MySQL 5.7 Reference Manual Including MySQL NDB Cluster 7.5 and NDB Cluster 7.6

20.4 NDB Cluster Programs

Using and managing an NDB Cluster requires several specialized programs, which we describe in this chapter. We discuss the purposes of these programs in an NDB Cluster, how to use the programs, and what startup options are available for each of them.

These programs include the NDB Cluster data, management, and SQL node processes (ndbd, ndbmtd, ndb_mgmd, and mysqld) and the management client (ndb_mgm).

Information about the program, used to start the NDB Cluster Auto-Installer (now deprecated), is also included in this section. You should be aware that Section 20.4.27, “ — Start browser-based Auto-Installer for NDB Cluster (DEPRECATED)”, contains information about the command-line client only; for information about using the GUI installer spawned by this program to configure and deploy an NDB Cluster, see Section 20.2.8, “The NDB Cluster Auto-Installer (NDB 7.5) (No longer supported)”.

For information about using mysqld as an NDB Cluster process, see Section 20.5.9, “MySQL Server Usage for NDB Cluster”.

Other NDB utility, diagnostic, and example programs are included with the NDB Cluster distribution. These include ndb_restore, ndb_show_tables, and ndb_config. These programs are also covered in this section.

The final portion of this section contains tables of options that are common to all the various NDB Cluster programs.