2 Installing Oracle Web Tier

This chapter describes how to install the Oracle Web Tier components. During the install and configuration process, you will have the option to install and configure the following products:

Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server (OPMN) is installed and configured by default.

The following topics are covered:

2.1 Preparing to Install

Make sure you have read "Before you Begin" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Planning Guide before you install Oracle Web Tier.

In addition, you should also check the following prior to installation:

2.1.1 Installing 32-bit Oracle Web Tier on a 64-bit Operating System

This section contains important information regarding the installation of 32-bit Oracle Web Tier products on a 64-bit operating system. If this does not describe your environment, you can skip this section. Windows Operating Systems

If you are installing the 32-bit version of the product on a Windows operating system, the system on which you are installing must also be a supported 32-bit system. Installing a 32-bit version of the product on a 64-bit system is not supported. Linux Operating Systems

A 32-bit Linux version of Oracle Web Tier may be installed on most 64-bit Linux platforms. To see which platforms are supported, refer to the "System Requirements and Supported Platforms for Oracle Fusion Middleware 11gR1" document, available on the following page:


To install your 32-bit Oracle Web Tier software on a certified 64-bit Linux system, do the following:

  1. Run the following command before starting the installer:

    linux32 bash
  2. During the installation, you will receive an error during the linking phase. To work around this error:

    1. Login as root user.

    2. Move the existing /usr/bin/gcc file to /usr/bin/gcc.orig with the mv command:

      mv /usr/bin/gcc /usr/bin/gcc.orig
    3. Using a text editor such as vi, create a new file called gcc41 that contains the following content:

      exec /usr/bin/gcc.orig  -m32 -static-libgcc
      -B /usr/lib/gcc/i586-suse-linux/2.95.3/ $*


      The file i586-suse-linux/2.95.3 may differ slightly depending on the exact version of your Linux operating system. Verify the exact version of your Linux operating system in use; search for the 32bit directory in /usr/lib/gcc and obtain the exact file name.
    4. Change the file permission for the gcc41 file using the following command:

      chmod 755 /usr/bin/gcc41
    5. Create a symbolic link to /usr/bin/gcc with the following command:

      ln -s -f /usr/bin/gcc41 /usr/bin/gcc

2.1.2 Oracle Fusion Middleware Support of 64-bit JDK

If you are using a 64-bit JVM in your environment, ensure that all your Oracle Fusion Middleware components are using the 64-bit JVM. You cannot mix components using a 32-bit JVM with those using a 64-bit JVM.

For more information, refer to the "System Requirements and Supported Platforms for Oracle Fusion Middleware 11gR1" document, available on the following page:


If your Oracle Fusion Middleware components are running in a 64-bit JVM environment, ensure that WebLogic Server is installed with the 64-bit JDK. For 32-bit JVM support, refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Release Notes for information on how to configure your environment for 32-bit JVM support for your platform.

2.2 Installation Types

The Oracle Web Tier installer provides two installation options:

  • Install and Configure

    This option will install the product binaries in an Oracle home directory and create and configure a working instance in an Oracle instance directory. After this is complete, you should be able to begin configuring and managing your products using the Administration Console or Enterprise Manager.

  • Install Software - Do Not Configure

    This option only installs the software binaries in an Oracle home directory. You must then manually run the Configuration Tool from the bin directory in your Web Tier Oracle home to configure your products before you can use them. This option can be used to quickly create multiple instances of the software that share a common disk.

To install the latest Oracle Web Tier software, you must choose the Install Software - Do Not Configure installation type, as described in Section 1.4, "Installation Roadmaps".

2.3 Installing Oracle Web Tier with a WebLogic Server Domain

If you are installing Oracle Web Tier and associating the components with a WebLogic Server domain, you will need to do the following:

2.3.1 Creating a WebLogic Server Domain for your Oracle Web Tier Components

If you do not already have a WebLogic Server domain to associate with your Oracle Web Tier components, you can create one as follows:

  1. Install certified versions of a JDK and Oracle WebLogic Server.

  2. Install (do not configure) any Oracle Fusion Middleware product, including Oracle Web Tier.

    Installation of an Oracle Fusion Middleware product creates the Oracle Common home directory (MW_HOME/oracle_common on UNIX operating systems, or MW_HOME\oracle_common on Windows operating systems). This directory contains the domain templates for Enterprise Manager and Java Required Files (JRF).

  3. Run the Configuration Wizard from the Oracle Common home directory (config.sh on UNIX operating systems or config.cmd on Windows operating systems).

    On the Select Domain Source screen, select the Oracle Enterprise Manager and Oracle JRF templates associated with the oracle_common directory. The Oracle JRF template is selected automatically when the Oracle Enterprise Manager template is selected.

  4. After the installation is complete, start the Administration Server in the domain, and then verify that the Oracle Web Tier components are listed by accessing the following URL:


2.3.2 Starting Node Manager When Registering Oracle Web Tier with a WebLogic Server Domain

If you are registering your Oracle Web Tier instance with an existing WebLogic Domain, you must start Node Manager as described below:

  1. On UNIX operating systems, run the ORACLE_HOME/common/bin/setNMProps.sh script.

    On Windows operating systems, run the ORACLE_HOME\common\bin\setNMProps.cmd script.

    This script appends the required properties to the nodemanager.properties file. These properties can also be appended manually, or provided as command-line arguments.


    The StartScriptEnabled=true property is required for Managed Servers to receive proper classpath and command arguments.
  2. On UNIX operating systems, start Node Manager by running the WebLogic_Server_Home/server/bin/startNodeManager.sh script.

    On Windows operating systems, start Node Manager by running the WebLogic_Server_Home\server\bin\startNodeManager.cmd script.

For more information about Node Manager, refer to Oracle Fusion Middleware Node Manager Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server.

2.4 Installation Instructions

This section contains information and instructions for installing Oracle Web Tier. The following topics are covered:

2.4.1 Obtaining the Software

See "Obtain the Oracle Fusion Middleware Software" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Planning Guide for information on where to obtain the software.

Select one of the download locations and download "Oracle Web Tier." This will be saved to your system as a .zip archive file.

After you download the archive file, unpack the archive file into a directory of your choice on the machine where you will be performing the installation.

2.4.2 Installation Log Files

The installer writes logs files to the Oracle_Inventory_Location/log (on UNIX operating systems) or Oracle_Inventory_Location\logs (on Windows operating systems) directory. Refer to Section D.2.1, "Installation Log Files" for more information about the log files and their contents.

2.4.3 Starting the Installer

To start the installer, gpo to the directory where you unpacked the archive file and run the following command:

On UNIX operating systems:


On Windows operating systems:



Running the installer as root user is not supported.

2.4.4 Inventory Screens (UNIX Only)

If you are installing on a UNIX system, and if this is the first time any Oracle product is being installed on your system with the Oracle Universal Installer, you will be asked to provide the location of an inventory directory. This is where the installer will set up subdirectories and maintain inventory data for each Oracle product that is installed on this system.

Follow the instructions in Table 2-1 to configure the inventory directory information. For more help, click on the screen name in the table below, or click the Help button in the GUI.

Table 2-1 Inventory Directory and Group Screens

No. Screen Description and Action Required


Specify Inventory Directory Screen (UNIX Only)

Specify the Oracle inventory directory and group permissions for that directory. The group must have write permissions to the Oracle inventory directory.

Click OK to continue.


Inventory Location Confirmation Screen (UNIX Only)

Run the createCentralInventory.sh script as root.

Click OK to continue.

2.4.5 Installing and Configuring Oracle Web Tier

Follow the instructions in this section to install and configure the latest Oracle Web Tier software. Installing the Software

After you have started the installer (Section 2.4.3, "Starting the Installer"), follow the instructions in Table 2-2 to install Oracle Web Tier.

If you need additional help with any of the installation screens, refer to Appendix A, "Oracle Web Tier Installation Screens" or click Help to access the online help.

Table 2-2 Installation Flow for Install Only Option

No. Screen Description and Action Required


Welcome Screen

Click Next to continue.


Select Installation Type Screen

Select Install Software - Do Not Configure.

Click Next to continue.


Prerequisite Checks Screen

Click Next to continue.


Specify Installation Location Screen

Specify the Middleware home and Web Tier Oracle home directories:

  • If you already have a WebLogic Server installed, you can point to your existing Middleware home directory. If you specify a Middleware home directory that does not already exist, it will be created for you.

  • The Web Tier Oracle home and Oracle Common home directories will be created inside the Middleware home directory.

Click Next to continue.


Specify Security Updates Screen

If you choose to register for security updates, provide your email address to be informed of the latest product issues.

Click Next to continue.


Installation Summary Screen

Verify the information on this screen.

Click Install to begin the installation.


Installation Progress Screen

Click Next to continue.


Installation Complete Screen

Click Finish to dismiss the installer. Patching the Software

After the installation is complete, you must run the Patch Set Installer for Oracle Web Tier to update your software to the latest version.

For instructions, go to "Applying the Latest Oracle Fusion Middleware Patch Set" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Patching Guide.

After you have patched your software to the latest version, you are ready to configure your components. Go to Section, "Configuring Your Components" for instructions. Configuring Your Components

Run the Configuration Tool to configure your Oracle Web Tier products.

On UNIX operating systems:


On Windows operating systems:



Make sure the Oracle Web Tier installer is not running; running the installer and Configuration Tool concurrently is not supported.

After you have started the Configuration Tool, follow the instructions in Table 2-3.

Table 2-3 Configuration Flow

No. Screen When Does This Screen Appear? Description and Action Required


Welcome Screen


Click Next to continue.


Configure Components Screen


Select the component(s) you want to configure.

select Associate Selected Components with WebLogic Domain if you want to associate these components with an existing WebLogic Domain.

Click Next to continue.


Specify WebLogic Domain Screen

Only if Associate Selected Components with WebLogic Domain is selected on the Configure Components Screen.

Specify the credentials for your existing WebLogic Domain.

Click Next to continue.


Specify Component Details Screen


Specify the Oracle Instance location and names for your components.

Click Next to continue.


Web Cache Administrator Password Screen

If you selected Oracle Web Cache on the Configure Components Screen

Specify the password for your Oracle Web Cache administrator.

Click Next to continue.


Configure Ports Screen


Select whether you want automatic or manual port configuration.

NOTE - If you choose to use the staticports.ini (or any custom port file), port numbers less than 1024 will not be validated by the installer. You will, however, be able to proceed with the installation.

See "Port Numbers" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for more information.

Click Next to continue.


Specify Security Updates Screen


If you choose to register for security updates, provide your email address to be informed of the latest product issues.

Click Next to continue.


Installation Summary Screen


Verify the information on this screen.

Click Configure to begin the configuration.


Configuration Progress Screen


Click Next to continue.


Installation Complete Screen


Click Save to save your configuration information to a file. This information includes port numbers, installation directories, URLs, and component names which you may need to access at a later time.

After saving your configuration information, click Finish to dismiss the installer.

When configuration is complete, go to Section 2.5, "Post-Installation Tasks".

2.5 Post-Installation Tasks

After installation and configuration are complete, there may be some post-installation tasks you need to perform, depending on your specific topology and configuration. The following topics are covered in this section:

2.5.1 Configuring Routing Between Oracle HTTP Server and Oracle WebLogic Server

By default, routing between Oracle HTTP Server and Oracle WebLogic Server is not configured. In order to allow requests to be proxied from Oracle HTTP Server to Oracle WebLogic Server, you must configure a plug-in.

For instructions on how to do this, see "mod_wl_ohs" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle HTTP Server.

2.5.2 Using Oracle Web Cache with Oracle BAM

If you are using Oracle Web Cache with Oracle BAM, you must perform the configuration steps detailed in "Basic Tasks for Configuring and Monitoring Caching Rules" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Web Cache.

Use the following Oracle BAM settings:

Expression Type : Regular Expression
URL Expression : oracle.bam.web (or Event=viewReport, for the second rule)
HTTP Methods : Select all
Leave URL and POST Body Parameters empty.
POST Body Expression : .*
Caching Policy : Don't Cache
Leave Comment as it is.
Compression : Off
Enabled : yes 

2.6 Verifying the Installation

You can perform any combination of the following tasks to verify that your installation was successful:

2.6.1 Verify the Installation Logs

Check for the presence of installation log files in logs directory inside your Oracle Inventory directory. On UNIX systems, if you do not know the location of your Oracle Inventory directory, you can find it in the WebTier_ORACLE_HOME/oraInst.loc file. On Windows systems, the default location for the inventory directory is C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory\logs.

2.6.2 Verifying the Domain Server Logs

Check the domain server logs, which are located in the servers directory inside the domain home directory. For example, on UNIX systems:


On Windows systems:


2.6.3 Verifying OPMN Status

Run the opmnctl status command from the INSTANCE_HOME/bin (on UNIX operating systems) or INSTANCE_HOME\bin (on Windows operating systems) directory in your instance home location. For example:

> ./opmnctl status

Processes in Instance: instance2
ias-component                    | process-type       |     pid | status  
webcache1                        | WebCache-admin     |   24057 | Alive   
webcache1                        | WebCache           |   24056 | Alive   
ohs1                             | OHS                |   23890 | Alive   

This information shows the components configured for this installation. The status "Alive" means the component is up and running.

2.6.4 Check Browser URLs

Run the opmnctl status -l command from the INSTANCE_HOME/bin (on UNIX operating systems) or INSTANCE_HOME\bin (on Windows operating systems) directory in your instance home location to obtain a list of ports used by the components. For example:

> ./opmnctl status -l

ias-component                    | process-type       |     pid | status   |        uid |  memused |    uptime | ports
webcache1                        | WebCache-admin     |   24057 | Alive    | 1067146469 |    43712 |  14:43:29 | http_admin:7799
webcache1                        | WebCache           |   24056 | Alive    | 1067146468 |    64072 |  14:43:29 | http_stat:7800,http_invalidation:7801,https_listen:7802,http_listen:7798
ohs1                             | OHS                |   23890 | Alive    | 1067146467 |    50260 |  14:43:39 | https:9999,https:4447,http:7777

Use the port numbers in this display to point your browser to the appropriate pages. Use the format:


Based on the information above, you would use the URLs in Table 2-4 to access the various pages from this configuration:

Table 2-4 Sample Web Tier URLs

Page Sample URL

Oracle HTTP Server


Oracle HTTP Server SSL


Oracle Web Cache


Oracle Web Cache SSL


Oracle Web Cache Administration
