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Oracle E-Business Suite Extensions for Oracle Endeca Integration and System Administration Guide
Release 12.1 V5
Part Number E37993-08
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Oracle Receivables Extensions for Oracle Endeca

This chapter covers the following topics:


You can use Oracle Receivables Extensions for Oracle Endeca to quickly search and filter transaction details across organizations and related entities.

Using the Receivables Endeca pages, you can review and analyze data using key Performance Indicators (KPIs), performance evaluation metrics, charts, graphs, and tables.

You can search using Receivables pages and Endeca Information Discovery (EID) design tools. These pages are hosted in an EID environment, and called from new container pages in EBS. In Oracle Receivables, the following pages enable search functions using Endeca Information Discovery integration:

This chapter provides product-specific details required to integrate Endeca Information Discovery (EID) with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 V5 for the Oracle Receivables Extensions for the Oracle Endeca application. This supplements the information provided in Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Extensions for Oracle Endeca, Release 12.1 V5 (Doc ID: 1683053.1). You must read this document and make note of the requirements before you begin your installation.

Oracle Receivables Extensions for Oracle Endeca User Interfaces

Outstanding Receivables Overview Pages

The Outstanding Receivables Overview pages provide an overview of open receivables transactions and associated key metrics. There are two Outstanding Receivables Overview pages:

The structure of the two pages is nearly the same, however, there is a difference in the list of attributes available to support Guided Navigation, Key Metrics and related Graphs, as well as the transaction details displayed in the transactions list and details regions. The differences address specific business needs of users, and allow them to efficiently perform analysis and related tasks.

You can perform specific actions directly from the Outstanding Receivables Overview pages, or navigate to the core iReceivables application to perform further investigation prior to taking necessary actions. This is available from action icons and links associated with a specific transaction in the transactions list table, actions menu items applicable across multiple selected transactions, or through links associated with individual transaction attributes. The following describes the Outstanding Receivables Overview pages.

Within the Outstanding Receivables Overview page, you can view and analyze problem areas in respect to outstanding receivables using display tools that include metrics, charts, graphs, and tables. The following describes the Endeca Outstanding Receivables Overview page regions and components:

Outstanding Receivables Overview Page (internal)

From the iReceivables responsibility, navigate to the Outstanding Receivables Overview (internal) page:

(N) iReceivables 2.0 Internal > Outstanding Receivables Overview

the picture is described in the document text

the picture is described in the document text

Within the Outstanding Receivables Overview page, you can view and analyze problem areas in respect to outstanding receivables using display tools that include metrics, charts, graphs, and tables. The following describes the Endeca Outstanding Receivables Overview page regions and components:

Region Components
Alerts Alerts bring attention to specific accounts or subsets of transactions that require immediate attention. You can customize alerts based on your business requirements.
Guided Navigation You can use the Guided Navigation component to filter data using attribute groups. Expand the following attribute groups to view and select attribute names:
  • Customer Information Attributes

    • Account Number

    • Bill-to Customer

    • Bill-to Location

    • Ship-to Customer

    • Ship-to Location

    • Collector

    • Profile Class

  • Transaction Information Attributes

    • Currency

    • Transaction Number

    • Transaction Class

    • Transaction Type

    • Transaction Date

    • Transaction Source

    • Transaction Amount

    • Due Amount

    • Due Date

    • Aging Buckets

    • Purchase Order Number

    • Sales Order Number

    • Salesperson

    • Operating Unit

    • Transaction Context

    • Transaction Reference

  • Transaction Information (Descriptive Flexfield Attributes)

    • Context Value

      Important: If you enable or update Descriptive Flex Field (DFF) functionality, then you must run Full Load to import all receivables data into the Endeca Data Store.

Task Metrics (metrics bar)

Note: The Metric Components are color coded to highlight warnings and health:

- Red: Critical warning state

- Yellow: Warning state

- Green: Good

  • Transaction Currency

    Either value of currency attribute selected or 'Multiple' if either no currency or multiple currencies are selected by the user.

  • Total Outstanding Balance

    Sum of all open Debit transactions (Transaction amount - Payment and Credits - Adjusted amount) - Sum of all open Credit transactions amount.

  • Past Due Balance

    Sum of all debit transactions Due amount where the Due Date < System Date.

  • Current Balance

    Sum of all debit transactions Due amount where the Due Date >= System Date

  • Unapplied Credit

    Sum of all credit transactions amount, independent of Due Date value

Transaction List (results table) Transaction List (results table)
  • View Options

    • Conditional formatting

    • Hide / Show Columns

    • Sort

    • Reset table to default

  • Actions

    • Export to Microsoft Excel

    • Print

    • Pay

    • Dispute

    • Apply Credits

    Note: You can apply credits by selecting individual or multiple transactions and the 'Apply Credits' link to navigate to the Apply Credits Flow page:

    1. From the Endeca Receivables Overview page, select individual or multiple transactions from the Transactions List results table and then click the Apply Credits link in the Apply Credits column, or from the Actions menu. The Apply Credits flow page appears.

    2. Confirm that the transaction(s) selected appear in the Apply Credits flow page. Select transactions and click Next to continue applying credits, or Cancel to return to the Endeca Receivables Overview page.

    3. Applying credits is not supported when multi customer and currency transactions are selected.

  • Column Sets

    • Transaction Number

    • Transaction Class

    • Transaction Date

    • Due Date

    • Currency

    • Due Amount

    • Transaction Amount

    • Installment

    • Account Number

    • Bill-to Customer

    • Bill-to Location

    • Purchase Order Number

    • Operating Unit

Transaction Details (cross tab) Transaction Details (cross tab)
  • Customer Information

    • Account Number

    • Bill-to Customer

    • Bill-to Location

    • Bill-to Contact

    • Collector

    • Profile Class

    • Ship-to Customer

    • Ship-to Location

  • Transaction Details

    • Transaction Class

    • Transaction Source

    • Transaction Type

    • Installment

    • Purchase Order Number

    • Sales Order

    • Salesperson

    • Internal Notes

    • Credit Memo Reason

    • Special Instruction

    • Transaction Context

    • Transaction Reference

    • Business Unit

  • Amounts

    • Transaction Currency

    • Due Amount

    • Transaction Amount

    • Adjusted Amount

    • Applied Amount

    • Credited Amount

    • Payment and Credits

    • Finance Charges

    • Discount Amount

    • Open Disputed Amount

  • Dates

    • Due Date

    • Transaction Date

    • Purchase Order Date

    • Discount Expiration Date

Graphs Outstanding Balance Aging (pie chart)

Top 10 Customers by Past Due Balance (bar chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Bill-to Customers

    • Bill-to Customers by Past Due (sum)

    • Bill-to Customers by Current (sum)

Outstanding Receivables Overview Page (external)

The Outstanding Receivables Overview Page (external) targets the requirements of external customers who are either responsible for reconciling their account receivables balance, or need easy access to individual transactions to take specific action. The following is a display of the Outstanding Receivables Overview (external) page.

From the iReceivables Account Management responsibility, navigate to the Outstanding Receivables Overview (external) page:

(N) iReceivables Account Management > Outstanding Receivables Overview

the picture is described in the document text

the picture is described in the document text

Within the Outstanding Receivables Overview page, you can view and analyze problem areas in respect to outstanding receivables using display tools that include metrics, charts, graphs, and tables. The following describes the Endeca Outstanding Receivables Overview (external) page regions and components:

Region Components
Alerts Alerts bring attention to specific accounts or subsets of transactions that require immediate attention. You can customize alerts based on your business requirements.
Guided Navigation You can use the Guided Navigation component to filter data using attribute groups. Expand the following attribute groups to view and select attribute names:
  • Transaction Information Attributes

    • Currency

    • Transaction Number

    • Transaction Class

    • Transaction Date

    • Transaction Amount

    • Due Amount

    • Due Date

    • Purchase Order Number

    • Purchase Order Date

    • Sales Order

    • Dispute Amount

    • Discount Amount

  • Customer Information Attributes

    • Account Number

    • Bill-to Customer

    • Bill-to Location

    • Ship-to Customer

    • Ship-to Location

  • Transaction Information (Descriptive Flexfield Attributes)

    • Context Value

      Important: If you enable or update Descriptive Flex Field (DFF) functionality, then you must run Full Load to import all receivables data into the Endeca Data Store.

Task Metrics (metrics bar)

Note: The Metric Components are color coded to highlight warnings and health:

- Red: Critical warning state

- Yellow: Warning state

- Green: Good

  • Transaction Currency

    Either value of currency attribute selected or 'Multiple' if either no currency or multiple currencies are selected by the user.

  • Total Outstanding Balance

    Sum of all open Debit transactions (Transaction amount - Payment and Credits - Adjusted amount) - Sum of all open Credit transactions amount.

  • Past Due Balance

    Sum of all debit transactions Due amount where the Due Date < System Date.

  • Current Balance

    Sum of all debit transactions Due amount where the Due Date >= System Date

  • Unapplied Credit

    Sum of all credit transactions amount, independent of Due Date value

  • Available Discounts

    Sum of all early payment discount amounts available

Transaction List (results table) Transaction List (results table)
  • View Options

    • Conditional formatting

    • Hide / Show Columns

    • Sort

    • Reset table to default

  • Actions

    • Export to Microsoft Excel

    • Print

    • Pay

    • Dispute

    • Apply Credits

    Note: You can apply credits by selecting individual or multiple transactions and the 'Apply Credits' link to navigate to the page:

    1. From the Endeca Receivables Overview page, select individual or multiple transactions from the Transactions List results table and then click the Apply Credits link in the Apply Credits column, or from the Actions menu. The Apply Credits flow page appears.

    2. Confirm that the transaction(s) selected appear in the page. Select transactions and click Next to continue applying credits, or Cancel to return to the Endeca Receivables Overview page.

    3. Applying credits is not supported when multi customer and currency transactions are selected.

  • Columns

    • Print (link to print output)

    • Pay (link to Invoice Payment page)

    • Dispute (link to Dispute Description page)

    • Apply Credits (link to Select Invoices page)

    • Transaction Number (link to Transaction Details page)

    • Transaction Number

    • Transaction Class

    • Transaction Date

    • Due Date

    • Currency

    • Due Amount

    • Transaction Amount

    • Discount Amount

    • Dispute Amount

    • Purchase Order Number

    • Account Number

    • Bill to Customer

    • Bill to Location

Transaction Details (cross tab) Transaction Details (cross tab)
  • Transaction Details

    • Transaction Class

    • Installment

    • Purchase Order Number

    • Sales Order

    • Credit Memo Reason

    • Special Instruction

    • Transaction Context

    • Transaction Reference

  • Amounts

    • Transaction Currency

    • Due Amount

    • Transaction Amount

    • Adjusted Amount

    • Applied Amount

    • Credited Amount

    • Payment and Credits

    • Finance Charges

    • Discount Amount

  • Dates

    • Due Date

    • Transaction Date

    • Purchase Order Date

    • Discount Expiration Date

  • Disputes

    • Dispute Numbers

    • Open Dispute Amounts

    • Dispute Dates

  • Customer Information

    • Account Number

    • Bill-to Customer

    • Bill-to Location

    • Bill-to Contact

    • Ship-to Customer

    • Ship-to Location

Graphs Outstanding Balance Aging (pie chart)

Dispute List (cross tab)
  • Columns

    • Dispute Number

    • Dispute Date

    • Dispute Amount

    • Currency

    • Dispute Status

    • Dispute Reason

    • Transaction Number

  • View Options

    • Conditional formatting

    • Hide / Show Columns

    • Sort

    • Reset table to default

  • Actions

    • Export to Microsoft Excel

Disputes Overview Page

The Disputes Overview page enables you to analyze disputes flow within the organization, identify specific dispute reasons requiring closer attention and further investigation, and customers abusing the disputes mechanism to delay payments. You can also use the Disputes Overview page to quickly access a specific dispute to investigate and take action. The following is a display of the Disputes Overview page.

From the iReceivables responsibility, navigate to the Disputes Overview page:

(N) iReceivables 2.0 Internal > Disputes Overview

the picture is described in the document text

the picture is described in the document text

Region Components
Alerts Alerts bring attention to specific accounts or subsets of transactions that require immediate attention, such as recently created disputes. You can customize alerts based on your business requirements.
Guided Navigation You can use the Guided Navigation component to filter data using attribute groups. Expand the following attribute groups to view and select attribute names:
  • Customer Information Attributes

    • Account Number

    • Bill-to Customer

    • Bill-to Location

    • Collector

    • Profile Class

  • Transaction Information Attributes

    • Currency

    • Transaction Number

    • Transaction Date

    • Transaction Amount

    • Dispute Number

    • Dispute Reason

    • Dispute Date

    • Dispute Amount

    • Dispute Status

    • Dispute Requestor

    • Sales Order

    • Salesperson

    • Business Unit

Dispute Metrics (metrics bar)

Note: The Metric Components are color coded to highlight warnings and health:

- Red: Critical warning state

- Yellow: Warning state

- Green: Good

  • Transaction Currency

    Either value of currency attribute selected or 'Multiple' if either no currency or multiple currencies are selected.

  • Open Disputes Amount

    Sum of all open Disputes amounts as of the System Date.

  • Open Disputes Count

    Total number of open Disputes as of the System Date

  • Approved Disputes Amount

    Sum of all Disputes amounts where Dispute Status = Approved

  • Rejected Disputes Amount

    Sum of all Disputes amounts where Dispute Status = Rejected

Dispute Reasons (tag cloud) Top Ten Dispute Reasons Tag Cloud Component

Note: The Dispute Reasons tag cloud component displays the top ten dispute reasons by frequency of occurrence.

Disputes List (results table) Disputes List (results table)
  • Column Sets

    • Cancel

    • Dispute Number

    • Dispute Date

    • Dispute Status

    • Currency

    • Dispute Amount

    • Transaction Amount

    • Transaction Number

    • Transaction Class

    • Transaction Date

    • Account Number

    • Bill-to Customer

    • Bill-to Location

    • Operating Unit

  • View Options

    • Conditional formatting

    • Hide / Show Columns

    • Sort

    • Reset table to default

  • Actions

    • Export

    • Print

Dispute Details (cross tab) Dispute Details (cross tab)
  • Customer Information

    • Account Number

    • Bill-to Customer

    • Bill-to Location

    • Collector

    • Profile Class

    • Ship-to Customer

    • Ship-to Location

  • Dispute Details

    • Dispute Status

    • Dispute Reason

    • Dispute Requestor

    • Transaction Number

    • Transaction Class

    • Operating Unit

  • Amounts

    • Currency

    • Dispute Amount

    • Transaction Amount

    • Due Amount

  • Dates

    • Dispute Date

    • Transaction Date

    • Due Date

Graphs Region Disputes by Dispute Reason (pie chart)

Note: This chart represents the overall disputes organized by dispute reason and enables you to identify potential systemic issues with the product quality, shipping channel, or any other area that results in a high number of specific disputes.

  • Group Metric (value)

    • Dispute Count (sum)

    • Dispute Amount (sum)

  • Series Dimensions (color)

    • Dispute Reason

    • Dispute Status

Top 10 Customers by Number of Disputes (bar chart)

Note: This chart represents the top ten customers who have the most disputes and allow the information to be partitioned by Dispute Status (insight in the relative number of approved versus rejected disputes on a per customer basis), or Dispute Reason (understanding those issues that the customer is experiencing that result in disputes initiation).

  • Sort Options

    • Bill-to Customers

    • Bill-to Customers by Open Dispute Count (sum)

    • Bill-to Customers by Approved Dispute Count (sum)

    • Bill-to Customers by Rejected Dispute Count (sum)

  • Group Dimensions (category axis)

    • Bill-to Customers

    • Dispute Reason

Outstanding Receivables Overview Page

The Outstanding Receivables Overview page is a third outstanding receivables overview page that provides an overview of open receivables transactions and associated key metrics. This page targets the requirements of receivables personnel for identifying potential outstanding receivables issues. You can narrow and analyze individual receivables transactions to initiate appropriate action.

You can navigate to the core Receivables Transactions window from this Outstanding Receivables Overview page to investigate and take necessary actions. Navigation is available from links associated with specific transactions in the transaction list results table. The following is a display of the Outstanding Receivables Overview page.

From the Receivables responsibility, navigate to the Outstanding Receivables Overview page:

(N) Receivables Processing Overview > Outstanding Receivables Overview

the picture is described in the document text

Within the Outstanding Receivables Overview page, you can view and analyze outstanding receivables problem areas using display tools that include metrics, charts, graphs, and tables. The following describes the Outstanding Receivables Overview page regions and components:

Region Components
Alerts Alerts bring attention to specific accounts or subsets of transactions that require immediate attention. The Outstanding Receivables Overview Alerts component highlights customers and operating units whose percent of past due receivables exceeds 40 percent. You can customize alerts based on your business requirements.
Guided Navigation You can use the Guided Navigation component to filter data using attribute groups. Expand the following attribute groups to view and select attribute names:
  • Common Attributes

    • Operating Unit

    • Ledger Currency

  • Customer Information Attributes

    • Account Number

    • Bill To Customer

    • Bill To Location

    • Ship To Customer

    • Ship To Location

    • Collector

    • Profile Class

  • Transaction

    • Transaction Currency

    • Transaction Number

    • Transaction Class

    • Transaction Type

    • Transaction Date

    • Transaction Source

    • Transaction Amount

    • Dispute Amount

    • Accounted Amount

    • Due Accounted Amount

    • Due Date

    • Aging Buckets

    • Purchase Order Number

    • Sales Order Number

    • Salesperson

    • Transaction Reference

  • Transaction Information (Descriptive Flexfield Attributes)

    • Context Value

      Important: If you enable or update Descriptive Flex Field (DFF) functionality, then you must run Full Load to import all receivables data into the Endeca Data Store.

Task Metrics (metrics bar)

Note: The Metric Components are color coded to highlight warnings and health:

- Red: Critical warning state

- Yellow: Warning state

- Green: Good

  • Ledger Currency

    Either value of currency attribute selected or 'Multiple' if Ledger currency cannot be uniquely identified.

  • Total Outstanding Balance

    Sum of all open receivables transactions Due Amount (including Credit Memos).

  • Past Due Balance

    Sum of all debit transactions Due amount where the Due Date < System Date.

  • Current Balance

    Sum of all debit transactions Due amount where the Due Date >= System Date.

  • On Account Credit Memos Balance

    Sum of all credit transactions amount, independent of Due Date value.

Graphs Outstanding Receivables Transactions Aging (pie chart)

Note: The Outstanding Receivables Transactions Aging pie chart displays significant amounts and percentage of past due receivables and identifies systematic issues with specific customers, industries, and sectors.

Top 10 Past Due Customers (bar chart)
  • Group Dimensions (category axis)

    • Count

    • Amount

Transaction List Transaction List (results table)
  • Column Sets

    • Preview

    • Transaction Number

    • Transaction Type

    • Transaction Date

    • Due Date

    • Transaction Currency

    • Due Amount

    • Dispute Amount

    • Transaction Amount

    • Ledger Currency

    • Due Accounted Amount

    • Accounted Amount

    • Account Number

    • Bill To Customer

    • Bill To Location

    • Ship To Customer

    • Purchase Order Number

    • Operating Unit

  • View Options

    • Conditional formatting

    • Hide / Show Columns

    • Sort

    • Reset table to default

  • Actions

    • Export

Billing Process Overview Page

The Billing Process Overview page allows receivables personnel to analyze and process billing transactions. This page displays potential issues that require attention in the billing process, such as incomplete transactions, adjustments pending approval, and import errors.

You can navigate to the core Receivables application from the Billing Process Overview page from links associated with each of the results tables described in the following table. The following is a display of the Billing Process Overview page.

From the Receivables responsibility, navigate to the Billing Process Overview page:

(N) Receivables Processing Overview > Billing Process Overview

the picture is described in the document text

the picture is described in the document text

Within the Billing Process Overview page, you can view and analyze billing process problem areas using display tools that include metrics, charts, graphs, and tables. The following describes the Billing Process Overview page regions and components:

Region Components
Alerts The pre-seeded alerts indicate potential problems and key elements of the receivables billing process. Key elements include significant number of incomplete transactions or adjustments pending approval within a particular operating unit. The Alerts component highlights operating units whose incomplete transaction count is greater than 100, or pending approval adjustment count is greater than 50. You can customize alerts based on your business requirements.
Guided Navigation You can use the Guided Navigation component to filter data using attribute groups. Expand the following attribute groups to view and select attribute names:
  • Common Attributes

    • Operating Unit

    • Ledger Currency

  • Customer Attributes

    • Account Number

    • Bill To Customer

    • Bill To Location

    • Ship To Customer

    • Ship To Location

  • Import Processing Error

    • Type

    • Message

  • Incomplete Transaction

    • Incomplete Transaction Number

    • Transaction Currency

    • Transaction Class

    • Transaction Type

    • Transaction Date

    • Incomplete Transaction Amount

    • Incomplete Transaction Source

    • Purchase Order Number

  • Pending Adjustment

    • Adjustment Number

    • Adjustment Amount

    • Adjustment Date

    • Receivable Activity

    • Adjustment Status

    • Adjustment Type

    • Adjustment Reason

    • Transaction Number

    • Transaction Amount

    • Transaction Source

  • Transaction Information (Descriptive Flexfield Attributes)

    • Context Value

      Important: If you enable or update Descriptive Flex Field (DFF) functionality, then you must run Full Load to import all receivables data into the Endeca Data Store.

Billing Process Exceptions (metrics bar)
  • Ledger Currency

    Either value of the currency attribute selected or 'Multiple' if either no currency or multiple currencies are selected by the user.

  • Import Errors

    Total count of all import errors.

  • Incomplete Transactions

    Total count of all incomplete transactions.

  • Pending Adjustments Amount

    Sum of all adjustments pending approval.

  • Pending Adjustments

    Total count of all adjustments pending approval.

Billing Process Transaction List (tabbed component container) Import Processing Errors (results table)
  • Column Sets

    • Type

    • Message

    • Count

    • Operating Unit

  • View Options

    • Conditional formatting

    • Hide / Show Columns

    • Sort

    • Reset table to default

  • Actions

    • Export to Microsoft Excel

Incomplete Transactions (results table)
  • Column Sets

    • Transaction Number

    • Transaction Class

    • Transaction Type

    • Transaction Date

    • Transaction Source

    • Transaction Currency

    • Transaction Amount

    • Account Number

    • Bill To Customer

    • Bill To Location

    • Operating Unit

  • View Options

    • Conditional formatting

    • Hide / Show Columns

    • Sort

    • Reset table to default

  • Actions

    • Export to Microsoft Excel

Pending Adjustments (results table)
  • Column Sets

    • Adjustment Number

    • Adjustment Date

    • Adjustment Reason

    • Adjustment Type

    • Adjustment Status

    • Transaction Currency

    • Adjustment Amount

    • Transaction Amount

    • Ledger Currency

    • Adjustment Accounted Amount

    • Transaction Number

    • Receivable Activity

    • Transaction Source

    • Account Number

    • Bill To Customer

    • Bill To Location

    • Operating Unit

  • View Options

    • Conditional formatting

    • Hide / Show Columns

    • Sort

    • Reset table to default

  • Actions

    • Export to Microsoft Excel

Graphs Incomplete Transactions (bar chart)
  • Dimensions (value axis)

    • Operating Unit

    • Count

Pending Adjustments (bar chart)
  • Dimensions (value axis)

    • Count

    • Amount

  • Dimensions (category axis)

    • Customer

    • Operating Unit

Payment Process Overview page

The Payment Process Overview page provides an overview of payment processes, transactions, and associated key metrics. This page targets the requirements of receivables personnel responsible for streamlining the processing of payment-related transactions, and provides information on items that require attention for ensuring smooth processing of receipt and remittance batches, unapplied receipts, and resolution of lockbox errors.

You can navigate to the core Receivables application from the Payment Process Overview page to further investigate and take necessary actions. This is available from links within the Transaction List results tables. The following is a display of the Payment Process Overview page.

Note: Only standard receipts are included in the analysis.

From the Receivables responsibility, navigate to the Payment Process Overview page:

(N) Receivables Processing Overview > Payment Process Overview

the picture is described in the document text

the picture is described in the document text

Within the Payment Process Overview page, you can view and analyze payment-related transactions and problem areas using display tools that include metrics, charts, graphs, and tables. The following describes the Payment Process Overview page regions and components:

Region Components
Alerts The pre-seeded alerts indicate potential payment-related transaction problems. Problems include excessive unapplied receipts by customers, or extended ages of lockbox transmissions. The Alerts component highlights customers whose unapplied receipt count is greater than 50. You can customize alerts based on your business requirements.
Guided Navigation You can use the Guided Navigation component to filter data using attribute groups. Expand the following attribute groups to view and select attribute names:
  • Common Attributes

    • Operating Unit

    • Ledger Currency

    • Receipt Method

  • Pending Receipt

    • Account Number

    • Customer

    • Customer Location

    • Receipt Number

    • Receipt Currency

    • Receipt Amount

    • Receipt Date

    • Unapplied Amount

    • Receipt Status

    • Receipt State

  • Receipt Batch

    • Receipt Batch Number

    • Receipt Batch Source

    • Receipt Batch Date

    • Receipt Batch Status

    • Receipt Batch Process Status

    • Receipt Batch Type

  • Remittance Batch

    • Remittance Batch Number

    • Remittance Method

    • Remittance Batch Process Status

    • Bank Name

    • Bank Branch

    • Bank Account Number

  • Lockbox Transmission

    • Transmission Name

    • Creation Date

    • Status

  • Receipt Information (Descriptive Flexfield Attribute)

    • Context Value

      Important: If you enable or update Descriptive Flex Field (DFF) functionality, then you must run Full Load to import all receivables data into the Endeca Data Store.

Payment Process Exceptions (metrics bar)
  • Ledger Currency

  • Unapplied Receipts

  • Unapplied Receipts Balance

  • Receipt Batches

  • Remittance Batches

  • Lockbox Errors

Top Ten Customers with Unapplied Receipts (tag cloud) Top Ten Customers with Unapplied Receipts

Note: The Top Ten Customers with Unapplied Receipts tag cloud component displays the top ten customers with unapplied receipts by frequency of occurrence.

Transaction List (tabbed component container) Unapplied Receipts (results table)
  • Column Sets

    • Receipt Number

    • Receipt Date

    • Receipt Currency

    • Receipt Amount

    • Unapplied Amount

    • Ledger Currency

    • Receipt Accounted Amount

    • Unapplied Accounted Amount

    • Receipt Status

    • Receipt Method

    • Account Number

    • Customer

    • Customer Location

    • Receipt State

    • Operating Unit

  • View Options

    • Conditional formatting

    • Hide / Show Columns

    • Sort

    • Reset table to default

  • Actions

    • Export to Microsft Excel

Receipts Batches Requiring Attention (results table)
  • Column Sets

    • Batch Number

    • Batch Type

    • Batch Date

    • Batch Status

    • Batch Process Status

    • Receipt Method

    • Batch Currency

    • Actual Count

    • Control Count

    • Operating Unit

  • View Options

    • Conditional formatting

    • Hide / Show Columns

    • Sort

    • Reset table to default

  • Actions

    • Export to Microsoft Excel

Remittance Batches Requiring Attention (results table)
  • Column Sets

    • Batch Number

    • Batch Date

    • Batch Process Status

    • Remittance Method

    • Bank Name

    • Bank Branch

    • Batch Currency

    • Actual Count

    • Control Count

    • Operating Unit

  • View Options

    • Conditional formatting

    • Hide / Show Columns

    • Sort

    • Reset table to default

  • Actions

    • Export to Microsft Excel

Lockbox Errors (results table)
  • Column Sets

    • Transmission Name

    • Creation Date

    • Lockbox Number

    • Status

    • Number of Errors

    • Operating Unit

  • View Options

    • Conditional formatting

    • Hide / Show Columns

    • Sort

    • Reset table to default

  • Actions

    • Export to Microsft Excel

Graphs Credit Balance (bar chart)
  • Dimensions (category axis)

    • Operating Unit

    • Customer

Receipt Batches Requiring Attention (bar chart)
  • Dimensions (category axis)

    • Operating Unit

    • Count

Payment History Page

The Payment History page provides an overview of paid transactions and payments, and associated key metrics. This page targets the requirements of receivables personnel and provides insight into recent historical payment patterns across customers and operating units.

Note: Only transactions that have been fully paid during the period (or final payment was applied) and receipts that have been fully applied display on this page. If transactions have been partially paid, or receipt was only partially applied, then they will display in either the Outstanding Receivables or Payment Process pages.

You can navigate to the core Receivables Transactions and Receipts windows from the Payment History page to investigate and take necessary actions. These pages are available from links associated with specific transactions in the Paid Transactions and Payments results tables. The following is a display of the Payment History page.

From the Receivables responsibility, navigate to the Payment History page:

(N) Receivables Processing Overview > Payment History

the picture is described in the document text

the picture is described in the document text

Within the Payment History page, you can view and analyze paid transactions and payments using display tools that include metrics, charts, graphs, and tables. The following describes the Payment History page regions and components:

Region Components
Guided Navigation You can use the Guided Navigation component to filter data using attribute groups. Expand the following attribute groups to view and select attribute names:
  • Common

    • Operating Unit

    • Ledger Currency

    • Customer

    • Account Number

  • Paid Transaction

    • Transaction Number

    • Transaction Currency

    • Transaction Class

    • Transaction Type

    • Transaction Date

    • Transaction Amount

    • Discount Taken Amount

    • Paid Date

    • Transaction Source

    • Sales Order Number

    • Salesperson

    • Transaction Context

    • Transaction Reference

    • Bill To Location

    • Ship To Customer

    • Ship To Location

    • Collector

    • Profile Class

  • Payment

    • Receipt Number

    • Receipt Currency

    • Receipt Amount

    • Receipt Date

    • Application Date

    • Receipt Class

    • Receipt Method

    • Receipt Status

  • Transaction Information (Descriptive Flexfield Attributes)

    • Context Value

      Important: If you enable or update Descriptive Flex Field (DFF) functionality, then you must run Full Load to import all receivables data into the Endeca Data Store.

  • Receipt Information (Descriptive Flexfield Attributes)

    • Context Value

      Important: If you enable or update Descriptive Flex Field (DFF) functionality, then you must run Full Load to import all receivables data into the Endeca Data Store.

Historical Receivables Metrics (metrics bar)
  • Weighted Average Days Paid

    For paid receivables transactions (paid off completely during the historical period specified during setup), the average number of days between sale and receipt of final payment weighted by receivables amount.

  • Weighted Average Days Delinquent

    The average number of days between the invoice due date and final paid/applied date.

  • Paid Receivables Transactions Count

    Count of receivables transactions paid fully during the specific historical period (profile option setting).

  • Applied Receipts Count

    Count of receipts applied (based on final/full application) during the specific historical period (profile option setting).

Transaction List (tabbed component container) Paid Transactions (results table)
  • Column Sets

    • Transaction Number

    • Transaction Type

    • Transaction Date

    • Paid Date

    • Transaction Currency

    • Transaction Amount

    • Discount Taken Amount

    • Ledger Currency

    • Accounted Amount

    • Account Number

    • Customer

    • Bill To Location

    • Purchase Order Number

    • Operating Unit

  • View Options

    • Conditional formatting

    • Hide / Show Columns

    • Sort

    • Reset table to default

  • Actions

    • Preview

    • Export

Payments (results table)
  • Column Sets

    • Receipt Number

    • Receipt Date

    • Application Date

    • Receipt Currency

    • Receipt Amount

    • Ledger Currency

    • Accounted Amount

    • Account Number

    • Customer

    • Transaction Numbers

    • Operating Unit

  • View Options

    • Conditional formatting

    • Hide / Show Columns

    • Sort

    • Reset table to default

  • Actions

    • Export

Graphs Weighted Average Days Paid (bar chart)

Weighted Average Days Late (bar chart)

Oracle Receivables Extensions for Oracle Endeca Product Configuration

Setting Up Oracle Receivables Extensions for Oracle Endeca

The Oracle Receivables application configuration and setup must be completed after the installation and common configurations are completed as described in Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Extensions for Oracle Endeca, Release 12.1 V5 (Doc ID: 1683053.1).

Setup and Configuration Steps

You must complete the following steps to set up Oracle Receivables Extensions for Oracle Endeca:

  1. Set Access Control by assigning UMX roles and updating access grants.

  2. Run the full load graph in the Clover server to import all transaction and dispute data.

  3. Schedule Setup in the Clover server to run incremental and daily load graphs.

  4. Set Profile Options.

Access Control: Hide and Show EID Dashboards (User Interfaces) for Oracle Receivables

As part of the Oracle E-Business Suite-EID integration for the Oracle Receivables application, the following UMX Roles are provided:

UMX Role Internal Code Name

You must add the new UMX role 'OIR Endeca Internal Role' (Internal Code Name: UMX|ARI_INT_ENDECA_ACCESS_ROLE) for the internal user Receivables responsibility to enable the Endeca menus. Add the 'OIR Endeca External Role' (Internal Code Name: UMX|ARI_EXT_ENDECA_ACCESS_ROLE) for external users accessing iReceivables using their custom responsibility to enable Endeca menus for the custom responsibility. You must assign these UMX roles to the responsibilities. When the UMX roles are assigned to the iReceivables Information Portal, the Endeca pages appear.

If you want to use the Endeca-related roles with more than one responsibility, then you must have additional grants with a security context corresponding to each responsibility. You can add grants for a given role as a separate process instead of while you are adding the role to the responsibility.

Receivables includes separate Permissions, Grants, and Responsibilities due to the sensitive information displayed on the Internal and External Outstanding Receivables Overview Pages. The following are the Receivables Permission Sets, Grants, and Responsibilities.

Permission Sets Internal Code Name
OIR Endeca Internal Access Permission Set OIR_ENDECA_INT_ACCESS_PS
OIR Endeca External Access Permission Set OIR_ENDECA_EXT_ACCESS_PS
Grants Internal Code Name
Responsibilities Function Name
iReceivables 2.0 Internal ARI_INTERNAL
iReceivables Account Management ARI_EXTERNAL

Complete the following steps to enable Endeca Menus in Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS):

  1. Assign a UMX Role to the Responsibility.

  2. Update OIR_ENDECA_INT_ACCESS_GRANT (OIR Internal Access Grant)

  3. Update OIR_ENDECA_EXT_ACCESS_GRANT (OIR External Access Grant)

For assigning UMX Roles and Grants, refer to Appendix C in Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Extensions for Oracle Endeca, Release 12.1 V5 (Doc ID: 1683053.1).

Loading Receivables Data into the Endeca Data Store

Clover ETL within Endeca queries Receivables Views and completes a full data load to the Receivables data store in Endeca. After the first data load, you can perform full data load, incremental data load, and daily load as required. Incremental data load updates all records in the Endeca data store which were updated in EBS after the last load. The daily load calculates the aging bucket and discount. After the data has been loaded into the Endeca data store, it can be loaded and displayed in the Receivables Extensions for Oracle Endeca pages.

Receivables Data Sources in the Endeca Data Store

Data sources are defined in the Receivables data store in Endeca and are used to load data for different Receivables Extensions for Oracle Endeca pages. These data sources include:

Setting Up the Scheduler for Endeca Full, Incremental, and Daily Load

The initial data upload for Endeca Search is complete when the Full graph is run as described in Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Extensions for Oracle Endeca, Release 12.1 V5 (Doc ID: 1683053.1). Full refresh deletes all data from Endeca and repopulates it with a full data extract from the E-Business Suite system. For incremental refresh, you should determine how often the Endeca data should be refreshed from E-Business Suite depending on your organizational requirements. Run the daily load graph to calculates the aging bucket and discount.

Note: No changes will be reflected in the Endeca Receivables pages until incremental refresh is performed. Therefore, Oracle recommends that you schedule incremental and daily load to perform frequent updates. These processes typically finish quickly. Full load can take time to finish and is not required once it has been implemented unless exceptions occur, such as data corruption, or the aging bucket profile is changed.

To schedule ETL on the Integrator Server

  1. Login to Integrator server using your Clover login.

  2. Click the Scheduling tab.

  3. Select the New Schedule link.

  4. Enter a Description for the scheduler.

  5. Select Periodic as the Type.

  6. Select by interval as the Periodicity.

  7. Enter a start date and time in the Not active before date/time field.

  8. Enter an end date and time in the Not active after date/time field.

  9. Enter a value in the Interval (minutes) field.

  10. Ensure you select the Fire misfired event as soon as possible check box.

  11. Select Start a graph from the Task Type list.

  12. Select the graph for schedule to run. I.e. Full.grf, Incremental.grf, and Daily.grf..

  13. Click 'Create' to set the scheduler.

ETL Parameters for Receivables

You can load data to the Receivables data store by running full load, incremental load, and daily load graphs provided by Receivables.

To load data to the Receivables data store

  1. Using the URL for the EID Integrator Server, navigate to the Sandboxes page and expand the graph node under Receivables.

  2. Graphs to load data include:

Profile Options for Receivables

You must set the following profile options:

Profile Option Name Description
OIR: Aging Buckets This site level profile reuses the Oracle Receivables aging buckets for the Outstanding Receivables Overview pages.
OIR: Filter Transactions Days Older Than This site level profile reuses the Oracle Receivables dispute range for the Disputes Overview page.
AR: Aging Buckets for Endeca This site level profile reuses the Oracle Receivables aging buckets for the Outstanding Receivables Overview page.
AR: History Range for Endeca This site level profile reuses the Oracle Receivables history range for the Payment History page.

Views and Joins for Receivables

The following views are used by the ETL layer in Endeca to load Receivables data to the Endeca data store:

View Name Purpose
ARI_EID_TRX_V Loads transaction data from the AR Payment Schedule and other reference tables. Transaction types include invoice, credit memo, debit memo, charge back, deposit, and guarantee.
AR_EID_INCOMPLETE_TRX_V Loads incomplete transaction data from the AR Transaction and other reference tables. Transaction types include invoice, credit memo, debit memo, charge back, deposit, and guarantee.
AR_EID_ADJUSTMENT_V Loads waiting approval and additional research adjustments data from the AR Adjustment and other reference tables.
AR_EID_INTERFACE_ERROR_V Loads invoice import error data grouped by error type, error text, and operating unit from the AR Interface Error and other reference tables.
AR_EID_RECEIPT_V Loads unapplied receipts data from the AR Cash Receipt and other reference tables.
AR_EID_RCEIPT_BATCH_V Loads requiring attention receipt batches data from the AR Receipt Batch and other reference tables.
AR_EID_REMITTANCE_BATCH_V Loads requiring attention remittance batches data from the AR Remittance Batch and other reference tables.
AR_EID_TRANSMISSION_ERROR_V Loads lockbox error data rom the AR Lockbox, Transmission, and other reference tables.
AR_EID_TRX_HISTORY_V Loads fully paid and closed transactions data from the previous three months from the AR Transaction, Payment Schedule, and other reference tables.
AR_EID_RECEIPT_HISTORY_V Loads fully applied and closed receipts data from the previous three months from the AR Cash Receipt and other reference tables.
ARI_EID_CMREQ_V Loads credit memo request related data including transaction number, credit request number, request amount, request date, and so on.

Menus for Endeca Receivables

Endeca Receivables integration includes the following new user menu and Responsibilities functions:


User Function Name Function Name
iReceivables V2.0 Internal ARI_MENU_INTERNAL
iReceivables Account Management ARI_MENU_EXTERNAL
AR Overview Endeca Search AR_ENDECA_OVIEW_HOME
AR Billing Process Endeca Search AR_ENDECA_BILLPROC_HOME
AR Payment Process Endeca Search AR_ENDECA_PMTPROC_HOME
AR Payment History Endeca Search AR_ENDECA_PMTHISTRY_HOME
Receivables Endeca Overview Page AR_EID_OVIEW_PAGE
Receivables Endeca Billing Process Page AR_EID_BILLPROC_PAGE
Receivables Endeca Payment Process Page AR_EID_PMTPROC_PAGE
Receivables Endeca Payment History Page AR_EID_PMTHISTRY_PAGE


User Function Name Function Name
iReceivables 2.0 Internal ARI_INTERNAL
iReceivables Account Management ARI_EXTERNAL
Receivables Extension for Endeca AR_ENDECA_OVERVIEW