Interface TableDataProvider

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractTableDataProvider, CachedRowSetDataProvider, MethodResultTableDataProvider

public interface TableDataProvider
extends DataProvider

TableDataProvider is a specialized subinterface of DataProvider that provides access to a scrollable set of "rows" of data elements, with each row being identified by a RowKey. Access to the underlying data elements may be done in a random fashion by using the methods defined in this interface, or you can set the cursor row and use the getType(), getValue(), isReadOnly(), and setValue() methods from the base DataProvider interface to access data elements for the cursor row specified by calling setCursorRow(RowKey).

The set of FieldKeys returned by getFieldKeys() MUST be available on every row supported by this TableDataProvider. This implies a rectangular (matrix) dataset.

The set of RowKeys returned by getRowKeys(...) are expected to uniquely represent the rows contained in the underlying data source. The RowKey objects should remain valid as long as the set of rows in the TableDataProvider has not been re-fetched. Once a re-fetch has happened (by whatever means are supplied by specific TableDataProvider implementations), the previously fetched RowKeys may become invalid. Consult the documentation of the specific TableDataProvider implementation for details on the expected valid lifespan of a RowKey.

Most methods throw DataProviderException, which is a generic runtime exception indicating something is amiss in the internal state of the TableDataProvider implementation. Because DPE is a runtime exception, method calls are not required to be wrapped in a try...catch block, but it is advised to check the documentation of the particular TableDataProvider implementation to see what conditions will cause a DataProviderException to be thrown. It is recommended to always wrap calls to this interface in try...catch blocks in case an unforseen error condition arises at runtime.

Joe Nuxoll, Matthew Bohm

Method Summary
 void addTableCursorListener(TableCursorListener listener)
          Register a new TableCursorListener to this TableDataProvider instance.
 void addTableDataListener(TableDataListener listener)
          Register a new TableDataListener to this TableDataProvider instance.
 RowKey appendRow()
          Appends a new row at the end of the list and returns the row key for the newly appended row.
 boolean canAppendRow()
          This method is called to test if this TableDataProvider supports the append operation.
 boolean canInsertRow(RowKey beforeRow)
          This method is called to test if this TableDataProvider supports resizability.
 boolean canRemoveRow(RowKey rowKey)
          This method is called to test if this TableDataProvider supports the removeRow operation.
 boolean cursorFirst()
          Move the cursor to the first row in this TableDataProvider.
 boolean cursorLast()
          Move the cursor to the last row in this TableDataProvider.
 boolean cursorNext()
          Move the cursor to the row after the current cursor row, unless the cursor is currently at the last row TableDataProvider.
 boolean cursorPrevious()
          Move the cursor to the row before the current cursor row, unless the cursor is currently at the first row.
 RowKey getCursorRow()
 int getRowCount()
 RowKey getRowKey(java.lang.String rowId)
          Returns a RowKey for the specified rowId.
 RowKey[] getRowKeys(int count, RowKey afterRow)
          Returns an array of RowKey objects representing the requested batch of RowKeys.
 TableCursorListener[] getTableCursorListeners()
 TableDataListener[] getTableDataListeners()
 java.lang.Object getValue(FieldKey fieldKey, RowKey rowKey)
          Return value of the data element referenced by the specified FieldKey and RowKey.
 RowKey insertRow(RowKey beforeRow)
          Inserts a new row at the specified row.
 boolean isRowAvailable(RowKey rowKey)
          Returns true if the specified RowKey represents data elements that are supported by this TableDataProvider; otherwise, return false
 void removeRow(RowKey rowKey)
          Removes the specified row.
 void removeTableCursorListener(TableCursorListener listener)
          Deregister an existing TableCursorListener from this TableDataProvider instance.
 void removeTableDataListener(TableDataListener listener)
          Deregister an existing TableDataListener from this TableDataProvider instance.
 void setCursorRow(RowKey rowKey)
          Sets the cursor to the row represented by the passed RowKey.
 void setValue(FieldKey fieldKey, RowKey rowKey, java.lang.Object value)
          Sets the value of the data element represented by the specified FieldKey and RowKey to the specified new value.
Methods inherited from interface
addDataListener, getDataListeners, getFieldKey, getFieldKeys, getType, getValue, isReadOnly, removeDataListener, setValue

Method Detail


public int getRowCount()
                throws DataProviderException
the number of rows represented by this TableDataProvider if this information is available; otherwise, return -1 (indicating unknown row count)
DataProviderException - Implementations may wish to surface internal exceptions (nested in DataProviderException) rather than simply returning -1. Consult the documentation of the specific TableDataProvider implementation for details on what exceptions might be wrapped by a DPE.


public RowKey[] getRowKeys(int count,
                           RowKey afterRow)
                    throws DataProviderException
Returns an array of RowKey objects representing the requested batch of RowKeys. If null is passed as the afterRow parameter, the returned batch of RowKeys will start with the first one.

count - The desired count of RowKeys to fetch. If this number exceeds the total number of rows available, the return array will contain the available number, and no exception will be thrown. Consider this an optimistic request of the TableDataProvider.
afterRow - The RowKey that represents the last row before the set of desired RowKeys to be returned. Typically, this is the last RowKey from the previously fetched set of RowKeys. If null is passed, the returned set will begin with the first row.
An array of RowKey objects representing the requested batch of rows.
DataProviderException - Implementations may wish to surface internal exceptions (nested in DataProviderException) rather than simply returning null or an empty array. Consult the documentation of the specific TableDataProvider implementation for details on what exceptions might be wrapped by a DPE.


public RowKey getRowKey(java.lang.String rowId)
                 throws DataProviderException
Returns a RowKey for the specified rowId. This allows a RowKey to be stored off as a simple string, which can be resolved into an instance of a RowKey at a later date.

rowId - The cannoncial string ID of the desired RowKey
A RowKey object representing the desired row, or null if the specified rowId does not correspond to a row in this TableDataProvider
DataProviderException - Implementations may wish to surface internal exceptions (nested in DataProviderException) rather than simply returning null. Consult the documentation of the specific TableDataProvider implementation for details on what exceptions might be wrapped by a DPE.


public boolean isRowAvailable(RowKey rowKey)
                       throws DataProviderException
Returns true if the specified RowKey represents data elements that are supported by this TableDataProvider; otherwise, return false

rowKey - RowKey specifying row to be tested
true if the row is available, false if not
DataProviderException - Implementations may wish to surface internal exceptions (nested in DataProviderException) rather than simply returning false. Consult the documentation of the specific TableDataProvider implementation for details on what exceptions might be wrapped by a DPE.


public java.lang.Object getValue(FieldKey fieldKey,
                                 RowKey rowKey)
                          throws DataProviderException

Return value of the data element referenced by the specified FieldKey and RowKey.

fieldKey - FieldKey identifying the data element whose value is to be returned
rowKey - RowKey identifying the data row whose value is to be returned
value of the data element referenced by the specified FieldKey and RowKey
DataProviderException - Implementations may wish to surface internal exceptions (nested in DataProviderException) rather than simply returning null. A DPE may also indicate that this FieldKey or RowKey does not represent a data element provided by this TableDataProvider. Consult the documentation of the specific TableDataProvider implementation for details on what exceptions might be wrapped by a DPE.


public void setValue(FieldKey fieldKey,
                     RowKey rowKey,
                     java.lang.Object value)
              throws DataProviderException

Sets the value of the data element represented by the specified FieldKey and RowKey to the specified new value.

fieldKey - FieldKey identifying the data element whose value is to be modified
rowKey - RowKey indentifying the data row whose value is to be modified
value - New value for this data element
DataProviderException - Implementations may wish to surface internal exceptions (nested in DataProviderException). A DPE may also indicate that this FieldKey or RowKey does not represent a data element provided by this TableDataProvider. Consult the documentation of the specific TableDataProvider implementation for details on what exceptions might be wrapped by a DPE.


public boolean canInsertRow(RowKey beforeRow)
                     throws DataProviderException

This method is called to test if this TableDataProvider supports resizability. If objects can be inserted and removed from the list, this method should return true. If the data provider is not resizable, this method should return false.

The following methods will only be called if this method returns true:

beforeRow - The desired location to insert the new row in front of
true if the data provider is resizable, or false if not.
DataProviderException - Implementations may wish to surface internal exceptions (nested in DataProviderException) rather than simply returning false. A DPE may also indicate that this RowKey does not represent a row provided by this TableDataProvider. Consult the documentation of the specific TableDataProvider implementation for details on what exceptions might be wrapped by a DPE.
See Also:


public RowKey insertRow(RowKey beforeRow)
                 throws DataProviderException

Inserts a new row at the specified row.

NOTE: The method should only be called after testing the canInsertRow(RowKey beforeRow) to see if this TableDataProvider supports resizing.

beforeRow - The desired location to insert the new row in front of
A RowKey representing the address of the newly inserted row
DataProviderException - Implementations may wish to surface internal exceptions (nested in DataProviderException). A DPE may also indicate that this RowKey does not represent a row provided by this TableDataProvider. Consult the documentation of the specific TableDataProvider implementation for details on what exceptions might be wrapped by a DPE.
See Also:


public boolean canAppendRow()
                     throws DataProviderException

This method is called to test if this TableDataProvider supports the append operation. If rows can be appended to the list, this method should return true. If the data provider is not resizable, or cannot support an append operation, this method should return false.

true if the data provider supports the append operation, or false if not.
DataProviderException - Implementations may wish to surface internal exceptions (nested in DataProviderException). A DPE may also indicate that this RowKey does not represent a row provided by this TableDataProvider. Consult the documentation of the specific TableDataProvider implementation for details on what exceptions might be wrapped by a DPE.
See Also:


public RowKey appendRow()
                 throws DataProviderException

Appends a new row at the end of the list and returns the row key for the newly appended row.

NOTE: The method should only be called after testing the canAppendRow() method to see if this TableDataProvider supports the append operation.

The row key for the newly appended row
DataProviderException - Implementations may wish to surface internal exceptions (nested in DataProviderException). Consult the documentation of the specific TableDataProvider implementation for details on what exceptions might be wrapped by a DPE.
See Also:


public boolean canRemoveRow(RowKey rowKey)
                     throws DataProviderException

This method is called to test if this TableDataProvider supports the removeRow operation. If rows can be removed from the table, this method should return true. If the data provider is does not support removing rows, this method should return false.

rowKey - The desired row to remove
true if the data provider supports removing rows, or false if not.
DataProviderException - Implementations may wish to surface internal exceptions (nested in DataProviderException). A DPE may also indicate that this RowKey does not represent a row provided by this TableDataProvider. Consult the documentation of the specific TableDataProvider implementation for details on what exceptions might be wrapped by a DPE.
See Also:


public void removeRow(RowKey rowKey)
               throws DataProviderException

Removes the specified row.

NOTE: The method should only be called after testing the canRemoveRow(RowKey) method to see if this TableDataProvider supports removing rows.

rowKey - The desired row key to remove
DataProviderException - Implementations may wish to surface internal exceptions (nested in DataProviderException). A DPE may also indicate that this RowKey does not represent a row provided by this TableDataProvider. Consult the documentation of the specific TableDataProvider implementation for details on what exceptions might be wrapped by a DPE.
See Also:


public void addTableDataListener(TableDataListener listener)

Register a new TableDataListener to this TableDataProvider instance.

listener - New TableDataListener to register


public void removeTableDataListener(TableDataListener listener)

Deregister an existing TableDataListener from this TableDataProvider instance.

listener - Old TableDataListener to deregister


public TableDataListener[] getTableDataListeners()
An array of the TableDataListeners currently registered on this TableDataProvider. If there are no registered listeners, a zero-length array is returned.


public RowKey getCursorRow()
                    throws DataProviderException
the RowKey of the current cursor row position
DataProviderException - Implementations may wish to surface internal exceptions (nested in DataProviderException). Consult the documentation of the specific TableDataProvider implementation for details on what exceptions might be wrapped by a DPE.


public void setCursorRow(RowKey rowKey)
                  throws TableCursorVetoException

Sets the cursor to the row represented by the passed RowKey.

rowKey - New RowKey to move the cursor to.
TableCursorVetoException - if a TableCursorListener decides to veto the cursor navigation
DataProviderException - Implementations may wish to surface internal exceptions (nested in DataProviderException). A DPE may also indicate that this RowKey does not represent a row provided by this TableDataProvider. Consult the documentation of the specific TableDataProvider implementation for details on what exceptions might be wrapped by a DPE.


public boolean cursorFirst()
                    throws DataProviderException

Move the cursor to the first row in this TableDataProvider.

true if the cursor row was successfully changed; else false
DataProviderException - Implementations may wish to surface internal exceptions (nested in DataProviderException) rather than simply returning false. Consult the documentation of the specific TableDataProvider implementation for details on what exceptions might be wrapped by a DPE.


public boolean cursorPrevious()
                       throws DataProviderException

Move the cursor to the row before the current cursor row, unless the cursor is currently at the first row.

true if the cursor row was successfully changed; else false
DataProviderException - Implementations may wish to surface internal exceptions (nested in DataProviderException) rather than simply returning false. Consult the documentation of the specific TableDataProvider implementation for details on what exceptions might be wrapped by a DPE.


public boolean cursorNext()
                   throws DataProviderException

Move the cursor to the row after the current cursor row, unless the cursor is currently at the last row TableDataProvider.

true if the cursor row was successfully changed; else false
DataProviderException - Implementations may wish to surface internal exceptions (nested in DataProviderException) rather than simply returning false. Consult the documentation of the specific TableDataProvider implementation for details on what exceptions might be wrapped by a DPE.


public boolean cursorLast()
                   throws DataProviderException

Move the cursor to the last row in this TableDataProvider.

true if the cursor row was successfully changed; else false
DataProviderException - Implementations may wish to surface internal exceptions (nested in DataProviderException) rather than simply returning false. Consult the documentation of the specific TableDataProvider implementation for details on what exceptions might be wrapped by a DPE.


public void addTableCursorListener(TableCursorListener listener)

Register a new TableCursorListener to this TableDataProvider instance.

listener - New TableCursorListener to register


public void removeTableCursorListener(TableCursorListener listener)

Deregister an existing TableCursorListener from this TableDataProvider instance.

listener - Old TableCursorListener to deregister


public TableCursorListener[] getTableCursorListeners()
An array of the TableCursorListeners currently registered on this TableDataProvider. If there are no registered listeners, a zero-length array is returned.