MySQL 5.7 Reference Manual Including MySQL NDB Cluster 7.5 and NDB Cluster 7.6

24.12.11 Performance Schema Replication Tables

The Performance Schema provides tables that expose replication information. This is similar to the information available from the SHOW SLAVE STATUS statement, but representation in table form is more accessible and has usability benefits:

Replication Table Descriptions

The Performance Schema provides the following replication-related tables:

The following sections describe each replication table in more detail, including the correspondence between the columns produced by SHOW SLAVE STATUS and the replication table columns in which the same information appears.

The remainder of this introduction to the replication tables describes how the Performance Schema populates them and which fields from SHOW SLAVE STATUS are not represented in the tables.

Replication Table Life Cycle

The Performance Schema populates the replication tables as follows:

SHOW SLAVE STATUS Information Not In the Replication Tables

The information in the Performance Schema replication tables differs somewhat from the information available from SHOW SLAVE STATUS because the tables are oriented toward use of global transaction identifiers (GTIDs), not file names and positions, and they represent server UUID values, not server ID values. Due to these differences, several SHOW SLAVE STATUS columns are not preserved in the Performance Schema replication tables, or are represented a different way:

Status Variables Moved to Replication Tables

As of MySQL version 5.7.5, the following status variables (previously monitored using SHOW STATUS) were moved to the Perfomance Schema replication tables:

These status variables are now only relevant when a single replication channel is being used because they only report the status of the default replication channel. When multiple replication channels exist, use the Performance Schema replication tables described in this section, which report these variables for each existing replication channel.

Replication Channels

The first column of the replication Performance Schema tables is CHANNEL_NAME. This enables the tables to be viewed per replication channel. In a non-multisource replication setup there is a single default replication channel. When you are using multiple replication channels on a replica, you can filter the tables per replication channel to monitor a specific replication channel. See Section 16.2.2, “Replication Channels” and Section, “Multi-Source Replication Monitoring” for more information.