17.9.4 Creating a Sub-Group for the Storage Appliance

After creating a top-level group for the Exalogic machine, you can create a sub-group for the storage appliance, which is included in the Exalogic machine.

You can create a sub-group for this storage appliance as follows:

  1. On the right navigation pane named Actions, click Create Group under Organize. The Configure/Modify Group screen is displayed.

  2. In the Configure Group screen, in the Group Name field, enter a name for the new Exalogic group. For example, enter Storage. Enter a description in the Description field. Select the Inside a user-defined Group/Subgroup option as Location. In the Group Selection Panel, select the Exalogic top-level group that you created in Creating the Exalogic Top-Level Group. The Configure Group screen should be similar to Figure 17-7.

    Figure 17-7 Configure Sub-Group for Storage Appliance

    Description of Figure 17-7 follows
    Description of "Figure 17-7 Configure Sub-Group for Storage Appliance"
  3. After entering the sub-group information and selecting the group location, click Next. The Summary screen is displayed.


    Ensure that you do not select the Configure group rules option.

  4. On the Summary screen, click Finish. The Storage sub-group is created under the Exalogic group.