Summary page.

    Table 35-14 describes the main new account configuration pages:

    Table 35-14 Contents of the New Account Configuration Page

    New Account Wizard Panels Panel Description

    Contacts Panel

    Configures options in the Customer Center New account Contacts panel

    General Panel

    Configures options in the Customer Center New account General panel

    Payment Panel

    Configures options in the Customer Center New account Payments panel

    Billing Panel

    Configures options in the Customer Center New account Billing panel

To reorder, hide, or add New Account wizard panels, see "New Account Page Options".

Contacts Panel

Select Contacts in the navigation bar to open the Contacts Configurator. Use Contacts Configurator to configure the options (shown in Table 35-15) in the New accounts - Contacts tab in Customer Center.


  • If you clear a checkbox to hide a field, the fields that follow it are moved up in the display.

  • The Last name, Address, and Phone fields cannot be removed.

Table 35-15 Contacts Configurator Panel

Item New Account - Contacts Panel Action Default


Select or clear the option to display the Company field.

Displayed (business accounts only)

Job Title

Select or clear the option to display the Job title field.

Displayed (business accounts only)


Select or clear the option to display the Salutation field.


First Name

Select or clear the option to display the First name field.


Middle Name

Select or clear the option to display the Middle name field.



Select or clear the option to display the City field.



Select or clear the option to display the State/Province field.



Select or clear the option to display the ZIP/Postal field.



Select or clear the option to display the Country field.



Select or clear the option to display The E-mail field.


Contact Type

Enter the default value for the Customer Center Contact Type field.

Note: The default value appears during account creation and account maintenance operations.

Account holder

General Panel

Click the Next button or select General in the navigation bar to open the General Configurator. Use General Configurator to configure the options (shown in Table 35-16) in the New accounts - General tab in Customer Center:

Table 35-16 Items in General Panel for New Account

Item New Account-General Panel Action Default

Security Code 1

Select an option to set permissions for the first Security code field.

  • Editable

  • Not editable

  • Do not display field


Security Code 2

Select an option to set permissions for the second Security code field.

  • Editable

  • Not editable

  • Do not display field


Language (locale) field

Select an option to set permissions for the Language field.

  • Editable

  • Not editable

  • Do not display field

Note: If either the Read only or Hide options are selected, the user is given a choice at runtime to select the default locale to use.


Currency field

Select an option to set permissions for the Primary currency and Secondary currency:

  • Editable

  • Not editable

  • Do not display field

Select a default entry to use for the Primary currency field.

Select a default entry to use for the Secondary currency field.

Note: The Secondary currency is valid only if the Primary currency is Euro.


Note: The default currencies appropriate for the application's locale are displayed.

Hierarchy support

Select or clear the option to display the Hierarchy Setup panel.


Hierarchy appears initially expanded

Select or clear the option to display the hierarchies in expanded format.


Sponsorship support

Select or clear the option to display the Sponsorship Setup panel.


Sponsorship appears initially expanded

Select or clear the option to display the sponsorship in expanded format.


Payment Panel

Click the Next button or select Payment in the navigation bar to open the Payment Configurator. Use Payment Configurator to configure the options (shown in Table 35-17) in the New accounts - Configurator tab in Customer Center:

Table 35-17 Payment Panel Settings

Item New Account Wizard - Payment Panel Action Default

Default payment type - consumer

Select a default payment method from the drop-down menu.


Default payment type - business

Select a default payment method from the drop-down menu.


Billing Panel

Click the Next button or select Billing in the navigation bar to open the Billing Configurator. Use Billing Configurator to configure the options (shown in Table 35-18) in the New accounts - Billing tab in Customer Center:

Table 35-18 Billing Panel

Item New Account Wizard – Billing Panel Action Default

Accounting type field

Select one of these options to specify access to accounting type:

  • Editable

  • Not Editable

  • Do not display field


Accounting type

Select one of these options to specify access to accounting type:

  • Balance forward

  • Open Item

Balance forward

New Account Page Options

This section describes how to reorder, modify, or add a page, or add a profile panel to the Customer Center New Account wizard interface.

  1. Start Configurator.

  2. From any New account panel, select the Page Options button at the bottom of the panel.

  3. Select either Consumer account or Business account depending on the account type you want to configure.

  4. Make your configurations. See:

Reordering New Account Pages

To reorder pages, highlight the page's name in the list and click one of the arrows to change its position on the page.

Modifying an Existing Page

  1. Highlight an existing page in the list.

  2. Click Modify.

  3. Modify the page's name, or the Java class that creates the page, as required.

Hiding an Existing Page

To hide an existing page, clear its checkbox in the list.


You cannot delete the default pages included with Customer Center. However, you can prevent their display.

Adding a New Page

To add a new page, click the Add New button and enter information in the fields shown in Table 35-19:


To add a new page, first create the new page with an IDE tool such as JBuilder. See "Setting Up JBuilder to Customize the Customer Center Interface".

Table 35-19 Information Required for a New Page

Field Description

Property file identifier

The property file key to attach your class values to.


The tab text to display for your new page's name.

Java class name

The name of the source file for your new page, in the format com.yourpackage.YourClassName.

Removing a Custom Page

To remove a custom page, highlight the page and click the Delete button.


You cannot delete the default pages included with Customer Center, however, you can prevent their display.

Using the Configurator Resource String Editor

Configurator includes a Resource String Editor. You use this feature to replace Customer Center field labels with your custom text values.

To use the Resource String Editor, follow these steps:

  1. Starting the Resource String Editor

  2. Searching for Labels to Replace

  3. Replacing Labels with New Strings

  4. Undoing Label Changes

Starting the Resource String Editor

To start the Resource String Editor, choose Tools - Resource String Editor from the Configurator main menu. The Resource String Editor appears.

Searching for Labels to Replace

To locate Customer Center field labels whose text you want to replace, type the label text you want to locate in the Change text from field and click Search. Any labels that contain matching text will appear in the results area.

Resource String Editor String Search Rules

  • Search matching is case sensitive.

  • Search matching is performed against the whole value of the field. For example, if you search for the string Balance, the results include screen labels that consist of only the word Balance.

  • You can use the use the wildcard symbol (*) at the end or beginning of your in your search string to return all labels that start or end with the search string, respectively.

    • Example 1

      If you search for the string Balance*, you get the same matches as you do if you search for Balance plus longer labels that start with Balance, such as Balance summary and Balance forward.

    • Example 2

      If you search for *forward, two items called Balance forward are returned.

Replacing Labels with New Strings

To replace label text with new text:

  1. Click one or more matching fields whose label text you want to replace.

  2. In the Change text to field, type the replacement text.


    The entire label string of the selected labels is replaced with the replacement text in the Change text to field, not just the string you searched for.
  3. Click Apply.

Undoing Label Changes

To undo the last string replace operation during the current Configurator session:

  1. If it is not already running, start Resource String Editor.

  2. Click Undo.

  3. When prompted to confirm, click Yes. Your changes are reversed.

Additional Configured Profile Panel Examples

For more complete examples, see the code in CCSDK_Home/CustomerCareSDK/CustCntrExamples/Profile:

  • CSProf.java demonstrates how to extend this example to manipulate the list of plans available for sale.

  • CDProf.java is an example similar to the one discussed above, but uses a different /profile object and different BAS widgets.