
Concrete DataProvider implementations and base classes.


Class Summary
AbstractDataProvider Abstract base implementation of DataProvider.
AbstractTableDataProvider Abstract base implementation of TableDataProvider.
BasicTableDataFilter This basic implementation of TableDataFilter iterates rows and the contained FilterCriteria and invokes the match() method on each.
BasicTableDataSorter The BasicTableDataSorter utilizes the Comparable interface on data objects in the specified TableDataProvider to provide a sorted version of the data based on the specified sort criteria.
CachedRowSetDataProvider TableDataProvider implementation that wraps a CachedRowSet.
CompareFilterCriteria The CompareFilterCriteria is an implementation of FilterCriteria that compares the value of a FieldKey in a TableDataProvider with a predefined compareValue.
FieldIdSortCriteria The FieldIdSortCriteria class is an implementation of SortCriteria that simply retrieves the sort value from the TableDataProvider for the current RowKey using the specified fieldId, which is used to dynamically retrieve a FieldKey.
FieldKeySortCriteria The FieldKeySortCriteria class is an implementation of SortCriteria that simply retrieves the sort value from the TableDataProvider for the current RowKey using the specified FieldKey.
FilteredTableDataProvider Specialized TableDataProvider that is filtered by a specified TableDataFilter.
IndexRowKey IndexRowKey uses an int index as the identifier for a data row in a TableDataProvider.
ListDataProvider This TableDataProvider implementation wraps the contents of a List.
MapDataProvider This DataProvider wraps access to a standard Map.
MethodResultDataProvider A DataProvider implementation to wrap the singleton (non-array) return value from a method.
MethodResultTableDataProvider A TableDataProvider implementation to wrap the return value from a method.
NestedFilterCriteria The NestedFilterCriteria class defines a set of nested filter criteria for a TableDataFilter.
ObjectArrayDataProvider This TableDataProvider wraps access to an array of Java Objects.
ObjectArrayRowKey ObjectArrayRowKey uses an object array as the identifier for a data row in a TableDataProvider.
ObjectDataProvider This DataProvider wraps access to a single Java Object.
ObjectFieldKeySupport Support class for DataProvider implementations that need to instrospect Java classes to discover properties (and optionally public fields) and return FieldKey instances for them.
ObjectListDataProvider This TableDataProvider wraps access to a list of Java Objects.
ObjectRowKey ObjectRowKey uses an object as the identifier for a data row in a TableDataProvider.
RegexFilterCriteria The RegexFilterCriteria is an implementation of FilterCriteria that matches a regular expression with the toString() value of a FieldKey in a TableDataProvider.
TableRowDataProvider The TableRowDataProvider class provides a single-row DataProvider view of a TableDataProvider.

Package Description

Concrete DataProvider implementations and base classes.