Interface TableCursorListener

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public interface TableCursorListener
extends java.util.EventListener

TableCursorListener is an event listener interface that supports processing cursor movement events produced by a corresponding TableDataProvider instance.

Joe Nuxoll

Method Summary
 void cursorChanged(TableDataProvider provider, RowKey oldRow, RowKey newRow)
          Process an event indicating that the current cursor row of the specified TableDataProvider has been successfully changed.
 void cursorChanging(TableDataProvider provider, RowKey oldRow, RowKey newRow)
          Process an event indicating that the current cursor row of the specified TableDataProvider is changing.

Method Detail


public void cursorChanging(TableDataProvider provider,
                           RowKey oldRow,
                           RowKey newRow)
                    throws TableCursorVetoException

Process an event indicating that the current cursor row of the specified TableDataProvider is changing. If an exception is thrown be an event handler, the cursor change will be vetoed.

provider - TableDataProvider whose cursor row is changing
oldRow - The old cursor row key
newRow - The new cursor row key
TableCursorVetoException - a cursor veto exception explicitly vetos the cursor change


public void cursorChanged(TableDataProvider provider,
                          RowKey oldRow,
                          RowKey newRow)

Process an event indicating that the current cursor row of the specified TableDataProvider has been successfully changed.

provider - TableDataProvider whose cursor row index has successfully changed
oldRow - The old cursor row key
newRow - The new cursor row key