Processing Transfer Credit

This chapter provides an overview of transfer credit processing and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Transfer Credit Processing

This section lists common elements and discusses transfer credit processing and converting transfer credit units.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

Academic Plan

(Optional) In the Target Information group box, select the academic plan for which the transfer credit in this row of the transfer model will articulate.

Academic Program

In the Target Information group box, select the academic program for which the transfer credit in this row of the model will articulate.

Add Comments

Click to access the Model Comments page, where you can enter comments about this row of the transfer credit model.

Articulation Term

Select the term for which you want to process the individual's transfer credit for this row of the model. Note that you can articulate credits across multiple terms. You would do this, for example, if a student has continually taken credit outside your academic institution and you have posted credit at each point in time.


When you articulate course and test credit, click this button to calculate the individual's transfer credit statistics according to the accepted transfer credit on the corresponding row of the model.


Click to access the Model Comments page, where you can enter comments about this row of the transfer credit model.

Credit Source Type

In the Source Information group box, select the type of source from which you will be modeling transfer credit on this row. Your selection tells the system from which table you will select your source institution. Values are:

External: The system prompts you with the source IDs of external organizations in your system. The External Org ID (external organization ID) and Data Source fields become available.

Internal: The system prompts you with source IDs of academic institutions in your system. You select this option, for example, when a student is transferring from one academic career to another within your academic institution. The Source Career and Source Institution fields become available.

Manual: If you intend to create transfer credit models manually, do not use this component. If you select this option, the system displays a message instructing you to use the corresponding manual component.

Data Source

For an external credit source type, select the data source from which the individual's external transfer credit has been entered into the system. The data source that you specify must match the data source on the individual's external education record. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these values.

Equivalent Subject /Catlg Nbr (equivalent subject and catalog number)

After you run the Transfer Credit process for a model, the system displays the subject and catalog number of the internal course that is equivalent to the transfer credit that it evaluated. The process determines these values for course transfer credit according to the internal equivalent course that is specified for the applicable course transfer equivalency rule on the Subject Area Elements page of the Transfer Subject Area component.The process also determines these values for test transfer credit according to the internal equivalent course that is specified for the applicable test transfer equivalency rule on the Test Credit Rule/Component page.

When processing transfer credit manually, after you enter the equivalent subject and catalog number on the Equivalent Course Information page for this row of the model, the process displays your selection in this field. You access the Equivalent Course Information page by clicking the Edit Equivalent Course button on the corresponding row of the model.

External Org ID (external organization ID)

For an external credit source type, select the external organization from which the individual is transferring credit. Define external organizations on the External Organization page. You access this page from the education record of the transfer prospect, applicant, or student as defined on the Education component.


The Transfer Credit process automatically groups incoming transfer credit and its internal equivalent courses together on separate rows within the grid at the bottom of the page. The number in this field identifies the group as unique among other groups on this row of the transfer credit model. You can, after the Transfer Credit process completes the evaluation, move internal equivalent courses from group to group as needed to alter the articulation model before you post the transfer credit to the individual's record. You can move internal equivalent courses from group to group by using the Move To Group button on the grid row of the course to move.

Include in FA WI Status

Select this check box to indicate that the accepted course must be used to calculate the weeks of instruction component of the student's grade level. By default, the check box is selected for all accepted course credit.


Select to lock the corresponding group row of the transfer credit model. You might select this check box, for example, if you intend to post or unpost transfer credit for that row at a later date. The groups for which you select this check box are excluded from a rerun of the Transfer Credit process. If you rerun the Transfer Credit process and something about the incoming transfer credit has changed (such as grades or units), then the process displays a red letter Y in front of that group. The Y alerts you that something about that incoming transfer credit changed after the group was locked. You might, therefore, want to investigate the change before you post or unpost the corresponding transfer credit.

Model Nbr (model number)

The system, by default, sets the first row of the transfer credit model to model number 1. The system uses this number to store multiple, unique transfer credit models.

Model Status

The system displays the status of the model on the first page and subsequent page of the component. Values are:

Submitted: Indicates that you have run the transfer credit articulation process for this model.

Posted: Indicates that you clicked the Post button on the second page of the component and the system has successfully transferred the articulated transfer credit to the student's career term record (STDNT_CAR_TERM table) for this model.

Completed: Indicates that you have modeled and articulated the student's transfer credit, but that the model could not be posted to the student's career term record because the student is not currently active in either the academic program or articulation term that you selected for the model.

When the student is activated into the academic program and articulation term that you selected, click the Copy TC Units button on the Terms in Residence page. This automatically updates the model status to Posted and writes the data to the STDNT_CAR_TERM table.


Click to post an individual's transfer credit for the corresponding model. Posting automatically saves the page. When you post transfer credit, the system displays the posted transfer credit statistics according to the individual's calculated transfer credit statistics on the page. Posting a transfer credit model also updates the status of the model from Submitted to Posted or Completed. When you post your transfer credit model, the fields in the Target Information group box on the first page of the component become unavailable. To update target information, you must first unpost your model.

Seq # (sequence number)

For transfer credit in which you manually define equivalencies, the system automatically assigns a sequential number to each incoming row of transfer credit to identify unique rows in the table. These sequence numbers have no programming significance.

Source Career

For an internal credit source type, select the academic career from which the student is transferring credit.

Source Institution

For an internal credit source type, select the internal academic institution from which the student is transferring credit.


After you run the Transfer Credit process for this row of the model, the process displays the transfer status of each transfer credit that it evaluated. Possible statuses are Accepted, Rejected, No Rule, and Contingent.

Study Agreements

Click to access the Student Agreements page, where you can view the details of a student's study agreement.

Total Units - Articulation Term

When you articulate test and other credits, the system calculates the individual's total transfer credit units according to the articulation term and incoming transfer credit on the corresponding of the model.

Total Units - Posted Model

When you articulate test and other credits, use this field to view a summary of the credits that have been transferred to the student's record through this model. You can view changes in this field only after you have posted or unposted the model and saved the transaction. The system displays values for this field in relation to the corresponding value in the Total Units - Articulation Term field that you have calculated for the model.

Transcript Level

Select a transcript level to determine the types of transcripts on which the system will include the transfer credit that articulates through this row of the model, provided that it is posted to the individual's record. Values are Not Print, Official, Unofficial, Stdnt Life (student life), and Degr Prog (degree progress).

Transfer Status

After you run the Transfer Credit process for this row of the model, the process displays the transfer status of each transfer credit that it evaluated. Possible statuses are Accepted, Rejected, No Rule, and Contingent.


Click to completely remove the transfer credit that is posted through this model from the student's career term record. View the results for the student on the Term Statistics page.

Click the Transfer Status Detail button to access the Transfer Rule Applied page or the Reject Reason page, where you can either view the transfer equivalency rule that the Transfer Credit process applied to the corresponding external course or, if the transfer credit is rejected, view the reject reason. This field applies only to transfer credit processing with predefined course and test equivalency rules.

Click the Edit Equivalent Course button to access the Equivalent Course Information page, where you can edit equivalent course information prior to posting transfer credit.

Click the Reject External Course button to reject incoming courses before you post transfer credit. Only the incoming course on the corresponding row will be rejected. For example, if incoming Math 100 and Math 200 are equivalent to internal Math 104, and you click the reject button on the Math 100 line, the resulting rule will be that Math 200 is equivalent to Math 104.

Click the Add Internal Equivalent button to access the Equivalent Course Information page, where you can add internal equivalent course information.

Click the Delete Internal Equivalent button to delete internal equivalent courses for the corresponding group row. This button appears only if multiple internal equivalent courses exist for that row.

Click the Move to Group button to open a field on the page for another group number. Use this field to move transfer credit from one group into another group. For example, assume that a group has a transfer status of Rejected. You can use this feature to move the transfer credit to another group that has a transfer status of Accepted to ensure that the transfer credit gets posted.

Click the Comment/Override Reason button to access the Course Credit Comments, Test Credit Comments, or Other Credit Comments pages, where you can add an override reason and comment about any adjustments that you made to a group row of a transfer credit model.

See Also

Viewing Student Study Agreements

Defining Transcript Types

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTransfer Credit Processing

When you have set up your predefined transfer rules for courses and tests, you can start processing transfer credit. The Transfer Credit process includes retrieving all external transfer credit information; evaluating these external courses, tests, and other credit; then posting the transfer credit. The PeopleSoft system provides features to enable transfer credit processing by the following methods:

Our processing design is based on modeling, so you can give individuals options for articulation that depend on the academic program or academic plan that is selected for them.

You can command the system to evaluate transfer credit by using the predefined transfer equivalency rules that you have created and then attached to academic programs and plans. Or you can process transfer credit by creating models manually as you go through processing. For course transfer credit, you can also use student-specific study agreements in conjunction with these predefined course transfer equivalency rules. Whether you are using predefined or manual rules or processing transfer credit manually, the functionality is the same. However, to maximize the use of your time, use only the manual Transfer Credit process to transfer credit for schools from which you rarely receive students.

You should understand some general concepts before you begin processing transfer credit, regardless of which type of transfer credit and method you use. The Transfer Credit process enables you to model as many articulation scenarios for a prospect, applicant, or student as you want. You select the rule for your model (either predefined or manual), command the system to evaluate the scenario on the basis of that rule, revise the results if you want, and save the model or post the credits.

When you have posted credits, the system updates the individual's record. The same is true when you unpost an articulation model—when you have unposted credits, the system updates the individual's academic record. The system removes all the credits that were posted.

Another concept is the grouping of transfer credit. Incoming transfer credit and its internal equivalents are grouped together. The result is known as a group. You can, when the Transfer Credit process completes the evaluation, move internal equivalent courses from group to group as needed to alter the articulation before you post the transfer credit to the individual's record. Other features include many buttons that enable you to accept, reject, add, and discard courses from the group. You can also revise details, such as units and grade.

Note. A person does not have to be active in an academic program or academic plan to create model-transfer-credit scenarios. However, the student must be active to post transfer credit.

See Also

Setting Up Transfer Credit Processing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConverting Transfer Credit Units

Student Records converts incoming units to the term type of the transfer rule. This enables the system to accurately compare incoming units to the rule. To convert incoming units, the system first determines the number of units taken. Then the system calculates the number of units transferred. At each stage, the system must determine whether it needs to convert the units, and if so, the system converts them.

To calculate the number of units taken, the system:

  1. Determines whether the transfer units need to be converted.

    The system compares the term type of the course (on the External Courses page) with the term type of the rule (on the Subject Area Elements page). If they are different, the units must be converted. That is, if the student earned four quarter units in MATH 120, and the rule is based on semester units, the system needs to convert the four quarter units to semester units before comparing it to the rule and determining how many units transfer.

  2. If yes, the system converts the units.

    To convert the units, the system must first determine the correct multiple to use. To find the multiple, the system compares the term type and the external term type of the education record (as shown on the External Data page) with the term type and external term type on the External Term table. You set up external terms with their multiples on the External Term Table page. To convert the units, the system multiplies the number of units earned in the external course (as it appears on the External Courses page) with the multiple.

    For example, suppose the system finds that the term type of the external course is quarter and the external term is fall. It would find the corresponding row on the External Term table to find the multiple, which in this case is 0.75. Then it would multiply this by the number of units that the student received, which was 4 in this example. So the equation is 0.75 × 4, and the converted value is 3.

  3. The system uses the converted value to compare against the rule to determine whether the units meet the requirements of the rule.

    The system determines whether the converted value falls within the minimum and maximum unit range set in the rule (Incoming Course Information page). If the converted value falls within the range, the system distributes the units to the internal equivalent and excess unit course as determined by the rule. The system displays the converted units for each incoming course in the Units Taken field on the Equivalent Course Information page.

At this point, the system has determined the number of units taken. It must now determine the number of units transferred according to the transfer credit model.

To calculate the number of units transferred, the system:

  1. Determines whether the units must be converted again by comparing the term unit type of the career to the term type of the rule.

    You will see on the Transfer Course Details page that the transfer credit model has an academic career. The system finds the term unit type for the career that appears on the model. Term unit type for careers appears on the Academic Career Table 2 page. The system then compares the term unit type of the career with the term type of the rule, as found on the Subject Area Elements page. If the term types are the same, the system does not need to convert the units.

  2. If the term unit type of the career is different from the term type of the rule, the system converts the units.

    The system converts the units just as it does for calculating the units taken, except that instead of using the term unit type of the education record, it uses the term unit type of the transfer credit model's career.

  3. The system displays the calculated results for each incoming course in the Units Transferred field on the Incoming Course Information page.

Previously in Student Records, you had to set the unit value of the incoming equivalent course based on the term type of the incoming credit's institution. Now the system converts the incoming units to the term type of the rule, giving you more flexibility in setting up transfer rules.

Note. If you want unit conversion to occur after the units have been awarded to the internal equivalent and excess unit classes, set the term type on the rule to equal that of the incoming course. In this case, the system does not convert the units to match the rule (they will already match), the system converts them only to match the career of the model.

Understanding Internal Transfer Credit and Unit Conversion

When using unit conversion rules with internal transfer modeling, the system uses the multiple from the Unit Conversion table and converts them as illustrated in the following example.

An undergraduate Engineering student (quarter program) takes an undergraduate three-unit class (semester class), Biology 100, and receives a C. The university then models the student in a UGRD program (semester program).

The system converts the units like this:

  1. The system automatically changes the Biology 100 class into quarter units (student receives 4.5 units at enrollment).

  2. Transfer credit comes in when the university models the student for a career.

  3. If the model is in a semester career, the units are converted to 3 units because the student enrollment units are quarter:


    Conversion factor

    Quarter equivalent

    3 semester units

    x 1.5

    = 4.5

  4. The system uses the quarter value to determine whether the criteria for transfer are met.

  5. The system looks at the rule and finds the unit value of the internal equivalent class, which in this case is 3:

    Internal equivalent value

    Conversion factor

    Semester equivalent

    3 semester units

    x .6770

    = 2.031

Note. If you want to bypass the rule value and just convert the units in student enrollment to the new career, set the transfer rule to Specify Maximum Units on the Subject Area Elements page.

Understanding Grading at Articulation

The Transfer Credit Articulation process determines the grade for internal equivalent courses based on the value that is entered in the Default Grade field on the Subject Area Elements page.

See Defining Subject Area Elements.

Click to jump to parent topicRecording External Course and Test Information

The first step in processing transfer credit for courses and tests is receiving external course and test information. You enter external course information for individuals in the Education component and external test information in the Test Results component.

See Also

Tracking External Education

Tracking Test Results for Prospects and Applicants

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Student-Specific Agreements

Student-specific agreements are generally made prior to the student enrolling at your academic institution. Sometimes, however, your course transfer equivalency rules do not satisfy a specific student's situation, or an advisor wants to make a unique transfer agreement with a student.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create Student-Specific Agreements

Page Name

Definition Name



Student Agreements


Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Evaluation, Student Agreements, Student Agreements

Describe specific student agreements, and enter the catalog organization and comments.

Student Agreement Courses


Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Evaluation, Student Agreements, Student Agreement Courses

Enter the external courses and equivalent internal courses of specific study agreements. These study agreement equivalency rules are separate from the course transfer equivalency rules that you might have created and attached to academic programs and plans.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDescribing Student Agreements

Access the Student Agreements page (Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Evaluation, Student Agreements, Student Agreements).

Catalog Org Type (catalog organization type)

The information in this field designates the table from which you will select a catalog organization for the external courses of the study agreement. Values are:

External: The system prompts you with external organizations in your system.

Internal: The system prompts you with academic institutions in your system.

Catalog Organization

Select the catalog organization for the external courses of this study agreement. The system prompts you with values based on your selection in the Catalog Org Type field. When you define course equivalencies for this study agreement on the Study Agreement Courses page, the system prompts you with courses based on the catalog organization that you select here.

You can use any external organization or internal academic institution as the catalog organization to define external courses for this study agreement. However, when you define an external course on the Study Agreement Courses page, the Catalog Org Type and Catalog Organization fields become unavailable.


Enter any comments that are relevant to this study agreement.

User ID

Displays the user identification code of the person who entered the study agreement into the system.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Student Agreement Details

Access the Student Agreement Courses page (Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Evaluation, Student Agreements, Student Agreement Courses).


Enter the external course information for the study agreement in the EXTERNAL COURSE group box.


Select the subject of the course.

Course Nbr (course number)

Select the course number for the external course. If you are using an external organization for the catalog organization (as defined on the Study Agreements page), the system prompts you with courses that you have associated with the external organization on the School Course Classification page. If you are using an internal academic institution for the catalog organization, the system prompts you with courses that are defined for that academic institution in the Course Catalog component.

Units Taken

By default, the system displays the units of the external course according to the course definition. You can override this default value.

Ext Grd Scheme (external grading scheme)

Select the grading scheme from which you can select a valid grading basis for this external course.

Ext Grd Basis (external grading basis)

Select a grading basis to define all of the valid grades from which you can select a minimum grade for this external course.

Minimum Grade

Select a minimum grade that the student must receive in this external course for the course to fulfill the study agreement.

Note. On this page, the minimum grade that is needed is a letter grade, whereas in the Course Credit Transfer Rule component the minimum grade is entered as specific grade points. This is a feature intending that advisors who create student-specific agreements might not always be aware of the grading point scheme.


Enter the internal course information for the study agreement in the INTERNAL COURSE group box.

Course ID

Select the internal course that is equivalent to the external course for this study agreement. The system prompts you to select a course from your academic institution's course catalog.

Offer Nbr (offering number)

By default, the system displays the offering number of the course that you selected according to the definition of the course in your academic institution's course catalog. You can override this default value.

Units Transferred

By default, the system displays the units of the course that you selected according to the definition of the course in your academic institution's course catalog. You can override this default value. These units represent the number of units that the student will receive for the internal course if the student fulfills the study agreement.

Grading Scheme

Select a grading scheme from which you can select a valid grading basis for this external course.

Grading Basis

Select a grading basis to define all of the valid grades from which you can select a grade for this internal course.


Select the grade that the student will receive for the internal course if the student fulfills the study agreement.

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Course Transfer Credit

This section provides an overview of course transfer credit processing and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Course Transfer Credit Processing

Two components are available to evaluate course transfer credit, the Course Credits component for predefined rules, and the Course Credits - Manual component for creating manual transfer credit models.

Use the Course Credits component to use predefined course transfer equivalency rules to articulate course transfer credit. Predefined rules can be attached to academic programs, academic plans, and student-specific study agreements. You will create models of articulation based on the source of the transfer credit and the student's academic program and plan. You can create as many models as necessary.

To process course transfer credit using predefined equivalency rules:

  1. Set up the source information and target information for the transfer credit model on the Transfer Course Details page.

  2. Select the articulation term for the model and command the system to evaluate the courses according to the predefined rules in the Transfer Credit Term group box of the Transfer Course Details page.

  3. Calculate transfer credit statistics for the model, post and unpost transfer credit, and view a summary of transfer credit statistics on the Transfer Summary page.

  4. View summary student statistics, after you have saved a posted or unposted model, in the Course Credits Summary group box of the Transfer Summary page.

Use the Course Credits - Manual component to manually enter transfer credit. This component is designed to be used for course transfer credit from schools from which you rarely receive students. This saves you from having to go through the rule-defining procedure for a few students.

To process course transfer credit manually:

  1. Set up the source information and target information for the transfer credit model on the Transfer Course Entry page.

  2. Select the articulation term for the model and enter the incoming course and internal equivalent course information in the Transfer Credit Term group box of the Transfer Course Entry page.

    Save the page to run the Transfer Credit process and articulate the course credit.

  3. Calculate transfer credit statistics for the model, post and unpost transfer credit, and view a summary of transfer credit statistics on the Course Credits By Term page.

  4. View summary student statistics, after you save a posted or unposted model, in the Course Credits Summary group box of the Course Credits By Term page.

The Sort Order of Transfer Credit Articulation Results

The Detail table (TRNS_CRSE_DTL) holds the results of the transfer credit articulation process, and the data is displayed in the Transfer Credit Term group box on the Transfer Course Details page. The results are sorted in the following manner:

  1. Incoming courses that have matching student agreement records.

  2. Incoming courses that have exact matches—subject and catalog number for external credits, course ID, and course offering number for internal courses—in the Agreement rule set specified in the Program/Source Equivalency Rule for the model's program.

    Within this rule set, rules with higher transfer priority are processed first. Within the same transfer priority numbers, rules with the most number of incoming courses—many-to-many or many-to-one—are evaluated first.

  3. Incoming courses that have wildcard matches—subject and partial catalog number—in the Agreement rule set that is specified in the Program/Source Equivalency Rule for the model's program.

  4. Incoming courses that have exact matches—subject and catalog number for external credits, course ID, and course offering number for internal—in the Override rule set that is specified in the Program/Source Equivalency Rule for the model's program.

    Within this rule set, rules with higher transfer priority are processed first. Within the same transfer priority numbers, rules with the most number of incoming courses—many-to-many or many-to-one—are evaluated first.

  5. Incoming courses that have wildcard matches—subject and partial catalog number—in the Override rule set that is specified in the Program/Source Equivalency Rule for the model's program.

  6. Incoming courses that have exact matches—subject and catalog number for external credits, course ID, and course offering number for internal—in the Default rule set that is specified in the Program/Source Equivalency Rule for the model's program.

    Within this rule set, rules with higher transfer priority are processed first. Within the same transfer priority numbers, rules with the most number of incoming courses—many-to-many or many-to-one—are evaluated first.

  7. Incoming courses that have wildcard matches—subject and partial catalog number—in the Default rule set that is specified in the Program/Source Equivalency Rule for the model's program.

  8. Rejected courses.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Process Course Transfer Credit

Page Name

Definition Name



Transfer Course Details


Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Evaluation, Course Credits - Automated, Transfer Course Details

Create course transfer credit models and run the Transfer Credit process to evaluate the models. For each model, you specify target information, source information, and the articulation term. Then you run the Transfer Credit process to articulate course transfer credit, using predefined equivalency rules. You can revise the results as necessary.

Transfer Summary


Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Evaluation, Course Credits - Automated, Transfer Summary

Calculate an individual's transfer credit statistics, based on the accepted internal equivalent courses of a transfer credit model. After you view the statistics for the transfer credit model, you can post the transfer credit to an individual's record. You can also use this page to unpost transfer credit.

Transfer Course Entry


Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Evaluation, Course Credits - Manual, Transfer Course Entry

Set up course transfer credit models and articulate transfer credit manually as you set up models rather than by using predefined equivalency rules. This page is essentially the same as the Transfer Course Details page of the Course Credits component with the few exceptions that are described in this section.

Course Credits by Term


Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Evaluation, Course Credits - Manual, Course Credits by Term

Calculate an individual's transfer credit statistics for a model based on the accepted internal equivalent courses of the model. After you view the statistics for the transfer credit model, you can post the transfer credit to an individual's record. You can also use this page to unpost transfer credit. This is the same page as the Transfer Summary page of the course credits component.

Student Agreements


Click the Study Agreements link on the Transfer Course Details page or the Transfer Course Entry page.

This link is available only if the student has a Student Agreement in the system.

View the details of a student's study agreement, including the external course and the internal equivalent course.

Student Agreement Header Info (student agreement header information)


Click the Agreement Data link on the Student Agreements page.

View the description, catalog organization, comments about the agreement, and the name of the user who created the study agreement.

Transfer Rule Applied


Click the Transfer Status Detail button on the Transfer Course Details page.

View the course transfer equivalency rule that the Transfer Credit process applied to the corresponding external course. If the course is rejected, the system displays the reject reason. This page applies to transfer credit processing with predefined course equivalency rules.

Reject Reason


Click the Transfer Status Detail button on the Transfer Course Details page.

View the reason why the course transfer equivalency rule was rejected. This page applies only to transfer credit processing with predefined course equivalency rules.

Equivalent Course Information


Click the Edit Equivalent Course button on the Transfer Course Details page to edit equivalent course information.

Click the Add Internal Equivalent button on the Transfer Course Details page to enter additional equivalent courses.

View incoming course credit information for a specific row of a course transfer credit model, and view and edit equivalent course information.

Equivalent Course Information


Click the Edit Internal Equivalent button on the Transfer Course Entry page.

View details about incoming course credit and internal equivalent course information for a specific row of a test transfer credit model for which you are manually defining equivalencies.

Course Credit Comments


Click the Comment/Override Reason button on the Transfer Course Details page or the Transfer Course Entry page.

Add an override reason and comment about any adjustments that you have made to a group row of a transfer credit model.

Model Comments


Click the Add/View Comments link on the Transfer Course Details page or the Transfer Course Entry page.

Add comments about this row of the transfer credit model.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Course Transfer Credit Models with Predefined Rules

Access the Transfer Course Details page (Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Evaluation, Course Credits - Automated, Transfer Course Details).

Apply Agreement

Select to have the Transfer Credit process use the agreement equivalency rule selected for the specified academic program, plan, and source combination on the Rules Specification page. Clear this check box to ignore the specified agreement equivalency rule. By default, the system selects this check box.

(AUS) Level of Education

This mandatory field appears only if the school type assigned to the credit has a DEST credit basis of 0200 Credit Offered for Prior VET Study.

School types are defined on the School Type Table page.

This field appears only if the DEST, HECS, Centrelink, TAC check box is selected on the SA Features page.

DEST Institution Department of Education, Science and Training institution

Note. This field is available only if you select the Australia DEST, HECS, Centrelink, TAC check box on the Academic Institution 6 page.

Enter the DEST institution code from which the transfer credit is coming.


After you have selected an articulation term for this row of the course transfer credit model, click this button to run the Transfer Credit process.

The Transfer Credit process COBOL program evaluates the individual's course transfer credit according to the valid course transfer equivalency rules. The process determines valid course transfer equivalency rules for the specified source based on whether the rule is active previous to the begin date of the articulation term and based on whether the rule was attached to the individual's academic program or academic plan for the specified source. The process then compares the individual's external course information to the valid rules and calculates the results. The courses that the process evaluates appear in the grid at the bottom of the page.

Define course transfer equivalency rules on the Transfer Subject Area component and attach them to academic programs and academic plans for the source on the Program/Source Equivalency component. Enter an individual's external course information on the External Courses page of the Education component.

External Term

After you run the Transfer Credit process for this row of the model, the process displays the external term of each course that it evaluated. The process determines the external term for the transfer course according to the value that is entered for the course in the corresponding field on the External Courses page of the Education component.

External Subject/Catalog Nbr (external subject/catalog number)

After you run the Transfer Credit process for this row of the model, the process displays the external subject and catalog number of each course that it evaluated. The process determines the external subject and catalog number for the transfer course according to the value that is entered for the course in the corresponding fields on the External Courses page of the Education component.

Note. When you post a model, the Source Information group box for that row becomes unavailable.

Note. Using the column heading links to sort data on this page may ungroup external and equivalent courses.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCalculating and Posting Course Transfer Credit with Predefined Rules

Access the Transfer Summary page (Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Evaluation, Course Credits - Automated, Transfer Summary).


After you articulate course credit, click this button to calculate the individual's transfer credit statistics according to the accepted transfer credit on the corresponding row of the model.

Note. When you post the transfer credit without clicking the Calculate button, the process still calculates the units.

If you selected to include the accepted equivalent courses of this model in the individual's GPA and you have transferred grades that include grade points, the system calculates the transfer taken for GPA, the transfer passed for GPA, the transfer grade points, and the transfer GPA.

If you selected to include the accepted equivalent courses of this model in the individual's GPA and you transferred grades that are not included in, for example, F grade points, the system calculates the transfer taken not for GPA and the transfer passed not for GPA.

If you have not selected to include the accepted equivalent courses of this model in the individual's GPA, the system calculates the units taken and the units transferred.

You can select to include transfer credit in the GPA for external organizations and internal academic institutions on the Organization Affiliation page.

FA Weeks of Instruction Stats

The group box displays transfer course statistics for courses marked to be included in the Financial Aid weeks of instruction calculations. When articulated transfer work is calculated, these values are calculated and stored in the Include in FA WI Stats area. These values are used by the Financial Aid Term process to then calculate the student's academic level.

Note. The calculation of the FA WI Stats values does not affect the calculation of the current articulated transfer work statistics. In addition, the new values are stored in the transfer credit records and are not moved to PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM.

Units Taken

Displays the units that the individual took for the class being transferred.

Units Transferred

Displays the units of the internal equivalent course.

Course Credits Summary

Use the Course Credits Summary group box to view a summary of the course credits that have been transferred to the student's record through this model. You can view changes in this group box only after you have posted or unposted the model and saved the transaction. The system displays values for the fields in this group box in relation to the corresponding values that you calculated for the model on this page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Course Transfer Credit Models Manually

Access the Transfer Course Entry page (Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Evaluation, Course Credits - Manual, Transfer Course Entry).

Target Information

Include in GPA (include in grade point average)

Select to include eligible courses within this model in students' GPA totals and No GPA totals at your academic institution. Clear this check box to include the eligible courses as units only.

Eligible courses are those courses with the Include in GPA check box selected on the Equivalent Course Information page. Conversely, ineligible courses are those with the Include in GPA check box cleared on the Equivalent Course Information page.

The system renders the Include in GPA field on this page unavailable when the model is posted.

Note. The Include in GPA check box in the Target Information group box has no impact on the Academic Advisement engine. The Academic Advisement engine looks at the Include in GPA check box on the Equivalent Course Information page to evaluate course grade points for academic requirements and enrollment requisites.

Source Information

(AUS) Level of Education

This mandatory field appears only if the school type assigned to the credit has a DEST credit basis of 0200 Credit Offered for Prior VET Study.

School types are defined on the School Type Table page.

This field appears only if the DEST, HECS, Centrelink, TAC check box is selected on the SA Features page.

Transfer Credit Term


Click to access the Equivalent Course Information page, where you can edit equivalent course information prior to posting transfer credit.


Click to access the Course Credit Comments page, where you can add an override reason and comment about any adjustments that you have made to this row of the model.

Incoming Course

Use the Incoming Course group box to define your external course information for this row of the transfer credit model.


Enter the year in which the incoming course was taken.

Ext Term (external term)

Select the external term for each external course that you enter.


Enter the subject area of the incoming course.

Course Nbr (course number)

Enter the course number for the incoming course.


Enter the description of the incoming course.

Units Taken

Enter the units taken for the incoming course.

Grade Input

Enter the grade received for the incoming course.

Equivalent Course

Use the Equivalent Course group box to define the internal course that is equivalent to the incoming course for this row of the transfer credit model. The system matches classes based on year, external term, subject, course number, units taken, and grade input.

Course ID

Select the course that is equivalent to the incoming course for this row. The system prompts you to select a course from your academic institution's course catalog.

Offer Nbr (offering number)

By default, the system displays the offering number of the course that you selected according to the definition of the course in your academic institution's course catalog. You can override this default value.

Units Transferred

If you select the From Incoming Course option on the Academic Career Table page, the value in this field appears by default from the Units Taken field in the Incoming Course group box for the course that has the same group and sequence number.

If you select the From Course Catalog option on the Academic Career Table page, the value in this field appears by default from the Maximum Units field in the Course Catalog (CRSE_CATALOG) component.

Regardless of the option that you select on the Academic Career Table page, you can override the default value in this field to transfer a different number of units.

Grading Scheme

Select the grading scheme of the specified internal equivalent course. This grading scheme defines all of the valid grading bases from which you can select an official grade for the specified internal equivalent course.

Grading Basis

Select the grading basis for the specified internal equivalent course. This grading basis defines all of the valid grades from which you can select an official grade for the specified internal equivalent course.

Official Grade

Select the official grade of the specified internal equivalent course. This official grade defines the grade that an individual receives for the specified internal equivalent course.

The value entered here is included in the student's cumulative GPA at your academic institution, provided that you selected the Include in GPA check box on this page and the Equivalent Course Information page.


After you select an articulation term and enter the incoming course and internal equivalent course information for this row of the course transfer credit model, click Save.

See Also

Viewing Incoming and Editing Equivalent Course Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCalculating and Posting Course Transfer Credit Manually

Access the Course Credits by Term page (Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Evaluation, Course Credits - Manual, Course Credits by Term).

Note. If transfer credit has been posted for a student and then a change is made to his or her record and the data is reposted, an input change flag appears on the page.

FA Weeks of Instruction Stats

The group box displays transfer course statistics for courses marked to be included in the Financial Aid weeks of instruction calculations. When articulated transfer work is calculated, these values are calculated and stored in the Include in FA WI Stats area. These values are used by the Financial Aid Term process to then calculate the student's academic level.

Note. The calculation of the FA WI Stats values does not affect the calculation of the current articulated transfer work statistics. In addition, the new values are stored in the transfer credit records and are not moved to PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM.

Units Taken

Displays the units that the individual took for the class being transferred.

Units Transferred

Displays the units of the internal equivalent course.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Student Study Agreements

Access the Student Agreements page (click the Study Agreements link on the Transfer Course Details page or the Transfer Course Entry page).

Note. If you enter a course that is a duplicate, the system gives you a warning. You can cancel and fix the duplicate or continue with the post. If you continue with the post and attach the external course to both instances of the class, repeat checking will place repeat codes on the class.

Agreement Data

Click to access the Student Agreement Header Info (student agreement header information) page, where you can view header information about the student-specific study agreement.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Incoming and Editing Equivalent Course Information

Access the Equivalent Course Information page (click the Edit Equivalent Course button on the Transfer Course Details page to edit equivalent course information).

Incoming Course

Use the Incoming Course group box to view details about the external course information for this row of the transfer credit model.

Crse Level (course level)

The level for this course at the specified external organization. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these values.

Equivalent Course

Use the Equivalent Course group box to enter internal equivalent course information.

See Also

Viewing Incoming and Editing Equivalent Course Information

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Test Transfer Credit

This section provides an overview of test transfer credit processing and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Test Transfer Credit Processing

Two components are available to evaluate test transfer credit, the Test Credits - Automated component for predefined rules and the Test Credits - Manual component for creating test credit models manually. After you have set up your test codes and test components and you have read the Processing Course Transfer Credit section, the pages for processing test credit will be familiar.

Use the Test Credits - Automated component if you want to use predefined test transfer equivalency rules to articulate test transfer credit. You can attach predefined rules to academic programs and academic plans. You will create models of articulation based on the individual's academic program or academic plan. You can create as many models as necessary.

To process test transfer credit using predefined equivalency rules:

  1. Set up the target information for the transfer credit model on the Test Credit Details page.

  2. Select the articulation term for the model and tell the system to evaluate the test credit according to the predefined rules on the Test Credit Details page.

  3. Calculate transfer credit statistics for the model, post and unpost transfer credit, and view a summary of transfer credit statistics on the Test Credits By Term page.

  4. View summary student statistics, after you have saved a posted or unposted model, in the Total Units - Posted Model field on the Test Credits by Term page.

Use the Test Credits - Manual component to enter transfer credit manually with equivalencies that you enter as you proceed. This component is designed for test transfer credit from sources from which you rarely receive test results. This saves you from having to go through the rule-defining procedure for a few students.

To process test transfer credit manually:

  1. Set up the target information for the transfer credit model on the Test Credit Entry page.

  2. Select the articulation term for the model and enter the incoming test and internal equivalent course information on the Test Credit Entry page.

    Save the page to run the Transfer Credit process and articulate the test credit.

  3. Calculate transfer credit statistics for the model, post and unpost transfer credit, and view a summary of transfer credit statistics on the Test Credits By Term page.

  4. View summary student statistics, after you have posted a model, in the Total Units - Posted Model field on the Test Credits By Term page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Process Test Transfer Credit

Page Name

Definition Name



Test Credit Details


Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Evaluation, Test Credits - Automated, Test Credit Details

Create test transfer credit models and run the Transfer Credit process to evaluate the models. For each model, specify a target academic program, the academic plan if applicable, and the articulation term. Then run the Transfer Credit process. You can revise the results as necessary.

Test Credit by Term


  • Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Evaluation, Test Credits - Automated, Test Credit by Term

  • Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Evaluation, Test Credits - Manual, Test Credit by Term

Calculate an individual's transfer credit statistics for a model based on the accepted internal equivalent courses of a transfer credit model. After you view the statistics for the transfer credit model, you can post the transfer credit to an individual's record. You can also use this page to unpost transfer credit.

Test Credit Entry


Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Evaluation, Test Credits - Manual, Test Credit Entry

Set up test transfer credit models and articulate transfer credit by creating test transfer models manually rather than by using predefined equivalency rules. This page is essentially the same as the Test Credit Details page of the Test Credits component, with the few exceptions that are described in this section.

Transfer Rule Applied


Click the Transfer Status Detail button on the Test Credit Details page.

View the test transfer equivalency rule that the Transfer Credit process applied to the corresponding external course. If the test is rejected, the Reject Reason page displays the reject reason. The Transfer Rule Applied page applies only to transfer credit processing with predefined test equivalency rules.

Reject Reason


Click the Transfer Status Detail button on the Test Credit Details page.

View the reason why the test transfer equivalency rule was rejected. This page applies only to transfer credit processing with predefined test equivalency rules.

Equivalent Course Information


Click the Edit Equivalent Course button on the Test Credit Details page to edit equivalent course information.

View incoming test credit information for a specific row of a test transfer credit model, view and edit equivalent course information, and enter additional equivalent courses and corresponding information.

Equivalent Course Information


Click the Edit Equivalent Course button on the Test Credit Entry page.

Add incoming test credit information and internal equivalent course information for a specific row of a test transfer credit model for which you are manually defining equivalencies.

Test Credit Comments


Click the Comment/Override Reason button on the Test Credit Details page or the Test Credit Entry page.

Add an override reason and comment about any adjustments that you made to a group row of a transfer credit model.

Model Comments


Click the Comment link on the Test Credit Details page or the Test Credit Entry page.

Add comments about this test transfer credit model.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Test Transfer Credit Models with Predefined Rules

Access the Test Credit Details page (Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Evaluation, Test Credits - Automated, Test Credit Details).


After you select an articulation term for this row of the course transfer credit model, click this button to run the Transfer Credit process. The Transfer Credit process COBOL program evaluates the individual's test transfer credit according to the valid test transfer equivalency rules. The process determines valid course transfer equivalency rules, based on whether the rule is active previous to the begin date of the articulation term and based on whether the rule has been attached to the individual's academic program or academic plan. The process then compares the individual's external test information to the valid rules and calculates the results. The tests that the process evaluates appear in the grid at the bottom of the page. Define test transfer equivalency rules on the Test Credit Rule / Component page and attached to academic programs and academic plans for the source on the Test Credit Equivalency page. An individual's external test information is entered on the Test Results component.

Test ID

After you run the Transfer Credit process for this row of the model, the process displays the identification code of each test that it evaluated. The process determines the individual's tests according to the value entered for the test in the corresponding fields on the Test Results component.

Test Component

After you run the Transfer Credit process for this row of the model, the process displays the component of each test that it evaluated. The process determines the individual's test components according to the value that is entered for the test in the corresponding fields on the Test Results component.

Note. Using the column heading links to sort data on this page may ungroup external and equivalent courses.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCalculating and Posting Test Transfer Credit with Predefined Rules

Access the Test Credit by Term page (Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Evaluation, Test Credits - Automated, Test Credit by Term).

The units of the internal equivalent course appear in the Units Transferred field in the FA Weeks of Instruction Stats (financial aid weeks of instruction statistics) group box.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Test Transfer Credit Models Manually

Access the Test Credit Entry page (Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Evaluation, Test Credits - Manual, Test Credit Entry).

Test ID

After you select a test ID on the Equivalent Course Information page for this row of the model, the system displays your selection in this field. You access the Equivalent Course Information page by clicking the Edit Equivalent Course button on the corresponding row of the model.

Test Component

After you select a test component on the Equivalent Course Information page for this row of the model, the system displays your selection in this field. You access the Equivalent Course Information page by clicking the Edit Equivalent Course button on the corresponding row of the model.


After you select an articulation term and enter the incoming test credit and internal equivalent course information for this row of the test transfer credit model, click Save to run the Transfer Credit process. The Transfer Credit process COBOL engine evaluates the individual's test transfer credit according to the test credit and internal equivalent information on the Incoming Course information page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCalculating and Posting Test Transfer Credit Manually

Access the Test Credit by Term page (Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Evaluation, Test Credits - Manual, Test Credit by Term).

The Test Credit by Term page in the Test Credits - Manual component is the same page as the Test Credits By Term page in the Test Credits Component.

See Also

Calculating and Posting Course Transfer Credit Manually

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Incoming Test and Equivalent Course Information

Access the Equivalent Course Information page (click the Edit Equivalent Course button on the Test Credit Entry page).

Test Credit Input

Use the Test Credit Input group box to enter test information.

Test ID

The identification number of the test for which you are defining a course equivalency.


The component of the test for which you are defining a course equivalency.

Test Date

The date that the test was taken.

Test Score

The individual's test score.

Data Source

The data source.


The percentile of the individual's score.

Equivalent Course

Use the Equivalent Course group box to enter internal equivalent course information.

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Other Transfer Credit

This section provides an overview of other transfer credit processing and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Other Transfer Credit Processing

Processing other transfer credit, credit for prior learning, is always a manual process. The pages in the Other Credit component are very similar to those in the Course Credit and Test Credit components. After you have read the Processing Course Transfer Credit section, the pages for processing other credit will be familiar.

The other credit category is appropriate because it requires no external organization information. However, you must assign other credit through a course in your academic institution's course catalog. Therefore, you might set up special summary courses in the course catalog, then grant the student additional transfer credits using these special courses.

To process other transfer credit:

  1. Set up the target information for the transfer credit model on the Other Credit Detail page.

  2. Select the articulation term for the model and enter the equivalent course information on the Other Credit Detail page.

  3. Calculate transfer credit statistics for the model, post and unpost transfer credit, and view a summary of transfer credit statistics on the Other Credit By Term page.

  4. View summary student statistics, after you have posted a model, in the Total Units - Posted Model field on the Test Credits By Term page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Process Other Transfer Credit

Page Name

Definition Name



Other Credit Detail


Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Evaluation, Other Credits - Manual, Other Credit Detail

Set up other transfer credit models and articulate transfer credit. For each model, you specify target information, the articulation term, other credit information, and internal equivalent course information.

Other Credit by Term


Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Evaluation, Other Credits - Manual, Other Credit by Term

Calculate transfer units statistics for a model, post and unpost transfer credit, and view a summary of transfer credit statistics.

Equivalent Course Information


Click the Edit Equivalent Course button on the Other Credit Detail page.

Add incoming other credit information and internal equivalent course information for a specific model. You can also use this page to edit information that you have previously saved.

Other Credit Comments


Click the Comment/Override Reason button on the Other Credit Detail page.

Add an override reason and comment about any adjustments that you have made to a group row of a transfer credit model.

Model Comments


Click the Comment button on the Other Credit Detail page.

Add comments about this row of the transfer credit model.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Other Transfer Credit Models

Access the Other Credit Detail page (Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Evaluation, Other Credits - Manual, Other Credit Detail).

Other Credit

After you enter other credit on the Equivalent Course Information page for this row of the model, the process displays your selection in this field. You access the Equivalent Course Information page by clicking the Edit Equivalent Course button on the corresponding row of the model.


After you select an articulation term and enter the incoming other credit and internal equivalent course information for this row of the other transfer credit model, click Save.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCalculating and Posting Other Transfer Credit

Access the Other Credit by Term page (Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Evaluation, Other Credits - Manual, Other Credit by Term).

The units of the internal equivalent course appear in Units Transferred field in the FA Weeks of Instruction Stats (financial aid weeks of instruction statistics) group box.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Incoming Other Credit and Equivalent Course Information

Access the Equivalent Course Information page (click the Edit Equivalent Course button on the Other Credit Detail page).

Other Credit

Use the Other Credit group box to enter information about other credit.

Other Credit

Enter a description of the other credit.

Short Desc (short description)

Enter a short description of the other credit.

Long Description

Enter a long description of the other credit.

Other Credit Type

Select the type of other credit. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these values.

Evaluation Date

Enter the evaluation date of the other credit.

Clear Credit

Click to clear the fields in the Other Credit group box. This button works for new data that you are entering and data that you have previously saved in the fields.

Equivalent Course

Use the Equivalent Course group box to enter internal equivalent course information.

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Transfer Credit in Batch

This section provides an overview of batch transfer credit processing and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Batch Transfer Credit Processing

Processing a student's transfer credit can be a complicated and time-consuming process. Aside from transferring credit from an external organization to your academic institution, you might want to move a student's credit from one academic career to another or from one internal academic institution to another.

To facilitate processing transfer credit, use the Batch Transfer Credit feature. This feature enables you to process transfer credit by batch, simplifying your online data entry and reducing processing time. Provided that you have already entered the student's external education record and defined the transfer credit equivalency rules, you can submit a request to have transfer credit modeled for a group of students who match the parameters that you specify. When you submit your request, the system performs the model setup, transfer articulation, and posting processes for all students in the group.

To process transfer credit by batch:

  1. Define the posting process on the Process Definitions page.

  2. Define the processing parameters—the group of students to process by batch—on the Transfer Credit Batch page, then run the process through PeopleSoft Process Scheduler.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Process Transfer Credit in Batch

Page Name

Definition Name



Transfer Credit Batch


Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Evaluation, Batch Posting, Transfer Credit Batch

Post transfer credit in batch. Process parameters include the student's identification code and the keys that the system will use in retrieving incoming transfer credit, plus the target academic career, academic program, academic plan (where applicable), and articulation term.

Process Results


Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Evaluation, Batch Posting, Process Results

View information that is related to the process that you have run on the Transfer Credit Batch page. To view a student's statistics after you run the process, go to the student's individual transfer credit record on the appropriate component—either external course credit, test credit, or other credit.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPosting Transfer Credit in Batch

Access the Transfer Credit Batch page (Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Evaluation, Batch Posting, Transfer Credit Batch).

Group Nbr (group number)

The group number is the numeric counter that distinguishes each row of the process instance from other rows. By default, the system displays the first group as 1 and increases the number by one as you add groups to the process instance.


Enter a description of the group to uniquely identify the group.

Processing Option

Select from the following values the processing option to use for this run of the process. Depending on the option that you select, you can create models in batch, post models in batch, or do both at the same time.

Create Model: Select to create transfer credit models based on the student external education record for external transfers or based on the academic career record for internal transfers.

Post Model: Select to post models that have already been created. If the student is active in the articulation term and academic program that you select, the system posts the transfer credit to each affected student's career term record, sets the transfer model to posted, then automatically runs the Repeat Checking process. If a student is not active in the articulation term and academic program that you select, the system does not post the transfer model. Instead, the system sets the transfer model status to Completed. When the student is activated for the specified academic program and articulation term, you can move the transfer statistics to the student's career term record using the transfer credit copy function on the Terms in Residence page.

Create and Post Model: Select to create the model and then post it in the same run of the process.

Apply Agreement

Select to have the Transfer Credit process use the agreement equivalency rule that is selected for the specified academic program, academic plan, and source combination on the Rules Specification page. Clear this check box to ignore the specified agreement equivalency rule. By default, the system selects this check box.

Overlay Unposted Models

Select if you are rerunning the batch and you want to overlay any unposted models.

Transcript Level

Select a specific transcript level. If left blank, the default set at Academic Career is used.

Transfer Credit Source

In the Transfer Credit Source group box, select the type of source from which you will be modeling transfer credit for this group. Your selection instructs the system from which table you will be selecting your source.


Select to have the system prompt you with the source IDs of external organizations in your system. The External Org ID and Data Source fields appear and are available.


Select to have the system prompt you with source IDs of academic institutions in your system. You would select this option, for example, when a student is transferring from one academic career to another within your academic institution. The Source Career and Source Institution fields appear and are available.

External Org ID (external organization identification)

For an external transfer credit source, select the external organization from which you are processing transferring credit.

Data Source

For an external transfer credit source, select the data source from which the individual's external transfer credit has been entered into the system. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these values.

Source Career

For an internal transfer credit source, select the academic career from which you are processing transfer credit.

Source Institution

For an internal transfer credit source, select the internal academic institution from which you are processing transferring credit.

Transfer Credit Target

Use the grid in the lower portion of the page to enter student ID and target information within your academic institution for each student for whom you want to process transfer credit by batch within the group.


Select the identification code of each student for whom you want to process transfer credit in the group. The system prompts you with IDs from the personal data table (PERSONAL_DATA).

Academic Career

Select the academic career to which the specified student's transfer courses will articulate.

Academic Institution

Select the academic institution to which the specified student's transfer courses will articulate.

Academic Program

Select the academic program to which this student's transfer in this row credit will articulate.

Academic Plan

Select the academic plan to which the specified student's transfer credit in this row will articulate. This field is optional. However, if an academic plan is specified, the individual must be active in that academic plan before the transfer credit is posted.

Articulation Term

Select the term for which you want to process the specified student's transfer credit for this row. Note that you cannot articulate credits across multiple terms by inserting additional rows for the student. You would do this, for example, if a student has continually taken credit outside your academic institution over time and you have posted credit at each point in time.

Run the Transfer Credit Batch Posting job (SRPCTCBJ) as needed. The job consists of two processes—the Transfer Credit Batch Posting process and the Repeat Rule Driver process (SRPCERTD). Both processes are COBOL/SQL.

Depending on the processing options that you select, the Transfer Credit Batch Posting process performs one of the following actions: creates transfer credit models, posts transfer credit, or creates models and posts transfer credit by batch, for the defined group of students. When you initiate the process with the latter option set, the process goes through the records of each student that you have entered and validates your input parameters, creates the transfer credit model, calculates transfer credit articulation, and posts the credits to the student's academic career term. Students can be in multiple groups in the same run control process for which transfer work for multiple institutions exists.

If you need to change the results, you can do so on a student-by-student basis by editing the transfer credit model that the background process creates. You adjust the results the same way that you would adjust them if you were modeling one student at a time. First, unpost the transfer credit. Then adjust one or more courses manually. Finally, repost the transfer credit.

The Repeat Rule Driver process launches the Repeat Checking process, checking the newly posted course credit on each affected student's career term record against existing course credit to identify repeated courses.

Note. The system uses the begin date of the articulation term as the effective date when validating which equivalency rules are valid.

See Also

Managing System IDs

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Process Results for Batch Posting of Transfer Credit

Access the Process Results page (Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Evaluation, Batch Posting, Process Results).


Click to display the messages and description of the process instance. If you rerun the process, click this button to view the messages and descriptions from the most recent run. The system populates the page with the most recent message log information.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing and Printing Transfer Credit Information

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View and Print Transfer Credit Information

Page Name

Definition Name



Academic Test Summary


Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Evaluation, Academic Test Summary, Academic Test Summary

View a summary of academic test information for prospects and applicants, such as test score and data source.

Organization Groups Summary


Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Rules, Schools by Group, Organization Groups Summary

View schools, or any type of organization, in groups that you designate. You can display the list in the order that you choose.

Transfer Credit Summary - Selection Criteria


Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Evaluation, Transfer Credit Summary, Selection Criteria

Define the selection criteria to search for transfer credit summaries.

Transfer Credit Summary - Selection Result


Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Evaluation, Transfer Credit Summary, Selection Result

View and print transfer credit summaries for individuals. The system displays transfer credit summaries based on your selection criteria on the Selection Criteria page.

Evaluation Reports


Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Evaluation, Transfer Evaluation Report, Evaluation Reports

Print transfer credit summary evaluation reports for multiple individuals at the same time.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Academic Test Summaries

Access the Academic Test Summary page (Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Evaluation, Academic Test Summary, Academic Test Summary).

See Also

Tracking Test Results for Prospects and Applicants

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Schools by Group

Access the Organization Groups Summary page (Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Rules, Schools by Group, Organization Groups Summary).

See Also

Viewing Organizations by Group Types

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRetrieving Transfer Credit Summaries

Access the Transfer Credit Summary - Selection Criteria page (Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Evaluation, Transfer Credit Summary, Selection Criteria).


Select the ID of the individual whose transfer credit summary you want to view or print. The system prompts you with IDs from the personal data table (PERSONAL_DATA).

Academic Institution

Select the academic institution for which the specified individual's transfer credit was processed.

All Careers

Select to retrieve transfer credit summaries for all academic careers that are associated with the specified individual.


Select to retrieve the specified individual's transfer credit summaries within a specific academic career, target academic program, and target academic plan. The Academic Career, Academic Program, and Academic Plan fields become available when you select this option.

Academic Career

Select a specific academic career for which you want to retrieve the specified individual's transfer credit summaries.

Academic Program

Select a specific academic program for which you want to retrieve the specified individual's transfer credit summaries.

Academic Plan

Select a specific academic plan for which you want to retrieve the specified individual's transfer credit summaries.

Posted Status

This filter option enables you to retrieve transfer credit summaries for the specified individual, based on transfer status. Values are:

All: Enables you to retrieve all transfer credit summaries regardless of transfer status.

Completed: Enables you to retrieve only transfer credit summaries in which transfer credit has been evaluated and models created but the individual does not yet have an academic program, academic plan, and term activation record for the academic program and articulation term as defined on the transfer credit model.

Modeled: Enables you to retrieve only transfer credit summaries in which models have been created.

Posted: Enables you to retrieve transfer credit summaries for transfer credit that have been posted to a student's career term records (STDNT_CAR_TERM table). This differs from the Completed status because the individual has an academic program, academic plan, and term activation record for the academic program and articulation term as defined on the transfer credit model.

Articulation Term

This filter option enables you to select a specific term for which transfer credit has been processed. The system displays only models that have been processed for the articulation term that you specify.

Articulation Term

This sort order option enables you to view and print models based on the begin date of the articulation term. Two options are available: Ascending and Descending. Ascending prints models from the oldest to the newest articulation term. Descending prints models from the newest to the oldest articulation term.


After you have defined your selection criteria and filtering options, click this button to retrieve the transfer credit summaries for the specified individual according to your selection criteria. When the retrieval process is complete, the system automatically displays the Selection Result page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing and Printing Transfer Credit Summaries

Access the Transfer Credit Summary - Selection Result page (Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Evaluation, Transfer Credit Summary, Selection Result).

Generate Report

Click to run the SQR (Structured Query Report) report (SRTCSTEV). The report contains the same information as the summary page with the addition of a Repeat field for a student who has already completed course work at the institution. The report is designed in an easy-to-read format intended to be distributed to prospects, applicants, students, recruiters, or advisors. They can see what classes transferred and to which equivalent classes. They can also view their internal and external GPAs.

Important! To print the report, you must first make some changes to your run control definitions.

Articulation Term

The articulation term for which the transfer credit was processed.


The group number within the model that associates incoming transfer credit with its internal equivalent courses. The number in this field identifies the group as unique among other groups.

Model Status

The status of the transfer credit model. Values are: Submitted, Completed, and Posted.

External Subject / Catalog Nbr (external subject/catalog number)

The external subject and catalog number of the class being transferred.

Units Taken

The units that the individual took for the class being transferred.

Grade Input

The grade that the individual received for the class being transferred.


The transfer status of the credit being transferred. Possible transfer status values are Accepted, Contingent, Posted, No Rule, and Rejected.

Equivalent Subject / Catlg Nbr (equivalent subject/catalog number)

The subject and catalog number of the internal course that is equivalent to the transfer credit.

Units Transferred

The units of the internal equivalent course.

Official Grade

The individual's official grade for the internal equivalent course.

Reject Reason

If the transfer credit was rejected, the system displays the reject reason.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrinting Transfer Credit Summaries in Batch

Access the Evaluation Reports page (Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Evaluation, Transfer Evaluation Report, Evaluation Reports).

Academic Institution

Click to select the academic institution for which transfer credit was processed.

Academic Career

Select a specific academic career for which you want to retrieve the transfer credit summaries.

Academic Program

Select a specific academic program for which you want to retrieve the transfer credit summaries.

Academic Plan

Select a specific academic plan for which you want to retrieve transfer credit summaries.

Posted Status

This filter option enables you to retrieve transfer credit summaries based on transfer status. Values are:

All: Enables you to retrieve all transfer credit summaries regardless of transfer status.

Completed: Enables you to retrieve only transfer credit summaries in which transfer credit has been evaluated and models created but the individual does not yet have an academic program, academic plan, and term activation record for the academic program and articulation term, as defined on the transfer credit model.

Modeled: Enables you to retrieve only transfer credit summaries in which models have been created.

Posted: Enables you to retrieve transfer credit summaries for transfer credit that has been posted to a student's career term records (STDNT_CAR_TERM table). This differs from the Completed status because the individual is a matriculated student who has an academic program, academic plan, and term activation record for the academic program and articulation term, as defined on the transfer credit model.

Articulation Term

This filter option enables you to select a specific term for which transfer credit has been processed. The system displays only models that have been processed for the articulation term that you specify.

Order By

In the Sort Order group box, select the order in which you want the system to sort the transfer credit summaries. Values are:

Name: The system prints transfer credit summary reports in alphabetical order by last name, first name.

ID: The system prints transfer credit summary reports in ID order.


After you have defined selection criteria and filtering options, click this button to run the Student Transfer Credit Evaluation SQR report (SRTCSTEV), using PeopleSoft Process Scheduler, for the specified individual according to your selection criteria.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Transfer Credit Reports Through Self Service

If your institution has licensed PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Self Service, your instructors can view transfer credit reports directly over the web.

See Also

Viewing Transfer Credit Reports Through Self-Service Pages

Click to jump to parent topicEvaluating Transfer Credit Through Self Service

If your institution has licensed PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Self Service, your self-service users can create course transfer credit models based on transfer courses from external organizations or from internal academic careers and programs.

See Also

Evaluating Transfer Credit Through Self-Service Pages