
Fundamental data access APIs and event listeners.


Interface Summary
DataListener DataListener is an event listener interface that supports processing events produced by a corresponding DataProvider instance.
DataProvider DataProvider is an interface that describes a single set of data elements, each identified by a FieldKey.
RefreshableDataListener RefreshableDataListener is an event listener interface that supports processing events produced by a corresponding RefreshableDataProvider instance, in addition to those fired by the underlying DataProvider.
RefreshableDataProvider Behavioral interface that is implemented by DataProvider classes that offer refresh support.
TableCursorListener TableCursorListener is an event listener interface that supports processing cursor movement events produced by a corresponding TableDataProvider instance.
TableDataFilter The TableDataFilter interface performs a filtering operation on a TableDataProvider.
TableDataListener TableDataListener is an event listener interface that supports processing events produced by a corresponding TableDataProvider instance, in addition to those fired by the underlying DataProvider.
TableDataProvider TableDataProvider is a specialized subinterface of DataProvider that provides access to a scrollable set of "rows" of data elements, with each row being identified by a RowKey.
TableDataSorter The TableDataSorter interface defines a sort criteria and mechanism for sorting the contents of a TableDataProvider.
TransactionalDataListener TransactionalDataListener is an event listener interface that supports processing events produced by a corresponding TransactionalDataProvider instance, in addition to those fired by the underlying DataProvider.
TransactionalDataProvider Behavioral interface that is implemented by DataProvider classes that offer commit/revert support.

Class Summary
DataAdapter DataAdapter is an event listener adapter that provides a base implementation of DataListener.
FieldKey FieldKey is a representation of an identifier for a specific data element that may be retrieved from a DataProvider.
FilterCriteria The FilterCriteria class defines a single filter criteria for a TableDataFilter.
RefreshableDataAdapter RefreshableDataProviderAdapter is an event listener adapter that provides a base implementation of RefreshableDataListener.
RowKey RowKey is a representation of an identifier for a specific data row that may be retrieved from a TableDataProvider.
SortCriteria The abstract SortCriteria class defines a single sort criteria for a TableDataFilter.
TableCursorAdapter TableCursorAdapter is an event listener adapter that provides a base implementation of TableCursorListener.
TableDataAdapter TableDataAdapter is an event listener adapter that provides a base implementation of TableDataListener.
TransactionalDataAdapter TransactionalDataProviderAdapter is an event listener adapter that provides a base implementation of TransactionalDataListener.

Exception Summary
DataProviderException The DataProviderException is generic runtime exception that wraps an underlying cause exception for DataProvider methods.
TableCursorVetoException The TableCursorVetoException is thrown when a listener to a cursorChanging event does not want the cursor to move.

Package Description

Fundamental data access APIs and event listeners.