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Oracle® Identity Manager Connector Guide for SAP User Management
Release 9.1.2
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What's New in Oracle Identity Manager Connector for SAP User Management?

This chapter provides an overview of the updates made to the software and documentation for release of the SAP User Management connector.

The updates discussed in this chapter are divided into the following categories:

Software Updates

The following sections discuss software updates:

Software Updates in Release 9.1.0

The following are software updates in release 9.1.0:

Support for SoD Validation of Entitlement Requests

From this release onward, the connector supports the Segregation of Duties (SoD) feature introduced in Oracle Identity Manager release Requests for SAP role and profile entitlements can be validated with SAP GRC. Entitlements are provisioned into SAP ERP only if the request passes the SoD validation process. This preventive simulation approach helps identify and correct potentially conflicting assignment of entitlements to a user, before the requested entitlements are granted to users.

See Section 1.4.3, "SoD Validation of Entitlement Requests" for more information.

Linking of Entries in Lookup Definitions with Corresponding Target System Installations (Support for Dependent Lookup Values)

In earlier releases, if you had multiple installations of the target system, then entries in a lookup definition were not linked with the target system installation from which the entries were copied. During a provisioning operation, you could not select lookup field values that were specific to the target system installation on which the provisioning operation was to be performed.

From this release onward, entries in lookup definitions are linked to the target system installation from which they are copied. See Section 1.5, "Lookup Definitions Used During Connector Operations" for more information.

Changes in Certified Components

From this release onward:

See Section 1.1, "Certified Components" for the complete listing of certified components. See the following Oracle Technology Network page for information about certified components of Oracle Identity Manager:


The title of that section has been changed from "Certified Deployment Configurations" to "Certified Components."

Change in the Reconciliation Rule

The reconciliation rules have been modified. See Section 1.6.2, "Reconciliation Rules" for more information.

Trusted Source Reconciliation Mode of the Connector Deprecated

From this release onward, the trusted source reconciliation mode of the connector has been deprecated. All features related to this mode of the connector will be removed in a future release.

Software Updates in Release 9.1.1

The following are software updates in release 9.1.1:

Support for Both SAP R/3 and SAP CUA

From this release onward, this connector replaces release 9.1.0 of both the SAP User Management and SAP CUA connectors.

See Section 1.4.1, "Support for Both SAP R/3 and SAP CUA" for more information.

Change in Oracle Identity Manager Release Requirement

The connector has been certified on Oracle Identity Manager release BP02 and later. This change is mentioned in Section 1.1, "Certified Components".

Use of Standard BAPIs

In earlier releases, custom BAPIs were provided for reconciliation and provisioning with the target system. You deployed these BAPIs on the target system as part of the connector deployment procedure. From this release onward, only standard BAPIs are used during reconciliation and provisioning.

Enhanced Set of Default Attribute Mappings

The default set of attribute mappings for reconciliation and provisioning has been enhanced. See the following sections for a full listing of the attribute mappings:

New Provisioning Functions

In Section 1.7.1, "User Provisioning Functions", the following provisioning functions have been added:

Configuring Password Changes for Newly Created Accounts

When you log in to SAP by using a newly created account, you are prompted to change your password at first logon. This behavior can be configured for target system accounts created through Oracle Identity Manager. In addition, the connector can be configured so that it is not mandatory to specify passwords for new accounts.

See Section 1.4.12, "Configuring Password Changes for Newly Created Accounts" for more information.

Support for Mapping Standard and Custom Attributes for Reconciliation and Provisioning

From this release onward, you can create mappings for attributes that are not included in the list of default attribute mappings. These attributes can be part of the standard set of attributes provided by the target system or custom attributes that you add on the target system.

See Chapter 4, "Extending the Functionality of the Connector" for more information.

Support for Specifying Accounts to Be Excluded from Reconciliation and Provisioning Operations

From this release onward, you can specify a list of accounts that must be excluded from all reconciliation and provisioning operations.

See Section 2.3.8, "Setting Up the Lookup.SAP.UM.ExclusionList Lookup Definition" for more information.

Support for Configuring Linking of SAP HRMS and SAP R/3 or SAP CUA Accounts

From this release onward, you can configure the manner in which an SAP R/3 or SAP CUA account is linked with an SAP HRMS account. When enabled, the linking process is automatically triggered during the Create User provisioning operation. If a matching SAP HRMS account cannot be found the first time, then you can manually trigger the linking process after the SAP HRMS account is created.

See Section 1.4.9, "Linking of SAP HRMS and SAP R/3 or SAP CUA Accounts" for more information.

Support for Specifying a SAP JCo Trace Level

The connector uses the SAP JCo for reconciliation and provisioning operations. The JCo trace level is a numeric specification of the level of trace data that must be logged when the SAP JCo is used. From this release onward, you can specify the trace level as a parameter of the IT resource.

See Table 2-12, "Parameters of the IT Resource" for more information.

Support for Specifying the Use of a Logon Group on the Target System for Connector Operations

In SAP, a logon group is used as a load-sharing mechanism. When a user logs in to a logon group, the system internally routes the connection request to the logon group member with the least load. From this release onward, you can configure the connector to use a logon group for logging in to the target system for reconciliation and provisioning operations.

See Section, "Parameters for Enabling the Use of a Logon Group" for more information.

Support for Enabling and Disabling Accounts

Valid From and Valid Through are two user attributes on the target system. For a particular user in SAP, if the Valid Through date is less than the current date, then the account is in the Disabled state. Otherwise, the account is in the Enabled state. From this release onward, the same behavior is duplicated in Oracle Identity Manager.

See Section 1.4.8, "Enabling and Disabling Accounts" for more information.

Support for Connection Pooling

The connector supports the connection pooling feature introduced in Oracle Identity Manager release In earlier releases, a connection with the target system was established at the start of a reconciliation run and closed at the end of the reconciliation run. With the introduction of connection pooling, multiple connections are established by Oracle Identity Manager and held in reserve for use by the connector.

See Section 1.4.14, "Connection Pooling" for more information.

Testing Utility Deprecated

The testing utility is not included in this release of the connector.

Software Updates in Release 9.1.2

The following are the software updates in release 9.1.2:

Changes in the Certified Oracle Identity Manager and Target System Releases

Section 1.1, "Certified Components" lists the Oracle Identity Manager and target system releases certified from this release onward.

Support for Integration with SAP GRC Compliant User Provisioning

In an SAP environment, you can set up SAP GRC Compliant User Provisioning as the front end for receiving account creation and modification provisioning requests. From this release onward, the connector can be used to integrate Oracle Identity Manager with SAP GRC Compliant User Provisioning. In this deployment configuration, Oracle Identity Manager acts as the medium for sending provisioning requests to Compliant User Provisioning.

Reconciliation and Provisioning of Custom Multivalued Attributes

From this release onward, the connector allows you to add custom multivalued attributes that you create on the target system for reconciliation and provisioning with Oracle Identity Manager. See the following sections for information about the procedure:

Dependent Lookup Fields Feature Is Disabled by Default

In this release, the Dependent Lookup Fields feature is disabled by default. You can enable this feature after you deploy the Oracle Identity Manager release bundle patch that addresses Bug 9181280. See Section 4.14.1, "Enabling the Dependent Lookup Fields Feature" for more information.

Support for Configuring Transformation of Data During Lookup Field Synchronization

From this release onward, you can configure transformation of lookup field data synchronized from the target system. Section 1.4.17, "Transformation of Lookup Field Data" provides a pointer to additional information about this feature.

Software Updates in Release

The following are the software updates in release

Support for New Oracle Identity Manager Release

From this release onward, the connector can be installed and used on Oracle Identity Manager 11g release 1 (11.1.1). Where applicable, instructions specific to this Oracle Identity Manager release have been added in the guide.

See Section 1.1, "Certified Components" for the full list of certified Oracle Identity Manager releases.

Support for Request-Based Provisioning

From this release onward, the connector provides support for request-based provisioning on Oracle Identity Manager 11g release 1 (11.1.1).

See Section 3.7.4, "Request-Based Provisioning in an SoD-Enabled Environment" for more information.

Software Updates in Release

The following table lists issues resolved in release

Bug Number Issue Resolution
9475592 and 10408848 After the Disable User provisioning operation was performed, the value of the Valid Through field in Oracle Identity Manager did not match the value of the corresponding attribute in the target system. In addition, the Valid Through Updated task failed. This issue has been resolved. After the Disable User provisioning operation, to ensure that the values of the Valid Through fields in the target system and Oracle Identity Manager match, the connector performs one of the following steps:
  • If the OIM User is logged into the target system while the Disable User provisioning operation is being performed, then the value of the Valid Through attribute in the target system is set to the current date.

  • If the OIM User is not logged into the target system while the Disable User provisioning operation is being performed, then the value of the Valid Through attribute in the target system is set to a date in the past.

10373020 Suppose you assign more than one instance of a role with different Start Date and End Date values to a user account.

If you reconciled the user account, then only the role instance with the latest date as the Start Date value was reconciled.

This issue has been resolved. The connector reconciles all instances of a role assigned to the user. Reconcile future dated roles and Reconcile past dated roles entries have been added in the Lookup.SAP.UM.Configuration lookup definition. You use these entries to specify whether you want reconcile future-date or past-dated roles.

See Section, "Setting Values in the Lookup.SAP.UM.Configuration Lookup Definition" for more information about these entries.

11070597 The connector did not log BAPI attributes. This issue has been resolved. The connector now logs BAPI attributes.

Software Updates in Release

The following are the software updates in release

Propagation of Password Changes to Child Systems in SAP CUA

From this release onward, the connector can be configured to propagate user password changes from the SAP CUA parent system to the child systems. To enable propagation of password changes to the child systems, you must set the value of the Is Password Propagate To Child System entry in the configuration lookup definition to Yes. In addition, you must configure the target system for password propagation by installing custom BAPIs.

See Section 2.3.2, "Configuring the Target System" for more information about configuring the target system to enable the connector to propagate password changes from the SAP CUA parent system to its child systems.

Resolved Issues in Release

The following table lists issues resolved in release

Bug Number Issue Resolution
12586222 When running the SAP User Management Lookup Recon scheduled task against a set of different IT resources, the lookup definitions are populated. However, the values in the Code columns did not reflect the correct IT resource keys. This issue has been resolved. The values in the Code columns reflect the correct IT resource keys. The ITResource APIs are used for this purpose.
10627537 During a reconciliation operation, two reconciliation events were generated for every SAP account. This issue has been resolved. Instead of generating separate reconciliation events for the account lock status, the connector generates status in a single reconciliation event.

Documentation-Specific Updates

The following sections discuss documentation-specific updates:

Documentation-Specific Updates in Release 9.1.0

Major changes have been made in the structure of the guide. The objective of these changes is to synchronize the guide with the changes made to the connector and to improve the usability of information provided by the guide.

See Section 1.8, "Roadmap for Deploying and Using the Connector" for information about the organization of content in this guide.

Documentation-Specific Updates in Release 9.1.1

The following documentation-specific updates have been made in release 9.1.1:

Documentation-Specific Updates in Release 9.1.2

Minor changes have been made in the structure and location of some sections.

Documentation-Specific Updates in Release

There are no documentation-specific updates in this release.

Documentation-Specific Updates in Release

The following are the documentation-specific updates in this release:

Documentation-Specific Updates in Release

The following are documentation-specific update in release