
A  B  C  D  E  F  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  W  


  • adding
    • backup schedules 1
    • backup windows 1
    • classes 1
    • dataset files 1
    • dataset files in OSB catalog recovery 1
    • duplication policies page 1
    • duplication windows 1
    • media families 1
    • one-time backup request 1
    • rotation policies 1
    • storage locations 1
    • users 1
    • vaulting scan schedules 1
    • volume duplication schedules 1
  • admin class 1
  • administrative data
    • and OSB backup encryption 1
  • administrative domain
    • about 1
    • multiple-host 1
    • Oracle RAC environment 1
    • single-host 1
  • algorithms
    • hardware-based 1
    • OSB encryption 1
  • Apache Web server daemon
    • about 1
  • autovolumerelease policy 1


  • backup
    • statistics 1
  • backup catalog
    • browsing 1
    • displaying 1
    • recovery 1
  • backup containers
    • about 1
    • default 1
    • disk pools 1
    • types 1
  • backup dataset files
    • about 1
    • location 1
  • backup encryption
    • about 1
    • administrative data 1
    • algorithms 1
    • client level 1
    • example 1
    • hardware-based 1
    • keys 1
    • levels 1
    • one-time unencrypted backups 1
    • options 1
    • OSB catalog recovery 1
    • policy values 1
    • rekey frequency 1
    • security 1
  • backup encryption and RMAN 1
  • backup encryption levels
    • precedence 1
  • backup image instances
    • catalog data 1
    • deleting 1
    • deleting expired 1
    • displaying 1
    • editing 1
  • backup images
    • and sections 1
    • displaying 1
    • file numbers 1
    • labels 1
    • managing 1
    • renaming 1
  • backup jobs
    • canceling 1
    • displaying job transcripts 1
    • file-system 1
    • managing 1
    • OSB catalog recovery 1
    • removing 1
    • resuming 1
    • running 1
    • suspending 1
    • viewing properties 1
  • backup requests
    • about 1
    • adding one-time request 1
    • displaying 1
    • removing 1 , 2
    • sending to scheduler 1
  • backups
    • critical data 1
    • displaying metadata 1
    • full and incremental compared 1
    • listing 1
    • off-site 1
    • on-demand 1
    • privileged 1
    • RMAN and file-system compared 1
    • scheduled 1
    • transient encryption keys 1
    • unprivileged 1
  • backup schedules
    • about 1 , 2
    • adding 1
    • configuring 1
    • displaying 1
    • editing 1
    • removing 1 , 2 , 3
    • renaming 1
  • backup sections
    • about 1
  • backup statistics
    • backup_time 1
    • dev_iorate 1
    • dev_iosecs 1
    • dev_kbytes 1
    • devices 1
    • directories 1
    • encryption 1
    • end_time 1
    • entries_excluded 1
    • entries_scanned 1
    • entries_skipped 1
    • error_rate 1
    • file 1
    • file_kbytes 1
    • files 1
    • filesys_errors 1
    • hardlinks 1
    • host 1
    • kbytes_scanned 1
    • mount_points_skipped 1
    • path 1
    • physical_blks_read 1
    • physical_blks_written 1
    • read_errors 1
    • sparse_files 1
    • start_time 1
    • status 1
    • symlinks 1
    • unknown_type 1
    • voltags 1
    • volumes 1
    • write_errors 1
    • wrt_iorate 1
    • wrt_iosecs 1
  • backup strategy
    • about 1
    • restore frequency 1
    • typical 1
  • backup triggers
    • configuring 1
    • creating daily backup triggers 1
    • creating monthly triggers 1
    • creating quarterly triggers 1
    • creating yearly triggers 1
    • displaying a trigger schedule 1
    • displaying the triggers page 1
    • editing 1
    • removing 1
  • backup windows
    • adding 1
    • configuring 1
    • displaying 1
    • removing 1
  • barcode
    • extracting a volume 1
    • inserting a volume 1
    • labeling a volume 1
    • loading a volume 1
    • moving a volume 1
  • barcode readers
    • about 1
  • blocking factor
    • about 1
    • and restore operations 1
  • block size
    • about 1
    • and restore operations 1
  • borrowing a tape drive 1
  • browsing
    • backup catalog 1
    • OSB catalog 1
    • OSB catalog with data selectors 1
    • volumes 1


  • canceling
    • jobs 1
  • catalog
    • about 1
    • browsing 1
    • location 1 , 2
    • Oracle Secure Backup 1
    • restore operations based on 1
    • super-directory 1
  • catalog data
    • about 1
    • backup image instances 1
  • catalog import
    • cataloging backup catalog data 1
    • managing catalog imports 1
  • catalog recovery
    • about 1
    • adding files 1
    • backup jobs 1
    • datasets 1
    • disabling backups 1
    • encryption 1
    • media families 1
    • modifying 1
    • objects 1
    • summary 1
  • checking
    • dataset files 1
  • checkpoints
    • about 1
    • defined 1
    • displaying 1
    • removing 1
  • classes
    • about 1
    • adding 1
    • admin 1
    • configuring 1
    • definition 1
    • displaying 1
    • editing properties 1
    • operator 1
    • oracle 1
    • reader 1
    • removing 1
    • renaming 1
    • user 1
  • cleaning tape drives 1
  • closing tape library door 1
  • compression
    • and volume duplication 1
  • configuration files
    • about 1
    • accessing 1
  • configuring
    • backup schedules 1
    • backup triggers 1
    • backup windows 1
    • classes 1
    • database backup storage selectors 1
    • job summaries 1
    • media families 1
    • media families for RMAN 1
    • RMAN 1
    • RMAN access to SBT library 1
  • constrained rotation policy 1
  • content-managed expiration policies
    • about 1
  • creating
    • backup image instances 1
    • catalog-based restore request 1
    • daily backup triggers 1
    • monthly backup triggers 1
    • quarterly backup triggers 1
    • raw restore request 1
    • yearly backup triggers 1
  • critical data
    • backups 1
  • CROSSCHECK command 1 , 2
  • customeridstring policy 1


  • daemons
    • about 1
    • displaying 1
    • interaction 1
    • managing 1
    • obhttpd 1
    • obixd 1
    • obndmpd 1
    • obpoolmgr 1
    • obproxyd 1
    • obrobotd 1
    • obscheduled 1
    • observiced 1
    • types 1
    • viewing properties 1
  • daily backup
    • creating triggers 1
  • database backup storage selectors
    • configuring 1
    • creating with Oracle Cloud Control 1
    • parameters 1
    • removing 1
  • database recovery
    • with RMAN and OSB 1
  • databases
    • backing up with RMAN and OSB 1
    • recovering with RMAN and OSB 1
  • Data ONTAP operating system 1
  • data selectors
    • browsing 1
  • dataset files
    • about 1
    • adding 1
    • checking 1
    • displaying 1
    • editing 1
    • examples 1
    • location 1
    • OSB catalog recovery 1
    • removing 1
    • renaming 1
  • defaults and policies
    • about 1 , 2
    • autovolumerelease 1
    • classes 1
    • customeridstring 1
    • duplicateovernetwork 1
    • duplicationjobpriority 1
    • minwritablevolumes 1
    • reportretaintime 1
    • vaulting policies 1 , 2
    • viewing 1
  • DELETE command 1
  • deleting
    • backup image instances 1
    • expired backup image instances 1
  • disabling
    • NUMA awareness 1
    • vaulting scan schedules 1
  • disk pools
    • about 1
    • displaying properties 1
    • managing 1
    • monitoring space usage 1
  • displaying
    • backup catalog 1
    • backup image instances 1
    • backup images 1
    • backup requests 1
    • backup schedules 1
    • backup windows 1
    • checkpoints page 1
    • daemons page 1
    • dataset files 1
    • disk pools 1
    • job summaries 1
    • job transcripts 1
    • libraries page 1
    • media families 1
    • raw media 1
    • trigger schedule 1
    • triggers page 1
  • distribution report
    • defined 1 , 2
  • duplexed backups in Oracle RAC environments 1
  • duplicateovernetwork policy 1
  • duplication
    • adding policies 1
    • adding windows 1
    • and NDMP copy-enabled VTL 1
    • duplicateovernetwork policy 1
    • duplicationjobpriority policy 1
    • editing policies 1
    • exporting duplicate volumes 1
    • failures 1
    • jobs 1
    • original and duplicate volumes 1
    • over network 1
    • priority 1
    • removing policies 1
    • removing windows 1
    • renaming policies 1
    • restore using duplicate volumes 1
    • schedules 1
    • using NDMP copy-enabled VTL 1
    • volume migration 1
    • volumes 1
    • volumes on-demand 1
    • volumes over network 1
    • windows 1 , 2
  • duplicationjobpriority policy 1
  • duplication policies
    • duplicateovernetwork 1
    • duplicationjobpriority 1


  • editing
    • backup image instances 1
    • backup schedules 1
    • backup triggers 1
    • class properties 1
    • dataset files 1
    • job summary schedules 1
    • media family properties 1
    • rotation policies 1
    • storage locations 1
    • user properties 1
  • encryption
    • about OSB backup encryption 1
    • client level 1
    • example 1
    • file-system backups 1
    • hardware-based 1
    • one-time unencrypted backups 1
    • Oracle Database backups 1
    • OSB administrative data 1
    • OSB catalog recovery 1
    • OSB encryption algorithms 1
    • OSB encryption keys 1
    • OSB encryption options 1
    • OSB encryption rekey frequency 1
    • OSB encryption security 1
    • RMAN and OSB compared 1
  • EOD labels 1
  • EOV labels 1
  • error log
    • tape library 1
  • events
    • rotation policies 1
  • example
    • vaulting environment 1
  • exception report
    • defined 1 , 2
  • expiration date
    • extending 1
  • expiration policies
    • and RMAN 1
    • content-managed 1
    • time-managed 1
  • exporting
    • duplicate volumes 1
    • volumes 1
  • extracting volumes 1


  • failure
    • duplication jobs 1
  • file-system backup catalog
    • browsing 1
    • displaying 1
  • file-system backup jobs
    • about 1
  • file-system backup requests
    • adding one-time request 1
    • removing 1 , 2
  • file-system backups
    • about scheduled backups 1
    • creating one-time schedule 1
    • critical data 1
    • displaying requests 1
    • encryption 1
    • full and incremental compared 1
    • listing 1
    • off-site 1
    • on-demand 1
    • restartable 1
  • file-system restore jobs
    • about 1
  • file-system restore operations
    • about 1
    • catalog-based 1
    • creating a catalog-based request 1
    • creating a raw restore request 1
    • displaying raw media 1
    • raw 1
    • removing a raw restore request 1
    • sending raw restore request to scheduler 1
    • using obtar 1
  • file-system restore requests
    • removing catalog-based request 1
    • sending catalog-based requests to scheduler 1
  • full backups
    • and incremental backups compared 1


  • hardware-based encryption
    • logging 1
    • reports 1


  • identifying volumes 1
  • incremental backups
    • and full backups compared 1
  • index daemon
    • about 1
  • inserting
    • volumes 1
  • Internet Protocol v6
    • and NDMP 1


  • jobs
    • about 1
    • canceling 1
    • dataset 1
    • displaying job transcripts 1
    • duplication job failure 1
    • identifiers 1
    • logs 1
    • managing 1
    • media movement 1
    • priority 1
    • removing 1
    • restore 1
    • resuming 1
    • running 1
    • subordinate 1
    • suspending 1
    • transcripts 1
    • viewing properties 1
    • volume duplication 1
  • job summaries
    • about 1
    • configuring 1
    • displaying 1
  • job summary schedules
    • about 1
    • editing 1
    • removing 1
  • job transcript
    • backup statistics 1
  • job transcripts
    • about 1


  • keys
    • OSB backup encryption 1


  • labeling, volumes 1
  • labels
    • EOD 1
    • EOV 1
  • levels
    • backup encryption 1
  • library commands
    • descriptions 1
    • running 1
  • library page
    • displaying 1
  • listing
    • tape library volumes 1
  • loading
    • volumes 1
  • local backups
    • and networked backups compared 1
  • location report
    • defined 1
  • locations
    • about 1
    • adding 1
    • editing 1
    • removing 1
    • renaming 1
  • LTO4 tape drive 1


  • managed volumes 1
  • managing
    • backup and restore jobs 1
    • backup images 1
    • daemons 1
    • disk pools 1
  • maximum blocking factor
    • about 1
  • media families
    • about 1
    • adding 1
    • associating with rotation policies 1
    • associating with volume duplication policies 1
    • configuring 1
    • configuring for RMAN 1
    • default volume sequence files 1
    • displaying with Web tool 1
    • editing properties 1
    • OSB catalog recovery 1
    • removing 1
    • rotation policy 1
    • user-specified volume ID 1
    • user-specified volume sequence file 1
    • volume expiration policy 1
    • volume identification sequence 1
  • media life cycle
    • autovolumerelease policy 1
    • customeridstring policy 1
    • duplicateovernetwork policy 1
    • duplicationjobpriority policy 1
    • minwritablevolumes policy 1
    • reportretaintime 1
  • media life cycle management
    • overview 1
  • media management
    • adding duplication policies 1
    • adding duplication windows 1
    • adding rotation policies 1
    • adding storage locations 1
    • adding vaulting scan schedules 1
    • adding volume duplication schedules 1
    • and RMAN 1
    • associating rotation policies with media families 1
    • associating volume duplication policies with media families 1
    • constrained rotation policies 1
    • disabling vaulting scan schedules 1
    • distribution reports 1 , 2
    • duplication job failure 1
    • editing duplication policies 1
    • editing rotation policies 1
    • editing storage locations 1
    • exception reports 1 , 2
    • exporting duplicate volumes 1
    • location reports 1
    • locations 1
    • managed and unmanaged volumes 1
    • media movement jobs 1
    • minimum writeable volumes 1
    • missing volume reports 1
    • network volume duplication 1
    • on-demand duplication 1
    • original and duplicate volumes 1
    • pick and distribution reports 1
    • pick reports 1 , 2
    • removing duplication policies 1
    • removing duplication windows 1
    • removing rotation policies 1
    • removing storage locations 1
    • removing volume duplication schedules 1
    • renaming duplication policies 1
    • renaming rotation policies 1
    • renaming storage locations 1
    • reports 1
    • restore using duplicate volumes 1
    • rotation policies 1
    • rotation policy events 1
    • running media movement jobs 1
    • schedule reports 1
    • storage locations 1
    • tape volume recall 1
    • unconstrained rotation policies 1
    • vaulting environment example 1
    • vaulting scans 1
    • vaulting scan schedules 1
    • volume duplication 1
    • volume duplication jobs 1
    • volume duplication policies 1
    • volume duplication priority 1
    • volume duplication schedules 1 , 2
    • volume duplication windows 1 , 2
    • volume migration 1
  • media management parameters
    • setting in RMAN 1
  • media movement
    • pick and distribution reports 1
  • media movement jobs
    • about 1
    • running 1
  • metadata
    • displaying 1
  • migration
    • volumes 1
  • minimum writeable volumes 1
  • minimumwriteablevolumes policy 1
  • missing volumes report
    • defined 1
  • modifying
    • OSB catalog recovery 1
  • mounting volumes 1
  • moving
    • volumes 1


  • naming
    • users 1
  • NDMP
    • and Internet Protocol v6 1
    • daemon 1
    • hosts 1
    • incremental restore operation 1
  • NDMP copy-enabled VTL
    • about 1
  • NDMP volume duplication
    • using 1
  • network
    • volume duplication over 1
  • networked backups
    • and local backups compared 1
  • NUMA
    • disabling 1
  • NUMA support 1


  • OB_ENCRYPTION parameter settings 1
  • observiced
    • about 1
  • obtar
    • restoring files with 1
  • off-site backups 1
  • on-demand
    • backups 1
    • duplication 1
  • opening
    • tape library door 1
  • operator class
    • about 1
  • oracle class
    • about 1
  • Oracle Database backups
    • encryption 1
  • Oracle RAC
    • duplexed backups 1
    • installing OSB in an Oracle RAC environment 1
    • networked and local backups compared 1
    • using Oracle Secure Backup with 1
  • Oracle Secure Backup
    • features 1
  • Oracle Secure Backup catalog
    • about 1
    • accessing 1
  • Oracle Secure Backup daemons
    • about 1
    • interaction 1
    • obhttpd 1
    • obixd 1
    • obndmpd 1
    • obpoolmgr 1
    • obproxyd 1
    • obrobotd 1
    • obscheduled 1
    • observiced 1
    • types 1
  • OSB backup encryption
    • about 1
    • administrative data 1
    • algorithms 1
    • client level 1
    • example 1
    • hardware-based 1
    • keys 1
    • one-time unencrypted backups 1
    • options 1
    • rekey frequency 1
    • security 1
  • OSB catalog
    • about 1
    • and RMAN catalog compared 1
    • browsing 1
    • browsing with data selectors 1
    • location 1 , 2
    • super-directory 1
    • view modes 1
  • OSB catalog recovery
    • about 1
    • adding files 1
    • backup jobs 1
    • datasets 1
    • disabling backups 1
    • encryption 1
    • media families 1
    • modifying 1
    • objects 1
    • summary 1
  • OSB dataset files
    • about 1
    • adding 1
    • checking 1
    • editing 1
    • location 1
    • removing 1
    • renaming 1
  • OSB encryption
    • and RMAN encryption compared 1
    • catalog recovery 1
    • hardware-based 1
  • OSB users
    • about 1
    • adding 1
    • and operating system accounts 1
    • assigning preauthorized access 1
    • assigning Windows account information 1
    • changing passwords 1
    • configuring 1
    • configuring preauthorized for RMAN 1
    • creating preauthorized for RMAN 1
    • definition 1
    • displaying in Web tool 1
    • editing properties 1
    • illustrated preauthorized for RMAN 1
    • naming 1
    • passwords 1
    • preauthorization 1
    • removing 1
    • removing preauthorized access 1
    • removing Windows account information 1
    • renaming 1
    • rights 1


  • passwords
    • changing 1
    • forcing password change 1
    • security policies 1
    • setting 1
    • setting grace time 1 , 2
    • setting lifetime 1 , 2
    • setting reuse time 1 , 2
  • pick report
    • defined 1 , 2
  • policies
    • about 1
    • adding duplication policies 1
    • backup encryption 1
    • editing duplication policies 1
    • hardware-based encryption 1
    • removing duplication policies 1
    • renaming duplication policies 1
    • resetting to default 1
    • setting 1
    • viewing 1
    • volume duplication 1
  • pool manager daemon
    • about 1
  • preauthorized access
    • assigning to users 1
    • removing 1
  • preauthorized users
    • configuring for RMAN 1
    • creating for RMAN 1
    • illustrated for RMAN 1
  • priority
    • volume duplication 1
  • privileged backups 1
  • properties
    • daemons 1
    • jobs 1
  • proxy daemon
    • about 1


  • raw restore operations
    • creating a request 1
    • removing a request 1
  • reader class 1
  • recall volumes 1
  • recovering a database
    • with RMAN and OSB 1
  • rekey frequency
    • OSB backup encryption 1
  • removing
    • backup requests 1 , 2
    • backup schedules 1 , 2 , 3
    • backup windows 1
    • catalog-based restore request 1
    • checkpoints 1
    • classes 1
    • database backup storage selectors 1
    • dataset files 1
    • duplication windows 1
    • jobs 1
    • job summary schedules 1
    • media families 1
    • raw restore request 1
    • rotation policies 1
    • storage locations 1
    • triggers 1
    • users 1
    • volume duplication schedules 1
  • renaming
    • backup images 1
    • backup schedules 1
    • classes 1
    • dataset files 1
    • rotation policies 1
    • storage locations 1
    • users 1
  • reports
    • customeridstring policy 1
    • hardware-based encryption 1
    • media management 1
    • reportretaintime policy 1
  • reservations
    • managing tape library reservations 1
    • tape library 1
  • restartable backups
    • about 1
    • checkpoints 1
  • restore
    • using duplicate volumes 1
  • restore frequency
    • backup strategy 1
  • restore jobs
    • about 1
    • canceling 1
    • displaying job transcripts 1
    • file-system 1
    • managing 1
    • multiple 1
    • removing 1
    • resuming 1
    • running 1
    • suspending 1
    • viewing properties 1
  • restore operations
    • about 1
    • catalog-based 1
    • creating a raw restore request 1
    • displaying raw media 1
    • raw 1
    • removing a raw restore request 1
    • sending raw restore request to scheduler 1
    • using obtar 1
    • using wildcard pattern matching 1
  • restore request
    • creating a catalog-based request 1
    • removing catalog-based request 1
  • restore requests
    • about 1
    • sending catalog-based requests to scheduler 1
  • resuming
    • backup and restore jobs 1
  • returning a tape drive 1
  • reusing volumes 1
  • rights
    • about 1
  • RMAN
    • and media management 1
    • and Oracle Secure Backup 1
    • and vaulting 1
    • communication with Oracle Secure Backup 1
    • configuring access to SBT library 1
    • configuring media families 1
    • displaying backup piece information 1
    • expiration policy 1
    • performing backups with OSB 1
    • recovering a database with OSB 1
    • setting media management parameters 1
    • using with Oracle Secure Backup 1
  • RMAN and backup encryption 1
  • RMAN backups
    • crosschecking 1
    • displaying information about 1
  • RMAN backup sets
    • and OSB backup images compared 1
  • RMAN catalog
    • and OSB catalog compared 1
  • RMAN commands
    • CROSSCHECK 1 , 2
    • DELETE 1
  • RMAN-DEFAULT media family
    • about 1
  • RMAN encryption
    • and OSB encryption compared 1
  • robot daemon
    • about 1
  • rotation policies
    • about 1
    • adding 1
    • associating with media families 1
    • constrained and unconstrained compared 1
    • editing 1
    • events 1
    • minimum writeable volumes 1
    • removing 1
    • renaming 1
  • rotation policy
    • and media family 1
  • running jobs 1


  • SBT_LIBRARY parameter 1
  • SBT errors, displaying 1
  • SBT interface
    • about 1
  • SBT library
    • configuring RMAN access 1
  • schedule daemon
    • about 1
  • scheduled backups
    • about 1
  • scheduler
    • catalog-based restore requests 1
    • job priority 1
    • raw restore request 1
  • schedule report
    • defined 1
  • schedules
    • adding backup schedules 1
    • adding vaulting scan schedules 1
    • adding volume duplication schedules 1
    • backup 1
    • creating one-time backup schedule 1
    • disabling vaulting scan schedules 1
    • displaying backup schedules 1
    • editing backup schedules 1
    • job summary 1
    • removing backup schedules 1 , 2 , 3
    • removing volume duplication schedules 1
    • renaming backup schedules 1
    • vaulting scan 1
    • volume duplication 1 , 2
  • section numbers
    • about 1
  • Secure Sockets Layer
    • See: SSL
  • security
    • OSB backup encryption 1
  • sending
    • catalog-based restore requests to scheduler 1
    • raw restore request to scheduler 1
  • sequence numbers
    • about 1
  • service daemon 1
  • setting
    • policies 1
  • space usage
    • disk pools
      • monitoring 1
  • SSL 1
  • statistics
    • backup 1
  • storage locations
    • about 1
    • adding 1
    • editing 1
    • removing 1
    • renaming 1
  • strategy
    • backups 1
  • summaries
    • job 1
  • summary
    • OSB catalog recovery 1
  • super-directory
    • OSB catalog 1
  • suspending
    • backup and restore jobs 1


  • tape drive
    • borrowing 1
    • cleaning 1
    • encryption-capable 1
    • managing 1
    • returning 1
    • viewing properties 1
  • tape libraries
    • minwritablevolumes policy 1
  • tape library
    • automatic tape unloading 1
    • borrowing a tape drive 1
    • cleaning tape drives 1
    • closing a door 1
    • error log 1
    • identifying volumes 1
    • labeling volumes 1
    • loading volumes 1
    • managing 1
    • managing reservations 1
    • opening door 1
    • reservations 1
    • returning a tape drive 1
    • reusing volumes 1
    • unlabeling volumes 1
    • unloading volumes 1
    • viewing properties 1
    • volumes list 1
  • tape volume recall 1
  • time-managed expiration policies 1
  • transcript
    • backup statistics 1
  • transcripts
    • displaying job transcripts 1
    • job 1
  • transient encryption 1
  • triggers
    • configuring 1
    • creating daily backup triggers 1
    • creating monthly backup 1
    • creating one-time backup 1
    • creating quarterly backup triggers 1
    • creating yearly backup triggers 1
    • displaying a trigger schedule 1
    • displaying the triggers page 1
    • editing 1
    • removing 1


  • unconstrained rotation policy 1
  • unlabeling volumes 1
  • unloading
    • automatic 1
    • volumes 1
  • unmanaged volumes 1
  • unmounting volumes 1
  • unprivileged backups 1
  • updating
    • library inventory 1
  • user class 1
  • users
    • about 1
    • adding 1
    • and operating system accounts 1
    • assigning preauthorized access 1
    • assigning Windows account information 1
    • changing passwords 1
    • configuring 1
    • configuring preauthorized for RMAN 1
    • creating preauthorized for RMAN 1
    • displaying in Web tool 1
    • editing properties 1
    • illustrated preauthorized for RMAN 1
    • naming 1
    • passwords 1
    • preauthorizations 1
    • removing 1
    • removing preauthorized access 1
    • removing Windows account information 1
    • renaming 1
    • rights 1


  • vaulting
    • adding rotation policies 1
    • adding storage locations 1
    • adding vaulting scan schedules 1
    • adding volume duplication policies 1
    • adding volume duplication schedules 1
    • adding volume duplication windows 1
    • and RMAN 1
    • associating rotation policies with media families 1
    • associating volume duplication policies with media families 1
    • autovolumerelease policy 1
    • constrained and unconstrained rotation policies 1
    • customeridstring policy 1
    • disabling vaulting scan schedules 1
    • distribution reports 1 , 2
    • duplicateovernetwork policy 1
    • duplicationjobpriority policy 1
    • duplication over network 1
    • editing rotation policies 1
    • editing storage locations 1
    • editing volume duplication policies 1
    • editing volume duplication schedules 1
    • example 1
    • exception reports 1 , 2
    • exporting duplicate volumes 1
    • location reports 1
    • locations 1
    • managed and unmanaged volumes 1
    • media movement jobs 1
    • minimum writable volumes 1
    • minwritablevolumes policy 1
    • missing volume reports 1
    • on-demand volume duplication 1
    • original and duplicate volumes 1
    • overview 1
    • pick and distribution reports 1
    • pick reports 1 , 2
    • recalling volumes 1
    • removing rotation policies 1
    • removing storage locations 1
    • removing volume duplication policies 1
    • removing volume duplication schedules 1
    • removing volume duplication windows 1
    • renaming rotation policies 1
    • renaming storage locations 1
    • renaming volume duplication policies 1
    • renaming volume duplication schedules 1
    • reportretaintime policy 1
    • reports 1
    • restore using duplicate volumes 1
    • rotation policies 1
    • rotation policy events 1
    • running media movement jobs 1
    • schedule reports 1
    • vaulting scans 1
    • vaulting scan schedules 1
    • volume duplication 1
    • volume duplication failures 1
    • volume duplication jobs 1
    • volume duplication policies 1
    • volume duplication priority 1
    • volume duplication schedules 1 , 2
    • volume duplication windows 1
    • volume migration 1
  • vaulting policies
    • about 1 , 2
    • autovolumerelease 1
    • customeridstring 1
    • minimumwriteablevolumes 1
  • vaulting scans
    • about 1
    • adding schedules 1
    • disabling schedules 1
  • vaulting scan schedules 1
  • viewing
    • tape drive properties 1
    • tape library properties 1
  • view modes
    • exact 1
    • inclusive 1
    • OSB catalog 1
    • specific 1
  • volume duplication
    • adding schedules 1
    • and NDMP copy-enabled VTL 1
    • removing schedules 1
    • using NDMP copy-enabled VTL 1
  • volume duplication policies
    • about 1
    • associating with media families 1
  • volume duplication schedules
    • about 1
  • volume expiration policy
    • and media family 1
  • volume ID
    • user-specified 1
  • volume identification sequence
    • and media family 1
  • volumes
    • about 1
    • adding duplication policies 1
    • adding duplication windows 1
    • automatic unloading 1
    • autovolumerelease policy 1
    • browsing 1
    • closing a door 1
    • duplicating 1
    • duplication job failure 1
    • duplication jobs 1
    • duplication priority 1
    • duplication schedules 1
    • duplication windows 1 , 2
    • editing duplication policies 1
    • exporting 1
    • exporting duplicates 1
    • extending expiration date 1
    • extracting 1
    • identifying 1
    • inserting 1
    • inventory update 1
    • labeling 1
    • library listing 1
    • loading 1
    • managed and unmanaged compared 1
    • migration 1
    • minimum writeable 1
    • minwritablevolumes policy 1
    • mounting 1
    • moving 1
    • network duplication 1
    • on-demand duplication 1
    • opening a door 1
    • original and duplicate volumes 1
    • recall 1
    • removing duplication policies 1
    • removing duplication windows 1
    • renaming duplication policies 1
    • restore using duplicates 1
    • reusing 1
    • storage locations 1
    • tags 1
    • tracking through a vaulting environment 1
    • unlabeling 1
    • unloading 1
    • unmounting 1
  • volume sequence files
    • default 1
    • user-specified 1
  • volume sets
    • about 1


  • windows
    • adding duplication windows 1
    • removing duplication windows 1
    • volume duplication 1 , 2
  • Windows account information
    • assigning to users 1
    • removing 1