Expense Reports and Credit Cards

This chapter covers the following topics:

Expense Reports

Use the Expense Reports window in Payables to enter Payables expense reports for your employees. You can also use this window to review and modify any of the following expense reports:

If you have paid advances to an employee you can use this window to apply advances to expense reports to reduce the amount you pay. You can also apply a hold to an expense report to prevent payment. You can apply advances and holds to expense reports that are from any source.

Before you can pay expense reports you must submit the Expense Report Export program which automatically creates invoices from the expense reports. You can then use Payables to validate, pay, and account for the invoices. You cannot view expense reports in this window if they have been purged. If you do not purge expense reports, you can still view successfully imported expense reports in this window, but you cannot modify them.

To manage expense reports:

  1. Enter employees and their locations, expense addresses, Supervisors, and default expense accounts. See: Employee Information.

  2. Enter Human Resources Financials options and Expense Report Payables options. See: Human Resources Financials Options, Oracle Payables Implementation Guide, and Expense Report Payables Options, Oracle Payables Implementation Guide.

  3. Define the employee as a supplier using either of the following methods:

    • Enable the Create Employee As Supplier Payables option to automatically create suppliers from employees when you submit Expense Report Export. See: Expense Report Payables Options, Oracle Payables Implementation Guide.

    • Enter the employee as a supplier in the Suppliers window before submitting Expense Report Export for expense reports. See: Entering Employees as Suppliers.

  4. For expense reports entered in Payables and Oracle Internet Expenses, define expense report templates that model the different expense report formats your employees use and the rate and policy schedules that your enterprise uses. See: Defining Expense Report Templates, Oracle Internet Expenses Implementation and Administration Guide.

  5. Enter expense reports in any of the following products:

  6. In the Payables Expense Reports window optionally apply holds and/or apply advances to the expense reports. See: Applying Holds to Expense Reports, and Applying Advances Against Expense Reports.

    Optionally modify or review Payables or Projects expense reports. See the following:

  7. Submit Expense Report Export to create invoices and invoice distributions for the expense reports. See: Expense Report Export Program. Review the Expense Report Export. If there are exceptions, correct any expense reports that caused exceptions and resubmit Expense Report Export.

  8. Submit the Employee Update Program to update employee-type supplier records with up-to-date name and address information from the employee record. See: Employee Update Program.

  9. Pay the invoices as you would any other invoices. See: Creating Single Payments, or Creating Multiple Payments.

Entering Expense Reports

You can enter expense reports in these products:

Entering Basic Expense Reports in the Payables Expense Reports Window


To enter a basic expense report:

  1. In the Expense Reports window, either enter the employee name in the Employee field, or enter the employee number in the Number field.

  2. Optionally change the GL Account, which defaults from the employee record.

  3. In the Send to field, optionally change the location to which you want to send payment for the expense report. You control the default expense address in the Financials Options window.

  4. In the Date field, enter the period ending date for the expense report. Payables uses this date as the GL Date for invoice distributions created from the expense report. When you submit Expense Report Export you have the option to override this date.

  5. Either enter an Invoice Number, or Payables will enter the invoice date or the expense report date as the Invoice Number. Enter a Description of the expense report. This will become the invoice description, and it will appear on reports.

  6. Enter the total Amount of the expense report. Payables will confirm that the sum of the item amounts matches this amount.

  7. If you enable the Reviewed By Payables check box, this indicates that receipts are not required for this expense report. Consequently, the Receipt Verified check box in the Expense Audit tabbed region becomes nonupdatable.

  8. Enter the expense report Template you want to use. If a default template is defined in the Payables Options window and the template is active, then Payables displays that default value. The template determines which items you can select. The template also might provide default values for Type, Includes Tax, Tax Code, and GL Account. During Expense Report Export, Payables creates invoice distributions from the item lines.

    For each Item line on the expense report, select the item and enter the item amount. Optionally change the tax value in the Tax Code field associated with the item. The value for the Includes Tax check box defaults from the Expense Report Template for that item. If you use inclusive automatic tax calculation at the Line or Tax Code level and if the Allow Override (Distribution Amount Includes Tax) Payables option is enabled and if the item amount includes tax, then you can adjust the Includes Tax check box.

    Optionally update the GL Account. The default GL Account for each item line is the GL Account for the employee overlaid with any segments defined on the template for the expense item.

  9. Save your work.

Expense Report Restrictions

Unique Invoice Number. The same invoice number cannot be used twice for the same employee.

Date. If the period ending Date is in a Never Opened accounting period, then Payables does not import the expense report, and Payables lists the expense report in the Exceptions section of the Expense Report Export Report. If the period ending Date is in a Closed period, Expense Report Export uses the first day of the next Open or Future accounting period as the GL date. If no open or future period is available then import will reject the expense report.

Recording VAT Details on an Expense Report

You can record VAT (Value Added Tax) details on an expense report in the Expense Reports window. You can also enter or update VAT information in the Distributions window after the Expense Report Export program has created invoices from expense reports. See: Merchant Information Tabbed Region, and Receipt Information Tabbed Region.

Related Topics

Applying Advances Against Expense Reports

Applying Holds to Expense Reports

Withholding Tax Overview

Entering Expense Reports

Entering Foreign Currency Expense Reports

Expense Report Export Program

Defining Expense Report Templates, Oracle Internet Expenses Implementation and Administration Guide.

Expense Reports

Expense Reports Window Reference

Modifying and Reviewing Existing Expense Reports

Paying Expense Reports

Expense Report Export Program

Entering Foreign Currency Expense Reports in the Expense Reports Window

Foreign currency expense reports are subject to the same system requirements as foreign currency invoices. For more information on foreign currency and the Exchange Rate fields in the Expense Reports window, see: Foreign Currency Transactions, and Entering Foreign Currency Invoices.

You can only apply advances (prepayments) that have the same currency as the expense report.


To enter an expense report in a foreign currency:

  1. In the Expense Reports window, enter a basic expense report. See: Entering Expense Reports.

  2. Select the expense report Currency. This is the currency in which Payables will pay the invoice.

  3. Enter the Exchange Rate information.

  4. Save your work.

Related Topics

Expense Reports

Applying Holds to Expense Reports

At any time before you submit Expense Report Export for an expense report, you can apply a single User-defined hold to an expense report. This prevents payment of the invoice Payables creates from the expense report. Payables also prevents creation of accounting entries for the invoice if you select a hold that prevents accounting.

Note: You can apply only one user-defined hold to an expense report.


To apply a hold to an expense report:

  1. In the Expense Reports window, enter or query an expense report.

  2. In the Hold field, enter a user-defined hold.

  3. Save your work.

    During Expense Report Export, Payables applies the hold to the invoice it creates for the expense report. You can release the invoice hold by using the Invoice Actions window or the Invoice Holds window. See: Releasing Holds.

Related Topics

Invoice Hold and Release Names, Oracle Payables Implementation Guide

Expense Reports

Applying Advances Against Expense Reports

You can pay an employee an advance (prepayment) and later apply the advance against an expense report to reduce the amount you pay for an expense report. For example, you pay an employee a $500 travel advance. When the employee returns from a trip, the employee's expense report totals $1500. You fully apply the advance against the actual expenses when you enter the expense report. When you import the expense report, the system creates a $1500 invoice, and records a prepayment application of $500, resulting in a $1000 unpaid balance on the invoice.

You can apply advances to any expense report you can query in the Expense Reports window. You can apply an advance at any time before submitting Expense Report Export for an expense report.

Note: The advance is not actually applied until the import process. Therefore, to prevent overapplication of an advance, you cannot select a prepayment number that has been applied to another expense report that has not yet been imported.

Of course, you can also apply advances to an expense report after you import it, just as you would for any other invoice. Query the invoice in the Invoices window and use the Apply Prepayments check box in the Invoice Actions window.

Note: You cannot apply advances to an expense report for more than the amount of the expense report.

You can enable the end users to enter details of available advances in Oracle Internet Expenses. See: Setting Up Advances in Oracle Internet Expenses, Oracle Internet Expenses Implementation Guide.


To apply an advance against an expense report before Expense Report Export:

  1. In the Expense Reports window, enter or query an expense report. Payables notifies you if the employee has outstanding advances.

  2. Check the Apply Advances check box. Enter information to apply one or more advances:

  3. To apply a single advance, enter the invoice Number of the advance (prepayment). Payables displays in the Amount field the remaining amount of the advance up to the expense report total. If you do not want to apply the full available advance to this expense report, change this to a lesser value.

  4. To apply multiple advances, leave the Number field empty. Payables applies all outstanding advances in chronological order, starting with the oldest advance first, up to the amount of the expense report, unless you specify a maximum amount in the Amount field.

  5. If you want to apply a specific advance first, enter the number of the advance (prepayment) in the Number field, then override the advance's available Amount and enter a greater number. The system will then apply the specified advance first, then apply remaining advances (oldest first) up to the Amount you specify.

  6. Complete expense report entry and save your work.

    Payables applies the advances during Expense Report Export.

Related Topics


Expense Reports

Modifying and Reviewing Existing Expense Reports

You can review and modify expense reports in the Expense Reports window. If you have successfully imported an expense report using Expense Report Export but have not yet purged it, then you can view it but you cannot modify it.

You can quickly open an expense report you have saved as an icon on your Navigator. When you have the expense report open, select Place on Navigator from the Actions menu. Later, if you choose the icon in the Documents region of your Navigator, then Payables will automatically open the Expense Reports window and query the expense report.

This section includes the following topics:

Modifying and Reviewing Payables Expense Reports


To review or modify a Payables expense report:

  1. In the Expense Reports window, query the expense report you want to review or modify.

  2. Make any modifications you want to the expense report, including applying a hold and applying advances.

  3. Save your work.

Modifying and Reviewing Oracle Projects Expense Reports

In the Payables Expense Reports window, you can query and review Projects expense reports you have transferred from Projects to the Expense Report Interface tables. You cannot view an expense report in this window that you have imported into Payables and tied back to the original expense report in Projects.

Important: You must make all changes to Projects expense reports in the Projects Expense Reports window. If you were to make changes in the Payables Expense Reports window, then Projects would have no record of the modification, and the GL accounts for the invoice distributions would be blank. However, you can apply advances and holds to these expense reports in the Payables Expense Reports window before you submit Expense Report Export.


To review or modify an Oracle Projects expense report:

  1. In the Expense Reports window, query the expense report you want to review or modify.

  2. Apply a hold and/or apply advances to the expense report.

  3. Save your work.

Related Topics

Expense Reports

Defining Expense Report Templates, Oracle Internet Expenses Implementation and Administration Guide.

Paying Expense Reports

Payables will pay invoices only. Submit Expense Report Export to have Payables create invoices from expense reports. You can then create payments for the invoices.


To pay invoices created from expense reports:

Related Topics

Voucher Numbers, Oracle Payables Implementation Guide

Entering Employee Information, Oracle iSupplier Portal Implementation Guide

Expense Report Export Program

Use Expense Report Export to create Payables invoices from expense reports you enter in Payables or Oracle Internet Expenses. You can then use Payables to validate and pay these invoices and create accounting entries for them.

When you export expense reports from Internet Expenses, Payables records the source of the invoices and invoice details. Expense Report Export verifies all your expense report information to ensure it creates valid, fully-distributed invoices that are ready for validation. If the expense report information fails validation, then Expense Report Export does not export the expense report, and Payables does not create an invoice from the information. You can view rejected expense reports on the Export Results page.

Oracle Internet Expenses does not export an expense report more than once.

This discussion covers the following topics:

Related Topics

Financials Options, Oracle Payables Implementation Guide

Entering Employees, Oracle iSupplier Portal Implementation Guide

Payables Options, Oracle Payables Implementation Guide

Creating Invoices from Expense Reports entered in Payables and Internet Expenses

When you enter expense reports using the Expense Reports window in Payables, or when employees enter expense reports in Oracle Internet Expenses, Internet Expenses automatically saves the expense information in the Expense Report transaction tables. When you submit Expense Report Export, Internet Expenses exports expense report data, and Payables creates invoices from the expense reports. Payables processes all expense reports entered since the last time you submitted Expense Report Export.

Expense Report Export places expense reports on hold:

Expense reports placed on hold are not exported into Payables as an invoice.

If you enable the Automatically Create Employee As Supplier Payables option, Payables automatically creates suppliers and supplier sites for employees who are not already suppliers. If you do not enable this option, you must manually enter the employee as a supplier before submitting Expense Report Export.


To submit Expense Report Export for expense reports entered in Payables or Oracle Internet Expenses:

  1. Using the Internet Expenses Auditor responsibility, select the Expenses Export tab to submit Expense Report Export.

  2. Enter the parameters. For more information, see: Expense Report Export Parameters.

  3. If you use batch control, enter a Batch Name.

  4. Select Payables Expense Reports for the Source to create invoices from expense reports entered in Payables.

  5. Select Oracle Internet Expenses for the Source to create invoices from expense reports entered in Internet Expenses and to create credit card provider invoices from imported credit card transactions, if your company uses the Both Pay scenario.

    Optionally enter or modify the GL Date to override all expense report GL Dates.

  6. Choose Submit to submit Expense Report Export for all Payables and Internet Expenses expense reports that have not yet been exported. Payables creates invoices with the following attributes:

    • Type is Expense Report.

    • Invoice Number is from the expense report Invoice Number.

    • Invoice lines and distributions are based on the expense items.

    • Scheduled payments are based on payment terms defined for the supplier site.

    • Payment Method defaults from the supplier site.

  7. View the status of your program submission on the Export Requests page.

  8. View program results on the Export Results page.

    Use this page to review detailed information about rejections and holds, as well as information about the expense reports that were exported and created as invoices in Payables during Expense Report Export.

    Use this page to review the advances (prepayments) applied to expense reports exported into Payables. Payables displays a listing of all prepayments that were applied during Expense Report Export.

    Tip: If you submit Expense Report Export from the Submit Requests window, then you can review the export results directly from the Oracle Payables navigator by adding the Expenses: Export Results function, OIE_EXPORT_RESULTS_FN, to your Payables menu.

  9. When the program is complete, you can query the new invoices in the Invoice workbench. The new invoices are ready for the normal process of validation and payment.

Expense Report Export Parameters

This section describes selected parameters for Expense Report Export.

Batch Name. Payables groups the invoices created from the expense reports you export from Oracle Internet Expenses and creates an invoice batch with the batch name you enter. You can enter a batch name only if the AP: Use Invoice Batch Controls profile option is enabled. Payables verifies that the batch name you enter is unique.

Tip: A systematic naming convention for batches helps you to file your physical documents and quickly retrieve them later.

Source. Enter the name of the source of the expense reports. Payables automatically creates invoices from the source you enter.

Transfer Descriptive Flexfield. Enter Yes if you want to export Descriptive Flexfield details for the source you select. If you enter Yes, Payables transfers any Descriptive Flexfield information you have defined for the expense report you are exporting, and creates invoices and invoice distributions with the same Descriptive Flexfield details.

Important: If you choose to transfer Descriptive Flexfield details for expense reports or invoices, you should enable the corresponding invoice and invoice distribution Descriptive Flexfield segments. If you do not enable the segments, you will not be able to view your Descriptive Flexfield details in the Invoice workbench.

You should also ensure that the value sets you define for your invoice and invoice distribution Descriptive Flexfield segments match the value sets for your expense report header and lines Descriptive Flexfield segments. If they do not match, when you navigate to the Descriptive Flexfield fields in the Invoice Workbench, Payables will prompt you to enter valid values.

GL Date. The date you enter must be in an Open or Future period or Payables will not create invoices from the expense reports.

If you leave the GL Date parameter blank, then Payables uses the GL Date Payables option defined in the Payables Options window to determine the default GL date for invoice distribution lines. If the GL Date Payables option is Invoice or Invoice Received Date, Payables enters the Period Ending Date of the expense report as the default GL Date for all exported expense reports. If the GL Date Basis Payables option is System or one of the Goods Received Date options, Payables enters the system date as the default GL Date for all exported expense reports. If you enter a GL date when submitting Expense Report Export, Payables enters that date on the invoice distribution lines created by the Expense Report Export process.

Important: If you are using encumbrance accounting, you must enter a GL Date in a period that is within the latest open encumbrance year. (See also: Budgetary Control In Payables).

Group. To limit the export to expense reports with a particular Group ID, enter the Group ID. The Group must exactly match the GROUP_ID in the Payables Open Interface tables. You can export data in concurrent processes for the same source by specifying a unique Group for each request. This reduces the processing time of your export. Payables Open Interface Import imports data with the source and group combination you specify.

Debug Switch. Select Yes to have Expense Report Export provide you with more detailed troubleshooting information.

Organization Name. To limit the export to expense reports for a particular organization, enter the organization.

Send Notifications To. Select a person to receive notifications in case of rejections.

Resolving Expense Report Export Exceptions

When you submit Expense Report Export, the Expense Results page provides detailed information about:

For each expense report for which Payables did not create an invoice, the Export Results page lists employee and expense report information. Information might not properly export into Payables for a variety of reasons, including duplicate invoice numbers or invalid suppliers.

The Export Results page displays the reason why Payables did not create an invoice from an expense report. For a list of rejection reasons, see: Payables Open Interface Import Report.

Access this page on the Expenses Export tab, using the Internet Expenses Auditor responsibility.

To resolve Expense Report Export exceptions:

  1. Review the Export Results page to identify the reason(s) your information did not export properly.

  2. Resubmit Expense Report Export.

  3. Review the Export Results page again to confirm that you resolved the problems that had prevented export.

Expense Reports Window Reference

You can enter employee expense reports in the Expense Reports window. Use this window to view expense reports you have entered in Payables, or view expense reports you have transferred from Projects. In addition, you can apply advances (prepayments) to expense reports in this window.

You submit the Expense Report Export program to convert the expense reports into invoices that you can pay.

Operating Unit. The operating unit of the employee.

Name/Number. Name and number of the employee. This employee will become the supplier on the invoice Expense Report Export creates. Before submitting Expense Report Export for expense reports, you should either enable the Create Employee As Supplier Payables option, or enter the employee as a supplier in the Suppliers window.

GL Account. GL Account for the employee. This value defaults from the Enter Person window. You cannot enter an account you have defined as a summary account.

Payables overlays the employee's GL Account with the segment values defined for an Item's GL Account.

For example, an employee's default GL Account is 01-450-5800. The expense report template you use has two expense item lines:

Meals: XX-XXX-5900 (Meals Expense)

Airfare: XX-XXX-5920 (Airfare Expense)

During Expense Report Export for the expense report, Payables creates invoice distributions for the expense items in the following manner:

Meals: 01-450-5900 (Meals Expense)

Airfare: 01-450-5920 (Airfare Expense)

Send To. Location to which the payment will be sent. Defaults from the Enter Person window.

Date. Period ending date for the expense report. Payables uses this date as the invoice date and the accounting date for the invoice created from the expense report. When you submit Expense Report Export you have the option to override this date.

If the date you enter is in a future closed accounting period, Payables will not import the expense report and will list it on the Rejections tab of the Export Results page. If the date you enter is a date in a closed accounting period in the past, then when Payables imports the expense report, it uses the first day of the current accounting period as the GL Date.

Invoice Num. Number Payables uses as the invoice number when it creates the invoice. The number must be unique for the employee. If you do not enter a value, the invoice number will be the Date you enter.

Amount. Total amount of the expense report. Once the Workflow process has completed for an expense report, this field becomes read-only.

Inv Description. Description of the expense report. This will become the invoice description and it will appear on reports.

Currency. Currency that will be the invoice currency and the currency in which the invoice will be paid.

Lines Total. Payables displays the cumulative sum of the expense report Item line amounts. You cannot save the expense report unless the Lines Total equals the Amount you enter for the expense report. Once the Workflow process has completed for an expense report, this field becomes read-only.

Hold. If you enter a user-defined hold name in this field, Payables automatically applies this hold to the invoice that Expense Report Export creates from the expense report. You cannot pay or account for the invoice until you release the hold by using the Invoice Holds window.

Withholding Tax Group. If you want to default a withholding tax group to each item you enter, enter a withholding tax group for the expense report. Alternatively, you can leave this field empty and enter a withholding tax group for individual items.

Functional Region

This region displays functional currency information.

Currency. Payables displays your functional currency.

Type. Type of exchange rate between the expense report currency and your functional currency (Spot, Corporate, User, or User-defined). If the expense report currency and your functional currency are different currencies and have a predefined fixed rate, Payables displays EMU Fixed as the Type.

Date. The date used to determine functional rate. You can override the Payables default of the system date.

Rate. If you selected the User rate type, enter the Rate. Otherwise, the Rate will default from the GL Daily Rates Table if you have defined a rate for the Type and Date you selected. If a rate is not defined in the GL Daily Rates Table, you can define it later and then submit the AutoRate program. If the Invoice Currency is different from your functional currency, and both currencies are associated fixed-rate currencies, Payables will enter the fixed rate.

Payment Region

Currency. The currency in which the expense report will be paid. The default is from the Send To supplier site, if a supplier site exists for the employee. Otherwise the default is the expense report currency, which is your functional currency. If the expense report invoice currency is a fixed-rate currency such as euro or another EMU currency, you can change the payment currency value to an associated fixed-rate currency.

Type. If the Payment Currency is different from the Invoice Currency and both are fixed-rate currencies, Payables displays EMU Fixed. If the invoice and payment currencies are the same, you cannot enter a value in this field.

Date. If the Payment Currency is different from the Invoice Currency and both are fixed-rate currencies, enter the date the Payment Cross Rate is effective. Payables displays the value you entered for Date as the default. If the Date is null, Payables displays the first date of the first period. If the invoice and payment currencies are the same, you cannot enter a value in this field.

Rate. If you are making a payment in a different currency than the expense report, and both currencies are associated fixed-rate currencies, Payables displays the fixed cross rate. You cannot update this value in this window. If the invoice and payment currencies are the same, you cannot enter a value in this field.

Apply Advances Region

Apply Advances. Enable this check box if you want to apply employee advances (prepayments) to an expense report. Payables performs the applications during Expense Report Export. After you enter the employee name in this window, Payables notifies you if there are prepayments available to apply. You can apply an advance only if it has a settlement date on or before today's date, is type Temporary, has been fully paid, is not fully applied, and has the same currency and supplier/employee as the expense report.

Payables automatically enables this check box if you enable the Apply Advances Payables option and there are available advances.

Important: If you do not want to apply advances to an expense report you must disable the Apply Advances check box. If the check box is enabled, Payables will apply all available advances to the invoice even if the Number and Amount fields are empty.

Payables prevents you from enabling this check box if there are no outstanding advances to apply. Payables applies the advances you specify when you submit Expense Report Export for an expense report. See also: Applying Advances Against Expense Reports.

Number. Invoice number of a specific prepayment you want to apply. Leave this field blank to apply all available advances in chronological order, starting with the oldest prepayment first, up to the amount of the expense report.

Line. Distribution number of a specific Item distribution on the specified prepayment that you want to apply. Leave this field blank to apply all available prepayment Item distributions, starting with the lowest distribution number first, up to the amount of the expense report.

Amount. If you are applying prepayments, the maximum currency amount of the prepayments you want to apply to an expense report. If you leave this field and the Number field blank, Payables applies available prepayments up to the amount of the expense report. If you specify a prepayment number in the Number field, Payables enters the unapplied prepayment amount up to the amount of the expense report. You can decrease the amount Payables enters. Payables ensures that the prepayment amount does not exceed the expense report amount.

GL Date. Accounting date for the application of the advance. This will be the GL date on the new Prepayment type distribution on the expense report invoice.

Reviewed By Region

Payables. Check this box if the Accounts Payable department has completed a review of an expense report entered in Internet Expenses, including a verification of receipts. Once the Workflow process has completed for an expense report, this check box becomes read-only.

Management. Oracle Workflow checks this check box after all appropriate managers have approved expense reports entered in Internet Expenses. Once the Workflow process has completed for an expense report, this check box becomes read-only.


Template. Expense report template you are using to enter the expense report. Expense report templates determine the expense report items you can select. You define expense report templates in the Expense Report Templates window. The list of values includes all active templates. If you use multiple-organization support, the list of values is limited to templates defined for your organization. If a default expense report template was selected in the Payables Options window, then that template is the default in this field if the template is still active.

Expense Reports Window Tabbed Regions

The following two fields appear in each of the tabbed regions of the Expense Reports window.

Item. Name of an expense item. The items you can enter depend on the template you enter for the expense report. You define expense items for an expense report template in the Expense Report Templates window.

Note: You can associate tax codes with expense items in the Expense Report Templates window. If an expense item is associated with a tax code that is now inactive, then you cannot select the item in the Expense Reports window.

Amount. The amount of an expense item. If the sum of the expense item amounts does not equal the reimbursable amount you entered for the expense report, you cannot save the expense report. Once the Workflow process has completed for an expense report, this field becomes read-only.

Accounting Tabbed Region

GL Account. Payables displays the default expense account for the expense item you enter. When you define a default account for an expense item, you do not have to enter a value for every segment of the account because it gets combined with the employee's GL Account during invoice entry. You cannot enter an account that you have defined as a summary account.

Tax Code. The tax code for the current expense report item.

Withholding Tax Group. The withholding tax group for the current expense report item. The default for this field is the withholding tax group you entered for the expense report.

Merchant Information Tabbed Region

Name. Used to record VAT on expense reports. Name of merchant that issued the receipt with the VAT charge. For example, name of hotel that issued a bill that included a VAT charge. This value is not validated against suppliers defined in Payables.

Document Number. Used to record VAT on expense reports. Number of the receipt or invoice that included the VAT charge. For example, receipt number of hotel bill that included a VAT charge.

Tax Reg Number. Used to record VAT on expense reports. Tax registration number for the merchant that issued the VAT-inclusive receipt. This number is used for reporting and reclaiming VAT.

Taxpayer ID. Used to record VAT on expense reports. Taxpayer ID number of the merchant that issued the VAT-inclusive receipt. Also known as the NIF in Europe or the NIT in Latin America.

Receipt Information Tabbed Region

Receipt Date. Date a receipt was recorded, for example, the receipt date of a hotel bill. For receipts that contain taxable items, this date is used as the tax effective date. If you do not provide a value here, then Payables will use the invoice date as the tax effective date.

Country of Supply. Used to record VAT on expense reports. Two-letter ISO designation for the country of origin of the goods or services.

Reference. Used to record VAT on expense reports. This entry is not validated and can be used for any notes for internal use.

Currency Tabbed Region

Receipt Currency. Displays the receipt currency for this expense item.

Receipt Amount. Displays the amount of the receipt in the receipt currency.

Exchange Rate. Displays the exchange rate used to convert the receipt amount to the reimbursement currency amount.

Expense Audit Tabbed Region

Justification. The justification for the expense item. Entered by an employee in Internet Expenses.


Adjustments Tabbed Region

Audit Exception Comment. If you adjust or shortpay the expense report item that the employee entered, enter an audit exception comment. Once the Workflow process has completed for an expense report, this field becomes read-only.

Policy Non-Compliance. Check this check box to perform a policy violation shortpay for an expense item for which the employee has not provided sufficient information. Once the Workflow process has completed for an expense report, this check box becomes read-only.

Related Topics

Expense Reports

Creating Invoices from Expense Reports entered in Payables and Internet Expenses

Procurement Card Management

You can streamline your procure-to-pay process by implementing a procurement card program in which your employees purchase items directly from suppliers using a procurement card. The procurement card issuer then sends transaction files directly to you (the employer). You can import procurement card transaction files from your card issuer directly into Payables. Then, you can automatically generate transaction accounting distributions and create invoices to pay the card issuer.

This will help you reduce transaction costs and eliminate low-amount invoices. For additional flexibility, your employees can use Self-Service Web Applications to verify transactions and to override default transaction accounting.

Payables Procurement Card Overview

This section gives you an overview of the Payables procurement card process. Each step refers you to the sections in the documentation where you can find more information on the step.

  1. Set up Payables and Self-Service Web Applications credit card programs. See: Setting Up Credit Card Programs, Oracle Payables Implementation Guide.

  2. Import procurement card transactions. The card issuer sends you a file with the card transactions and charges. You load this data into the AP_EXPENSE_FEED_LINES table. See: Payables Procurement Card Transactions Interface Table, Oracle Payables Implementation Guide.

  3. Validate imported procurement card transactions. Submit the Procurement Card Transactions Validation program. This program creates distribution records in the AP_EXPENSE_FEED_DISTS_ALL table, for transactions where the CREATE_DISTRIBUTION_FLAG is Y. Otherwise, you can create distribution records manually in the Transaction Distributions window. This program also identifies transaction exceptions, such as card numbers that are undefined, and builds the default GL Accounts for the transactions. See: Procurement Card Transactions Validation.

    Note: If the CREATE_DISTRIBUTION_FLAG is set to N, ensure that the STATUS_LOOKUP_CODE column is set to 'Approved' in the AP_EXPENSE_FEED_DISTS table.

  4. Employee verification. Submit the Procurement Card Transactions Verification Process. This executes the AP Procurement Card Employee Verification Workflow as you have defined it. If verification is required, an employee can verify transactions directly from a workflow notification. The employee can also use Self-Service Web Applications to verify transactions. If verification is not required, an employee will receive a notification indicating that transactions were posted to the employee's card account. See: AP Procurement Card Employee Verification Workflow, Oracle Payables Implementation Guide.

  5. Manager approval or notification. Submit the Procurement Card Transactions Approval Process. This executes the AP Procurement Card Manager Approval Transaction Workflow as you have defined it. If approval is required from the manager, a manager can approve an employee's procurement card transactions directly from a workflow notification. If approval is not required, a manager will receive a notification that lists all procurement card transactions incurred by the manager's direct reports. See: AP Procurement Card Manager Approval Transaction workflow, Oracle Payables Implementation Guide.

  6. Adjust transaction distributions. If card program administrators need to adjust or create transaction distributions, use the Procurement Card Transactions window. See: Procurement Card Transactions Window.

  7. Create invoices. You submit the Create Procurement Card Issuer Invoice program to move the transaction data from the AP_EXPENSE_FEED_DISTS_ALL table to the AP_INVOICES_INTERFACE and AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE tables. You can summarize transactions by GL Account. See: Create Procurement Card Issuer Invoice.

    You submit the Payables Open Interface Import Program to create invoices in Payables from the invoice data in the Payables Open Interface tables.

  8. The invoices are ready for accounts payable validation and payment. See: Invoice Validation.

Procurement Card Transactions Window

Use the Procurement Card Transactions window to review and update procurement card transaction distributions.

During Payables Open Interface Import, Payables converts transaction distributions into invoices with distributions. When you load transactions from the card issuer, each transaction has one distribution. You can use this window to split a transaction distribution into multiple distributions, which you can then process separately. For example, an employee receives a bill for a hotel room. Instead of charging the $100 corporate rate, the hotel charged $130. You can create two distributions for the transaction, one for $100, and one for $30. You can assign a status of Disputed for the $30 transaction and process the $100 distribution as usual.

Important: To prevent payment of a transaction distribution with a status of Disputed, you also need to check the Disputed check box in the Don't Pay If Status region of the Card Programs window. See: Card Programs Window, Oracle Payables Implementation Guide.

Card holders can create multiple distributions per transaction in the Open Credit Card Transactions page of Self-Service Web Applications. You can also use the Distributions region of the Procurement Card Transactions window in Payables to split distributions. The total amount of the transaction distributions must equal the transaction amount.

Procurement Card Transactions Window Reference

Card Number. Card number of the procurement card that incurred the transaction.

Transaction Date. Date that the transaction posted to the card account.

Reference Number. The reference number that the card issuer assigned to the transaction.

Currency. Currency of the procurement card statement.

Amount. Amount of the transaction in the procurement card statement currency.

Card Program. Card program assigned to the procurement card used for the transaction.

Card Code. Card code (supplier or supplier type) of the transaction.

Employee Name. Card holder's name.

Merchant Name. Merchant that processed the transaction.

Transaction Distributions Window

Status. Current status of the transaction. Card holders can update their own transactions, either in the Open Procurement Card Transactions page or by responding to a workflow notification, and managers can approve the transactions of their direct reports. In addition, you can update the status of transactions in the Procurement Card Transactions window. The statuses you select for the Do Not Pay If Status Is option in the Card Programs window determine whether Payables will allow you to pay a transaction with a particular status.

Amount. Amount of the transaction distribution.

Account. Account to which the transaction distribution will be charged. The Procurement Card Transactions Validation program builds accounts depending on how you set up your card profile. Card holders can change the default account by using the Procurement Card Transactions Verification page. In addition, you can override the account in this window.

Description. Description of the transaction distribution. This will be the invoice distribution description (unless you summarize by GL Account when you submit the Create Procurement Card Issuer Invoice program).

Account Description. Payables displays the description of the account.

Procurement Card Transactions Validation

Use the Procurement Card Transactions Validation program to validate the procurement card transactions you import from your card issuer. This program identifies exceptions such as undefined card numbers, invalid transaction or posted currency codes, and invalid card codes. This program also builds the default GL accounts for the transactions based on options you selected when setting up your credit card programs and card profiles. This program populates all foreign keys and validates foreign key values in the table.

The program creates a report that lists all validated transactions and all transactions that could not be validated. Once a transaction has been validated, it is not listed on any subsequent reports. In addition, it creates default accounting distributions for all records in AP_EXPENSE_FEED_LINES for which the CREATE_DISTRIBUTION_FLAG is Y. You can also use this report to review existing accounting distributions for transactions that have already been validated.

The status of a transaction after the successful completion of the Procurement Card Transactions Validation is contingent upon the Employee Notification Method (ENM) and Manager Notification Method (MNM) setting in the Profiles window. If both the notification settings are set to None, then the transaction status is automatically set to Approved. If neither Employee Verification nor Notification is required, but Manager Notification or Approval is required, then the transaction status is set to Verified. For all other combinations of these settings, the transaction status is set to Validated.

MNM ENM = None ENM = Verification or Notification
MNM = None Approved Validated
MNM = Approval or Notification Verified Validated

Program Submission

You submit this report from the Submit Request window. See: Submitting Standard Reports, Programs, and Listings.

Selected Program Parameters

Card Program. The name of the card program for which you want to validate procurement card transactions.

Transaction Start Date and Transaction End Date. If you want to limit validation to transactions within a particular posted date range, enter the date range. If you enter a date range, the report selects all transactions where the value for AP_EXPENSE_FEED_LINES.POSTED_DATE is within the date range.

Selected Report Headings

Rejection Reason. For each transaction, the program checks for the following rejections in the following order. For each record, the program stops searching when it finds a rejection, and it prints that rejection on the report.

Card Number. Card number to which the transaction was charged.

Employee. Employee in your organization who is the procurement card holder.

Card Profile. Card profile assigned to the procurement card.

Post Date. Date the merchant posted the transaction.

Date. Date of the transaction.

Reference Number. Unique number for the transaction, assigned by the card issuer.

Merchant Name. Merchant that recorded the transaction.

Account. Default GL account to which you will charge the transaction. For details on how Payables builds the GL account, see: Default Account Template, Oracle Payables Implementation Guide.

Currency. Currency of the credit card program. The posted currency of all transactions you load for a card program should match the credit card program currency.

Amount. Transaction amount, in the credit card program currency.

Card Transaction Count. Total number of transactions recorded for the procurement card during the date range you specified when you submitted the report.

Card Transaction Total. Total amount of transactions recorded for the procurement card during the date range you specified when you submitted the report.

Create Procurement Card Issuer Invoice

This program creates invoices for your procurement card issuers in the Payables Open Interface tables. This program selects all records for a given date range in AP_EXPENSE_FEED_DISTS with a status of at least Validated. The program will not select any statuses that you have specifically excluded from payment in the Card Programs window. Also, the program will not select any records that have been previously selected by the program. If you choose to summarize the transactions, the system will create a single invoice for each unique combination of GL Account and Tax Code. In addition, if you summarize the transactions, the report will display only the Line, Account, and Amount.

After this program creates invoices in the Payables Open Interface tables, they can be imported into Payables for approval and payment using the Payables Open Interface Import program. When you run Payables Open Interface Import, enter Procurement Cards in the Source parameter.

Program Submission

You submit the Create Procurement Card Issuer Invoice program from the Submit Request window. See: Submitting Standard Reports, Programs, and Listings.


Selected Program Parameters

Card Program. If you want to limit the import to a single card program, enter the card program name.

Transaction Start Date and Transaction End Date. If you want to limit transfer to transactions within a particular posted date range, enter the date range in these fields.

Roll Up Transaction by Account. Enter Yes if you want to create one record in AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE for each code combination ID. Enter No if you want to create one record in AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE for each record in AP_EXPENSE_FEED_DISTS. If you summarize the records, the report will not display the following Headings: Transaction Date, Employee, Card Number, and Merchant Name.

Selected Program Headings

Invoice Number. Payables concatenates the unique identifier with the invoice date.

Invoice Amount. Total invoice amount.

Invoice Currency. Currency of the invoice.

Card Issuer. Name of supplier that issued the procurement card. The invoice is created for this supplier.

Payment Site. Supplier payment site.

Line. Transaction line number.

Employee. Employee in your organization who is the procurement card holder for the transaction.

Card Number. Card number to which the transaction was charged.

Merchant Name. Merchant that recorded the transaction.

Account. GL account to which you will charge the transaction amount. This account was built by the Procurement Card Transactions Validation program.

Amount. Amount of the transaction.

Invoice Line Count. Total number of transaction lines for the invoice.

Procurement Card Transactions Verification Process

The AP Procurement Card Employee Verification workflow is a predefined workflow that you initiate after you submit the Procurement Card Transactions Validation program. You initiate the AP Procurement Card Employee Verification workflow by submitting the Procurement Card Transactions Verification Process from the Submit Request window. This workflow determines whether Workflow will notify a card holder of transactions created with the card holder's credit card, and determines if the card holder is required to verify the transactions.


Program Parameters

Card Program. If you want to limit the workflow to a single card program, enter the name of the card program. Leave blank to submit the workflow for all card programs.

Employee Name. If you want to submit the workflow for a single card holder, enter the employee name. To submit the workflow for all card holders, leave blank.

Feed Distribution Status. To limit the workflow to transactions with a particular status, enter the status. Leave blank to submit the workflow for transactions regardless of their status.

Procurement Card Transactions Approval Process

The AP Procurement Card Manager Approval Transaction workflow is a predefined workflow that you can initiate to notify managers of transactions incurred by their direct reports. You initiate the AP Procurement Card Manager Approval Transaction workflow by submitting the Procurement Card Transactions Approval Process from the Submit Request window. The AP Procurement Card Manager Approval Transaction workflow determines whether workflow will notify a manager of transactions created by a direct report's procurement card, and also determines if the manager must approve the transactions.


Program Parameters

Manager Name. To limit the workflow to a single manager, enter the manager's name. Leave blank to submit the workflow for all managers.

Credit Card Management

This section describes the programs and reports that you use to manage your credit card transactions for expense reporting.

Credit Card Transactions Validation Program

Use the Credit Card Transactions Validation program to validate the credit card transactions data from your card issuer. The program processes all transactions for a given card program, including transactions belonging to inactive employees.

After you run the Credit Card Transactions Validation program, use the report available in the Internet Expenses Credit Card Transaction Administration pages to view all validated transactions and all transactions that could not be validated.

Once a transaction has been validated, it is not listed on any subsequent reports. Once you validate credit card data, employees can enter these transactions on expense reports.

You can perform the load and validate steps in one step by running one of these seeded Request Sets from the Submit Request Set window:

Program Submission

You submit this report from the Submit Request window. See: Submitting Standard Reports, Programs, and Listings.


Selected Program Parameters

Card Program. The name of the card program for which you want to validate credit card transactions.

Transaction Start Date and Transaction End Date. If you want to limit validation to transactions within a particular posted date range, enter the date range.

Credit Card Transactions Inactive Employees Process

Use the Credit Card Transactions Inactive Employees Process and report to initiate the Credit Card Transactions Inactive Employees workflow to detect and process unsubmitted credit card transactions for inactive employees. If unsubmitted transactions exist, the workflow process notifies the employee's manager to submit these transactions and assigns the manager the employee's securing attribute (if the employee and manager belong to the same organization). The workflow only processes each unsubmitted transaction once.

The Credit Card Transactions Inactive Employees Process generates a report that lists, by inactive employee, the outstanding credit card transactions that have not been invoiced or paid. The report lists all outstanding transactions, including transactions not picked up by the workflow process.

Program Submission

You submit this process from the Submit Request window. See: Submitting Standard Reports, Programs, and Listings.

Selected Program Parameters

Card Program. The name of the card program for which you want to process unsubmitted credit card transactions for inactive employees.

Billed Start Date and Billed End Date. Enter the date range to use for the process and report.

Create Credit Card Issuer Invoice

This program creates invoices for your credit card issuers in the Payables Open Interface tables, imports them into Payables for approval and payment, and generates a report. You only run this program if your company is responsible for paying corporate credit card charges to the card issuer, that is, where the setting for Payment Due From of the applicable card program is Both or Company. The program will not select any records that have been previously selected by the program.

Program Submission

You submit the Create Credit Card Issuer Invoice program from the Submit Request window. See: Submitting Standard Reports, Programs, and Listings.


Selected Program Parameters

Card Program. If you want to limit the import to a single card program, enter the card program name. The program runs for Travel card programs only.

Transaction Start Date and Transaction End Date. If you want to limit transfer to transactions within a particular posted date range, enter the date range in these fields.

Related Topics

Credit Card Transaction Administration, Oracle Internet Expenses Implementation and Administration Guide

Expenses Overdue Receipts Tracking Program

The Expenses Overdue Receipts Tracking program tracks overdue and missing receipts on expense reports. The program initiates the Receipts Overdue Process or the Receipts Missing Process of the Expense Receipts Workflow for the applicable expense reports of the operating units included in the program run. The Receipts Overdue Process is initiated for expense reports with overdue receipts and the Receipts Missing Process is initiated for expense reports that require a receipt document.

The Expenses Overdue Receipts Tracking program determines which expense reports have overdue or missing receipts according to the active Notification rule set assigned to the operating unit. See: Managing Receipt Notifications, Oracle Internet Expenses Implementation and Administration Guide for more information.

The Expenses Overdue Receipts Tracking program also evaluates the Audit List rule "Receipt package received after the maximum number of days" and places users on the audit list if the rule is violated. The process of placing users on the audit list includes these activities:

You submit the Expenses Overdue Receipts Tracking program from the Submit Request window. See: Submitting Standard Reports, Programs, and Listings.

Program Parameter

Operating Unit. Enter an operating unit if you want to limit the program run to a single operating unit. Leave this field blank to run the program for all operating units.

The Expenses Overdue Receipts Tracking program only runs on operating units that have an active Notification rule set assignment.

Upload Accumulated Mileage program

Use the Upload Accumulated Mileage program to upload the accumulated mileage details of employees.

Due to the difference in rates and tax consequences in some countries, the mileage rates paid to employees can depend on their accumulated mileage for a fiscal year. In the event of a mid-year implementation of Oracle Internet Expenses, you can upload the accumulated mileage details of the employees for the fiscal year using the Upload Accumulated Mileage program.

The accumulated mileage details must be presented in a semi-colon delimited ASCII file format with the following details:

The program uses the employee number to retrieve the name of the employee from the human resources module. The program creates a row in the AP_WEB_EMPLOYEE_INFO_ALL table for all employees whose accumulated mileage details are successfully uploaded. The accumulated mileage details are stored in kilometers.

The output report will show all parameters selected for the program, the total number of records in the file, and the number of rows that are successfully uploaded. Details of failed upload of rows because of invalid employee numbers, or inactive employees will also be provided in the output file.

Program Submission

You submit this process from the Submit Request window. See: Submitting Standard Reports, Programs, and Listings.


Important: You must not run the Upload Accumulated Mileage program after you enable the ends users to use Internet Expenses and go live with Oracle Internet Expenses.


File Name. Enter the filename including the full filepath.

Organization. Enter an organization to limit the program run to this operating unit only. Leave the field blank to run the program for all organizations.

Period Date. Enter all active periods in the mileage schedule with distance threshold rules available to the selected organization through expense templates.

Distance Unit of Measure. Enter the unit of measure for distance. The options are Miles and Kilometers.

Related Topics

Uploading Accumulated Mileage for Mid-Year Implementations, Oracle Internet Expenses Implementation and Administration Guide

Credit Card Historical Transactions Management Program

Use the Credit Card Historical Transactions Management program to deactivate unused transactions. You can select transactions to deactivate by specifying a date range, operating unit, card number, and transaction amount.

The Credit Card Historical Transactions Management program is designed to deactivate credit card transactions that were imported and validated in Internet Expenses prior to going live with the credit card integration. You can also use the Credit Card Historical Transactions Management program to handle exceptions, such as for unused transactions belonging to a terminated employee.

The Credit Card Historical Transactions Management program categorizes as Historical all transactions that satisfy the criteria that you specify in the program parameters. Once categorized, they are no longer available in the Expenses Entry flow. In addition, these transactions are not processed by any of the Outstanding Credit Card Transaction processes.

You can access transactions that are marked as Historical from the Credit Card Transactions History page. If any transactions were deactivated in error, use the Credit Card Historical Transactions Management program to reactivate them.

Important: Oracle strongly recommends that you not run the Credit Card Historical Transactions Management program on transactions created after you go live with the credit card integration in Oracle Internet Expenses, especially if you use either the Company Pay or Both Pay payment options. Deactivating valid transactions could affect the entire expense accounting and credit card provider payment processes.

The Credit Card Transactions Deactivation/Activation report is generated automatically when you run the Credit Card Historical Transactions Management program. The Credit Card Transactions Deactivation report provides details of deactivated transactions. The Credit Card Transactions Activation report provides details of reactivated transactions. The reports include employee name, posted date, transaction amount, card number, merchant name, location, and supplier name for the applicable transactions.

Submit the Credit Card Historical Transactions Management program from the Submit Request window. See: Using Standard Request Submission, Oracle Applications User's Guide.

Program Parameters

Process. Enter Deactivate Transactions to deactivate unused transactions. Enter Activate Transactions to reactivate transactions that were deactivated in error. This is a required field.

Posted Start Date. Enter the earliest transaction posted date to include in the program run. If you leave this field blank, the program run includes all transactions prior to the posted end date that have not been saved or submitted on expense reports.

Posted End Date. Enter the latest transaction posted date to include in the program run. This is a required field.

Operating Unit. Enter an operating unit to limit the program run to this operating unit only. Leave the field blank to run the program for all operating units.

Card Number. Enter a credit card account number to limit the program run to this credit card account only. You can search for a credit card account by card number, employee name, or card program name.

Leave the field blank to run the program for all accounts.

Transaction Amount. Enter a transaction amount to limit the program run to this transaction amount only. Leave the field blank to run the program for all transaction amounts.

Send Notification. Enter Yes to send a Deactivated Transactions workflow notification to employees about the transactions that were deactivated.

Report Headings

Employee Name. The employee who incurred the expense.

Posted Date. The date that the transaction was posted.

Amount. The transaction amount.

Card Number. The credit card number.

Merchant Name. The merchant name where the expense was incurred.

Location. The expense location

Card Provider Name. The credit card provider name.

Managing Credit Card Outstanding Transactions

After importing and validating credit card transaction files, use the Credit Card Outstanding Transactions programs and reports to identify and manage transactions that were not imported into Payables and require further action. A transaction appears in any of the Credit Card Outstanding Transactions reports until the expense report to which it belongs is imported into Payables.

There are three programs for managing credit card outstanding transactions:

Each program generates a report for the extracted data. When you run the Details or Aging program, Payables also notifies the necessary personnel of the outstanding transactions. If a transaction has not been included in an expense report, or included in an expense report that was not submitted, a notification is sent to both the employee and the manager indicating the amount and date of the transaction. If an expense report requires manager approval, a notification is sent to the manager with the corresponding expense report number.

Credit Card Outstanding Transactions Management (Details)

Use the Credit Card Outstanding Transactions Management (Details) report to print detailed information about the outstanding transactions of a particular credit card program. The report orders results by transaction date and amount. You can run this report for all employees, current employees only, or inactive employees only.

Report Submission

You submit Credit Card Outstanding Transactions Management (Details) from the Submit Request window. See: Submitting Standard Reports, Programs, and Listings.

Selected Report Parameters

Card Program (required). Enter the credit card program for which you want to view outstanding transactions.

Employee Status. Enter one of these options:

Employee Name. Enter an employee name, if you want to run the report for this employee only.

Include Direct Reports. This parameter works in conjunction with the Employee Name parameter. Enter one of these options:

Send Notifications. Enter one of these options:

Minimum Transaction Amount. Minimum transaction amount to process. The program only processes transactions with amounts greater than the value you enter.

Billed Start/End Date. Date range for the program. The program only processes transactions within the date range you enter.

Selected Report Headings

Employee Name. Name of the employee with outstanding transactions.

Card Number. Credit card number to which the transactions were charged. The report only prints the last four digits of the card number.

Billed Date. The transaction billing date.

Billed Amount. Transaction amount, in the credit card program currency.

Reference Number. Unique number for the transaction, assigned by the card issuer.

Merchant Name. Place of business that recorded the transaction. For example, the name of a hotel or restaurant.

Expense Report Number. Number of the expense report submitted for this transaction (if an expense report was submitted).

Status. Reason the transaction is outstanding.

Credit Card Outstanding Transactions Summary Report

Use the Credit Card Outstanding Transactions Summary Report to view summary transaction information of a particular credit card for one or more employees. The report orders results by manager and employee, and shows for each employee the employee status and total amount outstanding. The report includes outstanding transaction subtotals for each manager.

Report Submission

You submit the Credit Card Outstanding Transactions Summary Report from the Submit Request window. See: Submitting Standard Reports, Programs, and Listings.

Selected Report Parameters

Card Program (required). Enter the credit card program for which you want to view outstanding transactions.

Employee Status. Enter one of these options:

Employee Name. Enter an employee name, if you want to run the report for this employee only.

Include Direct Reports. This parameter works in conjunction with the Employee Name parameter. Enter one of these options:

Billed Start/End Date. Date range for the program. The program only processes transactions within the date range you enter.

Selected Report Headings

Manager. The employee's manager.

Employee Name. Name of the employee with outstanding transactions.

Status. The employee's status.

Total Due. The total transaction amount outstanding for the employee.

Credit Card Outstanding Transactions Management (Aging)

Use the Credit Card Outstanding Transactions Management (Aging) program and report to review aging information on outstanding transactions of a particular credit card for one or more employees. The report is in three parts:

If you use Oracle Human Resources and define jobs and employee/supervisor relationships, you can send escalation notifications concerning outstanding transactions. You can send notifications to employees only, employees and managers, or employees, managers and personnel at higher job levels, according to your Oracle Human Resources definitions.

Report Submission

You submit Credit Card Outstanding Transactions Management (Aging) from the Submit Request window. See: Submitting Standard Reports, Programs, and Listings.

Selected Report Parameters

Card Program (required). Enter the credit card program for which you want to view outstanding transactions.

Employee Name. Enter an employee name, if you want to run the report for this employee only.

Include Direct Reports. This parameter works in conjunction with the Employee Name parameter. Enter one of these options:

Send Notifications. Enter one of these options:

Escalate Job Level Limit. If you are sending escalation notifications, enter the number that represents the highest job level limit that you want escalation notifications sent to. The number of job levels in your organization is defined in the Oracle HRMS Job window.

Note: Enter a number between 1 and 4, with 1 representing the employee's manager.

Dispute Grace Days. Enter the number of grace days before disputed transactions are reported in higher aging buckets and therefore included in escalation notifications. The default is 60.

Aging Bucket - 1. Enter the number of days for the first aging bucket. The default is 15.

Aging Bucket - 2. Enter the number of days for the first aging bucket. The default is 30.

Aging Bucket - 3. Enter the number of days for the first aging bucket. The default is 45.

Selected Report Headings

Manager. The employee's manager.

Employee Name/Status. Name of the employee with outstanding transactions, and the employee's current status.

Transaction Status. The status groupings for transactions: Employee Pending, Manager Pending, AP Pending, Sys Admin Pending.

0-15 Days. The amount due for the first aging bucket.

16-30 Days. The amount due for the second aging bucket.

31-45 Days. The amount due for the third aging bucket.

46+ Days. The amount due for the fourth aging bucket.

Related Topics

Enterprise Modeling, Using Oracle HRMS - The Fundamentals