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Oracle E-Business Suite Extensions for Oracle Endeca Integration and System Administration Guide
Release 12.1 V5
Part Number E37993-08
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Oracle Process Manufacturing Extensions for Oracle Endeca

This chapter covers the following topics:


You can use Oracle Process Manufacturing (OPM) Extensions for Oracle Endeca to search and filter batch status, batch delays, ingredient and resource shortage, quantity of scraps, quality sample results, and batch yield information. Using the Process Manufacturing Endeca dashboard pages, you can review and analyze data using key Performance Indicators (KPIs), performance evaluation metrics, charts, graphs, and tables. You can search using OPM pages and Endeca Information Discovery (EID) design tools. These pages are hosted in an EID environment, and called from new container pages in EBS. In OPM, the following region and pages enable search functions using Endeca Information Discovery integration:

Batch Search Page: This page displays the complete set of process batches with any of the following status:

This chapter provides product-specific details required to integrate Endeca Information Discovery (EID) with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 V5 for the Oracle Process Manufacturing Extensions for Oracle Endeca application. This supplements the information provided in Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Extensions for Oracle Endeca, Release 12.1 V5 (Doc ID: 1683053.1). You must read this document and make note of the requirements before you begin your installation.

Oracle Process Manufacturing Extensions for Oracle Endeca User Interface

Batch Search Page

The Batch Search page displays Endeca content for Oracle Process Manufacturing batch processes. You can search using Guided Navigation attributes, and view production metrics, charts, and results tables. The following is a partial display of the Batch Search page.

From the Production Supervisor responsibility, navigate to the Batch Search page:

(N) Production Supervisor > Batch Information Discovery

the picture is described in the document text

Within Endeca regions on the Batch Search page, you can track process batch activity. You can analyze data and review process batch production metrics, charts, graphs, and tables. The following describes the Endeca Batch Search page regions and components:

Region Components
Alerts The Alerts component displays information related to the health of the shop floor operations.
Guided Navigation You can use the Guided Navigation component to filter data using attribute groups. Expand the following attribute groups to view and select attribute names:
  • Batches

  • Material

  • Steps

  • Activities

  • Resources

  • Resource Parameters

  • Quality Samples

  • Expiring Lots

  • Sales Orders

  • Batch Dates

  • Step Dates

  • Activity Dates

  • Resource Dates

  • Quality Sample Dates

  • Sales Order Dates

  • Batch Information (Descriptive Flexfield Attribute)

  • Detail Information (Descriptive Flexfield Attribute)

  • Batch Steps Information (Descriptive Flexfield Attribute)

  • Batch Steps Activity Information (Descriptive Flexfield Attribute)

  • Batch Steps Resource Information (Descriptive Flexfield Attribute)

Production Metrics (metrics bar)

Note: The Metric Components are color coded to highlight warnings and health:

- Red: Critical warning state

- Yellow: Warning

- Gray: Normal

- Green: Good

  • In WIP Batches

    Count of all batches with 'Released' status.

  • Pending Batches

    Count of all batches with 'Pending' status.

  • Completed Batches

    Count of all batches with 'Complete' status.

  • Delayed Batches

    Count of batches where 'Actual Completed Date' is later than 'Planned Completion Date', or the 'Planned Start Date' is past and the batch has not started.

  • Delayed Steps

    Count of Batch Steps that are delayed.

  • Batches with Unallocated Material

    Count of batches with Unallocated Ingredients.

  • Delayed FPOs

    Count of delayed Firm Planned Orders.

  • Non-conformances

    Count of open Non-conformances.

  • Pending Samples

    Count of sample results in 'Pending' status.

  • Yield (percent)

    Average yield percent of completed batches.

  • Customers with Delayed Batches

    Count of customers with delayed batches

  • Cancelled Batches

    Count of the cancelled batches in the period driven by the profile option GME: Days for Endeca cancelled batches load.

Transaction Reasons (tag cloud) Top Ten Transaction Reasons Tag Cloud Component

Note: The Transaction Reasons tag cloud component displays the top ten transaction reasons by frequency of occurrence.

Non-conformances (tag cloud) Top Ten Non-conformances Tag Cloud Component

Note: The Non-conformances tag cloud component displays the top ten non-conformances by frequency of occurrence.

Batch Insights (tabbed component container)
Overview (tab)
Batches by Status (chart)
  • Series Dimensions (color)

    • (none)

    • Organization

Batch Progress (chart)
Batch Insights (tabbed component container)
Delays (tab)
Delayed Batches (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Batch Delay

    • Batch Delay by Batch Number (count distinct)

  • Series Dimensions (color)

    • (none)

    • Organization

    • Customer

Delayed Steps (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Step Delay

    • Step Delay by Step Number (count distinct)

  • Series Dimensions (color)

    • (none)

    • Organization

Batch Insights (tabbed component container)
Products/By-Products (tab)
Products (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Product

    • Product by Batch Number (count distinct)

  • Series Dimensions (color)

    • (none)

    • Organization

    • Customer

By-Products (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • By-Product

    • By-Product by Batch Number (count distinct)

  • Series Dimensions (color)

    • (none)

    • Organization

    • Customer

Batch Insights (tabbed component container)
Unallocated Ingredients (tab)
Batches by Unallocated Ingredients (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Ingredient

    • Ingredient by Batch Number (count distinct)

  • Series Dimensions (color)

    • (none)

    • Organization

Products by Unallocated Ingredients (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Product

    • Product by Batch Number (count distinct)

  • Series Dimensions

    • (none)

    • Organization

Batch Insights (tabbed component container)
Quality Results (tab)
Sample Results (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Disposition

    • Disposition by Sample Number (count distinct)

  • Series Dimensions (color)

    • (none)

    • Organization

Sample Results Details (cross tab)
Batch Insights (tabbed component container)
Yields (tab)
Yield Percent By Organization, Product (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Organization

    • Organization by WIP Plan Material Yield (average)

  • Dimensions (value axis)

    • Actual to WIP Plan Yield

    • Actual to Plan Yield

  • Group Dimensions (category axis)

    • Organization

    • Customer

Product Yield Details (cross tab)
Batch Insights (tabbed component container)
Nonconformances (tab)
Non Conformances by Organization (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Batch Number

    • Batch Number by Nonconformance Number (count distinct)

  • Series Dimensions (color)

    • (none)

    • Organization

Non Conformances by Product, Customer (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Item

    • Item by Nonconformance Number (count distinct)

  • Series Dimensions (color)

    • (none)

    • Organization

    • Customer

Batch Insights (tabbed component container)
Expiring Lots (tab)
Expiring Lots by Organization (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Expiring Lot Number

    • Expiring Lot Number by Expiring Lot Number (count)

Expiring Lots Details (cross tab)
Search Results (tabbed component container) The Search Results displays the following results tables:
  • Batches

  • Materials

  • Steps

  • Activities

  • Resources

  • Sales Orders

  • Transaction Reasons

  • Nonconformances

  • FPO

Transaction Accounting Register Page

The Transaction Accounting Register page displays material, production, receiving, and write-off, and costing transaction accounting information along with SLA and GL accounting (if transferred to GL in detail mode). Using the Guided Navigation, you can search on various attributes and view Transaction Distributions Overview charts, graphs and Subledger results tables. The following is a display of the Transaction Accounting Register page.

From the OPM Financials responsibility, navigate to the Transaction Accounting Register page:

(N) OPM Financials > View Transactions > Transaction Accounting Register

the picture is described in the document text

You can use the Transaction Accounting Register page to view charts, graphs, and tag clouds for insights into Transaction Accounting Distributions. The following describes the Endeca Cost Management Transaction Accounting Register page regions and components:

Region Components
Guided Navigation You can use the Guided Navigation component to filter data using attribute groups. Expand the following attribute groups to view and select attribute names:
  • Transaction Date

  • Batch Actual Date

  • Organization Structure

  • Account

  • Receiving

  • Transaction

  • Batch

  • Costing

Transaction Distribution by Natural Segment (tag cloud) Top Ten Transaction Distribution by Natural Segment Tag Cloud Component

Note: The Transaction Distributions by Natural Segment tag cloud component displays the top ten Natural Segment Accounts based on the accounting distributions displayed in relative sizes by frequency of occurrence.

Transactions Accounting Overview (tabbed component container)
Overview (tab)
Transactions by Organization (chart)

Note: The Overview - Transaction by Organization chart displays distributions of the number of transactions by Organizations stacked by Source Type of the transactions.

  • Sort Options

    • Organization

    • Organization by Record Count

  • Series Dimensions (color)

    • (none)

    • Data Source

Ledger Balance by Organization (cross tab)

Note: The Overview - Ledger Balance by Organization cross tab displays ledger balances for all Organizations.

  • View Options

    • Conditional Formatting

    • Summaries

    • Grand Summary

  • Actions

    • Export to Microsoft Excel

    • Print

Transactions Accounting Overview (tabbed component container)
Inventory (tab)
Transaction Value by Organization (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Organization

    • Organization by Base Transaction Value (sum)

  • Series Dimensions (color)

    • (none)

    • Accounting Line Type

Inventory Subledger (cross tab)
  • Column Sets

    • Transaction Details

    • Organization Attributes

    • SLA Accoubting

    • GL Journals

    • SLA and GL Accounting

    • Inventory Attributes

    • Manufacturing Attributes

    • Purchasing Attributes

  • View Options

    • Conditional formatting

    • Hide / Show Columns

    • Sort

    • Reset table to default

  • Actions

    • Print

    • Export to Microsoft Excel

Transactions Accounting Overview (tabbed component container)
Production (tab)
Transaction Value by Organization (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Organization

    • Organization by Base Transaction Value (sum)

  • Series Dimensions (color)

    • (none)

    • Accounting Line Type

Production Subledger (cross tab)
  • Column Sets

    • Production Attributes

    • Purchasing Attributes

    • Transaction Details

    • Organization Attributes

    • SLA Accounting

    • GL Journals

    • SLA and GL Accounting

  • View Options

    • Conditional formatting

    • Hide / Show Columns

    • Sort

    • Reset table to default

  • Actions

    • Print

    • Export to Microsoft Excel

Transactions Accounting Overview (tabbed component container)
Receiving (tab)
Transaction Value by Organization (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Organization

    • Organization by Base Transaction Value (sum)

  • Series Dimensions (color)

    • (none)

    • Accounting Line Type

Receiving Subledger (cross tab)
  • Column Sets

    • Receiving Attributes

    • Purchasing Attributes

    • Production Attributes

    • Transaction Details

    • Organization Attributes

    • SLA Accounting

    • GL Journals

    • SL and GL Accounting

  • View Options

    • Conditional formatting

    • Hide / Show Columns

    • Sort

    • Reset table to default

  • Actions

    • Print

    • Export to Microsoft Excel

Transactions Accounting Overview (tabbed component container)
Write Off (tab)
Transaction Value by Organization (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Organization

    • Organization by Base Transaction Value (sum)

  • Series Dimensions (color)

    • (none)

    • Accounting Line Type

Receiving Subledger (cross tab)
  • Column Sets

    • Write Off Attributes

    • Invoice Attributes

    • Receiving Attributes

    • Inventory Attributes

    • Transaction Details

    • Organization Attributes

    • SLA Accounting

    • GL Journals

    • SLA and GL Accounting

  • View Options

    • Hide / Show Columns

    • Sort

    • Reset table to default

  • Actions

    • Print

    • Export to Microsoft Excel

Transactions Accounting Overview (tabbed component container)
Costing (tab)
Transaction Value by Organization (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Organization

    • Organization by Base Transaction Value (sum)

  • Series Dimensions (color)

    • (none)

    • Accounting Line Type

Costing Subledger (cross tab)
  • Column Sets

    • Costing Attributes

    • Transaction Details

    • Organization Attributes

    • SLA Accounting

    • GL Journals

    • SLA and GL Accounting

  • View Options

    • Hide / Show Columns

    • Sort

    • Reset table to default

  • Actions

    • Print

    • Export to Microsoft Excel

Period Health Check Page

The Period Health Check page lets you search for and display Inventory, Production, Receiving, Shipping, Landed Cost Management, Costing, and Invoices transactions that are preventing period close, as well as transactions that are to be reviewed and preferably processed but are not necessary for period close. You can use Guided Navigation to search on various attributes and view period close metrics, charts, and results tables. The following is a partial display of the Period Health Check page.

From the OPM Financials responsibility, navigate to the Period Health Check page:

(N) OPM Financials > View Transactions > Period Health Check

the picture is described in the document text

You can use the Period Health Check page to view transactions that could prevent or delay period close. You can analyze data and review transaction metrics, charts, graphs, and tables. The following describes the Endeca Cost Management Period Health Check page regions and components:

Region Components
Alerts The Period Close, Alerts displays a list of the transactions with errors that are preventing Period Close.
Range Filters You can use Range Filters to refine the displayed data to only include records that have attribute values within a specified range. Range Filters include:
  • Transaction Date

Guided Navigation You can use the Guided Navigation component to filter data using attribute groups. Expand the following attribute groups to view and select attribute names:
  • Transaction Date

  • Organization Structure

  • Receiving

  • Batch

  • Transaction

  • Inter Organization Transfer

  • Costing

Period Health Check Metrics (metrics bar)

Note: The Metric Components are color coded to highlight warnings and health:

- Red: Critical warning state

- Yellow: Warning state

- Gray: Normal

- Green: Good

  • Unprocessed Material

  • Unaccounted Material

  • Transactions With No Cost

  • Pending LCM Interface

  • Unprocessed Shipping

  • Pending Receiving

  • Unaccounted Resource Txns

  • Unaccounted Costing Txns

  • Unaccounted Invoice Txns

  • Unaccounted Receiving

  • Unaccounted LC Adjustment Transactions

  • Pending Material

Organizations (tag cloud) Top Ten Organizations Tag Cloud Component

Note: The Organizations tag cloud component displays the top ten organizations having the most transactions displayed in relative sizes by frequency of occurrence.

Transactions Overview (tabbed component container)
Overview (tab)
Transactions Backlog (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Organization

    • Organization by Record Count

  • Series Dimensions (color)

    • (none)

    • Duration

Transaction Distribution by Organization (cross tab)

Note: The Overview - Transactions Distribution by Organization cross tab displays the transaction counts grouped by Functional Group and Organization.

  • View Options

    • Conditional Formatting

    • Summaries

    • Grand Summary

  • Actions

    • Export to Microsoft Excel

    • Print

Transactions Overview (tabbed component container)
The tabbed container includes tabs for each of the following transaction sources:
  • Inventory (tab)

  • Production (tab)

  • Receiving (tab)

  • Shipping (tab)

  • Landed Cost Management (tab)

  • Costing (tab)

  • Invoices (tab)

Transaction Distribution by Organization (chart)

Note: The Transaction Distribution by Organization chart displays the transaction counts grouped by Transaction Source and Organization.

  • Sort Options

    • Organization

    • Organization by Record Count

  • Series Dimensions (color)

    • (none)

    • Data Source

Transaction Distribution by Organization (cross tab)

Note: The Transaction Distribution by Organization cross tab displays the counts of transactions grouped by Source Type and Organization.

Transaction Details (results table)

Note: The Transaction Details results table displays all attributes pertaining to the transactions and are grouped into column sets. Each column set contains a subset of logically related and relevant columns. Therefore, there is no need for long scrolls to view all the transaction details.

  • Column Sets

    • Inventory Attributes

    • Transaction Details

    • Organization Structure

    • General Source Attributes

    • Transaction Status

    • Intransit Attributes

    • Cost and Accounting Attributes

    • Project Attributes

    • Sales Order Attributes

    • Work Order Attributes

    • Receiving Attributes

    • Logical Transaction Attributes

  • View Options

    • Conditional formatting

    • Hide / Show columns

    • Sort

    • Reset table to default

  • Actions

    • Print

    • Export to Microsoft Excel

Quality Information Discovery Page

The Quality Information Discovery page lets you search for and display information related to the quality of the material and processes, identify material non conformances, and take corrective actions. You can use Guided Navigation to search on various attributes and view quality metrics, charts, and results tables. The following is a partial display of the Quality Information Discovery page.

From the OPM Quality Manager responsibility, navigate to the Quality Information Discovery page:

(N) Quality Manager > Quality Information Discovery

the picture is described in the document text

You can use the Quality Information Discovery page to search and view process quality samples, test results, and related entities across inventory and laboratory organizations. You can analyze data and review quality metrics, charts, graphs, and tables. The following describes the Endeca Quality Information Discovery page regions and components:

Region Components
Alerts The Quality Information Alerts region displays a list of the quality alerts for samples expiring within a week period, sample delays, out of specification test results, lot expiry/retest sample delays, out of range test results.
Range Filters You can use Range Filters to refine the displayed data to only include records that have attribute values within a specified range.
Guided Navigation You can use the Guided Navigation component to filter data using attribute groups. Expand the following attribute groups to view and select attribute names:
  • Samples

  • Results

  • Quality Dates

  • Samples Other Information

Quality Metrics (metrics bar)

Note: The Metric Components are color coded to highlight warnings and health:

- Red: Critical warning state

- Yellow: Warning

- Gray: Normal

- Green: Good

  • Accepted Samples

    Distinct count of all samples with disposition status 'Accept'

  • Pending Samples

    Distinct count of all samples with disposition status 'Pending'

  • Completed Samples

    Distinct count of all samples with disposition status 'Complete'

  • Lot Expiry / Retest Samples

    Distinct count of all samples with disposition status either 'Pending' or 'In Progress', and the Lot Expiry/Retest is indicated on the sample

  • Accepted With Variance

    Distinct count of all samples with disposition status 'Accepted with Variance'

  • In Progress Samples

    Distinct count of all the samples with disposition status 'In Progress'

  • Rejected Samples

    Distinct count of all samples with disposition status 'Reject'

  • Delayed Samples

    Count of all the test samples which are delayed (actual sample date > planned sample date)

  • Delayed Results

    Count of all the test results which are delayed (actual result date > planned result date). This includes the test results of all the samples where the disposition is not 'Accepted, Accepted with Variance or Reject or Cancel'

  • Tests Out of Spec

    Percentage of tests out of specification out of all the tests evaluated (Evaluation is not null)

  • Items With Active Samples

    Count of distinct items with the active samples (Samples with the disposition 'Pending', 'In Progress', 'Completed')

Corrective Actions (tag cloud) Top Ten Corrective Actions Tag Cloud Component

Note: The Corrective Actions tag cloud component displays the top ten corrective actions entered in tests that are evaluated as Out of Specification and are displayed in relative sizes by frequency of occurrence.

Quality Insights (tabbed component container)
Overview (tab)
Sample Count by Sample Source, Organization Name (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Sample Source

    • Sample Source by Sample Count

  • Group Dimensions (category axis)

    • Sample Source

    • Sample Disposition

  • Series Dimensions (color)

    • (none)

    • Organization Name

    • Lab Name

    • Sample Source

    • Sample Disposition

    • Sample Priority

Summary (cross tab)
  • View Options

    • Conditional Formatting

    • Summaries

    • Grand Summary

  • Actions

    • Export to Microsoft Excel

    • Print

Quality Insights (tabbed component container)
Test (tab)
Tests Due by Tester (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Tester

    • Tester by Count of Results

  • Group Dimensions (category axis)

    • Tester

    • Actual Resource

    • Test Kit Item No.

  • Series Dimensions (color)

    • (none)

    • Lab Name

    • Test Method

    • Test

Tests Due by Due Period (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Result Due Period

    • Result Due Period by Count of Results

  • Group Dimensions (category axis)

    • Result Due Period

    • Test Method

    • Test

  • Series Dimensions (color)

    • (none)

    • Lab Name

    • Result Due Period

    • Test Method

    • Test

Quality Insights (tabbed component container)
Delays (tab)
Delayed Samples (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Sample Delayed Period

    • Sample Delayed Period by Sample Count

  • Series Dimensions (color)

    • (none)

    • Lab Name

    • Organization Name

    • Sample Source

    • Sample Disposition

    • Sample Priority

Delayed Tests (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Test

    • Test by Record Count

  • Group Dimensions (category axis)

    • Test

    • Test Method

    • Result Delayed Period

  • Series Dimensions (color)

    • (none)

    • Result Delayed Period

    • Lab Name

    • Organization Name

    • Test

    • Test Method

Quality Insights (tabbed component container)
Inventory (tab)
Disposition Analysis (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Item

    • Item by Count of Active Samples

  • Dimensions (value axis)

    • Count of Active Samples

    • Count of Accepted Samples

    • Count of Accepted with Variance Samples

    • Count of Rejected Samples

  • Group Dimensions (category axis)

    • Item

    • Subinventory

    • Locator

  • Series Dimensions (color)

    • (none)

    • Organization Name

    • Lab Name

    • Sample Priority

    • Sample Disposition

Out of Spec Test Analysis (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Test Method

    • Test Method by Count of Out of Spec Test

    • Test Method by Percentage of Out of Spec Test

  • Group Dimensions (category axis)

    • Test Method

    • Test

Quality Insights (tabbed component container)
WIP (tab)
Disposition Analysis (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Item

    • Item by Count of Active Samples

  • Dimensions (value axis)

    • Count of Active Samples

    • Count of Accepted Samples

    • Count of Accepted with Variance Samples

    • Count of Rejected Samples

  • Group Dimensions (category axis)

    • Item

    • Recipe

    • Formula

    • Routing

    • Operation

  • Series Dimensions (color)

    • (none)

    • Organization Name

    • Lab Name

    • Sample Priority

    • Sample Disposition

Out of Spec Test Analysis (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Test Method

    • Test Method by Count of Out of Spec Test

    • Test Method by Percentage of Out of Spec Test

  • Group Dimensions (category axis)

    • Test Method

    • Test

Quality Insights (tabbed component container)
Customer (tab)
Disposition Analysis (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Item

    • Item by Count of Active Samples

  • Dimensions (value axis)

    • Count of Active Samples

    • Count of Accepted Samples

    • Count of Accepted with Variance Samples

    • Count of Rejected Samples

  • Group Dimensions (category axis)

    • Item

    • Customer

    • Customer Location

  • Series Dimensions (color)

    • (none)

    • Organization Name

    • Lab Name

    • Sample Priority

    • Sample Disposition

Out of Spec Test Analysis (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Test Method

    • Test Method by Count of Out of Spec Test

    • Test Method by Percentage of Out of Spec Test

  • Group Dimensions (category axis)

    • Test Method

    • Test

Quality Insights (tabbed component container)
Supplier (tab)
Disposition Analysis (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Item

    • Item by Count of Active Samples

  • Dimensions (value axis)

    • Count of Active Samples

    • Count of Accepted Samples

    • Count of Accepted with Variance Samples

    • Count of Rejected Samples

  • Group Dimensions (category axis)

    • Item

    • Supplier

    • Supplier Site

  • Series Dimensions (color)

    • (none)

    • Organization Name

    • Lab Name

    • Sample Priority

    • Sample Disposition

Out of Spec Test Analysis (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Test Method

    • Test Method by Count of Out of Spec Test

    • Test Method by Percentage of Out of Spec Test

  • Group Dimensions (category axis)

    • Test Method

    • Test

Search Results (tabbed component container)
Samples (tab)
Samples (results table)
  • Column Sets

    • Primary Attributes

    • Inventory Attributes

    • WIP Attributes

    • Customer Attributes

    • Supplier Attributes

  • View Options

    • Conditional formatting

    • Hide / Show Columns

    • Sort

    • Reset Table to Default

  • Actions

    • Print

    • Export to Microsoft Excel

    • Click the Sample No. link to go to the View Sample Details window for each record selected.

Search Results (tabbed component container)
Results (tab)
Results (results table)
  • View Options

    • Conditional formatting

    • Hide / Show Columns

    • Sort

    • Reset Table to Default

  • Actions

    • Print

    • Export to Microsoft Excel

    • Click the Sample No. link to go to the View Sample Details window for each record selected.

Oracle Process Manufacturing Extensions for Oracle Endeca Product Configuration

Setting Up Oracle Process Manufacturing Extensions for Oracle Endeca

The Oracle Process Manufacturing application configuration and setup must be completed after the installation and common configurations are completed as described in Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Extensions for Oracle Endeca, Release 12.1 V5 (Doc ID: 1683053.1).

Setup and Configuration Steps

To set up Oracle Process Manufacturing Extensions for Oracle Endeca, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Set Access Control by assigning UMX roles and updating access grants.

  2. Schedule Setup for Full Endeca Refresh.

  3. Set Profile Options.

Access Control: Hide and Show EID Dashboards (User Interfaces) for Oracle Process Manufacturing

As part of the Oracle E-Business Suite-EID integration for the Oracle Process Manufacturing application, the following UMX Roles are provided:

UMX Role Internal Code Name
OPM Financials Endeca Transaction Accounting Register Access Role UMX|GMF_ENDECA_TXN_REG_ACCESS_ROLE
OPM Financials Endeca Period Health Check Access Role UMX|GMF ENDECA PRD HLTH CHK ACCESS ROLE

You must add the UMX roles to enable Endeca menus for the Production Supervisor, OPM Financials, and OPM Quality Manager responsibilities (or any other custom responsibility which is using the same menu). You must assign these UMX roles to the responsibilities. When the UMX roles are assigned to the responsibilities, the pages appear.

If you want to use the Endeca-related roles with more than one responsibility, then you must have an additional grant with a security context corresponding to each responsibility. You can add grants for a given role as a separate process instead of while you are adding the role to the responsibility.

Permission Set Internal Code Name
GMD Quality Endeca Access Permission Set GMD_QUALITY_ENDECA_ACCESS_PS
Access Grant Internal Code Name

Complete the following steps to enable Endeca Menus in Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS):

  1. Assign a UMX Role to the Responsibility.


For assigning UMX Roles and Grants, refer to Appendix C in Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Extensions for Oracle Endeca, Release 12.1 V5 (Doc ID: 1683053.1).

Setting Up the Scheduler for Endeca Full Refresh

The initial data upload for Endeca Search is complete when the Full graph is run as described in Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Extensions for Oracle Endeca, Release 12.1 V5 (Doc ID: 1683053.1). Full refresh deletes all data from Endeca and repopulates it with a full data extract from the E-Business Suite system. For incremental refresh, you should determine how often the Endeca data should be refreshed from E-Business Suite depending on your organizational requirements.

  1. Login to Integrator server using your Clover login.

  2. Click the Scheduling tab.

  3. Select the New Schedule link.

  4. Enter a Description for the scheduler.

  5. Select Periodic as the Type.

  6. Select by interval as the Periodicity.

  7. Enter a start date and time in the Not active before date/time field.

  8. Enter an end date and time in the Not active after date/time field.

  9. Enter a value in the Interval (minutes) field.

  10. Ensure you select the Fire misfired event as soon as possible check box.

  11. Select Start a graph from the Task Type list.

  12. Select the graph for schedule to run. I.e. Full.grf/incremental.grf.

  13. Click Create to set the scheduler.

Profile Options for Oracle Process Manufacturing

Profile Option Name Description
GMD:Days For Full Data Load This optional site-level profile determines the number of days for loading quality data. Records updated within the days set by this profile option are loaded. The default setting is 180 days and overrides the Endeca Workspace parameter setting defined by the user.
GME: Days For Endeca Cancelled Batches Load This optional site-level profile sets the maximum days for gmo-batch Endeca full data load for cancelled batches.

Views and Joins for Oracle Process Manufacturing

The following views are used by the ETL layer in Endeca to load Process Manufacturing data to the Endeca data store:

View Name Purpose
GMD_ENDECA_CUS_QUALITIES_V This view loads customer sample and results for display in the Quality Information Discovery Page.
GMD_ENDECA_INV_QUALITIES_V This view loads inventory samples and results for display in the Quality Information Discovery Page.
GMD_ENDECA_SUP_QUALITIES_V This view loads supplier samples and results for display in the Quality Information Discovery Page.
GMD_ENDECA_WIP_QUALITIES_V This view loads WIP samples and results for display in the Quality Information Discovery Page.
GMD_ENDECA_QM_TMP Incremental load uses a temp table to gather samples and results created and modified from the last successful full/incremental load.
OPM_ENDECA_HDR_V This view loads batch header information for display in the Batch Information Discovery Page.
OPM_ENDECA_MTL_V This view loads material data pertaining to the batch for display in the Batch Information Discovery Page.
OPM_ENDECA_STEP_V This view loads batch step information for display in the Batch Information Discovery Page.
OPM_ENDECA_ACTIVITY_V This view loads batch step activity information for display in the Batch Information Discovery Page.
OPM_ENDECA_RESOURCE_V This view loads batch step resource information for display in the Batch Information Discovery Page.
OPM_ENDECA_PP_V This view loads batch step resource parameter information for display in the Batch Information Discovery Page.
OPM_ENDECA_SO_RESER_V This view loads sales order reservation information pertaining to the batch for display in the Batch Information Discovery Page.
OPM_ENDECA_TXN_REASON_V This view loads transaction reason information pertaining to the batch for display in the Batch Information Discovery Page.
OPM_ENDECA_EXPIRED_LOT_V This view loads expired lot information pertaining to the batch for display in the Batch Information Discovery Page.
OPM_ENDECA_SAMPLE_V This view loads OPM Quality sample information pertaining to the batch for display in the Batch Information Discovery Page.
OPM_ENDECA_NCM_V This view loads non conformance data pertaining to the batch for display in the Batch Information Discovery Page.

Menus for Oracle Process Manufacturing

Endeca Process Manufacturing integration includes the following user menu functions:

User Function Name Function Name
Quality Information Discovery GMD_QUALITY_ENDECA_SEARCH_PAGE